Vol. 31 Iss. 20 - June 01, 2015

The Virginia Register OF REGULATIONS is an official state publication issued every other week throughout the year. Indexes are published quarterly, and are cumulative for the year. The Virginia Register has several functions. The new and amended sections of regulations, both as proposed and as finally adopted, are required by law to be published in the Virginia Register. In addition, the Virginia Register is a source of other information about state government, including petitions for rulemaking, emergency regulations, executive orders issued by the Governor, and notices of public hearings on regulations.


An agency wishing to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations must first publish in the Virginia Register a notice of intended regulatory action; a basis, purpose, substance and issues statement; an economic impact analysis prepared by the Department of Planning and Budget; the agency’s response to the economic impact analysis; a summary; a notice giving the public an opportunity to comment on the proposal; and the text of the proposed regulation.

Following publication of the proposal in the Virginia Register, the promulgating agency receives public comments for a minimum of 60 days. The Governor reviews the proposed regulation to determine if it is necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare, and if it is clearly written and easily understandable. If the Governor chooses to comment on the proposed regulation, his comments must be transmitted to the agency and the Registrar no later than 15 days following the completion of the 60-day public comment period. The Governor’s comments, if any, will be published in the Virginia Register. Not less than 15 days following the completion of the 60-day public comment period, the agency may adopt the proposed regulation.

The Joint Commission on Administrative Rules (JCAR) or the appropriate standing committee of each house of the General Assembly may meet during the promulgation or final adoption process and file an objection with the Registrar and the promulgating agency. The objection will be published in the Virginia Register. Within 21 days after receipt by the agency of a legislative objection, the agency shall file a response with the Registrar, the objecting legislative body, and the Governor.

When final action is taken, the agency again publishes the text of the regulation as adopted, highlighting all changes made to the proposed regulation and explaining any substantial changes made since publication of the proposal. A 30-day final adoption period begins upon final publication in the Virginia Register.

The Governor may review the final regulation during this time and, if he objects, forward his objection to the Registrar and the agency. In addition to or in lieu of filing a formal objection, the Governor may suspend the effective date of a portion or all of a regulation until the end of the next regular General Assembly session by issuing a directive signed by a majority of the members of the appropriate legislative body and the Governor. The Governor’s objection or suspension of the regulation, or both, will be published in the Virginia Register. If the Governor finds that changes made to the proposed regulation have substantial impact, he may require the agency to provide an additional 30-day public comment period on the changes. Notice of the additional public comment period required by the Governor will be published in the Virginia Register.

The agency shall suspend the regulatory process for 30 days when it receives requests from 25 or more individuals to solicit additional public comment, unless the agency determines that the changes have minor or inconsequential impact.

A regulation becomes effective at the conclusion of the 30-day final adoption period, or at any other later date specified by the promulgating agency, unless (i) a legislative objection has been filed, in which event the regulation, unless withdrawn, becomes effective on the date specified, which shall be after the expiration of the 21-day objection period; (ii) the Governor exercises his authority to require the agency to provide for additional public comment, in which event the regulation, unless withdrawn, becomes effective on the date specified, which shall be after the expiration of the period for which the Governor has provided for additional public comment; (iii) the Governor and the General Assembly exercise their authority to suspend the effective date of a regulation until the end of the next regular legislative session; or (iv) the agency suspends the regulatory process, in which event the regulation, unless withdrawn, becomes effective on the date specified, which shall be after the expiration of the 30-day public comment period and no earlier than 15 days from publication of the readopted action.

A regulatory action may be withdrawn by the promulgating agency at any time before the regulation becomes final.


Section 2.2-4012.1 of the Code of Virginia provides an exemption from certain provisions of the Administrative Process Act for agency regulations deemed by the Governor to be noncontroversial.  To use this process, Governor's concurrence is required and advance notice must be provided to certain legislative committees.  Fast-track regulations will become effective on the date noted in the regulatory action if no objections to using the process are filed in accordance with § 2.2-4012.1.


Pursuant to § 2.2-4011 of the Code of Virginia, an agency, upon consultation with the Attorney General, and at the discretion of the Governor, may adopt emergency regulations that are necessitated by an emergency situation. An agency may also adopt an emergency regulation when Virginia statutory law or the appropriation act or federal law or federal regulation requires that a regulation be effective in 280 days or less from its enactment. The emergency regulation becomes operative upon its adoption and filing with the Registrar of Regulations, unless a later date is specified. Emergency regulations are limited to no more than 18 months in duration; however, may be extended for six months under certain circumstances as provided for in § 2.2-4011 D. Emergency regulations are published as soon as possible in the Register.

During the time the emergency status is in effect, the agency may proceed with the adoption of permanent regulations through the usual procedures. To begin promulgating the replacement regulation, the agency must (i) file the Notice of Intended Regulatory Action with the Registrar within 60 days of the effective date of the emergency regulation and (ii) file the proposed regulation with the Registrar within 180 days of the effective date of the emergency regulation. If the agency chooses not to adopt the regulations, the emergency status ends when the prescribed time limit expires.


The foregoing constitutes a generalized statement of the procedures to be followed. For specific statutory language, it is suggested that Article 2 (§ 2.2-4006 et seq.) of Chapter 40 of Title 2.2 of the Code of Virginia be examined carefully.


The Virginia Register is cited by volume, issue, page number, and date. 29:5 VA.R. 1075-1192 November 5, 2012, refers to Volume 29, Issue 5, pages 1075 through 1192 of the Virginia Register issued on
November 5, 2012.

The Virginia Register of Regulations is published pursuant to Article 6 (§ 2.2-4031 et seq.) of Chapter 40 of Title 2.2 of the Code of Virginia.

Members of the Virginia Code Commission: John S. Edwards, Chair; James M. LeMunyon, Vice Chair, Gregory D. Habeeb; Ryan T. McDougle; Pamela S. Baskervill; Robert L. Calhoun; Carlos L. Hopkins; E.M. Miller, Jr.; Thomas M. Moncure, Jr.; Christopher R. Nolen; Timothy Oksman; Charles S. Sharp; Robert L. Tavenner.

Staff of the Virginia Register: Jane D. Chaffin, Registrar of Regulations; Karen Perrine, Assistant Registrar; Anne Bloomsburg, Regulations Analyst; Rhonda Dyer, Publications Assistant; Terri Edwards, Operations Staff Assistant.

Vol. 31 Iss. 20 - June 01, 2015

June 2015 through May 2016

Volume: Issue

Material Submitted By Noon*

Will Be Published On


May 13, 2015

June 1, 2015


May 27, 2015

June 15, 2015


June 10, 2015

June 29, 2015


June 24, 2015

July 13, 2015


July 8, 2015

July 27, 2015


July 22, 2015

August 10, 2015


August 5, 2015

August 24, 2015


August 19, 2015

September 7, 2015


September 2, 2015

September 21, 2015


September 16, 2015

October 5, 2015


September 30, 2015

October 19, 2015


October 14, 2015

November 2, 2015


October 28, 2015

November 16, 2015


November 10, 2015 (Tuesday)

November 30, 2015


November 24, 2015 (Tuesday)

December 14, 2015


December 9, 2015

December 28, 2015


December 21, 2015 (Monday)

January 11, 2016


January 6, 2016

January 25, 2016


January 20, 2016

February 8, 2016


February 3, 2016

February 22, 2016


February 17, 2016

March 7, 2016


March 2, 2016

March 21, 2016


March 16, 2016

April 4, 2016


March 30, 2016

April 18, 2016


April 13, 2016

May 2, 2016


April 27, 2016

May 16, 2016


May 11, 2016

May 30, 2016

*Filing deadlines are Wednesdays unless otherwise specified.

Vol. 31 Iss. 20 - June 01, 2015

Regulations Governing the Practice of Medicine, Osteopathic Medicine, Podiatry, and Chiropractic
Notice of Intended Regulatory Action

Notice is hereby given in accordance with § 2.2-4007.01 of the Code of Virginia that the Board of Medicine intends to consider amending 18VAC85-20, Regulations Governing the Practice of Medicine, Osteopathic Medicine, Podiatry, and Chiropractic. The purpose of the proposed action is to address the need for additional public protection in the administration of office-based anesthesia in response to a petition for rulemaking published in 31:6 VA.R. 343 November 17, 2014. Specific amendments recommended by the petitioner will be considered, as well as comments received on the petition and on this Notice of Intended Regulatory Action.

The agency intends to hold a public hearing on the proposed action after publication in the Virginia Register.

Statutory Authority: §§ 54.1-2400 and 54.1-2912.1 of the Code of Virginia.

Public Comment Deadline: July 1, 2015.

Agency Contact: William L. Harp, M.D., Executive Director, Board of Medicine, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300, Richmond, VA 23233-1463, telephone (804) 367-4621, FAX (804) 527-4429, or email

VA.R. Doc. No. R15-01; Filed May 11, 2015, 2:04 p.m.
Regulations Governing the Practice of Genetic Counselors
Notice of Intended Regulatory Action

Notice is hereby given in accordance with § 2.2-4007.01 of the Code of Virginia that the Board of Medicine intends to consider adopting 18VAC85-170, Regulations Governing the Practice of Genetic Counselors, in accordance with Chapters 10 and 266 of the 2014 Acts of Assembly. The purpose of the proposed action is to (i) ensure minimal competency for practice and continued competency for renewal of licensure and (ii) establish standards of conduct for safe practice.

The agency intends to hold a public hearing on the proposed action after publication in the Virginia Register.

Statutory Authority: §§ 54.1-2400 and 54.1-2957.18 of the Code of Virginia.

Public Comment Deadline: July 1, 2015.

Agency Contact: William L. Harp, M.D., Executive Director, Board of Medicine, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300, Richmond, VA 23233, telephone (804) 367-4558, FAX (804) 527-4429, or email

VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4172; Filed May 11, 2015, 2:04 p.m.
Regulations Governing the Practice of Pharmacy
Notice of Intended Regulatory Action

Notice is hereby given in accordance with § 2.2-4007.01 of the Code of Virginia that the Board of Pharmacy intends to consider amending 18VAC110-20, Regulations Governing the Practice of Pharmacy. The purpose of the proposed action is to establish standards for collection sites similar to those required by the federal Drug Enforcement Administration in order for the board to inspect for and enforce standards for collection of controlled substances. If requirements for collection and destruction are not followed and there is risk of commingling with existing stocks, there may be opportunity for diversion of donated drugs or adulteration of controlled substances. Designation of authorized collection sites will facilitate the disposal of unused prescription drugs, which in turn reduces the supply of such drugs for abuse and diversion. However, the collection must be handled in a manner that protects the drugs until destruction in compliance with local, state, and federal laws.

The agency intends to hold a public hearing on the proposed action after publication in the Virginia Register.

Statutory Authority: § 54.1-2400 of the Code of Virginia.

Public Comment Deadline: July 1, 2015.

Agency Contact: Caroline Juran, RPh, Executive Director, Board of Pharmacy, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300, Richmond, VA 23233-1463, telephone (804) 367-4416, FAX (804) 527-4472, or email

VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4325; Filed May 11, 2015, 2:06 p.m.
Regulations Governing the Practice of Professional Counseling
Notice of Intended Regulatory Action

Notice is hereby given in accordance with § 2.2-4007.01 of the Code of Virginia that the Board of Counseling intends to consider amending 18VAC115-20, Regulations Governing the Practice of Professional Counseling. The purpose of the proposed action is to add a requirement for all counseling programs leading to a license as a professional counselor to be clinically focused and accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP) or an approved affiliate, such as the Council on Rehabilitation Education. This would be a phased-in requirement, allowing seven years from the effective date for students to complete their education in a non-CACREP program and for programs to achieve accreditation standards.

The agency intends to hold a public hearing on the proposed action after publication in the Virginia Register.

Statutory Authority: § 54.1-2400 of the Code of Virginia.

Public Comment Deadline: July 1, 2015.

Agency Contact: Catherine Chappell, Executive Director, Board of Counseling, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300, Richmond, VA 23233, telephone (804) 367-4406, FAX (804) 527-4435, or email

VA.R. Doc. No. R14-36; Filed May 11, 2015, 2:02 p.m.
Regulations Governing the Practice of Veterinary Medicine
Notice of Intended Regulatory Action

Notice is hereby given in accordance with § 2.2-4007.01 of the Code of Virginia that the Board of Veterinary Medicine intends to consider amending 18VAC150-20, Regulations Governing the Practice of Veterinary Medicine. The purpose of the proposed action is to eliminate a burdensome restriction on the preceptorships for veterinary students. Through preceptorships, veterinary students gain practical experience under the direct supervision of a licensed veterinarian. Currently, students are not allowed to engage in a preceptorship until their final year in veterinary college.

The agency intends to hold a public hearing on the proposed action after publication in the Virginia Register.

Statutory Authority: § 54.1-2400 of the Code of Virginia.

Public Comment Deadline: July 1, 2015.

Agency Contact: Leslie L. Knachel, Executive Director, Board of Veterinary Medicine, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300, Richmond, VA 23233, telephone (804) 367-4468, FAX (804) 527-4471, or email

VA.R. Doc. No. R14-14; Filed May 11, 2015, 2:08 p.m.
Regulations Governing the Practice of Veterinary Medicine
Notice of Intended Regulatory Action

Notice is hereby given in accordance with § 2.2-4007.01 of the Code of Virginia that the Board of Veterinary Medicine intends to consider amending 18VAC150-20, Regulations Governing the Practice of Veterinary Medicine. The purpose of the proposed action is to increase the number of continuing education hours required for renewal of a license as a veterinary technician from six to eight hours per year.

The agency intends to hold a public hearing on the proposed action after publication in the Virginia Register.

Statutory Authority: §§ 54.1-2400 and 54.1-3805.2 of the Code of Virginia.

Public Comment Deadline: July 1, 2015.

Agency Contact: Leslie L. Knachel, Executive Director, Board of Veterinary Medicine, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300, Richmond, VA 23233, telephone (804) 367-4468, FAX (804) 527-4471, or email

VA.R. Doc. No. R14-18; Filed May 11, 2015, 2:08 p.m.
Regulations Governing the Practice of Veterinary Medicine
Notice of Intended Regulatory Action

Notice is hereby given in accordance with § 2.2-4007.01 of the Code of Virginia that the Board of Veterinary Medicine intends to consider amending 18VAC150-20, Regulations Governing the Practice of Veterinary Medicine. The purpose of the proposed action is to add a definition of "specialist" to 18VAC150-20-10 and to expand the elements of unprofessional conduct to include identifying oneself as a specialist without possessing the proper credentials. The goal is to prevent misrepresentation to the public in the use of the term "specialist" or "specialty" for an individual licensee or in the name of an establishment.

The agency intends to hold a public hearing on the proposed action after publication in the Virginia Register.

Statutory Authority: § 54.1-2400 of the Code of Virginia.

Public Comment Deadline: July 1, 2015.

Agency Contact: Leslie L. Knachel, Executive Director, Board of Veterinary Medicine, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300, Richmond, VA 23233, telephone (804) 367-4468, FAX (804) 527-4471, or email

VA.R. Doc. No. R15-16; Filed May 11, 2015, 2:08 p.m.

Vol. 31 Iss. 20 - June 01, 2015

Proposed Regulation

REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: The Board of Game and Inland Fisheries is claiming an exemption from the Administrative Process Act pursuant to § 2.2-4002 A 3 of the Code of Virginia when promulgating regulations regarding the management of wildlife.

Title of Regulation: 4VAC15-20. Definitions and Miscellaneous: In General (amending 4VAC15-20-50, 4VAC15-20-65, 4VAC15-20-140).

Statutory Authority: § 29.1-103 of the Code of Virginia (4VAC15-20-65).

§ 29.1-501 of the Code of Virginia (4VAC15-20-50, 4VAC15-20-65, and 4VAC15-20-140).

Public Hearing Information:

June 2, 2015 - 9 a.m. - Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, 7870 Villa Park Drive, Suite 400, Henrico, VA 23228

Public Comment Deadline: May 22, 2015.

Agency Contact: Phil Smith, Regulatory Coordinator, Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, 7870 Villa Park Drive, Suite 400, Henrico, VA 23228, telephone (804) 367-8341 or email


The proposed amendments (i) remove "domestica" from the scientific name of domestic swine and change "free roaming" to "for which no claim of ownership can be made" for consistency with the definition of "feral swine" in 4VAC15-20-160; (ii) remove the red fox from the list of domestic animals effective January 1, 2016, and allow individuals who already own pet red foxes to keep them in captivity until the foxes die, provided the owners declare such possession to the department by January 1, 2016; (iii) replace the terms "bow and arrow" and "bow and arrow or crossbow" with "archery equipment" for all applicable licenses and permits; (iv) in the category of additional hunting privileges, create a separate license for bear hunting, with a fee of $25 for residents and $150 for nonresidents; (v) eliminate bear from the resident bear, deer, and turkey hunting license for licensees 16 years of age or older, from the resident junior bear, deer, and turkey hunting license for licensees younger than 16 years of age, and from the nonresident bear, deer, and turkey hunting licenses; and (vi) in the definition of "species," replace "district" with "distinct" to correct a typographical error.

4VAC15-20-50. Definitions; "wild animal," "native animal," "naturalized animal," "nonnative (exotic) animal," and "domestic animal."

A. In accordance with § 29.1-100 of the Code of Virginia, the following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them by this section when used in regulations of the board:

"Native animal" means those species and subspecies of animals naturally occurring in Virginia, as included in the department's 2014 "List of Native and Naturalized Fauna of Virginia," with copies available in the Richmond and regional offices of the department.

"Naturalized animal" means those species and subspecies of animals not originally native to Virginia that have established wild, self-sustaining populations, as included in the department's 2014 "List of Native and Naturalized Fauna of Virginia," with copies available in the Richmond and regional offices of the department.

"Nonnative (exotic) animal" means those species and subspecies of animals not naturally occurring in Virginia, excluding domestic and naturalized species.

The following animals are defined as domestic animals:

Domestic dog (Canis familiaris), including wolf hybrids.

Domestic cat (Felis catus), including hybrids with wild felines.

Domestic horse (Equus caballus), including hybrids with Equus asinus.

Domestic ass, burro, and donkey (Equus asinus).

Domestic cattle (Bos taurus and Bos indicus).

Domestic sheep (Ovis aries) including hybrids with wild sheep.

Domestic goat (Capra hircus).

Domestic swine (Sus scrofa domestica) scrofa), including pot-bellied pig excluding any swine that are free-roaming or wild or for which no claim of ownership can be made.

Llama (Lama glama).

Alpaca (Lama pacos).

Camels (Camelus bactrianus and Camelus dromedarius).

Domesticated races of hamsters (Mesocricetus spp.).

Domesticated races of mink (Mustela vison) where adults are heavier than 1.15 kilograms or their coat color can be distinguished from wild mink.

Domesticated races of red fox (Vulpes) where their coat color can be distinguished from wild red fox.

Domesticated races of guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus).

Domesticated races of gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus).

Domesticated races of chinchillas (Chinchilla laniger).

Domesticated races of rats (Rattus norvegicus and Rattus rattus).

Domesticated races of mice (Mus musculus).

Domesticated races of European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus).

Domesticated races of chickens (Gallus).

Domesticated races of turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo).

Domesticated races of ducks and geese distinguishable morphologically from wild birds.

Feral pigeons (Columba domestica and Columba livia) and domesticated races of pigeons.

Domesticated races of guinea fowl (Numida meleagris).

Domesticated races of peafowl (Pavo cristatus).

"Wild animal" means any member of the animal kingdom, except domestic animals, including without limitation any native, naturalized, or nonnative (exotic) mammal, fish, bird, amphibian, reptile, mollusk, crustacean, arthropod or other invertebrate, and includes any hybrid of them, except as otherwise specified in regulations of the board, or part, product, egg, or offspring of them, or the dead body or parts of them.

B. Exception for red foxes. Domesticated red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) having coat colors distinguishable from wild red foxes and possessed in captivity on July 1, 2015, may be maintained in captivity until the animals' deaths, but they may not be bred or sold without a permit from the department. Persons possessing domesticated red foxes without a permit from the department must declare such possession in writing to the department by January 1, 2016. This written declaration must include the number of individual foxes in possession, date or dates acquired, and sex, estimated age, coloration, and a photograph of each fox. This written declaration shall serve as a permit for possession only, is not transferable, and must be renewed every five years.

4VAC15-20-65. Hunting, trapping, and fishing license and permit fees.

In accordance with the authority of the board under subdivision 16 of § 29.1-103 of the Code of Virginia, the following fees are established for hunting, trapping, and fishing licenses and permits:

Virginia Resident Licenses to Hunt

Type license


1-year Resident License to Hunt, for licensees 16 years of age or older


2-year Resident License to Hunt, for licensees 16 years of age or older


3-year Resident License to Hunt, for licensees 16 years of age or older


4-year Resident License to Hunt, for licensees 16 years of age or older


County or City Resident License to Hunt in County or City of Residence Only, for licensees 16 years of age or older


Resident Senior Citizen Annual License to Hunt, for licensees 65 years of age or older


Resident Junior License to Hunt, for licensees 12 through 15 years of age, optional for licensees under 12 years of age


Resident Youth Combination License to Hunt, and to hunt bear, deer, and turkey, to hunt with bow and arrow archery equipment during archery hunting season, and to hunt with muzzleloading guns during muzzleloading hunting season, for licensees under 16 years of age


Resident Sportsman License to Hunt and Freshwater Fish, and to hunt bear, deer, and turkey, to hunt with bow and arrow or a crossbow archery equipment during archery hunting season, to hunt with muzzleloading guns during muzzleloading hunting season, to fish in designated stocked trout waters (also listed under Virginia Resident Licenses to Fish)


Resident Junior Lifetime License to Hunt, for licensees under 12 years of age at the time of purchase


Resident Lifetime License to Hunt, for licensees at the time of purchase:

through 44 years of age


45 through 50 years of age


51 through 55 years of age


56 through 60 years of age


61 through 64 years of age


65 years of age and over


Resident Hunting License for Partially Disabled Veterans


Totally and Permanently Disabled Resident Special Lifetime License to Hunt


Service-Connected Totally and Permanently Disabled Veteran Resident Lifetime License to Hunt or Freshwater Fish (also listed under Virginia Resident Licenses to Fish)

no fee

Virginia Resident Licenses for Additional Hunting Privileges

Type license or permit


Resident Bear, Deer, and Turkey Hunting License, for licensees 16 years of age or older


Resident Junior Bear, Deer, and Turkey Hunting License, for licensees under 16 years of age


Resident Archery License to Hunt with bow and arrow or crossbow archery equipment during archery hunting season


Resident Bear Hunting License


Resident Muzzleloading License to Hunt during muzzleloading hunting season


Resident Bonus Deer Permit


Resident Fox Hunting License to hunt foxes on horseback with hounds without firearms (not required of an individual holding a general License to Hunt)


Virginia Nonresident Licenses to Hunt

Type license


Nonresident License to Hunt, for licensees 16 years of age or older


Nonresident Three-Day Trip License to Hunt


Nonresident Youth License to Hunt, for licensees:

under 12 years of age


12 through 15 years of age


Nonresident Youth Combination License to Hunt, and to hunt bear, deer, and turkey, to hunt with bow and arrow archery equipment during archery hunting season, and to hunt with muzzleloading guns during muzzleloading hunting season, for licensees under 16 years of age


Nonresident Annual Hunting License for Partially Disabled Veterans


Nonresident Annual Hunting License for Totally and Permanently Disabled Veterans


Nonresident Lifetime License to Hunt


Virginia Nonresident Licenses for Additional Hunting Privileges

Type license or permit


Nonresident Bear, Deer, and Turkey Hunting License, for licensees:

16 years of age or older


12 through 15 years of age


under 12 years of age


Nonresident Bear Hunting License


Nonresident Archery License to Hunt with bow and arrow or crossbow archery equipment during archery hunting season


Nonresident Muzzleloading License to Hunt during muzzleloading hunting season


Nonresident Shooting Preserve License to Hunt within the boundaries of a licensed shooting preserve


Nonresident Bonus Deer Permit


Nonresident Fox Hunting License to hunt foxes on horseback with hounds without firearms (not required of an individual holding a general License to Hunt)


Miscellaneous Licenses or Permits to Hunt

Type license or permit


Waterfowl Hunting Stationary Blind in Public Waters License


Waterfowl Hunting Floating Blind in Public Waters License


Foxhound Training Preserve License


Public Access Lands for Sportsmen Permit to Hunt, Trap, or Fish on Designated Lands (also listed under Miscellaneous Licenses or Permits to Fish)


Virginia Resident and Nonresident Licenses to Trap

Type license


1-year Resident License to Trap, for licensees 16 years of age or older


2-year Resident License to Trap, for licensees 16 years of age or older


3-year Resident License to Trap, for licensees 16 years of age or older


4-year Resident License to Trap, for licensees 16 years of age or older


County or City Resident License to Trap in County or City of Residence Only


Resident Junior License to Trap, for licensees under 16 years of age


Resident Senior Citizen License to Trap, for licensees 65 years of age or older


Resident Senior Citizen Lifetime License to Trap, for licensees 65 years of age or older


Totally and Permanently Disabled Resident Special Lifetime License to Trap


Service-Connected Totally and Permanently Disabled Veteran Resident Lifetime License to Trap


Nonresident License to Trap


Virginia Resident Licenses to Fish

Type license


1-year Resident License to Freshwater Fish


2-year Resident License to Freshwater Fish


3-year Resident License to Freshwater Fish


4-year Resident License to Freshwater Fish


County or City Resident License to Freshwater Fish in County or City of Residence Only


Resident License to Freshwater Fish, for licensees 65 years of age or older


Resident License to Fish in Designated Stocked Trout Waters


Resident License to Freshwater and Saltwater Fish


Resident License to Freshwater Fish for Five Consecutive Days


Resident License to Freshwater and Saltwater Fish for Five Consecutive Days


Resident Sportsman License to Hunt and Freshwater Fish, and to hunt bear, deer, and turkey, to hunt with bow and arrow or crossbow archery equipment during archery hunting season, to hunt with muzzleloading guns during muzzleloading hunting season, to fish in designated stocked trout waters (also listed under Virginia Resident Licenses to Hunt)


Resident Special Lifetime License to Freshwater Fish, for licensees at the time of purchase:

through 44 years of age


45 through 50 years of age


51 through 55 years of age


56 through 60 years of age


61 through 64 years of age


65 years of age and over


Resident Special Lifetime License to Fish in Designated Stocked Trout Waters, for licensees at the time of purchase:

through 44 years of age


45 through 50 years of age


51 through 55 years of age


56 through 60 years of age


61 through 64 years of age


65 years of age and over


Resident Fishing License for Partially Disabled Veterans


Totally and Permanently Disabled Resident Special Lifetime License to Freshwater Fish


Service-Connected Totally and Permanently Disabled Veteran Resident Lifetime License to Hunt and Freshwater Fish (also listed under Virginia Resident Licenses to Hunt)

no fee

Virginia Nonresident Licenses to Fish

Type license


Nonresident License to Freshwater Fish


Nonresident License to Freshwater Fish in Designated Stocked Trout Waters


Nonresident License to Freshwater and Saltwater Fish


Nonresident Fishing License for Partially Disabled Veterans


Nonresident Annual Fishing License for Totally and Permanently Disabled Veterans


Nonresident License to Freshwater Fish for One Day


Nonresident License to Freshwater Fish for Five Consecutive Days


Nonresident License to Freshwater and Saltwater Fish for Five Consecutive Days


Nonresident Special Lifetime License to Freshwater Fish


Nonresident Special Lifetime License to in Fish in Designated Stocked Trout Waters


Miscellaneous Licenses or Permits to Fish

Type license or permit


Permit to Fish for One Day at Board-Designated Stocked Trout Fishing Areas with Daily Use Fees


Public Access Lands for Sportsmen Permit to Hunt, Trap, or Fish on Designated Lands (also listed under Miscellaneous Licenses or Permits to Hunt)


Special Guest Fishing License


4VAC15-20-140. Endangered species; definitions.

For the purposes of §§ 29.1-564 through 29.1-570 of the Code of Virginia, 4VAC15-20-130, and this section:

1. "Endangered species" means any species which is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range within the Commonwealth, other than a species of the class Insecta deemed to be a pest whose protection would present an overriding risk to the health or economic welfare of the Commonwealth.

2. "Fish or wildlife" means any member of the animal kingdom, vertebrate or invertebrate, without limitation, and includes any part, products, egg, or the dead body or parts of it.

3. "Harass," in the definition of "take," means an intentional or negligent act or omission which creates the likelihood of injury to wildlife by annoying it to such an extent as to significantly disrupt normal behavior patterns which include, but are not limited to, breeding, feeding or sheltering.

4. "Harm," in the definition of "take," means an act which actually kills or injures wildlife. Such act may include significant habitat modifications or degradation where it actually kills or injures wildlife by significantly impairing essential behavioral patterns, including breeding, feeding or sheltering.

5. "Person" means any individual, firm, corporation, association or partnership.

6. "Species" includes any subspecies of fish or wildlife and any district distinct population segment of any species or vertebrate fish or wildlife which interbreed when mature.

7. "Take" means to harass, harm, pursue, hunt, shoot, wound, kill, trap, capture, possess or collect, or to attempt to engage in any such conduct.

8. "Threatened species" means any species which is likely to become an endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range within the Commonwealth.

VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4397; Filed May 12, 2015, 10:26 p.m.
Proposed Regulation

REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: The Board of Game and Inland Fisheries is claiming an exemption from the Administrative Process Act pursuant to § 2.2-4002 A 3 of the Code of Virginia when promulgating regulations regarding the management of wildlife.

Title of Regulation: 4VAC15-30. Definitions and Miscellaneous: Importation, Possession, Sale, Etc., of Animals (amending 4VAC15-30-40).

Statutory Authority: § 29.1-501 of the Code of Virginia.

Public Hearing Information:

June 2, 2015 - 9 a.m. - Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, 7870 Villa Park Drive, Suite 400, Henrico, VA 23228

Public Comment Deadline: May 22, 2015.

Agency Contact: Phil Smith, Regulatory Coordinator, Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, 7870 Villa Park Drive, Suite 400, Henrico, VA 23228, telephone (804) 367-8341 or email


The proposed amendments (i) allow anyone to legally trap feral hogs with written permission of the landowner, provided that any trapped hogs are not removed from the trap site alive and are killed immediately and (ii) require the reporting of any trapped or harvested feral hog to the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries.

4VAC15-30-40. Importation requirements, possession and sale of nonnative (exotic) animals.

A. Permit required. A special permit is required and may be issued by the department, if consistent with the department's fish and wildlife management program, to import, possess, or sell those nonnative (exotic) animals listed below and in 4VAC15-20-210 that the board finds and declares to be predatory or undesirable within the meaning and intent of § 29.1-542 of the Code of Virginia, in that their introduction into the Commonwealth will be detrimental to the native fish and wildlife resources of Virginia:.





Common Name



Rhinella marina

Cane toad*


Hymenochirus spp. Pseudohymenochiris merlini

African dwarf frog

Xenopus spp.

Tongueless or African clawed frog



All species

All mole salamanders





Common Name



Myiopsitta monachus

Monk parakeet*



Cygnus olor

Mute swan





Common Name



Catostomus microps

Modoc sucker

Catostomus santaanae

Santa Ana sucker

Catostomus warnerensis

Warner sucker

Ictiobus bubalus

Smallmouth* buffalo

I. cyprinellus

Bigmouth* buffalo

I. niger

Black buffalo*


Pygopristis spp.
Pygocentrus spp.
Rooseveltiella spp.
Serrasalmo spp.
Serrasalmus spp.
Taddyella spp.



Misgurnus anguillicaudatus

Oriental weatherfish


Aristichyhys nobilis

Bighead carp*

Chrosomus saylori

Laurel dace

Ctenopharyngodon idella

Grass carp or white amur

Cyprinella caerulea

Blue shiner

Cyprinella formosa

Beautiful shiner

Cyprinella lutrensis

Red shiner

Hypophthalmichthys molitrix

Silver carp*

Mylopharyngodom piceus

Black carp*

Notropis albizonatus

Palezone shiner

Notropis cahabae

Cahaba shiner

Notropis girardi

Arkansas River shiner

Notropis mekistocholas

Cape Fear shiner

Notropis simus pecosensis

Pecos bluntnose shiner

Notropis topeka (= tristis)

Topeka shiner

Phoxinus cumberlandensis

Blackside dace

Rhinichthys osculus lethoporus

Independence Valley speckled dace

Rhinichthys osculus nevadensis

Ash Meadows speckled dace

Rhinichthys osculus oligoporus

Clover Valley speckled dace

Rhinichthys osculus ssp.

Foskett speckled dace

Rhinichthys osculus thermalis

Kendall Warm Springs dace

Scardinius erythrophthalmus


Tinca tinca




Gambusia gaigei

Big Bend gambusia

Gambusia georgei

San Marcos gambusia

Gambusia heterochir

Clear Creek gambusia

Gambusia nobilis

Pecos gambusia

Peociliopsis occidentalis

Gila topminnow



Gasterosteus aculeatus williamsoni

Unarmored threespine stickleback



Proterorhinus marmoratus

Tubenose goby

Neogobius melanostomus

Round goby



Channa spp.
Parachanna spp.



Tilapia spp.


