Final Regulation
Title of Regulation: 18VAC10-20. Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers and Landscape Architects Regulations (amending 18VAC10-20-10, 18VAC10-20-120, 18VAC10-20-280, 18VAC10-20-295, 18VAC10-20-310, 18VAC10-20-340, 18VAC10-20-350, 18VAC10-20-360, 18VAC10-20-380, 18VAC10-20-760; adding 18VAC10-20-382, 18VAC10-20-392, 18VAC10-20-395).
Statutory Authority: §§54.1-201, 54.1-404, and 54.1-411 of the Code of Virginia.
Effective Date: December 1, 2008.
Agency Contact: Mark N. Courtney, Executive Director, Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers, and Landscape Architects, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400, Richmond, VA 23233, telephone (804) 367-8514, FAX (804) 527-4294, or email apelscidla@dpor.virginia.gov.
The amendments implement a regulatory program for photogrammetrists, including standards for determination of topography, as permitted by Chapter 440 of the 2005 Acts of Assembly.
Summary of Public Comments and Agency's Response: A summary of comments made by the public and the agency's response may be obtained from the promulgating agency or viewed at the office of the Registrar of Regulations.
Part I
18VAC10-20-10. Definitions.
Section 54.1-400 of the Code of Virginia provides definitions of the following terms and phrases as used in this chapter:
Certified interior designer
Certified landscape architect
Interior design by a certified interior designer
Land surveyor. When used in this chapter, land surveyor shall include surveyor photogrammetrist unless stated otherwise or the context requires a different meaning.
Practice of architecture
Practice of engineering
Practice of land surveying
Practice of landscape architecture
Professional engineer
The following words, terms, and phrases when used in this chapter shall have the meanings ascribed to them except where the context clearly indicates or requires different meanings:
"Application" means a completed application with the appropriate fee and any other required documentation, including, but not limited to, references, employment verification, degree verification, and verification of examination and licensure or certification.
"Certified" means an individual holding a valid certification issued by the board that has not been suspended, revoked, or surrendered, and is currently registered with the board to practice in the Commonwealth in accordance with §54.1-405 or 54.1-414 of the Code of Virginia.
"Comity" means the recognition of licenses or certificates issued by other states, the District of Columbia, or any territory or possession of the United States as permitted by §54.1-103 C of the Code of Virginia.
"Department" means the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation.
"Direct control and personal supervision" shall be that degree of supervision by a person overseeing the work of another whereby the supervisor has both control over and detailed professional knowledge of the work prepared under his supervision and words and phrases of similar import mean that the professional shall have control over the decisions on technical matters of policy and design, and exercises his professional judgment in all professional matters that are embodied in the work and the drawings, specifications, or other documents involved in the work; and the professional has exercised critical examination and evaluation of an employee's, consultant's, subcontractor's, or project team members' work product, during and after preparation, for purposes of compliance with applicable laws, codes, ordinances, regulations and usual and customary standards of care pertaining to professional practice. Further, it is that degree of control a professional is required to maintain over decisions made personally or by others over which the professional exercises direct control and personal supervision. "Direct control and personal supervision" also includes the following:
1. The degree of control necessary for a professional to be in direct control and personal supervision shall be such that the professional:
a. Personally makes professional decisions or reviews and approves proposed decisions prior to their implementation, including the consideration of alternatives, whenever professional decisions that could affect the health, safety, and welfare of the public are made; and
b. Determines the validity and applicability of recommendations prior to their incorporation into the work, including the qualifications of those making the recommendations.
2. Professional decisions that must be made by and are the responsibility of the professional in direct control and personal supervision are those decisions concerning permanent or temporary work that could affect the health, safety, and welfare of the public, and may include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. The selection of alternatives to be investigated and the comparison of alternatives for designed work; and
b. The selection or development of design standards and materials to be used.
3. A professional shall be able to clearly define the scope and degree of direct control and personal supervision and how it was exercised and to demonstrate that the professional was answerable within said scope and degree of direct control and personal supervision necessary for the work for which the professional has signed and sealed; and
4. No sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, joint venture, professional corporation, professional limited liability corporation, or other entity shall practice, or offer to practice, any profession regulated under this chapter unless there is a resident professional for that service providing direct control and personal supervision of such service in each separate office in which such service is performed or offered to be performed.
