Vol. 25 Iss. 21 - June 22, 2009

Chapter 270
Final Regulation

Title of Regulation: 4VAC20-270. Pertaining to Crabbing (amending 4VAC20-270-40, 4VAC20-270-50, 4VAC20-270-58).

Statutory Authority: § 28.2-201 of the Code of Virginia.

Effective Date: June 1, 2009.

Agency Contact: Jane Warren, Agency Regulatory Coordinator, Marine Resources Commission, 2600 Washington Avenue, 3rd Floor, Newport News, VA 23607, telephone (757) 247-2248, FAX (757) 247-2002, or email


The amendments (i) create a fall closure to the harvest by any gear of female crabs from November 21 through November 30; (ii) establish a 15% reduction in crab pots (relative to 2007 limits per each of the five license categories) rather than the 30% reductions currently in effect; (iii) establish that any agent convicted by a court of two crab fishery-related violations within a 12-month period may be precluded from serving as an agent; and (iv) proposes that the licensee who has authorized an agent who is convicted by a court of two crab fishery-related violations within a 12-month period shall appear before the commission for a license-revocation hearing.

4VAC20-270-40. Season limits.

A. The lawful season for the harvest of male crabs shall be March 17 through November 30. The lawful season for the harvest of female crabs shall be March 17 through November 30 20.

B. It shall be unlawful for any person to harvest crabs or to possess crabs on board a vessel, except during the lawful season, as described in subsection A of this section.

C. It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly to place, set, fish or leave any hard crab pot or peeler crab pot in any tidal waters of Virginia from December 1 through March 16.

D. It shall be unlawful for any person knowingly to place, set, fish or leave any fish pot in any tidal waters from March 12 through March 16, except as provided in subdivisions 1 and 2 of this subsection.

1. It shall be lawful for any person to place, set, or fish any fish pot in those Virginia waters located upriver of the following boundary lines:

a. In the James River the boundary shall be a line connecting Hog Point and the downstream point at the mouth of College Creek.

b. In the York River the boundary lines shall be the Route 33 bridges at West Point.

c. In the Rappahannock River the boundary line shall be the Route 360 bridge at Tappahannock.

d. In the Potomac River the boundary line shall be the Route 301 bridge that extends from Newberg, Maryland, to Dahlgren, Virginia.

2. This subsection shall not apply to lawful eel pots as described in 4VAC20-500-50.

4VAC20-270-50. Peeler crab pot and crab pot limits.

A. It shall be unlawful for any person to place, set or fish or attempt to place, set or fish more than 210 peeler crab pots in Virginia tidal waters.

B. The lawful crab pot license categories and crab pot limits for the 2008 crab pot season are as follows:

1. Up to 85 crab pots.

2. Up to 127 crab pots.

3. Up to 170 crab pots.

4. Up to 255 crab pots.

5. Up to 425 crab pots.

C. The lawful crab pot license categories and crab pot limits for the 2009 crab pot season are as follows:

1. Up to 70 crab pots.

2. Up to 105 crab pots.

3. Up to 140 crab pots.

4. Up to 210 crab pots.

5. Up to 350 crab pots.

D. C. It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly place, set or fish any amount of crab pots that exceeds that person's crab pot limit, as described in subsections subsection B and C of this section.

4VAC20-270-58. License revocation.

A. Any person convicted by a court of two crab fishery-related violations, may be subject to having his license(s) to take crabs revoked in accordance with the provisions of § 28.2-232 of the Code of Virginia.

B. Any person serving as an agent who is convicted by a court of two crab fishery-related violations may be subject to having his authority to serve as an agent revoked by the commission.

C. Any crab licensee whose agent is convicted by a court of two crab fishery-related violations may be subject to having any of his licenses to take crabs revoked by the commission.

VA.R. Doc. No. R09-1990; Filed May 28, 2009, 12:17 p.m.