Gymnocephalus cernuum



Elassoma alabamae

Spring pygmy sunfish


Crystallaria cincotta

Diamond darter

Etheostoma chermocki

Vermilion darter

Etheostoma boschungi

Slackwater darter

Etheostoma chienense

Relict darter

Etheostoma etowahae

Etowah darter

Etheostoma fonticola

Fountain darter

Etheostoma moorei

Yellowcheek darter

Etheostoma nianguae

Niangua darter

Etheostoma nuchale

Watercress darter

Etheostoma okaloosae

Okaloosa darter

Etheostoma phytophilum

Rush darter

Etheostoma rubrum

Bayou darter

Etheostoma scotti

Cherokee darter

Etheostoma sp.

Bluemask (= jewel) darter

Etheostoma susanae

Cumberland darter

Etheostoma wapiti

Boulder darter

Percina antesella

Amber darter

Percina aurolineata

Goldline darter

Percina jenkinsi

Conasauga logperch

Percina pantherina

Leopard darter

Percina tanasi

Snail darter



Cottus sp.

Grotto sculpin

Cottus paulus (= pygmaeus)

Pygmy sculpin



All species

Air-breathing catfish


Noturus baileyi

Smoky madtom

Noturus crypticus

Chucky madtom

Noturus placidus

Neosho madtom

Noturus stanauli

Pygmy madtom

Noturus trautmani

Scioto madtom



Monopterus albus

Swamp eel





Common Name



All Species

Pigs or Hogs*


All Species




All Species

Wild Dogs,* Wolves, Coyotes or Coyote hybrids, Jackals and Foxes


All Species



All Species

Raccoons and* Relatives


All Species

Weasels, Badgers,* Skunks and Otters

(except Mustela putorius furo)



All Species

Civets, Genets,* Lingsangs, Mongooses, and Fossas


All Species



All Species

Hyenas and Aardwolves*


All Species



All Species




Brachylagus idahoensis

Pygmy rabbit

Lepus europeaeous

European hare

Oryctolagus cuniculus

European rabbit

Sylvilagus bachmani riparius

Riparian brush rabbit

Sylvilagus palustris hefneri

Lower Keys marsh rabbit


All species native to Africa

All species native to Africa


Zapus hudsonius preblei

Preble's meadow jumping mouse


Microtus californicus scirpensis

Amargosa vole

Microtus mexicanus hualpaiensis

Hualapai Mexican vole

Microtus pennsylvanicus dukecampbelli

Florida salt marsh vole

Neotoma floridana smalli

Key Largo woodrat

Neotoma fuscipes riparia

Riparian (= San Joaquin Valley) woodrat

Oryzomys palustris natator

Rice rat

Peromyscus gossypinus allapaticola

Key Largo cotton mouse

Peromyscus polionotus allophrys

Choctawhatchee beach mouse

Peromyscus polionotus ammobates

Alabama beach mouse

Peromyscus polionotus niveiventris

Southeastern beach mouse

Peromyscus polionotus peninsularis

St. Andrew beach mouse

Peromyscus polionotus phasma

Anastasia Island beach mouse

Peromyscus polionotus trissyllepsis

Perdido Key beach mouse

Reithrodontomys raviventris

Salt marsh harvest mouse


Dipodomys heermanni morroensis

Morro Bay kangaroo rat

Dipodomys ingens

Giant kangaroo rat

Dipodomys merriami parvus

San Bernadino Merriam's kangaroo rat

Dipodomys nitratoides exilis

Fresno kangaroo rat

Dipodomys nitratoides nitratoides

Tipton kangaroo rat

Dipodomys stephensi (including D. cascus)

Stephens' kangaroo rat

Perognathus longimembris pacificus

Pacific pocket mouse


Cynomys spp.

Prairie dogs

Spermophilus brunneus brunneus

Northern Idaho ground squirrel

Tamiasciurus hudsonicus grahamensis

Mount Graham red squirrel



Sorex ornatus relictus

Buena Vista Lake ornate shrew





Common Name



Potamopyrgus antipodarum

New Zealand mudsnail



Dreissena bugensis

Quagga mussel

Dreissena polymorpha

Zebra mussel





Common Name



All species

Alligators, caimans*


All species



All species




Boiga irregularis

Brown tree snake*





Common Name



Cambarus aculabrum

Cave crayfish

Cambarus zophonastes

Cave crayfish

Orconectes rusticus

Rusty crayfish

Orconectes shoupi

Nashville crayfish

Pacifastacus fortis

Shasta crayfish

Procambarus sp.

Marbled crayfish


Cherax spp.

Australian crayfish


Eriocheir sinensis

Chinese mitten crab

B. Temporary possession permit for certain animals. Notwithstanding the permitting requirements of subsection A of this section, a person, company or corporation possessing any nonnative (exotic) animal, designated with an asterisk (*) in subsection A of this section, prior to July 1, 1992, must declare such possession in writing to the department by January 1, 1993. This written declaration shall serve as a permit for possession only, is not transferable, and must be renewed every five years. This written declaration must include species name, common name, number of individuals, date or dates acquired, sex (if possible), estimated age, height or length, and other characteristics such as bands and band numbers, tattoos, registration numbers, coloration, and specific markings. Possession transfer will require a new permit according to the requirements of this subsection.

C. Exception for certain monk parakeets. A permit is not required for monk parakeets (quakers) that have been captive bred and are closed-banded with a seamless band.

D. Exception for parts or products. A permit is not required for parts or products of those nonnative (exotic) animals listed in subsection A of this section that may be used for personal use, in the manufacture of products, or used in scientific research, provided that such parts or products be packaged outside the Commonwealth by any person, company, or corporation duly licensed by the state in which the parts originate. Such packages may be transported into the Commonwealth, consistent with other state laws and regulations, so long as the original package remains unbroken, unopened and intact until its point of destination is reached. Documentation concerning the type and cost of the animal parts ordered, the purpose and date of the order, point and date of shipping, and date of receiving shall be kept by the person, business or institution ordering such nonnative (exotic) animal parts. Such documentation shall be open to inspection by a representative of the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries.

E. Exception for prairie dogs. The effective date of listing of prairie dogs under subsection A of this section shall be January 1, 1998. Prairie dogs possessed in captivity in Virginia on December 31, 1997, may be maintained in captivity until the animals' deaths, but they may not be sold on or after January 1, 1998, without a permit.

F. Exception for snakehead fish. Anglers may legally harvest snakehead fish of the family Channidae, provided that they immediately kill such fish and that they notify the department, as soon as practicable, of such actions.

G. Exception for feral hogs. All trapped and harvested hogs must be reported to the department upon vehicle transport or processing of the carcass without unnecessary delay. Anyone may legally trap feral hogs with written permission of the landowner, provided that any trapped hogs are not removed from the trap site alive and are killed immediately.

G. H. All other nonnative (exotic) animals. All other nonnative (exotic) animals not listed in subsection A of this section may be possessed, purchased, and sold; provided, that such animals shall be subject to all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations, including those that apply to threatened/endangered species, and further provided, that such animals shall not be liberated within the Commonwealth.

VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4398; Filed May 12, 2015, 10:52 p.m.
Proposed Regulation

REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: The Board of Game and Inland Fisheries is claiming an exemption from the Administrative Process Act pursuant to § 2.2-4002 A 3 of the Code of Virginia when promulgating regulations regarding the management of wildlife.

Title of Regulation: 4VAC15-40. Game: In General (amending 4VAC15-40-20, 4VAC15-40-195, 4VAC15-40-220, 4VAC15-40-280; adding 4VAC15-40-22; repealing 4VAC15-40-21).

Statutory Authority: § 29.1-501 of the Code of Virginia.

Public Hearing Information:

June 2, 2015 - 9 a.m. - Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, 7870 Villa Park Drive, Suite 400, Henrico, VA 23228

Public Comment Deadline: May 22, 2015.

Agency Contact: Phil Smith, Regulatory Coordinator, Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, 7870 Villa Park Drive, Suite 400, Henrico, VA 23228, telephone (804) 367-8341 or email


The proposed amendments (i) define "bow and arrow," "crossbow," and "archery equipment," establish the minimum head width allowable to hunt bear, deer, elk, and turkeys, and incorporate the licensing of hunting with crossbows into overall archery hunting licensing; (ii) establish a special license to hunt bears for resident and nonresident hunters; (iii) require the daily checking of traps with certain exceptions; (iv) allow the use of remote trap checking systems in lieu of a physical trap check under specified conditions; (v) increase the maximum allowable snare height and require a relaxing lock, cable stop, and break-away device when the top of the snare loop is set above a certain height; (vi) establish that a hunting permit is needed on lands, public as well as private, that are managed by the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries through a lease agreement or memorandum of agreement where the department issues an annual hunting permit; and (vii) replace the term "stamp" with the more descriptive term "permit."

4VAC15-40-20. Hunting with arrows to which any drug, chemical or toxic substance has been added or explosive-head arrows prohibited Archery hunting requirements.

A. "Bow and arrow" means a weapon made of a strip of flexible material, which, when bent by drawing a string or cable connecting the two ends, uses the energy stored in the flexible material to propel an arrow.

B. "Crossbow" means a bow and arrow mounted horizontally on a stock having a trigger mechanism to release the string.

C. "Archery equipment" means a bow and arrow or a crossbow.

D. Arrows used for hunting bear, deer, elk, and turkey must have a minimum head width of 7/8 inch in a fixed or expanded position.

E. Except as otherwise provided by law or regulation, it shall be unlawful to use arrows to which any drug, chemical or toxic substance has been added or arrows with explosive heads at any that time for the purpose of hunting wild birds or wild animals.

4VAC15-40-21. Special crossbow license; hunting with crossbows. (Repealed.)

There shall be a license to hunt with a crossbow during the special archery seasons that shall be in addition to the license required to hunt small game. The fee for the special crossbow license shall be as specified in 4VAC15-20-65.

4VAC15-40-22. Special license for hunting bear.

There shall be a special license to hunt bears that shall be in addition to the state resident license to hunt or state nonresident license to hunt. The fee for the special bear license shall be as specified in 4VAC15-20-65.

4VAC15-40-195. Visiting traps, generally; visiting completely submerged, body-gripping traps; use of remote trap check systems.

A. Except as provided in subsections B and C of this section, it shall be unlawful to fail to visit all traps once each day and remove all animals caught.

B. Body-gripping traps that are completely submerged by water must be visited at least once every 72 hours.

C. Remote trap checking systems may be used in lieu of a physical trap visit when such systems (i) have a control unit that reports trap status to a centralized application database at least once every 24 hours; (ii) have notification alarms that report trap closures and system health issues within one hour of detection via email and text-based messaging systems; and (iii) have on-demand control unit testing capabilities for determining trap status, signal strength, and battery condition via remote system check-in. If the control unit reports a trap closure, the user is required to physically visit the trap within 24 hours of the time the trap was reported closed. If the control unit fails to report its current status within a 24-hour check-in period or reports a system health issue, the user is required to physically check the trap within 24 hours of the last time an open trap signal was received.

4VAC15-40-220. Use of deadfalls prohibited; restricted use of snares.

It shall be unlawful to trap, or attempt to trap, on land any wild bird or wild animal with any deadfall or snare; provided, that snares with loops no more than 12 inches in diameter and with the top bottom of the snare loop set not to exceed 12 inches above ground level may be used with the written permission of the landowner. Snares with the top of the snare loop set higher than 12 inches above ground level must include a relaxing lock, a cable stop that prevents the snare loop from closing smaller than 2-1/2 inches in diameter, and a break-away device that has been tested to break or disassemble at no more than 285 pounds pull.

4VAC15-40-280. Department-owned, controlled, or managed lands; annual stamp permit for hunting on private lands managed by the department.

A. The open seasons for hunting and trapping, as well as hours, methods of taking, and bag limits for department-owned or controlled department-controlled lands, or lands managed by the department under cooperative agreement, shall conform to the regulations of the board unless excepted by posted rules established by the director or his designee. Such posted rules shall be displayed at each recognized entrance to the land where the posted rules are in effect.

B. Department-owned lands shall be open to the public for wildlife observation and for hunting, fishing, trapping, and boating (as prescribed by 4VAC15-320-100) under the regulations of the board. Other activities deemed appropriate by the director or his designee may be allowed by posted rules, by written authorization from the director or his designee, or by special permit.

C. No person shall hunt on private lands managed by the department through a lease agreement or other similar memorandum of agreement where the department issues an annual hunting stamp permit without having purchased a valid annual hunting stamp permit. The annual hunting stamp permit shall be in addition to the required licenses to hunt, and the cost of such stamp permit shall be the same as the cost of the annual state resident hunting license in § 29.1-303 of the Code of Virginia.

D. Activities that are not generally or specifically authorized in accordance with subsections A through C of this section are prohibited and shall constitute a violation of this regulation.

VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4399; Filed May 13, 2015,
Proposed Regulation

Proposed Regulation

REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: The Board of Game and Inland Fisheries is claiming an exemption from the Administrative Process Act pursuant to § 2.2-4002 A 3 of the Code of Virginia when promulgating regulations regarding the management of wildlife.

Title of Regulation: 4VAC15-50. Game: Bear (amending 4VAC15-50-12, 4VAC15-50-70, 4VAC15-50-81, 4VAC15-50-110, 4VAC15-50-120).

Statutory Authority: § 29.1-501 of the Code of Virginia.

Public Hearing Information:

June 2, 2015 - 9 a.m. - Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, 7870 Villa Park Drive, Suite 400, Henrico, VA 23228

Public Comment Deadline: May 22, 2015.

Agency Contact: Phil Smith, Regulatory Coordinator, Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, 7870 Villa Park Drive, Suite 400, Henrico, VA 23228, telephone (804) 367-8341 or email


The proposed amendments (i) move the youth and apprentice hunter bear hunting day from the last Saturday in September to the second Saturday in October and add the Sunday following it, making it a youth and apprentice hunter bear hunting weekend; (ii) for the Saturday of the youth and apprentice weekend, allow the use of hounds anywhere they are allowed during the open (firearms) season and in the proposed southwest training counties, and list the areas where hunting with bear hounds during this day is prohibited; (iii) replace the term "bow and arrow" with the term "archery" or "archery equipment"; (iv) move the requirements for minimum arrow head width and distance a bow must be capable of shooting to 4VAC15-40-20; (v) remove the reference to season dates; (vi) provide exceptions for the use of firearms and bear hounds on the youth and apprentice bear hunting day; (vii) remove references to deer and turkey to accommodate the proposed establishment of a separate special license to hunt bears; (viii) clarify the areas dogs are not permitted during open (firearms) bear season; (ix) allow for a six-week bear hound training season in 11 counties; and (x) add one week of bear hound training season at the end of September in four counties.

4VAC15-50-12. Youth and apprentice hunter bear hunting day weekend.

It shall be lawful for hunters 15 years of age and under and holders of a valid apprentice hunting license, when in compliance with all applicable laws and license requirements, to hunt bears on the last second Saturday in September October and the following calendar day when accompanied and directly supervised by an adult who has a valid Virginia hunting license on his person or is exempt from purchasing a hunting license. Adult hunters accompanying youth or apprentice bear hunters on this day weekend may not carry or discharge weapons. Bear bag limit, weight limits, and all other take restrictions specifically provided in the sections appearing in this chapter apply to this youth day weekend. Bear hunting with dogs is prohibited except any place where there is a bear hound training season currently in progress as defined in 4VAC15-50-120 (Bear hound training season) and tracking in the counties of Accomack, Campbell (west of Norfolk Southern Railroad), Fairfax, Loudoun, Northampton, Pittsylvania (west of Norfolk Southern Railroad), Roanoke (south of Interstate 81), and in the city of Lynchburg; and on Amelia, Chester F. Phelps, G. Richard Thompson, and Pettigrew Wildlife Management Areas. Tracking dogs as defined described in § 29.1-516.1 of the Code of Virginia may be used.

4VAC15-50-70. Bow and arrow Archery hunting.

A. It shall be lawful to hunt bear during the special archery season with bow and arrow archery equipment from the first Saturday in October through the Friday prior to the third Monday in November, both dates inclusive.

B. It shall be unlawful to carry firearms while hunting with bow and arrow archery equipment during the special archery seasons, except that hunters 15 years of age and under and apprentice hunters may be in possession of firearms while hunting on youth and apprentice hunter bear hunting weekend as authorized by 4VAC15-50-12 and except that a muzzleloading gun, as defined in 4VAC15-50-71, may be in the possession of a properly licensed muzzleloading gun hunter when and where the early special archery bear season overlaps the early special muzzleloading bear season.

C. Arrows used for hunting big game must have a minimum width head of 7/8 of an inch and the bow used for such hunting must be capable of casting a broadhead arrow a minimum of 125 yards.

D. C. It shall be unlawful to use dogs when hunting with bow and arrow from the second Saturday in October through the Saturday prior to the second Monday in November, both dates inclusive, except archery equipment during the special archery season, except that hounds may be used by hunters participating in the youth and apprentice hunter bear hunting weekend in areas as defined in 4VAC15-50-12, and that tracking dogs as defined described in § 29.1-516.1 of the Code of Virginia may be used.

4VAC15-50-81. Validating tags and checking bear by licensee or permittee.

A. Any person killing a bear shall, before removing the carcass from the place of kill, validate an appropriate tag on their special license for hunting bear, deer, and turkey or special permit by completely removing the designated notch area from the tag. Place of kill shall be defined as the location where the animal is first reduced to possession. It shall be unlawful for any person to validate (notch) a bear tag from any special license for hunting bear, deer, and turkey or special permit prior to the killing of a bear. A bear tag that is mistakenly validated (notched) prior to the killing of a bear must be immediately voided by the licensee or permittee by writing, in ink, the word "VOID" on the line provided on the license tag.

B. Upon killing a bear and validating (notching) a license tag or special permit, as provided above in subsection A of this section, the licensee shall, upon vehicle transport of the carcass or at the conclusion of legal hunting hours, whichever occurs first, and without unnecessary delay, present the carcass and validated (notched) license tag or special permit to an authorized bear checking station or to an appropriate representative of the department in the county or adjoining county in which the bear was killed. Upon presentation of the carcass and validated (notched) license tag or special permit to the bear checking station, the licensee shall surrender or allow to be removed one premolar tooth from the carcass. At such time, the person checking the carcass will be given a game check card. The successful hunter shall then immediately record the game check card number, in ink, on the line provided adjacent to the license tag that was validated (notched) in the field. The game check card must be kept in possession with the carcass until the carcass is processed. If the carcass is left unattended, the game check card must be securely attached to the carcass.

C. It shall be unlawful for any person to destroy the identity (sex) of any bear killed unless and until the license tag or special permit is validated (notched) and checked as required by this section. Successful bear hunters are allowed to dismember the carcass to pack it out from the place of kill, after an appropriate license tag has been validated (notched) as required above, as long as the sex of the animal remains identifiable and all the parts of the carcass are present when the bear is checked at an authorized bear checking station. Any bear found in the possession of any person without a validated (notched) license tag or documentation that the bear has been checked at an authorized bear checking station as required by this section shall be forfeited to the Commonwealth to be disposed of as provided by law.

4VAC15-50-110. Use of dogs in hunting bear.

A. It shall be unlawful to use dogs for the hunting of bear during the open season for hunting deer in the counties west of the Blue Ridge Mountains and in the counties of Amherst (west of Business U.S. 29 from the James River to its intersection with U.S. 29 just south of the town of Amherst continuing north on U.S. 29 to the Tye River), Bedford, and Nelson (west of Route 151); and within the boundaries of the national forests, except that tracking dogs as defined described in § 29.1-516.1 of the Code of Virginia may be used.

B. It shall be unlawful to use dogs for the hunting of bear during the first 14 days of the open season for hunting deer in the counties of Greene and Madison, except that tracking dogs as defined described in § 29.1-516.1 of the Code of Virginia may be used.

C. It shall be unlawful to use dogs for the hunting of bear during the open season prescribed in 4VAC15-50-11 in the counties of Campbell (west of Norfolk Southern Railroad), Carroll (east of the New River), Fairfax, Floyd, Franklin, Grayson (east of the New River), Henry, Loudoun, Montgomery (south of Interstate 81), Patrick, Pittsylvania (west of Norfolk Southern Railroad), Pulaski (south of Interstate 81), Roanoke (south of Interstate 81), Wythe (southeast of the New River or that part bounded by Route 21 on the west, Interstate 81 on the north, the county line on the east, the New River on the southeast and Cripple Creek on the south); in the city of Lynchburg; and on Amelia, Chester F. Phelps, G. Richard Thompson, and Pettigrew wildlife management areas Wildlife Management Areas, except that tracking dogs as defined described in § 29.1-516.1 of the Code of Virginia may be used.

4VAC15-50-120. Bear hound training season.

A. It shall be lawful to chase black bear with dogs, without capturing or taking, from the second Saturday in August through the last Saturday in September, both dates inclusive, in all counties and cities or in the portions in which bear hunting is permitted except in the counties of Accomack, Amelia, Appomattox, Brunswick, Buckingham, Campbell, Caroline, Carroll, Charles City, Charlotte, Chesterfield, Clarke, Cumberland, Dinwiddie, Essex, Fairfax, Fauquier, Floyd, Fluvanna, Franklin, Frederick, Gloucester, Goochland, Grayson, Greensville, Halifax, Hanover, Henrico, Henry, Isle of Wight, James City, King and Queen, King George, King William, Lancaster, Loudoun, Louisa, Lunenburg, Mathews, Mecklenburg, Middlesex, Montgomery (south of Interstate 81), New Kent, Northampton, Northumberland, Nottoway, Orange, Patrick, Pittsylvania, Powhatan, Prince Edward, Prince George, Prince William, Pulaski (south of Interstate 81), Richmond, Roanoke (south of Interstate 81), Smyth (south of Interstate 81), Southampton, Spotsylvania, Stafford, Surry, Sussex, Washington (south of Interstate 81), Westmoreland, Wythe (south of Interstate 81), and York, and in the cities of Hampton, Newport News and Norfolk.

B. It shall be lawful to chase black bear with dogs, without capturing or taking, from the Saturday prior to the third Monday in November and for 14 days following, both dates inclusive, in the counties of Amelia, Appomattox, Buckingham, Brunswick, Campbell (east of the Norfolk Southern Railroad), Charles City, Charlotte, Cumberland, Essex, Gloucester, Greensville, Halifax, Isle of Wight, James City, King and Queen, King George, King William, Lancaster, Lunenburg, Mathews, Mecklenburg, Middlesex, New Kent, Northumberland, Nottoway, Pittsylvania (east of the Norfolk Southern Railroad), Prince Edward, Prince George, Richmond, Southampton, Surry, Sussex, Westmoreland, and York.

C. It shall be lawful to chase black bears with dogs, without capturing or taking, in the counties of Brunswick, Greensville, Lunenburg, and Mecklenburg from the first Saturday in September through the third last Saturday in September, both dates inclusive.

D. It shall be unlawful to have in possession a firearm, bow, crossbow or any weapon capable of taking a black bear while participating in the bear hound training season. The meaning of "possession" for the purpose of this section shall include, but not be limited to, having a firearm, bow, crossbow or any weapon capable of taking a black bear in or on one's person, vehicle, or conveyance.

VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4400; Filed May 13, 2015, 1:19 a.m.
Proposed Regulation

REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: The Board of Game and Inland Fisheries is claiming an exemption from the Administrative Process Act pursuant to § 2.2-4002 A 3 of the Code of Virginia when promulgating regulations regarding the management of wildlife.

Title of Regulation: 4VAC15-70. Game: Bobcat (amending 4VAC15-70-30).

Statutory Authority: § 9.1-501 of the Code of Virginia.

Public Hearing Information:

June 2, 2015 - 9 a.m. - Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, 7870 Villa Park Drive, Suite 400, Henrico, VA 23228

Public Comment Deadline: May 22, 2015.

Agency Contact: Phil Smith, Regulatory Coordinator, Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, 7870 Villa Park Drive, Suite 400, Henrico, VA 23228, telephone (804) 367-8341 or email


The proposed amendments remove the season bag limit of 12 bobcats per year, taken by hunting and trapping combined.

4VAC15-70-30. Bag limit.

The bag limit for hunting bobcat shall be two per hunting party, taken between noon of one day and noon the following day. The season bag limit shall be 12 bobcats in the aggregate, taken by hunting and trapping combined.

VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4401; Filed May 13, 2015, 1:33 a.m.
Proposed Regulation

REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: The Board of Game and Inland Fisheries is claiming an exemption from the Administrative Process Act pursuant to § 2.2-4002 A 3 of the Code of Virginia when promulgating regulations regarding the management of wildlife.

Title of Regulation: 4VAC15-90. Game: Deer (amending 4VAC15-90-23 through 4VAC15-90-89, 4VAC15-90-91, 4VAC15-90-231, 4VAC15-90-293).

Statutory Authority: § 29.1-501 of the Code of Virginia.

Public Hearing Information:

June 2, 2015 - 9 a.m. - Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, 7870 Villa Park Drive, Suite 400, Henrico, VA 23228

Public Comment Deadline: May 22, 2015.

Agency Contact: Phil Smith, Regulatory Coordinator, Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, 7870 Villa Park Drive, Suite 400, Henrico, VA 23228, telephone (804) 367-8341 or email


The proposed amendments (i) expand the youth and apprentice hunter deer hunting day by one day, making it a youth and apprentice hunter deer hunting weekend, and establish the weekend bag limit for it; (ii) replace the term "bow and arrow" with the term "archery" or "archery equipment" and move the requirements for minimum arrow head width and distance a bow must be capable of shooting from this regulation to 4VAC15-40; (iii) adjust the numbers of days that deer of either sex may be taken during the muzzleloading gun and the general firearms deer hunting seasons in various locations statewide; (iv) expand the area where elk are protected from harvest from the designated three-county elk restoration area to all 31 counties west of the Blue Ridge Mountains; (v) in Rappahannock County prohibit the taking of a second or third antlered deer prior to taking at least one or two, respectively, antlerless deer; (vi) remove references to bear to accommodate the proposed creation of a special hunting license to hunt bears; (vii) remove language that could create a misimpression about whether cervids harvested from an area adjacent to a carcass-restriction zone may enter Virginia; and (viii) prohibit the possession and use of cervid excretions and bodily fluids for the purpose of taking, attempting to take, attracting, or scouting any wild animal.

4VAC15-90-23. Youth and apprentice hunter deer hunting day weekend.

It shall be lawful for deer hunters 15 years of age and under and holders of an apprentice hunting license, when in compliance with all applicable laws and license requirements, to hunt deer on the last Saturday in September and the following calendar day when accompanied and directly supervised by an adult who has a valid Virginia hunting license on his person or is exempt from purchasing a hunting license. Deer of either-sex may be taken on this special youth and apprentice deer hunting day weekend. Adult hunters accompanying youth or apprentice deer hunters on this day weekend may not carry or discharge weapons. Blaze orange is required for all persons hunting any species or any person accompanying a hunter on this day weekend unless otherwise exempted by state law. Deer hunting with dogs is prohibited, except that tracking dogs as defined described in § 29.1-516.1 of the Code of Virginia may be used. Youth and apprentice deer hunters are limited on this weekend to one deer per hunter.

4VAC15-90-70. Bow and arrow Archery hunting.

A. It shall be lawful to hunt deer during the early special archery season with bow and arrow archery equipment from the first Saturday in October through the Friday prior to the third Monday in November, both dates inclusive.

B. In addition to the season provided in subsection A of this section, it shall be lawful to hunt deer during the late special archery season with bow and arrow archery equipment from the Sunday following the close of the general firearms season on deer through the first Saturday in January, both dates inclusive, in all cities, towns, and counties west of the Blue Ridge Mountains (except Clarke County and on non-national forest lands in Frederick County) and in the counties (including the cities and towns within) of Amherst (west of Business U.S. 29 from the James River to its intersection with U.S. 29 just south of the Town of Amherst continuing north on U.S. 29 to the Tye River), Bedford, Franklin, Henry, Nelson (west of Route 151), Patrick and on the Chester F. Phelps Wildlife Management Area and on national forest lands in Frederick County and from December 1 through the first Saturday in January, both dates inclusive, in the cities of Chesapeake, Suffolk (east of the Dismal Swamp Line), and Virginia Beach.

C. Deer of either sex may be taken full season during the special archery seasons as provided in subsections A and B of this section (except on PALS (Public Access Lands) in Dickenson County where it shall be unlawful to take antlerless deer during the special archery seasons provided for in subsections A and B of this section).

D. It shall be unlawful to carry firearms while hunting with bow and arrow archery equipment during the special archery seasons, except that a muzzleloading gun, as defined in 4VAC15-90-80, may be in the possession of a properly licensed muzzleloading gun hunter when and where a special archery deer season overlaps a special muzzleloading deer season.

E. Arrows used for hunting big game must have a minimum width head of 7/8 of an inch and the bow used for such hunting must be capable of casting a broadhead arrow a minimum of 125 yards.

F. E. It shall be unlawful to use dogs when hunting with bow and arrow archery equipment during any special archery season, except that tracking dogs as defined described in § 29.1-516.1 of the Code of Virginia may be used.

G. For the purpose of the application of subsections A through I to this section, the phrase "bow and arrow" includes crossbows.

H. F. It shall be lawful to hunt antlerless deer during the special urban archery season with bow and arrow archery equipment from the first Saturday in September through the Friday prior to the first Saturday in October, both dates inclusive, and from the Sunday following the first Saturday in January through the last Sunday in March, both dates inclusive, within the incorporated limits of any city or town in the Commonwealth (except on national forest and department-owned lands) and counties with a human population density of 300 persons per square mile or more (except on national forest and department-owned lands), provided that its governing body submits by certified letter to the department prior to April 1, its intent to participate in the special urban archery season. Any city, town, or county no longer participating in this season shall submit by certified letter to the department prior to April 1 notice of its intent not to participate in the special urban archery season.

I. G. It shall be lawful to hunt antlerless deer during the special antlerless archery season with a bow and arrow archery equipment from the Monday following the last Sunday in March through the last Sunday in April, both dates inclusive, in Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, and Prince William counties (including the cities and towns within).

4VAC15-90-80. Muzzleloading gun hunting.

A. It shall be lawful to hunt deer during the early special muzzleloading season with muzzleloading guns from the Saturday prior to the first Monday in November through the Friday prior to the third Monday in November, both dates inclusive, in all cities, towns, and counties where deer hunting with a rifle or muzzleloading gun is permitted, except in the cities of Chesapeake, Suffolk (east of the Dismal Swamp Line), and Virginia Beach.

B. It shall be lawful to hunt deer during the late special muzzleloading season with muzzleloading guns starting 21 consecutive days immediately prior to and on the first Saturday in January, in all cities, towns, and counties west of the Blue Ridge Mountains (except Clarke County and on non-national forest lands in Frederick County), and east of the Blue Ridge Mountains in the counties (including the cities and towns within) of Amherst (west of Business U.S. 29 from the James River to its intersection with U.S. 29 just south of the Town of Amherst continuing north on U.S. 29 to the Tye River), Bedford, Franklin, Henry, Nelson (west of Route 151), Patrick and on national forest lands in Frederick County and in the cities of Chesapeake, Suffolk (east of the Dismal Swamp Line), and Virginia Beach.

C. Deer of either sex may be taken during the entire early special muzzleloading season east of the Blue Ridge Mountains unless otherwise noted below:

- 1. Deer of either sex may be taken on the second Saturday only of the early special muzzleloading season on state forest lands, state park lands (except Occoneechee State Park), department-owned lands (except on Merrimac Farm Wildlife Management Area) and Philpott Reservoir.

- 2. Antlered bucks only—no either-sex deer hunting days during the early special muzzleloading season on national forest lands in Amherst, Bedford, and Nelson counties.

D. Deer of either sex may be taken on the second Saturday only during the early special muzzleloading season west of the Blue Ridge Mountains unless otherwise noted below:

- 1. Deer of either sex may be taken during the entire early special muzzleloading season in Clarke and Floyd counties and on private lands in Carroll, Frederick, Grayson, Montgomery, Roanoke, Shenandoah, and Warren counties.

2. Deer of either sex may be taken on the second Saturday and the last five days of the early muzzleloading season on private lands in Botetourt County.

- 3. Antlered bucks only—no either-sex deer hunting days during the early special muzzleloading season in Buchanan, Dickenson, Lee, Russell, Smyth, Tazewell, Washington, and Wise counties and on national forest lands in Alleghany, Botetourt, Bland, Craig, Frederick, Giles, Grayson, Montgomery, Page, Pulaski, Rockingham, Scott, Shenandoah, Warren, and on national forest and department-owned lands in Augusta, Bath, Botetourt, Carroll, Highland, and Roanoke, Rockbridge, Smyth, Washington, and Wythe counties and on Grayson Highlands State Park and on private lands west of Routes 613 and 731 in Rockingham County.

E. Deer of either sex may be taken during the last six days of the late special muzzleloading season unless otherwise listed below:

- 1. Deer of either sex may be taken full season during the entire late special muzzleloading season in the counties (including the cities and towns within) of Amherst (west of Business U.S. 29 from the James River to its intersection with U.S. 29 just south of the Town of Amherst continuing north on U.S. 29 to the Tye River, except on national forest lands), Bedford (except on national forest lands), Floyd, Franklin, Henry, Nelson (west of Route 151, except on national forest lands), and Patrick and on private lands in Carroll, Grayson, Montgomery, Roanoke, Shenandoah, and Warren counties and in the cities of Chesapeake, Suffolk (east of the Dismal Swamp Line), and Virginia Beach.

- 2. Deer of either sex may be taken the last day only during the late special muzzleloading season in Alleghany, Bath, Dickenson (north of Route 83), Highland, Lee, Russell, Scott, Smyth, Tazewell, Washington, and Wise counties and on national forest lands in Amherst, Bedford, Botetourt, Frederick, Grayson, Nelson, Page, Rockingham, Scott, Shenandoah, and Warren counties, and on national forest and department-owned lands in Augusta and, Botetourt, Rockbridge, Smyth, and Washington counties and on private lands west of Routes 613 and 731 in Rockingham County and Grayson Highlands State Park.