"Good moral character" may be established if the applicant or regulant:
1. Has not been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor that has a reasonable relationship to the functions of the employment or category for which the license or certification is sought;
2. Has not, within 10 years of application for licensure, certification, or registration, committed any act involving dishonesty, fraud, misrepresentation, breach of fiduciary duty, negligence, or incompetence reasonably related to the applicant's proposed area of practice;
3. Has not engaged in fraud or misrepresentation in connection with the application for licensure, certification, or registration, or related examination;
4. Has not had a license, certification or registration revoked or suspended for cause by this state or by any other jurisdiction, or surrendered a license, certificate, or registration in lieu of disciplinary action;
5. Has not practiced without the required license, registration, or certification in this state or in another jurisdiction within the five years immediately preceding the filing of the application for licensure, certification, or registration by this Commonwealth; or
6. Has not, within 10 years of application for licensure, certification, or registration, committed an act that would constitute unprofessional conduct, as set forth in Part XII of this chapter.
"Landscape architect" means an individual who has been certified as a landscape architect pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and is in good standing with the board to practice in the Commonwealth in accordance with §54.1-409 of the Code of Virginia.
"Licensed" means an individual who holds a valid license issued by the board that has not been suspended, or revoked, or surrendered and who is currently registered with the board to practice in the Commonwealth in accordance with §54.1-405 of the Code of Virginia.
"Place of business" means any location which offers to practice or practices through licensed or certified professionals the services of architecture, engineering, land surveying, certified landscape architecture or certified interior design, or any combination thereof. A temporary field office established and utilized for the duration of a specific project shall not qualify as a place of business under this chapter.
"Profession" means the practice of architecture, engineering, land surveying, certified landscape architecture, or certified interior design.
"Professional" means an architect, professional engineer, land surveyor, landscape architect or interior designer who is licensed or certified, as appropriate, pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and is in good standing with the board to practice his profession in this Commonwealth.
"Registrant" means a business currently registered with the board to offer or provide one or more of the professions regulated by the board.
"Regulant" means a licensee, certificate holder or registrant.
"Resident" means physically present in said place of business a majority of the operating hours of the place of business.
"Responsible person" means the individual named by the entity to be responsible and have control of the regulated services offered, or rendered, or both, by the entity.
"Surveyor photogrammetrist" means a person who by reason of specialized knowledge in the area of photogrammetry has been granted a license by the board to survey land in accordance with Chapter 4 (§54.1-400 et seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia for the determination of topography, contours and/or location of planimetric features using photogrammetric methods or similar remote sensing technology.
[ 18VAC10-20-120. Experience.
A. The successful completion of the National Council of
Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) Intern Development Program (IDP)
shall be required of all applicants for original licensure. IDP training
requirements shall be in accordance with NCARB's Handbook for Interns and
Architects, 2006-2007 2008-2009 Edition.
B. All applicants must have a minimum of 36 months experience/training prior to submitting an application for examination. Any experience/training of less than eight consecutive weeks will not be considered in satisfying this requirement.
C. All applicants must have a minimum of 12 months experience/training in architecture as an employee in the office of a licensed architect prior to submitting an application for examination. An organization will be considered to be an office of a licensed architect if:
1. The architectural practice of the organization in which the applicant works is under the charge of a person practicing as a principal, where a principal is a licensed architect in charge of an organization's architectural practice either alone or with other licensed architects, and the applicant works under the direct supervision of a licensed architect; and
2. The practice of the organization encompasses the comprehensive practice of architecture, including the categories set forth in the NCARB IDP requirements. ]
Part V
Qualifications for Licensing and Standards of Procedure for Land Surveyors
18VAC10-20-280. Fee schedule.
All fees are nonrefundable and shall not be prorated.
Application for Fundamentals of Land Surveying |
$60 |
Application for Principles and Practice of Land Surveying |
$90 |
Application for Surveyor Photogrammetrist |
$90 |
Application for Land Surveyor B |
$90 |
Renewal |
$90 |
Comity |
$90 |
Out-of-state proctor |
$100 |
18VAC10-20-295. Definitions.
"Absolute horizontal positional accuracy" means the value expressed in feet or meters that represents the uncertainty due to systematic and random errors in measurements in the location of any point on a survey relative to the defined datum at the 95% confidence level.
