Vol. 34 Iss. 9 - December 25, 2017


Notice of Periodic Review and Small Business Impact Review

Pursuant to Executive Order 17 (2014) and §§ 2.2-4007.1 and 2.2-4017 of the Code of Virginia, the State Board of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services is currently reviewing each of the regulations listed below to determine whether the regulation should be repealed, amended, or retained in its current form. The review of each regulation will be guided by the principles in Executive Order 17 (2014). Public comment is sought on the review of any issue relating to each regulation, including whether the regulation (i) is necessary for the protection of public health, safety, and welfare or for the economical performance of important governmental functions; (ii) minimizes the economic impact on small businesses in a manner consistent with the stated objectives of applicable law; and (iii) is clearly written and easily understandable.

12VAC35-46, Regulations for Children's Residential Facilities

Contact Information: Emily Bowles, Legal Coordinator, Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, P.O. Box 1797, Richmond, VA 23218-1797, telephone (804) 225-3281, FAX (804) 692-0066, or email

12VAC35-230, Operation of the Individual and Family Support Program

Contact Information: Erika Jones-Haskins, Community Coordinator, Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, P.O. Box 1797, Richmond, VA 23218-1797, telephone (804) 786-5813, FAX (804) 692-0077, or email

The comment period begins December 25, 2017, and ends February 8, 2018.

Comments must include the commenter's name and address (physical or email) information in order to receive a response to the comment from the agency. Following the close of the public comment period, a report of both reviews will be posted on the Town Hall, and a report of the small business impact review will be published in the Virginia Register of Regulations.

Proposed Renewal of Variances to Regulations to Assure the Rights of Individuals Receiving Services from Providers Licensed, Funded, or Operated by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (12VAC35-115)

Notice of action: The Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS), in accordance with Part IV Variances (12VAC35-115-220) of the Regulations to Assure the Rights of Individuals Receiving Services from Providers Licensed, Funded, or Operated by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (12VAC35-115), hereafter referred to as the "Human Rights Regulations," is announcing an opportunity for public comment on the following application for renewal of existing variances to the Human Rights Regulations that are presently before the State Human Rights Committee (SHRC) for consideration. The purpose of the regulations is to ensure and protect the legal and human rights of individuals receiving services in facilities or programs licensed, funded, or operated by DBHDS.

After considering all available information, including comments, the SHRC will issue a written decision deferring, disapproving, modifying, or approving each renewal application. The decision and reasons behind it will be published in a later issue of the Virginia Register of Regulations.

Purpose of notice: DBHDS is seeking comment on the applications for renewal of the following existing variances to the Human Rights Regulations at the DBHDS Virginia Center for Behavioral Rehabilitation (VCBR). The variance applications for renewal demonstrate compliance with the general requirements of Part IV Variances (12VAC35-115-220) of the Human Rights Regulations.

Variance to complaint procedure:

The Human Rights Regulations provide a comprehensive complaint resolution process that includes access to a local human rights committee (LHRC) and the SHRC, articulated in the regulation sections specified below:

• 12VAC35-115-150: General Provisions

• 12VAC35-115-170: Formal Complaint Process

• 12VAC35-115-180: Local Human Rights Committee Hearing and Review Procedures

• 12VAC35-115-190: Special Procedures for Emergency Hearing by LHRC

• 12VAC35-115-200: Special Procedures for LHRC Reviews Involving Consent and Authorization

• 12VAC35-115-210: State Human Rights Committee Appeals Procedure

VCBR Facility Instruction No. 202, Resident Complaint Resolution, provides alternative procedures for addressing resident complaints to be followed in lieu of those specified in the above regulatory sections. VCBR's variances to these regulations are reviewed by the SHRC at least annually, with VCBR providing reports to the SHRC regarding the variances as requested.

Variance for rooms within medical unit with no windows:

VCBR has four bedrooms in its medical unit that do not meet the requirement of the italicized portion of the following regulation:

• 12VAC35-115-50 C 3 (d): Live in a humane, safe, sanitary environment that gives each individual, at a minimum, windows or skylights in all major areas used by individuals.

