Proposed Regulation
REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: The State Corporation Commission
is exempt from the Administrative Process Act in accordance with
§ 2.2-4002 A 2 of the Code of Virginia, which exempts courts, any agency
of the Supreme Court, and any agency that by the Constitution is expressly
granted any of the powers of a court of record.
Title of Regulation: 20VAC5-316. Regulations Governing Exemptions for Large General Services
Customers Under § 56-585.1 A 5 c of the Code of Virginia (adding
20VAC5-316-10 through 20VAC5-316-40).
Statutory Authority: §§ 12.1-13 and
56-585.1 of the Code of Virginia.
Public Hearing Information: A public hearing will be
held upon request.
Public Comments: Public comments may be
submitted until 5 p.m. on September 3, 2009.
Agency Contact: Cody Walker, Assistant
Director, State Corporation Commission, P.O. Box 1197, Richmond, VA 23218,
telephone (804) 371-9611, FAX (804) 371-9350, or email cody.walker@scc.virginia.gov.
The State Corporation
Commission has initiated a commission rulemaking required by Chapter 824 of the
2009 Acts of Assembly. Chapter 824 authorizes Virginia's electric utilities to
seek rate adjustment clause treatment of the "projected and actual
costs…to design, implement and operate energy efficiency programs, including a
margin to be recovered on operating expenses. . . ." § 56-585.1 A 5 c
of the Code of Virginia. However, Chapter 824 prohibits electric utilities from
recovering the costs of these energy efficiency programs from any customer that
has a verifiable history of having used more than 10 megawatts of demand from a
single meter of delivery. Additionally, the legislation prohibits program cost
recovery from any large general service customer that has, at its own expense,
implemented energy efficiency programs that have produced or will produce
measured and verified results consistent with industry standards and other
regulatory criteria stated in § 56-585.1 A 5 c of the Code of Virginia.
For purposes of this legislation, large general service customers are customers
that have a verifiable history of having used more than 500 kilowatts of demand
from a single meter of delivery. Chapter 824 further directs the commission to
promulgate rules and regulations not later than November 15, 2009, "to
accommodate the process under which such large general service customers shall
file notice for such an exemption, and (i) establish the administrative
procedures by which eligible customers will notify the utility and (ii) define
the standard criteria that must be satisfied by an applicant in order to notify
the utility." § 56-585.1 A 5 c of the Code of Virginia. The
commission's staff has prepared proposed rules implementing the exemption
process outlined above (proposed rules).
The proposed rules set forth
(i) administrative procedures for notices of nonparticipation to be provided by
large general service customers to electric utilities, (ii) standard criteria
for such notices of nonparticipation, and (iii) dispute resolution procedures
governing all disputes arising out of the exemption process. The proposed rules
add a new Chapter 316 (20VAC5-316) within Title 20 of the Virginia
Administrative Code.
At the relation of the
CASE NO. PUE-2009-00071
Ex Parte: In the matter of establishing
rules of the State Corporation Commission
governing exemptions for Large General Service
Customers under § 56-585.1 A 5 c of the Code of Virginia
This Order
initiates a rulemaking required by HB 2506 as enacted by the 2009 Session of
the Virginia General Assembly (Chapter 824 of the 2009 Acts of Assembly).
HB 2506 authorizes Virginia's electric utilities to seek rate adjustment clause
treatment of the "projected and actual costs . . . to design,
implement and operate energy efficiency programs, including a margin to be
recovered on operating expenses. . . ." Va. Code §
56-585.1 A 5 c. However, the legislation prohibits the utilities from
recovering the costs of these programs from "any customer that has a
verifiable history of having used more than 10 megawatts of demand from a
single meter of delivery." Id. Further, this 2009 legislation
prohibits program cost recovery from any large general service customer that
has, at its own expense, "implemented energy efficiency programs that have
produced or will produce measured and verified results consistent with industry
standards and other regulatory criteria stated in [§ 56‑585.1 A 5 c
of the Code]." Id. For purposes of this legislation, large
general service customers are customers that have "a verifiable history of
having used more than 500 kilowatts of demand from a single meter of
delivery." Id.
