Vol. 38 Iss. 4 - October 11, 2021

Chapter 20

REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: The Board for Hearing Aid Specialists and Opticians is claiming an exemption from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act in accordance with § 2.2-4006 A 4 a of the Code of Virginia, which excludes regulations that are necessary to conform to changes in Virginia statutory law or the appropriation act where no agency discretion is involved. The board will receive, consider, and respond to petitions by any interested person at any time with respect to reconsideration or revision.

Titles of Regulations: 18VAC80-20. Hearing Aid Specialists Regulations (amending 18VAC80-20-30, 18VAC80-20-40, 18VAC80-20-270).

18VAC80-30. Opticians Regulations (amending 18VAC80-30-20, 18VAC80-30-160).

Statutory Authority: § 54.1-201 of the Code of Virginia.

Effective Date: December 1, 2021.

Agency Contact: Stephen Kirschner, Executive Director, Board for Hearing Aid Specialists and Opticians, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400, Richmond, VA 23233, telephone (804) 367-8590, FAX (866) 245-9693, or email


Pursuant to Chapters 550 and 551 of the 2021 Acts of Assembly, Special Session I, the amendments conform regulations concerning qualifications for licensure and standards of conduct to the requirements of § 19.2-389.3 of the Code of Virginia and remove requirements for reporting by applicants or licensees of misdemeanor marijuana convictions.

18VAC80-20-30. Basic qualifications for licensure.

A. Every applicant for a license shall provide information on his application establishing that:

1. The applicant is at least 18 years of age.

2. The applicant has successfully completed high school or a high school equivalency course.

3. The applicant has training and experience that covers the following subjects as they pertain to hearing aid fitting and the sale of hearing aids, accessories, and services:

a. Basic physics of sound;

b. Basic maintenance and repair of hearing aids;

c. The anatomy and physiology of the ear;

d. Introduction to psychological aspects of hearing loss;

e. The function of hearing aids and amplification;

f. Visible disorders of the ear requiring medical referrals;

g. Practical tests utilized for selection or modification of hearing aids;

h. Pure tone audiometry, including air conduction, bone conduction, and related tests;

i. Live voice or recorded voice speech audiometry, including speech reception threshold testing and speech discrimination testing;

j. Masking when indicated;

k. Recording and evaluating audiograms and speech audiometry to determine the proper selection and adaptation of hearing aids;

l. Taking earmold impressions;

m. Proper earmold selection;

n. Adequate instruction in proper hearing aid orientation;

o. Necessity of proper procedures in after-fitting checkup; and

p. Availability of social service resources and other special resources for the hearing impaired.

4. The applicant has provided one of the following as verification of completion of training and experience as described in subdivision 3 of this subsection:

a. A statement on a form provided by the board signed by the licensed sponsor certifying that the requirements have been met; or

b. A certified true copy of a transcript of courses completed at an accredited college or university, or other notarized documentation of completion of the required experience and training.

5. The applicant has not been convicted or found guilty of any crime directly related to the practice of fitting or dealing in hearing aids, regardless of the manner of adjudication, in any jurisdiction of the United States. Except for misdemeanor marijuana convictions and misdemeanor convictions that occurred five or more years prior to the date of application, with no subsequent convictions, all criminal convictions shall be considered as part of the totality of the circumstances of each applicant. The applicant review of prior convictions shall be subject to the requirements of § 54.1-204 of the Code of Virginia. Any plea of nolo contendere shall be considered a conviction for purposes of this subdivision. The record of a conviction authenticated in such form as to be admissible in evidence under the laws of the jurisdiction where convicted shall be admissible as prima facie evidence of such conviction or guilt.

6. The applicant is in good standing as a licensed hearing aid specialist in every jurisdiction where licensed. The applicant must disclose if he has had a license as a hearing aid specialist that was suspended, revoked, or surrendered in connection with a disciplinary action or that has been the subject of discipline in any jurisdiction prior to applying for licensure in Virginia. At the time of application for licensure, the applicant must also disclose any disciplinary action taken in another jurisdiction in connection with the applicant's practice as a hearing aid specialist. The applicant must also disclose whether he has been previously licensed in Virginia as a hearing aid specialist.

