Fast-Track Regulation
Titles of Regulations: 9VAC5-40. Existing Stationary Sources (amending 9VAC5-40-10, 9VAC5-40-50).
9VAC5-45. Consumer and Commercial Products (amending 9VAC5-45-10, 9VAC5-45-50, 9VAC5-45-220, 9VAC5-45-320, 9VAC5-45-440, 9VAC5-45-560).
9VAC5-50. New and Modified Stationary Sources (amending 9VAC5-50-10, 9VAC5-50-50).
9VAC5-60. Hazardous Air Pollutant Sources (amending 9VAC5-60-10, 9VAC5-60-50).
9VAC5-80. Permits for Stationary Sources (amending 9VAC5-80-350, 9VAC5-80-1105, 9VAC5-80-2290, 9VAC5-80-2350).
9VAC5-510. Nonmetallic Mineral Processing General Permit (amending 9VAC5-510-230).
9VAC5-530. Electric Generator Voluntary Demand Response General Permit (amending 9VAC5-530-210, 9VAC5-530-290).
9VAC5-540. Emergency Generator General Permit (amending 9VAC5-540-210).
Statutory Authority: § 10.1-1308 of the Code of Virginia. (9VAC5-40, 9VAC5-45, 9VAC5-50, 9VAC5-80, 9VAC5-510, 9VAC5-530, 9VAC5-540)
§ 10.1-1308 of the Code of Virginia; §§ 110, 111, 123, 129, 171, 172, and 182 of the Clean Air Act; 40 CFR Parts 51 and 60. (9VAC5-60)
Public Hearing Information: No public hearing is currently scheduled.
Public Comment Deadline: March 27, 2024.
Effective Date: April 11, 2024.
Agency Contact: Karen G. Sabasteanski, Department of Environmental Quality, 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1400, P.O. Box 1105, Richmond, VA 23218, telephone (804) 659-1973, or email karen.sabasteanski@deq.virginia.gov.
Basis: Section 10.1-1308 of the Code of Virginia authorizes the State Air Pollution Control Board to promulgate regulations abating, controlling, and prohibiting air pollution in order to protect public health and welfare. The Uniform Electronic Transaction Act (§ 59.1-482 et seq. of the Code of Virginia) authorizes a transaction to be conducted by electronic means between agreeable parties and recognizes the legal enforceability of an electronic signature.
Purpose: Explicitly allowing electronic submissions is administratively and environmentally appropriate. This is consistent with both Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and federal guidance and regulations. Although there is no direct environmental benefit from electronic submittal other than conservation of certain physical resources such as paper, electronic submittal is faster and more reliable than other forms of delivery. This will bring accuracy and consistency to necessary reporting requirements and make the implementation and administration of regulatory requirements clearer and easier for both the sender (the regulated entity) and the recipient (DEQ).
Rationale for Using Fast-Track Rulemaking Process: A comment during a periodic review of 9VAC5-40 requested DEQ to allow electronic submittal via email to the regional director after the document has been authenticated in accordance with DEQ's e-signature guidance. In addition, since Virginia has delegated authority over most of the federal regulations under 40 CFR Parts 60 and 63, those delegation documents must also be changed to allow for electronic submission prior to sources initiating such change. This process aligns with DEQ's e-signature guidance and is more efficient for both DEQ and the compliance entities. With respect to 40 CFR Part 60 and 63, Virginia's regulations must be consistent with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations in order to meet delegation agreements. EPA has been updating its regulations when possible to allow electronic reporting. This rulemaking is expected to be noncontroversial and therefore appropriate for the fast-track rulemaking process because it will contribute to the efficient and effective function of government.
Substance: Wherever information is required to be submitted via postal mail, an electronic option is added. An email submittal is considered to have been "postmarked." Several minor corrections are also made.
Issues: There is a general benefit to the overall welfare of the public in that allowing electronic submittals contributes to the efficient and effective functioning of government. There may be a minor direct positive impact to the environment in that fewer physical supplies such as paper will be needed in order to make a submission. There is a general benefit to the department in that allowing electronic submittals contributes to the efficient and effective functioning of government. There are no disadvantages to the public or the Commonwealth.
Department of Planning and Budget's Economic Impact Analysis:
The Department of Planning and Budget (DPB) has analyzed the economic impact of this proposed regulation in accordance with § 2.2-4007.04 of the Code of Virginia and Executive Order 19. The analysis presented represents DPB's best estimate of the potential economic impacts as of the date of this analysis.1
Summary of the Proposed Amendments to Regulation. As the result of a 2022 periodic review, the Air Pollution Control Board (board) is proposing to amend eight regulations to allow for the electronic submission of documents.2
Background. During the 2022 periodic review of 9VAC5-40, the Board received a comment suggesting that the agency should allow for the electronic submission of documents.3 The board already accepts electronic submissions as allowed by both federal and state policies. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued a policy allowing for the electronic submission of documents in April of 2018 and the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) subsequently published its own policy outlining the use of electronic submissions.4 The Board proposes to update the language, not only in 9VAC5-40, but also in 9VAC5-45, 9VAC5-50, 9VAC5-60, 9VAC5-80, 9VAC5-510, 9VAC5-530, and 9VAC5-540, to align these regulations with both the EPA and DEQ electronic submission policies. Accordingly, most of the proposed amendments involve adding "or submitted electronically" to the existing text. The Board also proposes to make several minor corrections for internal consistency.
Estimated Benefits and Costs. The proposed changes would benefit any entity operating under an air quality permit by allowing them to submit required notices or reports electronically rather than mailing paper copies. DEQ reports that there are approximately 3200 air quality permits and that most permittees need to submit written notifications at one time or another. DEQ has confirmed that these notices and reports are already being received electronically; thus, these benefits already accrue. The proposed changes would not create any new costs.
Businesses and Other Entities Affected. As mentioned previously, the proposed regulation would primarily benefit the approximately 3,200 entities with air quality permits, since they are subject to the reporting requirements contained in one or more of these chapters. These entities include large energy companies as well as smaller manufacturing or industrial entities, many of which would be considered small businesses.
The Code of Virginia requires DPB to assess whether an adverse impact may result from the proposed regulation.3 An adverse impact is indicated if there is any increase in net cost or reduction in net revenue for any entity, even if the benefits exceed the costs for all entities combined. As noted above, the proposal would repeal regulatory text that has no application currently or in the future. Thus, no adverse impact is indicated.
Small Businesses4 Affected.5 The proposed amendments would not create any new costs for small businesses. The proposed changes marginally benefit small businesses with air quality permits who are subject to reporting requirements under these chapters by allowing them to submit notices or reports electronically, rather than via mail. As mentioned previously, since these changes have already been implemented in practice, any affected small businesses already benefit from these changes.
Localities6 Affected.7 The proposed changes would not disproportionately affect any particular localities and would not affect costs for local governments.
Projected Impact on Employment. To the extent that switching to electronic submissions lowers a permitted business' reporting costs, the proposed amendments would increase the value of those businesses. As mentioned previously, the proposed amendments have already been implemented in practice; thus, any affected businesses already benefit from the savings and higher valuations. Real estate development costs are not affected.
1Section 2.2-4007.04 of the Code of Virginia requires that such economic impact analyses determine the public benefits and costs of the proposed amendments. Further the analysis should include but not be limited to: (1) the projected number of businesses or other entities to whom the proposed regulatory action would apply, (2) the identity of any localities and types of businesses or other entities particularly affected, (3) the projected number of persons and employment positions to be affected, (4) the projected costs to affected businesses or entities to implement or comply with the regulation, and (5) the impact on the use and value of private property.
2See https://townhall.virginia.gov/l/ViewPReview.cfm?PRid=2127.
3See pages 10 and 11 of the Periodic Review Report of Findings: https://townhall.virginia.gov/L/GetFile.cfm?File=C:\TownHall\docroot\Review\2127\PReview_DEQ_2127_v1.pdf.
4See DEQ's E-Signature Guidance at https://townhall.virginia.gov/L/GetFile.cfm?File=C:\TownHall\docroot\GuidanceDocs\440\GDoc_DEQ_7146_v1.pdf.
5Pursuant to § 2.2-4007.04 D: In the event this economic impact analysis reveals that the proposed regulation would have an adverse economic impact on businesses or would impose a significant adverse economic impact on a locality, business, or entity particularly affected, the Department of Planning and Budget shall advise the Joint Commission on Administrative Rules, the House Committee on Appropriations, and the Senate Committee on Finance. Statute does not define "adverse impact," state whether only Virginia entities should be considered, nor indicate whether an adverse impact results from regulatory requirements mandated by legislation.
6Pursuant to § 2.2-4007.04, small business is defined as "a business entity, including its affiliates, that (i) is independently owned and operated and (ii) employs fewer than 500 full-time employees or has gross annual sales of less than $6 million."
7If the proposed regulatory action may have an adverse effect on small businesses, § 2.2-4007.04 requires that such economic impact analyses include: (1) an identification and estimate of the number of small businesses subject to the proposed regulation, (2) the projected reporting, recordkeeping, and other administrative costs required for small businesses to comply with the proposed regulation, including the type of professional skills necessary for preparing required reports and other documents, (3) a statement of the probable effect of the proposed regulation on affected small businesses, and (4) a description of any less intrusive or less costly alternative methods of achieving the purpose of the proposed regulation. Additionally, pursuant to § 2.2-4007.1 of the Code of Virginia, if there is a finding that a proposed regulation may have an adverse impact on small business, the Joint Commission on Administrative Rules shall be notified.
8"Locality" can refer to either local governments or the locations in the Commonwealth where the activities relevant to the regulatory change are most likely to occur.
9Section 2.2-4007.04 defines "particularly affected" as bearing disproportionate material impact.
Agency's Response to Economic Impact Analysis: The department has reviewed the economic impact analysis prepared by the Department of Planning and Budget and has no comment.
The amendments (i) allow for electronic submittal as an additional option when requirements currently stipulate submitted items be "postmarked"; (ii) allow items to be sent electronically when requirements currently stipulate items be mailed; (iii) add "upon request of the board" to certain filing requirements; and (iv) make technical style-conforming changes.
9VAC5-40-10. Applicability.
A. The provisions of this chapter, unless specified otherwise, shall apply to existing sources for which emission standards are prescribed under this chapter.
B. The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to sources specified below except in cases where the provisions of this chapter (i) specifically provide otherwise or (ii) are more restrictive than the provisions of 9VAC5 Chapter 50 (9VAC5-50) 9VAC5-50, 9VAC5 Chapter 80 (9VAC5-80) 9VAC5-80, or any permit issued pursuant to 9VAC5 Chapter 80 (9VAC5-80) 9VAC5-80. Sources exempted under this subsection shall be subject to the provisions of 9VAC5 Chapter 50 (9VAC5-50) 9VAC5-50 or 9VACChapter 60 (9VAC5-60) 9VAC5-60, or both, as applicable.
1. Any stationary source (or portion of it), the construction, modification or relocation of which commenced on or after March 17, 1972.
2. Any stationary source (or portion of it), the reconstruction of which commenced on or after December 10, 1976.
C. If a facility becomes subject to any requirement in the Regulations for the Control and Abatement of Air Pollution because it exceeds an exemption level, the facility shall continue to be subject to all applicable requirements even if future conditions cause the facility to fall below the exemption level.
D. Any owner subject to the provisions of this chapter may provide any report, notification or other document by electronic media if acceptable to both the owner and board. This subsection shall not apply to documents requiring signatures or certification under 9VAC5-20-230.
9VAC5-40-50. Notification, records and reporting.
A. Any owner of an existing source subject to the provisions of this chapter shall provide written notifications to the board of the following:
1. The date upon which demonstration of the continuous monitoring system performance begins in accordance with 9VAC5-40-40 C. Notification shall be postmarked or submitted electronically not less than 30 days prior to such date.
2. The date of any emission test the owner wishes the board to consider in determining compliance with a standard. Notification shall be postmarked or submitted electronically not less than 30 days prior to such date.
3. The anticipated date for conducting the opacity observations required by 9VAC5-40-20 G 1. The notification shall also include, if appropriate, a request for the board to provide a visible emissions reader during an emission test. The notification shall be postmarked or submitted electronically not less than 30 days prior to such date.
B. Any owner of an existing source subject to the provisions of 9VAC5-40-40 A shall maintain records of the occurrence and duration of any startup, shutdown or malfunction in the operation of such source; any malfunction of the air pollution control equipment; or any periods during which a continuous monitoring system or monitoring device is inoperative.
C. Each owner required to install a continuous monitoring system (CMS) or monitoring device shall submit a written report of excess emissions (as defined in the applicable emission standard) and either a monitoring systems performance report or a summary report form, or both, to the board semiannually, except when (i) more frequent reporting is specifically required by an applicable emission standard or the CMS data are to be used directly for compliance determination, in which case quarterly reports shall be submitted; or (ii) the board, on a case-by-case basis, determines that more frequent reporting is necessary to accurately assess the compliance status of the source. The summary report and form shall meet the requirements of 40 CFR 60.7(d). The frequency of reporting requirements may be reduced as provided in 40 CFR 60.7(e). All reports shall be postmarked or submitted electronically by the 30th day following the end of each calendar half (or quarter, as appropriate). Written reports of excess emissions shall include the following information:
1. The magnitude of excess emissions computed in accordance with 9VAC5-40-41 B 6, any conversion factors used, and the date and time of commencement and completion of each period of excess emissions. The process operating time during the reporting period.
2. Specific identification of each period of excess emissions that occurs during startups, shutdowns and malfunctions of the source. The nature and cause of any malfunction (if known), the corrective action taken or preventative measures adopted.
3. The date and time identifying each period during which the continuous monitoring system was inoperative except for zero and span checks and the nature of the system repairs or adjustments.
4. When no excess emissions have occurred or the continuous monitoring systems have not been inoperative, repaired or adjusted, such information shall be stated in the report.
D. Any owner of an existing source subject to the provisions of this chapter shall maintain a file of all measurements, including continuous monitoring system, monitoring device, and emission testing measurements; all continuous monitoring system performance evaluations; all continuous monitoring system or monitoring device calibration checks; adjustments and maintenance performed on these systems or devices; and all other information required by this chapter recorded in a permanent form suitable for inspection. The file shall be retained for at least two years (unless a longer period is specified in the applicable standards) following the date of such measurements, maintenance, reports and records.