- 3. Antlered bucks only—no either-sex deer hunting days during the late special muzzleloading season in Buchanan and Dickenson (south of Route 83).

F. Deer of either sex may be taken full season during the special muzzleloading seasons within the incorporated limits of any city or town in the Commonwealth that allows deer hunting except in the counties of Buchanan, Dickenson, and Wise.

G. It shall be unlawful to hunt deer with dogs during any special season for hunting with muzzleloading guns, except that tracking dogs as defined described in § 29.1-516.1 of the Code of Virginia may be used.

H. A muzzleloading gun, for the purpose of this section, means a single shot weapon, .45 caliber or larger, firing a single projectile or sabot (with a .38 caliber or larger projectile) of the same caliber loaded from the muzzle of the weapon and propelled by at least 50 grains of black powder (or black powder equivalent or smokeless powder).

I. It shall be unlawful to have in immediate possession any firearm other than a muzzleloading gun while hunting with a muzzleloading gun in a special muzzleloading season.

4VAC15-90-85. Elk hunting.

A. Closed season. There shall be a continuous closed season for elk (Cervus elaphus) hunting in Buchanan, Dickenson, and Wise counties all counties west of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

B. Open season. Except as otherwise provided by this chapter, it shall be lawful to hunt elk of either sex during (i) the general firearms deer seasons (as prescribed by 4VAC15-90-10 and 4VAC15-90-23), (ii) the special archery seasons (as prescribed by 4VAC15-90-70), and (iii) the special muzzleloading seasons (as prescribed by 4VAC15-90-80) with bag limits as prescribed in 4VAC15-90-90.

C. Validating tags and checking elk by licensee or permittee. Upon killing an elk, any licensed or permitted hunter shall validate a tag, bonus deer permit, or special permit and check the elk in accordance with 4VAC15-90-231. At the time of checking, the hunter must call the department upon receiving a check card or confirmation number to schedule an inspection of the carcass and the site of kill for the collection of biological samples for disease testing.

D. Checking elk by persons exempt from license requirements or holding a license authorization number. Upon killing an elk, any person (i) exempt from license requirement as prescribed in § 29.1-301 of the Code of Virginia, (ii) issued a complimentary license as prescribed in § 29.1-339 of the Code of Virginia, (iii) holding a permanent license issued pursuant to § 29.1-301 E, or (iv) holding a Virginia license authorization number issued by a telephone or electronic media agent pursuant to § 29.1-327 B of the Code of Virginia shall check the elk in accordance with 4VAC15-90-241. At the time of checking, the hunter must call the department upon receiving a check card or confirmation number to schedule an inspection of the carcass and the site of kill for the collection of biological samples for disease testing.

4VAC15-90-89. Earn a buck (EAB).

For the purposes of this section, the term "license year" defines the period between July 1 and June 30 of the following year.

Arlington County (including the cities and towns within). During a license year, it shall be unlawful to take a second antlered deer in Arlington County prior to taking at least two antlerless deer in Arlington County, and it shall be unlawful to take a third antlered deer in Arlington County prior to taking at least three antlerless deer in Arlington County.

Bedford County on private lands (including the cities and towns within). During a license year, it shall be unlawful to take a second antlered deer on private lands in Bedford County prior to taking at least one antlerless deer on private lands in Bedford County, and it shall be unlawful to take a third antlered deer on private lands in Bedford County prior to taking at least two antlerless deer on private lands in Bedford County.

Clarke County on private lands (including the cities and towns within). During a license year, it shall be unlawful to take a second antlered deer on private lands in Clarke County prior to taking at least one antlerless deer on private lands in Clarke County.

Fairfax County (including the cities and towns within). During a license year, it shall be unlawful to take a second antlered deer in Fairfax County prior to taking at least two antlerless deer in Fairfax County, and it shall be unlawful to take a third antlered deer in Fairfax County prior to taking at least three antlerless deer in Fairfax County.

Frederick County on private lands (including the cities and towns within). During a license year, it shall be unlawful to take a second antlered deer on private lands in Frederick County prior to taking at least one antlerless deer on private lands in Frederick County.

Loudoun County (including the cities and towns within). During a license year, it shall be unlawful to take a second antlered deer in Loudoun County prior to taking at least two antlerless deer in Loudoun County, and it shall be unlawful to take a third antlered deer in Loudoun County prior to taking at least three antlerless deer in Loudoun County.

Prince William County except on Department of Defense lands (including the cities and towns within). During a license year, it shall be unlawful to take a second antlered deer in Prince William County (except on Department of Defense lands) prior to taking at least two antlerless deer in Prince William County (except on Department of Defense lands), and it shall be unlawful to take a third antlered deer in Prince William County (except on Department of Defense lands) prior to taking at least three antlerless deer in Prince William County (except on Department of Defense lands).

Rappahannock County (including the cities and towns within). During a license year, it shall be unlawful to take a second antlered deer in Rappahannock County prior to taking at least one antlerless deer in Rappahannock County, and it shall be unlawful to take a third antlered deer in Rappahannock County prior to taking at least two antlerless deer in Rappahannock County.

Roanoke County on private lands (including the cities and towns within). During a license year, it shall be unlawful to take a second antlered deer on private lands in Roanoke County prior to taking at least one antlerless deer on private lands in Roanoke County.

Warren County on private lands (including the cities and towns within). During a license year, it shall be unlawful to take a second antlered deer on private lands in Warren County prior to taking at least one antlerless deer on private lands in Warren County.

4VAC15-90-91. General firearms season either-sex deer hunting days.

A. During the general firearms deer season, deer of either sex may be taken within:

Accomack County: the second, third, and fourth Saturdays and the last 27 days full season.

Albemarle County: full season.

Alleghany County: the second Saturday and the last day.

-National forest lands: the last day.

Amelia County: the second and third Saturdays and the last 13 days.

-Amelia WMA: the second and third Saturdays and the last six days.

Amherst County (east of Business U.S. 29 from the James River to its intersection with U.S. 29 just south of the Town of Amherst continuing north on U.S. 29 to the Tye River): the second, third, and fourth Saturdays and the last 27 days.

Amherst County (west of Business U.S. 29 from the James River to its intersection with U.S. 29 just south of the Town of Amherst continuing north on U.S. 29 to the Tye River): full season.

-National forest lands: the last day.

Appomattox County: the second and third Saturdays and the last 13 six days.

-Appomattox-Buckingham State Forest: the second and third Saturdays.

-Featherfin WMA: the second, third, and fourth Saturdays and the last 27 days.

Arlington County: full season.

Augusta County: the second Saturday and the last six days.

-National forest and department-owned lands: the last day.

Bath County: the second Saturday and the last day.

-National forest and department-owned lands: the last day.

Bedford County: full season.

-National forest lands: the last day.

Bland County: the second Saturday and the last two days day.

-National forest lands: the second Saturday and the last day.

Botetourt County: full season.

-National forest and department-owned lands: the last day.

Brunswick County: the second and third Saturdays and the last 13 six days.

Buchanan County: antlered bucks only—no either-sex days. Only deer with antlers above the hairline may be taken.

Buckingham County: the second and third Saturdays and the last 13 six days.

-Horsepen Lake WMA: the second and third Saturdays and the last six days.

-Appomattox-Buckingham State Forest: the second and third Saturdays.

-Featherfin WMA: the second, third, and fourth Saturdays and the last 27 days.

Campbell County: the second, third, and fourth Saturdays and the last 27 days.

Caroline County: the second, and third, and fourth Saturdays and the last 27 13 days.

-Mattaponi WMA: the second and third Saturdays and the last six days.

Carroll County: full season.

-National forest and department-owned lands: the second Saturday and the last day.

Charles City County: full season the second, third, and fourth Saturdays and the last 27 days.

-Chickahominy WMA: the second Saturday after Thanksgiving antlered bucks only—no either-sex days. Only deer with antlers above the hairline may be taken.

Charlotte County: the second and third Saturdays and the last 13 six days.

Chesapeake (City of): full season the second and third Saturdays and the last 13 days.

Chesterfield County: the second and third Saturdays and the last 13 days.

Clarke County: full season.

Craig County: full season.

-National forest lands: the second Saturday and the last day.

Culpeper County: full season.

-Chester F. Phelps WMA: the second Saturday and the last day.

Cumberland County: the second and third Saturdays and the last 13 days.

-Cumberland State Forest: the second and third Saturdays.

Dickenson County: antlered bucks only—no either-sex days. Only deer with antlers above the hairline may be taken.

Dinwiddie County: the second and third Saturdays and the last 13 six days.

Essex County: the second, third, and fourth Saturdays and the last 27 days.

Fairfax County: full season (restricted to certain parcels of land by special permit).

Fauquier County: full season.

-G. Richard Thompson WMA: the second Saturday and the last day.

-Chester F. Phelps WMA: the second Saturday and the last day.

Floyd County: full season.

Fluvanna County: second and third Saturdays and the last 13 days.

Franklin County: full season.

-Philpott Reservoir: the second Saturday and the last six days.

-Turkeycock Mountain WMA: the second Saturday and the last six days.

Frederick County: full season.

-National forest lands: the last day.

Giles County: full season.

-National forest lands: the second Saturday and the last day.

Gloucester County: the second, third, and fourth Saturdays and the last 27 days.

Goochland County: the second, third, and fourth Saturdays and the last 27 days.

Grayson County: full season.

-National forest lands and Grayson Highlands State Park: antlered bucks only—no either-sex days. Only deer with antlers above the hairline may be taken.

Greene County: full season.

Greensville County: full season.

Halifax County: full season the second, third, and fourth Saturdays and the last 27 days.

Hanover County: full season.

Henrico County: full season.

Henry County: the second and third Saturdays and the last 13 days.

-Fairystone Farms WMA, Fairystone State Park, and Philpott Reservoir: the second Saturday and the last six days.

-Turkeycock Mountain WMA: the second Saturday and the last six days.

Highland County: the second Saturday and the last day.

-National forest and department-owned lands: the last day.

Isle of Wight County: full season.

-Ragged Island WMA: antlered bucks only—no either-sex days. Only deer with antlers above the hairline may be taken.

James City County: full season.

King and Queen County: the second, and third, and fourth Saturdays and the last 27 13 days.

King George County: the second, third, and fourth Saturdays and the last 27 days full season.

King William County: the second, and third, and fourth Saturdays and the last 27 13 days.

Lancaster County: full season.

Lee County: the second Saturday and the last two days.

-National forest lands: antlered bucks only—no either-sex days. Only deer with antlers above the hairline may be taken.

Loudoun County: full season.

Louisa County: the second, third, and fourth Saturdays and the last 27 days.

Lunenburg County: the second and third Saturdays and the last 13 six days.

Madison County: full season.

-Rapidan WMA: the second, third, and fourth Saturdays and the last 27 days.

Mathews County: the second, third, and fourth Saturdays and last 27 days.

Mecklenburg County: the second and third Saturdays and the last 13 six days.

-Dick Cross WMA: the second and third Saturdays and the last six days.

Middlesex County: the second, third, and fourth Saturdays and last 27 days.

Montgomery County: full season.

-National forest lands: the second Saturday and the last day.

Nelson County (east of Route 151): the second, third, and fourth Saturdays and the last 27 days.

-James River WMA: the second Saturday and the last six days.

Nelson County (west of Route 151): full season.

-National forest lands: the last day.

New Kent County: full season the second, third, and fourth Saturdays and the last 27 days.

Northampton County: the second, third, and fourth Saturdays and the last 27 days full season.

Northumberland County: full season.

Nottoway County: the second and third Saturdays and the last 13 six days.

Orange County: full season.

Page County: the second Saturday and the last two days.

-National forest lands: the last day.

Patrick County: the second and third Saturdays and the last 13 days.

-Fairystone Farms WMA, Fairystone State Park, and Philpott Reservoir: the second Saturday and the last six days.

Pittsylvania County: the second, third, and fourth Saturdays and the last 27 days.

-White Oak Mountain WMA: the second Saturday and the last day.

Powhatan County: the second and third Saturdays and the last 13 days.

-Powhatan WMA: the second and third Saturdays and the last six 13 days.

Prince Edward County: the second and third Saturdays and the last 13 six days.

-Briery Creek WMA: the second and third Saturdays and the last six days.

-Featherfin WMA: the second, third, and fourth Saturdays and the last 27 days.

-Prince Edward State Forest: the second and third Saturdays.

Prince George County: full season.

Prince William County: full season.

Pulaski County: full season.

-National forest lands: the second Saturday and the last day.

Rappahannock County: full season.

Richmond County: full season.

Roanoke County: full season.

-National forest and department-owned lands: the second Saturday and the last day.

Rockbridge County: the second Saturday and the last two days.

-National forest and department-owned lands: the last day.

Rockingham County: the second Saturday and the last six days.

-National forest lands and private lands west of Routes 613 and 731: the last day.

Russell County: the second Saturday and the last two days.

-Clinch Mountain WMA, Hidden Valley WMA, and the Channels State Forest: antlered bucks only—no either-sex days. Only deer with antlers above the hairline may be taken.

Scott County: the second Saturday and the last six days.

-National forest lands: antlered bucks only—no either-sex days. Only deer with antlers above the hairline may be taken.

Shenandoah County: full season.

-National forest lands: the last day.

Smyth County: the second Saturday and the last six days.

-National forest lands, Clinch Mountain WMA, and Hungry Mother State Park: antlered bucks only—no either-sex days. Only deer with antlers above the hairline may be taken.

Southampton County: full season.

Spotsylvania County: the second, third, and fourth Saturdays and the last 27 days.

Stafford County: full season.

Suffolk (City of) (east of the Dismal Swamp Line): full season the second and third Saturdays and the last 13 days.

Suffolk (west of the Dismal Swamp Line): full season.

Surry County: full season.

-Carlisle Tract of the Hog Island WMA: antlered bucks only—no either-sex days. Only deer with antlers above the hairline may be taken.

Sussex County: full season.

Tazewell County: the second Saturday and the last two days.

-National forest lands and Clinch Mountain WMA: antlered bucks only—no either-sex days. Only deer with antlers above the hairline may be taken.

Virginia Beach (City of): full season the second and third Saturdays and the last 13 days.

Warren County: full season.

-National forest lands: the last day.

Washington County: the second Saturday and the last six days.

-National forest lands, Clinch Mountain WMA, Hidden Valley WMA, and the Channels State Forest: antlered bucks only—no either-sex days. Only deer with antlers above the hairline may be taken.

Westmoreland County: full season.

Wise County: antlered bucks only—no either-sex days. Only deer with antlers above the hairline may be taken.

Wythe County: full season.

-National forest lands and Big Survey WMA: the second Saturday and the last day.

York County: full season.

B. Except as provided in the subsection A of this section, deer of either sex may be taken full season during the general firearms deer season within the incorporated limits of any city or town, state park, national wildlife refuge, or military installation that allows deer hunting.

4VAC15-90-231. Validating tags and checking deer by licensee or permittee.

A. Any person killing a deer shall, before removing the carcass from the place of kill, validate an appropriate tag on his special license for hunting bear, deer, and turkey, bonus deer permit, or special permit by completely removing the designated notch area from the tag. Place of kill shall be defined as the location where the animal is first reduced to possession. It shall be unlawful for any person to validate (notch) a deer tag from any special license for hunting bear, deer, and turkey, bonus deer permit, or special permit prior to the killing of a deer. A deer tag that is mistakenly validated (notched) prior to the killing of a deer must be immediately voided by the licensee or permittee by writing, in ink, the word "VOID" on the line provided on the license tag.

B. Upon killing a deer and validating (notching) a license tag, bonus deer permit or special permit, as provided above in subsection A of this section, the licensee or permittee shall, upon vehicle transport of the carcass or at the conclusion of legal hunting hours, whichever occurs first, and without unnecessary delay, present the carcass and validated (notched) license tag, bonus deer permit or special permit to an authorized checking station or to an appropriate representative of the department in the county or adjoining county in which the deer was killed or report the kill through the department's automated harvest reporting system. All deer killed after the first Saturday in January (as prescribed in 4VAC15-90-22 4VAC15-90-10 and 4VAC15-90-70) must be checked by telephone or Internet. At such time, the person checking or reporting the carcass will be given a game check card furnished by the department or a confirmation number from the automated reporting system. The successful hunter shall then immediately record the game check card number or confirmation number, in ink, on the line provided on the tag that was validated (notched) in the field. If checked at a big game check station, the game check card must be kept in possession with the carcass until the carcass is processed. If the carcass is left unattended, the game check card must be securely attached to the carcass. If the kill is reported using the automated harvest reporting system, no check card is required as long as the hunter who killed the animal is in possession of the carcass. If the automated harvest reported carcass is left unattended or transferred to the possession of another individual, written documentation including the successful hunter's full name, the date the animal was killed, and the confirmation number must be created and kept in possession with the carcass until the carcass is processed. If the carcass is left unattended, this written documentation must be securely attached to the carcass. Processed carcass parts of a deer killed legally in Virginia may be transported; however, upon request of any authorized law enforcement officer, sufficient verbal or written information necessary to properly establish legal possession must be furnished immediately.

C. It shall be unlawful for any person to destroy the identity of the sex of any deer killed unless and until the license tag, bonus deer permit or special permit is validated (notched) and checked as required by this section. Successful deer hunters are allowed to dismember the carcass to pack it out from the place of kill, after an appropriate license tag has been validated (notched) as required above in subsection A of this section, as long as they do not destroy the identity of the sex and all the parts of the carcass are present when the deer is checked at a big game check station or reported through the automated harvest reporting system. Any deer found in the possession of any person without a validated (notched) license tag or documentation that the deer has been checked (via a big game check station or the automated harvest reporting system) as required by this section shall be forfeited to the Commonwealth to be disposed of as provided by law.

D. Upon killing a deer within an area designated by the department for deer disease management and on days designated by the department, the licensee or permittee shall present the carcass, on the day of kill, at a location designated by the department for the purposes of disease surveillance or biological monitoring.

4VAC15-90-293. Chronic Wasting Disease deer carcass movement restrictions Unauthorized cervid parts, excretions, and carcass importation, movement, possession, and use.

A. For the purposes of this section and in 4VAC15-40-285 and 4VAC15-90-294:

"Cervid" means any member of the deer family Cervidae, including but not limited to white-tailed deer, fallow deer, sika deer, elk, and reindeer.

B. No person shall import or possess any carcass or part of a carcass of any member of the family Cervidae (deer) originating from an enclosure intended to confine deer or elk or from any area designated by the department as a carcass-restriction zone in or adjacent to a state or Canadian province in which Chronic Wasting Disease has been found in free-ranging or captive deer, except that the following carcass parts may be imported and possessed:

1. Boned-out meat that is cut and wrapped;

2. Quarters or other portions of meat with no part of the spinal column or skull attached;

3. Hides or capes with no skull attached;

4. Clean (no meat or tissue attached) skulls or skull plates with or without antlers attached;

5. Antlers (with no meat or tissue attached);

6. Upper canine teeth (buglers, whistlers, or ivories); and

7. Finished taxidermy products.

A legible label shall be affixed to packages or containers containing the allowed carcass parts bearing the following information: the species of animal, the state or province from where the animal originated, and the name and address of the person who killed or owned the animal.

C. Any person who imports into Virginia any deer carcass or parts described in subsection A of this section and is notified that the animal has tested positive for Chronic Wasting Disease must report the test results to the department within 72 hours of receiving the notification. In order to facilitate the proper disposal of any infected material, the department may take into possession any imported carcass or carcass part of an animal if the animal has tested positive for Chronic Wasting Disease.

D. No person shall transport any carcass or part of a carcass of any cervid out of any area designated by the department as a disease containment area, except that the carcass parts enumerated in subsection B of this section may be transported, and carcasses or parts may be transported directly to locations designated by the department, provided that such carcasses or parts are transported without unnecessary delay and secured within a vehicle or vehicles during transit. Provisions of this section shall not apply to employees of the department or another government agency working in an official disease investigation capacity.

E. No person shall for the purposes of taking or attempting to take, attracting, or scouting any wild animal in Virginia possess or use any substance or material that contains or purports to contain any excretion collected from a cervid, including feces, urine, blood, gland oil, or other bodily fluid.

VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4402; Filed May 13, 2015, 5:58 a.m.
Proposed Regulation

REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: The Board of Game and Inland Fisheries is claiming an exemption from the Administrative Process Act pursuant to § 2.2-4002 A 3 of the Code of Virginia when promulgating regulations regarding the management of wildlife.

Title of Regulation: 4VAC15-105. Game: Fisher (adding 4VAC15-105-10).

Statutory Authority: § 29.1-501 of the Code of Virginia.

Public Hearing Information:

June 2, 2015 - 9 a.m. - Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, 7870 Villa Park Drive, Suite 400, Henrico, VA 23228

Public Comment Deadline: May 22, 2015.

Agency Contact: Phil Smith, Regulatory Coordinator, Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, 7870 Villa Park Drive, Suite 400, Henrico, VA 23228, telephone (804) 367-8341 or email


The proposed chapter establishes a continuous closed hunting and trapping season for fishers.


4VAC15-105-10. Closed season; generally.

There shall be a continuous closed season for hunting and trapping fishers.

VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4403; Filed May 13, 2015, 3:23 a.m.
Proposed Regulation

REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: The Board of Game and Inland Fisheries is claiming an exemption from the Administrative Process Act pursuant to § 2.2-4002 A 3 of the Code of Virginia when promulgating regulations regarding the management of wildlife.

Title of Regulation: 4VAC15-240. Game: Turkey (amending 4VAC15-240-40, 4VAC15-240-51, 4VAC15-240-60, 4VAC15-240-81).

Statutory Authority: § 29.1-501 of the Code of Virginia.

Public Hearing Information:

June 2, 2015 - 9 a.m. - Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, 7870 Villa Park Drive, Suite 400, Henrico, VA 23228

Public Comment Deadline: May 22, 2015.

Agency Contact: Phil Smith, Regulatory Coordinator, Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, 7870 Villa Park Drive, Suite 400, Henrico, VA 23228, telephone (804) 367-8341 or email


The proposed amendments (i) provide for the issuance of permits to nongovernment organizations that aid sportsmen with impaired mobility to hold events on seven specified days of the spring hunting season in which such sportsmen may hunt from one-half hour before sunrise to sunset; (ii) expand the youth and apprentice hunter turkey hunting day in the spring season to a Saturday and Sunday, making it a youth and apprentice hunter turkey hunting weekend, with a bag limit of one turkey per youth or apprentice hunter for the weekend; (iii) replace the term "bow and arrow" with the term "archery" or "archery equipment," (iv) move the requirements for minimum arrow head width and distance a bow must be capable of shooting to 4VAC15-40; and (v) remove references to bear to accommodate the proposed establishment of a special hunting license to hunt bears.

4VAC15-240-40. Open season; spring season for bearded turkeys.

A. Except as otherwise provided in this section, it shall be lawful to hunt bearded turkeys from the second Saturday in April and for 35 days following, both dates inclusive, from 1/2 hour before sunrise to 12:00 noon prevailing time during the first 23 days and from 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset during the last 13 days of the spring season.

B. Turkey hunters 15 years of age and younger and holders of an apprentice hunting license may hunt on the first Saturday in April and the following calendar day from 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset, when in compliance with applicable license requirements and when accompanied and directly supervised by an adult who has a valid Virginia hunting license on his person or an adult who is exempt from purchasing a hunting license. Adult hunters accompanying youth hunters or apprentice license holders on this day these days may assist with calling but they shall not carry or discharge weapons. Youth and apprentice turkey hunters are limited on this weekend to one turkey per hunter.

C. Upon receipt of an application from an officer or other designated official representative of any nonprofit organization that has support for sportsmen with impaired mobility as one of its mission statements, the director may issue a permit to an officer or representative of the organization that allows sportsmen with impaired mobility to hunt bearded wild turkeys from one-half hour before sunrise to sunset from the 10th through 16th days of the spring season. Such authorization shall be valid only when hunting during an authorized event. All participants shall be in compliance with all requirements of law and regulation that apply during the spring season, and bearded turkeys killed during these events shall count toward daily and annual bag limits.

C. D. Bearded turkeys may be hunted by calling.

D. E. It shall be unlawful to use dogs or organized drives for the purpose of hunting.

E. F. It shall be unlawful to use or have in possession any shot larger than number 2 fine shot when hunting turkeys with a shotgun.

4VAC15-240-51. Youth and apprentice hunter fall turkey hunting day weekend.

In counties, cities, and areas with a fall turkey season, hunters 15 years of age and under and holders of an apprentice hunting license may hunt turkey on the third Saturday in October and the following calendar day when in compliance with applicable license requirements and when accompanied and directly supervised by an adult who has a valid Virginia hunting license on his person or is exempt from purchasing a hunting license. Adult hunters accompanying youth hunters or apprentice license holders on this day these days may assist with calling turkey but they shall not carry or discharge weapons. Youth and apprentice turkey hunters are limited on this weekend to one turkey per hunter.

4VAC15-240-60. Bow and arrow Archery hunting.

A. Season. It shall be lawful to hunt turkey with bow and arrow archery equipment in those counties and areas open to fall turkey hunting from the first Saturday in October through the Saturday prior to the second Monday in November, both dates inclusive.

B. Bag limit. The daily and seasonal bag limit for hunting turkey with bow and arrow archery equipment shall be the same as permitted during the general turkey season in those counties and areas open to fall turkey hunting, and any turkey taken shall apply toward the total season bag limit.

C. Carrying firearms prohibited. It shall be unlawful to carry firearms while hunting with bow and arrow archery equipment during the special archery season.

D. Requirements for bow and arrow. Arrows used for hunting turkey must have a minimum width head of 7/8 of an inch, and the bow used for such hunting must be capable of casting a broadhead arrow a minimum of 125 yards.

E. D. Use of dogs prohibited during bow archery season. It shall be unlawful to use dogs when hunting with bow and arrow archery equipment from the first Saturday in October through the Saturday prior to the second Monday in November, both dates inclusive.

4VAC15-240-81. Validating tags and checking turkey by licensee.

A. Any person killing a turkey shall, before removing the carcass from the place of kill, validate an appropriate tag on his special license for hunting bear, deer, and turkey by completely removing the designated notch area from the tag. Place of kill shall be defined as the location where the animal is first reduced to possession. It shall be unlawful for any person to validate (notch) a turkey tag from any special license for hunting bear, deer, and turkey prior to the killing of a turkey. A turkey tag that is mistakenly validated (notched) prior to the killing of a turkey must be immediately voided by the licensee by writing, in ink, the word "VOID" on the line provided on the tag.

B. Upon killing a turkey and validating (notching) a license tag, as provided above, the licensee shall, upon vehicle transport of the carcass or at the conclusion of legal hunting hours, whichever occurs first, and without unnecessary delay, present the carcass and validated (notched) license tag to an authorized checking station or to an appropriate representative of the department in the county or adjoining county in which the turkey was killed or report his kill through the department's automated harvest reporting system. Turkeys killed during the January season (as prescribed in 4VAC15-240-10) and the spring turkey seasons (as prescribed in 4VAC15-240-40 and 4VAC15-240-60) must be reported through the department's automated harvest reporting system. The person reporting the carcass will be given a game check card furnished by the department or a confirmation number from the automated harvest reporting system. The successful hunter shall then immediately record the game check card number or confirmation number, in ink, on the line provided on the license tag that was validated (notched) in the field. If checked at a big game check station, the game check card must be kept in possession with the carcass until the carcass is processed. If the carcass is left unattended, the game check card must be securely attached to the carcass. If reported using the automated harvest reporting system, no check card is required as long as the hunter who killed the turkey is in possession of the carcass. If the automated harvest reported carcass is left unattended or transferred to the possession of another individual, written documentation including the successful hunter's full name, the date the turkey was killed, and the confirmation number must be created and kept in possession with the carcass until the carcass is processed. If the carcass is left unattended, this written documentation must be securely attached to the carcass.

C. It shall be unlawful for any person to destroy the identity of the sex of any turkey killed unless and until the license tag is validated (notched) and reported to an authorized checking station or to an appropriate representative of the department in the county or adjoining county in which the turkey was killed or by using the automated harvest reporting system as required by this section. Any turkey found in the possession of any person without a validated (notched) license tag or documentation that the turkey has been reported to an authorized checking station or to an appropriate representative of the department in the county or adjoining counties in which the turkey was killed or by using the automated harvest reporting system as required by this section shall be forfeited to the Commonwealth to be disposed of as provided by law.

VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4404; Filed May 13, 2015, 7:03 a.m.
Proposed Regulation

REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: The Board of Game and Inland Fisheries is claiming an exemption from the Administrative Process Act pursuant to § 2.2-4002 A 3 of the Code of Virginia when promulgating regulations regarding the management of wildlife.

Title of Regulation: 4VAC15-260. Game: Waterfowl and Waterfowl Blinds (amending 4VAC15-260-10).

Statutory Authority: § 29.1-501 of the Code of Virginia.

Public Hearing Information:

June 2, 2015 - 9 a.m. - Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, 7870 Villa Park Drive, Suite 400, Henrico, VA 23228

Public Comment Deadline: May 22, 2015.

Agency Contact: Phil Smith, Regulatory Coordinator, Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, 7870 Villa Park Drive, Suite 400, Henrico, VA 23228, telephone (804) 367-8341 or email


The proposed amendments require each side of a stationary waterfowl blind located in the public waters to be marked with 100 square inches of white, reflective material, at least three feet above the high water mark. However, this requirement is not in effect when the blind actually is being used for hunting.

4VAC15-260-10. "Floating blind" and "stationary blind" defined; reflector requirement for stationary blinds in public waters.

"Floating blind" means a floating device, whether in motion or anchored, that can be occupied by and conceal one or more hunters, uses a means of concealment other than the device's paint or coloration, and is used in the public waters for the purpose of hunting and shooting waterfowl.

"Stationary blind" means a structure erected at a fixed location either on the shores of the public waters or in the public waters for the purpose of hunting and shooting waterfowl. A stationary blind shall be (i) of such size and strength that it can be occupied by and conceal one or more hunters or (ii) large enough to accommodate and conceal a boat or skiff from which one or more hunters intend to hunt or shoot waterfowl.

Stationary blinds located in the public waters must be marked on each side with at least 100 square inches of clearly visible, white-colored reflective material attached at least three feet above the high water mark. The requirement for reflective material on stationary blinds is not in effect while the stationary blind is actually being used for hunting.

All such devices and structures shall come within the provisions of the laws for hunting waterfowl, which require that blinds be licensed.

VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4405; Filed May 13, 2015, 7:28 a.m.
Proposed Regulation

REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: The Board of Game and Inland Fisheries is claiming an exemption from the Administrative Process Act pursuant to § 2.2-4002 A 3 of the Code of Virginia when promulgating regulations regarding the management of wildlife.

Title of Regulation: 4VAC15-275. Game: Hunter Education (adding 4VAC15-275-10 through 4VAC15-275-110).

Statutory Authority: § 29.1-103 of the Code of Virginia (4VAC15-275-100).

§ 29.1-300.2 and 29.1-501 of the Code of Virginia (4VAC15-275-10 through 4VAC15-275-110).

Public Hearing Information:

June 2, 2015 - 9 a.m. - Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, 7870 Villa Park Drive, Suite 400, Henrico, VA 23228

Public Comment Deadline: May 22, 2015.

Agency Contact: Phil Smith, Regulatory Coordinator, Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, 7870 Villa Park Drive, Suite 400, Henrico, VA 23228, telephone (804) 367-8341 or email


The proposed regulation establishes the standards and practices for the Virginia Hunter Education program.


4VAC15-275-10. Application.

This chapter applies to any person who has never obtained a license to hunt in any state or country or any person who is under the age of 16 years, unless such a person presents to the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries or one of its authorized license vendors a certificate of completion in hunter education issued or authorized by the director or his representative under the hunter education program or proof that he holds the equivalent certificate obtained from an authorized agency or association of another state or country.

4VAC15-275-20. Definitions.

The following words and terms when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly requires a different meaning:

"Accompanied and directly supervised" means, in the case of an apprentice hunter, that a licensed person over 18 years of age maintains a close visual and verbal contact with, provides adequate direction to, and can immediately assume control of the firearm from the apprentice hunter. In the case of a hunter age 12 years or under, the term means that the licensed adult is within sight of the person under the age of 12 years.

"Adult" means the parent or legal guardian of the person under age 12 years, or such person over the age of 18 years designated by the parent or legal guardian.

"Approved course provider" is any individual, business, or organization that makes available to the hunting public a hunter education course that is approved by the International Hunter Education Association – United States (IHEA-USA) and is accepted by the department. An approved course provider shall have executed and have on file a valid cooperative agreement with the department. The department will make information regarding such approved courses and providers readily available for public access.

"Board" means the Board of Game and Inland Fisheries.

"Department" means the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries.

"Hunter education course" means a course offered in the classroom, through the Internet, or through an electronic format that provides course content and test questions that at a minimum meet the International Hunter Education Association-USA Education Standards, May 2, 2014, set forth by the International Hunter Education Association-USA (IHEA-USA) and are accepted by the department. A hunter education course shall include no less than 50 test questions, which shall include at least eight test questions specific to Virginia hunting laws.

"IHEA-USA" means the International Hunter Education Association-USA.

"Virginia Hunter Education Card" means a card authorized for issuance by the department to a person who has met the minimum standard of hunter education course competency. This card may be issued as an original or a replacement hunter education course card.

4VAC15-275-30. Provisions for compliance and minimum standards for hunter education course competency.

