Final Regulation
Title of Regulation: 18VAC30-20. Regulations Governing the Practice of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (amending 18VAC30-20-160; adding 18VAC30-20-185).
Statutory Authority: § 54.1-2400 of the Code of Virginia.
Effective Date: July 8, 2009.
Agency Contact: Lisa R. Hahn, Executive Director, Board of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300, Richmond, VA 23233-1463, telephone (804) 367-4630, FAX (804) 527-4413, or email lisa.hahn@dhp.virginia.gov.
The amendments allow an applicant whose license has been lapsed for five or more years to apply for reinstatement based on documentation of meeting current requirements for education, examination and certification or documentation of a current license in another jurisdiction in the United States and evidence of active practice for at least three of the past five years. If an applicant for reinstatement in audiology cannot meet the current licensure requirements or cannot document current licensure and active practice for three years, a third option is provided in the amended regulation. The applicant who has the educational qualifications and has passed the examination may be granted a provisional license and practice under supervision for six months and must be recommended for licensure by his supervisor.
New regulations for licensure by endorsement mirror the provisions for reinstatement of a lapsed Virginia license as evidence of current competency to practice.
There are changes made to the proposed regulation. Subsection C of 18VAC30-20-171 provides that the holder of a provisional license in audiology shall only practice under the supervision of a licensed audiologist in order to obtain clinical experience as required for certification by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. The purpose of provisional licensure for an applicant for licensure by endorsement is to gain experience if he has not actively practiced for three of the past five years; it is not to obtain clinical experience as required for ASHA certification, therefore, the reference to subsection C of 18VAC30-20-171 is eliminated and the requirement for supervision by a licensed audiologist is added to 18VAC30-20-160 and 18VAC30-20-185.
Summary of Public Comments and Agency's Response: A summary of comments made by the public and the agency's response may be obtained from the promulgating agency or viewed at the office of the Registrar of Regulations.
18VAC30-20-160. Reinstatement of lapsed license.
A. When a license has not been renewed within one year of the
expiration date, a person may apply to reinstate his license by submission of a
reinstatement application, payment of the reinstatement fee, and submission of
documentation of 15 continuing competency hours equal to the
requirement for the number of years for each year the license has been
lapsed, not to exceed four years, in which the license has been lapsed
60 hours obtained during the time the license in Virginia was lapsed.
B. A licensee who does not reinstate within four five
years as prescribed by subsection A of this section shall either:
reapply 1. Reapply for licensure as prescribed
by Part III (18VAC30-20-170 et seq.) of this chapter 18VAC30-20-170
and meet the qualifications for licensure in effect at the time of the new application;
2. Meet the continuing competency requirements specified in subsection A of this section and provide documentation of a current license in another jurisdiction in the United States and evidence of active practice for at least three of the past five years.
C. An applicant for reinstatement in audiology who does
not meet one of the [ qualifications requirements ]
of subsection B of this section may qualify for reinstatement by practice
under supervision with a provisional license for six months and a
recommendation for reinstatement by his supervisor. The board may issue a
provisional license to an applicant who can provide evidence of having met the
applicable educational qualifications prescribed in 18VAC30-20-170 and passage
of the qualifying examination at the time of initial licensure. Provisional
licensure shall be practiced [ under the supervision of a licensed
audiologist and ] in accordance with subsections [ C,
] D [ , ] and E of 18VAC30-20-171.
C. D. If the licensee holds licensure in any
other state or jurisdiction, he shall provide evidence that no disciplinary
action has been taken or is pending. The board reserves the right to deny a
request for reinstatement to any licensee who has been determined to have
committed an act in violation of 18VAC30-20-280.
18VAC30-20-185. Licensure by endorsement.
A. An applicant who has been licensed in another jurisdiction in the United States may apply for licensure in Virginia by submission of a completed application, payment of the application fee, and submission of documentation of 15 continuing competency hours for each year in which he has been licensed in the other jurisdiction, not to exceed 60 hours.
B. An applicant shall either:
1. Meet the qualifications for licensure as prescribed by 18VAC30-20-170; or
2. Provide documentation of a current license in another jurisdiction in the United States and evidence of active practice for at least three of the past five years.
C. An applicant for licensure by endorsement in audiology who
does not meet one of the [ qualifications
requirements ] of subsection B of this section may qualify for
endorsement by practice under supervision with a provisional license for six
months and a recommendation for licensure by his supervisor. The board may
issue a provisional license to an applicant who can provide evidence of having
met the educational qualifications prescribed in 18VAC30-20-170 and passage of
the qualifying examination at the time of initial licensure. Provisional
licensure shall be practiced [ under the supervision of a licensed
audiologist and ] in accordance with subsections [ C, ]
D [ , ] and E of 18VAC30-20-171.
D. An applicant shall provide evidence that no disciplinary action has been taken or is pending against his license in another jurisdiction. The board reserves the right to deny a request for licensure to any applicant who has been determined to have committed an act in violation of 18VAC30-20-280.
NOTICE: The forms used in administering the above regulation are not being published; however, the name of each form is listed below. The forms are available for public inspection by contacting the agency contact for this regulation, or at the office of the Registrar of Regulations, General Assembly Building, 2nd Floor, Richmond, Virginia.
[ FORMS (18VAC30-20)
Application for Audiology License by ASHA or ABA Certification (rev. 6/08).
Application Checklist for Audiology License by ASHA or ABA Certification (rev. 5/08).
Application for a License to Practice Audiology by Endorsement (eff. 5/09).
Application Checklist for Applicants by Endorsement - Audiology (eff. 5/09).
Application for Provisional Licensure to Practice Audiology (rev. 9/07).
Application Checklist for Applicants Requesting Provisional Licensure (rev. 9/07).
Application for Provisional Audiologist to Apply for Full Audiology License (rev. 7/08).
Application Checklist for Provisional Applicants Requesting Full Audiologist Licensure (eff. 8/08).
Application for a License to Practice Speech-Language Pathology by Education (rev. 9/07).
Application Checklist for Applicants by Education (rev. 9/07).
Application for a License to Practice Speech-Language Pathology by ASHA Certification (rev. 5/08).
Application Checklist for Applicants by ASHA Certification (rev. 5/08).
Application for a License to Practice Speech-Language Pathology by Endorsement (eff. 5/09).
Application Checklist for Applicants by Endorsement - Speech-Language Pathology (eff. 5/09).
Application for a License to Practice as a School Speech-Language Pathologist (rev. 7/07).
Application Checklist for Applicants for School Speech-Language Pathology License (rev. 8/07).
Application for Reinstatement of License to Practice (rev. 11/07).
Reinstatement Application Checklist for Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (rev. 8/08).
Application for Reinstatement of School Speech Language Pathology License (rev. 11/07).
Reinstatement Application Checklist for School Speech-Language Pathologists Applicants (rev. 8/07).
Application for Reinstatement of Inactive License to Practice (rev. 11/07).
Continued Competency Activity and Assessment Form (rev. 7/07).
Application for Approval as a Continuing Competency Sponsor (rev. 7/07). ]
VA.R. Doc. No. R08-1218; Filed May 20, 2009, 11:10 a.m.