E. Any data or information required by the Regulations for the Control and Abatement of Air Pollution, any permit or order of the board, or which the owner wishes the board to consider, to determine compliance with an emission standard shall be recorded or maintained in a time frame timeframe consistent with the averaging period of the standard.
F. The owner of a stationary source shall keep records as may be necessary to determine its emissions. Any owner claiming that a facility is exempt from the provisions of the Regulations for the Control and Abatement of Air Pollution shall keep records as may be necessary to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the board its continued exempt status.
G. The owner of an existing source subject to any emission standard in Article 26 (9VAC5-40-3560 et seq.) through Article 36 (9VAC5-40-5060 et seq.) of 9VAC5 Chapter 40 9VAC5-40 shall maintain records in accordance with the applicable procedure in 9VAC5-20-121.
H. Upon request of the board, the owner of an existing source subject to the provisions of this chapter shall provide notifications and report, revise reports, maintain records or report emission test or monitoring result in a manner and form and using procedures acceptable to board.
9VAC5-45-10. Applicability.
A. The provisions of this chapter, unless specified otherwise, shall apply to:
1. Any product for which an emission standard or other requirement is prescribed under this chapter; and
2. Any owner or other person that engages in or permits an operation that is subject to the provisions of this chapter. Such operations may include, but are not limited to, the manufacture, packaging, distribution, marketing, application, sale or use, or contracting for the application, sale, or use, of the products specified in subdivision 1 of this subsection.
B. The provisions set forth in subdivisions 1 through 6 of this subsection, unless specified otherwise, shall not apply to any product or operation for which emission standards are prescribed under this chapter.
1. The provisions of 9VAC5-20-160 (Registration).
2. The provisions of 9VAC5-20-180 (Facility and control equipment maintenance or malfunction).
3. The provisions of Article 1 (9VAC5-40-60 et seq.) of Part II of 9VAC5-40 (Existing Stationary Sources) and Article 1 (9VAC5-50-60 et seq.) of Part II of 9VAC5-50 (New and Modified Stationary Sources).
4. The provisions of Article 2 (9VAC5-40-130 et seq.) of Part II of 9VAC5-40 (Existing Stationary Sources) and Article 2 (9VAC5-50-130 et seq.) of Part II of 9VAC5-50 (New and Modified Stationary Sources).
5. The provisions of Article 4 (9VAC5-60-200 et seq.) of Part II of 9VAC5-60 (Hazardous Air Pollutant Sources) and Article 5 (9VAC5-60-300 et seq.) of Part II of 9VAC5-60 (Hazardous Air Pollutant Sources).
6. The provisions of Article 6 (9VAC5-80-1100 et seq.), Article 7 (9VAC5-80-1400 et seq.), Article 8 (9VAC5-80-1605 et seq.), and Article 9 (9VAC5-80-2000 et seq.) of Part II of 9VAC5-80 (Permits for Stationary Sources).
C. Nothing in this chapter shall be interpreted to exempt a stationary source from any provision of 9VAC5-40 (Existing Stationary Sources), 9VAC5-50 (New and Modified Stationary Sources), 9VAC5-60 (Hazardous Air Pollutant Sources) or 9VAC5-80 (Permits for Stationary Sources) that may apply.
D. Any owner or other person subject to the provisions of this chapter may provide any report, notification, or other document by electronic media if acceptable to both the owner and board. This subsection shall not apply to documents requiring signatures or certification under 9VAC5-20-230.
9VAC5-45-50. Notification, records and reporting.
A. Any owner or other person subject to the continuous monitoring provisions of 9VAC5-45-40 C shall provide written notifications to the board of the following:
1. The date upon which demonstration of the continuous monitoring system performance begins in accordance with 9VAC5-45-40 C. Notification shall be postmarked or submitted electronically not less than 30 days prior to such date.
2. The date of any emission test the owner wishes the board to consider in determining compliance with a standard. Notification shall be postmarked or submitted electronically not less than 30 days prior to such date.
3. The anticipated date for conducting the opacity observations required by 9VAC5-45-20 A 3. The notification shall also include, if appropriate, a request for the board to provide a visible emissions reader during an emission test. The notification shall be postmarked or submitted electronically not less than 30 days prior to such date.
B. Any owner or other person subject to the continuous monitoring provisions of 9VAC5-45-40 A shall maintain records of the occurrence and duration of any startup, shutdown, or malfunction of the operation subject to the provisions of an article under this chapter; any malfunction of the air pollution control equipment; or any periods during which a continuous monitoring system or monitoring device is inoperative.
C. Each owner or other person required to install a continuous monitoring system (CMS) or monitoring device shall submit a written report of excess emissions (as defined in the applicable emission standard) and either a monitoring systems performance report or a summary report form, or both, to the board semiannually, except when (i) more frequent reporting is specifically required by an applicable emission standard or the CMS data are to be used directly for compliance determination, in which case quarterly reports shall be submitted; or (ii) the board, on a case-by-case basis, determines that more frequent reporting is necessary to accurately assess the compliance status of the source. The summary report and form shall meet the requirements of 40 CFR 60.7(d). The frequency of reporting requirements may be reduced as provided in 40 CFR 60.7(e). All reports shall be postmarked or submitted electronically by the 30th day following the end of each calendar half (or quarter, as appropriate). Written reports of excess emissions shall include the following information:
1. The magnitude of excess emissions computed in accordance with 9VAC5-40-41 B 6, any conversion factors used, and the date and time of commencement and completion of each period of excess emissions.
2. The process operating time during the reporting period.
3. Specific identification of each period of excess emissions that occurs during startups, shutdowns, and malfunctions of the source.
4. The nature and cause of any malfunction (if known), the corrective action taken or preventative measures adopted.
5. The date and time identifying each period during which the continuous monitoring system was inoperative except for zero and span checks and the nature of the system repairs or adjustments.
6. When no excess emissions have occurred or the continuous monitoring systems have not been inoperative, repaired, or adjusted, such information shall be stated in the report.
D. Any owner or other person subject to the continuous monitoring provisions of 9VAC5-45-40 or monitoring requirements of an article under this chapter shall maintain a file of all measurements, including continuous monitoring system, monitoring device, and emission testing measurements; all continuous monitoring system performance evaluations; all continuous monitoring system or monitoring device calibration checks; adjustments and maintenance performed on these systems or devices; and all other information required by this chapter recorded in a permanent form suitable for inspection. The file shall be retained for at least two years (unless a longer period is specified in the applicable standard) following the date of such measurements, maintenance, reports, and records.
E. Any data or information required by the Regulations for the Control and Abatement of Air Pollution, any permit or order of the board, or which the owner wishes the board to consider, to determine compliance with an emission standard shall be recorded or maintained in a time frame timeframe consistent with the averaging period of the standard.
F. Any owner or other person that is subject to the provisions of this chapter shall keep records as may be necessary to determine its emissions. Any owner or other person claiming that an operation or product is exempt from the provisions of the Regulations for the Control and Abatement of Air Pollution shall keep records as may be necessary to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the board its continued exempt status.
G. Unless otherwise specified by the provisions of an article under this chapter, all records required to determine compliance with the provisions of an article under this chapter shall be maintained by the owner or other person subject to such provision for two years from the date such record is created and shall be made available to the board upon request.
H. Upon request of the board, the owner or other person subject to the provisions of this chapter shall provide notifications and report, revise reports, maintain records, or report emission test or monitoring results in a manner and form and using procedures acceptable to board.
I. Information submitted to the board to meet the requirements of this chapter shall be available to the public except where the owner makes a showing satisfactory to the board under 9VAC5-170-60 B that the information meets the criteria in 9VAC5-170-60 C, in which case the information shall be handled in accordance with the procedures specified in §§ 10.1-1314 and 10.1-1314.1 of the Air Pollution Control Law of Virginia.
9VAC5-45-220. Administrative requirements.
A. Each manufacturer of a portable fuel container subject to and complying with 9VAC5-45-190 shall clearly display on each spill-proof system:
1. The phrase "Spill-Proof System";
2. A date of manufacture or representative date code; and
3. A representative code identifying either:
a. The portable fuel container as subject to and complying with 9VAC5-45-190; or
b. The effective CARB certification executive order issued for the portable fuel container.
B. Each manufacturer of a spout subject to and complying with 9VAC5-45-190 shall clearly display on the accompanying package, or for spill-proof spouts sold without packaging, on either the spill-proof spout or a label affixed thereto:
1. The phrase "Spill-Proof Spout";
2. A date of manufacture or representative date code; and
3. A representative code identifying either:
a. The spout as subject to and complying with 9VAC5-45-190; or
b. The effective CARB certification executive order issued for the spout.
C. Each manufacturer subject to subsection A or B of this section shall file an explanation of both the date code and representative code with the board no later than the later of three months after the effective date of this article or within three months of production, and within three months after any change in coding upon request of the board.
D. Each manufacturer of a spout subject to subsection B of this section shall clearly display the make, model number, and size of those portable fuel containers the spout is designed to accommodate and for which the manufacturer can demonstrate the container's compliance with 9VAC5-45-190 on the accompanying package, or for spill-proof spouts sold without packaging, on either the spill-proof spout or a label affixed thereto.
E. Manufacturers of portable fuel containers not subject to or not in compliance with 9VAC5-45-190 may not display the phrase "Spill-Proof System" or "Spill-Proof Spout" on the portable fuel container or spout or on any sticker or label affixed thereto or on any accompanying package.
F. Each manufacturer of a portable fuel container or spout subject to and complying with 9VAC5-45-190 that due to its design or other features cannot be used to refuel on-road motor vehicles shall clearly display the phrase "Not Intended For Refueling On-Road Motor Vehicles" in type of 34 point or greater on each of the following:
1. For a portable fuel container sold as a spill-proof system, on the system or on a label affixed thereto, and on the accompanying package, if any; and
2. For a spill-proof spout sold separately from a spill-proof system, on either the spill-proof spout, or a label affixed thereto, and on the accompanying package, if any.
9VAC5-45-320. Alternative control plan (ACP) for consumer products.
A. 1. Manufacturers of consumer products may seek an ACP agreement in accordance with subsections B through L of this section.
2. Only responsible ACP parties for consumer products may enter into an ACP agreement under the provisions of this section.
B. Provisions follow concerning the requirements and process for approval of an ACP.
1. To be considered by the board for approval, an application for a proposed ACP shall be submitted in writing to the board by the responsible ACP party and shall contain all of the following:
a. An identification of the contact persons, phone numbers, names, and addresses of the responsible ACP party that is submitting the ACP application and will be implementing the ACP requirements specified in the ACP agreement.
b. A statement of whether the responsible ACP party is a small business or a one-product business.
c. A listing of the exact product brand name, form, available variations (flavors, scents, colors, sizes, etc.), and applicable product category for each distinct ACP product that is proposed for inclusion in the ACP.
d. For each proposed ACP product identified in subdivision 1 c of this subsection, a demonstration to the satisfaction of the board that the enforceable sales records to be used by the responsible ACP party for tracking product sales meet the minimum criteria specified in subdivision 1 d (5) of this subsection. To provide this demonstration, the responsible ACP party shall either demonstrate to the satisfaction of the board that other records provided to the board in writing by the responsible ACP party meet the minimum criteria of subdivision 1 d (5) of this subsection for tracking product sales of each ACP product, or do all of the following:
(1) Provide the contact persons, phone numbers, names, street and mail addresses of all persons and businesses who will provide information that will be used to determine the enforceable sales;
(2) Determine the enforceable sales of each product using enforceable sales records;
(3) Demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the board, the validity of the enforceable sales based on enforceable sales records provided by the contact persons or the responsible ACP party;
(4) Calculate the percentage of the gross sales that is composed of enforceable sales; and
(5) Determine which ACP products have enforceable sales that are 75% or more of the gross sales. Only ACP products meeting this criteria shall be allowed to be sold under an ACP.
e. For each of the ACP products identified in subdivision 1 d (5) of this subsection, the inclusion of the following:
(1) Legible copies of the existing labels for each product;
(2) The VOC content and LVP content for each product. The VOC content and LVP content shall be reported for two different periods as follows:
(a) The VOC and LVP contents of the product at the time the application for an ACP is submitted, and
(b) The VOC and LVP contents of the product that were used at any time within the four years prior to the date of submittal of the application for an ACP if either the VOC or LVP contents have varied by more than plus or minus 10% of the VOC or LVP contents reported in subdivision 1 e (2) (a) of this subsection.
f. A written commitment obligating the responsible ACP party to date-code every unit of each ACP product approved for inclusion in the ACP. The commitment shall require the responsible ACP party to display the date-code on each ACP product container or package no later than five working days after the date an ACP agreement approving an ACP is signed by the board.
g. An operational plan covering all the products identified under subdivision 1 d (5) of this subsection for each compliance period that the ACP will be in effect. The operational plan shall contain all of the following:
(1) An identification of the compliance periods and dates for the responsible ACP party to report the information required by the board in the ACP agreement approving an ACP. The length of the compliance period shall be chosen by the responsible ACP party (not to exceed 365 days). The responsible ACP party shall also choose the dates for reporting information such that all required VOC content and enforceable sales data for all ACP products shall be reported to the board at the same time and at the same frequency.
(2) An identification of specific enforceable sales records to be provided to the board for enforcing the provisions of this article and the ACP agreement approving an ACP. The enforceable sales records shall be provided to the board no later than the compliance period dates specified in subdivision 1 g (1) of this subsection.
(3) For a small business or a one-product business that will be relying to some extent on surplus trading to meet its ACP limits, a written commitment from the responsible ACP party that they will transfer the surplus reductions to the small business or one-product business upon approval of the ACP.
(4) For each ACP product, all VOC content levels that will be applicable for the ACP product during each compliance period. The plan shall also identify the specific method by which the VOC content will be determined and the statistical accuracy and precision (repeatability and reproducibility) will be calculated for each specified method.
(5) The projected enforceable sales for each ACP product at each different VOC content for every compliance period that the ACP will be in effect.