A. A person shall be considered in compliance with the requirements for hunter education if he meets one or more of the following provisions pursuant to § 29.1-300.2 of the Code of Virginia:

1. Completes and passes a hunter education course that is accepted by the department including a fully online course;

2. Is 16 years of age or older and has previously held a license to hunt in any state or country;

3. Is under the age of 12 years and is accompanied and directly supervised by an adult who holds a valid Virginia hunting license; or

4. Holds a Virginia apprentice hunting license and is accompanied and directly supervised by a licensed adult hunter.

B. The minimum standards for hunter education course competency required by the department are:

1. Successful completion of a classroom-based hunter education course or through another format as determined by the department with a passing score of at least 80% on a written test administered closed book at the conclusion of the course by the designated course instructor or other designated course assistant as determined appropriate by the department; and

2. Successful completion of an Internet hunter education course that is approved by the department with a passing score of at least 90% on an open-book test administered during the online course.

4VAC15-275-40. Hunter education course provider requirements.

A. To be an approved course provider, any individual, business, or organization that instructs or provides a hunter education course shall execute and have on file a cooperative agreement with the department. It shall be the responsibility of the state hunter education program manager or his designee to develop and execute such agreements. A list of approved course providers and hunter education courses shall be kept by the department and made available to the public. Such list does not constitute any endorsement of any course or course provider by the department or the board.

B. As of January 1, 2016, hunter education courses offered through the Internet and accepted by the department shall:

1. Meet the International Hunter Education Association-USA Education Standards, May 2, 2014, set by the IHEA-USA for course content; and

2. Be provided only by an approved course provider that has executed a valid cooperative agreement with the department. Such agreements may be amended at any time by the department and may be canceled with 30 days notice upon failure of the course provider to comply with the terms and conditions of the agreement or its amendments.

C. Any material or product to be used by an approved course provider that makes reference to the department must be approved by the department through the hunter education program manager or his designee before being published or distributed to the public.

D. Any fees charged by a course provider are set by the course provider, but must be clearly communicated to the student prior to the student taking the course. There will be no fees for Virginia hunter education courses provided by the department.

4VAC15-275-50. Hunter education course availability.

A. The department shall provide classroom-based hunter education courses across the Commonwealth on a schedule determined by the department.

B. The department shall coordinate with approved course providers of Internet-based courses so that courses developed and offered in accordance with this chapter are available.

4VAC15-275-60. Hunter education course certificates.

A. Upon successful completion of an online hunter education course, the approved course provider shall provide the student with a course certificate or wallet-size card. At a minimum, such certificate or card shall include the student's name and date of birth, the issuance date, the name of the course, and an indication of acceptance by the department. On a schedule and in a manner mutually agreed to through a cooperative agreement, each approved online course provider shall provide to the department a copy of the record of those students issued a course certificate or wallet-size card. Upon request by the student and subject to verification of successful course completion, it shall be the responsibility of each approved online course provider to issue a duplicate certificate or card.

B. Upon successful completion of the Virginia hunter education classroom-based course, the department shall issue a completion certificate or card, which shall include the person's name, date of birth, and the issuance date. Upon request by the person to whom the certificate or card was originally issued and subject to verification of successful completion, the department shall issue a duplicate certificate or card in accordance with its policy.

4VAC15-275-70. Recordkeeping and student records.

A. The department shall maintain a database of all students successfully completing the department's classroom-based or online hunter education course. Such database shall include, but not be limited to, student name, address, date of birth, course or other compliance format approved by the department, and the specific name of the course.

B. Each approved course provider for hunter education courses offered over the Internet or through an electronic format shall maintain a database of all students successfully completing such course. The database shall include, but not be limited to, student name, address, date of birth, course completion date, and the specific name of the course. On a schedule and in a manner mutually agreed to through a cooperative agreement, each approved course provider shall provide to the department a copy of the record of those students who successfully complete its course. Such record shall include the database information referenced in this section. It shall be the responsibility of each approved course provider to ensure that reasonable measures, such as the Payment Card Industry (PCI) data security measures, are taken to protect any acquired student data. Further, such data shall not be sold or otherwise used in any way except for the student's own completion of a hunter education course and issuance of course completion documents.

4VAC15-275-80. Instructor certification.

A. The department may designate as a hunter instructor any person found by it to be competent to give instruction in the courses required.

B. Volunteer instructors are designated to work on a voluntary basis and at the pleasure of the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries.

C. To be certified as a hunter education course instructor for the department's hunter education program, a person shall (i) have successfully completed a hunter education course and (ii) be certified as an instructor by the department or by a certification program accepted by the department.

D. Applicants for certified instructor shall submit an application to the department on a form and in a manner determined by the hunter education program manager. At a minimum, the application shall include:

1. The applicant's name;

2. The applicant's street address;

3. The applicant's telephone number;

4. The applicant's email address, if any;

5. Information describing the applicant's experience and training in hunter and hunting and proof of completion of a hunter education course that is accepted by the department; and

6. Any other information deemed necessary after review of the initial application.

E. Applicants may be required to submit written consent for a criminal history background check in a manner determined by the department or an interview in a manner determined by the department and in accordance with state policy.

4VAC15-275-90. Virginia Hunter Education Card.

A. The department may issue an optional long-lasting and durable Virginia Hunter Education Card to persons who can show that they have met the minimum standard of hunter education course competency pursuant to § 29.1-300.2 of the Code of Virginia.

B. Upon receipt by the applicant, the optional Virginia Hunter Education Card will serve in lieu of any other certificates or cards that have been issued to the bearer as a result of meeting the minimum standards for hunter education course competency. As such, the Virginia Hunter Education Card will not be transferable or revocable and will have no expiration date.

C. A person may apply for a replacement Virginia Hunter Education Card. A replacement card may be issued if (i) the original card is lost, stolen, or destroyed; (ii) misinformation is printed on the card; or (iii) if the bearer has legally changed his name. Supporting documentation may be required.

4VAC15-275-100. Fees.

A. Pursuant to § 29.1-300.3 of the Code of Virginia, no fee shall be charged for the instructor's service.

B. Fees charged by an approved online course provider for hunter education courses other than the department's course are set by the course provider, but must be clearly communicated to the student prior to the student taking the course.

C. The fee for issuance of an optional Virginia Hunter Education Card, which will serve in lieu of a previously obtained hunter education course certificate or card, or a replacement Virginia Hunter Education Card shall be $10.

4VAC15-275-110. Penalties for violation.

Unless otherwise specified, any person who violates any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor.

NOTICE: The following forms used in administering the regulation were filed by the agency. The forms are not being published; however, online users of this issue of the Virginia Register of Regulations may click on the name of a form with a hyperlink to access it. The forms are also available from the agency contact or may be viewed at the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, General Assembly Building, 2nd Floor, Richmond, Virginia 23219.

FORMS (4VAC15-275)

Volunteer Application (rev. 3/15)


International Hunter Education Association-USA Education Standards, Recommendations Submitted by the Standards and Evaluation Committee, May 2, 2014, International Hunter Education Association-USA,

VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4406; Filed May 13, 2015, 10:09 a.m.
Final Regulation

Title of Regulation: 18VAC15-30. Virginia Lead-Based Paint Activities Regulations (amending 18VAC15-30-52, 18VAC15-30-164, 18VAC15-30-166, 18VAC15-30-790, 18VAC15-30-810).

Statutory Authority: §§ 54.1-201 and 54.1-501 of the Code of Virginia.

Effective Date: August 1, 2015.

Agency Contact: Trisha Henshaw, Executive Director, Virginia Board for Asbestos, Lead, and Home Inspectors, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400, Richmond, VA 23233, telephone (804) 367-8595, FAX (866) 350-5354, or email


The amendments (i) clarify training requirements upon entry and renewal of an individual or training provider license, (ii) remove the requirement that the lead license expiration date corresponds with the lead training expiration date, and (iii) change the time frame that accredited lead training providers must certify continued compliance to 24 months.

Summary of Public Comments and Agency's Response: No public comments were received by the promulgating agency.

18VAC15-30-52. Qualifications for licensure - individuals.

A. General. Applicants shall meet all applicable entry requirements at the time application is made.

B. Name. The applicant shall disclose his full legal name.

C. Age. The applicant shall be at least 18 years old.

D. Address. The applicant shall disclose a physical address. A post office box is only acceptable when a physical address is also provided.

E. Training. The applicant shall provide documentation of having satisfactorily completed the board-approved initial training program and all subsequent board-approved refresher training programs as specified in subsection F of this section. Board-approved initial training programs shall be valid for 36 months after the last day of the month wherein completed. Board-approved refresher training programs shall be satisfactorily completed no later than 36 months after the last day of the month wherein the board-approved initial training program was completed and once each 36 months thereafter.

E. F. Specific entry requirements.

1. Worker. Each applicant for a lead abatement worker licensure license shall provide evidence of successful completion of a board-approved initial lead abatement worker course training in accordance with subsection E of this section.

2. Project designer.

a. Each applicant for a lead project designer licensure license shall provide evidence of successful completion of a board-approved initial lead project designer course and successful completion of a board-approved initial lead abatement supervisor course and one of the following: training and board-approved lead abatement supervisor training in accordance with subsection E of this section.

b. Each applicant for a lead project designer license shall also provide evidence of successful completion of one of the following:

a. (1) A bachelor's degree in engineering, architecture, or a related profession, and one year experience in building construction and design or a related field; or

b. (2) Four years of experience in building construction and design or a related field.

3. Supervisor.

a. Each applicant for a lead abatement supervisor licensure license shall provide evidence of:

(1) Successful completion of a board-approved initial lead abatement supervisor course training in accordance with subsection E of this section; and

(2) One year experience as a licensed lead abatement worker or two years experience in a related field (e.g., lead, asbestos or environmental remediation) or in the building trades.

b. Each applicant shall pass a board-approved licensing examination for supervisors within 36 months after completion of the board-approved lead abatement supervisor initial training course or the board-approved lead supervisor refresher course. Applicants who fail the examination three times must provide to the board evidence, after the date of their third examination failure, of having retaken and satisfactorily completed the initial training requirements and make new application to the board. The applicant is then eligible to sit for the examination an additional three times.

c. A licensed lead abatement supervisor may perform the duties of a licensed lead abatement worker.

4. Inspector.

a. Each applicant for a lead inspector licensure license shall provide evidence of successful completion of a board-approved initial lead inspector course training in accordance with subsection E of this section.

b. Each applicant shall pass a board-approved licensing examination for lead inspector within 36 months after completion of the board-approved lead inspector initial training course or the board-approved lead inspector refresher course. Applicants who fail the examination three times must provide to the board evidence, after the date of their third examination failure, of having retaken and satisfactorily completed the initial training requirements and make new application to the board. The applicant is then eligible to sit for the examination an additional three times.

5. Risk assessor.

a. Each applicant for a lead risk assessor licensure license shall provide evidence of successful completion of a board-approved initial lead risk assessor training course and successful completion of a board-approved initial lead inspector training course that was at least three days in length and one of the following: in accordance with subsection E of this section.

b. Each applicant for a lead risk assessor license shall also provide evidence of successful completion of one of the following:

(1) Certification or licensure as an industrial hygienist, a professional engineer, a registered architect or licensure in a related engineering/health/environmental field;

(2) A bachelor's degree and one year of experience in a related field (e.g., lead, asbestos, environmental remediation work, or construction);

(3) An associate's degree and two years experience in a related field (e.g., lead, asbestos, environmental remediation work, or construction); or

(4) A high school diploma or its equivalent, and at least three years experience in a related field (e.g., lead, asbestos, environmental remediation work, or construction).

b. c. Each applicant shall pass a board-approved licensure examination for risk assessor within 36 months after completion of the board-approved lead risk assessor initial training course or the board-approved lead risk assessor refresher course. Applicants who fail the examination three times must provide to the board evidence, after the date of their third examination failure, of having retaken and satisfactorily completed the initial training requirements and make new application to the board. The applicant is then eligible to sit for the examination an additional three times.

F. G. Training verification. Training requirements shall be verified by submittal to the board of the training certificate issued by the accredited lead training provider for that course.

G. H. Education verification. Education requirements shall be verified by submittal to the board on the Education Verification Form sent directly from the school.

H. I. Experience verification. Experience requirements shall be verified by resumes, letters of reference, or documentation of work experience.

I. J. Conviction or guilt. The applicant shall disclose the following information:

1. A conviction in any jurisdiction of any felony.

2. A conviction in any jurisdiction of any misdemeanor.

3. Any disciplinary action taken in another jurisdiction in connection with the applicant's environmental remediation practice including, but not limited to, monetary penalties, fines, suspension, revocation, or surrender of a license in connection with a disciplinary action.

4. Any current or previously held environmental remediation certifications, accreditations or licenses issued by Virginia or any other jurisdiction.

Subject to the provisions of § 54.1-204 of the Code of Virginia, the board may deny any application for licensure or accreditation as a lead training provider when any of the parties listed in this subsection have been convicted of any offense listed in this subsection or has been the subject of any disciplinary action listed in subdivision 3 of this subsection. Any plea of nolo contendere shall be considered a conviction for the purposes of this subsection. A certified copy of a final order, decree or case decision by a court or regulatory agency with the lawful authority to issue such order shall be admissible as prima facie evidence of such conviction or discipline.

J. K. Standards of conduct and practice. Applicants shall be in compliance with the standards of conduct and practice set forth in Part VIII (18VAC15-30-510 et seq.) of this chapter at the time of application to the board, while the application is under review by the board, and at all times when the license is in effect.

K. L. Standing. The applicant shall be in good standing in every jurisdiction where licensed and the applicant shall not have had a license that was suspended, revoked or surrendered in connection with any disciplinary action in any jurisdiction prior to applying for licensure in Virginia. The board, at its discretion, may deny licensure or approval to any applicant based on disciplinary action by any jurisdiction.

Part V

18VAC15-30-164. Renewal required.

A. Interim licenses shall expire six months from the last day of the month during which the individual completed the board-approved initial or refresher accredited lead training program required by 18VAC15-30-52 regardless of the date on which the board received the application for initial licensure or the date the board issued the license.

B. Interim licenses shall not be renewed or extended.

C. Individual licenses shall expire 12 months from the last day of the month wherein the individual completed the initial training program or refresher training program required by 18VAC15-30-52 regardless of the date on which the board received the application for individual licensure or the date the board issued the license. In no case shall an individual license expire later than the last day of the month which is 36 months after the date the individual completed the initial training program or most recent refresher training program.

D. Contractor licenses shall expire 12 months from the last day of the month wherein issued.

E. Accredited lead training programs approval shall expire 24 months from the last day of the month in which the board granted approval.

18VAC15-30-166. Qualifications for renewal.

A. Individuals.

1. Licensees desiring to maintain an individual license shall satisfactorily complete the required board-approved refresher training program established by this chapter and assure that the board receives documentation of satisfactory completion no later than the last day of the month that is 36 months after the date of completion of the initial training program or refresher training program and not less often than once each course within 36 months after the date that the initial or most recent refresher training course was completed and at least once every 36 months thereafter. In the case of a proficiency-based course completion, refresher training is required every 60 months instead of 36 months.

2. Licensees are responsible for ensuring that the board receives proof of completion of the required board-approved training. Prior to the expiration date shown on the individual's current license, the individual desiring to renew that license shall provide evidence of meeting the board-approved refresher training requirement for license renewal.

3. Refresher training shall be specific to the discipline of the license being renewed.

2. 4. The board shall renew an individual license for an additional 12 months upon receipt of a renewal application and fee in compliance with 18VAC15-30-163 and 18VAC15-30-165, provided that the licensee has complied with subdivision subdivisions 1 through 3 of this subsection. In no case shall an individual license expire later than the last day of the month that is 36 months, or in the case of proficiency-based course 60 months, after the initial training program or most recent refresher training program was completed.

B. Contractors. The board shall renew a contractor license for an additional 12 months upon receipt of a renewal application and the renewal fee in compliance with 18VAC15-30-163 and 18VAC15-30-165. Return of the renewal application and renewal fee to the board shall constitute a certification that the licensee is in full compliance with the board's regulations.

C. Accredited training programs.

1. Accredited lead training providers desiring to maintain approval of their accredited lead training program shall cause the board to receive the following no later than 48 24 months after the date of initial approval and not less often than once each 48 24 months thereafter:

a. The training provider's name, address, and telephone number.

b. A statement signed by the training program manager that certifies that:

(1) The course materials for each course meet the requirements of Part VII (18VAC15-30-440 et seq.) of this chapter.

(2) The training manager and principal instructors meet the qualifications listed in 18VAC15-30-340.

(3) The training program manager complies at all times with all requirements of this chapter.

(4) The quality control program meets the requirements noted in 18VAC15-30-410.

(5) The recordkeeping requirements of this chapter will be followed.

2. Return of the renewal application and renewal fee to the board shall constitute a certification that the accredited lead training provider is in full compliance with the board's regulations.

3. An audit by a board representative may be performed to verify the certified statements and the contents of the application before relicensure is granted.

4. Accredited lead training programs determined by the board to have met the renewal requirements shall be issued an approval for an additional 24 months.

18VAC15-30-790. Professional responsibility.

A. The licensee or accredited lead training provider shall, upon request or demand, produce to the board, or any of its representatives, any plan, document, book, record or copy thereof in his possession concerning a transaction covered by this chapter, and shall cooperate in the investigation of a complaint filed with the board against a licensee or accredited lead training provider.

B. A licensee shall not use the design, plans, or work of another licensee with the same type of license without the original's knowledge and consent, and after consent, a thorough review to the extent that full responsibility shall be assumed by the user.

C. Accredited lead training providers shall admit board representatives for the purpose of conducting an on-site audit, or any other purpose necessary to evaluate compliance with this chapter and other applicable laws and regulations.

D. Each licensee shall keep his board-approved training and license current.

18VAC15-30-810. Grounds for denial of application, denial of renewal, or discipline.

A. The board shall have the authority to fine any licensee or accredited lead training provider, training manager or principal instructor, and to deny renewal, to suspend, to revoke or to deny application for any license or approval as an accredited lead training program, accredited lead training provider, training manager or principal instructor provided for under Chapter 5 of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia for:

1. Violating or inducing another person to violate any of the provisions of Chapter 1, 2, 3, or 5 of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia, or any of the provisions of this chapter.

2. Obtaining a license, approval as an accredited lead training program, approval as an accredited lead training provider or approval as a training manager or principal instructor through fraudulent means.

3. Altering, falsifying or issuing a fraudulent Virginia lead license or a training certificate issued by an accredited lead training provider.

4. Violating any provision of any federal or state regulation pertinent to lead-based paint activities.

5. Having been found guilty by the board, another regulatory authority, or by a court, of any misrepresentation in the course of performing his operating duties.

6. Subject to the provisions of § 54.1-204 of the Code of Virginia, having been convicted or found guilty, regardless of adjudication in any jurisdiction of the United States, of any felony or of any misdemeanor involving lying, cheating, or stealing, or of any violation while engaged in environmental remediation activity that resulted in the significant harm or the imminent and substantial threat of significant harm to human health or the environment, there being no appeal pending therefrom or the time for appeal having elapsed. Any plea of nolo contendere shall be considered a conviction for the purposes of this chapter. A certified copy of the final order, decree or case decision by a court or regulatory agency with lawful authority to issue such order, decree or case decision shall be admissible as prima facie evidence of such conviction or discipline.

7. Failing to notify the board in writing within 30 days of pleading guilty or nolo contendere or being convicted or found guilty of any felony or of any misdemeanor involving lying, cheating, or stealing or of any violation while engaged in environmental remediation activity that resulted in the significant harm or the imminent threat of significant harm to human health or the environment.

8. Negligence, or a continued pattern of incompetence, in the practice of the discipline in which a lead license is held.

9. Failing or neglecting to send any information or documentation that was requested by the board or its representatives.

10. Refusing to allow state or federal representatives access to any area of an abatement site for the purpose of lawful compliance inspections.

11. Any unlawful act or violation of any provision of Chapter 5 of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia or of the regulations of the board by any lead abatement supervisor or lead abatement worker may be cause for disciplinary action against the lead abatement contractor for whom he works if it appears to the satisfaction of the board that the lead abatement contractor knew or should have known of the unlawful act or violation.

12. Failing to notify the board in writing within 30 days after any change in address or name.

13. Acting as or being an ostensible licensee for undisclosed persons who do or will control or direct, directly or indirectly, the operations of the licensee's business.

14. Failing to keep board-approved training and license current.

B. Any individual or firm whose license, approval as an accredited lead training program, approval as an accredited lead training provider or approval as a training manager or principal instructor is revoked under this section shall not be eligible to reapply for a period of one year from the effective date of the final order of revocation. The individual or firm shall meet all education, experience, and training requirements, complete the application, and submit the required fee for consideration as a new applicant.

C. The board shall conduct disciplinary procedures in accordance with §§ 2.2-4019 and 2.2-4021 of the Administrative Process Act.

VA.R. Doc. No. R11-2634; Filed May 6, 2015, 9:23 a.m.
Final Regulation

Title of Regulation: 18VAC15-30. Virginia Lead-Based Paint Activities Regulations (amending 18VAC15-30-162, 18VAC15-30-163).

Statutory Authority: §§ 54.1-201 and 54.1-501 of the Code of Virginia.

Effective Date: August 1, 2015.

Agency Contact: Trisha Henshaw, Executive Director, Virginia Board for Asbestos, Lead, and Home Inspectors, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400, Richmond, VA 23233, telephone (804) 367-8595, FAX (866) 350-5354, or email


The amendments increase application and renewal fees paid by licensees, certificate holders, and registrants subject to the authority of the Board for Asbestos, Lead, and Home Inspectors.

Summary of Public Comments and Agency's Response: No public comments were received by the promulgating agency.

18VAC15-30-162. Application fees.

Application fees are as follows:

Fee Type

Fee Amount

When Due

Application for worker, supervisor, inspector, risk assessor or project designer license

$25 $80

With application

Application for a lead contractor license

$40 $110

With application

Application for accredited lead training program approval

$400 $500 per day of training

With application

Application for accredited lead refresher training program approval except for project designer refresher

$400 $500

With application

Application for accredited lead project designer refresher training program approval

$200 $250

With application

18VAC15-30-163. Renewal and late renewal fees.

Renewal and late renewal fees are as follows:

Fee Type

Fee Amount

When Due

Renewal for worker, supervisor, inspector, risk assessor or project designer license

$25 $45

With renewal application

Renewal for lead [ contractor's contractor ] license

$40 $70

With renewal application

Renewal for accredited asbestos training program approval

$100 $125

With renewal application

Late renewal for worker, supervisor, inspector, risk assessor or project designer license (includes a $25 $35 late renewal fee in addition to the regular $25 $45 renewal fee)

$50 $80

With renewal application

Late renewal for lead [ contractor's contractor ] license (includes a $25 $35 late renewal fee in addition to the regular $40 $70 renewal fee)

$65 $105

With renewal application

Late renewal for accredited lead training program approval (includes a $25 $35 late renewal fee in addition to the regular $100 $125 renewal fee)

$125 $160

With renewal application

NOTICE: The following forms used in administering the regulation were filed by the agency. The forms are not being published; however, online users of this issue of the Virginia Register of Regulations may click on the name of a form with a hyperlink to access it. The forms are also available from the agency contact or may be viewed at the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, General Assembly Building, 2nd Floor, Richmond, Virginia 23219.

[ FORMS (18VAC15-30)

Lead Contractor License Application, 33LCON (rev. 10/03).

Lead License Application Requirements, 33LINS (rev. 10/03).

Lead License Application, 33LLIC (rev. 10/03).

Experience Verification Form, 33LEXP (rev. 12/04).

Education Verification Form, 33LED (rev. 10/03).

Lead Training Course Application Requirements, 33LCRSRQ (rev. 10/03).

Lead Training Course Application, 33LCRS (rev. 10/03).

Lead Training Notification, 33LTN (rev. 12/06).

Lead Training Program Participant List, 33LPL (rev. 12/06).

Inspector/Risk Assessor/Project Designer/Contractor Disclosure Form, 33LDIS (eff. 1/04).

Virginia Lead Consumer Information and Disclosure Sheet, 33LCIS (eff. 1/04).

Lead Abatement Worker License Application, A506-3351LIC-v3 (eff. 8/15)

Lead Abatement Supervisor License Application, A506-3353LIC-v4 (eff. 8/15)

Lead Abatement Inspector License Application, A506-3355LIC-v3 (eff. 8/15)

Lead Abatement Risk Assessor License Application, A506-3356LIC-v5 (eff. 8/15)

Lead Abatement Project Designer License Application, A506-3357LIC-v3 (eff. 8/15)

Lead Abatement Contractor License Application, A506-3358LIC-v3 (eff. 8/15)

Contractor – Asbestos & Lead License Renewal Form, A506-33CONREN-v3 (eff. 8/15)

Individual – Lead License Renewal Form, A506-33LREN-v2 (eff. 8/15)

Lead - Education Verification Application, A506-33LED-v2 (eff. 8/13)

Lead - Experience Verification Application, A506-33LEXP-v2 (eff. 8/13)

Lead Training Course Application, 3331LCRS-v4 (eff. 8/15)

Inspector/Risk Assessor/Project Designer/Contractor Disclosure Form, A506-33LDIS-v2 (eff. 8/13)

Virginia Lead Licensing Consumer Information Sheet, A506-33LCIS-v2 (eff. 8/13) ]

VA.R. Doc. No. R12-3181; Filed May 6, 2015, 9:22 a.m.
Fast-Track Regulation

Title of Regulation: 18VAC15-30. Virginia Lead-Based Paint Activities Regulations (amending 18VAC15-30-163).

Statutory Authority: §§ 54.1-201 and 54.1-501 of the Code of Virginia.

Public Hearing Information: No public hearings are scheduled.

Public Comment Deadline: July 1, 2015.

Effective Date: August 1, 2015.

Agency Contact: Trisha Henshaw, Executive Director, Virginia Board for Asbestos, Lead, and Home Inspectors, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400, Richmond, VA 23233, telephone (804) 367-8595, FAX (866) 350-5354, or email

Basis: Section 54.1-201 A 5 of the Code of Virginia states that the board has the power and duty "To promulgate regulations in accordance with the Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq.) necessary to assure continued competency, to prevent deceptive or misleading practices by practitioners and to effectively administer the regulatory system administered by the regulatory board."

Section 54.1-501 of the Code of Virginia provides the authority for the board to promulgate regulations for the licensure of lead professionals and firms, approval of accredited lead training programs, and approval of criteria for accredited lead training programs. The content of the regulations is pursuant to the board's discretion, but shall not be in conflict with the purposes of the statutory authority.

Purpose: An error was discovered in the renewal fee section of the Virginia Lead-Based Paint Activities Regulations (18VAC15-30) that inadvertently referred to the accredited "asbestos" training program approval instead of the accredited "lead" training program approval. The amendment corrects the error to avoid any possible confusion by lead training providers attempting to renew an accredited lead training program approval, which is in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare.

Rationale for Using Fast-Track Process: The fast-track rulemaking process is being used to implement this amendment as soon as possible to avoid any possible confusion by lead training providers attempting to renew an accredited lead training program approval. This action is noncontroversial because no current procedures or processes will change. Lead training providers are currently renewing their approved lead training programs.

Substance: The proposed amendment to 18VAC15-30-163 corrects the terminology for the renewal of an accredited lead training program approval.

Issues: The primary advantage to the public, businesses, and the Commonwealth for implementing this change is to avoid any possible confusion by lead training providers attempting to renew an accredited lead training program approval. No disadvantages to either the public or the Commonwealth have been identified.

Department of Planning and Budget's Economic Impact Analysis:

Summary of the Proposed Amendments to Regulation. The Board for Asbestos, Lead, and Home Inspectors (Board) proposes to correct a language error in this regulation.

Result of Analysis. The benefits likely exceed the costs for all proposed changes.

Estimated Economic Impact. The current regulation incorrectly lists renewal for accredited lead training program approval as renewal for accredited asbestos training program approval. The Board proposes to correct this mistake by replacing the word asbestos with the word lead. According to the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation, lead training providers have been renewing their approved lead training programs. Nevertheless, the proposed language correction is potentially beneficial in that it will reduce the possibility of confusion among readers of the regulation.

Businesses and Entities Affected. The proposed amendment concerns the 72 accredited lead training programs and the 14 related training providers in the Commonwealth. All 14 training providers are small businesses.1

Localities Particularly Affected. The proposed amendment does not disproportionately affect particular localities.

Projected Impact on Employment. The proposed amendments will not significantly affect employment.

Effects on the Use and Value of Private Property. The proposed amendment is unlikely to significantly affect the use and value of private property.

Small Businesses: Costs and Other Effects. The proposed amendment is unlikely to significantly affect small businesses.

Small Businesses: Alternative Method that Minimizes Adverse Impact. The proposed amendment will not adversely affect small businesses.

Real Estate Development Costs. The proposed amendment is unlikely to significantly affect real estate development costs.

Legal Mandate. General: The Department of Planning and Budget (DPB) has analyzed the economic impact of this proposed regulation in accordance with § 2.2-4007.04 of the Code of Virginia and Executive Order Number 17 (2014). Section 2.2-4007.04 requires that such economic impact analyses determine the public benefits and costs of the proposed amendments. Further the report should include but not be limited to:

• the projected number of businesses or other entities to whom the proposed regulatory action would apply,

• the identity of any localities and types of businesses or other entities particularly affected,

• the projected number of persons and employment positions to be affected,

• the projected costs to affected businesses or entities to implement or comply with the regulation, and

• the impact on the use and value of private property.

Small Businesses: If the proposed regulatory action will have an adverse effect on small businesses, § 2.2-4007.04 requires that such economic impact analyses include:

• an identification and estimate of the number of small businesses subject to the proposed regulation,

• the projected reporting, recordkeeping, and other administrative costs required for small businesses to comply with the proposed regulation, including the type of professional skills necessary for preparing required reports and other documents,

• a statement of the probable effect of the proposed regulation on affected small businesses, and

• a description of any less intrusive or less costly alternative methods of achieving the purpose of the proposed regulation.

Additionally, pursuant to § 2.2-4007.1, if there is a finding that a proposed regulation may have an adverse impact on small business, the Joint Commission on Administrative Rules is notified at the time the proposed regulation is submitted to the Virginia Register of Regulations for publication. This analysis shall represent DPB's best estimate for the purposes of public review and comment on the proposed regulation.


1 Data source: Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation

Agency's Response to Economic Impact Analysis: The agency concurs with the economic impact analysis completed by the Department of Planning and Budget.


The amendment corrects terminology for the renewal of an accredited lead training program approval by changing the word "asbestos" to "lead."

18VAC15-30-163. Renewal and late renewal fees.

Renewal and late renewal fees are as follows:

Fee Type

Fee Amount

When Due

Renewal for worker, supervisor, inspector, risk assessor or project designer license


With renewal application

Renewal for lead contractor's license


With renewal application

Renewal for accredited asbestos lead training program approval


With renewal application

Late renewal for worker, supervisor, inspector, risk assessor or project designer license (includes a $25 late renewal fee in addition to the regular $25 renewal fee)


With renewal application

Late renewal for lead contractor's license (includes a $25 late renewal fee in addition to the regular $40 renewal fee)


With renewal application

Late renewal for accredited lead training program approval (includes a $25 late renewal fee in addition to the regular $100 renewal fee)


With renewal application

VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4133; Filed May 5, 2015, 4:58 p.m.
Final Regulation

Title of Regulation: 18VAC15-40. Virginia Certified Home Inspectors Regulations (amending 18VAC15-40-30).

Statutory Authority: §§ 54.1-201 and 54.1-501 of the Code of Virginia.

Effective Date: August 1, 2015.

Agency Contact: Trisha L. Henshaw, Executive Director, Virginia Board for Asbestos, Lead, and Home Inspectors, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400, Richmond, VA 23233, telephone (804) 367-8595, FAX (804) 350-5354, or email


The amendments remove the requirement that training courses to meet the certified home inspector entry requirements be taken in a classroom setting. These amendments allow for distance learning options, including online courses, but limit the number of hours so that no more than half of the required instruction course hours may be taken through distance and online education technology.

Summary of Public Comments and Agency's Response: A summary of comments made by the public and the agency's response may be obtained from the promulgating agency or viewed at the office of the Registrar of Regulations.

18VAC15-40-30. Qualifications for certification.

Every applicant for an individual home inspector certificate shall have the following qualifications:

1. The applicant shall be at least 18 years old.

2. The applicant shall meet the following educational and experience requirements:

a. High school diploma or equivalent; and

b. One of the following:

(1) Completed 35 contact hours of classroom instruction [ courses, of which no more than half of the required hours may be completed using distance or online education technology, ] and have completed a minimum of 100 home inspections;

(2) Completed 35 contact hours of classroom instruction [ courses, of which no more than half of the required hours may be completed using distance or online education technology, ] and have completed a minimum of 50 certified home inspections in compliance with this chapter under the direct supervision of a certified home inspector, who shall certify the applicant's completion of each inspection and shall be responsible for each inspection;

(3) Completed 70 contact hours of classroom instruction [ courses, of which no more than half of the required hours may be completed using distance or online education technology, ] and have completed a minimum of 50 home inspections; or

(4) Completed 70 contact hours of classroom instruction [ courses, of which no more than half of the required hours may be completed using distance or online education technology, ] and have completed a minimum of 25 certified home inspections in compliance with this chapter under the direct supervision of a certified home inspector, who shall certify the applicant's completion of each inspection and shall be responsible for each inspection.

Instruction courses shall cover the content areas of the board-approved examinations.

