Division of Legislative Services
REGULATIONS (25:23 VA.R. July 20, 2009) 4VAC20-260. Pertaining to Designation of Seed Areas and Clean Cull Areas (Final) 9VAC25-260. Water Quality Standards (Final) 9VAC25-630. Virginia Pollution Abatement General Permit Regulation for Poultry Waste Management (Notice of Change in Public Hearing Date and Time) 10VAC5-160. Rules Governing Mortgage Lenders and Brokers (Final) 11VAC15-22. Charitable Gaming Rules and Regulations (Final) 11VAC15-31. Supplier Regulations (Final) 12VAC30-70. Methods and Standards for Establishing Payment Rates - Inpatient Hospital Services (Emergency) 12VAC30-80. Methods and Standards for Establishing Payment Rates; Other Types of Care (Emergency) 12VAC35-190. Regulations Establishing Procedures for Voluntarily Admitting Persons Who Are Mentally Retarded to State Mental Retardation Facilities (Final) 13VAC10-180. Rules and Regulations for Allocation of Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (Final) 14VAC5-260. Rules Governing Insurance Holding Companies (Proposed) 15VAC5-80. Regulations Under the Virginia Consumer Real Estate Settlement Protection Act (Proposed) 15VAC5-80. Regulations Under the Virginia Consumer Real Estate Settlement Protection Act (Withdrawal of Proposed Regulation) 16VAC25-50. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Regulations (Proposed) 16VAC25-90. Federal Identical General Industry Standards (Final) 16VAC25-80. Access to Employee Exposure and Medical Records (Final) 18VAC48-20. Condominium Regulations (Notice of Repeal of Emergency Regulation) 18VAC76-10. Regulations Governing the Health Practitioners' Intervention Program for the Department of Health Professions (Final) 18VAC85-20. Regulations Governing the Practice of Medicine, Osteopathic Medicine, Podiatry, and Chiropractic (Final) 18VAC85-40. Regulations Governing the Practice of Respiratory Care Practitioners (Final) 18VAC85-50. Regulations Governing the Practice of Physician Assistants (Final) 18VAC85-80. Regulations Governing the Licensure of Occupational Therapists (Final) 18VAC85-101. Regulations Governing the Licensure of Radiologic Technologists and Radiologic Technologists-Limited (Final) 18VAC85-110. Regulations Governing the Practice of Licensed Acupuncturists (Final) 18VAC85-120. Regulations Governing the Licensure of Athletic Trainers (Final) 18VAC85-130. Regulations Governing the Practice of Licensed Midwives (Final) 22VAC40-35. Virginia Independence Program (Final) 22VAC40-41. Neighborhood Assistance Tax Credit Program (Final) 22VAC40-410. Entitlement Date in the General Relief Program (Final) 22VAC40-411. General Relief Program (Final) 22VAC40-570. General Relief (GR) Program - Locality Options (Final) 22VAC40-640. General Relief Program - Deeming Income From Alien Sponsors (Final) 22VAC40-740. Adult Protective Services (Final) 23VAC10-210. Retail Sales and Use Tax (Proposed) This page last updated 7/20/09.
4VAC20-260. Pertaining to Designation of Seed Areas and Clean Cull Areas (Final) 9VAC25-260. Water Quality Standards (Final) 9VAC25-630. Virginia Pollution Abatement General Permit Regulation for Poultry Waste Management (Notice of Change in Public Hearing Date and Time) 10VAC5-160. Rules Governing Mortgage Lenders and Brokers (Final) 11VAC15-22. Charitable Gaming Rules and Regulations (Final) 11VAC15-31. Supplier Regulations (Final) 12VAC30-70. Methods and Standards for Establishing Payment Rates - Inpatient Hospital Services (Emergency) 12VAC30-80. Methods and Standards for Establishing Payment Rates; Other Types of Care (Emergency) 12VAC35-190. Regulations Establishing Procedures for Voluntarily Admitting Persons Who Are Mentally Retarded to State Mental Retardation Facilities (Final) 13VAC10-180. Rules and Regulations for Allocation of Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (Final) 14VAC5-260. Rules Governing Insurance Holding Companies (Proposed) 15VAC5-80. Regulations Under the Virginia Consumer Real Estate Settlement Protection Act (Proposed) 15VAC5-80. Regulations Under the Virginia Consumer Real Estate Settlement Protection Act (Withdrawal of Proposed Regulation) 16VAC25-50. Boiler and Pressure Vessel Regulations (Proposed) 16VAC25-90. Federal Identical General Industry Standards (Final) 16VAC25-80. Access to Employee Exposure and Medical Records (Final) 18VAC48-20. Condominium Regulations (Notice of Repeal of Emergency Regulation) 18VAC76-10. Regulations Governing the Health Practitioners' Intervention Program for the Department of Health Professions (Final) 18VAC85-20. Regulations Governing the Practice of Medicine, Osteopathic Medicine, Podiatry, and Chiropractic (Final) 18VAC85-40. Regulations Governing the Practice of Respiratory Care Practitioners (Final) 18VAC85-50. Regulations Governing the Practice of Physician Assistants (Final) 18VAC85-80. Regulations Governing the Licensure of Occupational Therapists (Final) 18VAC85-101. Regulations Governing the Licensure of Radiologic Technologists and Radiologic Technologists-Limited (Final) 18VAC85-110. Regulations Governing the Practice of Licensed Acupuncturists (Final) 18VAC85-120. Regulations Governing the Licensure of Athletic Trainers (Final) 18VAC85-130. Regulations Governing the Practice of Licensed Midwives (Final) 22VAC40-35. Virginia Independence Program (Final) 22VAC40-41. Neighborhood Assistance Tax Credit Program (Final) 22VAC40-410. Entitlement Date in the General Relief Program (Final) 22VAC40-411. General Relief Program (Final) 22VAC40-570. General Relief (GR) Program - Locality Options (Final) 22VAC40-640. General Relief Program - Deeming Income From Alien Sponsors (Final) 22VAC40-740. Adult Protective Services (Final) 23VAC10-210. Retail Sales and Use Tax (Proposed) This page last updated 7/20/09.