Vol. 30 Iss. 20 - June 02, 2014

Chapter 20
Proposed Regulation

Title of Regulation: 4VAC15-20. Definitions and Miscellaneous: In General (amending 4VAC15-20-65, 4VAC15-20-130).

Statutory Authority: §§ 29.1-103, 29.1-501, and 29.1-502 of the Code of Virginia.

Public Hearing Information:

June 10, 2014 - 9 a.m. - Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, 4000 West Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23230

Public Comment Deadline: May 26, 2014.

Agency Contact: Phil Smith, Regulatory Coordinator, Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, 4010 West Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23230, telephone (804) 367-8341, or email


The proposed amendments (i) establish a new combined license for persons hunting with a bow and arrow or a crossbow at a cost of $17 for residents and $30 for nonresidents; (ii) allow nonresident veterans who are totally and permanently disabled due to a service-connected disability to purchase annual licenses to hunt or fish at a cost equal to one-quarter the fee for the state nonresident hunting or fishing license; (iii) establish a license for hunting foxes on horseback with hounds without firearms, at the cost of the standard hunting license; (iv) make corrections to the license fee table; (v) adopt the updated and modified federal list of endangered and threatened wildlife species; and (vi) remove the slabside pearlymussel from the Virginia List of Endangered and Threatened Species and correct errors in scientific or common names of species on the list.

4VAC15-20-65. Hunting, trapping, and fishing license and permit fees.

In accordance with the authority of the board under subdivision 16 of § 29.1-103 (16) of the Code of Virginia, the following fees are established for hunting, trapping, and fishing licenses and permits:

Virginia Resident Licenses to Hunt

Type license


1-year Resident License to Hunt, for licensees 16 years of age or older


2-year Resident License to Hunt, for licensees 16 years of age or older


3-year Resident License to Hunt, for licensees 16 years of age or older


4-year Resident License to Hunt, for licensees 16 years of age or older


County or City Resident License to Hunt in County or City of Residence Only, for licensees 16 years of age or older


Resident Senior Citizen Annual License to Hunt, for licensees 65 years of age or older


Resident Junior License to Hunt, for licensees 12 through 15 years of age, optional for licensees under 12 years of age


Resident Youth Combination License to Hunt, and to hunt bear, deer, and turkey, to hunt with bow and arrow during archery hunting season, and to hunt with muzzleloading guns during muzzleloading hunting season, for licensees under 16 years of age


Resident Sportsman License to Hunt and Freshwater Fish, and to hunt bear, deer, and turkey, to hunt with bow and arrow or a crossbow during archery hunting season, to hunt with muzzleloading guns during muzzleloading hunting season, to fish in designated stocked trout waters, and to hunt with a crossbow (also listed under Virginia Resident Licenses to Fish)


Resident Junior Lifetime License to Hunt, for licensees under 12 years of age at the time of purchase


Resident Lifetime License to Hunt, for licensees at the time of purchase:

through 44 years of age


45 through 50 years of age


51 through 55 years of age


56 through 60 years of age


61 through 64 years of age


65 years of age and over


Resident Hunting License for Partially Disabled Veterans


Totally and Permanently Disabled Resident Special Lifetime License to Hunt


Service-Connected Totally and Permanently Disabled Veteran Resident Lifetime License to Hunt and or Freshwater Fish (also listed under Virginia Resident Licenses to Fish)

$15.00 no fee

Virginia Resident Licenses for Additional Hunting Privileges

Type license or permit


Resident Bear, Deer, and Turkey Hunting License, for licensees 16 years of age or older


Resident Junior Bear, Deer, and Turkey Hunting License, for licensees under 16 years of age


Resident Archery License to Hunt with bow and arrow or crossbow during archery hunting season


Resident Crossbow License to Hunt with crossbow during archery hunting season


Resident Muzzleloading License to Hunt during muzzleloading hunting season


Resident Bonus Deer Permit


Resident Fox Hunting License to hunt foxes on horseback with hounds without firearms (not required of an individual holding a general License to Hunt)


Virginia Nonresident Licenses to Hunt

Type license


Nonresident License to Hunt, for licensees 16 years of age or older


Nonresident Three-Day Trip License to Hunt


Nonresident Youth License to Hunt, for licensees:

under 12 years of age


12 through 15 years of age


Nonresident Youth Combination License to Hunt, and to hunt bear, deer, and turkey, to hunt with bow and arrow during archery hunting season, and to hunt with muzzleloading guns during muzzleloading hunting season, for licensees under 16 years of age


Nonresident Annual Hunting License for Partially Disabled Veterans


Nonresident Annual Hunting License for Totally and Permanently Disabled Veterans


Nonresident Lifetime License to Hunt


Virginia Nonresident Licenses for Additional Hunting Privileges

Type license or permit


Nonresident Bear, Deer, and Turkey Hunting License, for licensees:

16 years of age or older


12 through 15 years of age


under 12 years of age


Nonresident Archery License to Hunt with bow and arrow or crossbow during archery hunting season


Nonresident Crossbow License to Hunt with crossbow during archery hunting season


Nonresident Muzzleloading License to Hunt during muzzleloading hunting season


Nonresident Shooting Preserve License to Hunt within the boundaries of a licensed shooting preserve


Nonresident Bonus Deer Permit


Nonresident Fox Hunting License to hunt foxes on horseback with hounds without firearms (not required of an individual holding a general License to Hunt)


Miscellaneous Licenses or Permits to Hunt

Type license or permit


Waterfowl Hunting Stationary Blind in Public Waters License


Waterfowl Hunting Floating Blind in Public Waters License


Foxhound Training Preserve License


Public Access Lands for Sportsmen Permit to Hunt, Trap, or Fish on Designated Lands (also listed under Miscellaneous Licenses or Permits to Fish)


Virginia Resident and Nonresident Licenses to Trap

Type license


1-year Resident License to Trap, for licensees 16 years of age or older


2-year Resident License to Trap, for licensees 16 years of age or older


3-year Resident License to Trap, for licensees 16 years of age or older


4-year Resident License to Trap, for licensees 16 years of age or older


County or City Resident License to Trap in County or City of Residence Only


Resident Junior License to Trap, for licensees under 16 years of age


Resident Senior Citizen License to Trap, for licensees 65 years of age or older


Resident Senior Citizen Lifetime License to Trap, for licensees 65 years of age or older


Totally and Permanently Disabled Resident Special Lifetime License to Trap


Service-Connected Totally and Permanently Disabled Veteran Resident Lifetime License to Trap


Nonresident License to Trap


Virginia Resident Licenses to Fish

Type license


1-year Resident License to Freshwater Fish


2-year Resident License to Freshwater Fish


3-year Resident License to Freshwater Fish


4-year Resident License to Freshwater Fish


County or City Resident License to Freshwater Fish in County or City of Residence Only


Resident License to Freshwater Fish, for licensees 65 years of age or older


Resident License to Fish in Designated Stocked Trout Waters


Resident License to Freshwater and Saltwater Fish


Resident License to Freshwater Fish for Five Consecutive Days


Resident License to Freshwater and Saltwater Fish for Five Consecutive Days


Resident Sportsman License to Hunt and Freshwater Fish, and to hunt bear, deer, and turkey, to hunt with bow and arrow or crossbow during archery hunting season, to hunt with muzzleloading guns during muzzleloading hunting season, to fish in designated stocked trout waters, and to hunt with a crossbow (also listed under Virginia Resident Licenses to Hunt)


Resident Special Lifetime License to Freshwater Fish, for licensees at the time of purchase:

through 44 years of age


45 through 50 years of age


51 through 55 years of age


56 through 60 years of age


61 through 64 years of age


65 years of age and over


Resident Special Lifetime License to Fish in Designated Stocked Trout Waters, for licensees at the time of purchase:

through 44 years of age


45 through 50 years of age


51 through 55 years of age


56 through 60 years of age


61 through 64 years of age


65 years of age and over


Resident Fishing License for Partially Disabled Veterans


Totally and Permanently Disabled Resident Special Lifetime License to Freshwater Fish


Service-Connected Totally and Permanently Disabled Veteran Resident Lifetime License to Hunt and Freshwater Fish (also listed under Virginia Resident Licenses to Hunt)

$15.00 no fee

Virginia Nonresident Licenses to Fish

Type license


Nonresident License to Freshwater Fish


Nonresident License to Freshwater Fish in Designated Stocked Trout Waters


Nonresident License to Freshwater and Saltwater Fish


Nonresident Fishing License for Partially Disabled Veterans


Nonresident Annual Fishing License for Totally and Permanently Disabled Veterans


Nonresident License to Freshwater Fish for One Day


Nonresident License to Freshwater Fish for Five Consecutive Days


Nonresident License to Freshwater and Saltwater Fish for Five Consecutive Days


Nonresident Special Lifetime License to Freshwater Fish


Nonresident Special Lifetime License to in Fish in Designated Stocked Trout Waters


Miscellaneous Licenses or Permits to Fish

Type license or permit


Permit to Fish for One Day at Board-Designated Stocked Trout Fishing Areas with Daily Use Fees


Public Access Lands for Sportsmen Permit to Hunt, Trap, or Fish on Designated Lands (also listed under Miscellaneous Licenses or Permits to Hunt)


Special Guest Fishing License


4VAC15-20-130. Endangered and threatened species; adoption of federal list; additional species enumerated.