HB 2506
also directed the State Corporation Commission ("the Commission") to
promulgate rules and regulations not later than November 15, 2009,
"to accommodate the process under which such large general service customers
shall file notice for such an exemption, and (i) establish the
administrative procedures by which eligible customers will notify the utility
and (ii) define the standard criteria that must be satisfied by an
applicant in order to notify the utility." § 56‑585.1 A 5 c
of the Code. The legislation also specifies that a "notice of
nonparticipation by a large general service customer, to be given by
March 1 of a given year, shall be for the duration of the service life of
the customer's energy efficiency program." Id. HB 2506
further directs that the Commission's implementing regulations will specify the
timing as to when the utility must accept and act on any such notice
"taking into consideration the utility's integrated resource planning
process as well as its administration of energy efficiency programs that are
approved for cost recovery by the Commission." Id.
Pertinent to
this rulemaking, HB 2506 also provides that the Commission "on its
own motion may initiate steps necessary to verify such non‑participants'
achievement of energy efficiency if the Commission has a body of evidence that
the non‑participant has knowingly misrepresented its energy efficiency
achievement." § 56‑585.1 A 5 c of the
Code. Finally, the Virginia General Assembly directs in HB 2506 that
"[I]n all relevant proceedings pursuant to this section, the Commission
shall take into consideration, the goals of economic development, energy
efficiency and environmental protection in the Commonwealth." Id.
The Commission's
Staff ("Staff") has prepared proposed rules implementing the
exemption process outlined above ("Proposed Rules"). The
Proposed Rules, inter alia, set forth (i) administrative procedures
for notices of non‑participation to be provided by large general service customers
to electric utilities, (ii) standard criteria for such notices of
non-participation, and (iii) dispute resolution procedures governing all
disputes arising out of the exemption process.1 The Proposed Rules
are appended hereto.
COMMISSION, upon consideration of the foregoing, is of the opinion and finds
that a rulemaking proceeding should be initiated for the purpose of
establishing rules of the Commission governing exemptions for large general
service customers under § 56‑585.1 A 5 c of the Code
of Virginia, all as directed by the Virginia General Assembly in HB 2506
enacted in its 2009 Session. Accordingly, we will direct that notice
of the Proposed Rules be given to the public and that interested persons be
provided an opportunity to file written comments on, propose modifications or
supplements to, or request a hearing on these Proposed Rules.
Accordingly, IT
(1) This
matter is docketed and assigned Case No. PUE-2009-00071.
(2) The
Commission's Division of Information Resources shall forward a copy of this
Order to the Registrar of Regulation for publication in the Virginia Register.
(3) On or
before August 14, 2009, the Commission's Division of Information Resources
shall publish the following notice as classified advertising in newspapers of
general circulation throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia.
§ 56-585.1 A 5 c OF THE CODE OF VIRGINIA
CASE NO. PUE-2009-00071
The State Corporation
Commission ("Commission") has initiated a proceeding in which it
proposes to establish Commission rules governing exemptions for large general
service customers under § 56‑585.1 A 5 c of the Code
of Virginia, all as directed by the Virginia General Assembly in HB 2506
enacted in the General Assembly's 2009 Session.
HB 2506 authorizes
Virginia's electric utilities to seek rate recovery from its customers of the
projected and actual costs to design, implement and operate energy efficiency
programs, including a margin to be recovered on operating expenses. Pertinent
to this rulemaking, however, the legislation bars utility recovery of these
costs from any large general service customer that has, at its own expense,
implemented certain energy efficiency programs. Large general service customers
are customers that have a verifiable history of having used more than
500 kilowatts of demand (but less than 10 megawatts) from a single
meter of delivery.
The Virginia General
Assembly also directed the Commission in HB 2506 to promulgate rules and
regulations not later than November 15, 2009, to accommodate the process
under which such large general service customers may file notice for such an exemption,
and further to (i) establish the administrative procedures by which
eligible customers will notify the utility, and (ii) define the standard
criteria that must be satisfied by an applicant in order to notify the utility.