An applicant who cannot fulfill the classroom instruction [ course ] requirement as outlined in this subsection may provide documentation of a minimum of 10 years of experience as a home inspector with a minimum of 250 home inspections completed in substantial compliance with this chapter to satisfy this requirement. The documentation is subject to board review and approval.

3. The applicant shall have passed a written competency examination approved by the board.

4. The board may accept proof of membership in good standing, in a national or state professional home inspectors association approved by the board, as satisfaction of subdivisions 1, 2, and 3 of this section, provided that the requirements for the applicant's class of membership in such association are equal to or exceed the requirements established by the board for all applicants.

5. The applicant shall have a good reputation for honesty, truthfulness, and fair dealing, and be competent to transact the business of a home inspector in such a manner as to safeguard the interests of the public.

6. The applicant shall disclose whether a certificate or license as a home inspector from any jurisdiction where certified or licensed has ever been suspended, revoked or surrendered in connection with a disciplinary action or which has been the subject of discipline in any jurisdiction prior to applying for certification in Virginia. The board may deny certification to any applicant so disciplined after examining the totality of the circumstances.

7. The applicant shall disclose any conviction or finding of guilt, regardless of adjudication, in any jurisdiction of the United States of any misdemeanor involving violence, repeat offenses, multiple offenses, or crimes that endangered public health or safety, or of any felony, there being no appeal pending therefrom or the time for appeal having elapsed. Subject to the provisions of § 54.1-204 of the Code of Virginia, the board shall have the authority to determine, based upon all the information available, including the applicant's record of prior convictions, if the applicant is unfit or unsuited to engage in the profession of residential home inspections. The board will decide each case by taking into account the totality of the circumstances. Any plea of nolo contendere shall be considered a conviction for purposes of this subdivision. A certified copy of a final order, decree, or case decision by a court with the lawful authority to issue such order, decree or case decision shall be admissible as prima facie evidence of such conviction or guilt.

8. Procedures and appropriate conduct established by either the board or any testing service administering an examination approved by the board or both shall be followed by the applicant. Such procedures shall include any written instructions communicated prior to the examination date and any instructions communicated at the site, either written or oral, on the date of the examination. Failure to comply with all procedures established by the board or the testing service with regard to conduct at the examination shall be grounds for denial of the application.

9. Applicants shall show evidence of having obtained general liability insurance with minimum limits of $250,000.

VA.R. Doc. No. R13-2848; Filed May 5, 2015, 3:03 p.m.
Final Regulation

Title of Regulation: 18VAC15-40. Virginia Certified Home Inspectors Regulations (amending 18VAC15-40-50, 18VAC15-40-52).

Statutory Authority: §§ 54.1-201 and 54.1-501 of the Code of Virginia.

Effective Date: August 1, 2015.

Agency Contact: Trisha L. Henshaw, Executive Director, Virginia Board for Asbestos, Lead, and Home Inspectors, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400, Richmond, VA 23233, telephone (804) 367-8595, FAX (804) 350-5354, or email


The amendments increase fees for obtaining and maintaining certification as a home inspector.

Summary of Public Comments and Agency's Response: No public comments were received by the promulgating agency.

18VAC15-40-50. Application fees.

The application fee for an initial home inspector certification shall be $25 $80.

18VAC15-40-52. Renewal and reinstatement fees.

Renewal and reinstatement fees are as follows:

Fee type

Fee amount

When due


$25 $45

With renewal application

Late renewal


$25 $45
$25 $35
$50 $80

(late fee)
total fee

With renewal application



$75 $80
$25 $45
$100 $125

total fee

With reinstatement application

NOTICE: The following forms used in administering the regulation were filed by the agency. The forms are not being published; however, online users of this issue of the Virginia Register of Regulations may click on the name of a form with a hyperlink to access it. The forms are also available from the agency contact or may be viewed at the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, General Assembly Building, 2nd Floor, Richmond, Virginia 23219.

[ FORMS (18VAC15-40)

Home Inspector Association Membership Form, 3380 AMF (rev. 1/11)

Home Inspector Certificate Application Instructions, 3380 INS (rev 1/11)

Home Inspector Certificate Application, 3380 CERT (rev. 1/11)

Home Inspector Experience Verification Form, 3380 EXP (rev. 1/11).

Home Inspector Association Membership Form, A506-3380AMF-v3 (eff. 8/13)

Home Inspector Certification Application Instructions, A506-3380INS-v2 (eff. 8/15)

Home Inspector Certification Application, A506-3380CERT-v3 (eff. 8/15)

Home Inspector Experience Verification Form, A506-3380EXP-v3 (eff. 8/13) ]

VA.R. Doc. No. R12-3182; Filed May 5, 2015, 3:04 p.m.
Final Regulation

Titles of Regulations: 18VAC48-20. Condominium Regulations (repealing 18VAC48-20-10 through 18VAC48-20-800).

18VAC48-30. Condominium Regulations (adding 18VAC48-30-10 through 18VAC48-30-690).

Statutory Authority: § 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.

Effective Date: August 1, 2015.

Agency Contact: Trisha Henshaw, Executive Director, Common Interest Community Board, Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400, Richmond, VA 23233, telephone (804) 367-8510, FAX (866) 490-2723, or email


The action repeals the existing chapter (18VAC48-20) and replaces it with a new chapter (18VAC48-30) to reflect statutory changes and current procedures. The new chapter (i) establishes the requirements and application procedures for registration of a condominium; (ii) establishes requirements for public offering statements; (iii) addresses conversion condominiums; (iv) establishes post-registration provisions, including procedures for the termination of condominium registrations both administratively and by the declarant; and (v) outlines the board's authority and standards of conduct. The new chapter does not include provisions pertaining to time-share condominiums and horizontal property regimes.

Summary of Public Comments and Agency's Response: A summary of comments made by the public and the agency's response may be obtained from the promulgating agency or viewed at the office of the Registrar of Regulations.


Part [ 1 I ]

18VAC48-30-10. Purpose.

This chapter governs the exercise of powers granted to and the performance of duties imposed upon the Common Interest Community Board by the Condominium Act (§ 55-79.39 et seq. of the Code of Virginia) as the act pertains to the registration of condominiums.

18VAC48-30-20. Definitions.

A. Section 54.1-2345 of the Code of Virginia provides definitions of the following terms and phrases as used in this chapter:



B. Section 55-79.41 of the Code of Virginia provides definitions of the following terms and phrases as used in this chapter:

"Common elements"

"Identifying number"

"Common expenses"



"Leasehold condominium"

"Condominium instruments"

"Limited common element"

"Condominium unit"

"Nonbinding reservation agreement"

"Conversion condominium"


"Convertible land"


"Convertible space"



"Special declarant rights"

"Dispose" or "disposition"


"Executive organ"

"Unit owner"

"Expandable condominium"

C. The following words, terms, and phrases [ , ] when used in this chapter [ , ] shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.

"Annual report" means a completed, board-prescribed form and required documentation submitted in compliance with § 55-79.93 of the Code of Virginia.

"Application" means a completed, board-prescribed form submitted with the appropriate fee and other required documentation in compliance with § 55-79.89 of the Code of Virginia.

"Class of physical assets" means two or more physical assets that are substantially alike in function, manufacture, date of construction or installation, and history of use and maintenance.

"Condominium Act" means Chapter 4.2 (§ 55-79.39 et seq.) of Title 55 of the Code of Virginia.

"Department" means the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation.

"Expected useful life" means the estimated number of years from the date on which such estimate is made until the date when, because of the effects of time, weather, stress, or wear, a physical asset will become incapable of performing its intended function and will have to be replaced.

"Firm" means a sole proprietorship, association, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or any other form of business organization recognized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

"Full and fair disclosure" means the degree of disclosure necessary to ensure reasonably complete and materially accurate representation of the condominium in order to protect the interests of purchasers.

"Limited common expense" means any common expense against one or more, but less than all, of the units.

"Major utility installation" means a utility installation or portion thereof that is a common element or serves more than one unit.

"Material change" means a change in any information or document disclosed in the application for registration, including the public offering statement or an attachment thereto, that renders inaccurate, incomplete, or misleading any information or document in such a way as to affect substantially a purchaser's rights or obligations or the nature of a unit or appurtenant limited common element or the amenities of the project available for the purchaser's use as described in the public offering statement.

"Offering" means the continuing act of the declarant in making condominium units owned by the declarant within a particular condominium available for acquisition by purchasers or, where appropriate, to the aggregate of the condominium units thus made available.

"Offering literature" means any written promise, assertion, representation, or statement of fact or opinion made in connection with a condominium marketing activity mailed or delivered directly to a specific prospective purchaser, except that information printed in a publication shall not be deemed offering literature solely by virtue of the fact that the publication is mailed or delivered directly to a prospective purchaser.

"Personal communication" means a communication directed to a particular prospective purchaser that has not been and is not intended to be directed to any other prospective purchaser.

"Physical asset" means either a structural component or a major utility installation.

"Present condition" means condition as of the date of the inspection by means of which condition is determined.

"Registration file" means the application for registration, supporting materials, annual reports, and amendments that constitute all information submitted and reviewed pertaining to a particular condominium registration. A document that has not been accepted for filing by the board is not part of the registration file.

"Regular common expense" means a common expense apportioned among and assessed to all of the condominium units pursuant to subsection D of § 55-79.83 of the Code of Virginia or similar law or condominium instrument provision.

"Replacement cost" means the expenditure that would be necessary to replace a physical asset with an identical or substantially equivalent physical asset as of the date on which replacement cost is determined and includes all costs of (i) removing the physical asset to be replaced, (ii) obtaining its replacement, and (iii) erecting or installing the replacement.

"Structural component" means a component constituting any portion of the structure of a unit or common element.

"Structural defect" shall have the meaning given in subsection B of § 55-79.79 of the Code of Virginia.

"Substituted public offering statement" means a document originally prepared in compliance with the laws of another jurisdiction and modified in accordance with the provisions of this chapter to fulfill the disclosure requirements established for public offering statements by subsection A of § 55-79.90 of the Code of Virginia and, if applicable, subsection A of § 55-79.94 of the Code of Virginia.

18VAC48-30-30. Explanation of terms.

Each reference in this chapter to a "declarant," "purchaser," and "unit owner" or to the plural of those terms shall be deemed to refer, as appropriate, to the masculine and the feminine, to the singular and the plural, and to natural persons and organizations. The term "declarant" shall refer to any successors to the persons referred to in § 55-79.41 of the Code of Virginia who come to stand in the same relation to the condominium as their predecessors in that they assumed rights reserved for the benefit of a declarant that (i) offers to dispose of his interest in a condominium unit not previously disposed of, (ii) reserves or succeeds to any special declarant right, or (iii) applies for registration of the condominium.

18VAC48-30-40. Condominiums located outside of Virginia.

A. In any case involving a condominium located outside of Virginia in which the laws or practices of the jurisdiction in which such condominium is located prevent compliance with a provision of this chapter, the board shall prescribe, by order, a substitute provision to be applicable in such case that is as nearly equivalent to the original provision as is reasonable under the circumstances.

B. The words "declaration," "bylaws," "plats," and "plans," when used in this chapter with reference to a condominium located outside of Virginia, shall refer to documents, portions of documents, or combinations thereof, by whatever name denominated, that have a content and function identical or substantially equivalent to the content and function of their Virginia counterparts.

C. The words "recording" or "recordation," when used with reference to condominium instruments of a condominium located outside of Virginia, shall refer to a procedure that, in the jurisdiction in which such condominium is located, causes the condominium instruments to become legally effective.

D. This chapter shall apply to a contract for the disposition of a condominium unit located outside of Virginia only to the extent permissible under the provisions of subsection B of § 55-79.40 of the Code of Virginia.

18VAC48-30-50. Exemptions from registration.

A. The exemption from registration of condominiums in which all units are restricted to nonresidential use provided in subsection B of § 55-79.87 of the Code of Virginia shall not be deemed to apply to any condominium as to which there is a substantial possibility that a unit therein other than a unit owned by the declarant or the unit owners' association will be used as permanent or temporary living quarters or as a site upon which vehicular or other portable living quarters will be placed and occupied. Residential use for the purposes of this chapter includes transient occupancy.

B. Nothing in this chapter shall apply in the case of a condominium exempted from registration by § 55-79.87 of the Code of Virginia or condominiums located outside of Virginia as provided in subsection B of § 55-79.40 of the Code of Virginia for which no contracts are to be signed in Virginia.

18VAC48-30-60. Preregistration offers prohibited.

No condominium marketing activity shall be deemed an offer unless, by its express terms, it induces, solicits, or encourages a prospective purchaser to execute a contract of sale of the condominium unit or lease of a leasehold condominium unit or perform some other act that would create or purport to create a legal or equitable interest in the condominium unit other than a security interest in or a nonbinding reservation of the condominium unit.

Part II

18VAC48-30-70. Condominium marketing activities.

Condominium marketing activities shall include every contact for the purpose of promoting disposition of a condominium unit. Such contacts may be personal, by telephone, by mail, [ by electronic means including, but not limited to, social media, ] or by advertisement. A promise, assertion, representation, or statement of fact or opinion made in connection with a condominium marketing activity may be oral, written, or graphic.

18VAC48-30-80. Offering literature.

A. Offering literature mailed or delivered prior to the registration of the condominium that is the subject of the offering literature shall bear a conspicuous legend containing the substance of the following language:

"The condominium has not been registered by the Common Interest Community Board. A condominium unit may be reserved on a nonbinding reservation agreement, but no contract of sale or lease may be entered into prior to registration."

B. Offering literature or marketing activities violative of the Virginia Fair Housing Law (§ 36-96.1 et seq. of the Code of Virginia) and subsection C of § 55-79.52 of the Code of Virginia is prohibited.

C. Offering literature shall indicate that the property being offered is under the condominium form of ownership. The requirement of this subsection is satisfied by including the full name of the condominium in all offering literature.

Part III
Application for Registration

18VAC48-30-90. Application procedures.

A declarant seeking registration of a condominium pursuant to Chapter 4.2 (§ 55-79.39 et seq.) of Title 55 of the Code of Virginia shall submit an application on the appropriate form provided by the board, along with the appropriate fee specified in 18VAC48-30-100.

By submitting the application to the board, the declarant certifies that the declarant has read and understands the applicable statutes and the board's regulations.

The receipt of an application and the deposit of fees by the board do not indicate approval or acceptance of the application by the board.

The board may make further inquiries and investigations to confirm or amplify information supplied. All applications shall be completed in accordance with the instructions contained in this section and on the application. Applications will not be considered complete until all required documents are received by the board.

Applications that are not approved within 12 months after receipt of the application in the board's office will be purged and a new application and fee must be submitted in order to be reconsidered for registration.

18VAC48-30-100. Fee requirements.

All fees are nonrefundable and shall not be prorated. The date on which the fee is received by the board or its agent will determine whether the fee is timely. Checks or money orders shall be made payable to the Treasurer of Virginia.

1. Each application for registration of a condominium shall be accompanied by a fee in an amount equal to $35 per unit, except that the fee shall not be less than $1,750 or more than $3,500.

2. Each phase filing application shall be accompanied by a fee in an amount equal to $35 per unit, except that the fee for each phase filing shall not be less than $875 or more than $3,500.

18VAC48-30-110. Review of application for registration.

A. Upon receipt of an application for registration, the board shall issue the notice of filing required by subsection A of § 55-79.92 of the Code of Virginia.

B. Upon the review of the application for registration, if the requirements of §§ 55-79.89 and 55-79.91 of the Code of Virginia have not been met, the board shall notify the applicant as required by subsection C of § 55-79.92 of the Code of Virginia.

C. A request for an extension of the 60-day application review period described in § 55-79.92 of the Code of Virginia shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the board prior to the expiration of the period being extended. The request shall be for an extension of definite duration. The board may grant in writing a request for an extension of the application review period, and it may limit the extension to a period not longer than is reasonably necessary to permit correction of the application. An additional extension of the application review period may be obtained, subject to the conditions applicable to the initial request. A request for an extension of the application review period shall be deemed a consent to delay within the meaning of subsection A of § 55-79.92 of the Code of Virginia.

D. If the requirements for registration are not met within the application review period or a valid extension thereof, the board shall, upon the expiration of such period, enter an order rejecting the registration as required by subsection C of § 55-79.92 of the Code of Virginia.

E. An applicant may submit a written request for an informal conference in accordance with § 2.2-4019 of the Code of Virginia at any time between receipt of a notification pursuant to subsection B of this section and the effective date of the order of rejection entered pursuant to subsection D of this section. A request for such proceeding shall be deemed a consent to delay within the meaning of subsection A of § 55-79.92 of the Code of Virginia.

F. The board shall receive and act upon corrections to the application for registration at any time prior to the effective date of an order rejecting the registration. If the board determines after review of the corrections that the requirements for registration have not been met, the board may proceed with an informal conference in accordance with § 2.2-4019 of the Code of Virginia to allow reconsideration of whether the requirements for registration are met. If the board does not opt to proceed with an informal conference, the applicant may submit a written request for an informal conference in accordance with § 2.2-4019 of the Code of Virginia to reconsider whether the requirements for registration are met. If the board does not proceed with an informal conference and no request for an informal conference is received from the applicant, an amended order of rejection stating the factual basis for the rejection shall be issued. A new 20-day period for the order of rejection to become effective shall commence.

G. At such time as the board affirmatively determines that the requirements of §§ 55-79.89 and 55-79.91 of the Code of Virginia have been met, the board shall enter an order registering the condominium and shall designate the form, content, and effective date of the public offering statement, substituted public offering statement, or prospectus to be used.

18VAC48-30-120. Prerequisites for registration.

The following provisions are prerequisites for registration and are supplementary to the provisions of § 55-79.91 of the Code of Virginia.

A. The declarant shall own or have the right to acquire an estate in the land constituting or to constitute the condominium that is of at least as great a degree and duration as the estate to be conveyed in the condominium units.

B. The condominium instruments must be adequate to bring a condominium into existence upon recordation except that the certification requirements of § 55-79.58 of the Code of Virginia need not be complied with as a prerequisite for registration. This subsection does not apply to condominium instruments that may be recorded after the condominium has been created.

C. The declarant shall have filed with the board reasonable evidence of its financial ability to complete all proposed improvements on the condominium. Such evidence may include (i) financial statements and a signed affidavit attesting that the declarant has sufficient funds to complete all proposed improvements on the condominium and that the funds will be used for completion of the proposed improvements or (ii) proof of a commitment of an institutional lender to advance construction funds to the declarant and, to the extent that any such commitments will not furnish all the necessary funds, other evidence, satisfactory to the board, of the availability to the declarant of necessary funds. A lender's commitment may be subject to such conditions, including registration of the condominium units and presale requirements, as are normal for loans of the type and as to which nothing appears to indicate that the conditions will not be complied with or fulfilled.

1. In the case of a condominium located in Virginia, "proposed improvements" are improvements that are not yet begun or not yet complete and that the declarant is affirmatively and unconditionally obligated to complete under §§ 55-79.58 and 55-79.67 (a1) of the Code of Virginia and applicable provisions of the condominium instruments or that the declarant would be so obligated to complete if plats and plans filed with the board in accordance with 18VAC48-30-140 A were recorded.

2. In the case of a condominium located outside of Virginia, "proposed improvements" are improvements that are not yet begun or not yet complete and that the declarant represents, without condition or limitation, will be built or placed in the condominium.

D. The current and planned condominium marketing activities of the declarant shall comply with § 18.2-216 of the Code of Virginia, 18VAC48-30-80, and 18VAC48-30-660.

E. The declarant shall have filed with the board (i) a proposed public offering statement that complies with this chapter and subsection A of § 55-79.90 of the Code of Virginia and, if applicable, subsection A of § 55-79.94 of the Code of Virginia; (ii) a substituted public offering statement that complies with this chapter; or (iii) a prospectus that complies with this chapter.

F. Declarants may be organized as individuals or firms. Firms shall be organized as business entities under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia or otherwise authorized to transact business in Virginia. Firms shall register any trade or fictitious names with the State Corporation Commission or the clerk of court in the jurisdiction where the business is to be conducted in accordance with §§ 59.1-69 through 59.1-76 of the Code of Virginia before submitting an application to the board.

18VAC48-30-130. Minimum requirements for registration.

Applications for registration shall include the following:

1. The documents and information contained in § 55-79.89 of the Code of Virginia.

2. The application fee specified in 18VAC48-30-100.

3. The following documents shall be included as exhibits. All exhibits shall be labeled as indicated and submitted in hardcopy form and electronically in a format acceptable to the board.

a. Exhibit A: A copy of the certificate of incorporation or certificate of authority to transact business in Virginia issued by the Virginia State Corporation Commission or other entity formation documents.

b. Exhibit B: A copy of the title opinion, title policy, or a statement of the condition of the title to the condominium project including encumbrances as of a specified date within 30 days of the date of application by a title company or licensed attorney who is not a salaried employee, officer, or director of the declarant or owner, in accordance with subdivision A 5 of § 55-79.89 of the Code of Virginia.

c. Exhibit C: A copy of the instruments that will be delivered to a purchaser to evidence the purchaser's interest in the unit and of the contracts and other agreements that a purchaser will be required to agree to or sign.

d. Exhibit D: A narrative description of the promotional plan for the disposition of the condominium units.

e. Exhibit E: A copy of documentation demonstrating the declarant's financial ability to complete the project in accordance with [ 18VAC48-30-140 18VAC48-30-120 ].

f. Exhibit F: A copy of the proposed public offering statement that complies with subsection A of § 55-79.90 and subsection A of § 55-79.94 of the Code of Virginia, as applicable, and this chapter. A substitute public offering statement or a prospectus pursuant to 18VAC48-30-370 and 18VAC48-30-380 respectively may be submitted for a condominium formed in another jurisdiction.

g. Exhibit G: Copies of bonds required by §§ 55-79.58:1, 55.79.84:1, and 55-79.95 of the Code of Virginia, as applicable.

h. Exhibit H: A list with the name of every officer of the declarant who is directly responsible for the project or person occupying a similar status within, or performing similar functions for, the declarant. The list must include each individual's address, principal occupation for the past five years, and extent and nature of the individual's interest in the condominium as of a specified date within 30 days of the filing of the application.

i. Exhibit I: Plats and plans of the condominium that (i) comply with the provisions of § 55-79.58 of the Code of Virginia and 18VAC48-30-140 other than the certification requirements and (ii) show all units and buildings containing units to be built anywhere within the submitted land other than within the boundaries of any convertible lands. Hardcopy submittals of plats and plans must be no larger than 11 inches by 17 inches.

j. Exhibit J: Conversion condominiums must attach (i) a copy of the general notice provided to tenants of the condominium at the time of application pursuant to subsection B of § 55-79.94 of the Code of Virginia, (ii) a copy of the formal notice to be sent at the time of registration to the tenants, if any, of the building or buildings, and (iii) the certified statement required in accordance with subsection C of § 55-79.94 of the Code of Virginia.

18VAC48-30-140. Requirements for plats and plans.

A. Except as provided in subsection C of this section, all plats and plans submitted with the application for registration shall comply with § 55-79.58 of the Code of Virginia but the certification need not be signed until recordation. The plats and plans filed with the application for registration shall be the same as the plats and plans the declarant intends to record. A material change to the plats and plans shall be submitted to the board in accordance with Part VI (18VAC48-30-460 et seq.) of this chapter. Once recorded, copies of plats and plans as recorded shall be filed with the board in accordance with Part VI of this chapter.

B. In the case of units that are substantially identical, the requirement to show the location and dimensions (within normal construction tolerances) of the boundaries of each unit pursuant to subsection B of § 55-79.58 of the Code of Virginia may be deemed satisfied by depiction of the location and dimensions of the vertical boundaries and horizontal boundaries, if any, of one such unit. The identifying numbers of all units represented by such depiction shall be indicated. Each structure within which any such units are located shall be depicted so as to indicate the exact location of each such unit within the structure.

C. In the case of a condominium located outside Virginia, certain materials may be filed with the application for registration in lieu of plats and plans complying with the provisions of § 55-79.58 of the Code of Virginia. Such materials shall contain, as a minimum, (i) a plat of survey depicting all existing improvements, and all improvements that the declarant represents, without condition or limitation, will be built or placed in the condominium; and (ii) legally sufficient descriptions of each unit. Any improvements whose completion is subject to conditions or limitations shall be appropriately labeled to indicate that such improvements may not be completed. Unit descriptions may be written or graphic, shall demarcate each unit vertically and, if appropriate, horizontally, and shall indicate each unit's location relative to established points or datum.

D. The plats and plans must bear the form of the certification statement required by subsections A and B § 55-79.58 of the Code of Virginia. However, as stated in subsection A of this section, the statement need not be executed prior to recordation. The certification statement may appear in a separate document that is recorded, or to be recorded.

18VAC48-30-150. Application for registration of expandable condominium.

The declarant may include in the application for registration all units for which development rights have been reserved.

Part IV
Public Offering Statement

18VAC48-30-160. Public offering statement requirements, generally.

In addition to the provisions of § 55-79.90 of the Code of Virginia, the following will be considered, as applicable, during review of the public offering statement.

1. The public offering statement shall provide full and fair disclosure in accordance with 18VAC48-30-170.

2. The public offering statement shall pertain to a single offering and to the entire condominium in which the condominium units being offered are located.

3. The public offering statement shall be clear, organized, and legible.

4. Except for brief excerpts, the public offering statement may refer to, but should not incorporate verbatim, portions of the condominium instruments, the Condominium Act, or this chapter. This does not preclude compliance with 18VAC48-30-180.

18VAC48-30-170. Full and fair disclosure.

A. The provisions of § 55-79.90 and subsection A of § 55-79.94 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter shall be strictly construed to promote full and fair disclosure in the public offering statement. In addition, the following will be considered, as applicable, during review to assure full and fair disclosure:

1. The information shall be presented in a manner that is clear and understandable to a reasonably informed consumer, while maintaining consistency with the requirements of this chapter and the Condominium Act.

2. In addition to specific information required by this chapter and the Condominium Act, the public offering statement shall disclose any other information necessary for full and fair disclosure.

3. No information shall be incorporated by reference to an outside source that is not reasonably available to a prospective purchaser.

4. If required information is not known or not reasonably available, such fact shall be stated and explained in the public offering statement.

B. The board has the sole discretion to require additional information or amendment of existing information as it finds necessary to ensure full and fair disclosure.

18VAC48-30-180. Contents of public offering statement.

A. A cover, if used, must be blank or bear identification information only.

B. The first page of the public offering statement shall be substantially as follows:









THE PURCHASER SHOULD READ THIS DOCUMENT FOR THE PURCHASER'S OWN PROTECTION. Living in a common interest community carries with it certain rights, responsibilities, and benefits, including certain financial obligations, rights, and restrictions concerning the use and maintenance of units and common elements, and [ decisionmaking decision-making ] authority vested in the unit owners' association. The purchaser will be bound by the provisions of the condominium instruments and should review the Public Offering Statement, the condominium instruments, and other exhibits carefully prior to purchase.

This Public Offering Statement presents information regarding condominium units being offered for sale by the declarant. Virginia law requires that a Public Offering Statement be given to every Purchaser in order to provide full and fair disclosure of the significant features of the condominium units being offered. The Public Offering Statement is not intended, however, to be all-inclusive. The Purchaser should consult other sources for details not covered by the Public Offering Statement.

The Public Offering Statement summarizes information and documents furnished by the declarant to the Virginia Common Interest Community Board. The Board has carefully reviewed the Public Offering Statement to ensure that it contains required disclosures, but the Board does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the Public Offering Statement. In the event of any inconsistency between the Public Offering Statement and the material it is intended to summarize, the latter will control.

Under Virginia law a purchaser of a condominium unit is afforded a [ 10-day 5-day ] period during which the purchaser may cancel the purchase contract of sale and obtain a full refund of any sums deposited in connection with the purchase contract. The [ 10-day 5-day ] period begins on the purchase contract date or the date of delivery of a Public Offering Statement, whichever is later. The purchaser may, if practicable, inspect the condominium unit and the common elements and obtain professional advice. If the purchaser elects to cancel, the purchaser must deliver notice of cancellation to the declarant pursuant to § 55-79.88 of the Code of Virginia.

Allegations of violation of any law or regulation contained in the Condominium Act or the Condominium Regulations should be reported to the Virginia Common Interest Community Board, Perimeter Center, Suite 400, 9960 Mayland Drive, Richmond, Virginia 23233.

C. A summary of important considerations shall immediately follow the first page for the purpose of reinforcing the disclosure of significant information. The summary shall be titled as such and shall be introduced by the following statement:

"Following are important matters to be considered in acquiring a condominium unit. They are highlights only. The Public Offering Statement should be examined in its entirety to obtain detailed information."

Appropriate modifications shall be made to reflect facts and circumstances that may vary. The summary shall consist of, but not be limited to, the following, as applicable:

1. A statement on the governance of the condominium wherein unit owners are allocated votes for certain decisions of the association. In addition, the statement shall include that all unit owners will be bound by the decisions made by the association, even if the individual unit owner disagrees.

2. A statement concerning the decision-making authority of the executive organ of the unit owners' association.

3. A statement regarding the payment of expenses of the association on the basis of a periodic budget, to include a disclosure of any provision for reserves, including a statement if there are no reserves.

4. A statement detailing the requirement for each unit owner to pay a periodic assessment and the inability to reduce the amount of an assessment by refraining from the use of the common elements.

5. A statement of the unit owner's responsibility to pay additional assessments, if any.

6. A statement regarding the consequences for failure to pay an assessment when due. The statement shall include reference to the enforcement mechanisms available to the association, including obtaining a lien against the condominium unit, pursuing civil action against the unit owner, and certain other penalties.

7. A statement that the declarant must pay assessments on unsold condominium units.

8. A statement indicating whether the declarant, its predecessors, or principal officer have undergone a debtor's relief proceeding.

9. A statement that the declarant will retain control of the unit owners' association for an initial period.

10. A statement indicating whether a managing agent will perform the routine operations of the unit owners' association. The statement shall include whether the managing agent is related to the declarant, director, or officer of the unit owners' association.

11. A statement indicating whether the declarant may lease unsold condominium units and a statement indicating whether the right of a unit owner to lease that owner's unit to another is subject to restrictions.

12. A statement indicating whether the declarant may expand or contract the condominium or convert convertible land or space without the consent of any unit owner.

13. A statement indicating whether the right of the unit owner to resell the owner's condominium unit is subject to restrictions.

14. A statement indicating whether the units are restricted to residential use and whether the units may be utilized for commercial, retail, or professional use. The statement shall provide detail if units have different voting rights. Further, the statement shall also detail whether the allocation of rights and responsibilities among commercial, retail, professional, or residential use units are the same.

15. A statement indicating whether approval of the declarant or unit owners' association is necessary in order for a unit owner to alter the structure of the unit or modify the exterior of the unit.

16. A statement regarding the obligation of the unit owners' association to obtain certain insurance benefiting the unit owner, along with the necessity for a unit owner to obtain other insurance.

17. A statement regarding the unit owner's obligation to pay real estate taxes.

18. A statement regarding any limits the declarant asserts on the association or the unit owner's right to bring legal action against the declarant. Nothing in this statement shall be deemed to authorize such limits where those limits are otherwise prohibited by law.

19. A statement that the association or unit owners are members of another association or obligated to perform duties or pay fees or charges to that association or entity.

20. A statement indicating whether the condominium is subject to development as a time-share.

21. A statement affirming that marketing and sale of condominium units will be conducted in accordance with the Virginia Fair Housing Law (§ 36-96.1 et seq. of the Code of Virginia) and the Condominium Act (Chapter 4.2 (§ 55-79.39 et seq.) of Title 55 of the Code of Virginia).

D. The content after the summary of important considerations shall include the narrative sections in 18VAC48-30-190 through 18VAC48-30-360. Supplementary sections may be included as necessary.

E. Clear and legible copies of the following documents shall be attached as exhibits to the public offering statement:

1.The declaration;

2. The bylaws;

3. The projected budget;

4. Rules and regulations of the unit owners' association, if available;

5. Master association documents, if applicable;

6. Any management contract, along with the license number of the common interest community manager, if applicable;

7. Depiction of unit layouts;

8. Any lease of recreational areas;

9. Any contract or agreement affecting the use, maintenance, or access of all or any portion of the condominium, the nature, duration, or expense of which has a material impact on the operation and administration of the condominium;

10. Warranty information, if applicable; and

11. Other documents obligating the association or unit owner to perform duties or obligations or pay charges or fees.

F. Other information and documentation may be included as necessary to ensure full and fair disclosure. The board may also require additional information as necessary to ensure full and fair disclosure.

18VAC48-30-190. Narrative sections; condominium concept.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "The Condominium Concept." The section shall consist of a brief discussion of the condominium form of ownership. The section shall discuss the distinction among units, common elements and limited common elements, if any, and shall explain ownership of an undivided interest in the common elements. Attention shall be directed to any features of ownership of the condominium units being offered that are different from typical condominium unit ownership.

18VAC48-30-200. Narrative sections; creation of condominium.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Creation of the Condominium." The section shall briefly explain the manner in which the condominium was or will be created, the locality wherein the condominium instruments will be or have been recorded, and each of the condominium instruments, their functions, and the procedure for their amendment. The section shall indicate where each of the condominium instruments or copies thereof may be found. In the case of a condominium located in Virginia or in a jurisdiction having a law similar to § 55-79.96 of the Code of Virginia, the section shall indicate that the purchaser will receive copies of the recorded declaration and bylaws, including amendments, as appropriate, within the time provided in the applicable statute.

18VAC48-30-210. Narrative sections; description of condominium.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Description of the Condominium." The description shall include statements of (i) the land area of the condominium to include either the square footage or the acreage, (ii) the number of units in the condominium, (iii) the number of units in the offering, (iv) the number of units in the condominium planned to be rented, and (v) the percentage of units the declarant intends to sell to persons who do not intend to occupy the units as their primary residence.

