Vol. 38 Iss. 11 - January 17, 2022

Chapter 217

Emergency Regulation

Title of Regulation: 12VAC5-217. Regulations of the Patient Level Data System (amending 12VAC5-217-20).

Statutory Authority: §§ 32.1-12 and 32.1-276.6 of the Code of Virginia.

Effective Dates: January 17, 2022, through July 16, 2023.

Agency Contact: Michael Sarkissian, Director, Data and Quality, Office of Information Management, Virginia Department of Health, 109 Governor Street, Richmond, VA 23219, telephone (804) 864-7416, FAX (804) 864-7022, or email


Section 2.2-4011 B of the Code of Virginia states that agencies may adopt emergency regulations in situations in which Virginia statutory law or the appropriation act or federal law or federal regulation requires that a regulation be effective in 280 days or less from its enactment, and the regulation is not exempt under the provisions of § 2.2-4006 A 4 of the Code of Virginia.

Item 307 D1 of Chapter 552 of the 2021 Acts of Assembly, Special Session I, requires inpatient hospitals to report the admission source of any individuals meeting the criteria for voluntary or involuntary psychiatric commitment as outlined in § 16.1-338, 16.1-339, 16.1-340.1, 16.1-345, 37.2-805, 37.2-809, or 37.2-904 of the Code of Virginia to the State Board of Health. The board is required to collect and share such data regarding the admission source of individuals admitted to inpatient hospitals as a psychiatric patient with the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS). The information will be shared using a new field in the patient-level data that DBHDS receives from Virginia Health Information (VHI). The amendment adds a field to report criteria for voluntary or involuntary psychiatric commitment to the data collected and shared via VHI to conform with statute.

12VAC5-217-20. Reporting requirements for patient level data elements.

Every inpatient hospital shall submit a complete filing of each patient level data element listed in the table in this section for each hospital inpatient, including a separate record for each infant, if applicable. Most of these data elements are currently collected from a Uniform Billing Form located in the latest publication of the Uniform Billing Manual prepared by the National Uniform Billing Committee. The Uniform Billing Form and the Uniform Billing Manual are located on the National Uniform Billing Committee's website at The Uniform Billing Manual provides a detailed field description and any special instruction pertaining to that element. An asterisk (*) indicates when the required data element is either not on the billing form or in the Uniform Billing Manual. The instructions provided under that particular data element should then be followed. Inpatient hospitals that submit patient level data directly to the board or the nonprofit organization shall submit it in an electronic data format.

Data Element

1. Hospital identifier.*
Enter the six-digit Medicare provider number or a number assigned by the board or its designee.

2. Attending physician identifier.
Enter the nationally assigned physician identification number, either the Uniform Physician Identification Number (UPIN) or National Provider Identifier (NPI) as approved by the board for the physician assigned as the attending physician for an inpatient.

3. Other physician identifier.
Enter the nationally assigned physician identification number, either the Uniform Physician Identification Number (UPIN) or National Provider Identifier (NPI) as approved by the board for the physician identified as the operating physician for the principal procedure reported.

4. Payor identifier.

5. Employer identifier.

6. Patient identifier.*
Enter the nine-digit social security number of the patient. If a social security number has not been assigned, leave blank. The nine-digit social security number is not required for patients under four years of age.

7a. Patient sex.

7b. Race code.*
If an inpatient hospital collects information regarding the choices listed below, the appropriate one-digit code reflecting the race of the patient should be entered. If a hospital only collects information for categories 0, 1, or 2, then the appropriate code should be entered from those three selections.

0 = White

1 = Black

2 = Other

3 = Asian

4 = American Indian

5 = White Hispanic

6 = Black Hispanic

7c. Date of birth.

7d. Street address, city or county, and zip code.

7e. Employment status code.

7f. Patient status (i.e., discharge).
Inpatient codes only.

7g. Birth weight (for infants).*
Enter the birth weight of newborns in grams.

8a. Admission type.

8b. Admission source.

8c. Admission date.

8d. Admission hour.

8e. Admission diagnosis code.

9a. Discharge date.
Only enter date of discharge.

10. Principal diagnosis code.
Enter secondary diagnoses (up to eight).
In addition, include diagnoses recorded in the comments section for DX6-DX9.

11. External cause of injury code (E-code).
Record all external cause of injury codes in secondary diagnoses position after recording all treated secondary diagnoses.

12. Co-morbid conditions existing but not treated.

13. Principal procedure code and date.
Enter other procedures and dates (up to five). In addition, include procedures recorded in the comments section for PX4-PX6.

14. Revenue code (up to 23).
Units of service (up to 23).
Units of service charges (up to 23).

15. Total charges (by revenue code category or by HCPCS code).
(R.C. Code 001 is for total charges. See page 47-1.)

16. Legal status.

Enter the legal status of the admission. Legal status applies to voluntary or involuntary psychiatric admissions of minors and adults.

1 = § 16.1-338 Parental admission of minors younger than 14 and nonobjecting minors 14 years of age or older

2 = § 16.1-339 Parental admission of objecting minor 14 years of age or older

3 = § 16.1-340.1 Involuntary temporary detention order (TDO) (minor)

4 = § 16.1-345 Involuntary commitment (minor)

5 = § 37.2-805 Voluntary admission (adult)

6 = § 37.2-809 Involuntary TDO (adult)

7 = § 37.2-904 Sexually violent predators (prisoners or defendants)

VA.R. Doc. No. R22-6605; Filed December 22, 2021