VCBR requests a variance to this regulation to enable it to utilize these bedrooms if a bedroom that meets the requirement is not available on a unit that meets an individual's needs. VCBR currently provides a monthly report to the SHRC on how many times rooms with no windows within the medical unit of VCBR are used during the previous month and will continue to do so.

Variance for double-bunking:

Following the mandate by the General Assembly (Chapter 806 of the 2011 Acts of Assembly), VCBR implemented double-bunking (two individuals residing in a single room). Although VCBR has attempted to maintain residents' privacy and a physical environment free from bad odors, this is not always possible. For this reason, VCBR requests a variance to the regulations listed below:

12VAC35-115-50 C 3 (a) and (e):

a) Reasonable privacy and private storage space

e) Clean air, free of bad odors

VCBR Facility Instruction No. 124, Resident Housing Assignment, describes how residents' housing assignments are determined and shall substitute for these regulations. VCBR provides a monthly report to the SHRC on how many residents are double-bunked, complaints received by residents regarding double-bunking, and any medication sessions treatment staff hold with roommates to resolve concerns related to double-bunking.

Public comment period: December 25, 2017, through January 25, 2018.

How to comment: DBHDS accepts written comments by email, fax, and postal mail. In order to be considered, comments must include the full name, address, and telephone number of the person commenting and be received by DBHDS by the last day of the comment period. All information received is part of the public record.

To review a proposal: The applications for variance and any supporting documents may be obtained by contacting the DBHDS representative named below.

Contact Information: Deborah Lochart, Director, Office of Human Rights, Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, P.O. Box 1797, Richmond, VA 23218-1797, telephone (804) 786-0032, FAX (804) 804-371-2308, TDD (804) 371-8977, or email


Dominion Energy Virginia Notice of Intent for Small Renewable Energy Project (Solar) Permit by Rule - Westmoreland County

Dominion Energy Virginia has provided the Department of Environmental Quality a notice of intent to submit the necessary documentation for a permit by rule for a small renewable energy project (Montross Solar) in Westmoreland County. The project will be located on approximately 230 acres at 150 Nelson Street, Westmoreland County. The solar facility will be comprised of ground-mounted fixed-tilt photovoltaic arrays and auxiliary equipment to provide approximately 20 megawatts alternating current of nameplace capacity.

Contact Information: Mary E. Major, Department of Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 1105, Richmond, VA 23218, telephone (804) 698-4423, FAX (804) 698-4510, or email

Grasshopper Solar LLC Notice of Intent for Small Renewable Energy Project (Solar) Permit by Rule - Mecklenburg County

A Notice of Intent from Grasshopper Solar LLC was previously published in the Virginia Register of Regulations on December 12, 2016, for a proposed small renewable solar energy project in Mecklenburg to be located north of Chase City. Grasshopper Solar LLC has provided the Department of Environmental Quality a revised notice of intent to submit the necessary documentation for a permit by rule for a small renewable solar energy project. The revised notice is proposing a 115-megawatt solar farm to be located across roughly 950 acres on one parcel in Mecklenburg County north of Chase City with borders along Routes 49 and 671. There is an existing transmission line bisecting the property, and a new substation is proposed to be built to connect to the grid.

Contact Information: Mary E. Major, Department of Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 1105, Richmond, VA 23218, telephone (804) 698-4423, FAX (804) 698-4510, or email

Spring Grove Solar II LLC Notice of Intent for Small Renewable Energy Project (Solar) Permit by Rule - Surry County

Spring Grove Solar II LLC has provided the Department of Environmental Quality a notice of intent to submit the necessary documentation for a permit by rule for a small renewable solar energy project (solar). The proposed project will be located to the northeast of the intersection of Colonial Trail (Route 10) and Swanns Point Road (Route 610) in Surry County. This project will have a maximum generating capacity of 150 megawatts alternating current across approximately 1338 acres on multiple parcels. The project will interconnect into the transmission line that bisects the site by way of a substation built on an adjacent parcel.

