REGISTRAR’S NOTICE: The Board of Agriculture and Consumer Services is claiming an exemption from the Administrative Process Act in accordance with § 2.2-4006 A 4 a of the Code of Virginia, which excludes regulations that are necessary to conform to changes in Virginia statutory law where no agency discretion is involved. The Board of Agriculture and Consumer Services will receive, consider and respond to petitions from any interested person at any time with respect to reconsideration or revision.
Final Regulation
Title of Regulation: 2VAC5-620. Regulations Pertaining to the Establishment of the Dangerous Dog Registry (amending 2VAC5-620-20, 2VAC5-620-100).
Statutory Authority: § 3.2-6542 of the Code of Virginia.
Effective Date: March 4, 2009.
Agency Contact: Colleen Calderwood, DVM, Program Manager, Office of Veterinary Services, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, 102 Governor Street, Suite 141, Richmond, VA 23219, telephone (804) 786-2483, FAX (804) 371-2380, or email colleen.calderwood@vdacs.virginia.gov.
The amendments update citations to reflect the recodification of Title 3.1 to Title 3.2 of the Code of Virginia, which became effective October 1, 2008.
2VAC5-620-20. Definition.
The following word and term when used in this regulation shall have the following meaning unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Dangerous dog" means a canine or canine crossbreed that has bitten, attacked, or inflicted injury on a person or companion animal that is a dog or cat, or killed a companion animal that is a dog or cat.
When a dog attacks or bites a companion animal that is a dog
or cat, the attacking or biting dog shall not be deemed dangerous (i) if no
serious physical injury as determined by a licensed veterinarian has occurred
to the dog or cat as a result of the attack or bite, (ii) if both animals are
owned by the same person, (iii) if such attack occurs on the property of the
attacking or biting dog's owner or custodian, or (iv) for other good cause as
determined by the court. No dog shall be found to be a dangerous dog as a
result of biting, attacking, or inflicting injury on a dog or cat while engaged
with an owner or custodian as part of lawful hunting or participating in an
organized, lawful dog handling event. (See § 3.1-796.93:1 3.2-6540
of the Code of Virginia.)
Part III
Commonwealth of Virginia Dangerous Dog Registry
2VAC5-620-100. Establishment, operation and maintenance of the Dangerous Dog Registry.
The following shall be the procedures and requirements for establishment, operation, and maintenance of the Dangerous Dog Registry:
1. By July 1, 2007, the Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services shall establish the Dangerous Dog Registry to be maintained by the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, State Veterinarian's Office.
2. The State Veterinarian shall cause a website to be created and named the Virginia Dangerous Dog Registry.
3. A personal identification number (PIN) shall be assigned by the State Veterinarian to each local jurisdiction for administrative access to the Dangerous Dog Registry.
4. All information in the Dangerous Dog Registry shall be available to the State Veterinarian, local jurisdictions, and the public via the website.
5. Any funds collected for the Dangerous Dog Registry shall be used by the State Veterinarian to maintain the Dangerous Dog Registry and website.
All fees collected pursuant to this section, less the costs
incurred by the animal control authority in producing and distributing the
certificates and tags required by this section, shall be paid into a special
dedicated fund in the treasury of the locality for the purpose of paying the
expenses of any training course required under § 3.1-796.104:1 3.2-6556
of the Code of Virginia.
The governing body of any locality may enact an ordinance parallel to this statute regulating dangerous and vicious dogs provided, however, that no locality may impose a felony penalty for violation of such local ordinances.
VA.R. Doc. No. R09-1719; Filed January 13, 2009, 11:27 a.m.