Title of Regulation: 11VAC10-47. Historical Horse
Racing (adding 11VAC10-47-10 through 11VAC10-47-200).
Statutory Authority: § 59.1-369 of the Code of Virginia.
Effective Date Extended Through: October 3, 2020.
The Governor approved the request of the Virginia Racing
Commission to extend the expiration date of the emergency regulation for six
months as provided by § 2.2-4011 D of the Code of Virginia. Therefore, the
emergency regulation will continue in effect through October 3, 2020. The
emergency regulation implements Chapter 811 of the 2018 Acts of Assembly, which
authorizes Historical Horst Racing at facilities licensed by the Virginia
Racing Commission throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. The commission will
begin the process of finalizing the permanent regulation pending completion of
legislative action requiring significant changes to the proposed language. The
emergency regulation was published in 35:5 VA.R. 785-796 October 29, 2018.
Agency Contact: Kimberly Mackey, Regulatory Coordinator,
Virginia Racing Commission, 5707 Huntsman Road, Suite 201-B, Richmond, VA
23250, telephone (804) 966-7406, or email kimberly.mackey@vrc.virginia.gov.
VA.R. Doc. No. R19-5684; Filed March 16, 2020, 7:42 a.m.