Contact Information: Mary E. Major, Department of Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 1105, Richmond, VA 23218, telephone (804) 698-4423, FAX (804) 698-4510, or email


Notice of Periodic Review and Small Business Impact Review

Pursuant to Executive Order 17 (2014) and §§ 2.2-4007.1 and 2.2-4017 of the Code of Virginia, the Virginia Fire Services Board is currently reviewing each of the regulations listed below to determine whether the regulation should be repealed, amended, or retained in its current form. The review of each regulation will be guided by the principles in Executive Order 17 (2014). Public comment is sought on the review of any issue relating to each regulation, including whether the regulation (i) is necessary for the protection of public health, safety, and welfare or for the economical performance of important governmental functions; (ii) minimizes the economic impact on small businesses in a manner consistent with the stated objectives of applicable law; and (iii) is clearly written and easily understandable.

19VAC15-20, Regulations Establishing Certification Standards for Fire Inspectors

19VAC15-30, Regulations Establishing the Certification Standards for Fire Investigators

Contact Information: Erin Rice, Community Risk Reduction Coordinator, Virginia State Fire Marshal's Office, Department of Fire Programs, 1005 Technology Park Drive, Glen Allen, VA 23059, telephone (804) 249-1975, or email

The comment period begins December 25, 2017, and ends January 25, 2018.

Comments must include the commenter's name and address (physical or email) information in order to receive a response to the comment from the agency. Following the close of the public comment period, a report of both reviews will be posted on the Virginia Regulatory Town Hall, and a report of the small business impact review will be published in the Virginia Register of Regulations.



Director's Orders

The following Director's Orders of the Virginia Lottery were filed with the Virginia Registrar of Regulations on December 6, 2017. The orders may be viewed at the Virginia Lottery, 600 East Main Street, Richmond, Virginia, or at the office of the Registrar of Regulations, 900 East Main Street, 11th Floor, Richmond, Virginia.

Director's Order Number One Hundred Sixty-Three (17)

Virginia Lottery "Publix March Madness, Scratcher Madness" Retailer Incentive Promotion (This Director's Order becomes effective on March 6, 2018, and shall remain in full force and effect through the end date of the incentive promotion, unless otherwise extended by the Director)

Director's Order Number One Hundred Sixty-Four (17)

Virginia Lottery "Debit Lunch Bag" Retailer Incentive Promotion (This Director's Order becomes effective on January 1, 2018, and shall remain in full force and effect through the end date of the incentive promotion, unless otherwise extended by the Director)

Director's Order Number One Hundred Sixty-Seven (17)

Virginia Lottery "Fas Mart April Scratch Growth Contest" (This Director's Order becomes effective on April 3, 2018, and shall remain in full force and effect through the end date of the incentive promotion, unless otherwise extended by the Director)

Director's Order Number One Hundred Sixty-Eight (17)

Virginia Lottery "Fas Rewards Double Points" Retailer Incentive Promotion (This Director's Order becomes effective on April 3, 2018, and shall remain in full force and effect through the end date of the incentive promotion, unless otherwise extended by the Director)

Director's Order Number One Hundred Seventy-Two (17)

Virginia Lottery "Beats® This Sales Contest" Retailer Incentive Promotion (This Director's Order becomes effective on April 3, 2018, and shall remain in full force and effect through the end date of the incentive promotion, unless otherwise extended by the Director)

Director's Order Number One Hundred Seventy-Five (17)

Virginia Lottery "Murphy USA Playbook Gas Discount" Retailer Incentive Promotion (This Director's Order becomes effective on February 6, 2018, and shall remain in full force and effect through the end date of the incentive promotion, unless otherwise extended by the Director)


Director's Order Number One Hundred Seventy-Six (17)