"Approved land surveying experience" means a record of progressive experience under the direct control and personal supervision of a licensed land surveyor, or an individual authorized by statute to practice land surveying, on land surveying work during which the applicant has made practical utilization of acquired knowledge and has demonstrated continuous improvement, growth, and development through the utilization of that knowledge as revealed in the complexity and technical detail of the applicant's work product or work record. The applicant must show continuous assumption of greater individual responsibility for the work product over the relevant period. The progressive experience on land surveying work shall be of a grade and character that indicates to the board that the applicant is minimally competent to practice land surveying. Notwithstanding the definition of "approved land surveying experience," the requirements set forth in 18VAC10-20-310 shall not be waived.
"Approved photogrammetric surveying or similar remote sensing technology experience" means diversified training in photogrammetric land surveying under the supervision and direction of a licensed land surveyor, licensed surveyor photogrammetrist, or under the supervision and direction of an individual authorized by statute to practice land surveying or photogrammetry. This experience shall have been acquired in positions requiring the exercise of independent judgment, initiative and professional skill in the office and field and written verification of such work experience shall be on forms provided by the board. Experience may be gained either prior to or after education is obtained. Notwithstanding the definition of "approved photogrammetric surveying or similar remote sensing technology experience," the requirements set forth in 18VAC10-20-310 shall not be waived.
"Relative horizontal positional accuracy" means the value expressed in feet or meters that represents the uncertainty due to random errors in measurements in the location of any point on a survey relative to any other point on the same survey at the 95% confidence level.
18VAC10-20-310. Requirements for a licensed land surveyor or surveyor photogrammetrist.
A. An SIT who, after meeting the requirements of 18VAC10-20-300, has a minimum of four years of approved land surveying experience, and has been land surveying under the direct control and personal supervision of a licensed land surveyor, shall be admitted to an examination in the Principles and Practice of Land Surveying and the Virginia state-specific examination, provided the applicant is otherwise qualified. Upon passing such examination, the applicant shall be granted a license to practice land surveying, provided the applicant is otherwise qualified.
B. An SIT who, after meeting the requirements of 18VAC10-20-300, has a specific record of four years of approved photogrammetric surveying or similar remote sensing technology experience of which a minimum of three years experience has been progressive in complexity and has been on photogrammetric surveying or similar remote sensing technology projects under the supervision of a licensed land surveyor or licensed surveyor photogrammetrist shall be admitted to a board-approved surveyor photogrammetrist examination and the Virginia state specific examination. Upon passing such examinations, the applicant shall be granted a license to practice photogrammetric surveying, provided the applicant is otherwise qualified.
C. In lieu of the provisions of subsection B of this section, any person presently providing photogrammetric or similar remote sensing technology services with any combination of at least eight years of board-approved education and progressive experience in photogrammetry or similar remote sensing technology, four or more of which shall have been in responsible charge of photogrammetric mapping projects meeting National Map Accuracy Standards or National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy, or equivalent, may be licensed to practice photogrammetric surveying provided an individual submits an application to the board that provides evidence to the satisfaction of the board of the following:
1. The applicant submits to the board certified proof of graduation from high school or high school equivalency that is acceptable to the board, both with evidence of successful completion of courses in algebra, geometry and trigonometry either by transcript or examination, or certified proof of a related higher degree of education, or other evidence of progressive related higher education acceptable to the board;
2. The applicant submits to the board satisfactory proof and evidence of employment as a photogrammetrist or similar remote sensing technology in responsible charge as defined in 18VAC10-20-310 D providing such services within any of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, or any territory or possession of the United States. Evidence of employment shall include verification of the applicant’s progressive experience by his supervisor and by the applicant’s clients of the applicant’s personal involvement in a minimum of five projects;
3. The applicant must submit three references with the application, all of whom shall be licensed land surveyors in a state or territory of the United States;
4. The applicant shall certify that they have read and understood Chapter 4 (§54.1-400 et seq.) of Title 54.1 and Chapter 17 (§54.1-1700 et seq.) of Title 55 of the Code of Virginia, and this chapter; and
5. The applicant shall apply to the board and submit an
application fee for licensure within one year of [ (insert the
effective date of these regulations) December 1, 2008 ] or
until such time as the examinations required by 18VAC10-20-310 B are available,
whichever is later. After [ (insert the effective date of these
regulations plus one year) December 1, 2009 ] , or
when the examinations required by subsection B of this section become
available, whichever is later, no person shall be eligible to apply for
licensure as a surveyor photogrammetrist pursuant to this section.