7. The applicant has disclosed his physical address. A post office box is not acceptable.

8. The nonresident applicant for a license has filed and maintained with the department an irrevocable consent for the department to serve as service agent for all actions filed in any court in Virginia.

9. The applicant has submitted the required application with the proper fee as referenced in 18VAC80-20-70 and signed, as part of the application, a statement that the applicant has read and understands Chapter 15 (§ 54.1-1500 et seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter.

B. The board may make further inquiries and investigations with respect to the qualifications of the applicant or require a personal interview or both. The board may refuse initial licensure due to the applicant's failure to comply with entry requirements. The licensee is entitled to a review of such action. Appeals from such actions shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Process Act, Chapter 40 (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.) of Title 2.2 of the Code of Virginia.

18VAC80-20-40. Temporary permit.

A. Any individual may apply for a temporary permit, which is to be used solely for the purpose of gaining the training and experience required to become a licensed hearing aid specialist in Virginia. The licensed sponsor shall be identified on the application for a temporary permit and the licensed sponsor shall comply strictly with the provisions of subdivisions B 1 and B 2 of this section.

1. A temporary permit shall be issued for a period of 12 months and may be extended once for not longer than six months. After a period of 18 months an extension is no longer possible and the former temporary permit holder shall sit for the examination in accordance with this section.

2. The board may, at its discretion, extend the temporary permit for a temporary permit holder who suffers serious personal illness or injury, or death in his immediate family, or obligation of military service or service in the Peace Corps, or for other good cause of similar magnitude approved by the board. Documentation of these circumstances must be received by the board no later than 12 months after the date of the expiration of the temporary permit or within six months of the completion of military or Peace Corps service, whichever is later.

B. Every applicant for a temporary permit shall provide information upon application establishing that:

1. The applicant for a temporary permit is at least 18 years of age.

2. The applicant for a temporary permit has successfully completed high school or a high school equivalency course.

3. The applicant has not been convicted or found guilty of any crime directly related to the practice of fitting or dealing in hearing aids, regardless of the manner of adjudication, in any jurisdiction of the United States. Except for misdemeanor marijuana convictions and misdemeanor convictions that occurred five or more years prior to the date of application, with no subsequent convictions, all criminal convictions shall be considered as part of the totality of the circumstances of each applicant. Review of prior convictions shall be subject to the requirements of § 54.1-204 of the Code of Virginia. Any plea of nolo contendere shall be considered a conviction for purposes of this subdivision. The record of a conviction authenticated in such form as to be admissible in evidence under the laws of the jurisdiction where convicted shall be admissible as prima facie evidence of such conviction or guilt.

4. The applicant for a temporary permit is in good standing as a licensed hearing aid specialist in every jurisdiction where licensed. The applicant for a temporary permit must disclose if he has had a license as a hearing aid specialist that was suspended, revoked, or surrendered in connection with a disciplinary action or that has been the subject of discipline in any jurisdiction prior to applying for licensure in Virginia. At the time of application, the applicant for a temporary permit must also disclose any disciplinary action taken in another jurisdiction in connection with the applicant's practice as a hearing aid specialist. The applicant for a temporary permit must also disclose whether he has been licensed previously in Virginia as a hearing aid specialist.

5. The applicant for a temporary permit has disclosed his physical address. A post office box is not acceptable.

6. The applicant for a temporary permit has submitted the required application with the proper fee referenced in 18VAC80-20-70 and has signed, as part of the application, a statement that the applicant has read and understands Chapter 15 (§ 54.1-1500 et seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter.

C. The licensed hearing aid specialist who agrees to sponsor the applicant for a temporary permit shall certify on the application that as sponsor, he:

1. Assumes full responsibility for the competence and proper conduct of the temporary permit holder with regard to all acts performed pursuant to the acquisition of training and experience in the fitting or dealing of hearing aids;

2. Will not assign the temporary permit holder to carry out independent field work without on-site direct supervision by the sponsor until the temporary permit holder is adequately trained for such activity;

3. Will personally provide and make available documentation, upon request by the board or its representative, showing the number of hours that direct supervision has occurred throughout the period of the temporary permit; and

4. Will return the temporary permit to the department should the training program be discontinued for any reason.

D. The licensed sponsor shall provide training and shall ensure that the temporary permit holder under his supervision gains experience that covers the following subjects as they pertain to hearing aid fitting and the sale of hearing aids, accessories, and services:

1. Basic physics of sound;

2. Basic maintenance and repair of hearing aids;

3. The anatomy and physiology of the ear;

4. Introduction to psychological aspects of hearing loss;

5. The function of hearing aids and amplification;

6. Visible disorders of the ear requiring medical referrals;

7. Practical tests utilized for selection or modification of hearing aids;

8. Pure tone audiometry, including air conduction, bone conduction, and related tests;

9. Live voice or recorded voice speech audiometry, including speech reception threshold testing and speech discrimination testing;

10. Masking when indicated;

11. Recording and evaluating audiograms and speech audiometry to determine the proper selection and adaptation of hearing aids;

12. Taking earmold impressions;

13. Proper earmold selection;

14. Adequate instruction in proper hearing aid orientation;

15. Necessity of proper procedures in after-fitting checkup; and

16. Availability of social service resources and other special resources for the hearing impaired.

E. The board may make further inquiries and investigations with respect to the qualifications of the applicant for a temporary permit or require a personal interview, or both.

F. All correspondence from the board to the temporary permit holder not otherwise exempt from disclosure, shall be addressed to both the temporary permit holder and the licensed sponsor and shall be sent to the business address of the licensed sponsor.

18VAC80-20-270. Grounds for discipline.

The board may, in considering the totality of the circumstances, fine any temporary permit holder or licensee, and suspend, place on probation, or revoke, or refuse to renew any temporary permit or license or deny any application issued under the provisions of Chapter 15 (§ 54.1-1500 et seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter. Disciplinary procedures are governed by the Administrative Process Act, Chapter 40 (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.) of Title 2.2 of the Code of Virginia. In exercising its disciplinary function, the board will consider the totality of the circumstances of each case. Any licensee is subject to board discipline for any of the following:

1. Improper conduct, including but not limited to:

a. Obtaining, renewing, or attempting to obtain a license by false or fraudulent representation;

b. Obtaining any fee or making any sale by fraud or misrepresentation;

c. Employing to fit or sell hearing aids a person who does not hold a valid license or a temporary permit, or whose license or temporary permit is suspended;

d. Using, causing, or promoting the use of any misleading, deceptive, or untruthful advertising matter, promotional literature, testimonial, guarantee, warranty, label, brand, insignia, or any other representation, whether disseminated orally or published;

e. Advertising a particular model or type of hearing aid for sale when purchasers or prospective purchasers responding to the advertisement cannot purchase the advertised model or type;

f. Representing that the service or advice of a person licensed to practice medicine or audiology will be used in the selection, fitting, adjustment, maintenance, or repair of hearing aids when that is not true, or using the words "physician," "audiologist," "clinic," "hearing service," "hearing center," or similar description of the services and products provided when such use is not accurate;

g. Directly or indirectly giving or offering to give favors, paid referrals, or anything of value to any person who in his professional capacity uses his position to influence third parties to purchase products offered for sale by a hearing aid specialist; or

h. Failing to provide expedient, reliable, or dependable services when requested by a client or client's guardian.

2. Failure to include on the purchase agreement a statement regarding home solicitation when required by federal and state law.

3. Incompetence or negligence, as those terms are generally understood in the profession, in fitting or selling hearing aids.

4. Failure to provide required or appropriate training resulting in incompetence or negligence, as those terms are generally understood in the profession, by a temporary permit holder under the licensee's sponsorship.

5. Violating or cooperating with others in violating any provisions of Chapters 1 (§ 54.1-100 et seq.), 2 (§ 54.1-200 et seq.), 3 (§ 54.1-300 et seq.), and 15 (§ 54.1-1500 et seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia or this chapter.

6. The licensee, temporary permit holder, or applicant has been convicted or found guilty of any crime directly related to the practice of fitting or dealing in hearing aids, regardless of the manner of adjudication, in any jurisdiction of the United States. Except for misdemeanor marijuana convictions and misdemeanor convictions that occurred five or more years prior to the date of application, with no subsequent convictions, all criminal convictions shall be considered as part of the totality of the circumstances of each applicant. Review of prior convictions shall be subject to the requirements of § 54.1-204 of the Code of Virginia. Any pleas of nolo contendere shall be considered a conviction for the purpose of this subdivision. The record of a conviction authenticated in such form as to be admissible in evidence of the law of the jurisdiction where convicted shall be admissible as prima facie evidence of such conviction or guilt.

