Vol. 35 Iss. 25 - August 05, 2019

Chapter 120
Final Regulation

REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: The Virginia Racing Commission is claiming an exemption from the Administrative Process Act pursuant to § 2.2-4002 A 17 of the Code of Virginia regarding the promulgation of technical regulations governing actual live horse racing at race meetings licensed by the commission.

Title of Regulation: 11VAC10-120. Claiming Races (amending 11VAC10-120-50).

Statutory Authority: § 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.

Effective Date: August 5, 2019.

Agency Contact: Kimberly Mackey, Regulatory Coordinator, Virginia Racing Commission, 5707 Huntsman Road, Suite 201-B, Richmond, VA 23250, telephone (804) 966-7406, or email


The amendment requires the trainer of a claimed horse to provide the new trainer of the claimed horse with injection records for the previous 30 days. This requirement is in the Association of Racing Commissioners International Model Rules.

11VAC10-120-50. Claiming procedure.

A claim may be filed on a horse programmed to race by properly completing a claim slip, including but not limited to the correct spelling of the horse's name, the date and the race number, sealing the claim slip in an envelope, and depositing the envelope in a locked claims box. The following provisions shall apply to the claiming of a horse:

1. The licensee shall provide claim slips, claim envelopes, and a locked claim box to secure filed claims;

2. The claim slip, enclosed in a sealed envelope, must be deposited in a locked claim box at least 15 minutes before post time of the race for which the claim is filed;

3. The licensee shall provide a clock, and before the sealed envelope is deposited in the locked claim box, the time of day shall be stamped upon the envelope;

4. No money or its equivalent shall be put in the claim box;

5. The person filing the claim must have sufficient funds on deposit with the horsemen's bookkeeper or licensee in not less than the amount of the designated price and applicable sales taxes;



6. The claims clerk shall inform the stewards of a claim filed for a horse and of multiple claims on a horse;

7. The claims clerk shall ascertain that the claim slip and envelope are properly complete;

8. The claims clerk shall ascertain that the person is eligible to claim a horse and inform the stewards immediately of any doubts of the person's eligibility;

9. The claims clerk shall ascertain that there are sufficient funds on deposit with the horsemen's bookkeeper or licensee of not less than the amount of the claim and applicable sales taxes;

10. If more than one valid claim is filed for a horse, then title to the horse shall be determined by lot under the supervision of the stewards or their representative;

11. A claimed horse shall race in the interest of and for the account of the owner from whom the horse was claimed;

12. Title to a claimed horse shall vest in the successful claimant at the time the horse is deemed a starter whether the horse is dead or alive, sound or unsound, or injured in the race or after the race;

13. Upon a successful claim the stewards shall issue a transfer authorization of the horse from the original owner to the claimant. Copies of the transfer authorization shall be maintained by the stewards and the racing secretary. Upon notification by the stewards the horsemen's bookkeeper shall immediately debit the claimant's account for the claiming price, along with applicable taxes and transfer fees, and shall immediately credit the original owner's account with the claiming price;

14. In harness racing, the successful claimant of a horse programmed to start may, at his option, acquire ownership of a claimed horse even though such claimed horse was scratched and did not start in the claiming race from which it was scratched. The successful claimant must exercise his option by 9 a.m. of the day following the claiming race to which the horse programmed and scratched. No horse may be claimed from a claiming race unless the race is contested;

15. A horse that has been claimed shall be delivered to the new owner at the conclusion of the race either at the paddock or at the detention barn, after the completion of any post-race testing;

16. The claimant shall present the former owner with written authorization of the claim from the racing secretary;

17. A positive test result for any prohibited drug is grounds for voiding the claim;

18. The new owner may request that the horse be tested for equine infectious anemia, by taking the horse immediately following the race to the detention barn where a blood sample will be drawn;

19. A positive test result for equine infectious anemia is grounds for voiding a claim;

20. The new owner shall be responsible for filing the change of ownership with the appropriate breed registry;

21. Despite any designation of sex or age of a horse appearing in the daily program or other publication, the person making the claim shall be solely responsible for determining the sex or age of the horse before filing a claim for the horse; and

22. Officials and employees of the licensee shall not provide any information as to the filing of the claim until after the race has been run, except as necessary for processing of the claim; and

23. If a horse is successfully claimed by a new owner, the trainer of record at the time of that claiming race must provide that horse's complete corticosteroid and intra-articular injection records for the last 30 days, which shall include the date of the injection, name of the veterinarian performing the injection, articular spaces or structures injected, medication or biologicals used to inject each articular space, and dose in milligrams of each corticosteroid used. Such records shall be completed by the treating veterinarian and be provided to the new trainer within 48 hours of the transfer of the horse.

VA.R. Doc. No. R19-6068; Filed July 15, 2019, 11:54 a.m.