A. The board hereby adopts the Federal Endangered and Threatened Species List, Endangered Species Act of December 28, 1973 (16 USC §§ 1531-1543), as amended as of August 13, 2012 February 24, 2014, and declares all species listed thereon to be endangered or threatened species in the Commonwealth. Pursuant to § 29.1-103.12 of the Code of Virginia, the director of the department is hereby delegated authority to propose adoption of modifications and amendments to the Federal Endangered and Threatened Species List in accordance with the procedures of §§ 29.1-501 and 29.1-502 of the Code of Virginia.

B. In addition to the provisions of subsection A of this section, the following species are declared endangered or threatened in this Commonwealth, and are afforded the protection provided by Article 6 (§ 29.1-563 et seq.) of Chapter 5 of Title 29.1 of the Code of Virginia:

1. Fish:


Dace, Tennessee

Phoxinus tennesseensis

Darter, sharphead

Etheostoma acuticeps

Darter, variegate

Etheostoma variatum

Sunfish, blackbanded

Enneacanthus chaetodon


Darter, Carolina

Etheostoma collis

Darter, golden

Etheostoma denoncourti

Darter, greenfin

Etheostoma chlorobranchium

Darter, longhead sickle

Percina macrocephala willliamsi

Darter, western sand

Ammocrypta clara

Madtom, orangefin

Noturus gilberti


Polyodon spathula

Shiner, emerald

Notropis atherinoides

Shiner, steelcolor

Cyprinella whipplei

Shiner, whitemouth

Notropis alborus

2. Amphibians:


Salamander, eastern tiger

Ambystoma tigrinum tigrinum


Salamander, Mabee's

Ambystoma mabeei

Treefrog, barking

Hyla gratiosa

3. Reptiles:


Rattlesnake, canebrake (Coastal Plain population of timber rattlesnake)

Crotalus horridus

Turtle, bog

Glyptemys muhlenbergii

Turtle, eastern chicken

Deirochelys reticularia reticularia


Lizard, eastern glass

Ophisaurus ventralis

Turtle, wood

Glyptemys insculpta

4. Birds:


Plover, Wilson's

Charadrius wilsonia

Rail, black

Laterallus jamaicensis

Wren, Bewick's

Thryomanes bewicki bewickii bewickii


Falcon, peregrine

Falco peregrinus

Sandpiper, upland

Bartramia longicauda

Shrike, loggerhead

Lanius ludovicianus

Sparrow, Bachman's

Aimophila aestivalis

Sparrow, Henslow's

Ammodramus henslowii

Tern, gull-billed

Sterna nilotica

5. Mammals:


Bat, Rafinesque's eastern big-eared

Corynorhinus rafinesquii macrotis

Hare, snowshoe

Lepus americanus

Shrew, American water

Sorex palustris

Vole, rock

Microtus chrotorrhinus


Shrew, Dismal Swamp southeastern

Sorex longirostris fisheri

6. Molluscs:


Ghostsnail, thankless

Holsingeria unthanksensis

Coil, rubble

Helicodiscus lirellus

Coil, shaggy

Helicodiscus diadema


Truncilla truncata


Elliptio crassidens

Elimia, spider

Elimia arachnoidea

Floater, brook

Alasmidonta varicosa

Heelsplitter, Tennessee

Lasmigona holstonia

Lilliput, purple

Toxolasma lividus

Mussel, slippershell

Alasmidonta viridis

Pigtoe, Ohio cordatum

Pleurobema cordatum

Pigtoe, pyramid

Pleurobema rubrum

Springsnail, Appalachian

Fontigens bottimeri

Springsnail (no common name)

Fonitgens morrisoni

Supercoil, spirit

Paravitrea hera


Floater, green

Lasmigona subviridis

Papershell, fragile

Leptodea fragilis

Pearlymussel, slabside

Lexingtonia dolabelloides

Pigtoe, Atlantic



Quadrula pustulosa pustulosa


Tritogonia verrucosa

Riversnail, spiny


Sandshell, black

Ligumia recta

Supercoil, brown

Paravitrea septadens

7. Arthropods:


Amphipod, Madison Cave

Stygobromus stegerorum

Pseudotremia, Ellett Valley

Pseudotremia cavernarum

Xystodesmid, Laurel Creek

Sigmoria whiteheadi

8. Crustaceans:


Crayfish, Big Sandy

Cambarus veteranus

C. It shall be unlawful to take, transport, process, sell, or offer for sale within the Commonwealth any threatened or endangered species of fish or wildlife except as authorized by law.

VA.R. Doc. No. R14-4038; Filed May 14, 2014, 10:23 a.m.