B. If the condominium is contractable, expandable, or includes convertible land or space, the section shall contain a brief description of each such feature, including the land area to include either the square footage or acreage, and the maximum number of units or maximum number of units per acre that may be added, withdrawn, or converted, as applicable, together with a statement of the declarant's plans for the implementation of each such feature. In the case of a contractable or expandable condominium, the section shall contain the substance of the following statement:

"At the declarant's option, the construction and development of the condominium may be abandoned or altered prior to completion, and land or buildings originally intended for condominium development may be put to other uses or sold."

In the case of a condominium including convertible land, the section shall contain the substance of the following statements:

"Until such time as the declarant converts the convertible land into units or limited common elements, the declarant is required by the Virginia Condominium Act to pay for the upkeep of the convertible land. Once the convertible land has been converted, maintenance and other financial responsibilities associated with the land so designated become the responsibility of the unit owners and, therefore, may be reflected in the periodic assessment for the condominium."

If the common expense assessments are expected to increase should convertible land be converted, this section shall also disclose an estimate of the approximate percentage by which such assessments are expected to increase as a result of such conversion.

C. The section shall state whether the units are restricted solely to residential use and shall identify where use and occupancy restrictions are found in the condominium instruments. If nonresidential use is permitted, the section shall identify the types of units and proportion of each, if known or reasonably anticipated.

D. The section shall state whether the project, as of the effective date of the public offering statement, is intended to comply with the underwriting guidelines of the secondary mortgage market agencies, including but not limited to the Federal National Mortgage Association, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, and the Virginia Housing Development Authority.

18VAC48-30-220. Narrative section; individual units.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Individual Units." The section shall contain a general description of the various types of units being offered to include the square footage, or number of bedrooms, or both, together with the dates on which substantial completion of unfinished units is anticipated. The section shall state any restrictions regarding changes unit owners may make to the structure or exterior of the units, regardless of whether the exterior is a portion of the common elements.

18VAC48-30-230. Narrative sections; common elements.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Common Elements." The section shall contain a general description of the common elements.

B. For any common elements that are not completed or not expected to be substantially complete when the units are complete, a statement of the anticipated completion dates of unfinished common elements shall be included.

C. In the case of a [ condominum condominium ] located in Virginia, if common elements are not expected to be substantially complete when the units are completed, the section shall state the nature, source, and extent of the obligation to complete such common elements that the declarant has incurred or intends to incur upon recordation of the condominium instruments pursuant to §§ 55-79.58 A and 55-79.67 (a1) of the Code of Virginia and applicable provisions of the condominium instruments. In addition the section shall state that pursuant to § 55-79.58:1 of the Code of Virginia, the declarant has filed with the board a bond to insure completion of improvements to the common elements that the declarant is obligated as stated in the declaration.

D. In the case of a condominium located outside of Virginia, a description of the nature, source, and extent of the obligation to complete such common elements that the declarant has incurred or intends to incur under the law of the jurisdiction in which the condominium is located shall be included.

E. The section shall describe any limited common elements that are assigned or that may be assigned and shall indicate the reservation of exclusive use. In the case of limited common elements that may be assigned, the section shall state the manner of such assignment or reassignment.

F. The section shall indicate the availability of vehicular parking spaces including the number of spaces available per unit and restrictions on or charges for the use of spaces.

18VAC48-30-240. Narrative sections; maintenance, repair, and replacement responsibilities.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Maintenance, Repair, and Replacement Responsibilities." The section shall describe the basic allocation of maintenance, repair, and replacement responsibilities between the unit owner and the association as well as any unusual items to be maintained by the unit owner. The section shall refer to the location of the maintenance, repair, and replacement responsibility requirements in the condominium instruments.

18VAC48-30-250. Narrative sections; declarant.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "The Declarant." The section shall contain a brief history of the declarant with emphasis on its experience in condominium development.

B. The following information shall be stated with regard to persons immediately responsible for the development of the condominium: (i) name, (ii) length of time associated with the declarant, (iii) role in the development of the condominium, and (iv) experience in real estate development. If different from the persons immediately responsible for the development of the condominium, the principal officers of the declarant shall also be identified.

C. The section shall describe the type of legal entity of the declarant and explain if any other entities have any obligation to satisfy the financial obligations of the declarant.

D. If the declarant or its parent or predecessor organization has, during the preceding 10 years, been adjudicated [ a as ] bankrupt or has undergone any proceeding for the relief of debtors, such fact or facts shall be stated. If any of the persons identified pursuant to subsection B of this section has, during the preceding three years, been adjudicated a bankrupt or undergone any proceeding for the relief of debtors, such fact or facts shall be stated.

E. The section shall indicate any final action taken against the declarant, its principals, or the condominium by an administrative agency, civil court, or criminal court where the action reflected adversely upon the performance of the declarant as a developer of real estate projects. The section shall also indicate any current or past proceedings brought against the declarant by any condominium unit owners' association or by its executive organ or any managing agent on behalf of such association or that has been certified as a class action on behalf of some or all of the unit owners. For the purposes of the previous sentence with respect to past proceedings, if the ultimate disposition of those proceedings was one that reflected adversely upon the performance of the declarant, that disposition shall be disclosed. If the ultimate disposition was resolved favorably towards the declarant, its principals, or the condominium, the final action does not need to be disclosed. The board has the sole discretion to require additional disclosure of any proceedings where it finds such disclosure necessary to assure full and fair disclosure.

18VAC48-30-260. Narrative sections; terms of the offering.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Terms of the Offering." The section shall discuss the expenses to be borne by a purchaser in acquiring a condominium unit and present information regarding the settlement of purchase contracts as provided in subsections B through H of this section.

B. The section shall indicate the offering prices for condominium units or a price range for condominium units, if either is established.

C. The section shall set forth the significant terms of any financing offered by or through the declarant to purchasers. Such discussion shall include the substance of the following statement:

"Financing is subject to additional terms and conditions stated in the loan commitment or instruments."

D. The section shall discuss in detail any costs collected by or paid to the declarant, association, or master association that are not normal for residential real estate transactions including, without limitation, any contribution to the initial or working capital of the unit owners' association, including any master association, to be paid by a purchaser.

E. The section shall discuss any penalties or forfeitures to be incurred by a purchaser upon default in performance of a purchase contract that are not normal for residential real estate transactions. Penalties or forfeitures to be discussed include, without limitation, the declarant's right to retain sums deposited in connection with a purchase contract in the event of a refusal by a lending institution to provide financing to a purchaser who has made proper application for same.

F. The section shall discuss the right of the declarant to cancel a purchase contract upon failure of the declarant to obtain purchase contracts on a given number or percentage of condominium units being offered or upon failure of the declarant to meet other conditions precedent to obtaining necessary financing.

G. The section shall discuss the process for cancellation of a purchase contract by a purchaser in accordance with subdivision 2 of § 55-79.88 of the Code of Virginia. The section shall include a statement as to whether deposits will be held in an escrow fund or if a bond or letter of credit will be filed with the board in lieu of escrowing deposits, all in accordance with § 55-79.95 of the Code of Virginia.

H. The section shall set forth any restrictions in the purchase contract that limit the unit owner's right to bring legal action against the declarant or the association. The section shall set forth the paragraph or section and page number of the purchase contract where such provision is located. Nothing in this statement shall be deemed to authorize such limits where those limits are otherwise prohibited by law.

18VAC48-30-270. Narrative sections; encumbrances.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Encumbrances" that shall include the significant terms of any encumbrances, easements, liens, and matters of title affecting the condominium other than those contained in the condominium instruments and disclosed elsewhere in the public offering statement, as provided in subsections B through J of this section.

B. Except to the extent that such encumbrances are required to be satisfied or released by subsection A of § 55-79.46 of the Code of Virginia, or a similar law, the section shall describe every mortgage, deed of trust, other perfected lien, or choate mechanics or materialmen's lien affecting all or any portion of the condominium other than those placed on condominium units by their purchasers or owners. Such description shall (i) identify the lender secured or the lienholder, (ii) state the nature and original amount of the obligation secured, (iii) identify the party having primary responsibility for performance of the obligation secured, and (iv) indicate the practical effect upon unit owners of failure of the party to perform the obligation.

C. Normal easements for utilities, municipal rights-of-way, and emergency access shall be described only as such, without reference to ownership, location, or other details.

D. Easements reserved to the declarant to facilitate conversion, expansion, or sales shall be briefly described.

E. Easements reserved to the declarant or to the unit owners' association or to either entity's representatives or agents for access to units shall be briefly described. In the event that access to a unit may be had without notice to the unit owner, such fact shall be stated.

F. Easements across the condominium reserved to the owners or occupants of land located in the vicinity of the condominium, or across adjacent land benefitting the condominium including, without limitation, easements for the use of recreational areas shall be briefly described.

G. Covenants, servitudes, or other devices that create an actual restriction on the right of any unit owner to use and enjoy the unit or any portion of the common elements other than limited common elements shall be briefly described.

H. Any matter of title that is not otherwise required to be disclosed by the provisions of this section and that has or may have a substantial adverse impact upon unit owners' interests in the condominium shall be described. Under normal circumstances, normal and customary utility easements, easements for encroachments, and easements running in favor of unit owners for ingress and egress across the common elements shall be deemed not to have a substantial adverse impact upon unit owners' interest in the condominium.

I. The section need not include any information required to be disclosed by 18VAC48-30-210 C, 18VAC48-30-220, or 18VAC48-30-280.

J. In addition to the description of easements required in this section, pertinent easements that can be located shall be shown on the condominium plats and plans.

18VAC48-30-280. Narrative sections; restrictions on transfer.

The public offering statement shall include a section captioned "Restrictions on Transfer." The section shall describe and explain any rights of first refusal, preemptive rights, limitations on leasing, or other restraints on free alienability created by the condominium instruments or the rules and regulations of the unit owners' association that affect the unit owners' right to resell, lease, or otherwise transfer an interest in the condominium unit.

18VAC48-30-290. Narrative sections; unit owners' association.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Unit Owners' Association." The section shall discuss the manner in which the condominium is governed and administered and shall include the information required by subsections B through K of this section.

B. The section shall summarize the functions of the unit owners' association.

C. The section shall describe the organizational structure of the unit owners' association. Such description shall indicate (i) the existence of or provision for an executive organ, officers, and managing agent, if any; (ii) the relationships between such persons or bodies; (iii) the manner of election or appointment of such persons or bodies; and (iv) the assignment or delegation of responsibility for the performance of the functions of the unit owners' association.

D. The section shall describe the method of allocating votes among the unit owners.

E. The section shall describe any retention by the declarant of control over the unit owners' association, including the time period of declarant control. The section shall state that the association shall register with the Common Interest Community Board upon transition of declarant control by filing the required annual report in accordance with § 55-79.93:1 of the Code of Virginia.

F. The managing agent, if any, shall be identified. If a managing agent is to be employed in the future, the criteria, if any, for selection of the managing agent shall be briefly stated. The section shall indicate any relationship between the managing agent and the declarant or a member of the executive organ or an officer of the unit owners' association. The duration of any management agreement shall be stated.

G. Except to the extent otherwise disclosed in connection with discussion of a management agreement, the significant terms of any lease of recreational areas or similar contract or agreement affecting the use, maintenance, or access of all or any part of the condominium shall be stated. The section shall include a brief narrative statement of the effect of each such agreement upon a purchaser.

H. Rules and regulations of the unit owners' association and the authority to promulgate rules and regulations shall be discussed. Particular provisions of the rules and regulations need not be discussed except as required by other provisions of this chapter. The purchaser's attention shall be directed to the copy of rules and regulations, if any, attached to the public offering statement.

I. Any standing committees established or to be established to perform functions of the unit owners' association shall be discussed. Such committees include, without limitation, architectural control committees and committees having the authority to interpret condominium instruments, rules, and regulations or other operative provisions.

J. Unless required to be disclosed by 18VAC48-30-270 E, any power of the declarant or of the unit owners' association or its representatives or agents to enter units shall be discussed. To the extent each is applicable, the following facts shall be stated (i) a unit may be entered without notice to the unit owner, (ii) the declarant or the unit owners' association or its representatives or agents are empowered to take actions or perform work in a unit without the consent of the unit owner, and (iii) the unit owner may be required to bear the costs of actions so taken or work so performed.

K. The section shall state whether the condominium is part of a master or other association and briefly describe such relationship and the responsibilities of and obligations to the master association, including any charges for which the unit owner or the unit owners' association may be responsible. The disclosures required by this subsection may be contained in this narrative section or another narrative section. The section shall also describe any other obligation of the association or unit owners arising out of any agreements, easements, deed restrictions, or proffers, including the obligation to pay fees or other charges.

18VAC48-30-300. Narrative sections; display of flag.

The public offering statement shall include a section captioned "Display of Flag." This section shall describe any restrictions, limitations, or prohibitions on the right of a unit owner to display the flag of the United States in accordance with § 55-79.75:2 of the Code of Virginia.

18VAC48-30-310. Narrative sections; surrounding area.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Surrounding Area." The section shall briefly describe the zoning of the immediate neighborhood of the condominium and the current uses.

18VAC48-30-320. Narrative sections; financial matters.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Financial Matters." The section shall discuss the expenses incident to the ownership of a condominium unit, excluding certain taxes, in the manner provided in subsections B through I of this section.

B. The section shall distinguish, in general terms, the following categories of costs of operation, maintenance, repair, and replacement of various portions of the condominium: (i) common expenses apportioned among and assessed to all of the condominium units pursuant to subsection C of § 55-79.83 of the Code of Virginia or similar law or condominium instrument provision; (ii) common expenses, if any, apportioned among and assessed to less than all of the condominium units pursuant to subsections A and B of § 55-79.83 of the Code of Virginia or similar law or condominium instrument provisions; and (iii) costs borne directly by individual unit owners. The section need not discuss taxes assessed against individual condominium units and payable directly by the unit owners.

C. A budget shall show projected common expenses for the first year of the condominium's operation or, if different, the latest year for which a budget is available. The projected budget shall be attached to the public offering statement as an exhibit and the section shall direct the purchaser's attention to such exhibit. The section shall describe the manner in which the projected budget is established. If the condominium is phased, the budget shall project future years until all phases are projected to be developed and all common elements that must be built have been completed. The budget shall include an initial working capital budget showing sources and uses of initial working capital and a reserve table showing amounts to be collected to fund those reserves. The budget shall show regular individual assessments by unit type. The budget shall note that the figures are not guaranteed and may vary.

D. The section shall describe the manner in which regular common expenses are apportioned among and assessed to the condominium units. The section shall include the substance of the following statement, if applicable:

"A unit owner cannot obtain a reduction of the regular common expenses assessed against the unit by refraining from use of any of the common elements."

E. The section shall describe budget provisions for reserves for capital expenditures in accordance with § 55-79.83:1 of the Code of Virginia and for contingencies, if any. If there are no reserves, the section shall so state.

F. The section shall describe provisions for additional assessments to be levied in accordance with subsection E of § 55-79.83 of the Code of Virginia in the event that budgeted assessments provide insufficient funds for operation of the unit owners' association. The section shall also describe the provisions for an assessment against an individual unit owner.

G. The section shall discuss any common expenses actually planned to be specially assessed pursuant to subsections A and B of § 55-79.83 of the Code of Virginia or similar law or condominium instrument provisions.

H. The section shall indicate any fee, rent, or other charge to be payable by unit owners other than through common expense assessments to any party for use of the common elements or for use of recreational or parking facilities in the vicinity of the condominium. As an exception to the provisions of this subsection, the section need not discuss any fees provided for in subsection H of § 55-79.84 and § 55-79.85 of the Code of Virginia, or similar laws or condominium instrument provisions or any costs for certificates for resale.

I. The section shall discuss the effect of failure of a unit owner to pay the assessments levied against the condominium unit. Such discussion shall indicate provisions for charges or other remedies that may be imposed to be applied in the case of overdue assessments and for acceleration of unpaid assessments. The section shall indicate the existence of a lien for unpaid assessments and where applicable the bond or letter of credit conditioned on the payment of assessments filed with the board in accordance with § 55-79.84:1 of the Code of Virginia. The section shall include, to the extent applicable, the substance of the following statement:

"The unit owners' association may obtain payment of overdue assessments by bringing legal action against the unit owner or by foreclosure of the lien resulting in a forced sale of the condominium unit."

18VAC48-30-330. Narrative sections; insurance.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Insurance." The section shall describe generally the insurance on the condominium to be maintained by the unit owners' association. The section shall state, with respect to such insurance, each of the following circumstances, to the extent applicable: (i) property damage coverage will not insure personal property belonging to unit owners; (ii) property damage coverage will not insure improvements to a unit that increase its value beyond the limits of coverage provided in the unit owners' association's policy, and (iii) liability coverage will not insure against liability arising from an accident or injury occurring within a unit or as a result of the act or negligence of a unit owner. The section shall include a statement whether the unit owner is obligated to obtain coverage for any or all of the coverages described. The section shall also include a statement that the unit owner should consult with an insurance professional to determine the appropriate coverage.

B. The section shall indicate any conditions imposed by the condominium instruments or the rules and regulations to which insurance obtained directly by unit owners will be subject. Such indication may be made by reference to pertinent provisions of the condominium instruments or the rules and regulations.

C. The section shall explain that the association is the only party that can make a claim under the master policy and is the sole decision-maker as to whether to make a claim, including a statement as to the circumstances under which a unit owner could be responsible for payment of the deductible.

D. The section shall state that the unit owners' association is required to obtain and maintain a blanket fidelity bond or employee dishonesty insurance policy in accordance with subsection B of § 55-79.81 of the Code of Virginia.

18VAC48-30-340. Narrative sections; taxes.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Taxes." The section shall describe all existing or [ proposed pending ] taxes to be levied against condominium units individually including, without limitation, real property taxes, sewer connection charges, and other special assessments.

B. With respect to real property taxes, the section shall state the current tax rate or provide information for obtaining the current tax rate. The section shall also state a procedure or formula by means of which the taxes may be estimated.

C. With respect to other taxes, the section shall describe each tax in sufficient detail as to indicate the time at which the tax will be levied and the actual or estimated amount to be levied, or a procedure or formula by means of which the taxes may be estimated.

18VAC48-30-350. Narrative sections; governmental reviews.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Governmental Reviews." The section shall discuss governmental reviews applicable to the condominium property and the status of any governmental approvals required for the development of the condominium. In addition, the section shall discuss approval of the zoning application and site plan and issuance of building permits by appropriate governmental authorities. The section shall state the current zoning classification for the condominium property. The section shall also include a statement regarding any zoning, subdivision, or land use obligations or proffers that would be imposed on the unit owner or the association, but need not disclose any zoning, subdivision, or land use obligations or proffers that do not impose any obligation on the association.

18VAC48-30-360. Narrative sections; warranties.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Warranties." The section shall describe any warranties provided by or through the declarant on the units or the common elements and a summary of the process for commencement of an action for breach of warranty in accordance with subsection C of § 55-79.79 of the Code of Virginia. The section shall describe the structural defect warranty required by and described in subsection B of § 55-79.79 of the Code of Virginia. The section shall also include the substance of the following statement:

"Nothing contained in the warranty provided by the declarant shall limit the protection afforded by the statutory warranty."

18VAC48-30-370. Documents from other jurisdictions.

A. A substituted public offering statement shall only be permitted for a condominium located outside of Virginia.

B. The substituted public offering statement shall be prepared by deleting from the original disclosure document (i) references to any governmental agency of another jurisdiction to which application has been made or will be made for registration or related action; (ii) references to the action of such governmental agency relative to the condominium; (iii) statements of the legal effect in another jurisdiction of delivery, failure to deliver, acknowledgement of receipt, or related events involving the disclosure document; (iv) the effective date or dates in another jurisdiction of the disclosure document; and (v) all other information that is untrue, inaccurate, or misleading with respect to marketing, offers, or disposition of condominium units in Virginia.

C. The substituted public offering statement shall incorporate all information not otherwise included that is necessary to effect fully and accurately the disclosures required by subsection A of § 55-79.90 of the Code of Virginia and, if applicable, subsection A of § 55-79.94 of the Code of Virginia. The substituted disclosure document shall clearly explain any nomenclature that is different from the definitions provided in § 55-79.41 of the Code of Virginia.

D. The substituted public offering statement shall include as the first item of the summary of important considerations a statement that includes the following information: (i) the designation by which the original disclosure document is identified in the original jurisdiction, (ii) the governmental agency of such other jurisdiction where the original disclosure document is or will be filed, and (iii) the jurisdiction of such filing.

E. The provisions of subdivision 2 of § 55-79.88, § 55-79.90, and subsection A of § 55-79.94 of the Code of Virginia and 18VAC48-30-160, 18VAC48-30-170, and 18VAC48-30-180 shall apply to substituted public offering statements in the same manner and to the same extent that they apply to public offering statements.

18VAC48-30-380. Condominium securities.

A prospectus filed in compliance with the securities laws of a state or federal agency used in lieu of a public offering statement shall contain or have attached thereto copies of documents, other than the projected budget required to be attached to a public offering statement by subsection E of 18VAC48-30-180. Such prospectus shall be deemed to satisfy all of the disclosure requirements of subsections C and D of 18VAC48-30-180 and 18VAC48-30-190 through 18VAC48-30-360. In the case of a conversion condominium, the prospectus shall have attached thereto, in suitable form, the information required by 18VAC48-30-420, subsections C and D of 18VAC48-30-430, and 18VAC48-30-440 to be disclosed in public offering statements for conversion condominiums. The provisions of subdivision 2 of § 55-79.88 of the Code of Virginia shall apply to the delivery of the prospectus in the same manner and to the same extent that they apply to the delivery of a public offering statement.

18VAC48-30-390. Board oversight of public offering statement.

The board at any time may require a declarant to alter or amend the public offering statement to assure full and fair disclosure to prospective purchasers and to ensure compliance with the Condominium Act and this chapter.

In accordance with subsection B of § 55-79.90 of the Code of Virginia, the board does not approve or recommend the condominium or disposition thereof. The board's issuance of an effective date for a public offering statement shall not be construed to (i) constitute approval of the condominium, (ii) represent that the board asserts that either all facts or material changes or both concerning the condominium have been fully or adequately disclosed, or (iii) indicate that the board has made judgment on the value or merits of the condominium.

Part V
Conversion Condominiums

18VAC48-30-400. Public offering statement for conversion condominium; general instructions.

The public offering statement for a conversion condominium shall conform in all respects to the requirements of 18VAC48-30-160 through 18VAC48-30-380. In addition, the public offering statement for a conversion condominium shall (i) contain special disclosures in the narrative sections captioned "Description of the Condominium," "Terms of the Offering," and "Financial Matters"; and (ii) incorporate narrative sections captioned "Present Condition of the Condominium" and "Replacement Requirements." Provisions for such additional disclosure are set forth in 18VAC48-30-410 through 18VAC48-30-440.

18VAC48-30-410. Description of conversion condominium.

In addition to the information required by 18VAC48-30-210, the section captioned "Description of the Condominium" shall indicate that the condominium is a conversion condominium. The term conversion condominium shall be defined and the particular circumstances that bring the condominium within the definition shall be stated. The nature and inception date of prior occupancy of the property being converted shall be stated.

18VAC48-30-420. Financial matters, conversion condominium.

A. The provisions for capital reserves described in the section captioned "Financial Matters" shall conform with 18VAC48-30-320 and shall be supplemented by the information set forth in subsections B and C of this section.

B. The section shall state the aggregate replacement cost of all physical assets whose replacement costs will constitute regular common expenses and whose expected useful lives are 10 years or less. For the purposes of this subsection, an expected useful life that is stated as being within a range of years pursuant to subsection E of 18VAC48-30-440 shall be deemed to be 10 years or less, if the lower limit of such range is 10 years or less. The total common expense assessments per unit that would be necessary in order to accumulate an amount of capital reserves equal to such aggregate replacement cost shall be stated.

C. The section shall state the amount of capital reserves that will be accumulated by the unit owners' association during the period of declarant control together with any provisions of the condominium instruments specifying the rate at which reserves are to be accumulated thereafter. If any part of the capital reserves will or may be obtained other than through regular common expense and limited common expense assessments, such fact shall be stated.

D. The actual expenditures made over a three-year period on operation, maintenance, repair, or other upkeep of the property prior to its conversion to condominium shall be set forth in tabular form as an exhibit immediately preceding or following the budget attached to the public offering statement pursuant to subsection C of 18VAC48-30-320, and shall be presented in a manner that is not misleading. Distinction shall be made between expenditures that would have constituted regular common expenses and limited common expenses, and expenditures that would have been borne by unit owners individually if the property had been converted to a condominium prior to the commencement of the three-year period. To the extent that it is impossible or impracticable to so distinguish the expenditures it shall be assumed that they would have constituted regular common expenses or limited common expenses.

Both types of expenditures shall be cumulatively broken down on a per unit basis in the same proportion that common expenses are or will actually be assessed against the condominium units. The three-year period to which this subsection refers shall be the most recent three-year period prior to application for registration during which the property was occupied and for which expenditure information is available. The expenditure information shall indicate the years for which expenditures are stated. If any portion of the property being converted to condominium was not occupied for the full three-year period, expenditure information shall be set forth only for the entire time period that portion of the property was occupied. The "Financial Matters" section shall direct the purchaser's attention to the expenditure information.

18VAC48-30-430. Present condition of conversion condominium.

A. The section captioned "Present Condition of the Condominium" shall contain a statement of the approximate dates of original construction or installation of all physical assets in the condominium. A single construction or installation date may be stated for all of the physical assets (i) in the condominium, (ii) within a distinctly identifiable portion of the condominium, or (iii) within a distinctly identifiable category of physical assets. A statement made pursuant to the preceding sentence shall include a separate reference to the construction or installation date of any physical asset within a stated group of physical assets that was constructed or installed significantly earlier than the construction or installation date indicated for the group generally. No statement shall be made that a physical asset or portion thereof has been repaired, altered, improved, or replaced subsequent to its construction or installation unless the approximate date, nature, and extent of such repair, alteration, improvement, or replacement is also stated.

B. Subject to the exceptions provided in subsections D, E, and F of this section, the section captioned "Present Condition of the Condominium" shall contain a description of the present condition of all physical assets within the condominium. The description of present condition shall disclose all structural defects and incapacities of major utility installations to perform their intended functions as would be observable, detectable, or deducible by means of standard inspection and investigative techniques employed by architects or professional engineers, as the case may be.

C. The section shall indicate the dates of inspection by means of which the described present condition was determined; provided, however, that such inspections shall have been conducted not more than one year prior to the date of filing the application for registration. The section shall identify the party or parties by whom present condition was ascertained and shall indicate the relationship of such party or parties to the declarant.

D. A single statement of the present condition of a class of physical assets shall suffice to disclose the present condition of each physical asset within the class; provided, however, that, unless subsection F of this section applies, such statement shall include a separate reference to the present condition of any physical asset within the class that is significantly different from the present condition indicated for the class generally.

E. The description of present condition may include a statement that all structural components in the condominium or in a distinctly identifiable portion thereof are in sound condition except those for which structural defects are noted.

F. In a case in which there are numerous physical assets within a class of physical assets and inspection of each such physical asset is impracticable, the description of present condition of all the physical assets within the class may be based upon an inspection of a number of them selected at random, provided that the number selected is large enough to yield a reasonably reliable sample and that the total number of physical assets within the class and the number selected are disclosed.

G. The section shall include statements disclosing any environmental issues pertaining to the building and the surrounding area, to include but not be limited to:

1. The presence of any asbestos-containing material following an inspection of each building completed prior to July 1, 1978, as well as whether any response actions have been or will need to be taken as required by § 55-79.94 A 5 of the Code of Virginia;

2. Any known information on lead-based paint and lead-based paint hazards in each building constructed prior to 1978 pursuant to the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992 - Title X [ (42 USC § 4851 et seq.) ]; and

3. Any obligations related to the declarant's participation in voluntary or nonvoluntary remediation activities.

18VAC48-30-440. Replacement requirements in conversion condominium.

A. Subject to the exceptions provided in subsections B and H of this section, the section captioned "Replacement Requirements" shall state the expected useful lives of all physical assets in the condominium. The section shall state that expected useful lives run from the date of the inspection by means of which the expected useful lives were determined. Such inspection date shall be stated.

B. A single statement of the expected useful life of a class of physical assets shall suffice to disclose the expected useful life of each physical asset within the class; provided, however, that such statement shall include a separate reference to the expected useful life of any physical asset within such class that is significantly shorter than the expected useful life indicated for the class generally.

C. An expected useful life may be qualified. A qualified expected useful life is an expected useful life expressly conditioned upon a given use or level of maintenance or other factor affecting longevity. No use, level of maintenance, or other factor affecting longevity shall be stated as a qualification unless such use, level of maintenance, or factor affecting longevity is normal or reasonably anticipated for the physical asset involved. If appropriate, an expected useful life may be stated as being indefinite, subject to the stated qualification that the physical asset involved must be properly used and maintained. An expected useful life may be stated as being within a range of years, provided that the range is not so broad as to render the statement meaningless. In no event shall the number of years constituting the lower limit of such range be less than two-thirds of the number of years constituting the upper limit.

D. Subject to the exceptions provided in subsections E and H of this section, the section captioned "Replacement Requirements" shall state the replacement costs of all physical assets in the condominium including those whose expected useful lives are stated as being indefinite.

E. A statement of the replacement cost of a representative member of a class of physical assets shall suffice to disclose the replacement cost of each physical asset within the class; provided, however, that such statement shall include a separate reference to the replacement cost of any physical asset within the class that is significantly greater than the replacement cost indicated for the representative member of the class.

F. Distinction shall be made between replacement costs that will be common expenses and replacement costs that will be borne by unit owners individually. The latter type of replacement costs shall be broken down on a per unit basis. The purchaser's attention shall be directed to the "Financial Matters" section for an indication of the amount of the former type of replacement costs.

G. In any case in which the replacement cost of a physical asset may vary depending upon the circumstances surrounding its replacement, the stated replacement cost shall reflect the circumstances under which replacement will most probably be undertaken.

H. A single expected useful life and an aggregate replacement cost may be stated for all of the structural components of a building or structure that have both (i) the same expected useful lives and (ii) replacement costs that will constitute regular common expenses. A statement made pursuant to the preceding sentence shall be accompanied by statements of the expected useful lives and replacement costs, stated on a per unit basis, of all of the structural components of the building or structure whose expected useful lives differ from the general expected useful life or whose replacement costs will be borne by unit owners individually.

18VAC48-30-450. Notice to tenants.

No notice to terminate tenancy of a unit provided for by subsection B of § 55-79.94 of the Code of Virginia shall be given prior to the registration of the condominium including such unit as to which the tenancy is to be terminated.

Part VI
Post-Registration Provisions

18VAC48-30-460. Minimum post-registration reporting requirements.

A. Subsequent to the issuance of a registration for a condominium by the board, the declarant of a condominium shall:

1. File an annual report in accordance with § 55-79.93 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter.

2. File a copy of the formal notice to the tenants of a conversion condominium upon delivery or no later than 15 days after delivery to such tenants in accordance with subsection B of § 55-79.94.

3. Upon the occurrence of a material or nonmaterial change, file an amended public offering statement or substituted public offering statement in accordance with the provisions of 18VAC48-30-480 or 18VAC48-30-490, as applicable.

4. Notify the board of a change in the bond or letter of credit, as applicable, required by §§ 55-79.58:1, 55-79.84:1, and 55-79.95 of the Code of Virginia.

5. File a complete application for registration of unregistered additional units upon the expansion of the condominium or the formation of units out of additional land. Notwithstanding the preceding, nonresidential units created out of convertible space need not be registered. Documents on file with the board and not changed with the creation of additional units need not be refiled provided that the application indicates that such documents are unchanged.

6. Notify the board of transition of control of the unit owners' association.

7. Notify the board upon the transfer of special declarant rights to a successor declarant.

8. Submit appropriate documentation to the board once the registration is eligible for termination.

9. Submit to the board any other document or information that may include information or documents that have been amended or may not have existed previously that affects the accuracy, completeness, or representation of any information or document filed with the application for registration.

10. Submit to the board any document or information to make the registration file accurate and complete.

B. Notwithstanding the requirements of subsection A of this section, the board at any time may require a declarant to provide information or documents, or amendments thereof, to assure full and fair disclosure to prospective purchasers and to ensure compliance with the Condominium Act and this chapter.

18VAC48-30-470. Amendment of public offering statement.

Any amendment of the public offering statement or substituted public offering statement shall comply with this chapter.

18VAC48-30-480. Nonmaterial changes to the public offering statement.

A. Changes to the public offering statement that are not material shall be filed with the board but shall not be deemed an amendment of the public offering statement for the purposes of this chapter and shall not give rise to a renewed right of [ recission rescission ] in any purchase. Nonmaterial changes to the public offering statement include, but may not be limited to, the following:

1. Correction of spelling, grammar, omission, or other similar errors not affecting the substance of the public offering statement;

2. Changes in presentation or format;

3. Substitution of an executed, filed, or recorded copy of a document for the otherwise substantially identical unexecuted, unfiled, or unrecorded copy of the document that was previously submitted;

4. Inclusion of updated information such as identification or description of the current officers and directors of the declarant;

5. Disclosure of completion of improvements for improvements that were previously proposed or not complete;

6. Changes in real estate tax assessment or rate or modifications related to those changes;

7. Changes in utility charges or rates or modifications related to those changes;

8. Adoption of a new budget that does not result in a significant change in the common expense assessment or significantly impact the rights or obligations of the prospective purchasers;

9. Modifications related to changes in insurance company or financial institution, policy, or amount for bonds or letters of credit required pursuant to §§ 55-79.58:1, 55-79.84:1, and 55-79.95 of the Code of Virginia;

10. Changes in management agent or common interest community manager; and

11. Any change that is the result of orderly development of the condominium in accordance with the condominium instruments as described in the public offering statement.

