Title of Regulation: 12VAC5-610. Sewage Handling and
Disposal Regulations (amending 12VAC5-610-30, 12VAC5-610-920
through 12VAC5-610-950; adding 12VAC5-610-955).
Statutory Authority: §§ 32.1-12, 32.1-164, and
32.1-164.9 of the Code of Virginia.
Effective Date: August 25, 2016.
Agency Contact: Dwayne Roadcap, Director, Division of
Onsite Sewage and Water Services, Department of Health, 109 Governor Street,
Richmond, VA 23219, telephone (804) 864-7458, FAX (804) 864-7475, or email
The amendments permanently incorporate the requirements for
gravelless material and drip dispersal established by emergency regulation
(30:11 VA.R. 1576 January 27, 2014) pursuant to Chapter 202 of the 2013 Acts of
Assembly, which required the State Board of Health to promulgate regulations
for chamber and bundled expanded polystyrene effluent systems. The amendments
establish construction, design, and installation requirements for gravelless
material and drip dispersal systems, as follows:
1. Specifications for the physical construction of
gravelless material including minimum exterior width, height, effluent storage
capacity, and structural capacity;
2. Requirements for a permeable interface between
gravelless material and trench sidewall soil surfaces for the absorption of
3. Criteria for the allowable slope, maximum length,
minimum sidewall depth, and minimum lateral separation of gravelless material
absorption trenches;
4. Criteria for determining the minimum absorption area
required when utilizing gravelless material;
5. Criteria for the substitution of gravelless material in
place of gravel for gravity percolation lines and low pressure distribution systems;
6. Specifications for the physical construction of drip
dispersal system components;
7. Minimum requirements for the design of drip dispersal
systems; and
8. Minimum installation requirements for drip dispersal
systems; the final amendments remove the linear loading requirements.
Summary of Public Comments and Agency's Response: A
summary of comments made by the public and the agency's response may be
obtained from the promulgating agency or viewed at the office of the Registrar
of Regulations.
12VAC5-610-30. Relationship to Virginia Joint Sewerage
Regulations other regulations.
This chapter is supplemental to the current Virginia
Sewerage Regulations, or their successor, which were adopted jointly by the
State Board of Health and the Department of Environmental Quality pursuant to §
62.1-44.19 of the Code of Virginia. This chapter addresses the handling and
disposal of sewage not regulated by a Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination
System (VPDES) Permit.
A. This chapter addresses the handling and disposal of
those portions of sewage flows not regulated by a Virginia Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (VPDES) Permit or a Virginia Pollutant Abatement (VPA)
Permit issued in accordance with 9VAC25-31 or 9VAC25-32, respectively.
B. Reclamation and reuse of sewage may be subject to
permitting by the Department of Environmental Quality under 9VAC25-740.
12VAC5-610-920. Distribution methods.
The term distribution methods refers to the piping, flow
splitting devices, gravel, and other appurtenances beginning at the point of
flow splitting and ending at the soil-gravel or sand interface application
of effluent to the soil absorption area. Two basic methods are considered:
A. Gravity; and
B. Pressure.
12VAC5-610-930. Gravity distribution.
Gravity distribution is the conveyance of effluent from a
distribution box through the percolation lines at less than full flow
conditions. Flow to the initial distribution box may be initiated by pump,
siphon or gravity.
A. Enhanced flow distribution. Enhanced flow distribution is
the initiation of the effluent flow to the distribution box by pump or siphon
for the purpose of assuring more uniform flow splitting to the percolation
lines. Enhanced flow distribution shall be provided on systems where the flow
is split more than 12 times or the system contains more than 1200 linear feet
of percolation lines. For the purpose of this chapter, enhanced flow
distribution is considered to produce unsaturated soil conditions.
B. System size. Distribution systems containing 1800 or more
linear feet of percolation piping shall be split into multiple systems
containing a maximum of 1200 linear feet of percolation piping per system.
C. Distribution boxes. The distribution box is a device for
splitting flow equally by gravity to points in the system. Improperly installed
distribution boxes are a cause for absorption field malfunction.
1. Materials. The preferred material for use in constructing
distribution boxes is concrete (3000 psi). Other materials may be considered on
a case-by-case basis. All materials must be resistant to both chemical and
electrolytic corrosion and must have sufficient structural strength to contain
sewage and resist lateral compressive and bearing loads.