The Commission's Staff has prepared
proposed rules implementing the rulemaking directed by HB 2506
("Proposed Rules"). The Proposed Rules, inter alia, set forth
(i) administrative procedures for notices of non-participation to be
provided by large general service customers to electric utilities,
(ii) standard criteria for such notices of non-participation, and
(iii) dispute resolution procedures governing all disputes arising out of
the exemption process. The Commission has, by Order for Notice and Comment,
directed that notice of the Proposed Rules (appended to that Order) be given to
the public and that interested persons be provided an opportunity to file
written comments on, propose modifications or supplements to, or request a
hearing on these Proposed Rules.
Interested persons are
encouraged to obtain copies of this Commission Order for Notice and Comment and
the Proposed Rules. Copies are available for public inspection at the
Commission's Document Control Center, Tyler Building, First Floor,
1300 East Main Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219, Monday through Friday,
8:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Copies may also be downloaded from the
Commission's website: http://www.scc.virginia.gov/case.
On or before
September 3, 2009, any interested person may comment on, or propose
modifications or supplements to, or request a hearing on the Proposed Rules by
filing an original and fifteen (15) copies of such comments with the Clerk of
the Commission, c/o Document Control Center, P.O. Box 2118, Richmond,
Virginia 23218‑2118, making reference in such comments to Case No. PUE‑2009‑00071.
Any request for hearing shall state with specificity why the issues raised in
the request for hearing cannot be adequately addressed in written comments. If
a sufficient request for hearing is not received, the Commission may consider
the matter and enter an order based upon the papers filed in this
proceeding. Interested persons desiring to submit comments electronically
may do so by following the instructions available at the Commission's
website: http://www.scc.virginia.gov/case.
All filings in this
proceeding shall be directed to the Clerk of the Commission, c/o Document
Control Center, P.O. Box 2118, Richmond, Virginia 23218‑2118, making
reference in such comments to Case No. PUE‑2009‑00071.
(4) On or
before September 3, 2009, any interested person may comment on, propose
modifications or supplements to, or request a hearing on the Proposed Rules by
filing an original and fifteen (15) copies of such comments with the Clerk of
the Commission, c/o Document Control Center, P.O. Box 2118, Richmond,
Virginia 23218‑2118, making reference in such comments to Case No. PUE‑2009‑00071.
Any request for hearing shall state with specificity why the issues raised in
the request for hearing cannot be adequately addressed in written comments. If
a sufficient request for hearing is not received, the Commission may consider
the matter and enter an order based upon the papers filed herein. Interested
persons desiring to submit comments electronically may do so by following the
instructions available at the Commission's website:
(5) The
Commission Staff may file a report with the Clerk of the Commission on or
before September 24, 2009, concerning comments submitted to the Commission
by interested persons addressing the Proposed Rules.
(6) This
matter is continued for further orders of the Commission.
hereof shall be sent by the Clerk of the Commission to: Pamela J. Walker,
Deputy General Counsel, Dominion Virginia Power, Law Department PH‑1,
P.O. Box 26532, Richmond, Virginia 23261-6532; Barry Thomas, Director of
Regulatory Affairs, America Electric Power, Three James Center, Suite 702,
1051 East Cary Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219; Kendrick R. Riggs,
Esquire, Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC, 2000 PNC Plaza, 500 West Jefferson
Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202; Jeffrey P. Trout, Esquire, Allegheny
Power, 800 Cabin Hill Road, Greensburg, Pennsylvania 15601; C. Meade
Browder, Jr., Senior Assistant Attorney General, Division of Consumer Counsel,
Office of Attorney General, 900 East Main Street, 2nd Floor, Richmond,
Virginia 23219; and the Commission's Office of General Counsel and Divisions of
Economics and Finance and Energy Regulation.
1 The
Proposed Rules establish a new Chapter 316 in the Virginia Administrative Code,
consisting of sections 20 VAC 5‑316‑10 through
20 VAC 5‑316‑40.
20VAC5-316-10. Applicability and scope.
