Vol. 30 Iss. 25 - August 11, 2014

Chapter 21
Final Regulation

Title of Regulation: 13VAC5-21. Virginia Certification Standards (amending 13VAC5-21-10 through 13VAC5-21-61).

Statutory Authority: § 36-137 of the Code of Virginia.

Effective Date: September 10, 2014.

Agency Contact: Stephen W. Calhoun, Regulatory Coordinator, Department of Housing and Community Development, Main Street Centre, 600 East Main Street, Suite 300, Richmond, VA 23219, telephone (804) 371-7000, FAX (804) 371-7090, TTY (804) 371-7089, or email


The amendments (i) require applicants for certification to have completed qualifying examinations and education not more than six years before submitting their applications; (ii) remove specified building code academy training modules for initial certification and, instead, refer to a required list of training modules maintained by the Department of Housing and Community Development; (iii) specify that the board will consider allowing training alternatives to training requirements listed in these regulations; and (iv) require nongovernmental certificate holders to meet the same continuing education requirements as those set forth in the Uniform Statewide Building Code for governmental certificate holders.

Summary of Public Comments and Agency's Response: No public comments were received by the promulgating agency.

13VAC5-21-10. Definitions.

A. The following words and terms when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

"Applicant" means a person seeking a certificate.

"BCAAC" means the Building Code Academy Advisory Committee appointed pursuant to subdivision 7 of § 36-137 of the Code of Virginia.

"BHCD" means the Virginia Board of Housing and Community Development.

"Certificate" means a certificate of competence issued pursuant to subdivision 6 of § 36-137 of the Code of Virginia concerning the content, application, and intent of specified subject areas of the building and fire prevention regulations promulgated by the BHCD and issued to present or prospective personnel of local governments and to any other persons seeking to become qualified to perform inspections pursuant to Chapter 6 (§ 36-97 et seq.) of Title 36 of the Code of Virginia, Chapter 9 (§ 27-94 et seq.) of Title 27 of the Code of Virginia, and any regulations adopted thereunder, who have completed training programs or in other ways demonstrated adequate knowledge.

"Certificate holder" means a person to whom a certificate has been issued.

"Code academy" means the Virginia Building Code Academy established under subdivision 14 of § 36-139 of the Code of Virginia or individual or regional training academies accredited by the department pursuant to subdivision 7 of § 36-137 of the Code of Virginia.

"DFP" means the Virginia Department of Fire Programs.

"Department" means the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development.

"Nongovernmental employee" means any person not employed by a locality collecting and transmitting the fee levy to the department in accordance with subdivision 7 of § 36-137 of the Code of Virginia.

"SFPC" means the Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code (13VAC5-51).

"State Review Board" means the Virginia State Building Code Technical Review Board established under § 36-108 of the Code of Virginia.

"USBC" means the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code (13VAC5-63).

"VADR" means the Virginia Amusement Device Regulations (13VAC5-31).

B. Words and terms used in this chapter that are defined in the USBC, VADR, or SFPC and that are not defined in this chapter shall have the meaning ascribed to them in those regulations unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.

13VAC5-21-31. Qualification and examination requirements.

A. An applicant for a certificate in categories associated with the USBC or the SFPC shall provide a written or electronic endorsement from the code official or the code official's supervisor in the locality in which they are employed certifying that the applicant complies with the qualification section in the USBC or the SFPC for each type of certificate sought. When the applicant for a certificate in categories associated with the USBC or the SFPC is a nongovernment nongovernmental employee, the applicant shall provide written or electronic documentation that the applicant complies with the qualification section in the USBC or the SFPC as it would relate to the applicant's job responsibilities for each type of certificate sought.

B. An applicant for a certificate in categories associated with the VADR shall provide a written endorsement from the applicant's supervisor or a person having a similar relationship to the applicant certifying that the applicant is generally qualified to conduct activities related to the VADR.

C. Applicants for all certificates shall provide proof of successful completion of approved examinations for each certificate sought, except as provided for in 13VAC5-21-45 based on current certification examination requirements. Applications submitted with passing grades on approved examinations older than six years from the date of passing will be denied except where the applicant can demonstrate the maintenance of a current certification issued by the approved testing agency. The department may consider related certifications maintained by the certifying entity. The department shall maintain a list of approved testing agencies and examinations that meet nationally accepted standards for each certificate offered. For information on approved testing agencies and examinations contact the department's Technical Assistance Services Office, 501 N. 2nd St. Training and Certification Office, 600 East Main Street, Suite 300, Richmond, VA 23219, telephone (804) 371-7180.

13VAC5-21-41. Certification categories and training requirements.