2. Design. Each distribution box shall be designed to split
the influent flow equally among the multiple effluent ports. All effluent ports
shall be at the same elevation and be of the same diameter. The elevation of
the effluent ports shall be at a lower elevation than the influent port. The
placement of the influent ports shall be such as to prevent short circuiting
unless baffling is provided to prevent short circuiting. The minimum inside
width of a gravity flow distribution box shall be equal to or greater than 12
inches. The inside bottom shall be at least four inches below the invert of the
effluent ports and at least five inches below the invert of the influent port.
A minimum of eight inches freeboard above the invert of the effluent piping
shall be provided. The distribution box shall be fitted with a watertight,
removable lid for access.
3. Installation. The hole for placement of the distribution
box shall be excavated to undisturbed soil. The distribution box shall be
placed in the excavation and stabilized. The preferred method of stabilizing the
distribution box is to bond the distribution box to a four inch poured in place
Portland cement concrete pad with dimensions six inches greater than the length
and width dimensions of the distribution box. The box shall be permanently
leveled and checked by water testing. Conduits passing through the walls of a
distribution box shall be provided with a water stop.
D. Lead or header lines. Header or lead lines are watertight,
semirigid or rigid lines that convey effluent from a distribution box to another
box or to the percolation piping.
1. Size. The lead or header lines shall have an internal
diameter of four inches.
2. Slope. Minimum slope shall be two inches per 100 feet.
3. Materials. The lead or header lines shall have a minimum
crush strength of 1500 pounds per foot and may be constructed of cast iron,
plastic, vitrified clay or other material resistant to the corrosive action of
4. Appurtenances.
a. Joints. Lead or header lines shall have joints of the
compressions type with the exception of plastic lead or header lines which may
be welded sleeve, chemically fused or clamped (noncorrosive) flexible sleeve.
b. Adapters. Joining of lead or header lines of different size
[ and/or or ] material shall be accomplished by use of
a manufactured adapter specifically designed for the purpose.
c. Valves. Valves shall be constructed of materials resistant
to the corrosive action of sewage. Valves placed below ground level shall be
provided with a valve box and a suitable valve stem so that it may be operated
from the ground surface.
5. Construction.
a. Bedding. All lead or header lines shall be bedded to supply
uniform support and maintain grade and alignment along the length of the lead
or header lines. Special care shall be taken when using semirigid pipe.
b. Backfilling and tamping. Lead and header lines shall be
backfilled and tamped as soon as possible after the installation of the lead or
header lines has been approved. Material for backfilling shall be free of large
stones and debris.
6. Termination. Header or lead lines shall extend for a minimum
distance of two feet into the absorption trenches.
E. Gravity percolation lines. Gravity percolation lines are
perforated or open joint pipes that are utilized to distribute the effluent
along the length of the absorption trenches.
1. Size. All gravity percolation lines shall have an internal
diameter of four inches.
2. Slope. The slope of the lines shall be uniform and shall
not be less than two inches or more than four inches per 100 feet.
3. Design. Effluent shall be split by the distribution system
so that all gravity percolation lines installed shall receive an equal volume
of the total design effluent load per square foot of trench, i.e., the fraction
of the flow received by each percolation line divided by the length of the
gravity percolation lines shall be equal for all gravity percolation lines in a
4. Length. No individual gravity percolation line shall exceed
100 feet in length.
5. Materials.
a. Clay. Clay tile shall be extra-strength and meet current
ASTM standards for clay tile.
b. Perforated plastic drainage tubing. Perforated plastic
drainage tubing shall meet ASTM standards. At not greater than 10 feet
intervals the pipe shall be plainly marked, embossed or engraved thereby
showing the manufacturer's name or hallmark and showing that the product meets
a bearing load of 1,000 lb. per foot. In addition, a painted or other clearly
marked line or spot shall be marked at not greater than 10 feet intervals to
denote the top of the pipe.
The tubing shall have three holes, 1/2 to 3/4 inch in diameter
evenly spaced and placed within an arc of 130 degrees, the center hole being
directly opposite the top marking.
Spacing of each set of three holes shall be at four inch
intervals along the tube. If there is any break in the continuity of the
tubing, an appropriate connection shall be used to join the tubing.