Virginia Lottery "$20 Playbook Dispenser Placement and Sales Contest" Retailer Incentive Promotion (This Director's Order becomes effective on February 1, 2018, and shall remain in full force and effect through the end date of the incentive promotion, unless otherwise extended by the Director)

Director's Order Number One Hundred Seventy-Eight (17)

Virginia Lottery "Sheetz Progressive Mystery Shop" Retailer Incentive Promotion (This Director's Order becomes effective on February 1, 2018, and shall remain in full force and effect through the end date of the incentive promotion, unless otherwise extended by the Director)

Director's Order Number One Hundred Eighty-Five (17)

Virginia Lottery's Scratch Game 1847 "2018" Final Rules for Game Operation (effective November 17, 2017)

Director's Order Number One Hundred Eighty-Six (17)

Virginia Lottery "Fog Dispenser" Retailer Incentive Promotion (This Director's Order becomes effective on April 1, 2018, and shall remain in full force and effect through the end date of the incentive promotion, unless otherwise extended by the Director)

Director's Order Number One Hundred Eighty-Seven (17)

Certain Virginia Print 'n Play Game - Virginia Lottery's Print 'n Play Bullseye Bingo (184 2017) (effective November 7, 2017)

Director's Order Number One Hundred Eighty-Eight (17)

Virginia Lottery's Computer-Generated Game "Print 'n Play Bonus Bingo" Final Rules for Game Operation (effective November 8, 2017)

Director's Order Number One Hundred Ninety (17)

Virginia Lottery's Scratch Game 1817 "Chocolate" Final Rules for Game Operation (effective November 17, 2017)

Director's Order Number One Hundred Ninety-One (17)

Virginia Lottery's Scratch Game 1814 "EZ $1,040" Final Rules for Game Operation (effective November 17, 2017)

Director's Order Number One Hundred Ninety-Five (17)

Virginia Lottery's Scratch Game 1863 "$30 Million Cash Out" Final Rules for Game Operation (effective November 27, 2017)

Director's Order Number One Hundred Ninety-Six (17)

Virginia Lottery's "Food Lion MVP Kiosk Coupon Promotion" Final Rules for Operation (This Director's Order becomes effective on December 6, 2017, and shall remain in full force and effect through the end Promotion date unless amended or rescinded by further Director's Order)

Director's Order Number One Hundred Ninety-Seven (17)

Virginia Lottery's Scratch Game 1870 "Super Cash" Final Rules for Game Operation (effective November 27, 2017)

Director's Order Number One Hundred Ninety-Eight (17)

Certain Virginia Game: Ticket Quantity Update - Virginia's New Year's Millionaire Raffle (182 2017) (This Director's Order is effective nunc pro tunc to November 20, 2017, and shall remain in full force and effect unless amended or rescinded by further Director's Order


Notice of Intent to Amend the Virginia State Plan for Medical Assistance (Pursuant to § 1902(a)(13) of the Social Security Act (USC § 1396a(a)(13)))

Updated Dental Procedure Codes

The Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) hereby affords the public notice of its intention to amend the Virginia State Plan for Medical Assistance to provide for changes to the Methods and Standards for Establishing Payment Rates-Other Types of Care (12VAC30-80).

This notice is intended to satisfy the requirements of 42 CFR 447.205 and of § 1902(a)(13) of the Social Security Act, 42 USC § 1396a(a)(13). A copy of this notice is available for public review from Jimeequa Williams, Policy and Research Division, Department of Medical Assistance Services, 600 Broad Street, Suite 1300, Richmond, VA 23219, or via email at

This notice is available for public review on the Virginia Regulatory Town Hall (, on the General Notices page, found at

Reimbursement Changes Affecting Other Types of Care (12VAC30-80) 12VAC30-80-30 is being amended as follows: The agency's fee schedule is being updated on December 20, 2017, to include updated dental procedure codes.

There is no expected increase or decrease in aggregate annual expenditures.