(6) A detailed demonstration showing the combination of specific ACP reformulations or surplus trading (if applicable) that is sufficient to ensure that the ACP emissions will not exceed the ACP limit for each compliance period that the ACP will be in effect, the approximate date within each compliance period that such reformulations or surplus trading are expected to occur, and the extent to which the VOC contents of the ACP products will be reduced (i.e., by ACP reformulation). This demonstration shall use the equations specified in 9VAC5-45-300 C for projecting the ACP emissions and ACP limits during each compliance period. This demonstration shall also include all VOC content levels and projected enforceable sales for all ACP products to be sold during each compliance period.
(7) A certification that all reductions in the VOC content of a product will be real, actual reductions that do not result from changing product names, mischaracterizing ACP product reformulations that have occurred in the past, or other attempts to circumvent the provisions of this article.
(8) Written explanations of the date-codes that will be displayed on each ACP product's container or packaging.
(9) A statement of the approximate dates by which the responsible ACP party plans to meet the applicable ACP VOC standards for each product in the ACP.
(10) An operational plan ("reconciliation of shortfalls plan") that commits the responsible ACP party to completely reconcile shortfalls, even, to the extent permitted by law, if the responsible ACP party files for bankruptcy protection. The plan for reconciliation of shortfalls shall contain all of the following:
(a) A clear and convincing demonstration of how shortfalls of up to 5.0%, 10%, 15%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of the applicable ACP limit will be completely reconciled within 90 working days from the date the shortfall is determined;
(b) A listing of the specific records and other information that will be necessary to verify that the shortfalls were reconciled as specified in this subsection; and
(c) A commitment to provide a record or information requested by the board to verify that the shortfalls have been completely reconciled.
h. A declaration, signed by a legal representative for the responsible ACP party, that states that all information and operational plans submitted with the ACP application are true and correct.
2. a. In accordance with the time periods specified in subsection C of this section, the board will issue an ACP agreement approving an ACP that meets the requirements of this article. The board will specify such terms and conditions as are necessary to ensure that the emissions from the ACP products do not exceed the emissions that would have occurred if the ACP products subject to the ACP had met the VOC standards specified in 9VAC5-45-310 A. The ACP shall also include:
(1) Only those ACP products for which the enforceable sales are at least 75% of the gross sales as determined in subdivision 1 d (5) of this subsection;
(2) A reconciliation of shortfalls plan meeting the requirements of this article; and
(3) Operational terms, conditions, and data to be reported to the board to ensure that all requirements of this article are met.
b. The board will not approve an ACP submitted by a responsible ACP party if the board determines, upon review of the responsible ACP party's compliance history with past or current ACPs or the requirements for consumer products in this article, that the responsible ACP party has a recurring pattern of violations and has consistently refused to take the necessary steps to correct those violations.
C. Provisions follow concerning ACP approval time frames timeframes.
1. The board will take appropriate action on an ACP within the following time periods:
a. Within 30 working days of receipt of an ACP application, the board will inform the applicant in writing that either:
(1) The application is complete and accepted for filing, or
(2) The application is deficient, and identify the specific information required to make the application complete.
b. Within 30 working days of receipt of additional information provided in response to a determination that an ACP application is deficient, the board will inform the applicant in writing that either:
(1) The additional information is sufficient to make the application complete, and the application is accepted for filing, or
(2) The application is deficient, and identify the specific information required to make the application complete.
c. If the board finds that an application meets the requirements of subsection B of this section, then it shall issue an ACP agreement in accordance with the requirements of this article. The board will normally act to approve or disapprove a complete application within 90 working days after the application is deemed complete. The board may extend this time period if additional information is needed.
2. Before the end of each time period specified in this section, the board and the responsible ACP party may mutually agree to a longer time period for the board to take the appropriate action.
D. Provisions follow concerning recordkeeping and availability of requested information.
1. All information specified in the ACP agreement approving an ACP shall be maintained by the responsible ACP party for a minimum of three years after such records are generated. Such records shall be clearly legible and maintained in good condition during this period.
2. The records specified in subdivision 1 of this subsection shall be made available to the board or its authorized representative:
a. Immediately upon request, during an on-site visit to a responsible ACP party,
b. Within five working days after receipt of a written request from the board, or
c. Within a time period mutually agreed upon by both the board and the responsible ACP party.
E. Provisions follow concerning violations.
1. Failure to meet a requirement of this article or a condition of an applicable ACP agreement shall constitute a single, separate violation of this article for each day until such requirement or condition is satisfied, except as otherwise provided in subdivisions 2 through 8 of this subsection.
2. False reporting of information in an ACP application or in any supporting documentation or amendments thereto shall constitute a single, separate violation of the requirements of this article for each day that the approved ACP is in effect.
3. An exceedance during the applicable compliance period of the VOC content specified for an ACP product in the ACP agreement approving an ACP shall constitute a single, separate violation of the requirements of this article for each ACP product that exceeds the specified VOC content that is sold, supplied, offered for sale, or manufactured for use.
4. Any of the following actions shall each constitute a single, separate violation of the requirements of this article for each day after the applicable deadline until the requirement is satisfied:
a. Failure to report data or failure to report data accurately in writing to the board regarding the VOC content, LVP content, enforceable sales, or other information required by the deadline specified in the applicable ACP agreement;
b. False reporting of information submitted to the board for determining compliance with the ACP requirements;
c. Failure to completely implement the reconciliation of shortfalls plan that is set forth in the ACP agreement within 30 working days from the date of written notification of a shortfall by the board; or
d. Failure to completely reconcile the shortfall as specified in the ACP agreement within 90 working days from the date of written notification of a shortfall by the board.
5. False reporting or failure to report any of the information specified in subdivision F 2 i of this section or the sale or transfer of invalid surplus reductions shall constitute a single, separate violation of the requirements of this article for each day during the time period for which the surplus reductions are claimed to be valid.
6. Except as provided in subdivision 7 of this subsection, an exceedance of the ACP limit for a compliance period that the ACP is in effect shall constitute a single, separate violation of the requirements of this article for each day of the applicable compliance period. The board will determine whether an exceedance of the ACP limit has occurred as follows:
a. If the responsible ACP party has provided all required information for the applicable compliance period specified in the ACP agreement approving an ACP, then the board will determine whether an exceedance has occurred using the enforceable sales records and VOC content for each ACP product as reported by the responsible ACP party for the applicable compliance period.
b. If the responsible ACP party has failed to provide all the required information specified in the ACP agreement for an applicable compliance period, the board will determine whether an exceedance of the ACP limit has occurred as follows.
(1) For the missing data days, the board will calculate the total maximum historical emissions as specified in 9VAC5-45-300 C.
(2) For the remaining portion of the compliance period that are not missing data days, the board will calculate the emissions for each ACP product using the enforceable sales records and VOC content that were reported for that portion of the applicable compliance period.
(3) The ACP emissions for the entire compliance period shall be the sum of the total maximum historical emissions, determined pursuant to subdivision 6 b (1) of this subsection, and the emissions determined pursuant to subdivision 6 b (2) of this subsection.
(4) The board will calculate the ACP limit for the entire compliance period using the ACP standards applicable to each ACP product and the enforceable sales records specified in subdivision 6 b (2) of this subsection. The enforceable sales for each ACP product during missing data days, as specified in subdivision 6 b (1) of this subsection, shall be zero.
(5) An exceedance of the ACP limit has occurred when the ACP emissions, determined pursuant to subdivision 6 b (3) of this subsection, exceeds the ACP limit, determined pursuant to subdivision 6 b (4) of this subsection.
7. If a violation specified in subdivision 6 of this subsection occurs, the responsible ACP party may, pursuant to this subdivision, establish the number of violations as calculated according to the following equation:

NEV = number of ACP limit violations.
ACP emissions = the ACP emissions for the compliance period.
ACP limit = the ACP limit for the compliance period.
40 pounds = number of pounds of emissions equivalent to one violation.
The responsible ACP party may determine the number of ACP limit violations pursuant to this subdivision only if it has provided all required information for the applicable compliance period, as specified in the ACP agreement approving the ACP. By choosing this option, the responsible ACP party waives all legal objections to the calculation of the ACP limit violations pursuant to this subdivision.
8. A cause of action against a responsible ACP party under this section shall be deemed to accrue on the date when the records establishing a violation are received by the board.
9. The responsible ACP party is fully liable for compliance with the requirements of this article, even if the responsible ACP party contracts with or otherwise relies on another person to carry out some or all of the requirements of this article.
F. Provisions follow concerning surplus reductions and surplus trading.
1. The board will issue surplus reduction certificates that establish and quantify, to the nearest pound of VOC reduced, the surplus reductions achieved by a responsible ACP party operating under an ACP. The surplus reductions can be bought from, sold to, or transferred to a responsible ACP party operating under an ACP, as provided in subdivision 2 of this subsection. All surplus reductions shall be calculated by the board at the end of each compliance period within the time specified in the approved ACP. Surplus reduction certificates shall not constitute instruments, securities, or another form of property.
2. The issuance, use, and trading of all surplus reductions shall be subject to the following provisions:
a. For the purposes of this article, VOC reductions from sources of VOCs other than consumer products subject to the VOC standards specified in 9VAC5-45-310 A may not be used to generate surplus reductions.
b. Surplus reductions are valid only when generated by a responsible ACP party and only while that responsible ACP party is operating under an approved ACP.
c. Surplus reductions are valid only after the board has issued an ACP agreement pursuant to subdivision 1 of this subsection.
d. Surplus reductions issued by the board may be used by the responsible ACP party who generated the surplus until the reductions expire, are traded, or until the ACP is canceled pursuant to subdivision J 2 of this section.
e. Surplus reductions cannot be applied retroactively to a compliance period prior to the compliance period in which the reductions were generated.
f. Except as provided in subdivision 2 g (2) of this subsection, only small or one-product businesses selling products under an approved ACP may purchase surplus reductions. An increase in the size of a small business or one-product business shall have no effect on surplus reductions purchased by that business prior to the date of the increase.
g. While valid, surplus reductions can be used only for the following purposes:
(1) To adjust the ACP emissions of either the responsible ACP party who generated the reductions or the responsible ACP party to which the reductions were traded, provided the surplus reductions are not to be used by a responsible ACP party to further lower its ACP emissions when its ACP emissions are equal to or less than the ACP limit during the applicable compliance period; or
(2) To be traded for the purpose of reconciling another responsible ACP party's shortfalls, provided such reconciliation is part of the reconciliation of shortfalls plan approved by the board pursuant to subdivision B 1 g (10) of this section.
h. A valid surplus reduction shall be in effect starting five days after the date of issuance by the board for a continuous period equal to the number of days in the compliance period during which the surplus reduction was generated. The surplus reduction shall then expire at the end of its effective period.
i. At least five working days prior to the effective date of transfer of surplus reductions, both the responsible ACP party that is selling surplus reductions and the responsible ACP party that is buying the surplus reductions shall, either together or separately, notify the board in writing of the transfer. The notification shall include all of the following:
(1) The date the transfer is to become effective.
(2) The date the surplus reductions being traded are due to expire.
(3) The amount (in pounds of VOCs) of surplus reductions that is being transferred.
(4) The total purchase price paid by the buyer for the surplus reductions.
(5) The contact persons, names of the companies, street and mail addresses, and phone numbers of the responsible ACP parties involved in the trading of the surplus reductions.
(6) A copy of the board-issued surplus reductions certificate, signed by both the seller and buyer of the certificate, showing transfer of all or a specified portion of the surplus reductions. The copy shall show the amount of any remaining nontraded surplus reductions, if applicable, and shall show their expiration date. The copy shall indicate that both the buyer and seller of the surplus reductions fully understand the conditions and limitations placed upon the transfer of the surplus reductions and accept full responsibility for the appropriate use of such surplus reductions as provided in this section.
j. Surplus reduction credits shall only be traded between ACP products.
3. Provisions follow concerning limited-use surplus reduction credits for early reformulations of ACP products.
a. For the purposes of this subdivision, "early reformulation" means an ACP product that is reformulated to result in a reduction in the product's VOC content, and that is sold, supplied, or offered for sale for the first time during the one-year (365 day) period immediately prior to the date on which the application for a proposed ACP is submitted to the board. Early reformulation does not include reformulated ACP products that are sold, supplied, or offered for sale more than one year prior to the date on which the ACP application is submitted to the board.
b. If requested in the application for a proposed ACP, the board will, upon approval of the ACP, issue surplus reduction credits for early reformulation of ACP products, provided that all of the following documentation has been provided by the responsible ACP party to the satisfaction of the board:
(1) Accurate documentation showing that the early reformulation reduced the VOC content of the ACP product to a level that is below the pre-ACP VOC content of the product or below the applicable VOC standard specified in 9VAC 5-45-310 A, whichever is the lesser of the two;
(2) Accurate documentation demonstrating that the early reformulated ACP product was sold in retail outlets within the time period specified in subdivision 3 a of this subsection;
(3) Accurate sales records for the early reformulated ACP product that meet the definition of enforceable sales records and that demonstrate that the enforceable sales for the ACP product are at least 75% of the gross sales for the product, as specified in subdivision B 1 d of this section; and
(4) Accurate documentation for the early reformulated ACP product that meets the requirements specified in subdivisions B 1 c and d and B 1 g (7) and (8) of this section and that identifies the specific test methods for verifying the claimed early reformulation and the statistical accuracy and precision of the test methods as specified in subdivision B 1 g (4) of this section.
c. Surplus reduction credits issued pursuant to this subsection shall be calculated separately for each early reformulated ACP product by the board according to the following equation:

SR = surplus reductions for the ACP product, expressed to the nearest pound.
Enforceable sales = the enforceable sales for the early reformulated ACP product, expressed to the nearest pound of ACP product.
VOC contentinitial = the pre-ACP VOC content of the ACP product, or the applicable VOC standard specified in 9VAC5-45-310 A, whichever is the lesser of the two, expressed to the nearest 0.1 pounds of VOC per 100 pounds of ACP product.
VOC contentfinal = the VOC content of the early reformulated ACP product after the early reformulation is achieved, expressed to the nearest 0.1 pounds of VOC per 100 pounds of ACP product.
d. The use of limited use surplus reduction credits issued pursuant to this subdivision shall be subject to all of the following provisions:
(1) Limited use surplus reduction credits shall be used solely to reconcile the responsible ACP party's shortfalls, if any, generated during the first compliance period occurring immediately after the issuance of the ACP agreement approving an ACP, and may not be used for another purpose;
(2) Limited use surplus reduction credits may not be transferred to, or used by, another responsible ACP party; and
(3) Except as provided in this subdivision, limited use surplus reduction credits shall be subject to all requirements applicable to surplus reductions and surplus trading as specified in subdivisions 1 and 2 of this subsection.