6. Installation [ . ]
a. Crushed stone or gravel. Clean gravel or crushed stone
having a size range from 1/2 inch to 1-1/2 inches shall be utilized to bed the
gravity percolation lines.
Minimum depth of gravel or crushed stone beneath the
percolation lines shall be six inches. Clean course silica sand (does not
effervesce in presence of dilute hydrochloric acid) may be substituted for the
first two inches (soil interface) of the require required six
inches of gravel beneath the percolation lines. The absorption trench shall be
backfilled to a depth of two inches over the gravity percolation lines with the
same gravel or crushed stone. Clean sand, gravel or crushed stone shall be free
of fines, clay and organic materials.
b. Grade boards [ and/or or ] stakes.
Grade boards [ and/or or ] stakes placed in the bottom
or sidewalls of the absorption trench shall be utilized to maintain the grade
on the gravel for placement of the gravity percolation lines. Grade stakes
shall not be placed on centers greater than 10 feet.
c. Placement and alignment. Perforated gravity percolation
piping shall be placed so that the center hole is in the horizontal plane and
interfaces with the minimum six inches of graded gravel. When open joint piping
is utilized the upper half of the top of the 1/4-inch open space shall be
covered with tar paper or building paper to block the entrance of fines into
the pipe during the backfilling operation. All gravity percolating piping shall
be placed in the horizontal center of the absorption trench and shall maintain
a straight alignment and uniform grade.
d. Backfilling. After the placement of the gravity percolation
piping the absorption trench shall be backfilled evenly with crushed stone or
gravel to a depth of two inches over the piping. Untreated building paper,
or other suitable material shall be placed at the interface of the gravel and
soil to prevent migration of fines to the trench bottom. The remainder of the
trench shall be backfilled with soil to the ground surface.
F. Gravelless material is a proprietary product
specifically manufactured to disperse effluent within the absorption trench of
an onsite sewage system without the use of gravel. Gravelless material may
include chamber, bundled expanded polystyrene, and multi-pipe systems. The
division shall maintain a list of all generally approved gravelless material.
Gravelless material on the generally approved list may be used in accordance
with Table 5.4 of 12VAC5-610-950.
1. Gravelless material that received general approval as of
December 12, 2013, shall retain such status when used in accordance with the
requirements of this chapter. After December 12, 2013, the division shall
review and evaluate new applications for general approval pursuant to the
requirements of this chapter.
a. Any manufacturer of gravelless material may submit an
application for general approval to the division using a form provided by the
division. A complete application shall include the manufacturer's contact
information, product specifications, product approvals in other states or
territories, installation manual, and other information deemed necessary by the
division to determine compliance with this chapter.
b. The manufacturer of gravelless material shall identify
in the application for general approval any recommendation that deviates from
the requirements of this chapter. If the recommendation is approved by the
division, then the manufacturer shall include the deviation in the gravelless
material's installation manual.
2. Gravelless material shall have the following minimum
characteristics for general approval:
a. The minimum exterior width shall be at least 90% of the
total width of the absorption trench. The exterior width of a chamber system
shall be measured at the edge or outer limit of the product's contact with the
trench bottom unless the division determines a different measurement is
required based on the gravelless material's design. The exterior width of
bundled expanded polystyrene and multi-pipe systems shall be measured using the
outside diameter of the bundled gravelless material unless the division
determines a different measurement is required based on the gravelless
material's design. The division shall establish the exterior width of any
gravelless material that is not considered a chamber, bundled expanded
polystyrene, or multi-pipe system.
b. Gravelless material shall have a minimum height of eight
inches to provide a continuous exchange of air through a permeable interface.
c. Gravelless material shall have a permeable interface
that shall be located along the trench bottom and trench sidewalls within the
absorption trench.
d. Gravelless material shall provide a minimum storage
capacity of 1.3 gallons per square foot of trench bottom area.
e. Gravelless material shall pose no greater risk to
surface water and groundwater quality than gravel in absorption trenches.
Gravelless material shall be constructed to maintain structural integrity such
that it does not decay or corrode when exposed to effluent.
f. Gravelless material shall have a minimum load rating of
H-10 or H-20 from the American Association of State Highway and Transportation
Officials or equivalent when installed in accordance with the manufacturer's
specifications and minimum specified depth of cover in [ non-traffic
nontraffic ] or traffic areas, respectively.