Contact Information: Emily McClellan, Regulatory Manager, Division of Policy and Research, Department of Medical Assistance Services, 600 East Broad Street, Suite 1300, Richmond, VA 23219, telephone (804) 371-4300, FAX (804) 786-1680, TDD (800) 343-0634, or email


Enforcement Action for ASI Constructors Inc.

An enforcement action has been proposed for ASI Constructors Inc. for violations of the State Water Control Law and regulations associated with the Lunga Dam Safety Project at Marine Corps Base-Quantico, in Stafford County, Virginia. The State Water Control Board proposes to issue a consent order to resolve violations associated with the Lunga Dam Safety Project. A description of the proposed action is available at the Department of Environmental Quality office named below or online at Stephanie Bellotti will accept comments by email at, or postal mail at Department of Environmental Quality, Northern Regional Office, 13901 Crown Court, Woodbridge, VA 22193, from December 26, 2017, through January 25, 2018.

Proposed Consent Special Order for Dickeys Auto Recyclers Inc.

An enforcement action has been proposed for Dickeys Auto Recyclers Inc. for violations at the site located at 9243 George Washington Highway, Gloucester County, Virginia. The State Water Control Board proposes to issue a special order by consent to Dickeys Auto Recyclers Inc. to address noncompliance with the State Water Control Law and regulations. A description of the proposed action is available at the Department of Environmental Quality office named below or online at Kristen Sadtler will accept comments by email at, FAX at (804) 698-4277, or postal mail at Department of Environmental Quality, Central Office, P.O. Box 1105, Richmond, VA 23218, from December 25, 2017, to January 26, 2018.

Enforcement Action for the Kinder Morgan Operating L.P. "C" Elizabeth River Terminals LLC

An enforcement action has been proposed for the Kinder Morgan Operating L.P. "C" Elizabeth River Terminals LLC facility for violations of the State Water Control Law in Chesapeake, Virginia. A description of the proposed action is available at the Department of Environmental Quality office named below or online at Jennifer Coleman, Esq. will accept comments by email at, FAX at (757) 518-2009, or postal mail at Department of Environmental Quality, Tidewater Regional Office, 5636 Southern Boulevard, Virginia Beach, VA 23462, from December 25, 2017, to January 24, 2018.

Enforcement Action for Lane-Corman Construction Joint Venture (Lane-Corman)

An enforcement action has been proposed for Lane-Corman Construction Joint Venture (Lane-Corman) for violations at the Berkmar Extension construction site in Charlottesville, Virginia. The State Water Control Board proposes to issue a consent order to Lane-Corman for noncompliance with State Water Control Law. The proposed consent order requires Lane-Corman to pay a civil charge. A description of the proposed action is available at the Department of Environmental Quality office named below or online at Tiffany Severs will accept comments by email at, FAX at (540) 574-7878, or postal mail at Department of Environmental Quality, Valley Regional Office, 4411 Early Road, P.O. Box 3000, Harrisonburg, VA 22801, from December 25, 2017, to January 24, 2018.

Enforcement Action for the County of Powhatan Fighting Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant

An enforcement action has been proposed for the County of Powhatan Fighting Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant for violations of the State Water Control Law in Powhatan, Virginia. A description of the proposed action is available at the Department of Environmental Quality office named below or online at Jennifer Coleman, Esq. will accept comments by email at, FAX at (757) 518-2009, or postal mail at Department of Environmental Quality, Tidewater Regional Office, 5636 Southern Boulevard, Virginia Beach, VA 23462, from December 25, 2017, to January 24, 2018.

Proposed Consent Order for the Town of Purcellville

An enforcement action has been proposed for The Town of Purcellville for violations of the State Water Control Law and regulations at the Basham Simms Wastewater Treatment Facility located in Loudoun County, Virginia. The State Water Control Board proposes to issue a consent order to resolve violations associated with the Basham Simms Wastewater Treatment Facility. A description of the proposed action is available at the Department of Environmental Quality office named below or online at Stephanie Bellotti will accept comments by email at or postal mail at Department of Environmental Quality, Northern Regional Office, 13901 Crown Court, Woodbridge, VA 22193, from December 26, 2017, through January 25, 2018.

