Forms used in administering the regulation have been filed by the agency. The
forms are not being published; however, online users of this issue of the
Virginia Register of Regulations may click on the name of a form with a
hyperlink to access it. The forms are also available from the agency contact or
may be viewed at the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, 900 East Main
Street, 11th Floor, Richmond, Virginia 23219.
Title of Regulation: 9VAC20-81. Solid Waste
Management Regulations.
Agency Contact: Debra Harris, Virginia Waste Management
Board, P.O. Box 1105, Richmond, VA 23218, telephone (804) 698-4209, or email debra.harris@deq.virginia.gov.
FORMS (9VAC20-81)
Annual Report QA/QC Submission Checklist, DEQ Form
ARSC–01 (rev. 7/2011)
Solid Waste Management Facility Permit Applicant's
Disclosure Statement, DEQ Form DISC–01 (rev. 7/2012)
Solid Waste Management Facility Permit Applicant - Key
Personnel Disclosure Statement, DEQ Form DISC–02 (rev. 7/2017)
Solid Waste Management Facility Disclosure Statement -
Quarterly Update, DEQ Form DISC–03 (rev. 7/2017)
Waste Management Facility Permit Applicant's Disclosure Statement, DEQ Form
DISC–01 (rev. 8/2018)
Waste Management Facility Permit Applicant - Key Personnel Disclosure Statement,
DEQ Form DISC–02 (rev. 8/2018)
Waste Management Facility Disclosure Statement - Quarterly Update, DEQ Form
DISC–03 (rev. 8/2018)
Request for Certification (Local Government), DEQ
Form SW–11–1 (rev. 6/2016)
Special Waste Disposal Request, DEQ Form SWDR (rev.
Waste Disposal Request, DEQ Form SWDR (rev. 8/2018)
Solid Waste Part A Application, DEQ Form SW PTA
(rev. 3/2011)
Solid Waste Disposal Facility Part B Application,
DEQ Form SW PTB (rev. 3/2011)
Solid Waste Information and Assessment Program -
Reporting Table, Form DEQ 50–25 with Statement of Economic Benefits Form and
Instructions (rev. 11/2014)
Exempt Yard Waste Composting Annual Report, DEQ
Form YW–2 (rev. 7/2011)
Exempt Yard Waste Compost Facility – Notice of
Intent and Certification, DEQ Form YW–3 (rev. 7/2011)
Exempt Yard Waste & Herbivorous Manures
Compost Facility – Notice of Intent and Certification, DEQ Form YW–4 (rev.
VA.R. Doc. No. R19-5685; Filed October 9, 2018, 3:37 p.m.