3. For designs using gravelless material, the absorption
trenches shall receive an equal volume of effluent per square foot of trench. Trench
bottom area shall be equal to or greater than the minimum area requirements
contained in Table 5.4 of 12VAC5-610-950. Trench sidewall shall not be included
when determining minimum area requirements. When open-bottom gravelless
material is utilized, it shall provide a splash plate at the inlet of the
trench or other suitable method approved by the manufacturer to reduce effluent
4. Installation of gravelless material shall comply with
this chapter [ and the approved installation manual ] unless
the department grants a deviation pursuant to 12VAC5-610-660 or the division
has granted a deviation identified in the installation manual.
5. Gravelless material shall contain a pressure percolation
line along the entire length of the trench when low pressure distribution is
utilized pursuant to 12VAC5-610-940 D.
6. When pumping effluent to overcome gravity, any
open-bottom gravelless material shall provide a high-flow splash plate at the
inlet of the trench or other suitable method approved by the manufacturer to
reduce effluent velocity.
7. When enhanced flow distribution is used, open-bottom
gravelless material shall contain a percolation pipe that extends a minimum of
10 feet from the trench's intersection with the header line. The percolation
pipe shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's approved
installation manual. The dosing volume shall be a minimum 39 gallons per 100
linear feet of absorption trench.
8. Gravelless material may be substituted for gravel in
accordance with this chapter, provided that the certifying licensed
professional engineer or onsite soil evaluator approves the substitution. The
certifying licensed professional engineer or onsite soil evaluator shall
[ identify document ] the substitution
[ and related design changes ] on the inspection report
submitted in accordance with 12VAC5-610-330. A new construction permit pursuant
to 12VAC5-610-310 is not required for the substitution.
12VAC5-610-940. Low pressure distribution.
Low pressure distribution is the conveyance of effluent
through the pressure percolation lines at full flow conditions into the
absorption area with the prime motive force being a pump or siphon. Low
pressure systems are limited to a working pressure of from one to four feet of
head at the distal end of the pressure percolation lines. For the purpose of
this chapter low pressure distribution is considered to provide unsaturated
soil conditions.
A. Dosing cycle. Systems shall be designed so that the
effluent volume applied to the absorption area per dosing cycle is from seven
to 10 times the volume of the distribution piping, however, the volume per
dosing cycle should not result in a liquid depth in the absorption trench
greater than two inches.
B. Manifold lines. Manifold lines are watertight lines that
convey effluent from the initial point of flow splitting to the pressure
percolation lines.
1. Size. The manifold line shall be sized to provide a minimum
velocity of two feet per second and a maximum velocity of eight feet per
2. Materials. All pipe used for manifolds shall be of the
pressure type with pressure type joints.
3. Bedding. All manifolds shall be bedded to supply uniform
support along its length.
4. Backfilling and tamping. Manifold trenches shall be
backfilled and tamped as soon as possible after the installation of the
manifold has been approved. Material for backfilling shall be free of large
stones and debris.
5. Valves. Valves for throttling and check valves to prevent
backflow are required wherever necessary. Each valve shall be supplied with a
valve box terminating at the surface.
C. Pressure percolation lines. Pressure percolation lines are
perforated pipes utilized to distribute the flow evenly along the length of the
absorption trench.
1. Size. Pressure percolation lines should normally have a
1-1/4 inch inside diameter.
2. Hole size. Normal hole size shall be 3/16 inch to 1/4 inch.
3. Hole placement. Center to center hole separation shall be
between three and five feet.
4. Line length. Maximum line length from manifold should not
exceed 50 feet.
5. Percent flow variation. Actual line size, hole size and
hole separation shall be determined on a case-by-case basis based on a maximum
flow variation of 10% along the length of the pressure percolation lines.
6. Materials and construction. The preferred material is
plastic, either PVC or ABS, designed for pressure service. The lines shall have
burr free and counter sunk holes (where possible) placed in a straight line
along the longitudinal axis of the pipe. Joining of pipes shall be accomplished
with manufactured pressure type joints.