Enforcement Action for the Stafford County Board of Supervisors

An enforcement action has been proposed for the Stafford County Board of Supervisors. The consent order describes a settlement to resolve violations of State Water Control Law and the applicable regulations regarding the Sanitary Sewer Collection Systems associated with the Little Falls Run Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Aquia Wastewater Treatment Facility. A description of the proposed action is available at the Department of Environmental Quality office named below or online at Stephanie Bellotti will accept comments by email at or postal mail at Department of Environmental Quality, Northern Regional Office, 13901 Crown Court, Woodbridge, VA 22193, from December 26, 2017, through January 25, 2018.

Proposed Consent Order for Robert D. and Angela S. Walk (Walk Residence Sewage Treatment Plant)

An enforcement action has been proposed for Robert D. and Angela S. Walk for violations of the State Water Control Law and regulations at the Walk Residence Sewage Treatment Plant located in Stafford County, Virginia. The State Water Control Board proposes to issue a consent order to resolve violations associated with the Walk Residence Sewage Treatment Plant. A description of the proposed action is available at the Department of Environmental Quality office named below or online at Stephanie Bellotti will accept comments by email at or postal mail at Department of Environmental Quality, Northern Regional Office, 13901 Crown Court, Woodbridge, VA 22193, from December 26, 2017, through January 25, 2018.

Total Maximum Daily Load for Rudee Inlet Watershed

Public meeting: A final public meeting will be held Wednesday, January 10, 2018, at 6 p.m. at W.T. Cooke Elementary located at 1501 Mediterranean Avenue, Virginia Beach, VA 23451. This meeting will be open to the public and all are welcome to participate. In the case of inclement weather, an alternate meeting will occur on Thursday, January 11, 2018, at 6 p.m. at the same location. For more information, please contact Rachel Hamm, telephone (757) 518-2024 or email

Purpose of meeting: The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and its contractors, the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, have developed a draft water quality report on the bacteria impairments in the Rudee Inlet watershed located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. A public meeting will be held to introduce the local community to the total maximum daily loads (TMDLs) for bacteria and gather public comment on the draft report. A public comment period on the draft TMDL report will follow the meeting (January 11, 2018, through February 9, 2018).

Description of study: Portions of the Rudee Inlet watershed including Lake Rudee, Lake Wesley, and Owl Creek were identified in Virginia's 2014 Water Quality Assessment and Integrated Report as impaired due to violations of the State's water quality standards for Enterococci and Fecal Coliform and do not support the Designated Uses of "Primary Contact (recreational or swimming)" and "Shellfishing." Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act and § 62.1-44.19:7 C of the Code of Virginia require DEQ to develop TMDLs for pollutants responsible for each impaired water contained in Virginia's § 303(d) TMDL Priority List and Report. Reductions and TMDLs for the causes of the impairments have been developed and are available for community review in the TMDL report located online at the following link on January 10, 2018:

How to comment and participate: The meetings of the TMDL process are open to the public and all interested parties are welcome. Written comments will be accepted through February 9, 2018, and should include the name, address, and telephone number of the person submitting the comments. For more information or to submit written comments, please contact Rachel Hamm, Department of Environmental Quality, Tidewater Regional Office, 5636 Southern Boulevard, Virginia Beach, VA 23462, telephone (757) 518-2024, FAX (757) 518-2009, or email

Total Maximum Daily Load for Salt Management Strategy

Purpose of notice: The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and its contractors, the Interstate Commission for the Potomac River Basin (ICPRB), will announce the development of a Salt Management Strategy (SaMS) for the Northern Virginia region, which includes Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William Counties and the Cities of Alexandria, Manassas, Manassas Park, Falls Church, and Fairfax. This is an opportunity for local residents to learn about the impacts and challenges of snow and ice management, share information and thoughts on snow and ice management, and get involved in the process of developing a SaMS.