G. Provisions follow concerning the reconciliation of shortfalls.
1. At the end of each compliance period, the responsible ACP party shall make an initial calculation of shortfalls occurring in that compliance period as specified in the ACP agreement approving the ACP. Upon receipt of this information, the board will determine the amount of a shortfall that has occurred during the compliance period and shall notify the responsible ACP party of this determination.
2. The responsible ACP party shall implement the reconciliation of shortfalls plan as specified in the ACP agreement approving the ACP within 30 working days from the date of written notification of a shortfall by the board.
3. All shortfalls shall be completely reconciled within 90 working days from the date of written notification of a shortfall by the board by implementing the reconciliation of shortfalls plan specified in the ACP agreement approving the ACP.
4. All requirements specified in the ACP agreement approving an ACP, including all applicable ACP limits, shall remain in effect while shortfalls are in the process of being reconciled.
H. Provisions follow concerning the notification of modifications to an ACP by the responsible ACP party.
1. Board pre-approval is not required for modifications that are a change to an ACP product's: (i) product name, (ii) product formulation, (iii) product form, (iv) product function, (v) applicable product category, (vi) VOC content, (vii) LVP content, (viii) date-codes, or (ix) recommended product usage directions. The responsible ACP party shall notify the board of such changes, in writing, no later than 15 working days from the date such a change occurs. For each modification, the notification shall fully explain the following:
a. The nature of the modification;
b. The extent to which the ACP product formulation, VOC content, LVP content, or recommended usage directions will be changed;
c. The extent to which the ACP emissions and ACP limit specified in the ACP agreement will be changed for the applicable compliance period; and
d. The effective date and corresponding date-codes for the modification.
2. The responsible ACP party may propose modifications to the enforceable sales records or the reconciliation of shortfalls plan specified in the ACP agreement approving the ACP, however, such modifications require board pre-approval. Any such proposed modifications shall be fully described in writing and forwarded to the board. The responsible ACP party shall clearly demonstrate that the proposed modifications will meet the requirements of this article. The board will act on the proposed modifications using the procedure set forth in subsection C of this section. The responsible ACP party shall meet all applicable requirements of the existing ACP until such time as a proposed modification is approved in writing by the board.
3. Except as otherwise provided in subdivisions 1 and 2 of this subsection, the responsible ACP party shall notify the board, in writing, of information known by the responsible ACP party that may alter the information submitted pursuant to the requirements of subsection B of this section. The responsible ACP party shall provide such notification to the board no later than 15 working days from the date such information is known to the responsible ACP party.
I. Provisions follow concerning the modification of an ACP by the board.
1. If the board determines that: (i) the enforceable sales for an ACP product are no longer at least 75% of the gross sales for that product, (ii) the information submitted pursuant to the approval process set forth in subsection C of this section is no longer valid, or (iii) the ACP emissions are exceeding the ACP limit specified in the ACP agreement approving an ACP, then the board will modify the ACP as necessary to ensure that the ACP meets all requirements of this article and that the ACP emissions will not exceed the ACP limit.
2. If any applicable VOC standards specified in 9VAC5-45-310 A are modified by the board in a future rulemaking, the board will modify the ACP limit specified in the ACP agreement approving an ACP to reflect the modified ACP VOC standards as of their effective dates.
J. Provisions follow concerning the cancellation of an ACP.
1. An ACP shall remain in effect until:
a. The ACP reaches the expiration date specified in the ACP agreement;
b. The ACP is modified by the responsible ACP party and approved by the board as provided in subsection H of this section;
c. The ACP is modified by the board as provided in subsection I of this section;
d. The ACP includes a product for which the VOC standard specified in 9VAC5-45-310 A is modified by the board in a future rulemaking, and the responsible ACP party informs the board in writing that the ACP will terminate on the effective date of the modified standard; or
e. The ACP is cancelled canceled pursuant to subdivision 2 of this subsection.
2. The board will cancel an ACP if any of the following circumstances occur:
a. The responsible ACP party demonstrates to the satisfaction of the board that the continuation of the ACP will result in an extraordinary economic hardship.
b. The responsible ACP party violates the requirements of the approved ACP, and the violation results in a shortfall that is 20% or more of the applicable ACP limit (i.e., the ACP emissions exceed the ACP limit by 20% or more).
c. The responsible ACP party fails to meet the requirements of subsection G of this section within the time periods specified in that subsection.
d. The responsible ACP party has demonstrated a recurring pattern of violations and has consistently failed to take the necessary steps to correct those violations.
3. Cancellations of ACPs are considered case decisions and will be processed using the procedures prescribed in 9VAC5-170-40 A 2 and applicable provisions of Article 3 (§ 2.2-4018 et seq.) of the Administrative Process Act.
4. The responsible ACP party for an ACP that is canceled pursuant to this section and who does not have a valid ACP to immediately replace the canceled ACP shall meet all of the following requirements:
a. All remaining shortfalls in effect at the time of ACP cancellation shall be reconciled in accordance with the requirements of subsection G of this section, and
b. All ACP products subject to the ACP shall be in compliance with the applicable VOC standards in 9VAC5-45-310 A immediately upon the effective date of ACP cancellation.
5. Violations incurred pursuant to subsection E of this section shall not be cancelled canceled or affected by the subsequent cancellation or modification of an ACP pursuant to subsection H, I, or J of this section.
K. The information required by subdivisions B 1 a and b and F 2 i of this section is public information that may not be claimed as confidential. Other information submitted to the board to meet the requirements of this section shall be available to the public except where the owner makes a showing satisfactory to the board under 9VAC5-170-60 B that the information meets the criteria in 9VAC5-170-60 C, in which case the information shall be handled in accordance with the procedures specified in §§ 10.1-1314 and 10.1-1314.1 of the Air Pollution Control Law of Virginia.
L. A responsible ACP party may transfer an ACP to another responsible ACP party, provided that all of the following conditions are met:
1. The board will be notified, in writing, by both responsible ACP parties participating in the transfer of the ACP and its associated ACP agreement. The written notifications shall be postmarked or submitted electronically at least five working days prior to the effective date of the transfer and shall be signed and submitted separately by both responsible parties. The written notifications shall clearly identify the contact persons, business names, mail and street addresses, and phone numbers of the responsible parties involved in the transfer.
2. The responsible ACP party to which the ACP is being transferred shall provide a written declaration stating that the transferee shall fully comply with all requirements of the ACP agreement approving the ACP and this article.
M. In approving agreements under subsections B through L of this section, the board will take into consideration whether the applicant has been granted an ACP by CARB. A manufacturer of consumer products that has been granted an ACP agreement by the CARB under the provisions in Subchapter 8.5, Article 4, Sections 94540-94555, of Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations (see 9VAC5-20-21) may be exempt from Table 45-3A for the period of time that the CARB ACP agreement remains in effect provided that all ACP products used for emission credits within the CARB ACP agreement are contained in Table 45-3A. A manufacturer claiming such an ACP agreement on this basis must submit to the board a copy of the CARB ACP decision (i.e., the executive order), including all conditions established by CARB applicable to the exemption and certification that the manufacturer will comply with the CARB ACP decision for those ACP products in the areas specified in 9VAC5-45-280 C.
9VAC5-45-440. Alternative control plan (ACP) for consumer products.
A. 1. Manufacturers of consumer products may seek an ACP agreement in accordance with subsections B through L of this section.
2. Only responsible ACP parties for consumer products may enter into an ACP agreement under the provisions of this section.
B. Provisions follow concerning the requirements and process for approval of an ACP.
1. To be considered by the board for approval, an application for a proposed ACP shall be submitted in writing to the board by the responsible ACP party and shall contain all of the following:
a. An identification of the contact persons, phone numbers, names, and addresses of the responsible ACP party that is submitting the ACP application and will be implementing the ACP requirements specified in the ACP agreement.
b. A statement of whether the responsible ACP party is a small business or a one-product business.
c. A listing of the exact product brand name, form, available variations (flavors, scents, colors, sizes, etc.), and applicable product category for each distinct ACP product that is proposed for inclusion in the ACP.
d. For each proposed ACP product identified in subdivision 1 c of this subsection, a demonstration to the satisfaction of the board that the enforceable sales records to be used by the responsible ACP party for tracking product sales meet the minimum criteria specified in subdivision 1 d (5) of this subsection. To provide this demonstration, the responsible ACP party shall either demonstrate to the satisfaction of the board that other records provided to the board in writing by the responsible ACP party meet the minimum criteria of subdivision 1 d (5) of this subsection for tracking product sales of each ACP product, or do all of the following:
(1) Provide the contact persons, phone numbers, names, street and mail addresses of all persons and businesses who will provide information that will be used to determine the enforceable sales;
(2) Determine the enforceable sales of each product using enforceable sales records;
(3) Demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the board, the validity of the enforceable sales based on enforceable sales records provided by the contact persons or the responsible ACP party;
(4) Calculate the percentage of the gross sales that is composed of enforceable sales; and
(5) Determine which ACP products have enforceable sales that are 75% or more of the gross sales. Only ACP products meeting this criteria shall be allowed to be sold under an ACP.
e. For each of the ACP products identified in subdivision 1 d (5) of this subsection, the inclusion of the following:
(1) Legible copies of the existing labels for each product; and
(2) The VOC content and LVP content for each product. The VOC content and LVP content shall be reported for two different periods as follows:
(a) The VOC and LVP contents of the product at the time the application for an ACP is submitted, and
(b) The VOC and LVP contents of the product that were used at any time within the four years prior to the date of submittal of the application for an ACP if either the VOC or LVP contents have varied by more than plus or minus 10% of the VOC or LVP contents reported in subdivision 1 e (2) (a) of this subsection.
f. A written commitment obligating the responsible ACP party to date-code every unit of each ACP product approved for inclusion in the ACP. The commitment shall require the responsible ACP party to display the date-code on each ACP product container or package no later than five working days after the date an ACP agreement approving an ACP is signed by the board.
g. An operational plan covering all the products identified under subdivision 1 d (5) of this subsection for each compliance period that the ACP will be in effect. The operational plan shall contain all of the following:
(1) An identification of the compliance periods and dates for the responsible ACP party to report the information required by the board in the ACP agreement approving an ACP. The length of the compliance period shall be chosen by the responsible ACP party (not to exceed 365 days). The responsible ACP party shall also choose the dates for reporting information such that all required VOC content and enforceable sales data for all ACP products shall be reported to the board at the same time and at the same frequency.
(2) An identification of specific enforceable sales records to be provided to the board for enforcing the provisions of this article and the ACP agreement approving an ACP. The enforceable sales records shall be provided to the board no later than the compliance period dates specified in subdivision 1 g (1) of this subsection.
(3) For a small business or a one-product business that will be relying to some extent on surplus trading to meet its ACP limits, a written commitment from the responsible ACP party that they will transfer the surplus reductions to the small business or one-product business upon approval of the ACP.
(4) For each ACP product, all VOC content levels that will be applicable for the ACP product during each compliance period. The plan shall also identify the specific method by which the VOC content will be determined and the statistical accuracy and precision (repeatability and reproducibility) will be calculated for each specified method.
(5) The projected enforceable sales for each ACP product at each different VOC content for every compliance period that the ACP will be in effect.
(6) A detailed demonstration showing the combination of specific ACP reformulations or surplus trading (if applicable) that is sufficient to ensure that the ACP emissions will not exceed the ACP limit for each compliance period that the ACP will be in effect, the approximate date within each compliance period that such reformulations or surplus trading are expected to occur, and the extent to which the VOC contents of the ACP products will be reduced (i.e., by ACP reformulation). This demonstration shall use the equations specified in 9VAC5-45-420 C for projecting the ACP emissions and ACP limits during each compliance period. This demonstration shall also include all VOC content levels and projected enforceable sales for all ACP products to be sold during each compliance period.
(7) A certification that all reductions in the VOC content of a product will be real, actual reductions that do not result from changing product names, mischaracterizing ACP product reformulations that have occurred in the past, or other attempts to circumvent the provisions of this article.
(8) Written explanations of the date-codes that will be displayed on each ACP product's container or packaging.
(9) A statement of the approximate dates by which the responsible ACP party plans to meet the applicable ACP VOC standards for each product in the ACP.
(10) An operational plan ("reconciliation of shortfalls plan") that commits the responsible ACP party to completely reconcile shortfalls, even, to the extent permitted by law, if the responsible ACP party files for bankruptcy protection. The plan for reconciliation of shortfalls shall contain all of the following:
(a) A clear and convincing demonstration of how shortfalls of up to 5.0%, 10%, 15%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of the applicable ACP limit will be completely reconciled within 90 working days from the date the shortfall is determined;
(b) A listing of the specific records and other information that will be necessary to verify that the shortfalls were reconciled as specified in this subsection; and
(c) A commitment to provide a record or information requested by the board to verify that the shortfalls have been completely reconciled.
h. A declaration, signed by a legal representative for the responsible ACP party, that states that all information and operational plans submitted with the ACP application are true and correct.
2. a. In accordance with the time periods specified in subsection C of this section, the board will issue an ACP agreement approving an ACP that meets the requirements of this article. The board will specify such terms and conditions as are necessary to ensure that the emissions from the ACP products do not exceed the emissions that would have occurred if the ACP products subject to the ACP had met the VOC standards specified in 9VAC5-45-430 A. The ACP shall also include:
(1) Only those ACP products for which the enforceable sales are at least 75% of the gross sales as determined in subdivision 1 d (5) of this subsection;
(2) A reconciliation of shortfalls plan meeting the requirements of this article; and
(3) Operational terms, conditions, and data to be reported to the board to ensure that all requirements of this article are met.
b. The board will not approve an ACP submitted by a responsible ACP party if the board determines, upon review of the responsible ACP party's compliance history with past or current ACPs or the requirements for consumer products in this article, that the responsible ACP party has a recurring pattern of violations and has consistently refused to take the necessary steps to correct those violations.