D. Within the context of subsection C of this section, responsible charge of photogrammetric or similar remote sensing technology mapping projects means technical supervision of:
1. Assessing the project needs and constraints and accuracies;
2. Creating the project plan including determining data standards;
3. Creating overall project specifications;
4. Determining flight lines and appropriate photogrammetric control required for project accuracies and constraints;
5. Reviewing and approval of aerotriangulation results, prior to map compilation and certification of the final report of project control;
6. Determining the appropriate features to be collected, how they are to be collected, annotated, stored;
7. Editing and reviewing of collected data and features;
8. Reviewing of equipment, technology, and procedures that meet project requirements;
9. Determining final data standards and quality control for a project;
10. Reviewing and approving the final map products, deliverables, files, and spatial data;
11. Checking and editing final map data for specified completeness and accuracies including project reports, metadata, and any associated databases;
12. Project management; and
13. Other duties requiring decision-making, control, influence, and accountability of the project.
E. Any person licensed pursuant to the terms of subsection B or C of this section shall be licensed as a surveyor photogrammetrist.
18VAC10-20-340. Experience standards.
An applicant shall submit written verification from each employment engagement that has been gained under the direct control and personal supervision of a licensed land surveyor, licensed surveyor photogrammetrist or an individual authorized by statute to practice land surveying on forms provided by the board to be considered by the board as approved land surveying experience.
18VAC10-20-350. Examinations.
A. The Fundamentals of Land Surveying examination consists of the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) examination on the fundamentals of land surveying.
B. The Principles and Practice of Land Surveying examination consists of an NCEES examination on applied land surveying, or a board-approved surveyor photogrammetrist examination, and a Virginia state-specific examination.
C. The examination for land surveying under §54.1-408 of the Code of Virginia (Land Surveyor B) shall be given at times designated by the board.
D. Unless otherwise stated, applicants approved to sit for an examination must register and submit the required examination fee to be received in the board office, or by the board's designee, at a time designated by the board. Applicants not properly registered will not be allowed into the examination site.
E. Applicants shall be notified by the board of passing or failing the examination but shall not be notified of actual scores. Only the board and its staff shall have access to examination papers, scores, and answer sheets. Examinations may not be reviewed.
F. Should the applicant fail to pass an examination within three years after being authorized to take the examination, the applicant must reapply and meet all current entry requirements at the time of reapplication.
18VAC10-20-360. Licensure by comity.
A. A person in good standing and holding a valid license to engage in the practice of land surveying in another state, the District of Columbia, or any territory or possession of the United States may be licensed, provided the applicant submits verifiable documentation to the board that the education, experience, and examination requirements by which the applicant was first licensed in the original jurisdiction were substantially equivalent to those existing in Virginia at the time of the applicant's original licensure. No person shall be so licensed, however, who has not passed an examination in another jurisdiction that was substantially equivalent to that approved by the board at the time of the applicant's original licensure. If the applicant does not meet the requirements for licensure in Virginia that were in effect at the time of original licensure, the applicant shall be required to meet the entry requirements current at the time the completed application for comity is received in the board's office. All applicants shall be required to pass a written Virginia state-specific examination. The examination shall include questions on law, procedures and practices pertaining to land surveying in Virginia.
B. A person holding a current license to engage in the practice of land surveying or photogrammetric surveying issued to the applicant by other states, the District of Columbia or any territory or possession of the United States based on requirements that do not conflict with and are at least as rigorous as the provisions contained in 18VAC10-20-310 C may be licensed as a surveyor photogrammetrist without further examination except for the Virginia state examination provided that the applicant was originally licensed prior to the ending date of the provisions contained in 18VAC10-20-310 C.
18VAC10-20-380. Minimum standards and procedures for surveys determining the location of physical improvements; field procedures; office procedures.
A. The following minimum standards and procedures are to be used for surveys determining the location of physical improvements on any parcel of land or lot containing less than two acres or metric equivalent (sometimes also known as "building location survey," "house location surveys," "physical surveys," and the like) in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The application of the professional's seal, signature and date as required by these regulations shall be evidence that the survey determining the location of physical improvements is correct to the best of the professional's knowledge, information, and belief, and complies with the minimum standards and procedures set forth in this chapter.
