REGISTRAR’S NOTICE: The Pesticide Control Board is claiming an exemption from the Administrative Process Act in accordance with § 2.2-4006 A 3 of the Code of Virginia, which excludes regulations that consist only of changes in style or form or corrections of technical errors. The Pesticide Control Board will receive, consider and respond to petitions from any interested person at any time with respect to reconsideration or revision.
Final Regulation
Title of Regulation: 2VAC20-20. Rules and Regulations for Enforcement of the Virginia Pesticide Law (amending 2VAC20-20-10, 2VAC20-20-30, 2VAC20-20-120).
Statutory Authority: § 3.2-3906 of the Code of Virginia.
Effective Date: March 18, 2009.
Agency Contact: Liza Fleeson, Program Manager, Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, P.O. Box 1163, Richmond, VA 23218, telephone (804) 371-6559, FAX (804) 786-9149, TTY (800) 828-1120, or email liza.fleeson@vdacs.virginia.gov.
The amendments update citations to reflect the recodification of Title 3.1 to Title 3.2 of the Code of Virginia, which became effective October 1, 2008.
2VAC20-20-10. Definitions.
The following words and terms, when used in this
chapter, shall have the following meaning, meanings unless
the context clearly indicates otherwise. Words used in singular form in this
chapter include the plural, and vise versa, as appropriate.
"Active ingredient" means an ingredient which:
1. Is independently capable of:
a. Preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating insects, fungi, rodents, weeds, nematodes, or other pests; or
b. Altering through physiological action the behavior of ornamental or crop plants or their produce; or
c. Causing leaves or foliage to drop from a plant; or
d. Artificially accelerating the drying of plant tissue.
2. Is present in the product in an amount sufficient to be effective; and
3. Is not antagonistic to the activity of the principal active ingredients. The commissioner may require an ingredient to be designated as an active ingredient if, in his opinion, it sufficiently increases the effectiveness of the pesticide to warrant such action.
"Commissioner" means the Commissioner of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
"Herbicide" means any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any weed, including any algae or other aquatic weed.
"Law" means Chapter 14.1 39 (§ 3.1-249.27
3.2-3900 et seq.) of Title 3.1 3.2 of the Code of
Virginia, known as the Virginia Pesticide Control Act.
"Rodent" means any animal of the order Rodentia including, but not limited to, rats, mice, rabbits, gophers, prairie dogs, and squirrels.
2VAC20-20-30. Label.
A. The name and address of the manufacturer shall appear on the label. If the registrant's name appears on the label and the registrant is not the manufacturer, or if the name of the person for whom the pesticide was manufactured appears on the label, it must be qualified by appropriate wording such as "Packed for . . .," "Distributed by . . .," or "Sold by . . .," to show that the name is not that of the manufacturer.
B. The name, brand, or trademark of the pesticide appearing on the label shall be that under which the pesticide is registered.
C. The net content declaration shall comply with the Weights
and Measures Act of Virginia, Chapter 35 56 (§ 3.1-919 3.2-5600
et seq.) of Title 3.1 3.2 of the Code of Virginia and its
D. Directions for use are required for the protection of the public. The public includes not only users of pesticides, but also those who handle them or may be affected by their use, handling, or storage. Pesticides restricted by this chapter shall be registered only for their permitted uses, and the label shall have a prominent statement to the effect that the product is to be used only as directed. Directions for use are considered necessary in the case of most retail containers, with the following exceptions.
Directions may be omitted:
1. If the pesticide is to be used by manufacturers in their regular manufacturing processes, provided that the label clearly shows that the product is intended for use only in manufacturing processes, and bears an ingredient statement giving the name and percentage of each of the active ingredients.
2. If the pesticide is sold to distributors for dilution or mixing with carriers to prepare pesticides for sale to the public, provided that the label bears an ingredient statement giving the name and percentage of each of the active ingredients; and the pesticide is a well-known substance or mixture of substances; and there is readily available general knowledge of the composition, methods of use, and effectiveness of the product for pesticide purposes.
2VAC20-20-120. Products for experimental use.
A. Articles for which no permit is required.
1. A substance or mixture of substances being tested only to
determine its value as a pesticide, or to determine its toxicity or other
properties, and is not considered a pesticide within the meaning of § 3.1-249.27
3.2-3900 of the Code of Virginia.
2. A pesticide shipped or delivered for experimental use by or under the supervision of any federal or state agency authorized by law to conduct research in the field of economic poisons shall not be subject to the provisions of the law and this chapter.
B. Articles for which permit is required.
1. A pesticide shipped or delivered for experimental use by other qualified persons shall be exempt from the provisions of the law and of this chapter if a permit is obtained beforehand. Permits may be either, specific or general. A specific permit will be issued to cover a particular shipment on a specified date to a named person. A general permit will be issued to cover more than one shipment over a period of time to different persons.
2. If a pesticide is to be tested for a use which is likely to leave residue on or in food or feed, a permit for shipment or delivery will be issued only when:
a. The food or feed product will only be used as food or feed for laboratory or experimental animals, or
b. Convincing evidence is submitted by the applicant that the proposed use will not produce an amount of residue which would be hazardous to humans or animals.
3. All applications for permits covering shipments for experimental use shall include:
a. Name and address of the shipper and places from which the shipment will be made.
b. Proposed date of shipment or proposed shipping period, not to exceed one year.
c. A statement of the composition of material to be covered by the permit which should apply to a single material or group of closely allied formulations of the material.
d. A statement of the approximate quantity to be shipped.
e. A statement of the nature of the proposed experimental program, including the type of pests or organisms to be experimented with, the crops or animals for which the pesticide is to be used, the areas where the program will be conducted, and the results of previous tests, where necessary, to justify the quantity requested.
f. The percentage of the total quantity specified under subparagraph
subdivision 3 d of this paragraph subsection which will be
supplied without charge to the user.
g. A statement that the pesticide is intended for experimental use only.
h. Proposed labeling, which must bear:
(1) The prominent statement "For experimental use only" on the container label and any accompanying circular or other labeling,
(2) A warning or caution statement which may be necessary and if complied with, adequate for the protection of those who may handle or be exposed to the experimental substance,
(3) The name and address of the applicant for the permit,
(4) The name or designation of the substance, and
(5) If the pesticide is to be sold, a statement of the names and percentages of the principal active ingredients in the product.
If the shipper submits a copy of the valid experimental permit
and accepted labeling issued under the provisions of the Federal Insecticide,
Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, the commissioner may exempt the shipper from
submitting the data and information specified in subparagraphs (e) through
(h) subdivisions 3 e through h of this subsection.
4. The commissioner may limit the quantity of a pesticide covered by a permit if the available information on effectiveness, toxicity, or other hazards is not sufficient to justify the scope of the proposed experiment and he may impose other limitations in the permit for the protection of the public.
C. Cancellation of permits. Any permit for shipment for experimental use may be cancelled at any time for any violation of its terms.
VA.R. Doc. No. R09-1691; Filed January 26, 2009, 2:53 p.m.