C. Provisions follow concerning ACP approval time frames timeframes.
1. The board will take appropriate action on an ACP within the following time periods:
a. Within 30 working days of receipt of an ACP application, the board will inform the applicant in writing that either:
(1) The application is complete and accepted for filing, or
(2) The application is deficient, and identify the specific information required to make the application complete.
b. Within 30 working days of receipt of additional information provided in response to a determination that an ACP application is deficient, the board will inform the applicant in writing that either:
(1) The additional information is sufficient to make the application complete, and the application is accepted for filing, or
(2) The application is deficient, and identify the specific information required to make the application complete.
c. If the board finds that an application meets the requirements of subsection B of this section, then it shall issue an ACP agreement in accordance with the requirements of this article. The board will normally act to approve or disapprove a complete application within 90 working days after the application is deemed complete. The board may extend this time period if additional information is needed.
2. Before the end of each time period specified in this section, the board and the responsible ACP party may mutually agree to a longer time period for the board to take the appropriate action.
D. Provisions follow concerning recordkeeping and availability of requested information.
1. All information specified in the ACP agreement approving an ACP shall be maintained by the responsible ACP party for a minimum of three years after such records are generated. Such records shall be clearly legible and maintained in good condition during this period.
2. The records specified in subdivision 1 of this subsection shall be made available to the board or its authorized representative:
a. Immediately upon request, during an on-site visit to a responsible ACP party,
b. Within five working days after receipt of a written request from the board, or
c. Within a time period mutually agreed upon by both the board and the responsible ACP party.
E. Provisions follow concerning violations.
1. Failure to meet a requirement of this article or a condition of an applicable ACP agreement shall constitute a single, separate violation of this article for each day until such requirement or condition is satisfied, except as otherwise provided in subdivisions 2 through 8 of this subsection.
2. False reporting of information in an ACP application or in any supporting documentation or amendments thereto shall constitute a single, separate violation of the requirements of this article for each day that the approved ACP is in effect.
3. An exceedance during the applicable compliance period of the VOC content specified for an ACP product in the ACP agreement approving an ACP shall constitute a single, separate violation of the requirements of this article for each ACP product that exceeds the specified VOC content that is sold, supplied, offered for sale, or manufactured for use.
4. Any of the following actions shall each constitute a single, separate violation of the requirements of this article for each day after the applicable deadline until the requirement is satisfied:
a. Failure to report data or failure to report data accurately in writing to the board regarding the VOC content, LVP content, enforceable sales, or other information required by the deadline specified in the applicable ACP agreement;
b. False reporting of information submitted to the board for determining compliance with the ACP requirements;
c. Failure to completely implement the reconciliation of shortfalls plan that is set forth in the ACP agreement within 30 working days from the date of written notification of a shortfall by the board; or
d. Failure to completely reconcile the shortfall as specified in the ACP agreement within 90 working days from the date of written notification of a shortfall by the board.
5. False reporting or failure to report any of the information specified in subdivision F 2 i of this section or the sale or transfer of invalid surplus reductions shall constitute a single, separate violation of the requirements of this article for each day during the time period for which the surplus reductions are claimed to be valid.
6. Except as provided in subdivision 7 of this subsection, an exceedance of the ACP limit for a compliance period that the ACP is in effect shall constitute a single, separate violation of the requirements of this article for each day of the applicable compliance period. The board will determine whether an exceedance of the ACP limit has occurred as follows:
a. If the responsible ACP party has provided all required information for the applicable compliance period specified in the ACP agreement approving an ACP, then the board will determine whether an exceedance has occurred using the enforceable sales records and VOC content for each ACP product as reported by the responsible ACP party for the applicable compliance period.
b. If the responsible ACP party has failed to provide all the required information specified in the ACP agreement for an applicable compliance period, the board will determine whether an exceedance of the ACP limit has occurred as follows:
(1) For the missing data days, the board will calculate the total maximum historical emissions as specified in 9VAC5-45-420 C.
(2) For the remaining portion of the compliance period that are not missing data days, the board will calculate the emissions for each ACP product using the enforceable sales records and VOC content that were reported for that portion of the applicable compliance period.
(3) The ACP emissions for the entire compliance period shall be the sum of the total maximum historical emissions determined pursuant to subdivision 6 b (1) of this subsection, and the emissions determined pursuant to subdivision 6 b (2) of this subsection.
(4) The board will calculate the ACP limit for the entire compliance period using the ACP standards applicable to each ACP product and the enforceable sales records specified in subdivision 6 b (2) of this subsection. The enforceable sales for each ACP product during missing data days, as specified in subdivision 6 b (1) of this subsection, shall be zero.
(5) An exceedance of the ACP limit has occurred when the ACP emissions, determined pursuant to subdivision 6 b (3) of this subsection, exceeds the ACP limit, determined pursuant to subdivision 6 b (4) of this subsection.
7. If a violation specified in subdivision 6 of this subsection occurs, the responsible ACP party may, pursuant to this subdivision, establish the number of violations as calculated according to the following equation:

NEV = number of ACP limit violations.
ACP emissions = the ACP emissions for the compliance period.
ACP limit = the ACP limit for the compliance period.
40 pounds = number of pounds of emissions equivalent to one violation.
The responsible ACP party may determine the number of ACP limit violations pursuant to this subdivision only if it has provided all required information for the applicable compliance period, as specified in the ACP agreement approving the ACP. By choosing this option, the responsible ACP party waives all legal objections to the calculation of the ACP limit violations pursuant to this subdivision.
8. A cause of action against a responsible ACP party under this section shall be deemed to accrue on the date when the records establishing a violation are received by the board.
9. The responsible ACP party is fully liable for compliance with the requirements of this article, even if the responsible ACP party contracts with or otherwise relies on another person to carry out some or all of the requirements of this article.
F. Provisions follow concerning surplus reductions and surplus trading.
1. The board will issue surplus reduction certificates that establish and quantify, to the nearest pound of VOC reduced, the surplus reductions achieved by a responsible ACP party operating under an ACP. The surplus reductions can be bought from, sold to, or transferred to a responsible ACP party operating under an ACP, as provided in subdivision 2 of this subsection. All surplus reductions shall be calculated by the board at the end of each compliance period within the time specified in the approved ACP. Surplus reduction certificates shall not constitute instruments, securities, or another form of property.
2. The issuance, use, and trading of all surplus reductions shall be subject to the following provisions:
a. For the purposes of this article, VOC reductions from sources of VOCs other than consumer products subject to the VOC standards specified in 9VAC5-45-430 A may not be used to generate surplus reductions.
b. Surplus reductions are valid only when generated by a responsible ACP party and only while that responsible ACP party is operating under an approved ACP.
c. Surplus reductions are valid only after the board has issued an ACP agreement pursuant to subdivision 1 of this subsection.
d. Surplus reductions issued by the board may be used by the responsible ACP party who generated the surplus until the reductions expire, are traded, or until the ACP is canceled pursuant to subdivision J 2 of this section.
e. Surplus reductions cannot be applied retroactively to a compliance period prior to the compliance period in which the reductions were generated.
f. Except as provided in subdivision 2 g (2) of this subsection, only small or one-product businesses selling products under an approved ACP may purchase surplus reductions. An increase in the size of a small business or one-product business shall have no effect on surplus reductions purchased by that business prior to the date of the increase.
g. While valid, surplus reductions can be used only for the following purposes:
(1) To adjust the ACP emissions of either the responsible ACP party who generated the reductions or the responsible ACP party to which the reductions were traded, provided the surplus reductions are not to be used by a responsible ACP party to further lower its ACP emissions when its ACP emissions are equal to or less than the ACP limit during the applicable compliance period; or
(2) To be traded for the purpose of reconciling another responsible ACP party's shortfalls, provided such reconciliation is part of the reconciliation of shortfalls plan approved by the board pursuant to subdivision B 1 g (10) of this section.
h. A valid surplus reduction shall be in effect starting five days after the date of issuance by the board for a continuous period equal to the number of days in the compliance period during which the surplus reduction was generated. The surplus reduction shall then expire at the end of its effective period.
i. At least five working days prior to the effective date of transfer of surplus reductions, both the responsible ACP party that is selling surplus reductions and the responsible ACP party that is buying the surplus reductions shall, either together or separately, notify the board in writing of the transfer. The notification shall include all of the following:
(1) The date the transfer is to become effective.
(2) The date the surplus reductions being traded are due to expire.
(3) The amount (in pounds of VOCs) of surplus reductions that is being transferred.
(4) The total purchase price paid by the buyer for the surplus reductions.
(5) The contact persons, names of the companies, street and mail addresses, and phone numbers of the responsible ACP parties involved in the trading of the surplus reductions.
(6) A copy of the board-issued surplus reductions certificate, signed by both the seller and buyer of the certificate, showing transfer of all or a specified portion of the surplus reductions. The copy shall show the amount of any remaining nontraded surplus reductions, if applicable, and shall show their expiration date. The copy shall indicate that both the buyer and seller of the surplus reductions fully understand the conditions and limitations placed upon the transfer of the surplus reductions and accept full responsibility for the appropriate use of such surplus reductions as provided in this section.
j. Surplus reduction credits shall only be traded between ACP products.
3. Provisions follow concerning limited-use surplus reduction credits for early reformulations of ACP products.
a. For the purposes of this subdivision, "early reformulation" means an ACP product that is reformulated to result in a reduction in the product's VOC content, and that is sold, supplied, or offered for sale for the first time during the one-year (365 day) period immediately prior to the date on which the application for a proposed ACP is submitted to the board. Early reformulation does not include reformulated ACP products that are sold, supplied, or offered for sale more than one year prior to the date on which the ACP application is submitted to the board.
b. If requested in the application for a proposed ACP, the board will, upon approval of the ACP, issue surplus reduction credits for early reformulation of ACP products, provided that all of the following documentation has been provided by the responsible ACP party to the satisfaction of the board:
(1) Accurate documentation showing that the early reformulation reduced the VOC content of the ACP product to a level that is below the pre-ACP VOC content of the product or below the applicable VOC standard specified in 9VAC 5-45-430 9VAC5-45-430 A, whichever is the lesser of the two;
(2) Accurate documentation demonstrating that the early reformulated ACP product was sold in retail outlets within the time period specified in subdivision 3 a of this subsection;
(3) Accurate sales records for the early reformulated ACP product that meet the definition of enforceable sales records and that demonstrate that the enforceable sales for the ACP product are at least 75% of the gross sales for the product, as specified in subdivision B 1 d of this section; and
(4) Accurate documentation for the early reformulated ACP product that meets the requirements specified in subdivisions B 1 c and d and B 1 g (7) and (8) of this section and that identifies the specific test methods for verifying the claimed early reformulation and the statistical accuracy and precision of the test methods as specified in subdivision B 1 g (4) of this section.
c. Surplus reduction credits issued pursuant to this subsection shall be calculated separately for each early reformulated ACP product by the board according to the following equation:

SR = surplus reductions for the ACP product, expressed to the nearest pound.
Enforceable sales = the enforceable sales for the early reformulated ACP product, expressed to the nearest pound of ACP product.
VOC contentinitial = the pre-ACP VOC content of the ACP product, or the applicable VOC standard specified in 9VAC5-45-430 A, whichever is the lesser of the two, expressed to the nearest 0.1 pounds of VOC per 100 pounds of ACP product.
VOC contentfinal = the VOC content of the early reformulated ACP product after the early reformulation is achieved, expressed to the nearest 0.1 pounds of VOC per 100 pounds of ACP product.
d. The use of limited use surplus reduction credits issued pursuant to this subdivision shall be subject to all of the following provisions:
(1) Limited use surplus reduction credits shall be used solely to reconcile the responsible ACP party's shortfalls, if any, generated during the first compliance period occurring immediately after the issuance of the ACP agreement approving an ACP, and may not be used for another purpose;
(2) Limited use surplus reduction credits may not be transferred to, or used by, another responsible ACP party; and
(3) Except as provided in this subdivision, limited use surplus reduction credits shall be subject to all requirements applicable to surplus reductions and surplus trading as specified in subdivisions 1 and 2 of this subsection.
G. Provisions follow concerning the reconciliation of shortfalls.
1. At the end of each compliance period, the responsible ACP party shall make an initial calculation of shortfalls occurring in that compliance period as specified in the ACP agreement approving the ACP. Upon receipt of this information, the board will determine the amount of a shortfall that has occurred during the compliance period and shall notify the responsible ACP party of this determination.
2. The responsible ACP party shall implement the reconciliation of shortfalls plan as specified in the ACP agreement approving the ACP within 30 working days from the date of written notification of a shortfall by the board.
3. All shortfalls shall be completely reconciled within 90 working days from the date of written notification of a shortfall by the board by implementing the reconciliation of shortfalls plan specified in the ACP agreement approving the ACP.
4. All requirements specified in the ACP agreement approving an ACP, including all applicable ACP limits, shall remain in effect while shortfalls are in the process of being reconciled.
H. Provisions follow concerning the notification of modifications to an ACP by the responsible ACP party.
1. Board pre-approval is not required for modifications that are a change to an ACP product's: (i) product name, (ii) product formulation, (iii) product form, (iv) product function, (v) applicable product category, (vi) VOC content, (vii) LVP content, (viii) date-codes, or (ix) recommended product usage directions. The responsible ACP party shall notify the board of such changes, in writing, no later than 15 working days from the date such a change occurs. For each modification, the notification shall fully explain the following:
a. The nature of the modification;
b. The extent to which the ACP product formulation, VOC content, LVP content, or recommended usage directions will be changed;
c. The extent to which the ACP emissions and ACP limit specified in the ACP agreement will be changed for the applicable compliance period; and
d. The effective date and corresponding date-codes for the modification.
2. The responsible ACP party may propose modifications to the enforceable sales records or the reconciliation of shortfalls plan specified in the ACP agreement approving the ACP, however, such modifications require board pre-approval. Any such proposed modifications shall be fully described in writing and forwarded to the board. The responsible ACP party shall clearly demonstrate that the proposed modifications will meet the requirements of this article. The board will act on the proposed modifications using the procedure set forth in subsection C of this section. The responsible ACP party shall meet all applicable requirements of the existing ACP until such time as a proposed modification is approved in writing by the board.
3. Except as otherwise provided in subdivisions 1 and 2 of this subsection, the responsible ACP party shall notify the board, in writing, of information known by the responsible ACP party that may alter the information submitted pursuant to the requirements of subsection B of this section. The responsible ACP party shall provide such notification to the board no later than 15 working days from the date such information is known to the responsible ACP party.