B. The professional shall determine the position of the lot or parcel of land in accordance with the intent of the original survey and shall set or verify permanent monumentation at each corner of the property, consistent with the monumentation provisions of subdivision C 4 of 18VAC10-20-370. All such monumentation, other than natural monumentation, shall, when feasible, be identified by temporary witness markers.
When the professional finds discrepancies of sufficient magnitude to warrant, in his opinion, the performance of a land boundary survey (pursuant to the provisions of 18VAC10-20-370), he shall so inform the client or the client's agent that such land boundary survey is deemed warranted as a requisite to completion of the physical improvements survey.
The location of the following shall be determined in the field:
1. Fences in near proximity to the land boundary lines and other fences which may reflect lines of occupancy or possession.
2. Other physical improvements on the property and all man-made or installed structures, including buildings, stoops, porches, chimneys, visible evidence of underground features (such as manholes, catch basins, telephone pedestals, power transformers, etc.), utility lines and poles.
3. Cemeteries, if known or disclosed in the process of performing the survey; roads or travelways crossing the property which serve other properties; and streams, creeks, and other defined drainage ways.
4. Other visible evidence of physical encroachment on the property.
C. The plat reflecting the work product shall be drawn to scale and shall show the following, unless requested otherwise by the client and so noted on the plat:
1. The bearings and distances for the boundaries and the area of the lot or parcel of land shall be shown in accordance with record data, unless a current, new land boundary survey has been performed in conjunction with the physical improvements survey. If needed to produce a closed polygon, the meander lines necessary to verify locations of streams, tidelands, lakes and swamps shall be shown. All bearings shall be shown in a clockwise direction, unless otherwise indicated.
2. North arrow, in accordance with record data.
3. Fences in the near proximity to the land boundary lines and other fences which may reflect lines of occupancy or possession.
4. Improvements and other pertinent features on the property as located in the field pursuant to subsection B of this section.
5. Physical encroachment, including fences, across a property line shall be identified and dimensioned with respect to the property line.
6. On parcels where compliance with restriction is in question, provide the closest dimension (to the nearest 0.1 foot or metric equivalent) from the front property line, side property line, and if pertinent, rear property line to the principal walls of each building. Also, all principal building dimensions (to the nearest 0.1 foot or metric equivalent).
7. Building street address numbers, as displayed on the premises, or so noted if no numbers are displayed.
8. Stoops, decks, porches, chimneys, balconies, floor projections, and other similar type features.
9. Street name(s), as posted or currently identified, and as per record data, if different from posted name.
10. Distance to nearest intersection, based upon record data. If not available from record data, distance to nearest intersection may be determined from best available data, and so qualified.
11. Building restriction or setback line(s) per restrictive covenants, if shown or noted on the record subdivision plat.
12. The caption or title of the plat shall include the type of survey performed; lot number, block number, section number, and name of subdivision, as appropriate, or if not in a subdivision, the name(s) of the record owner; town or county, or city; date of survey; and scale of drawing.
13. Adjoining property identification.
14. Easements and other encumbrances set forth on the record subdivision plat, and those otherwise known to the professional.
15. A statement as to whether or not a current title report has been furnished to the professional.
16. The professional shall clearly note inconsistencies found in the research of common boundaries between the land being surveyed and the adjoining land(s).
17. Professional's seal, signature and date.
18. Name and address of the land surveyor or registered business.
D. Notwithstanding the monumentation provisions of subsection B of this section or any other provision of these regulations, a professional, in performing a physical improvements survey, shall not be required to set corner monumentation on any property when corner monumentation is otherwise required to be set pursuant to the provisions of a local subdivision ordinance as mandated by §15.2-2240 of the Code of Virginia, or by subdivision A 7 of §15.2-2241 of the Code of Virginia, or where the placing of such monumentation is covered by a surety bond, cash escrow, set-aside letter, letter of credit, or other performance guaranty. When monumentation is not required, the surveyor shall clearly note on the plat "no corner markers set" and the reason to include name of guarantors.
E. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this chapter, this chapter shall be construed as to comply in all respects with §54.1-407 of the Code of Virginia.
F. In no event may this chapter be interpreted or
construed to require the professional to perform work of a lesser quality or
quantity than that which is prudent or warranted under the existing field
conditions and circumstances.
18VAC10-20-382. Minimum standards and procedures for surveys determining topography; field procedures; office procedures.