Public Meeting: A public meeting will be held Wednesday, January 17, 2018, beginning at 6:30 pm at the Auditorium of the Arlington County Central Library, located at 1015 N. Quincy Street, Arlington, VA 22201. In case of inclement weather, the alternate meeting date will be Wednesday, January 31, 2018, and will also be held at the Auditorium of the Arlington County Central Library. Please note that if Arlington County schools or the library are closed on January 17, 2018, due to inclement weather, the meeting will be postponed to this alternate date.

Meeting description: This meeting will be open to the public and all are welcome to attend. The first 30 minutes of the meeting will be an informal informational session where members of the public are invited to visit the various displays to learn more and ask questions of the experts staffing the displays. At 7 p.m. the formal portion of the meeting will begin. During the formal portion of the meeting a guest speaker will speak about challenges related to snow and ice management, and ICPRB will speak about a report they have prepared on the impacts of salts on infrastructure, drinking water, and aquatic life. The meeting will conclude with DEQ describing the development process for the SaMS, and by informing the public how to participate in the development process. For more information, please contact Dave Evans at (703) 583-3835 or

Description of study: In July 2017, DEQ completed a total maximum daily load (TMDL) study for the Accotink Creek watershed that identified chloride (salt) from snow and ice management as a contributing cause of a water quality impairment. To bring chloride loads down to acceptable levels that were identified in the TMDL report, DEQ is initiating the development of a SaMS that will among many things prescribe best management practices for more efficient and effective salt application. While the Accotink Creek watershed is located in Fairfax County and the City of Fairfax, snow and ice management practices are not confined to watershed boundaries. Therefore, the project area will include all of Northern Virginia as defined by Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William Counties and the Cities of Alexandria, Manassas, Manassas Park, Falls Church, and Fairfax. For more information on the SaMS, visit

How to comment and participate: This meeting is open to the public and all interested parties are welcome. A public comment period will begin on January 17, 2018, and end on February 16, 2018. Comments will be accepted on the SaMS project in general, on participating in the Stakeholder Advisory Committee (SAC) to help develop the SaMS, and on the report prepared by ICPRB on the impacts of salts on infrastructure, drinking water, and aquatic life. Persons interested in participating in the SAC that will help develop the SaMS should notify the DEQ contact person, Dave Evans, by the end of the comment period and provide their names, phone numbers, email addresses and the organizations they represent (if any). All comments must be written and submitted via e-mail or traditional mail by the end of February 16, 2018. They must include the name, address, and telephone number of the person submitting the comments. DEQ will notify all applicants of the composition of the SAC after the close of the comment period. For more information or to submit written comments, please contact Dave Evans, Department of Environmental Quality, Northern Regional Office, 13901 Crown Court Woodbridge, VA 22193, telephone (703) 583-3835, or email


Notice to State Agencies

Contact Information: Mailing Address: Virginia Code Commission, Pocahontas Building, 900 East Main Street, 8th Floor, Richmond, VA 23219; Telephone: (804) 698-1810; Email:

Meeting Notices: Section 2.2-3707 C of the Code of Virginia requires state agencies to post meeting notices on their websites and on the Commonwealth Calendar at

Cumulative Table of Virginia Administrative Code Sections Adopted, Amended, or Repealed: A table listing regulation sections that have been amended, added, or repealed in the Virginia Register of Regulations since the regulations were originally published or last supplemented in the print version of the Virginia Administrative Code is available at

Filing Material for Publication in the Virginia Register of Regulations: Agencies use the Regulation Information System (RIS) to file regulations and related items for publication in the Virginia Register of Regulations. The Registrar's office works closely with the Department of Planning and Budget (DPB) to coordinate the system with the Virginia Regulatory Town Hall. RIS and Town Hall complement and enhance one another by sharing pertinent regulatory information.