I. Provisions follow concerning the modification of an ACP by the board.
1. If the board determines that: (i) the enforceable sales for an ACP product are no longer at least 75% of the gross sales for that product, (ii) the information submitted pursuant to the approval process set forth in subsection C of this section is no longer valid, or (iii) the ACP emissions are exceeding the ACP limit specified in the ACP agreement approving an ACP, then the board will modify the ACP as necessary to ensure that the ACP meets all requirements of this article and that the ACP emissions will not exceed the ACP limit.
2. If any applicable VOC standards specified in 9VAC5-45-430 A are modified by the board in a future rulemaking, the board will modify the ACP limit specified in the ACP agreement approving an ACP to reflect the modified ACP VOC standards as of their effective dates.
J. Provisions follow concerning the cancellation of an ACP.
1. An ACP shall remain in effect until:
a. The ACP reaches the expiration date specified in the ACP agreement;
b. The ACP is modified by the responsible ACP party and approved by the board as provided in subsection H of this section;
c. The ACP is modified by the board as provided in subsection I of this section;
d. The ACP includes a product for which the VOC standard specified in 9VAC5-45-430 A is modified by the board in a future rule-making rulemaking, and the responsible ACP party informs the board in writing that the ACP will terminate on the effective date of the modified standard; or
e. The ACP is cancelled canceled pursuant to subdivision 2 of this subsection.
2. The board will cancel an ACP if any of the following circumstances occur:
a. The responsible ACP party demonstrates to the satisfaction of the board that the continuation of the ACP will result in an extraordinary economic hardship.
b. The responsible ACP party violates the requirements of the approved ACP, and the violation results in a shortfall that is 20% or more of the applicable ACP limit (i.e., the ACP emissions exceed the ACP limit by 20% or more).
c. The responsible ACP party fails to meet the requirements of subsection G of this section within the time periods specified in that subsection.
d. The responsible ACP party has demonstrated a recurring pattern of violations and has consistently failed to take the necessary steps to correct those violations.
3. Cancellations of ACPs are considered case decisions and will be processed using the procedures prescribed in 9VAC5-170-40 A 2 and applicable provisions of Article 3 (§ 2.2-4018 et seq.) of the Administrative Process Act.
4. The responsible ACP party for an ACP that is canceled pursuant to this section and who does not have a valid ACP to immediately replace the canceled ACP shall meet all of the following requirements:
a. All remaining shortfalls in effect at the time of ACP cancellation shall be reconciled in accordance with the requirements of subsection G of this section, and
b. All ACP products subject to the ACP shall be in compliance with the applicable VOC standards in 9VAC5-45-430 A immediately upon the effective date of ACP cancellation.
5. Violations incurred pursuant to subsection E of this section shall not be cancelled canceled or affected by the subsequent cancellation or modification of an ACP pursuant to subsection H, I, or J of this section.
K. The information required by subdivisions B 1 a and b and F 2 i of this section is public information that may not be claimed as confidential. Other information submitted to the board to meet the requirements of this section shall be available to the public except where the owner makes a showing satisfactory to the board under 9VAC5-170-60 B that the information meets the criteria in 9VAC5-170-60 C, in which case the information shall be handled in accordance with the procedures specified in §§ 10.1-1314 and 10.1-1314.1 of the Air Pollution Control Law of Virginia.
L. A responsible ACP party may transfer an ACP to another responsible ACP party, provided that all of the following conditions are met:
1. The board will be notified, in writing, by both responsible ACP parties participating in the transfer of the ACP and its associated ACP agreement. The written notifications shall be postmarked or submitted electronically at least five working days prior to the effective date of the transfer and shall be signed and submitted separately by both responsible parties. The written notifications shall clearly identify the contact persons, business names, mail and street addresses, and phone numbers of the responsible parties involved in the transfer.
2. The responsible ACP party to which the ACP is being transferred shall provide a written declaration stating that the transferee shall fully comply with all requirements of the ACP agreement approving the ACP and this article.
M. In approving agreements under subsections B through L of this section, the board will take into consideration whether the applicant has been granted an ACP by CARB. A manufacturer of consumer products that has been granted an ACP agreement by the CARB under the provisions in Subchapter 8.5, Article 4, Sections 94540-94555, of Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations (see 9VAC5-20-21) may be exempt from Table 45-4A for the period of time that the CARB ACP agreement remains in effect provided that all ACP products used for emission credits within the CARB ACP agreement are contained in Table 45-4A. A manufacturer claiming such an ACP agreement on this basis must submit to the board a copy of the CARB ACP decision (i.e., the executive order), including all conditions established by CARB applicable to the exemption and certification that the manufacturer will comply with the CARB ACP decision for those ACP products in the areas specified in 9VAC5-45-400 B.
9VAC5-45-560. Administrative requirements.
Each manufacturer of any architectural coatings subject to this article shall display the information listed in subdivisions 1 through 8 of this section on the coating container (or label) in which the coating is sold or distributed.
1. The date the coating was manufactured, or a date code representing the date, shall be indicated on the label, lid, or bottom of the container. If the manufacturer uses a date code for any coating, the manufacturer shall file an explanation of each code with the board upon request of the board.
2. A statement of the manufacturer's recommendation regarding thinning of the coating shall be indicated on the label or lid of the container. This requirement does not apply to the thinning of architectural coatings with water. If thinning of the coating prior to use is not necessary, the recommendation shall specify that the coating is to be applied without thinning.
3. Each container of any coating subject to this article shall display either the maximum or the actual VOC content of the coating, as supplied, including the maximum thinning as recommended by the manufacturer. VOC content shall be displayed in grams of VOC per liter of coating. VOC content displayed shall be calculated using product formulation data, or shall be determined using the test methods in 9VAC5-45-590 C. The equations in 9VAC5-45-590 B shall be used to calculate VOC content.
4. In addition to the information specified in subdivisions 1, 2, and 3 of this section, each manufacturer of any industrial maintenance coating subject to this article shall display on the label or the lid of the container in which the coating is sold or distributed one or more of the descriptions listed in this subdivision.
a. "For industrial use only."
b. "For professional use only."
c. "Not for residential use" or "Not intended for residential use."
5. The labels of all clear brushing lacquers shall prominently display the statements "For brush application only," and "This product shall not be thinned or sprayed."
6. The labels of all rust preventive coatings shall prominently display the statement "For Metal Substrates Only."
7. The labels of all specialty primers, sealers, and undercoaters shall prominently display one or more of the descriptions listed in this subdivision.
a. For blocking stains.
b. For fire-damaged substrates.
c. For smoke-damaged substrates.
d. For water-damaged substrates.
e. For excessively chalky substrates.
8. The labels of all quick dry enamels shall prominently display the words "Quick Dry" and the dry hard time.
9. The labels of all nonflat high-gloss coatings shall prominently display the words "High Gloss."
9VAC5-50-10. Applicability.
A. The provisions of this chapter, unless specified otherwise, shall apply to new and modified sources.
B. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to sources specified below except as provided in 9VAC5-40-10 B:
1. Any stationary source (or portion of it), the construction, modification or relocation of which commenced on or after March 17, 1972.
2. Any stationary source (or portion of it), the reconstruction of which commenced on or after December 10, 1976.
C. If a facility becomes subject to any requirement in the Regulations for the Control and Abatement of Air Pollution because it exceeds an exemption level, the facility shall continue to be subject to all applicable requirements even if future conditions cause the facility to fall below the exemption level.
D. The provisions of 9VAC5 Chapter 40 (9VAC5-40-10 et seq.) 9VAC5-40, unless specified otherwise, shall apply to new and modified sources to the extent that those provisions thereof are more restrictive than the provisions of this chapter, 9VAC5 Chapter 80 (9VAC5-80-10 et seq.) 9VAC5-80, or any permit issued pursuant to 9VAC5 Chapter 80 (9VAC5-80-10 et seq.) 9VAC5-80.
E. For sources subject to the applicable subparts listed in 9VAC5-50-410, the provisions of 40 CFR 60.7, 40 CFR 60.8, 40 CFR 60.11 and 40 CFR 60.13 shall be implemented through this part. In cases where there are differences between the provisions of this part and the provisions of 40 CFR Part 60, the more restrictive provisions shall apply.
F. Any owner subject to the provisions of this chapter may provide any report, notification or other document by electronic media if acceptable to both the owner and board. This subsection shall not apply to documents requiring signatures or certification under 9VAC5-20-230.
9VAC5-50-50. Notification, records and reporting.
A. Any owner of a new or modified source subject to the provisions of this chapter shall provide written notifications to the board of the following:
1. The date of commencement of construction, reconstruction or modification of a new or modified source postmarked or submitted electronically no later than 30 days after such date.
2. The anticipated date of initial startup of a new or modified source postmarked not more than 60 days nor less than 30 days prior to such date.
3. The actual date of initial startup of a new or modified source postmarked or submitted electronically within 15 days after such date.
4. The date of any performance test required by 9VAC5 Chapter 80 (9VAC5-80) 9VAC5-80 and any other performance test the owner wishes the board to consider in determining compliance with a standard. Notification shall be postmarked or submitted electronically not less than 30 days prior to such date.
5. The date upon which demonstration of the continuous monitoring system performance begins in accordance with 9VAC5-50-40 C. Notification shall be postmarked or submitted electronically not less than 30 days prior to such date.
6. The anticipated date for conducting the opacity observations required by 9VAC5-50-20 G 1. The notification shall also include, if appropriate, a request for the board to provide a visible emissions reader during a performance test. The notification shall be postmarked or submitted electronically not less than 30 days prior to such date.
B. Any owner of a new or modified source subject to the provisions of 9VAC5-50-40 A shall maintain records of the occurrence and duration of any startup, shutdown or malfunction in the operation of such source; any malfunction of the air pollution control equipment; or any periods during which a continuous monitoring system or monitoring device is inoperative.
C. Each owner required to install a continuous monitoring system (CMS) or monitoring device shall submit a written report of excess emissions (as defined in the applicable subpart in 9VAC5-50-410) and either a monitoring systems performance report or a summary report form, or both to the board semiannually, except when (i) more frequent reporting is specifically required by an applicable subpart listed in 9VAC5-50-410 or the CMS data are to be used directly for compliance determination, in which case quarterly reports shall be submitted or (ii) the board, on a case-by-case basis, determines that more frequent reporting is necessary to accurately assess the compliance status of the source. The summary report and form shall meet the requirements of 40 CFR 60.7(d). The frequency of reporting requirements may be reduced as provided in 40 CFR 60.7(e). All reports shall be postmarked or submitted electronically by the 30th day following the end of each calendar half (or quarter, as appropriate). Written reports of excess emissions shall include the following information:
1. The magnitude of excess emissions computed in accordance with 40 CFR 60.13(h), any conversion factors used, and the date and time of commencement and completion of each period of excess emissions. The process operating time during the reporting period.
2. Specific identification of each period of excess emissions that occurs during startups, shutdowns, and malfunctions of the source. The nature and cause of any malfunction (if known), the corrective action taken or preventative measures adopted.
3. The date and time identifying each period during which the continuous monitoring system was inoperative except for zero and span checks and the nature of the system repairs or adjustments.
4. When no excess emissions have occurred or the continuous monitoring systems have not been inoperative, repaired or adjusted, such information shall be stated in the report.
D. Any owner of a new or modified source subject to the provisions of this chapter shall maintain a file of all measurements, including continuous monitoring system, monitoring device, and performance testing measurements; all continuous monitoring system performance evaluations; all continuous monitoring system or monitoring device calibration checks; adjustments and maintenance performed on these systems or devices; and all other information required by this chapter recorded in a permanent form suitable for inspection. The file shall be retained for at least two years (unless a longer period is specified in the applicable standard) following the date of such measurements, maintenance, reports and records.
E. Any data or information required by the Regulations for the Control and Abatement of Air Pollution, any permit or order of the board, or which the owner wishes the board to consider, to determine compliance with an emission standard shall be recorded or maintained in a time frame timeframe consistent with the averaging period of the standard.
F. The owner of a stationary source shall keep records as necessary to determine its emissions. Any owner claiming that a facility is exempt from the provisions of the Regulations for the Control and Abatement of Air Pollution shall keep records to demonstrate its continued exempt status.
G. The owner of a new or modified source subject to any volatile organic compound emission standard for a coating operation or printing process shall maintain records in accordance with the applicable procedure in 9VAC5-20-121.
H. Upon request of the board, the owner of a new or modified source subject to the provisions of this chapter shall provide notifications and reports, maintain records or report performance test or monitoring results in a manner and form and using procedures acceptable to the board.
9VAC5-60-10. Applicability.
A. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to all existing, new and modified hazardous air pollutant sources for which emission standards are prescribed under this chapter.
B. For sources subject to the applicable subparts listed in 9VAC5-60-70, the provisions of 40 CFR 61.09, 40 CFR 61.10, 40 CFR 61.12, 40 CFR 61.13, and 40 CFR 61.14 shall be implemented through this part. In cases where there are differences between the provisions of this part and the provisions of 40 CFR Part 61, the more restrictive provisions shall apply.
C. For sources subject to the applicable subparts listed in 9VAC5-60-100, the provisions of 40 CFR 63.6, 40 CFR 63.7, 40 CFR 63.8, 40 CFR 63.9, 40 CFR 63.10 and 40 CFR 63.11 shall be implemented through this part. In cases where there are differences between the provisions of this part and the provisions of 40 CFR Part 63, the more restrictive provisions shall apply.
D. Any owner subject to the provisions of this chapter may provide any report, notification or other document by electronic media if acceptable to both the owner and the board. This subsection shall not apply to documents requiring signatures or certification under 9VAC5-20-230.
9VAC5-60-50. Notification, records and reporting.
A. Any owner of a hazardous air pollutant source subject to the provisions of this chapter shall provide written notifications to the board of the following:
1. The date of commencement of construction, reconstruction or modification of a new or modified hazardous air pollutant source postmarked or submitted electronically no later than 30 days after such date.
2. The anticipated date of initial startup of any new or modified hazardous air pollutant source not more than 60 days or less than 30 days prior to such date.
3. The actual date of initial startup of any new or modified hazardous air pollutant source within 15 days after such date.
4. The date of any emission test the owner wishes the board to consider in determining compliance with a standard. Notification shall be postmarked or submitted electronically not less than 30 days prior to such date.