A. The minimum standards and procedures set forth in this section are to be used for topographic surveys performed in the Commonwealth of Virginia pursuant to Chapter 4 (§54.1-400 et seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia. The application of the professional's seal, signature and date as required by these regulations shall be evidence that the topographic survey is correct to the best of the professional's knowledge and belief, and complies with the minimum standards and procedures.
B. Minimum field and office procedures. The following information shall be shown on or contained in all plats, maps, or digital geospatial data including metadata used to depict the results of the topographic survey:
1. Physical improvements on the property, all man-made or installed structures, as well as visible evidence of underground features (such as manholes, catch basins, telephone pedestals, power transformers, etc.), and utility lines and poles shall be shown or depicted when they are visible based on the methodology and scale. If the methodology or scale prevents the depiction of physical improvements on the property, all man-made or installed structures, as well as visible evidence of underground features (such as manholes, catch basins, telephone pedestals, power transformers, etc.), and utility lines and poles, then such notice shall be clearly stated on or contained in the map, plat, or digital geospatial data including metadata.
2. Elevations shall be provided as spot elevations, contours or digital terrain models.
3. Onsite bench mark(s) shall be established with reference to vertical datum, preferably North American Vertical Datum (NAVD), and shown in the correct location.
4. The title of the topographic survey identifying the land surveyed and showing the state, county or city in which property is located.
5. Name of the individual or entity for whom the survey is being performed.
6. Date, graphic scale, numerical scale, and contour interval of plat, map, or digital geospatial data including metadata.
7. Depiction and definition of north used for the survey.
8. Names of highways, streets and named waterways shall be shown.
9. The horizontal and vertical unit of measurement, coordinate system, and datums, including adjustments if applicable.
10. The following minimum positional accuracies shall be met:
a. Scale and contour interval combinations.
Map or Plat Scale |
Contour Interval |
1" = 20' |
1 or 2 feet |
1" = 30' |
1 or 2 feet |
1" = 40' |
1 or 2 feet |
1" = 50' |
1 or 2 feet |
1" = 100' |
1 or 2 feet |
1" = 200' |
2, 4 or 5 feet |
1" = 400' |
4, 5 or 10 feet |
b. Vertical accuracy standards.
Contours - Vertical Positional Accuracy |
Spot Elevations - Vertical Positional Accuracy |
Contour line 1' interval |
± 0.60 feet |
± 0.30 feet |
Contour line 2' interval |
± 1.19 feet |
± 0.60 feet |
Contour line 4' interval |
± 2.38 feet |
± 1.19 feet |
Contour line 5' interval |
± 2.98 feet |
± 1.49 feet |
Contour line 10' interval |
± 5.96 feet |
± 2.98 feet |
Positional Accuracy is given at the 95% confidence level. |
c. Horizontal accuracy standards.
Well defined ground points - Horizontal (Radial) Positional Accuracy |
Map or Plat Scale |
Absolute Horizontal Positional Accuracy |
Relative Horizontal Positional Accuracy |
1" = 20' |
± 0.8 feet |
± 0.20 feet |
1" = 30' |
± 1.1 feet |
± 0.30 feet |
1" = 40' |
± 1.5 feet |
± 0.40 feet |
1" = 50' |
± 1.9 feet |
± 0.50 feet |
1" = 100' |
± 3.8 feet |
± 1.00 feet |
1" = 200' |
± 7.6 feet |
± 2.00 feet |
1" = 400' |
± 15.2 feet |
± 4.00 feet |
Positional Accuracy is given at the 95% confidence level. |
The accuracy standards tables as shown are not intended to be acceptable in all situations. The professional shall be responsible to perform the work to the appropriate quality and extent that is prudent or warranted under the existing field conditions and circumstances.
Metric or other unit of measurements shall meet an equivalent positional accuracy.
Map or plat scales, or contour intervals, other than those defined in these tables shall meet an equivalent positional accuracy.
11. A statement, in the following form, shall be shown on or contained in plats, maps, or digital geospatial data including metadata:
This ________________ (provide description of the project) was completed under the direct and responsible charge of, _______________________________ (Name of Surveyor or Surveyor Photogrammetrist) from an actual Ground or Airborne (check the one that is applicable) survey made under my supervision; that the imagery and/or original data was obtained on ______________ (Date); and that this plat, map, or digital geospatial data including metadata meets minimum accuracy standards unless otherwise noted.
18VAC10-20-392. Photogrammetric surveys.