This chapter
is promulgated pursuant to the provisions of § 56-585.1 A 5 c of the
Virginia Electric Utility Regulation Act, Chapter 23 (§ 56-576 et seq.) of
Title 56 of the Code of Virginia. This chapter is specifically applicable to
the large general service customers (customers or customer) of Virginia's
electric utilities (utilities or utility) subject to the provisions of
§ 56-585.1 A 5 c, if the customers have verifiable histories of using more
than 500 kilowatts but less than 10 megawatts of demand from a single metering
point. Customers are eligible for an exemption from any rate adjustment clause
approved for a utility by the State Corporation Commission (commission)
pursuant to § 56-585.1 A 5 c of the Code of Virginia, if any customer can
demonstrate that it has implemented an energy efficiency program (program), at
the customer's expense, that has produced or will produce measured and verified
20VAC5-316-20. Administrative procedures for notice to utility.
A. Any customer
seeking to establish its exemption from a rate adjustment clause authorized by
the commission pursuant to § 56-585.1 A 5 c shall provide a notice of
nonparticipation concerning the rate adjustment clause to its utility on or
before March 1 of the year in which an exemption is sought. The notice of
nonparticipation shall be concurrently filed by the customer with the
commission's Division of Energy Regulation.
B. Upon
receipt of the notice of nonparticipation, a utility shall, within 60 days
thereof, review the same, and shall accept or deny the exemption request. In
the event the utility fails to accept or deny the exemption request within that
60-day period, the exemption shall be deemed accepted by the utility. The
utility's acceptance or denial of any exemption request shall be concurrently
filed by the utility with the commission's Division of Energy Regulation.
20VAC5-316-30. Standard criteria for notice to utility.
A. Each notice
of nonparticipation shall identify the customer, the customer's billing address
and utility account number, and the location of the specific facility and
metering point for which any such exemption is being sought.
B. The notice
of nonparticipation shall also contain copies of all receipts and invoices
documenting the customer's investment in any program.
C. The notice
of nonparticipation shall describe the energy efficiency savings achieved or
expected to be achieved from its investment in its program and the specific
measures undertaken to achieve those savings.
D. The notice
of nonparticipation shall include information concerning any anticipated change
in operations that may affect achieved or expected energy efficiency savings,
including (i) changes in operating hours or equipment efficiency; (ii) any
changes required to comply with new or existing standards, a partial facility
closure, a modification of a production shift, or improved quality of
maintenance; (iii) the life expectancy of the energy efficiency measures
undertaken; and (iv) ongoing maintenance activities necessary to maintain
energy efficiency improvements.
E. To qualify
for the exemption, each customer shall demonstrate energy efficiency savings
equal to or greater than the percentage energy efficiency reductions expected
to be achieved by its utility's energy efficiency programs for which the
commission has approved a rate adjustment clause pursuant to § 56-585.1 A
5 c of the Code of Virginia.
F. Each
notice of nonparticipation shall also include a measurement and verification
plan conforming to the protocol set forth in the definition of "measured
and verified" as provided in § 56-576 of the Code of Virginia.
20VAC5-316-40. Dispute resolution.
A. Customers
and utilities shall seek to resolve all disputes arising out of the exemption
process established under this chapter pursuant to the provisions of this
B. In the
event of any such dispute, either party shall furnish the other a written
notice of dispute. The notice shall describe in detail the nature of the
dispute. The parties shall make good faith efforts to resolve the dispute
informally within 10 business days of the receipt of such notice.
C. If any
such dispute has not been resolved within 10 business days following receipt of
the notice, either party may seek resolution assistance from the commission's
Division of Energy Regulation where such matter will be treated as an informal
complaint under the commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure (5VAC5-20).
the parties may, upon mutual agreement, seek resolution through the assistance
of a dispute resolution service for the purpose of assisting the parties in (i)
resolving the dispute, or (ii) selecting an appropriate dispute resolution
method or mechanism (e.g., mediation, settlement judge, early neutral
evaluation, or technical expert) to assist the parties in resolving their
dispute. In any such dispute resolution proceeding, each party shall conduct
all negotiations in good faith and shall be responsible for 1/2 of any charges
for such services.
D. If any
such dispute remains unresolved following the parties' good faith exercise of
the dispute resolution alternatives set forth in this section, either party may
file a formal complaint with the commission pursuant to the commission's Rules
of Practice and Procedure.
VA.R. Doc. No. R09-2071;
Filed July 29, 2009, 10:42 a.m.