B. Nonmaterial changes to the public offering statement shall be submitted with the effective date of the changes detailed. All changes shall be clearly represented in the documentation presented. The additions and deletions of text in the public offering statement and exhibits shall be identified by underlining and striking through text to be added and deleted, and any documents being added to or deleted from the contents of the public offering statement shall be clearly and accurately reflected in the table of contents utilizing underlines and [ strikethroughs strike-throughs ] for additions and deletions. In addition to the copies showing edits to the text, a clean copy of all new and amended documents shall be provided. In addition, the declarant shall include a statement with the submission of the declarant's plans, if any, to deliver the public offering statement to purchasers pursuant to subdivision 2 of § 55-79.88 of the Code of Virginia.

C. The board has the sole discretion for determining whether a change is nonmaterial. The declarant will be notified in writing within 15 days of receipt by the board if the submitted changes are determined to be material. Should a change be submitted as nonmaterial but determined to be a material change during review, the requirements contained in 18VAC48-30-470 and 18VAC48-30-490 shall be applicable.

18VAC48-30-490. Filing of amended public offering statement.

A. The declarant shall promptly file with the board for review a copy of the amended public offering statement or substituted public offering statement together with a copy of a summary of proposed amendments that shall be distributed to purchasers during the board review period. The summary of proposed amendments shall enumerate the amendments to the public offering statement submitted for board review and include a statement that the amendments to the public offering statement have been filed with the board but have not yet been accepted. The form of the submission is at the discretion of the declarant provided, however, that (i) all amendments are clearly represented in the documentation presented, (ii) the additions and deletions of text in the public offering statement and exhibits shall be identified by underlining and striking through text to be added and deleted, and (iii) any documents being added to or deleted from the contents of the public offering statement shall be clearly and accurately reflected in the table of contents utilizing underlines and strike-throughs for additions and deletions. In addition to the copies showing edits to the text, a clean copy of all new and amended documents shall be provided.

B. The amended public offering statement submitted to the board for review shall include the effective date of the amendments.

C. The board shall issue a notice of filing within five business days following receipt of the amended public offering statement.

D. Within 30 days of the issuance of the notice of filing required by subsection C of this section, the board shall review the amended public offering statement and supporting materials to determine whether the amendment complies with this chapter. If the board's review determines that the amended public offering statement complies with this chapter, it shall notify the declarant in writing and confirm the new effective date of the public offering statement.

E. If the board's review determines that the amended public offering statement does not comply with this chapter, it shall immediately notify the declarant in writing that the review has determined the amended public offering statement is not in compliance and shall specify the particulars of such noncompliance. The declarant shall then have 20 days in which to correct the particulars of noncompliance identified by the board. The declarant may, prior to the completion of the 20-day correction period, request an extension in writing of the 20-day correction period. Upon expiration of the 20-day correction period, if requested corrections have not been made or a request for extension properly received, the board may issue a temporary cease and desist order in accordance with § 55-79.100 (b) of the Code of Virginia to require the cessation of sales until such time as affirmative action as directed by the board is taken. Use of the noncompliant public offering statement may result in further action by the board pursuant to §§ 55-79.100, 55-79.101, and 55-79.103 of the Code of Virginia.

F. Notwithstanding an extension of the 30-day period for review agreed to in writing by the board and declarant, if the board does not perform the required review of the public offering statement in accordance with subsection D of this section, the amendment shall be deemed to comply with 18VAC48-30-160 through 18VAC48-30-380, and the new effective date shall be the effective date of the amendment provided pursuant to subsection B of this section.

G. In each case in which an amended document is filed pursuant to this section and the manner of its amendment is not apparent on the face of the document, the declarant shall provide an indication of the manner and extent of amendment.

18VAC48-30-500. Current public offering statement.

A. Upon issuance of an effective date by the board, any purchasers who received a public offering statement and summary of proposed amendments during the board review period pursuant to subsection A of 18VAC48-30-490 shall be provided with the public offering statement as accepted by the board. A public offering statement remains current until such time as the occurrence of a material change requires amendment of the public offering statement pursuant to this chapter and a new effective date is issued by the board.

B. Upon issuance of an effective date by the board, a public offering statement remains current until such time as a new effective date is established pursuant to this chapter.

C. Notwithstanding the board's authority to issue a cease and desist order pursuant to § 55-79.100 of the Code of Virginia, the filing of an amended public offering statement shall not require the declarant to cease sales provided that the declarant provides to purchasers the summary of proposed amendments pursuant to subsection A of 18VAC48-30-490 pending the issuance of a new effective date by the board.

18VAC48-30-510. Public offering statement not current; notification of purchasers.

A. A purchaser who has been delivered a public offering statement that is not current due to a material change and was not provided with the summary of proposed amendments containing the proposed changes to the amended public offering statement pursuant to subsection A of 18VAC48-30-490 pending the issuance of a new effective date by the board shall be notified of such fact by the declarant.

B. A purchaser who has been delivered a public offering statement and summary of proposed amendments pursuant to subsection A of 18VAC48-30-490, but the amended public offering statement is determined to be noncompliant in accordance with subsection E of 18VAC48-30-490 shall be notified of such fact by the declarant.

1. The notification shall indicate that any contract for disposition of a condominium unit may be cancelled by the purchaser pursuant to subdivision 2 of § 55-79.88 of the Code of Virginia.

2. The declarant shall file a copy of the notification with the board and provide proof that such notification has been delivered to all purchasers under contract.

18VAC48-30-520. Provisions applicable to substituted public offering statement and prospectus.

A. The provisions of 18VAC48-30-470 through 18VAC48-30-510 shall apply to a substituted public offering statement in the same manner and to the same extent that they apply to public offering statements.

B. The provisions of 18VAC48-30-470 through 18VAC48-30-510 shall apply to a prospectus only to the extent that amendment of the information or documents attached to the prospectus pursuant to 18VAC48-30-380 is required or permitted. The body of the prospectus shall be amended only as provided in applicable securities law. The declarant shall immediately file with the board any amendments to the body of the prospectus and, upon receipt thereof, the board shall notify the declarant in writing and confirm the new effective date for use of the prospectus. A prospectus is current so long as it is effective under applicable securities law and the information and attached documents are current under the provisions of 18VAC48-30-490. The declarant shall immediately notify the board if the prospectus ceases being effective. If no prospectus is effective and the declarant proposes to continue offering condominium units, the declarant shall file a public offering statement with the board pursuant to 18VAC48-30-490.

C. The provisions of 18VAC48-30-510 shall apply to a prospectus in the same manner and to the same extent that they apply to a public offering statement.

D. In an annual report involving a prospectus, the declarant shall comply with all of the provisions of 18VAC48-30-540 applicable to public offering statements and, in addition, shall certify that an effective prospectus is available for delivery to purchasers and shall indicate the declarant's plans or expectations regarding the continuing effectiveness of the prospectus.

18VAC48-30-530. Filing of phase amendment application.

A. A phase amendment application shall be filed when adding land to or converting land in the condominium, provided that no such application need be filed for units previously registered. Such phase amendment application shall be accompanied by the fee provided for in 18VAC48-30-100 and shall be subject to all of the provisions of 18VAC48-30-90 through 18VAC48-30-150. Documents on file with the board that have not changed in connection with the additional units need not be refiled, provided that the phase amendment application indicates that such documents are unchanged.

B. The application shall include a new or amended bond or letter of credit required pursuant to § 55-79.84:1 of the Code of Virginia for the additional units.

C. The board shall review the phase amendment application and supporting materials to determine whether the amendment complies with this chapter. If the board's review determines the phase amendment application complies with this chapter, it shall issue an amended order of registration for the condominium and shall provide that any previous orders and designations of the form, content, and effective date of the public offering statement, substituted public offering statement, or prospectus to be used are superseded. If the board's review determines that the phase amendment application is not complete, the board shall correspond with the declarant to specify the particulars that must be completed to obtain compliance with this chapter.

18VAC48-30-540. Annual report by declarant.

A. A declarant shall file an annual report [ on a form provided by the board ] to update the material contained in the registration file at least 30 days prior to the anniversary date of the order registering the condominium. Prior to filing the annual report required by § 55-79.93 of the Code of Virginia, the declarant shall review the public offering statement then being delivered to purchasers. If such public offering statement is current, the declarant shall so certify in the annual report. If such public offering statement is not current, the declarant shall amend the public offering statement, and the annual report shall, in that event, include a filing in accordance with 18VAC48-30-490.

B. The annual report shall contain, but may not be limited to, the following:

1. Current contact information for the declarant;

2. Current contact information for the declarant's attorney, if applicable;

3. Date of the public offering statement currently being delivered to purchasers;

4. Date the condominium instruments were recorded and locality wherein recorded;

5. Number of phases registered with the board, if applicable;

6. Number of phases recorded, if applicable;

7. Number of units recorded;

8. Number of units conveyed;

9. Status of completion of all common elements within the condominium;

10. Status of declarant control;

11. Whether the declarant is current in the payment of assessments; and

12. Current evidence from the surety or financial institution of any bond or letters of credit, or submittal of replacement bonds or letters of credit, required pursuant to §§ 55-79.58:1, 55-79.84:1, and 55-79.95 of the Code of Virginia. Such verification shall provide the following:

a. Principal of bond or letter of credit;

b. Beneficiary of bond or letter of credit;

c. Name of the surety or financial institution that issued the bond or letter of credit;

d. Bond or letter of credit number as assigned by the issuer;

e. The dollar amount; and

f. The expiration date or, if self-renewing, the date by which the bond or letter of credit shall be renewed.

18VAC48-30-550. Board review of annual report.

A. During review of the annual report, the board may make inquiries or request additional documentation to amplify or clarify the information provided.

B. If the board does not accept the annual report and the annual report filing is not completed within 60 days of a request by the board for additional information, the board may take further action pursuant to § 55-79.100, 55-79.101, or 55-79.103 of the Code of Virginia for failing to file an annual report as required by § 55-79.93 of the Code of Virginia.

C. If the board does not perform the required review of the annual report within 30 days of receipt by the board, the annual report shall be deemed to comply with § 55-79.93 of the Code of Virginia.

18VAC48-30-560. Transition of control of unit owners' association.

Upon transition of control of the association to the unit owners following the period of declarant control, the declarant shall, in addition to the requirements contained in subsection G of § 55-79.74 of the Code of Virginia, notify the board in writing of the date of such transition and provide the name and contact information for members of the board of directors of the unit owners' association or the association's common interest community manager.

18VAC48-30-570. Return of assessment bond or letter of credit to declarant.

A. The declarant of a condominium required to post a bond or letter of credit pursuant to § 55-79.84:1 of the Code of Virginia shall maintain such bond or letter of credit for all units registered with the board until the declarant owns less than 10% of the units in the condominium and is current in the payment of assessments. For condominiums containing less than 10 units, the bond or letter of credit shall be maintained until the declarant owns only one unit.

B. The declarant shall submit a written request to the board for the return of the bond or letter of credit. The written request shall attest that the declarant (i) owns less than 10% of the units or for condominiums containing less than 10 units, that the declarant owns only one unit and (ii) is current in the payment of assessments. The written request shall provide contact information for the unit owners' association.

C. Upon receipt of the written request from the declarant, the board shall send a request to the unit owners' association to confirm the information supplied by the declarant. The person certifying the information on behalf of the unit owners' association must not be affiliated with the declarant. The managing agent may confirm the information supplied by the declarant.

D. The board shall return the bond or letter of credit to the declarant if (i) the unit owners' association confirms that the declarant is current in the payment of assessments and owns less than 10% of the units in the condominium or (ii) no response is received from the unit owners' association within 90 days. The 90-day time frame in clause (ii) of this subsection may be extended at the discretion of the board.

E. If the unit owners' association attests the declarant is not current in the payment of assessments, the board shall retain the bond or letter of credit until evidence is received satisfactory to the board that the declarant is current in the payment of assessments.

F. The board may ask for additional information from the unit owners' association or the declarant as needed to confirm compliance with § 55-79.84:1 of the Code of Virginia.

18VAC48-30-580. Return of completion bond or letter of credit to declarant.

A bond on file with the board pursuant to § 55-79.58:1 of the Code of Virginia may be returned to the declarant upon written request. Such request shall include a copy of the recorded plat or plan showing completion or documentation acceptable to the board that the improvements to the common elements for which the bond was submitted is completed to the extent of the declarant's obligation.

18VAC48-30-590. Return of bond or letter of credit upon termination of registration.

Upon issuance of an order of termination of the condominium registration pursuant to 18VAC48-30-610 and if the bond or letter of credit on file with the board has not been returned to the declarant or the declarant's agent previously, it will be considered for return in accordance with 18VAC48-30-570 or 18VAC48-30-580.

18VAC48-30-600. Maintenance of bond or letter of credit.

A. The declarant shall report the extension, cancellation, amendment, expiration, termination, or any other change of any bond or letter of credit submitted in accordance with §§ 55-79.58:1, 55-79.84:1, and 55-79.95 of the Code of Virginia within five days of the change.

B. The board at any time may request verification from the declarant of the status of a bond or letter of credit on file with the board. Such verification shall comply with the provisions of subdivision B 12 of 18VAC48-30-540.

C. Failure to report a change in the bond or letter of credit in accordance with this section shall result in further action by the board pursuant to Chapter 4.2 (§ 55-79.39 et seq.) of Title 55 of the Code of Virginia.

18VAC48-30-610. Termination of condominium registration.

A. The condominium registration shall be terminated upon receipt of documentation of one of the following:

1. In accordance with § 55-79.93 of the Code of Virginia, an annual report filed pursuant to 18VAC48-30-540 indicates that all units in the condominium have been disposed of and all periods for conversion or expansion have expired.

2. Written notification is received from the declarant attesting that all units have been disposed of and that all periods for conversion or expansion have expired and all common elements have been completed.

3. Written notification is received from the declarant requesting termination pursuant to § 55-79.72:1 of the Code of Virginia. Should the declarant later choose to offer condominium units in a condominium for which the registration has been terminated in accordance with this subsection, prior to offering a condominium unit, the declarant must submit a new application for registration of the condominium, meet all requirements in effect at the time of application, and be issued an order of registration for the condominium by the board.

B. Upon receipt and review of documentation pursuant to subsection A of this section, the board shall issue an order of termination for the condominium registration. The board may request additional information as necessary during the review of the submitted documentation to ensure that the condominium registration is eligible for termination.

C. The board shall send a copy of the order of termination for the condominium registration to the association.

18VAC48-30-620. Administrative termination of condominium registration.

In accordance with subsection B of § 55-79.93:2 of the Code of Virginia, the board may administratively terminate the registration of a condominium. Prior to the administrative termination of the registration, the board shall send written notice of its intent to terminate the registration to all known parties associated with the condominium, including, but not limited to, the registered agent, officer or officers of the unit owners' association, declarant's and association's attorneys, and principal or principals of the declarant. Such written notice shall be given to the parties by mail or otherwise if acknowledged by them in writing.

The board shall issue an order of termination for the condominium registration if (i) a response is not received within 30 days after sending the written notice or (ii) the response received does not indicate termination of the registration is inappropriate in accordance with Chapter 4.2 (§ 55-79.39 et seq.) of Title 55 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter.

Nothing contained in this section shall prevent the board from taking further action as allowed by law including issuance of a temporary cease and desist order, issuance of a cease and desist order, revocation of registration, and bringing action in the appropriate circuit court to enjoin the acts or practices and to enforce compliance.

18VAC48-30-630. Notification of successor declarant and transfer of special declarant rights.

A. In the event the special declarant rights of a condominium are transferred to a successor in accordance with § 55-79.74:3 of the Code of Virginia, the successor declarant shall notify the board within 30 days. Before units may be offered for sale, the successor declarant shall submit the following to the board:

1. Completed application for the successor declarant;

2. Copy of the recorded document evidencing the transfer;

3. Copies of all condominium instruments that were amended to reflect the successor or transfer of special declarant rights;

4. A public offering statement amended in accordance with this chapter;

5. All bonds or letters of credit required pursuant to §§ 55-79.58:1, 55-79.84:1, and 55-79.95 of the Code of Virginia; and

6. Other documents that may be required to ensure compliance with Chapter 4.2 (§ 55-79.39 et seq.) of Title 55 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter.

B. Documents on file with the board that have not changed in connection with the transfer need not be refiled, provided that the application for successor declarant indicates that such documents are unchanged.

18VAC48-30-640. Reporting of other changes to the condominium project.

Any other change made or known by the declarant that may affect the accuracy or completeness of the condominium registration file shall be promptly reported to the board. Such change may include but is not limited to the name of the declarant, name of the condominium project, or any other changes in information submitted in accordance with § 55-79.89 of the Code of Virginia. The board may request additional information as necessary to ensure compliance with Chapter 4.2 (§ 55-79.39 et seq.) of Title 55 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter.

Part VII
Board Authority and Standards of Conduct

18VAC48-30-650. Grounds for disciplinary action.

The board may revoke a registration [ upon a finding ] that [ the registration ] is not in compliance with, or [ of a person who has been found to have the declarant has ] violated, any provision of the regulations of the board or Chapter 4.2 (§ 55-79.39 et seq.) of Title 55 of the Code of Virginia. Additional action may include issuance of a temporary cease and desist order, issuance of a cease and desist order, revocation of registration, and bringing action in the appropriate circuit court to enjoin the acts or practices and to enforce compliance.

18VAC48-30-660. Registration of condominium required.

No declarant or individual or entity acting on behalf of the declarant shall offer a condominium unit prior to the registration of the condominium including such unit.

18VAC48-30-670. Condominium advertising standards.

A. No promise, assertion, representation, or statement of fact or opinion in connection with a condominium marketing activity shall be made that is false, inaccurate, or misleading by reason of inclusion of an untrue statement of a material fact or omission of a statement of a material fact relative to the actual or intended characteristics, circumstances, or features of the condominium or a condominium unit.

B. No promise, assertion, representation, or statement of fact or opinion made in connection with a condominium marketing activity shall indicate that an improvement will be built or placed on the condominium unless the improvement is a proposed improvement within the meaning of subsection C of 18VAC48-30-120.

C. No promise, assertion, representation, or statement of fact or opinion made in connection with a condominium marketing activity and relating to a condominium unit not registered shall, by its express terms, induce, solicit, or encourage a prospective purchaser to leave Virginia for the purpose of executing a contract for sale or lease of the condominium unit or performing some other act that would create or purport to create a legal or equitable interest in the condominium unit other than a security interest in or a nonbinding reservation of the condominium unit.

18VAC48-30-680. Response to inquiry and provision of records.

A. The declarant must respond within 15 days to a request by the board or any of its agents regarding any complaint filed with the department. The board may extend such time frame upon a showing of extenuating circumstances prohibiting delivery within such 15-day period.

B. Unless otherwise specified by the board, the declarant shall produce to the board or any of its agents within 15 days of the request any document, book, or record concerning any transaction in which the declarant was involved, or for which the declarant is required to maintain records for inspection and copying by the board or its agents. The board may extend such time frame upon a showing of extenuating circumstances prohibiting delivery within such 15-day period.

C. A declarant shall not provide a false, misleading, or incomplete response to the board or any of its agents seeking information in the investigation of a complaint filed with the board.

D. With the exception of the requirements of subsections A and B of this section, a declarant must respond to an inquiry by the board or its agent within 21 days.

18VAC48-30-690. Prohibited acts.

The following acts are prohibited and any violation may result in action by the board, including but not limited to issuance of a temporary cease and desist order in accordance with § 55-79.100 (b) of the Code of Virginia:

1. Violating, inducing another to violate, or cooperating with others in violating any of the provisions of any of the regulations of the board, Chapter 23.3 (§ 54.1-2345 et seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia, or Chapter 4.1 (§ 55-79.1 et seq.) or Chapter 4.2 (§ 55-79.39 et seq.) of Title 55 of the Code of Virginia.

2. Obtaining or attempting to obtain a registration by false or fraudulent representation, or maintaining a registration by false or fraudulent representation.

3. Failing to comply with 18VAC48-30-80 in offering literature.

4. Failing to alter or amend the public offering statement as directed in accordance with 18VAC48-30-390 or 18VAC48-30-490.

5. Providing information to purchasers in a manner that willfully and intentionally fails to promote full and fair disclosure.

6. Failing to provide information or documents, or amendments thereof, in accordance with subsection B of 18VAC48-30-460.

7. Failing to comply with the post-registration requirements of [ 18VAC48-30-460, ] 18VAC48-30-470, 18VAC48-30-480, 18VAC48-30-490, [ 18VAC48-30-500, 18VAC48-30-510, ] 18VAC48-30-520, 18VAC48-30-530, and 18VAC48-30-540.

8. Failing to give notice to a purchaser in accordance with [ 18VAC48-30-560 18VAC48-30-510 ].

9. Failing to give notice to the board of transition of control of unit owners' association in accordance with 18VAC48-30-560.

10. Failing to transition control of the unit owners' association in accordance with § 55-79.74 of the Code of Virginia.

11. Failing to turn over books and records in accordance with subsection H of § 55-79.74 of the Code of Virginia.

12. Providing false information or misrepresenting an affiliation with an association in seeking return of a bond or letter of credit in accordance with 18VAC48-30-570 or 18VAC48-30-580.

13. Filing false or misleading information in the course of terminating a registration in accordance with 18VAC48-30-610 or 18VAC48-30-620.

14. Failing to comply with 18VAC48-30-630 and 18VAC48-30-640.

15. Failing to comply with the advertising standards contained in 18VAC48-30-670.

NOTICE: The following forms used in administering the regulation were filed by the agency. The forms are not being published; however, online users of this issue of the Virginia Register of Regulations may click on the name of a form with a hyperlink to access it. The forms are also available from the agency contact or may be viewed at the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, General Assembly Building, 2nd Floor, Richmond, Virginia 23219.

FORMS (18VAC48-30)

[ Condominium Registration Application, A492-0517REG-v1 (eff. 9/13)

Declarant Annual Report - Condominium, A492-0517ANRPT-v1 (eff. 9/13)

Condominium Registration Application, A492-0517REG-v2 (rev. 8/15)

Declarant Annual Report - Condominium, A492-0517ANRPT-v2 (rev 1/14)

Condominium Bond/Letter of Credit Verification Form, A492-0517BNDLOC-v1, (rev. 9/13)

Exhibit H - Bond to Insure Payment of Assessments, A492-0517BOND-v2 (rev. 11/14/13)

Condominium Registration Application - Exhibit H, Sample Form, A492-0517LOC-v2 ]

VA.R. Doc. No. R12-2805; Filed May 5, 2015, 9:00 a.m.
Final Regulation

Titles of Regulations: 18VAC48-20. Condominium Regulations (repealing 18VAC48-20-10 through 18VAC48-20-800).

18VAC48-30. Condominium Regulations (adding 18VAC48-30-10 through 18VAC48-30-690).

Statutory Authority: § 54.1-2349 of the Code of Virginia.

Effective Date: August 1, 2015.

Agency Contact: Trisha Henshaw, Executive Director, Common Interest Community Board, Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400, Richmond, VA 23233, telephone (804) 367-8510, FAX (866) 490-2723, or email


The action repeals the existing chapter (18VAC48-20) and replaces it with a new chapter (18VAC48-30) to reflect statutory changes and current procedures. The new chapter (i) establishes the requirements and application procedures for registration of a condominium; (ii) establishes requirements for public offering statements; (iii) addresses conversion condominiums; (iv) establishes post-registration provisions, including procedures for the termination of condominium registrations both administratively and by the declarant; and (v) outlines the board's authority and standards of conduct. The new chapter does not include provisions pertaining to time-share condominiums and horizontal property regimes.

Summary of Public Comments and Agency's Response: A summary of comments made by the public and the agency's response may be obtained from the promulgating agency or viewed at the office of the Registrar of Regulations.


Part [ 1 I ]

18VAC48-30-10. Purpose.

This chapter governs the exercise of powers granted to and the performance of duties imposed upon the Common Interest Community Board by the Condominium Act (§ 55-79.39 et seq. of the Code of Virginia) as the act pertains to the registration of condominiums.

18VAC48-30-20. Definitions.

A. Section 54.1-2345 of the Code of Virginia provides definitions of the following terms and phrases as used in this chapter:



B. Section 55-79.41 of the Code of Virginia provides definitions of the following terms and phrases as used in this chapter:

"Common elements"

"Identifying number"

"Common expenses"



"Leasehold condominium"

"Condominium instruments"

"Limited common element"

"Condominium unit"

"Nonbinding reservation agreement"

"Conversion condominium"


"Convertible land"


"Convertible space"



"Special declarant rights"

"Dispose" or "disposition"


"Executive organ"

"Unit owner"

"Expandable condominium"

C. The following words, terms, and phrases [ , ] when used in this chapter [ , ] shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.

"Annual report" means a completed, board-prescribed form and required documentation submitted in compliance with § 55-79.93 of the Code of Virginia.

"Application" means a completed, board-prescribed form submitted with the appropriate fee and other required documentation in compliance with § 55-79.89 of the Code of Virginia.

"Class of physical assets" means two or more physical assets that are substantially alike in function, manufacture, date of construction or installation, and history of use and maintenance.

"Condominium Act" means Chapter 4.2 (§ 55-79.39 et seq.) of Title 55 of the Code of Virginia.

"Department" means the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation.

"Expected useful life" means the estimated number of years from the date on which such estimate is made until the date when, because of the effects of time, weather, stress, or wear, a physical asset will become incapable of performing its intended function and will have to be replaced.

"Firm" means a sole proprietorship, association, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or any other form of business organization recognized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

"Full and fair disclosure" means the degree of disclosure necessary to ensure reasonably complete and materially accurate representation of the condominium in order to protect the interests of purchasers.

"Limited common expense" means any common expense against one or more, but less than all, of the units.

"Major utility installation" means a utility installation or portion thereof that is a common element or serves more than one unit.

"Material change" means a change in any information or document disclosed in the application for registration, including the public offering statement or an attachment thereto, that renders inaccurate, incomplete, or misleading any information or document in such a way as to affect substantially a purchaser's rights or obligations or the nature of a unit or appurtenant limited common element or the amenities of the project available for the purchaser's use as described in the public offering statement.

"Offering" means the continuing act of the declarant in making condominium units owned by the declarant within a particular condominium available for acquisition by purchasers or, where appropriate, to the aggregate of the condominium units thus made available.

"Offering literature" means any written promise, assertion, representation, or statement of fact or opinion made in connection with a condominium marketing activity mailed or delivered directly to a specific prospective purchaser, except that information printed in a publication shall not be deemed offering literature solely by virtue of the fact that the publication is mailed or delivered directly to a prospective purchaser.

"Personal communication" means a communication directed to a particular prospective purchaser that has not been and is not intended to be directed to any other prospective purchaser.

"Physical asset" means either a structural component or a major utility installation.

"Present condition" means condition as of the date of the inspection by means of which condition is determined.

"Registration file" means the application for registration, supporting materials, annual reports, and amendments that constitute all information submitted and reviewed pertaining to a particular condominium registration. A document that has not been accepted for filing by the board is not part of the registration file.

"Regular common expense" means a common expense apportioned among and assessed to all of the condominium units pursuant to subsection D of § 55-79.83 of the Code of Virginia or similar law or condominium instrument provision.

"Replacement cost" means the expenditure that would be necessary to replace a physical asset with an identical or substantially equivalent physical asset as of the date on which replacement cost is determined and includes all costs of (i) removing the physical asset to be replaced, (ii) obtaining its replacement, and (iii) erecting or installing the replacement.

"Structural component" means a component constituting any portion of the structure of a unit or common element.

"Structural defect" shall have the meaning given in subsection B of § 55-79.79 of the Code of Virginia.

"Substituted public offering statement" means a document originally prepared in compliance with the laws of another jurisdiction and modified in accordance with the provisions of this chapter to fulfill the disclosure requirements established for public offering statements by subsection A of § 55-79.90 of the Code of Virginia and, if applicable, subsection A of § 55-79.94 of the Code of Virginia.

18VAC48-30-30. Explanation of terms.

Each reference in this chapter to a "declarant," "purchaser," and "unit owner" or to the plural of those terms shall be deemed to refer, as appropriate, to the masculine and the feminine, to the singular and the plural, and to natural persons and organizations. The term "declarant" shall refer to any successors to the persons referred to in § 55-79.41 of the Code of Virginia who come to stand in the same relation to the condominium as their predecessors in that they assumed rights reserved for the benefit of a declarant that (i) offers to dispose of his interest in a condominium unit not previously disposed of, (ii) reserves or succeeds to any special declarant right, or (iii) applies for registration of the condominium.

18VAC48-30-40. Condominiums located outside of Virginia.

A. In any case involving a condominium located outside of Virginia in which the laws or practices of the jurisdiction in which such condominium is located prevent compliance with a provision of this chapter, the board shall prescribe, by order, a substitute provision to be applicable in such case that is as nearly equivalent to the original provision as is reasonable under the circumstances.

B. The words "declaration," "bylaws," "plats," and "plans," when used in this chapter with reference to a condominium located outside of Virginia, shall refer to documents, portions of documents, or combinations thereof, by whatever name denominated, that have a content and function identical or substantially equivalent to the content and function of their Virginia counterparts.

C. The words "recording" or "recordation," when used with reference to condominium instruments of a condominium located outside of Virginia, shall refer to a procedure that, in the jurisdiction in which such condominium is located, causes the condominium instruments to become legally effective.

D. This chapter shall apply to a contract for the disposition of a condominium unit located outside of Virginia only to the extent permissible under the provisions of subsection B of § 55-79.40 of the Code of Virginia.

18VAC48-30-50. Exemptions from registration.

A. The exemption from registration of condominiums in which all units are restricted to nonresidential use provided in subsection B of § 55-79.87 of the Code of Virginia shall not be deemed to apply to any condominium as to which there is a substantial possibility that a unit therein other than a unit owned by the declarant or the unit owners' association will be used as permanent or temporary living quarters or as a site upon which vehicular or other portable living quarters will be placed and occupied. Residential use for the purposes of this chapter includes transient occupancy.

B. Nothing in this chapter shall apply in the case of a condominium exempted from registration by § 55-79.87 of the Code of Virginia or condominiums located outside of Virginia as provided in subsection B of § 55-79.40 of the Code of Virginia for which no contracts are to be signed in Virginia.

18VAC48-30-60. Preregistration offers prohibited.

No condominium marketing activity shall be deemed an offer unless, by its express terms, it induces, solicits, or encourages a prospective purchaser to execute a contract of sale of the condominium unit or lease of a leasehold condominium unit or perform some other act that would create or purport to create a legal or equitable interest in the condominium unit other than a security interest in or a nonbinding reservation of the condominium unit.

Part II

18VAC48-30-70. Condominium marketing activities.

Condominium marketing activities shall include every contact for the purpose of promoting disposition of a condominium unit. Such contacts may be personal, by telephone, by mail, [ by electronic means including, but not limited to, social media, ] or by advertisement. A promise, assertion, representation, or statement of fact or opinion made in connection with a condominium marketing activity may be oral, written, or graphic.

18VAC48-30-80. Offering literature.

A. Offering literature mailed or delivered prior to the registration of the condominium that is the subject of the offering literature shall bear a conspicuous legend containing the substance of the following language:

"The condominium has not been registered by the Common Interest Community Board. A condominium unit may be reserved on a nonbinding reservation agreement, but no contract of sale or lease may be entered into prior to registration."

B. Offering literature or marketing activities violative of the Virginia Fair Housing Law (§ 36-96.1 et seq. of the Code of Virginia) and subsection C of § 55-79.52 of the Code of Virginia is prohibited.

C. Offering literature shall indicate that the property being offered is under the condominium form of ownership. The requirement of this subsection is satisfied by including the full name of the condominium in all offering literature.

Part III
Application for Registration

18VAC48-30-90. Application procedures.

A declarant seeking registration of a condominium pursuant to Chapter 4.2 (§ 55-79.39 et seq.) of Title 55 of the Code of Virginia shall submit an application on the appropriate form provided by the board, along with the appropriate fee specified in 18VAC48-30-100.

By submitting the application to the board, the declarant certifies that the declarant has read and understands the applicable statutes and the board's regulations.

The receipt of an application and the deposit of fees by the board do not indicate approval or acceptance of the application by the board.

The board may make further inquiries and investigations to confirm or amplify information supplied. All applications shall be completed in accordance with the instructions contained in this section and on the application. Applications will not be considered complete until all required documents are received by the board.

Applications that are not approved within 12 months after receipt of the application in the board's office will be purged and a new application and fee must be submitted in order to be reconsidered for registration.

18VAC48-30-100. Fee requirements.

All fees are nonrefundable and shall not be prorated. The date on which the fee is received by the board or its agent will determine whether the fee is timely. Checks or money orders shall be made payable to the Treasurer of Virginia.

1. Each application for registration of a condominium shall be accompanied by a fee in an amount equal to $35 per unit, except that the fee shall not be less than $1,750 or more than $3,500.

2. Each phase filing application shall be accompanied by a fee in an amount equal to $35 per unit, except that the fee for each phase filing shall not be less than $875 or more than $3,500.

18VAC48-30-110. Review of application for registration.

A. Upon receipt of an application for registration, the board shall issue the notice of filing required by subsection A of § 55-79.92 of the Code of Virginia.