B. Any owner of a hazardous air pollutant source subject to the provisions of subparts listed in 9VAC5-60-70 shall maintain records of the occurrence and duration of any startup, shutdown or malfunction in the operation of a hazardous air pollutant source; any malfunction in the operation of a hazardous air pollutant source; any malfunction of the air pollution control equipment; or any periods during which a continuous monitoring system or monitoring device is inoperative.
C. The owner of any existing hazardous air pollutant source or any new or modified hazardous air pollutant source to which an emission standard prescribed under the subparts listed in 9VAC5-60-70 is applicable which has an initial startup which preceded the effective date of an emission standard prescribed under this chapter shall, within 90 days after the effective date, provide the following information in writing to the board:
1. Name and address of the owner;
2. The location of the source;
3. The type of hazardous air pollutants emitted by the source;
4. A brief description of the nature, size, design and method of operation of the source including the operating design capacity of such source. Identify each point of emission for each hazardous air pollutant;
5. The average weight per month of the hazardous materials being processed by the source, over the last 12 months preceding the date of the report;
6. A description of the existing control equipment for each emission point;
a. Primary control devices for each hazardous air pollutant.
b. Secondary control devices for each hazardous air pollutant.
c. Estimated control efficiency (percent) for each control device.
7. A statement by the owner of the source as to whether he can comply with the emission standards prescribed in this chapter within 90 days of the effective date.
D. Changes in the information provided under subsection C of this section shall be provided to the board within 30 days after such change, except that, if the changes result from modification of the source, the provisions of 9VAC5 Chapter 80 (9VAC5-80-10 et seq.) 9VAC5-80 are applicable.
E. Reporting under this section shall be according to procedures acceptable to the board. Advice on reporting the status of compliance may be obtained from the board.
F. Upon request of the board, the owner of a hazardous air pollutant source subject to the provisions of this chapter shall provide notifications and reports, revise reports, maintain records or report emission test or monitoring results in a manner and form and using procedures acceptable to the board.
9VAC5-80-350. Annual permit program emissions fee payment.
A. Upon determining that the owner owes an annual permit program emissions fee, the department shall mail a bill for the fee to that owner no later than August 1 unless the governor determines that fees are needed earlier for Virginia to maintain primacy over the program, as provided in § 10.1-1322 B of the Virginia Air Pollution Control Law.
B. Within 30 days following the date of the postmark or electronic submittal on the bill, the owner shall respond in one of the following ways:
1. The owner may pay the fee in full.
2. The owner may pay the fee in equal quarterly payments and shall pay one quarter of the fee. The first payment shall be accompanied by a written statement that the second quarter of the fee shall be paid no later than December 1 of the year of the issuance of the bill, the third quarter of the fee shall be paid no later than March 1 of the year following the issuance of the bill, and the fourth quarter of the fee shall be paid no later than June 1 of the year following the issuance of the bill. If an owner fails to pay a quarterly payment by the deadline, the department may, in addition to other remedies available under the law, issue to the owner a notice of failure to pay. The notice will require payment of the entire remainder of the annual fee payment within 30 days of the date of the notice, or inform the owner that the owner is ineligible to opt for the quarterly payment schedule established in this subdivision until eligibility is reinstated by written notice from the department, or both.
3. The owner may request that the fee amount be revised if the owner can document that the emissions estimate on which the fee was based is in error. This request shall include appropriate source identification data, the revised emissions estimate, the revised fee amount, adequate supporting documentation, and other information as the department may require. The owner shall file the request with the appropriate regional office in a form acceptable to the department. If the department approves the request, the revised fee amount shall be paid in one of two ways:
a. In full within 30 days of the date of approval; or
b. In quarterly payments, with the first payment being paid within 30 days of the date of approval and the other payments being paid according to the schedule set out in subdivision 2 of this subsection.
C. The annual permit program emissions fee shall be paid by check, draft, or money order made payable to the Treasurer of Virginia and mailed to the address specified by the department.
9VAC5-80-1105. Permit exemptions.
A. The general requirements for minor NSR permit exemptions are as follows:
1. The provisions of this article do not apply to the following stationary sources or emissions units:
a. The construction of any stationary source or emissions unit that is exempt under the provisions of subsections B through F of this section. In determining whether a source is exempt from the provisions of this article, the provisions of subsections B through D of this section are independent from the provisions of subsections E and F of this section. A source must be determined to be exempt both under the provisions of subsections B through D of this section taken as a group and under the provisions of subsections E and F of this section to be exempt from this article.
b. Vegetative waste recycling/mulching operations that do not exceed 2100 hours of operation in any 12-month consecutive period at a single stationary source. To qualify as an exemption under this subdivision, the total rated capacity of all diesel engines at the source, including portable diesel engines temporarily located at the site, may not exceed 1200 brake horsepower (output).
c. The location of a portable emissions unit at a site subject to the following conditions:
(1) Any new emissions from the portable emissions unit are secondary emissions.
(2) The portable emissions unit is either subject to (i) a minor NSR permit authorizing the emissions unit as a portable emissions unit subject to this subdivision or (ii) a general permit.
(3) The emissions of the portable emissions unit at the site would be temporary.
(4) The portable emissions unit would not undergo modification or replacement that would be subject to this article.
(5) The portable emissions unit is suitable to the area in which it is to be located.
(6) Reasonable notice is given to the department prior to locating the emissions unit to the site identifying the proposed site and the probable duration of operation at the site. Such notice shall be provided to the department not less than 15 days prior to the date the emissions unit is to be located at the site unless a different notification schedule is previously approved by the department.
d. The reactivation of a stationary source unless a determination concerning shutdown has been made pursuant to the provisions of 9VAC5-20-220.
e. The use by any existing stationary source or emissions unit of an alternative fuel or raw material, if the following conditions are met:
(1) The owner demonstrates to the department that, as a result of trial burns at the owner's facility or other facilities or other sufficient data, the emissions resulting from the use of the alternative fuel or raw material supply are decreased. No demonstration will be required for the use of processed animal fat, processed fish oil, processed vegetable oil, distillate oil, or any mixture thereof in place of the same quantity of residual oil to fire industrial boilers.
(2) The use of an alternative fuel or raw material would not be subject to review under this article as a project.
2. The provisions of this article do not apply to the following stationary sources or emissions units provided the stationary source or emissions unit is (i) exempt under the provisions of subsections E and F of this section and (ii) meets any other applicable criteria or conditions set forth in this subdivision.
a. Replacement of an emissions unit subject to the following criteria:
(1) The replacement emission unit is (i) of an equal or lesser size and (ii) of an equal or lesser rated capacity as compared to the replaced emissions unit.
(2) The replacement emissions unit is functionally equivalent to the replaced emissions unit.
(3) The replacement emissions unit does not change the basic design parameters of the process operation.
(4) The potential to emit of the replacement emissions unit does not exceed the potential to emit of the replaced emissions unit. If the replaced emissions unit is subject to terms and conditions contained in a minor NSR permit, the owner may, concurrently with the notification required in subdivision (6) of this subdivision, request a minor amendment as provided in 9VAC5-80-1280 B 4 to that permit to apply those terms and conditions to the replacement emissions unit. However, the replacement emissions unit's potential to emit is not limited for the purposes of this subdivision unless (and until) the requested minor permit amendment is granted by the department.
(5) The replaced emissions unit is either removed or permanently shut down in accordance with the provisions of 9VAC5-20-220.
(6) The owner notifies the department, in writing, of the proposed replacement at least 15 days prior to commencing construction on the replacement emissions unit. Such notification shall include the size, function, and rated capacity of the existing and replacement emissions units and the registration number of the affected stationary source.
b. A reduction in stack outlet elevation provided that the stack serves only facilities that have been previously determined to be exempt from the minor NSR program.
3. In determining whether a facility is exempt from the provisions of this article under the provisions of subsection B of this section, the definitions in 9VAC5-40 (Existing Stationary Sources) that would cover the facility if it were an existing source shall be used unless deemed inappropriate by the department.
4. Any owner claiming that a facility is exempt from this article under the provisions of this section shall keep records as may be necessary to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the department that the facility was exempt at the time a minor NSR permit would have otherwise been required under this article.
B. Facilities as specified below shall be exempt from the provisions of this article.
1. Fuel burning equipment units (external combustion units, not engines and turbines) and space heaters in a single application as follows:
a. Except as provided in subdivision b of this subdivision, the exemption thresholds in subdivisions (1) through (4) of this subdivision shall be applied on an individual unit basis for each fuel type.
(1) Using solid fuel with a maximum heat input of less than 1,000,000 Btu per hour.
(2) Using liquid fuel with a maximum heat input of less than 10,000,000 Btu per hour.
(3) Using liquid and gaseous fuel with a maximum heat input of less than 10,000,000 Btu per hour.
(4) Using gaseous fuel with a maximum heat input of less than 50,000,000 Btu per hour.
b. In ozone nonattainment areas designated in 9VAC5-20-204 or ozone maintenance areas designated in 9VAC5-20-203, the exemption thresholds in subdivision a of this subdivision shall be applied in the aggregate for each fuel type.
2. Engines and turbines that are used for emergency purposes only and that do not individually exceed 500 hours of operation per year at a single stationary source as follows. All engines and turbines in a single application must also meet the following criteria to be exempt.
a. Gasoline engines with an aggregate rated brake (output) horsepower of less than 910 hp and gasoline engines powering electrical generators having an aggregate rated electrical power output of less than 611 kilowatts.
b. Diesel engines with an aggregate rated brake (output) horsepower of less than 1,675 hp and diesel engines powering electrical generators having an aggregate rated electrical power output of less than 1125 kilowatts.
c. Combustion gas turbines with an aggregate of less than 10,000,000 Btu per hour heat input (low heating value).
3. Engines that power mobile sources during periods of maintenance, repair, or testing.
4. Volatile organic compound storage and transfer operations involving petroleum liquids and other volatile organic compounds with a vapor pressure less than 1.5 pounds per square inch absolute under actual storage conditions or, in the case of loading or processing, under actual loading or processing conditions; and any operation specified below:
a. Volatile organic compound transfer operations involving:
(1) Any tank of 2,000 gallons or less storage capacity; or
(2) Any operation outside the volatile organic compound emissions control areas designated in 9VAC5-20-206.
b. Volatile organic compound storage operations involving any tank of 40,000 gallons or less storage capacity.
5. Vehicle customizing coating operations, if production is less than 20 vehicles per day.
6. Vehicle refinishing operations.
7. Coating operations for the exterior of fully assembled aircraft or marine vessels.
8. Petroleum liquid storage and transfer operations involving petroleum liquids with a vapor pressure less than 1.5 pounds per square inch absolute under actual storage conditions or, in the case of loading or processing, under actual loading or processing conditions (kerosene and fuel oil used for household heating have vapor pressures of less than 1.5 pounds per square inch absolute under actual storage conditions; therefore, kerosene and fuel oil are not subject to the provisions of this article when used or stored at ambient temperatures); and any operation or facility specified below:
a. Gasoline bulk loading operations at bulk terminals located outside volatile organic compound emissions control areas designated in 9VAC5-20-206.
b. Gasoline dispensing facilities.
c. Gasoline bulk loading operations at bulk plants:
(1) With an expected daily throughput of less than 4,000 gallons, or
(2) Located outside volatile organic compound emissions control areas designated in 9VAC5-20-206.
d. Account/tank trucks; however, permits issued for gasoline storage/transfer facilities should include a provision that all associated account/tank trucks meet the same requirements as those trucks serving existing facilities.
e. Petroleum liquid storage operations involving:
(1) Any tank of 40,000 gallons or less storage capacity;
(2) Any tank of less than 420,000 gallons storage capacity for crude oil or condensate stored, processed or treated at a drilling and production facility prior to custody transfer; or
(3) Any tank storing waxy, heavy pour crude oil.
9. Petroleum dry cleaning plants with a total manufacturers' rated solvent dryer capacity less than 84 pounds as determined by the applicable new source performance standard in 9VAC5-50-410.
10. Any addition of, relocation of, or change to a woodworking machine within a wood product manufacturing plant provided the system air movement capacity, expressed as the cubic feet per minute of air, is not increased and maximum control efficiency of the control system is not decreased.
11. Wood sawmills and planing mills primarily engaged in sawing rough lumber and timber from logs and bolts, or resawing cants and flitches into lumber, including box lumber and softwood cut stock; planing mills combined with sawmills; and separately operated planing mills that are engaged primarily in producing surfaced lumber and standard workings or patterns of lumber. This also includes facilities primarily engaged in sawing lath and railroad ties and in producing tobacco hogshead stock, wood chips, and snow fence lath. This exemption does not include any facility that engages in the kiln drying of lumber.
12. Exhaust flares at natural gas and coalbed methane extraction wells.
13. Temporary facilities subject to the following conditions:
a. The operational period of the temporary facility (the period from the date that the first pollutant-emitting operation is commenced to the date of shutdown of the temporary facility) is 12 months or less.
b. The uncontrolled emissions rate of any regulated air pollutant that would be emitted from the temporary facility during the operational period does not exceed the applicable exempt emission rate as set forth in 9VAC5-80-1105 C (exemption rates for new stationary sources) or 9VAC5-80-1105 D (exemption rates for projects). The uncontrolled emission rate may be calculated based upon the total number of hours in the operational period instead of 8760 hours. All temporary facilities that will be co-located at a stationary source shall be considered in the aggregate when calculating the uncontrolled emissions rate under this subdivision.
c. Upon completion of the operational period, the temporary facility shall be either (i) shut down in accordance with 9VAC5-20-220 or (ii) returned to its original state and condition unless, prior to the end of the operational period, the owner demonstrates in writing to the satisfaction of the department that the facility is exempt under 9VAC5-80-1105 C (exemption rates for new stationary sources) or D (exemption rates for new stationary projects) using 8760 hours of operation per year.
d. Not less than 30 calendar days prior to commencing the operational period, the owner shall notify the department in writing of the proposed temporary facility and shall provide (i) calculations demonstrating that the temporary facility is exempt under this subdivision and under 9VAC5-80-1105 E and F and (ii) proposed dates for commencing the first pollutant-emitting operation and shutdown of the temporary facility.
e. The owner shall provide written notifications to the department of (i) the actual date of commencing the first pollutant-emitting operation and (ii) the actual date of shutdown of the temporary facility. Notifications shall be postmarked or electronically submitted not more than 10 days after such dates.
