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REGULATIONS (26:1 VA.R. September 14, 2009)

4VAC20-252. Pertaining to the Taking of Striped Bass (Final)
4VAC20-610. Pertaining to Commercial Fishing and Mandatory Harvest Reporting (Final)
4VAC20-620. Pertaining to Summer Flounder (Emergency)
4VAC20-1040. Pertaining to Crabbing Licenses (Final)
4VAC20-1070. Pertaining to Haul Seines (Final)
4VAC20-1090. Pertaining to Licensing Requirements and License Fees (Final)
4VAC20-1180. Pertaining to Fishing Guides (Final)
4VAC20-1220. Pertaining to Separation Between Nets (Final)
6VAC20-260. Regulations Relating to Bail Enforcement Agents (Final)
6VAC35-30. Regulations for State Reimbursement of Local Juvenile Residential Facility Costs (Proposed)
8VAC20-150. Management of the Student's Scholastic Record in the Public Schools of Virginia (Proposed)
8VAC20-180. Regulations Governing School Community Programs (Proposed)
8VAC20-210. Classifications of Expenditures (Proposed)
8VAC20-240. Regulations Governing School Activity Funds (Proposed)
8VAC20-250. Regulations Governing the Testing of Sight and Hearing of Pupils (Proposed)
8VAC20-310. Rules Governing Instructions Concerning Drugs and Substance Abuse (Proposed)
8VAC20-320. Regulations Governing Physical and Health Education (Proposed)
8VAC20-390. Rules Governing Division Superintendent of Schools (Proposed)
8VAC20-410. Regulations Governing Allowable Credit for Teaching Experience (Proposed)
8VAC20-420. Regulations Governing Personnel in Public School Libraries Operated Under Joint Contract Under Control of Local School Board or Boards (Proposed)
8VAC20-460. Regulations Governing Sick Leave Plan for Teachers (Proposed)
8VAC20-490. Regulations Governing School Boards Local (Proposed)
8VAC20-565. Regulations for the Protection of Students As Participants in Human Research (Proposed)
8VAC20-720. Regulations Governing Local Boards and School Divisions (Proposed)

8VAC40-120. Guidelines for Determining Domicile and Eligibility for In-State Tuition Rates (Final)
12VAC5-550. Board of Health Regulations Governing Vital Records (Final)
13VAC5-112. Enterprise Zone Grant Program Regulation (Final)
13VAC6-20. Manufactured Housing Licensing and Transaction Recovery Fund Regulations (Proposed)
18VAC50-22. Board for Contractors Regulations (Proposed)
18VAC50-30. Individual License and Certification Regulations (Proposed)
18VAC115-20. Regulations Governing the Practice of Professional Counseling (Final)
18VAC115-30. Regulations Governing the Certification of Substance Abuse Counselors and
Substance Abuse Counseling (Final)
18VAC115-40. Regulations Governing the Certification of Rehabilitation Providers (Final)
18VAC115-50. Regulations Governing the Practice of Marriage and Family Therapy (Final)
18VAC115-60. Regulations Governing the Practice of Licensed Substance Abuse Treatment Practitioners (Final)

18VAC135-30. Condominium Regulations (Final)
20VAC5-317. Rates for Standby Service Furnished to Certain Renewable Cogeneration Facilities Pursuant to ยง 56-235.1:1 of the Code of Virginia (Proposed)
22VAC40-910. General Provisions for Maintaining and Disclosing Confidential Information of Public Assistance, Child Support Enforcement, and Social Services Records (Final)
23VAC10-210. Retail Sales and Use Tax (Final)
24VAC30-73. Access Management Regulations: Minor Arterials, Collectors, and Local Streets (Final)

This page last updated 9/14/09.


General Assembly Building, 910 Capitol Street, 2nd Floor, Richmond, VA 23219 Telephone (804) 786-3591 FAX (804) 692-0625