Vol. 36 Iss. 20 - May 25, 2020



Agency Notice

Pursuant to Executive Order 14 (as amended July 16, 2018) and §§ 2.2-4007.1 and 2.2-4017 of the Code of Virginia, the following regulations are undergoing a periodic review and a small business impact review: 4VAC25-101, Regulations Governing Vertical Ventilation Holes and Mining Near Gas and Oil Wells; 4VAC25-110, Regulations Governing Blasting in Surface Mining Operations; 4VAC25-120, Requirements for Installation and Use of Cabs and Canopies; and 4VAC25-145, Regulations on the Eligibility of Certain Mining Operators to Perform Reclamation Projects. The review of these regulations will be guided by the principles in Executive Order 14 (as amended July 16, 2018).

The purpose of this review is to determine whether these regulations should be repealed, amended, or retained in their current forms. Public comment is sought on the review of any issue relating to these regulations, including whether each regulation (i) is necessary for the protection of public health, safety, and welfare or for the economical performance of important governmental functions; (ii) minimizes the economic impact on small businesses in a manner consistent with the stated objectives of applicable law; and (iii) is clearly written and easily understandable.

Public comment begins May 25, 2020, and ends June 15, 2020.

Comments must include the commenter's name and address (physical or email) information in order to receive a response to the comment from the agency.

Following the close of the public comment period, a report of findings of each review will be posted on the Virginia Regulatory Town Hall and published in the Virginia Register of Regulations.

Contact Information: Michael Skiffington, Regulatory Coordinator, Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy, 1100 Bank Street, 8th Floor, Richmond, VA 23219-3402, telephone (804) 692-3212, or email

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Agency Notice

Pursuant to Executive Order 14 (as amended July 16, 2018) and §§ 2.2-4007.1 and 2.2-4017 of the Code of Virginia, the following regulations are undergoing a periodic review and a small business impact review: 9VAC5-80, Permits for Stationary Sources and 9VAC5-230, Variance for International Paper Franklin Paper Mill. The review of these regulations will be guided by the principles in Executive Order 14 (as amended July 16, 2018).

The purpose of this review is to determine whether these regulations should be repealed, amended, or retained in their current forms. Public comment is sought on the review of any issue relating to these regulations, including whether each regulation (i) is necessary for the protection of public health, safety, and welfare or for the economical performance of important governmental functions; (ii) minimizes the economic impact on small businesses in a manner consistent with the stated objectives of applicable law; and (iii) is clearly written and easily understandable.

Public comment period begins May 25, 2020, and ends June 15, 2020.

Comments must include the commenter's name and address (physical or email) information in order to receive a response to the comment from the agency.

Following the close of the public comment period, a report of findings of each review will be posted on the Virginia Regulatory Town Hall and published in the Virginia Register of Regulations.

Contact Information: Gary E. Graham, Department of Environmental Quality, 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1400, P.O. Box 1105, Richmond, VA 23218, telephone (804) 689-4103, FAX (804) 698-4319, or email


Agency Notice

Pursuant to Executive Order 14 (as amended July 16, 2018) and §§ 2.2-4007.1 and 2.2-4017 of the Code of Virginia, the following regulations are undergoing a periodic review and a small business impact review: 9VAC25-32, Virginia Pollution Abatement (VPA) Permit Regulation, and 9VAC25-194, Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) General Permit for Vehicle Wash Facilities and Laundry Facilities. The review of these regulations will be guided by the principles in Executive Order 14 (as amended July 16, 2018).

The purpose of this review is to determine whether these regulations should be repealed, amended, or retained in their current forms. Public comment is sought on the review of any issue relating to these regulations, including whether each regulation (i) is necessary for the protection of public health, safety, and welfare or for the economical performance of important governmental functions; (ii) minimizes the economic impact on small businesses in a manner consistent with the stated objectives of applicable law; and (iii) is clearly written and easily understandable.

Public comment period begins May 25, 2020, and ends June 15, 2020.

Comments must include the commenter's name and address (physical or email) information in order to receive a response to the comment from the agency.

Following the close of the public comment period, a report of findings of each review will be posted on the Virginia Regulatory Town Hall and published in the Virginia Register of Regulations.

Contact Information: Melissa Porterfield, Department of Environmental Quality, 1111 East Main Street, Suite 1400, P.O. Box 1105, Richmond, VA 23218, telephone (804) 698-4238, FAX (804) 698-4019, or email

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Report of Findings

Pursuant to §§ 2.2-4007.1 and 2.2-4017 of the Code of Virginia, the Department of Historic Resources conducted a periodic review and a small business impact review of 17VAC10-30, Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit, and determined that this regulation should be retained in its current form. The department is publishing its report of findings dated May 5, 2020, to support this decision.

This regulation meets the criteria set out in Executive Order 14 (as amended, July 16, 2018) as it is necessary for the protection of public health, safety, and welfare and is clearly written and easily understandable.

This regulation satisfies the provisions of the law and legally binding state requirements and is effective in meeting its goals. The regulation is, therefore, being retained without amendment.

This regulation continues to be needed to meet the requirements of state law and regulations concerning historic rehabilitation tax credits. No complaints or comments have been received concerning the content of the regulation or its complexity. The regulation sets out the state requirements for historic rehabilitation tax credits and does not overlap, duplicate, or conflict with other state laws or regulations.

Contact Information: Stephanie Williams, Deputy Director, Department of Historic Resources, 2801 Kensington Avenue, Richmond, VA 23221, telephone (804) 482-6082, or email

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Agency Notice

Pursuant to Executive Order 14 (as amended July 16, 2018) and §§ 2.2-4007.1 and 2.2-4017 of the Code of Virginia, the following regulation is undergoing a periodic review and a small business impact review: 22VAC40-675, Personnel Policies for Local Departments of Social Services. The review of this regulation will be guided by the principles in Executive Order 14 (as amended July 16, 2018).

The purpose of this review is to determine whether this regulation should be repealed, amended, or retained in its current form. Public comment is sought on the review of any issue relating to this regulation, including whether the regulation (i) is necessary for the protection of public health, safety, and welfare or for the economical performance of important governmental functions; (ii) minimizes the economic impact on small businesses in a manner consistent with the stated objectives of applicable law; and (iii) is clearly written and easily understandable.

Public comment period begins May 25, 2020, and ends June 15, 2020.

Comments must include the commenter's name and address (physical or email) information in order to receive a response to the comment from the agency.

Following the close of the public comment period, a report of both reviews will be posted on the Virginia Regulatory Town Hall and published in the Virginia Register of Regulations.

Contact Information: Lori Schamerhorn,, Senior Human Resource Policy Consultant, Department of Social Services, 801 East Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219, telephone (804) 726-7264, FAX (804) 819-7019, or email