Title of Regulation: 4VAC20-720. Pertaining to Restrictions on Oyster Harvest.
Publication: 38:2 VA.R. 189-199 September 13, 2021.
Correction to Final Regulation:
Page 198, 4VAC20-720-40, subsection B, column 1, subdivision 20, after "20." text should read:
"Mobjack Bay Area: February 1, 2022, through February 28, 2022 (hand scrape only).
21. Pocomoke Sound Rotation Area 2 1: December 1, 2020 2021, through February 28, 2021 2022 (dredge only).
20. 22. Tangier Sound Rotation Area 2 1: December 1, 2020 2021, through February 28, 2021 2022 (dredge only).
21. 23. Deep Rock Area: December 1, 2020 2021, through February 28, 2021 2022 (patent tong only).
22. 24. Upper Chesapeake Bay - Blackberry Hangs Area: October 1, 2020 18, 2021, through October 31, 2020 2021 (patent tong only).
23. 25. Rappahannock River Rotation Area 1: November 1, 2020, through November 30, 2020, and February 1, 2021, through March 12, 2021 October 18, 2021, through February 14, 2022 (patent tong only).
24. 26. Seaside of the Eastern Shore (for clean cull oysters only): November 1, 2020 2021, through March 31, 2021 2022 (by hand and hand tong only)."
4VAC20-720-60, subsection B,
line 3, after "B 11 13, B" unstrike "21" and remove "20"
line 4, after "through B 23" replace "24" with "25"
line 7, after "through B" unstrike "20"
line 8 after "2021" remove "19"
subsection C, line 2, after "B 18" replace "19" with "20"
subsection F, line 2, after "B 21" replace "22" with "23" and after "B 23" replace "24" with "25"
VA.R. Doc. No. R22-6936; Filed February 4, 2022 10:55 a.m.
Title of Regulation: 4VAC25-130. Coal Surface Mining Reclamation Regulations.
Publication: 38:13 VA.R. 1544-1643 February 14, 2022.
Correction to Fast-Track Regulation:
Page 1544, Titles of Regulations:, Column 2, 4VAC25-130. Coal Surface Mining Reclamation Regulations., line 15, after "4VAC25-130-800.52," insert "4VAC25-130-801.2,"
VA.R. Doc. No. R22-6960; Filed February 14, 2022 4:41 p.m.
Title of Regulation: 12VAC30-120. Waivered Services.
Publication: 29:25 VA.R. 3595-3602 August 12, 2013.
Correction to Fast-Track Regulation:
Page 3598, Part VII, line 2, after "Assisted Living Services for Individuals Receiving Auxiliary Grants Residing in Adult Care Residences" remove "(Repealed)"
VA.R. Doc. No. R13-2781; Filed January 12, 2022 5:23 p.m.
* * *
Title of Regulation: 12VAC30-120. Waivered Services.
Publication: 37:14 VA.R. 1564-1577 March 1, 2021.
Correction to Fast-Track Regulation:
Page 1565, after "Summary of Public Comments and Agency's Response:" and preceding "12VAC30-120-600. Definitions.", insert "Part VII Assisted Living Services for Individuals Receiving Auxiliary Grants Residing in Adult Care Residences" remove Commonwealth Coordinated Care Plus Program"
VA.R. Doc. No. R17-4974; Filed January 12, 2022 5:23 p.m.
Title of Regulation: 14VAC5-430. Insurance Data Security Risk Assessment and Reporting.
Publication: 38:13 VA.R. 2035-2037 February 14, 2022.
Correction to Final Regulation:
Page 2035, Effective Date:, after "February 1," replace "2021" with "2022"
VA.R. Doc. No. R22-6886; Filed February 14, 2022 4:41 p.m.