A. The department maintains a list of all certificates offered and the list sets out the required training necessary to attend and complete to obtain a certificate. This section also contains specific training requirements for some certificates offered that may be duplicated on the list or that may be in addition to those on the list. Alternatives to the training requirements set out in 13VAC5-21-45 shall be permitted considered for all certificates offered except that no alternative shall be accepted for the code academy core module.

B. Applicants for certificates shall attend and complete the code academy core module. In addition to After the completion of the core module, applicants for the following certificates are required to attend and complete the following code academy training as set out in a list maintained by the department, except as provided for in 13VAC5-21-45:. All required training must be completed within no more than six years prior to the date the application is submitted and the requirements for training are based on those in effect at the time of application.


Code Academy Training

Building official

Advanced official module

Fire official

Advanced official module and the 1031 school as administered by DFP

Building maintenance official

Advanced official module and the property maintenance module

Fire prevention inspector

The 1031 school as administered by DFP

Amusement device inspector

Amusement device inspection module

13VAC5-21-45. Alternatives to examination and training requirements.

A. An applicant for a certificate with the written endorsement or documentation required by 13VAC5-21-31 may submit a written request to the department to approve an equivalent examination by a testing agency not on the list of approved testing agencies to satisfy the examination requirements of 13VAC5-21-31. BCAAC may be consulted with in any such consideration.

B. Upon written request, alternative training or a combination of training, education or experience to satisfy the training requirements of 13VAC5-21-41 may be approved, provided that such alternatives or combinations are determined to be equivalent to that required. However, as provided in 13VAC5-21-41, no substitutions shall be approved for the code academy core module. The types of combinations of education and experience may include military training, college classes, technical schools or long-term work experiences, except that long-term work experiences shall not be approved as the sole substitute to satisfy the training requirements. BCAAC may be consulted with in any such consideration.

13VAC5-21-51. Issuance and maintenance of certificates.

A. Certificates will be issued when an applicant has complied with the current applicable requirements of this chapter. Certificate holders will be classified as active or, inactive, or lapsed. An active certificate holder is a person who is certified and who has attended all periodic training courses designated by the department and complied with all continuing education requirements subsequent to becoming certified. An inactive certificate holder is a person who is certified but and has not either attended all such the periodic training courses designated by the department or met the continuing education requirements, but not both. An inactive certificate holder may request reinstatement as an active certificate holder after completing make-up makeup training courses authorized by the department. A lapsed certificate holder is a person who is certified but has not attended all periodic training courses designated by the department and who has not complied with all continuing education requirements. A lapsed certificate holder may request reinstatement as an active certificate holder after completing makeup training courses or examinations, or both, as authorized by the department. Provisional certificates may also be issued in accordance with subsection C of this section. Requirements for periodic training courses and continuing education requirements are set out in subsection D of this section.

B. All certificates issued since June 1978 are considered to be valid unless revoked or suspended, except that provisional certificates shall remain valid as set out under subsection C of this section.

C. A provisional certificate may be issued to (i) a person who has been directed by the department to obtain a certificate; (ii) an applicant requesting a certificate under the alternative examination or training provisions of 13VAC5-21-45; or (iii) an applicant when the required training has not been provided or offered; (iv) an inactive or lapsed certificate holder when the issuance of a provisional certificate is determined to be warranted by the department; or (v) a person who, due to extenuating and warranting circumstances either on behalf of the code academy or beyond the person's control, has not fully complied with the eligibility requirements of training and competency established herein.

Such a provisional certificate may be issued when the applicant or person has (i) provided the written endorsement or documentation required by 13VAC5-21-31, (ii) satisfactorily completed the code academy core module, and (iii) completed any training through the code academy or through other providers determined to warrant the issuance of the provisional certificate.

The provisional certificate is valid for a period of one year after the date of issuance and shall only be issued once to any individual, except that a provisional certificate shall remain valid when the required training has not been provided or offered.

D. All certificate holders shall attend periodic maintenance training as designated by the department and shall attend 16 hours of continuing education every two years as approved by the department. If a certificate holder possesses more than one certificate, the 16 hours shall satisfy the continuing education requirement for all certificates.

13VAC5-21-61. Sanctions.

When the BHCD determines a certificate holder has failed to (i) comply with an order issued by the State Review Board or failed to, (ii) meet the required training or testing requirements, or (iii) attend periodic maintenance training or continuing education, or both, a warning letter may be issued to the certificate holder or a certificate may be revoked or suspended by the BHCD. In such cases, a noncompliance notice shall be issued to the certificate holder and notification shall be provided to the locality or company employing the certificate holder. Exceptions to the issuance of a noncompliance notice for failing to comply with the continuing education requirements may be considered where there is a separation from employment by medical or military leave for 12 consecutive months or more during the continuing education period. A record of any action taken pursuant to this section shall be permanently retained in the training record of the certificate holder.

VA.R. Doc. No. R13-3407; Filed July 18, 2014, 9:58 a.m.