The use of photogrammetric methods or similar remote sensing technology to perform any part of the practice of land surveying as defined in Chapter 4 (§54.1-400 et seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia, shall be performed under the direct control and supervision of a licensed land surveyor or a licensed surveyor photogrammetrist.
18VAC10-20-395. Standard of care.
In no event may the requirements contained in 18VAC10-20-280 through 18VAC10-20-392 be interpreted or construed to require the professional to perform work of a lesser quality or quantity than that which is prudent or warranted under the existing field conditions and circumstances.
18VAC10-20-760. Use of seal.
A. The application of a professional seal shall indicate that the professional has exercised direct control and personal supervision over the work to which it is affixed. Therefore, no professional shall affix a name, seal or certification to a plat, design, specification or other work constituting the practice of the professions regulated which has been prepared by an unlicensed or uncertified person unless such work was performed under the direct control and personal supervision of the professional while said unlicensed or uncertified person was an employee of the same firm as the professional or was under written contract to the same firm that employs the professional. If the original professional of record is no longer employed by the regulant or is otherwise unable to seal completed professional work, such work may be sealed by another professional, but only after a thorough review of the work by the professional affixing the professional seal to verify that the work has been accomplished to the same extent that would have been exercised if the work had been done under the direct control and personal supervision of the professional affixing the professional seal.
B. An appropriately licensed or certified professional shall apply a seal to final and complete original cover sheets of plans, drawings, plats, technical reports and specifications and to each original sheet of plans, drawings or plats, prepared by the professional or someone under his direct control and personal supervision.
1. All seal imprints on the cover or first sheet of final documents shall bear an original signature and date. "Final Documents" are completed documents or copies submitted on a client's behalf for approval by authorities or recordation. In such cases, the cover sheet of the documents or copies shall contain a list of drawings or plats included in the set on which a seal, original signature and date shall be affixed for all regulated disciplines. Every page of the submission, other than the cover, may be reproduced from originals which contain the seal, original signature and date by each discipline responsible for the work.
a. An electronic seal, signature and date are permitted to be used in lieu of an original seal, signature and date when the following criteria, and all other requirements of this section, are met:
(1) It is a unique identification of the professional;
(2) It is verifiable; and
(3) It is under the professional's direct control.
b. A professional should not seal original documents made of mylar, linen, sepia, or other materials, or that are transmitted electronically, which can be changed by the person or entity with whom the documents are filed, unless the professional accompanies such documents with a signed and sealed letter making the recipient of such documents aware that copies of the original documents as designed by the professional have been retained by the professional and that the professional cannot assume responsibility for any subsequent changes to the reproducible original documents that are not made by the professional or those working under his direct control and personal supervision.
2. Incomplete plans, documents and sketches, whether advance or preliminary copies, shall be so identified on the plan, document or sketch and need not be sealed, signed or dated.
3. All plans, drawings or plats prepared by the professional shall bear the professional's name or firm name, address and project name.
4. The seal of each professional responsible for each profession shall be used and shall be on each document that was prepared under the professional's direction and for which that professional is responsible. If one of the exemptions found in §54.1-402 of the Code of Virginia is applicable, a professional licensed or certified by this board shall nevertheless apply his seal to the exempt work.
5. Application of the seal and signature indicates acceptance of responsibility for work shown thereon.
6. The seal shall conform in detail and size to the design illustrated below and shall be two inches in diameter. The designs below may not be shown to scale:
*The number referred to is the last six-digit number as shown on the license or certificate. The number is permanent. Leading zeros contained in the six-digit number may be omitted from the seal. |
NOTICE: The forms used in administering the above regulation are not being published; however, the name of each form is listed below. The forms are available for public inspection by contacting the agency contact for this regulation, or at the office of the Registrar of Regulations, General Assembly Building, 2nd Floor, Richmond, Virginia.
Architect License Application, 0401LIC (rev. 5/16/07).
Verification of Architect Examination and Licensure Form, 0401ELVF (rev. 3/1/02).
Architect Experience Verification Form, 0401 EXP (rev. 3/26/02).
Architect Client Experience Verification Form, 0401CEXP (rev. 3/1/02).
Architect Degree Verification Form, 0401DEG (rev. 3/1/02).
Architect Reference Form, 0401REF (rev. 2/23/05).
Architect License Reinstatement Application, 0401REI (rev. 12/1/04).
Architect License Renewal Form, 0401REN, (eff. 4/11/05).