18VAC80-30-20. Qualifications of applicant.

An applicant for a license shall furnish satisfactory evidence on an application provided by the board establishing that:

1. The applicant is at least 18 years of age unless emancipated under the provisions of § 16.1-333 of the Code of Virginia;

2. The applicant is a graduate of an accredited high school, has completed the equivalent of grammar school and a four-year high school course, or is a holder of a certificate of general educational development;

3. The applicant is in good standing as a licensed optician in every jurisdiction where licensed;

4. The applicant has not been convicted in any jurisdiction of a misdemeanor or felony involving sexual offense, drug distribution or physical injury, or any felony involving drug distribution or that directly relates to the profession of opticianry. The board shall have the authority to determine, based upon all the information available, including the applicant's record of prior convictions, if the applicant is unfit or unsuited to engage in the profession of opticianry. Any plea of nolo contendere shall be considered a conviction for the purposes of this subdivision. The licensee shall provide a certified copy of a final order, decree, or case decision by a court or regulatory agency with the lawful authority to issue such order, decree, or case decision, and such copy shall be admissible as prima facie evidence of such conviction. This record shall be forwarded by the licensee to the board within 10 days after all appeal rights have expired;

5. The applicant has successfully completed one of the following education requirements:

a. A board-approved two-year course in a school of opticianry, including the study of topics essential to qualify for practicing as an optician; or

b. A two-year apprenticeship with a minimum of one school year of related instruction or home study while registered in the apprenticeship program in accordance with the standards established by the state Department of Labor and Industry, Division of Registered Apprenticeship, and approved by the board;

6. The applicant has disclosed his current mailing address;

7. The nonresident applicant for a license has filed and maintained with the department an irrevocable consent for the director of the department to serve as service agent for all actions filed in any court in the Commonwealth; and

8. The applicant shall certify, as part of the application, that the applicant has read and understands Chapter 15 (§ 54.1-1500 et seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia and the regulations of the board.

18VAC80-30-160. Grounds for disciplinary action.

A. The board is empowered to revoke, suspend, or refuse to grant or renew a license and is empowered to impose a fine up to the statutory limit, as authorized under § 54.1-202 of the Code of Virginia, per violation on a licensee for any of the following reasons:

1. Using nonprescribed controlled substances as defined in § 54.1-3401 of the Code of Virginia or alcohol at the work place during working hours;

2. Displaying professional incompetence or negligence, including but not limited to failure to comply with this part in the performance of opticianry;

3. Presenting false or fraudulent information on an application certifying possession of the qualifications required under 18VAC80-30-20;

4. Violating or inducing others to violate any provisions of Chapter 1, 2, 3, or 15 of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia, or of any other statute applicable to the practice of the profession herein regulated, or of any provisions of this chapter;

5. Publishing or causing to be published any advertisement related to opticianry that is false, deceptive, or misleading;

6. Having been convicted in any jurisdiction of a misdemeanor or felony involving sexual offense, drug distribution or physical injury, or of any felony involving drug distribution or that directly relates to the profession of opticianry. The board shall have the authority to determine, based upon all the information available, including the applicant's record of prior convictions, if the applicant is unfit or unsuited to engage in the profession of opticianry. Any plea of nolo contendere shall be considered a conviction for the purposes of this section. The licensee shall provide a certified copy of a final order, decree or case decision by a court or regulatory agency with the lawful authority to issue such order, decree or case decision, and such copy shall be admissible as prima facie evidence of such conviction. This record shall be forwarded by the licensee to the board within 10 days after all appeal rights have expired;

7. Having been disciplined by another jurisdiction in the practice of opticianry. Documentary evidence of such discipline shall be submitted by the licensee to the board within 10 days after all appeal rights have expired; or

8. Allowing any person to engage in the practice of opticianry, except an optician apprentice or student enrolled in a course in a school of opticianry under the direct supervision of a licensed optician.

B. A finding of improper or dishonest conduct in the practice of the profession by a court of competent jurisdiction shall be cause for disciplinary action.

VA.R. Doc. No. R22-6911; Filed September 20, 2021