7. Installation.
a. Crushed stone or gravel. Clean gravel or crushed stone
having a size range from 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch shall be utilized to bed the
pressure percolation lines. Minimum depth of gravel or crushed stone beneath
the percolation lines shall be 8-1/2 inches. Clean course silica sand (does not
effervesce in the presence of dilute hydrochloric acid) may be substituted for
the first two inches (soil interface) of the required 8-1/2 inches of gravel
beneath the pressure percolation lines. The absorption trench shall be
backfilled to a depth of two inches over the pressure percolation lines with
the same gravel or crushed stone. Clean sand, gravel or crushed stone shall be free
of fines, clay and organic materials.
b. Grade boards [ and/or or ] stakes.
Grade boards [ and/or or ] stakes placed in the bottom
or sidewalls of the absorption trench shall be utilized to maintain the gravel
level for placement of the pressure percolation lines. Grade stakes shall not
be placed on centers greater than 10 feet.
c. Placement and alignment. Pressure percolation lines shall
be placed so that the holes face vertically downward. All pressure percolation
piping shall be placed at the same elevation, unless throttling valves are
utilized, and shall be level. The piping shall be placed in the horizontal
center of the trench and shall maintain a straight alignment. Normally the
invert of the pressure percolation lines shall be placed 8-1/2 inches above the
trench bottom. However, under no circumstance shall the invert of the pressure
percolation lines be placed closer than 16-1/2 inches to the seasonal water
table as defined in 12VAC5-610-950 A 3 12VAC5-610-470 D. When the
invert of the pressure percolation lines must be placed at an elevation greater
than 8-1/2 inches above the trench bottom, landscaping over the absorption area
may be required to provide the two inches of gravel and six inches of fill over
the pressure percolation lines required in subdivision 7 a of this subsection.
d. Backfilling. After the placement of the pressure percolation
piping the absorption trench shall be backfilled evenly with crushed stone or
gravel to a depth of two inches over the opening. Untreated building paper or
other suitable material shall be placed at the interface of the gravel and soil
to prevent migration of fines to the trench bottom. The remainder of the trench
shall be backfilled with soil to the ground surface.
8. Appurtenances. The distal (terminal) end of each pressure
percolation lines shall be fitted with a vertical riser and threaded cap extending
to the ground surface. Systems requiring throttling valves will be supplied
with couplings and threaded riser extensions at least four feet long so that
the flow may be adjusted in each line.
D. Gravelless material with general approval may be
used for low pressure distribution in accordance with the manufacturer's
approved installation manual, Table 5.4 of 12VAC5-610-950, and the applicable
requirements of this chapter.
12VAC5-610-950. Absorption area design.
A. The absorption area is the undisturbed soil medium beginning
at the soil gravel or sand interface which is utilized for absorption of
the effluent. The absorption area includes the infiltrative surface in the
absorption trench and the soil between and around the trenches when trenches
are used.
B. Suitability of soil horizon. The absorption trench bottom
shall be placed in the soil horizon or horizons with an average estimated or
measured percolation rate less than 120 minutes per inch. Soil horizons are to
be identified in accordance with 12VAC5-610-480. The soil horizon must meet the
following minimum conditions:
1. It shall have an estimated or measured percolation rate
equal to or less than 120 minutes per inch.
2. The soil horizon or horizons shall be of sufficient
thickness so that at least 12 inches of absorption trench sidewall is exposed
to act as an infiltrative surface; and
3. If no single horizon meets the conditions in subdivision 2
of this subsection, a combination of adjacent horizons may be utilized to
provide the required 12-inch sidewall infiltrative surface. However, no horizon
utilized shall have an estimated or measured percolation rate greater than 120
C. Placement of absorption trenches below soil restrictions.
Placement of the soil absorption trench bottom below soil restrictions as
defined in 12VAC5-610-490 D, whether or not there is evidence of a perched
water table as indicated by free standing water or gray mottlings or
coloration, requires a special design based on the following criteria:
1. The soil horizon into which the absorption trench bottom is
placed shall be a Texture Group I, II or III soil or have an estimated or
measured percolation rate of less than 91 minutes per inch.
2. The soil horizon shall be a minimum of three feet thick and
shall exhibit no characteristics that indicate wetness on restriction of water
movement. The absorption trench bottom shall be placed so that at least two
feet of the soil horizon separates the trench bottom from the water table
[ and/or or ] rock. At least one foot of the absorption
trench side wall shall penetrate the soil horizon.