Professional Engineer License Application, 0402LIC (rev. 2/1/07).
Professional Engineer Reference Form, 0402REF (rev. 3/1/02).
Professional Engineer License Reinstatement Application, 0402REI (rev. 12/1/04).
Professional Engineer and Engineer-in-Training Degree Verification Form, 04EDEG (rev. 3/1/02).
Professional Engineer and Engineer-in-Training Experience Verification Form, 04EEXP (rev. 2/19/04).
Engineer Verification of Examination and Licensure Form, 04EELVF (rev. 3/1/02).
Engineer-in-Training Designation Application, 0420DES (rev. 2/1/07).
Engineer-in-Training Reference Form, 0420REF (rev. 3/1/02).
Course Requirements for Engineering Technology Program, 0402CREQ (eff. 2/19/03).
Professional Engineer License Renewal Form, 0402REN, (eff. 4/11/05).
Land Surveyor License Application, 0403LIC (rev. 2/1/07).
Land Surveyor License Reinstatement Application, 0403REI (rev. 12/1/04).
Land Surveyor B License Application, 0404LIC (rev. 2/1/07).
Land Surveyor B License Reinstatement Application, 0404REI (rev. 12/1/04).
Land Surveyor and Surveyor-in-Training Degree Verification Form, 04LSDEG (rev. 2/1/07).
Land Surveyor Verification of Examination and Licensure Form, 04LSELVF (rev. 2/1/07).
Land Surveyor & Surveyor-in-Training Experience Verification Form, 04LSEXP (rev. 2/1/07).
Surveyor Photogrammetrist License Application, 0408LIC (9/19/08).
Surveyor Photogrammetrist License Renewal Form, 0408REN (9/19/08).
"Grandfather" Surveyor Photogrammetrist Reference Form, 0408REF (9/19/08).
Surveyor Photogrammetrist Experience Verification Form, 0408EXP (9/19/08).
"Grandfather" Surveyor Photogrammetrist Experience Verification Form, 0408GXP (9/19/08).
Surveyor Photogrammetrist License Reinstatement Application, 0408REI (9/19/08).
Surveyor Photogrammetrist Degree Verification Form, 0408DEG (9/19/08).
Surveyor Photogrammetrist Verification of Examination and Licensure Form, 0408ELVF (9/19/08).
Surveyor-In-Training Designation Application, 0430DES (rev. 2/1/07).
Land Surveyor License Renewal Form, 04LSREN, (eff. 4/11/05).
Landscape Architect Certificate Application, 0406CERT (rev. 2/1/07).
Verification of Landscape Architect Examination and Certification Form, 0406ELVF (rev. 3/1/02).
Landscape Architect Experience Verification Form for Examination and Comity Applicants, 0406EXP (rev. 6/23/05).
Landscape Architect Degree Verification Form, 0406DEG (rev. 3/1/02).
Landscape Architect Certificate Reinstatement Application, 0406REI (rev. 12/1/04).
Landscape Architect Certificate Renewal Form, 0406REN, (eff. 4/11/05).
Interior Design Certificate Application, 0412CERT (rev. 2/1/07).
Verification of Interior Designer Examination and Certification Form, 0412ELVF (rev. 3/1/02).
Interior Designer Degree Verification Form, 0412DEG (rev. 3/1/02).
Interior Designer Experience Verification Form, 0412EXP (rev. 8/11/05).
Interior Designer Certificate Reinstatement Application, 0412REI (rev. 3/1/02).
Interior Design Certificate Renewal Form, 0412REN, (eff. 4/11/05).
Professional Corporation Registration Application, 04PCREG (rev. 6/2/06).
Professional Corporation Branch Office Registration Application, 04BRPC (eff. 6/7/06).
Business Entity Registration Application, 04BUSREG, (rev. 6/2/06).
Business Entity Branch Office Registration Application, 04BRBUS (rev. 1/3/07).
Professional Limited Liability Company Application Form, 04PLCREG (rev. 6/2/06).
Professional Limited Liability Company Branch Office Registration Application, 04BRPLC (rev. 6/7/06). ]
Handbook for Interns and Architects, 2006-2007 2008-2009
Edition, National Council of Architectural Registration Boards, 1801 K Street,
NW, Suite 1100-K, Washington, DC 20006, www.ncarb.org. ]
VA.R. Doc. No. R06-86; Filed September 19, 2008, 11:39 a.m.