Final Regulation
Title of Regulation: 3VAC5-70. Other Provisions (adding 3VAC5-70-225).
Statutory Authority: §§ 4.1-103, 4.1-111, and 4.1-212.1 of the Code of Virginia.
Effective Date: October 28, 2009.
Agency Contact: Jeffrey L. Painter, Legislative and Regulatory Coordinator, Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, P.O. Box 27491, Richmond, VA 23261, telephone (804) 213-4621, FAX (804) 213-4411, TTY (804) 213-4687, or email jeffrey.painter@abc.virginia.gov.
Chapters 99 and 799 of the 2007 Acts of Assembly are identical enactments, creating a new delivery permit that may be issued by the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to certain alcoholic beverage manufacturers or retailers. The regulation details the application, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements for delivery permittees.
Summary of Public Comments and Agency's Response: A summary of comments made by the public and the agency's response may be obtained from the promulgating agency or viewed at the office of the Registrar of Regulations.
3VAC5-70-225. Delivery permits; application process; records and reports.
A. Any person or entity qualified for a delivery permit pursuant to § 4.1-212.1 of the Code of Virginia must apply for such permit by submitting Form 805-52, Retail License Application. The applicant shall attach (i) a photocopy of its current license as a winery, farm winery, brewery, or alcoholic beverage retailer that is authorized to sell wine or beer at retail for off-premises consumption, issued by the appropriate authority for the location from which deliveries will be made and (ii) evidence of the applicant's registration with the Virginia Department of Taxation for the collection of Virginia retail sales tax.
B. Delivery permittees shall maintain for two years complete and accurate records of all deliveries made under the privileges of such permits, including for each delivery:
1. Number of containers delivered;
2. Volume of each container delivered;
3. Brand of each container delivered;
4. Names and addresses of recipients;
5. Signature of recipient; and
6. Price charged for the wine or beer delivered.
The records required by this subsection shall be made available for inspection and copying by any member of the board or its special agents upon request.
C. On or before the 15th day of each month, each delivery permittee shall file with the Supervisor, Tax Management Section, a report of activity for the previous calendar month, if any deliveries were made during the month. Such report shall include the following information for each delivery:
1. Number of containers delivered;
2. Volume of each container delivered;
3. Brand of each container delivered;
4. Names and addresses of recipients; and
5. Price charged for the wine or beer delivered.
Unless previously paid, payment of the appropriate beer or wine tax imposed by § 4.1-234 or 4.1-236 of the Code of Virginia shall accompany each report. If no wine or beer was sold and delivered in any month, the permittee shall not be required to submit a report for that month; however, every permittee must submit a report no less frequently than once every 12 months even if no sales or deliveries have been made in the preceding 12 months.
D. All deliveries by holders of delivery permits shall be performed by the owner or any agent, officer, director, shareholder, or employee of the permittee.
E. No more than four cases of wine nor more than four cases of beer may be delivered at one time to any person, except that a permittee may deliver more than four cases of wine or more than four cases of beer if he notifies the Supervisor, Tax Management Section, in writing at least one business day in advance of such delivery. Any notice given pursuant to this section shall include the number of containers to be delivered, the volume of each container to be delivered, the brand of each container to be delivered, and the name and address of the intended recipient.
F. When attempting to deliver wine or beer pursuant to a delivery permit, an owner, agent, officer, director, shareholder, or employee of the permittee shall require:
1. The recipient to demonstrate, upon delivery, that he is at least 21 years of age; and
2. The recipient to sign an electronic or paper form or other acknowledgment of receipt that allows the maintenance of the records required by this section.
The owner, agent, officer, director, shareholder, or employee of the permittee shall refuse delivery when the proposed recipient appears to be under the age of 21 years and refuses to present valid identifications. All permittees delivering wine or beer pursuant to this section shall affix a conspicuous notice in 16-point type or larger to the outside of each package of wine or beer delivered in the Commonwealth, in a conspicuous location stating: "CONTAINS ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES; SIGNATURE OF PERSON AGED 21 YEARS OR OLDER REQUIRED FOR DELIVERY." Such notice shall also contain the delivery permit number of the delivering permittee.
NOTICE: The forms used in administering the above regulation are not being published; however, the name of each form is listed below. The forms are available for public inspection by contacting the agency contact for this regulation, or at the office of the Registrar of Regulations, General Assembly Building, 2nd Floor, Richmond, Virginia.
FORMS (3VAC5-70)
Order and Permit for Transportation of Alcohol, #703-69 (eff. 11/87).
Order and Permit for Transportation of Alcoholic Beverages, #703-73.
Mixed Beverage Annual Review-Instructions for Completion, #805-44 (rev. 11/06).
Application for Off Premises Keg Permit, #805-45 (eff. 1/93).
Retail License Application, #805-52 (rev. [ 7/08)
5/09) ].
Application for Grain Alcohol Permit, #805-75.
Special Event License Application Addendum-Notice to Special Event Licenses Applicants, Form SE-1 (rev.08/02).
Statement of Income & Expenses for Special Event Licenses (with instructions), Form SE-2 (rev.08/02).
VA.R. Doc. No. R08-928; Filed September 9, 2009, 12:17 p.m.