3. A lateral ground water movement interceptor (LGMI) shall be
placed upslope of the absorption area. The LGMI shall be placed perpendicular
to the general slope of the land. The invert of the LGMI shall extend into, but
not through, the restriction and shall extend for a distance of 10 feet on
either side of the absorption area (See 12VAC5-610-700 D 3).
4. Pits shall be constructed to facilitate soil evaluations as
D. Sizing of absorption trench area.
1. Required area. The total absorption trench bottom area
required shall be based on the average estimated or measured percolation rate
for the soil horizon or horizons into which the absorption trench is to be
placed. If more than one soil horizon is utilized to meet the sidewall
infiltrative surface required in subsection B of this section, the absorption
trench bottom area shall be based on the average estimated or measured
percolation rate of the "slowest" horizon. The trench bottom area
required in square feet per 100 gallons (Ft²/100 Gals) of sewage applied for
various soil percolation rates is tabulated in Table 5.4. The area requirements
are based on the equation:
log y = 2.00 + 0.008 (x)
where y = Ft²/100 Gals
x = Percolation rate in minutes/inch
Notwithstanding the above, the minimum absorption area for
single family residential dwellings shall be 400 square feet.
2. Area reduction. See Table 5.4 for percent area
reduction when gravelless material or low pressure distribution is
utilized. A reduction in area shall not be permitted when flow diversion is
utilized with low pressure distribution. When gravelless material is
utilized, the design width of the trench shall be used to calculate minimum
area requirements for absorption trenches.
E. Minimum cross section dimensions for absorption trenches.
1. Depth. The minimum trench sidewall depth as measured from
the surface of the mineral soil shall be 12 inches when placed in a landscape
with a slope less than 10%. The installation depth shall be measured on the
downhill side of the absorption trench. When the installation depth is less
than 18 inches, the depth shall be measured from the lowest elevation in the
microtopography. All systems shall be provided with at least 12 inches of cover
to prevent frost penetration and provide physical protection to the absorption
trench; however, this requirement for additional cover shall not apply to
systems installed on slopes of 30% or greater. Where additional soil cover must
be provided to meet this minimum, it must be added prior to construction of the
absorption field, and it must be crowned to provide positive drainage away from
the absorption field. The minimum trench depth shall be increased by at least
five inches for every 10% increase in slope. Sidewall depth is measured from
the ground surface on the downhill side of the trench.
2. Width. All absorption trenches utilized with gravity
distribution shall have a width of from 18 inches to 36 inches. All absorption
trenches utilized with low pressure distribution shall have a width of eight
inches to 24 inches.
F. Lateral separation of absorption trenches. The absorption
trenches shall be separated by a center to center distance no less than three
times the width of the trench for slopes up to 10%. However, where trench
bottoms are two feet or more above rock, pans and impervious strata, the
absorption trenches shall be separated by a center to center distance no less
than three times the width of the trench for slopes up to 20%. The minimum
horizontal separation distance shall be increased by one foot for every 10%
increase in slope. In no case shall the center to center distance be less than
30 inches.
G. Slope of absorption trench bottoms.
1. Gravity distribution. The bottom of each absorption trench
shall have a uniform slope not less than two inches or more than four inches
per 100 feet.
2. Low pressure distribution. The bottom of each absorption
trench shall be uniformly level to prevent ponding of effluent.
H. Placement of absorption trenches in the landscape.
1. The absorption trenches shall be placed on contour.
2. When the ground surface in the area over the absorption
trenches is at a higher elevation than any plumbing fixture or fixtures, sewage
from the plumbing fixture or fixtures shall be pumped.
I. Lateral ground water movement interceptors. Where
subsurface, laterally moving water is expected to adversely affect an
absorption system, a lateral ground water movement interceptor (LGMI) shall be
placed upslope of the absorption area. The LGMI shall be placed perpendicular
to the general slope of the land. The invert of the LGMI shall extend into, but
not through, the restriction and shall extend for a distance of 10 feet on either
side of the absorption area.
VA.R. Doc. No. R14-3665; Filed July 1, 2016, 11:54 a.m.