14. Open pit incinerators subject to 9VAC5-130 (Regulation for Open Burning) and used solely for the purpose of disposal of clean burning waste and debris waste.
15. Poultry or swine incinerators located on a farm where all of the following conditions are met:
a. Auxiliary fuels for the incinerator unit shall be limited to natural gas, liquid petroleum gas, and/or or distilled petroleum liquid fuel. Solid fuels, waste materials, or residual petroleum oil products shall not be used to fire the incinerator.
b. The waste incinerated shall be limited to pathological waste (poultry or swine remains). Litter and animal bedding or any other waste materials shall not be incinerated.
c. The design burn rate or capacity rate of the incinerator shall be 400 pounds per hour or less of poultry or swine. This value shall apply only to the mass of the poultry or swine and shall not include the mass of the fuel.
d. The incinerator shall be used solely to dispose of poultry or swine originating on the farm where the incinerator is located.
e. The incinerator shall be owned and operated by the owner or operator of the farm where the incinerator is located.
f. The incinerator shall not be charged beyond the manufacturer's recommended rated capacity.
g. Records shall be maintained on site to demonstrate compliance with the conditions for this exemption, including but not limited to the total amount of pathological waste incinerated and the fuel usage on a calendar year quarterly basis.
C. The exemption of new stationary sources shall be determined as specified below:
1. New stationary sources with uncontrolled emission rates less than all of the emission rates specified below shall be exempt from the provisions of this article. The uncontrolled emission rate of a new stationary source is the sum of the uncontrolled emission rates of the individual affected emissions units. Facilities exempted by subsection B of this section shall not be included in the summation of uncontrolled emissions for purposes of exempting new stationary sources under this subsection.
Emissions Rate
Carbon Monoxide
100 tons per year (tpy)
Nitrogen Oxides
40 tpy
Sulfur Dioxide
40 tpy
Particulate Matter
25 tpy
Particulate Matter (PM10)
15 tpy
Particulate Matter (PM2.5)
10 tpy
Volatile organic compounds
25 tpy
0.6 tpy
3 tpy
Sulfuric Acid Mist
6 tpy
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
9 tpy
Total Reduced Sulfur (including H2S)
9 tpy
Reduced Sulfur Compounds (including H2S)
9 tpy
Municipal waste combustor organics (measured as total tetra-throughocta-chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans)
3.5 x 10-6 tpy
Municipal waste combustor metals (measured as particulate matter)
13 tpy
Municipal waste combustor acid gases (measured as the sum of SO2 and HCl)
35 tpy
Municipal solid waste landfill emissions (measured as nonmethane organic compounds)
22 tpy
2. If the particulate matter (PM10 or PM2.5) emissions for a stationary source can be determined in a manner acceptable to the department and the stationary source is deemed exempt using the emission rate for particulate matter (PM10 or PM2.5), the stationary source shall be considered to be exempt for particulate matter (PM). If the emissions of particulate matter (PM10 or PM2.5) cannot be determined in a manner acceptable to the department, the emission rate for particulate matter (PM) shall be used to determine the exemption status.
3. The provisions of this article do not apply to a new stationary source if all of the emissions considered in calculating the uncontrolled emission rate of the new stationary source are fugitive emissions.
D. The exemption of projects shall be determined as specified below:
1. A project that would result in increases in uncontrolled emission rates at the stationary source less than all of the emission rates specified below shall be exempt from the provisions of this article. The uncontrolled emission rate increase of a project is the sum of the uncontrolled emission rate increases of the individual affected emissions units. Uncontrolled emissions rate decreases are not considered as part of this calculation. Facilities exempted by subsection B of this section shall not be included in the summation of uncontrolled emissions for purposes of exempting projects under this subsection.
Emissions Rate
Carbon Monoxide
100 tons per year (tpy)
Nitrogen Oxides
10 tpy
Sulfur Dioxide
10 tpy
Particulate matter
15 tpy
Particulate matter PM10
10 tpy
Particulate matter (PM2.5)
6 tpy
Volatile organic compounds
10 tpy
0.6 tpy
3 tpy
Sulfuric Acid Mist
6 tpy
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
9 tpy
Total Reduced Sulfur (including H2S)
9 tpy
Reduced Sulfur Compounds (including H2S)
9 tpy
Municipal waste combustor organics (measured as total tetra-through octa-chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans)
3.5 x 10-6 tpy
Municipal waste combustor metals (measured as particulate matter)
13 tpy
Municipal waste combustor acid gases (measured as the sum of SO2 and HCl)
35 tpy
Municipal solid waste landfill emissions (measured as nonmethane organic compounds)
22 tpy
2. If the particulate matter (PM10 or PM2.5) emissions for a stationary source can be determined in a manner acceptable to the department and the stationary source is deemed exempt using the emission rate for particulate matter (PM10 or PM2.5), the stationary source shall be considered to be exempt for particulate matter (PM). If the emissions of particulate matter (PM10 or PM2.5) cannot be determined in a manner acceptable to the department, the emission rate for particulate matter (PM) shall be used to determine the exemption status.
3. The provisions of this article do not apply to a project if all of the emissions considered in calculating the uncontrolled emission rate increase of the project are fugitive emissions.
E. Exemptions for stationary sources of toxic pollutants not subject to the federal hazardous air pollutant new source review program shall be as follows:
1. Stationary sources exempt from the requirements of Article 5 (9VAC5-60-300 et seq.) of Part II of 9VAC5-60 (Hazardous Air Pollutant Sources) as provided in 9VAC5-60-300 C 1, C 2, C 7, D, or E shall be exempt from the provisions of this article.
2. Facilities as specified below shall not be exempt, regardless of size or emission rate, from the provisions of this article.
a. Incinerators, unless (i) the incinerator is used exclusively as air pollution control equipment, (ii) the incinerator is an open pit incinerator subject to 9VAC5-130 (Regulation for Open Burning) and used solely for the disposal of clean burning waste and debris waste, or (iii) the incinerator is a poultry or swine incinerator located on a farm and all of the conditions of subdivision B 15 of this section are met.
b. Ethylene oxide sterilizers.
c. Boilers, incinerators, or industrial furnaces as defined in 40 CFR 260.10 and subject to 9VAC20-60 (Hazardous Waste Regulations).
F. This subsection provides information on the extent to which any source category or portion of a source category subject to the federal hazardous air pollutant new source review program may be exempt from the provisions of this article.
1. This subdivision addresses those source categories subject to the provisions of 40 CFR 61.05, 40 CFR 61.06, 40 CFR 61.07, 40 CFR 61.08, and 40 CFR 61.15 that establish the requirements for issuing approvals of the construction of any new source or modification of any existing source subject to the provisions of 40 CFR Part 61. Any source category or portion of a source category subject to this element of the federal hazardous air pollutant new source review program shall be exempt from the provisions of this article if specifically exempted from that program by 40 CFR Part 61.
2. This subdivision addresses those source categories subject to the provisions of 40 CFR 63.5 that establish the requirements for issuing approvals to construct a new source or reconstruct a source subject to the provisions of 40 CFR Part 63, except for Subparts B, D, and E. Any source category or portion of a source category subject to this element of the federal hazardous air pollutant new source review program shall be exempt from the provisions of this article if specifically exempted from that program by 40 CFR Part 63.
3. This subdivision addresses those source categories subject to the provisions of 40 CFR 63.50 through 40 CFR 63.56 that establish the requirements for issuing notices of MACT approval prior to the construction of a new emissions unit listed in the source category schedule for standards. Any information regarding exemptions for a source category or portion of a source category subject to this element of the federal hazardous air pollutant new source review program may be found in Article 3 (9VAC5-60-120 et seq.) of Part II of 9VAC5-60 (Hazardous Air Pollutant Sources).
4. This subdivision addresses those source categories for which EPA has promulgated a formal determination that no regulations or other requirements need to be established pursuant to § 112 of the federal Clean Air Act in the source category schedule for standards. Any source category or portion of a source category subject to this element of the federal hazardous air pollutant new source review program shall be exempt from the provisions of this article.
9VAC5-80-2290. Permit application fee payment.
A. The permit application fee required by this article is due on the date that the permit application is received by the appropriate regional office of the department. The permit application fee is nonrefundable. Incomplete payment shall be deemed as nonpayment.
B. The permit application shall not be considered complete until a permit application fee for the proper amount is received. Review of the application will not proceed past an initial applicability determination until a permit application fee for the proper amount is received.
C. The permit application fee shall be paid by check, draft, or postal money order made payable to the Treasurer of Virginia and mailed or sent electronically to the address specified by the department.
D. The permit application should be mailed or submitted electronically to the appropriate regional office of the department.
9VAC5-80-2350. Annual permit maintenance fee payment.
A. Upon determining that the owner of a stationary source owes an annual permit maintenance fee, the department will mail or send electronically a bill for the fee to that owner no later than August 1.
B. Within 30 days following the date of the postmark or electronic submittal on the bill, the owner shall respond in one of the following ways:
1. The owner may pay the fee in full.
2. The owner may request that the fee amount be revised if the owner can document that the status of the permits on which the fee was based is in error. This request shall include appropriate source identification data, copies of all valid air permits, the revised fee amount, adequate supporting documentation, and other information as the department may require. The owner shall file the request with the appropriate regional office in a form acceptable to the department. If the department approves the request, the revised fee amount shall be paid in full within 30 days of the date of approval.
C. The annual permit maintenance fee shall be paid by check, draft, or money order made payable to the Treasurer of Virginia and mailed to the address specified by the department.
9VAC5-510-230. Reporting requirements.
A. The permittee shall comply with the reporting requirements in this section. Any document (including reports) required by a permit term or condition to be submitted to the department shall contain a certification by a responsible official that meets the requirements of 9VAC5-510-100 E.
B. The permittee shall submit, according to procedures established by the department, an annual emissions update. Any additional information requested by the department under this subsection shall be submitted to the department within 30 days of the date of request.
C. To meet the requirements of 9VAC5-510-210 with respect to reporting, the permittee shall submit reports of any required monitoring at least every six months. All instances of deviations from permit requirements shall be clearly identified in such reports.
D. The permittee shall furnish written notification to the department and the regional office of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency of the following:
1. The actual date on which construction or installation or modification or reconstruction or relocation of any emission unit commenced, postmarked or submitted electronically within 30 days after that date.
2. The actual startup date of the emission unit within 15 days after that date.
3. The anticipated date of visible emissions evaluations for affected facilities subject to 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOO, postmarked or submitted electronically at least 30 days prior to that date.
4. The anticipated date of stack emissions tests of the affected facilities subject to 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart OOO, postmarked or submitted electronically at least 30 days prior to that date.
E. Within 30 days of completion, the permittee shall furnish written notification of equipment replacement, to include the following information, as applicable (for crushing, grinding, screening, elevator/belt conveying, bagging, storage bins, and truck/rail enclosed loading stations):
1. The rated capacity, in tons per hour, of the crusher being replaced; and the replacement crusher.
2. The total surface area of the top screen deck of:
a. The screening operation being replaced; and
b. The replacement screening operation.
3. The conveyor belt width of:
a. The conveyor operation being replaced; and
b. The replacement conveyor.
4. The rated storage capacity, in tons, of:
a. The bins being replaced; and
b. The replacement bins.
5. A description of the control device used to reduce particulate matter emissions from the equipment and a list of all other pieces of equipment controlled by the same device.
6. The estimated age of the emissions units being replaced.
7. The identification of the emission standards applicable to the equipment being replaced and the replacement equipment.
F. The permittee shall comply with the reporting requirements of 9VAC5-20-180 concerning facility and control equipment maintenance or malfunction.
9VAC5-530-210. Reporting requirements.
A. The owner shall furnish written notification to the regional office of the following:
1. The actual date on which construction of each affected unit commenced within 30 days after such date.
2. If necessary, the actual date on which the integration operational period of each affected unit commenced within 15 days after such date.
3. The anticipated startup date of each affected unit postmarked or submitted electronically not more than 60 days nor less than 30 days prior to such date.
4. The actual startup date of each affected unit within 15 days after such date.
5. The anticipated date of performance tests of each affected unit postmarked or submitted electronically at least 30 days prior to such date.
B. The owner shall furnish notification to the regional office of malfunctions of the affected unit or related air pollution control equipment that may cause excess emissions for more than one hour.
1. Such notification shall be made as soon as practicable but no later than four daytime business hours after the malfunction is discovered.
2. The owner shall provide a written statement giving all pertinent facts, including the estimated duration of the breakdown, within two weeks of discovery of the malfunction.
3. When the condition causing the failure or malfunction has been corrected and the equipment is again in operation, the owner shall notify the regional office.
9VAC5-530-290. Reporting requirements.
A. The owner shall furnish written notification to the regional office of the following:
1. The actual date on which construction of each affected unit commenced within 30 days after such date.
2. If necessary, the actual date on which the integration operational period of each affected unit commenced within 15 days after such date.
3. The anticipated startup date of each affected unit postmarked or submitted electronically not more than 60 days nor less than 30 days prior to such date.
4. The actual startup date of each affected unit within 15 days after such date.
5. The anticipated date of performance tests of each affected unit postmarked or submitted electronically at least 30 days prior to such date.
B. The owner shall furnish notification to the regional office of malfunctions of the affected unit or related air pollution control equipment that may cause excess emissions for more than one hour.
1. Such notification shall be made as soon as practicable, but no later than four daytime business hours after the malfunction is discovered.
2. The owner shall provide a written statement giving all pertinent facts, including the estimated duration of the breakdown, within two weeks of discovery of the malfunction.
3. When the condition causing the failure or malfunction has been corrected and the equipment is again in operation, the owner shall notify the regional office.
9VAC5-540-210. Reporting requirements.
The owner shall furnish written notification to the regional office of the following:
1. The actual date on which construction or modification of each affected unit commenced within 30 days after such date.
2. If necessary, the actual date on which the integration operational period of each affected unit commenced within 15 days after such date.
3. The anticipated start-up date of each affected unit postmarked or submitted electronically not more than 60 days nor less than 30 days prior to such date.
4. The actual start-up date of each affected unit within 15 days after such date.
VA.R. Doc. No. R24-7667; Filed January 26, 2024