B. Upon the review of the application for registration, if the requirements of §§ 55-79.89 and 55-79.91 of the Code of Virginia have not been met, the board shall notify the applicant as required by subsection C of § 55-79.92 of the Code of Virginia.

C. A request for an extension of the 60-day application review period described in § 55-79.92 of the Code of Virginia shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the board prior to the expiration of the period being extended. The request shall be for an extension of definite duration. The board may grant in writing a request for an extension of the application review period, and it may limit the extension to a period not longer than is reasonably necessary to permit correction of the application. An additional extension of the application review period may be obtained, subject to the conditions applicable to the initial request. A request for an extension of the application review period shall be deemed a consent to delay within the meaning of subsection A of § 55-79.92 of the Code of Virginia.

D. If the requirements for registration are not met within the application review period or a valid extension thereof, the board shall, upon the expiration of such period, enter an order rejecting the registration as required by subsection C of § 55-79.92 of the Code of Virginia.

E. An applicant may submit a written request for an informal conference in accordance with § 2.2-4019 of the Code of Virginia at any time between receipt of a notification pursuant to subsection B of this section and the effective date of the order of rejection entered pursuant to subsection D of this section. A request for such proceeding shall be deemed a consent to delay within the meaning of subsection A of § 55-79.92 of the Code of Virginia.

F. The board shall receive and act upon corrections to the application for registration at any time prior to the effective date of an order rejecting the registration. If the board determines after review of the corrections that the requirements for registration have not been met, the board may proceed with an informal conference in accordance with § 2.2-4019 of the Code of Virginia to allow reconsideration of whether the requirements for registration are met. If the board does not opt to proceed with an informal conference, the applicant may submit a written request for an informal conference in accordance with § 2.2-4019 of the Code of Virginia to reconsider whether the requirements for registration are met. If the board does not proceed with an informal conference and no request for an informal conference is received from the applicant, an amended order of rejection stating the factual basis for the rejection shall be issued. A new 20-day period for the order of rejection to become effective shall commence.

G. At such time as the board affirmatively determines that the requirements of §§ 55-79.89 and 55-79.91 of the Code of Virginia have been met, the board shall enter an order registering the condominium and shall designate the form, content, and effective date of the public offering statement, substituted public offering statement, or prospectus to be used.

18VAC48-30-120. Prerequisites for registration.

The following provisions are prerequisites for registration and are supplementary to the provisions of § 55-79.91 of the Code of Virginia.

A. The declarant shall own or have the right to acquire an estate in the land constituting or to constitute the condominium that is of at least as great a degree and duration as the estate to be conveyed in the condominium units.

B. The condominium instruments must be adequate to bring a condominium into existence upon recordation except that the certification requirements of § 55-79.58 of the Code of Virginia need not be complied with as a prerequisite for registration. This subsection does not apply to condominium instruments that may be recorded after the condominium has been created.

C. The declarant shall have filed with the board reasonable evidence of its financial ability to complete all proposed improvements on the condominium. Such evidence may include (i) financial statements and a signed affidavit attesting that the declarant has sufficient funds to complete all proposed improvements on the condominium and that the funds will be used for completion of the proposed improvements or (ii) proof of a commitment of an institutional lender to advance construction funds to the declarant and, to the extent that any such commitments will not furnish all the necessary funds, other evidence, satisfactory to the board, of the availability to the declarant of necessary funds. A lender's commitment may be subject to such conditions, including registration of the condominium units and presale requirements, as are normal for loans of the type and as to which nothing appears to indicate that the conditions will not be complied with or fulfilled.

1. In the case of a condominium located in Virginia, "proposed improvements" are improvements that are not yet begun or not yet complete and that the declarant is affirmatively and unconditionally obligated to complete under §§ 55-79.58 and 55-79.67 (a1) of the Code of Virginia and applicable provisions of the condominium instruments or that the declarant would be so obligated to complete if plats and plans filed with the board in accordance with 18VAC48-30-140 A were recorded.

2. In the case of a condominium located outside of Virginia, "proposed improvements" are improvements that are not yet begun or not yet complete and that the declarant represents, without condition or limitation, will be built or placed in the condominium.

D. The current and planned condominium marketing activities of the declarant shall comply with § 18.2-216 of the Code of Virginia, 18VAC48-30-80, and 18VAC48-30-660.

E. The declarant shall have filed with the board (i) a proposed public offering statement that complies with this chapter and subsection A of § 55-79.90 of the Code of Virginia and, if applicable, subsection A of § 55-79.94 of the Code of Virginia; (ii) a substituted public offering statement that complies with this chapter; or (iii) a prospectus that complies with this chapter.

F. Declarants may be organized as individuals or firms. Firms shall be organized as business entities under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia or otherwise authorized to transact business in Virginia. Firms shall register any trade or fictitious names with the State Corporation Commission or the clerk of court in the jurisdiction where the business is to be conducted in accordance with §§ 59.1-69 through 59.1-76 of the Code of Virginia before submitting an application to the board.

18VAC48-30-130. Minimum requirements for registration.

Applications for registration shall include the following:

1. The documents and information contained in § 55-79.89 of the Code of Virginia.

2. The application fee specified in 18VAC48-30-100.

3. The following documents shall be included as exhibits. All exhibits shall be labeled as indicated and submitted in hardcopy form and electronically in a format acceptable to the board.

a. Exhibit A: A copy of the certificate of incorporation or certificate of authority to transact business in Virginia issued by the Virginia State Corporation Commission or other entity formation documents.

b. Exhibit B: A copy of the title opinion, title policy, or a statement of the condition of the title to the condominium project including encumbrances as of a specified date within 30 days of the date of application by a title company or licensed attorney who is not a salaried employee, officer, or director of the declarant or owner, in accordance with subdivision A 5 of § 55-79.89 of the Code of Virginia.

c. Exhibit C: A copy of the instruments that will be delivered to a purchaser to evidence the purchaser's interest in the unit and of the contracts and other agreements that a purchaser will be required to agree to or sign.

d. Exhibit D: A narrative description of the promotional plan for the disposition of the condominium units.

e. Exhibit E: A copy of documentation demonstrating the declarant's financial ability to complete the project in accordance with [ 18VAC48-30-140 18VAC48-30-120 ].

f. Exhibit F: A copy of the proposed public offering statement that complies with subsection A of § 55-79.90 and subsection A of § 55-79.94 of the Code of Virginia, as applicable, and this chapter. A substitute public offering statement or a prospectus pursuant to 18VAC48-30-370 and 18VAC48-30-380 respectively may be submitted for a condominium formed in another jurisdiction.

g. Exhibit G: Copies of bonds required by §§ 55-79.58:1, 55.79.84:1, and 55-79.95 of the Code of Virginia, as applicable.

h. Exhibit H: A list with the name of every officer of the declarant who is directly responsible for the project or person occupying a similar status within, or performing similar functions for, the declarant. The list must include each individual's address, principal occupation for the past five years, and extent and nature of the individual's interest in the condominium as of a specified date within 30 days of the filing of the application.

i. Exhibit I: Plats and plans of the condominium that (i) comply with the provisions of § 55-79.58 of the Code of Virginia and 18VAC48-30-140 other than the certification requirements and (ii) show all units and buildings containing units to be built anywhere within the submitted land other than within the boundaries of any convertible lands. Hardcopy submittals of plats and plans must be no larger than 11 inches by 17 inches.

j. Exhibit J: Conversion condominiums must attach (i) a copy of the general notice provided to tenants of the condominium at the time of application pursuant to subsection B of § 55-79.94 of the Code of Virginia, (ii) a copy of the formal notice to be sent at the time of registration to the tenants, if any, of the building or buildings, and (iii) the certified statement required in accordance with subsection C of § 55-79.94 of the Code of Virginia.

18VAC48-30-140. Requirements for plats and plans.

A. Except as provided in subsection C of this section, all plats and plans submitted with the application for registration shall comply with § 55-79.58 of the Code of Virginia but the certification need not be signed until recordation. The plats and plans filed with the application for registration shall be the same as the plats and plans the declarant intends to record. A material change to the plats and plans shall be submitted to the board in accordance with Part VI (18VAC48-30-460 et seq.) of this chapter. Once recorded, copies of plats and plans as recorded shall be filed with the board in accordance with Part VI of this chapter.

B. In the case of units that are substantially identical, the requirement to show the location and dimensions (within normal construction tolerances) of the boundaries of each unit pursuant to subsection B of § 55-79.58 of the Code of Virginia may be deemed satisfied by depiction of the location and dimensions of the vertical boundaries and horizontal boundaries, if any, of one such unit. The identifying numbers of all units represented by such depiction shall be indicated. Each structure within which any such units are located shall be depicted so as to indicate the exact location of each such unit within the structure.

C. In the case of a condominium located outside Virginia, certain materials may be filed with the application for registration in lieu of plats and plans complying with the provisions of § 55-79.58 of the Code of Virginia. Such materials shall contain, as a minimum, (i) a plat of survey depicting all existing improvements, and all improvements that the declarant represents, without condition or limitation, will be built or placed in the condominium; and (ii) legally sufficient descriptions of each unit. Any improvements whose completion is subject to conditions or limitations shall be appropriately labeled to indicate that such improvements may not be completed. Unit descriptions may be written or graphic, shall demarcate each unit vertically and, if appropriate, horizontally, and shall indicate each unit's location relative to established points or datum.

D. The plats and plans must bear the form of the certification statement required by subsections A and B § 55-79.58 of the Code of Virginia. However, as stated in subsection A of this section, the statement need not be executed prior to recordation. The certification statement may appear in a separate document that is recorded, or to be recorded.

18VAC48-30-150. Application for registration of expandable condominium.

The declarant may include in the application for registration all units for which development rights have been reserved.

Part IV
Public Offering Statement

18VAC48-30-160. Public offering statement requirements, generally.

In addition to the provisions of § 55-79.90 of the Code of Virginia, the following will be considered, as applicable, during review of the public offering statement.

1. The public offering statement shall provide full and fair disclosure in accordance with 18VAC48-30-170.

2. The public offering statement shall pertain to a single offering and to the entire condominium in which the condominium units being offered are located.

3. The public offering statement shall be clear, organized, and legible.

4. Except for brief excerpts, the public offering statement may refer to, but should not incorporate verbatim, portions of the condominium instruments, the Condominium Act, or this chapter. This does not preclude compliance with 18VAC48-30-180.

18VAC48-30-170. Full and fair disclosure.

A. The provisions of § 55-79.90 and subsection A of § 55-79.94 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter shall be strictly construed to promote full and fair disclosure in the public offering statement. In addition, the following will be considered, as applicable, during review to assure full and fair disclosure:

1. The information shall be presented in a manner that is clear and understandable to a reasonably informed consumer, while maintaining consistency with the requirements of this chapter and the Condominium Act.

2. In addition to specific information required by this chapter and the Condominium Act, the public offering statement shall disclose any other information necessary for full and fair disclosure.

3. No information shall be incorporated by reference to an outside source that is not reasonably available to a prospective purchaser.

4. If required information is not known or not reasonably available, such fact shall be stated and explained in the public offering statement.

B. The board has the sole discretion to require additional information or amendment of existing information as it finds necessary to ensure full and fair disclosure.

18VAC48-30-180. Contents of public offering statement.

A. A cover, if used, must be blank or bear identification information only.

B. The first page of the public offering statement shall be substantially as follows:









THE PURCHASER SHOULD READ THIS DOCUMENT FOR THE PURCHASER'S OWN PROTECTION. Living in a common interest community carries with it certain rights, responsibilities, and benefits, including certain financial obligations, rights, and restrictions concerning the use and maintenance of units and common elements, and [ decisionmaking decision-making ] authority vested in the unit owners' association. The purchaser will be bound by the provisions of the condominium instruments and should review the Public Offering Statement, the condominium instruments, and other exhibits carefully prior to purchase.

This Public Offering Statement presents information regarding condominium units being offered for sale by the declarant. Virginia law requires that a Public Offering Statement be given to every Purchaser in order to provide full and fair disclosure of the significant features of the condominium units being offered. The Public Offering Statement is not intended, however, to be all-inclusive. The Purchaser should consult other sources for details not covered by the Public Offering Statement.

The Public Offering Statement summarizes information and documents furnished by the declarant to the Virginia Common Interest Community Board. The Board has carefully reviewed the Public Offering Statement to ensure that it contains required disclosures, but the Board does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the Public Offering Statement. In the event of any inconsistency between the Public Offering Statement and the material it is intended to summarize, the latter will control.

Under Virginia law a purchaser of a condominium unit is afforded a [ 10-day 5-day ] period during which the purchaser may cancel the purchase contract of sale and obtain a full refund of any sums deposited in connection with the purchase contract. The [ 10-day 5-day ] period begins on the purchase contract date or the date of delivery of a Public Offering Statement, whichever is later. The purchaser may, if practicable, inspect the condominium unit and the common elements and obtain professional advice. If the purchaser elects to cancel, the purchaser must deliver notice of cancellation to the declarant pursuant to § 55-79.88 of the Code of Virginia.

Allegations of violation of any law or regulation contained in the Condominium Act or the Condominium Regulations should be reported to the Virginia Common Interest Community Board, Perimeter Center, Suite 400, 9960 Mayland Drive, Richmond, Virginia 23233.

C. A summary of important considerations shall immediately follow the first page for the purpose of reinforcing the disclosure of significant information. The summary shall be titled as such and shall be introduced by the following statement:

"Following are important matters to be considered in acquiring a condominium unit. They are highlights only. The Public Offering Statement should be examined in its entirety to obtain detailed information."

Appropriate modifications shall be made to reflect facts and circumstances that may vary. The summary shall consist of, but not be limited to, the following, as applicable:

1. A statement on the governance of the condominium wherein unit owners are allocated votes for certain decisions of the association. In addition, the statement shall include that all unit owners will be bound by the decisions made by the association, even if the individual unit owner disagrees.

2. A statement concerning the decision-making authority of the executive organ of the unit owners' association.

3. A statement regarding the payment of expenses of the association on the basis of a periodic budget, to include a disclosure of any provision for reserves, including a statement if there are no reserves.

4. A statement detailing the requirement for each unit owner to pay a periodic assessment and the inability to reduce the amount of an assessment by refraining from the use of the common elements.

5. A statement of the unit owner's responsibility to pay additional assessments, if any.

6. A statement regarding the consequences for failure to pay an assessment when due. The statement shall include reference to the enforcement mechanisms available to the association, including obtaining a lien against the condominium unit, pursuing civil action against the unit owner, and certain other penalties.

7. A statement that the declarant must pay assessments on unsold condominium units.

8. A statement indicating whether the declarant, its predecessors, or principal officer have undergone a debtor's relief proceeding.

9. A statement that the declarant will retain control of the unit owners' association for an initial period.

10. A statement indicating whether a managing agent will perform the routine operations of the unit owners' association. The statement shall include whether the managing agent is related to the declarant, director, or officer of the unit owners' association.

11. A statement indicating whether the declarant may lease unsold condominium units and a statement indicating whether the right of a unit owner to lease that owner's unit to another is subject to restrictions.

12. A statement indicating whether the declarant may expand or contract the condominium or convert convertible land or space without the consent of any unit owner.

13. A statement indicating whether the right of the unit owner to resell the owner's condominium unit is subject to restrictions.

14. A statement indicating whether the units are restricted to residential use and whether the units may be utilized for commercial, retail, or professional use. The statement shall provide detail if units have different voting rights. Further, the statement shall also detail whether the allocation of rights and responsibilities among commercial, retail, professional, or residential use units are the same.

15. A statement indicating whether approval of the declarant or unit owners' association is necessary in order for a unit owner to alter the structure of the unit or modify the exterior of the unit.

16. A statement regarding the obligation of the unit owners' association to obtain certain insurance benefiting the unit owner, along with the necessity for a unit owner to obtain other insurance.

17. A statement regarding the unit owner's obligation to pay real estate taxes.

18. A statement regarding any limits the declarant asserts on the association or the unit owner's right to bring legal action against the declarant. Nothing in this statement shall be deemed to authorize such limits where those limits are otherwise prohibited by law.

19. A statement that the association or unit owners are members of another association or obligated to perform duties or pay fees or charges to that association or entity.

20. A statement indicating whether the condominium is subject to development as a time-share.

21. A statement affirming that marketing and sale of condominium units will be conducted in accordance with the Virginia Fair Housing Law (§ 36-96.1 et seq. of the Code of Virginia) and the Condominium Act (Chapter 4.2 (§ 55-79.39 et seq.) of Title 55 of the Code of Virginia).

D. The content after the summary of important considerations shall include the narrative sections in 18VAC48-30-190 through 18VAC48-30-360. Supplementary sections may be included as necessary.

E. Clear and legible copies of the following documents shall be attached as exhibits to the public offering statement:

1.The declaration;

2. The bylaws;

3. The projected budget;

4. Rules and regulations of the unit owners' association, if available;

5. Master association documents, if applicable;

6. Any management contract, along with the license number of the common interest community manager, if applicable;

7. Depiction of unit layouts;

8. Any lease of recreational areas;

9. Any contract or agreement affecting the use, maintenance, or access of all or any portion of the condominium, the nature, duration, or expense of which has a material impact on the operation and administration of the condominium;

10. Warranty information, if applicable; and

11. Other documents obligating the association or unit owner to perform duties or obligations or pay charges or fees.

F. Other information and documentation may be included as necessary to ensure full and fair disclosure. The board may also require additional information as necessary to ensure full and fair disclosure.

18VAC48-30-190. Narrative sections; condominium concept.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "The Condominium Concept." The section shall consist of a brief discussion of the condominium form of ownership. The section shall discuss the distinction among units, common elements and limited common elements, if any, and shall explain ownership of an undivided interest in the common elements. Attention shall be directed to any features of ownership of the condominium units being offered that are different from typical condominium unit ownership.

18VAC48-30-200. Narrative sections; creation of condominium.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Creation of the Condominium." The section shall briefly explain the manner in which the condominium was or will be created, the locality wherein the condominium instruments will be or have been recorded, and each of the condominium instruments, their functions, and the procedure for their amendment. The section shall indicate where each of the condominium instruments or copies thereof may be found. In the case of a condominium located in Virginia or in a jurisdiction having a law similar to § 55-79.96 of the Code of Virginia, the section shall indicate that the purchaser will receive copies of the recorded declaration and bylaws, including amendments, as appropriate, within the time provided in the applicable statute.

18VAC48-30-210. Narrative sections; description of condominium.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Description of the Condominium." The description shall include statements of (i) the land area of the condominium to include either the square footage or the acreage, (ii) the number of units in the condominium, (iii) the number of units in the offering, (iv) the number of units in the condominium planned to be rented, and (v) the percentage of units the declarant intends to sell to persons who do not intend to occupy the units as their primary residence.

B. If the condominium is contractable, expandable, or includes convertible land or space, the section shall contain a brief description of each such feature, including the land area to include either the square footage or acreage, and the maximum number of units or maximum number of units per acre that may be added, withdrawn, or converted, as applicable, together with a statement of the declarant's plans for the implementation of each such feature. In the case of a contractable or expandable condominium, the section shall contain the substance of the following statement:

"At the declarant's option, the construction and development of the condominium may be abandoned or altered prior to completion, and land or buildings originally intended for condominium development may be put to other uses or sold."

In the case of a condominium including convertible land, the section shall contain the substance of the following statements:

"Until such time as the declarant converts the convertible land into units or limited common elements, the declarant is required by the Virginia Condominium Act to pay for the upkeep of the convertible land. Once the convertible land has been converted, maintenance and other financial responsibilities associated with the land so designated become the responsibility of the unit owners and, therefore, may be reflected in the periodic assessment for the condominium."

If the common expense assessments are expected to increase should convertible land be converted, this section shall also disclose an estimate of the approximate percentage by which such assessments are expected to increase as a result of such conversion.

C. The section shall state whether the units are restricted solely to residential use and shall identify where use and occupancy restrictions are found in the condominium instruments. If nonresidential use is permitted, the section shall identify the types of units and proportion of each, if known or reasonably anticipated.

D. The section shall state whether the project, as of the effective date of the public offering statement, is intended to comply with the underwriting guidelines of the secondary mortgage market agencies, including but not limited to the Federal National Mortgage Association, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, and the Virginia Housing Development Authority.

18VAC48-30-220. Narrative section; individual units.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Individual Units." The section shall contain a general description of the various types of units being offered to include the square footage, or number of bedrooms, or both, together with the dates on which substantial completion of unfinished units is anticipated. The section shall state any restrictions regarding changes unit owners may make to the structure or exterior of the units, regardless of whether the exterior is a portion of the common elements.

18VAC48-30-230. Narrative sections; common elements.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Common Elements." The section shall contain a general description of the common elements.

B. For any common elements that are not completed or not expected to be substantially complete when the units are complete, a statement of the anticipated completion dates of unfinished common elements shall be included.

C. In the case of a [ condominum condominium ] located in Virginia, if common elements are not expected to be substantially complete when the units are completed, the section shall state the nature, source, and extent of the obligation to complete such common elements that the declarant has incurred or intends to incur upon recordation of the condominium instruments pursuant to §§ 55-79.58 A and 55-79.67 (a1) of the Code of Virginia and applicable provisions of the condominium instruments. In addition the section shall state that pursuant to § 55-79.58:1 of the Code of Virginia, the declarant has filed with the board a bond to insure completion of improvements to the common elements that the declarant is obligated as stated in the declaration.

D. In the case of a condominium located outside of Virginia, a description of the nature, source, and extent of the obligation to complete such common elements that the declarant has incurred or intends to incur under the law of the jurisdiction in which the condominium is located shall be included.

E. The section shall describe any limited common elements that are assigned or that may be assigned and shall indicate the reservation of exclusive use. In the case of limited common elements that may be assigned, the section shall state the manner of such assignment or reassignment.

F. The section shall indicate the availability of vehicular parking spaces including the number of spaces available per unit and restrictions on or charges for the use of spaces.

18VAC48-30-240. Narrative sections; maintenance, repair, and replacement responsibilities.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Maintenance, Repair, and Replacement Responsibilities." The section shall describe the basic allocation of maintenance, repair, and replacement responsibilities between the unit owner and the association as well as any unusual items to be maintained by the unit owner. The section shall refer to the location of the maintenance, repair, and replacement responsibility requirements in the condominium instruments.

18VAC48-30-250. Narrative sections; declarant.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "The Declarant." The section shall contain a brief history of the declarant with emphasis on its experience in condominium development.

B. The following information shall be stated with regard to persons immediately responsible for the development of the condominium: (i) name, (ii) length of time associated with the declarant, (iii) role in the development of the condominium, and (iv) experience in real estate development. If different from the persons immediately responsible for the development of the condominium, the principal officers of the declarant shall also be identified.

C. The section shall describe the type of legal entity of the declarant and explain if any other entities have any obligation to satisfy the financial obligations of the declarant.

D. If the declarant or its parent or predecessor organization has, during the preceding 10 years, been adjudicated [ a as ] bankrupt or has undergone any proceeding for the relief of debtors, such fact or facts shall be stated. If any of the persons identified pursuant to subsection B of this section has, during the preceding three years, been adjudicated a bankrupt or undergone any proceeding for the relief of debtors, such fact or facts shall be stated.

E. The section shall indicate any final action taken against the declarant, its principals, or the condominium by an administrative agency, civil court, or criminal court where the action reflected adversely upon the performance of the declarant as a developer of real estate projects. The section shall also indicate any current or past proceedings brought against the declarant by any condominium unit owners' association or by its executive organ or any managing agent on behalf of such association or that has been certified as a class action on behalf of some or all of the unit owners. For the purposes of the previous sentence with respect to past proceedings, if the ultimate disposition of those proceedings was one that reflected adversely upon the performance of the declarant, that disposition shall be disclosed. If the ultimate disposition was resolved favorably towards the declarant, its principals, or the condominium, the final action does not need to be disclosed. The board has the sole discretion to require additional disclosure of any proceedings where it finds such disclosure necessary to assure full and fair disclosure.

18VAC48-30-260. Narrative sections; terms of the offering.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Terms of the Offering." The section shall discuss the expenses to be borne by a purchaser in acquiring a condominium unit and present information regarding the settlement of purchase contracts as provided in subsections B through H of this section.

B. The section shall indicate the offering prices for condominium units or a price range for condominium units, if either is established.

C. The section shall set forth the significant terms of any financing offered by or through the declarant to purchasers. Such discussion shall include the substance of the following statement:

"Financing is subject to additional terms and conditions stated in the loan commitment or instruments."

D. The section shall discuss in detail any costs collected by or paid to the declarant, association, or master association that are not normal for residential real estate transactions including, without limitation, any contribution to the initial or working capital of the unit owners' association, including any master association, to be paid by a purchaser.

E. The section shall discuss any penalties or forfeitures to be incurred by a purchaser upon default in performance of a purchase contract that are not normal for residential real estate transactions. Penalties or forfeitures to be discussed include, without limitation, the declarant's right to retain sums deposited in connection with a purchase contract in the event of a refusal by a lending institution to provide financing to a purchaser who has made proper application for same.

F. The section shall discuss the right of the declarant to cancel a purchase contract upon failure of the declarant to obtain purchase contracts on a given number or percentage of condominium units being offered or upon failure of the declarant to meet other conditions precedent to obtaining necessary financing.

G. The section shall discuss the process for cancellation of a purchase contract by a purchaser in accordance with subdivision 2 of § 55-79.88 of the Code of Virginia. The section shall include a statement as to whether deposits will be held in an escrow fund or if a bond or letter of credit will be filed with the board in lieu of escrowing deposits, all in accordance with § 55-79.95 of the Code of Virginia.

H. The section shall set forth any restrictions in the purchase contract that limit the unit owner's right to bring legal action against the declarant or the association. The section shall set forth the paragraph or section and page number of the purchase contract where such provision is located. Nothing in this statement shall be deemed to authorize such limits where those limits are otherwise prohibited by law.

18VAC48-30-270. Narrative sections; encumbrances.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Encumbrances" that shall include the significant terms of any encumbrances, easements, liens, and matters of title affecting the condominium other than those contained in the condominium instruments and disclosed elsewhere in the public offering statement, as provided in subsections B through J of this section.

B. Except to the extent that such encumbrances are required to be satisfied or released by subsection A of § 55-79.46 of the Code of Virginia, or a similar law, the section shall describe every mortgage, deed of trust, other perfected lien, or choate mechanics or materialmen's lien affecting all or any portion of the condominium other than those placed on condominium units by their purchasers or owners. Such description shall (i) identify the lender secured or the lienholder, (ii) state the nature and original amount of the obligation secured, (iii) identify the party having primary responsibility for performance of the obligation secured, and (iv) indicate the practical effect upon unit owners of failure of the party to perform the obligation.

C. Normal easements for utilities, municipal rights-of-way, and emergency access shall be described only as such, without reference to ownership, location, or other details.

D. Easements reserved to the declarant to facilitate conversion, expansion, or sales shall be briefly described.

E. Easements reserved to the declarant or to the unit owners' association or to either entity's representatives or agents for access to units shall be briefly described. In the event that access to a unit may be had without notice to the unit owner, such fact shall be stated.

F. Easements across the condominium reserved to the owners or occupants of land located in the vicinity of the condominium, or across adjacent land benefitting the condominium including, without limitation, easements for the use of recreational areas shall be briefly described.

G. Covenants, servitudes, or other devices that create an actual restriction on the right of any unit owner to use and enjoy the unit or any portion of the common elements other than limited common elements shall be briefly described.

H. Any matter of title that is not otherwise required to be disclosed by the provisions of this section and that has or may have a substantial adverse impact upon unit owners' interests in the condominium shall be described. Under normal circumstances, normal and customary utility easements, easements for encroachments, and easements running in favor of unit owners for ingress and egress across the common elements shall be deemed not to have a substantial adverse impact upon unit owners' interest in the condominium.

I. The section need not include any information required to be disclosed by 18VAC48-30-210 C, 18VAC48-30-220, or 18VAC48-30-280.

J. In addition to the description of easements required in this section, pertinent easements that can be located shall be shown on the condominium plats and plans.

18VAC48-30-280. Narrative sections; restrictions on transfer.

The public offering statement shall include a section captioned "Restrictions on Transfer." The section shall describe and explain any rights of first refusal, preemptive rights, limitations on leasing, or other restraints on free alienability created by the condominium instruments or the rules and regulations of the unit owners' association that affect the unit owners' right to resell, lease, or otherwise transfer an interest in the condominium unit.

18VAC48-30-290. Narrative sections; unit owners' association.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Unit Owners' Association." The section shall discuss the manner in which the condominium is governed and administered and shall include the information required by subsections B through K of this section.

B. The section shall summarize the functions of the unit owners' association.

C. The section shall describe the organizational structure of the unit owners' association. Such description shall indicate (i) the existence of or provision for an executive organ, officers, and managing agent, if any; (ii) the relationships between such persons or bodies; (iii) the manner of election or appointment of such persons or bodies; and (iv) the assignment or delegation of responsibility for the performance of the functions of the unit owners' association.

D. The section shall describe the method of allocating votes among the unit owners.

E. The section shall describe any retention by the declarant of control over the unit owners' association, including the time period of declarant control. The section shall state that the association shall register with the Common Interest Community Board upon transition of declarant control by filing the required annual report in accordance with § 55-79.93:1 of the Code of Virginia.

F. The managing agent, if any, shall be identified. If a managing agent is to be employed in the future, the criteria, if any, for selection of the managing agent shall be briefly stated. The section shall indicate any relationship between the managing agent and the declarant or a member of the executive organ or an officer of the unit owners' association. The duration of any management agreement shall be stated.

G. Except to the extent otherwise disclosed in connection with discussion of a management agreement, the significant terms of any lease of recreational areas or similar contract or agreement affecting the use, maintenance, or access of all or any part of the condominium shall be stated. The section shall include a brief narrative statement of the effect of each such agreement upon a purchaser.

H. Rules and regulations of the unit owners' association and the authority to promulgate rules and regulations shall be discussed. Particular provisions of the rules and regulations need not be discussed except as required by other provisions of this chapter. The purchaser's attention shall be directed to the copy of rules and regulations, if any, attached to the public offering statement.

I. Any standing committees established or to be established to perform functions of the unit owners' association shall be discussed. Such committees include, without limitation, architectural control committees and committees having the authority to interpret condominium instruments, rules, and regulations or other operative provisions.

J. Unless required to be disclosed by 18VAC48-30-270 E, any power of the declarant or of the unit owners' association or its representatives or agents to enter units shall be discussed. To the extent each is applicable, the following facts shall be stated (i) a unit may be entered without notice to the unit owner, (ii) the declarant or the unit owners' association or its representatives or agents are empowered to take actions or perform work in a unit without the consent of the unit owner, and (iii) the unit owner may be required to bear the costs of actions so taken or work so performed.

K. The section shall state whether the condominium is part of a master or other association and briefly describe such relationship and the responsibilities of and obligations to the master association, including any charges for which the unit owner or the unit owners' association may be responsible. The disclosures required by this subsection may be contained in this narrative section or another narrative section. The section shall also describe any other obligation of the association or unit owners arising out of any agreements, easements, deed restrictions, or proffers, including the obligation to pay fees or other charges.

18VAC48-30-300. Narrative sections; display of flag.

The public offering statement shall include a section captioned "Display of Flag." This section shall describe any restrictions, limitations, or prohibitions on the right of a unit owner to display the flag of the United States in accordance with § 55-79.75:2 of the Code of Virginia.

18VAC48-30-310. Narrative sections; surrounding area.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Surrounding Area." The section shall briefly describe the zoning of the immediate neighborhood of the condominium and the current uses.

18VAC48-30-320. Narrative sections; financial matters.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Financial Matters." The section shall discuss the expenses incident to the ownership of a condominium unit, excluding certain taxes, in the manner provided in subsections B through I of this section.

B. The section shall distinguish, in general terms, the following categories of costs of operation, maintenance, repair, and replacement of various portions of the condominium: (i) common expenses apportioned among and assessed to all of the condominium units pursuant to subsection C of § 55-79.83 of the Code of Virginia or similar law or condominium instrument provision; (ii) common expenses, if any, apportioned among and assessed to less than all of the condominium units pursuant to subsections A and B of § 55-79.83 of the Code of Virginia or similar law or condominium instrument provisions; and (iii) costs borne directly by individual unit owners. The section need not discuss taxes assessed against individual condominium units and payable directly by the unit owners.

C. A budget shall show projected common expenses for the first year of the condominium's operation or, if different, the latest year for which a budget is available. The projected budget shall be attached to the public offering statement as an exhibit and the section shall direct the purchaser's attention to such exhibit. The section shall describe the manner in which the projected budget is established. If the condominium is phased, the budget shall project future years until all phases are projected to be developed and all common elements that must be built have been completed. The budget shall include an initial working capital budget showing sources and uses of initial working capital and a reserve table showing amounts to be collected to fund those reserves. The budget shall show regular individual assessments by unit type. The budget shall note that the figures are not guaranteed and may vary.

D. The section shall describe the manner in which regular common expenses are apportioned among and assessed to the condominium units. The section shall include the substance of the following statement, if applicable:

"A unit owner cannot obtain a reduction of the regular common expenses assessed against the unit by refraining from use of any of the common elements."

E. The section shall describe budget provisions for reserves for capital expenditures in accordance with § 55-79.83:1 of the Code of Virginia and for contingencies, if any. If there are no reserves, the section shall so state.

F. The section shall describe provisions for additional assessments to be levied in accordance with subsection E of § 55-79.83 of the Code of Virginia in the event that budgeted assessments provide insufficient funds for operation of the unit owners' association. The section shall also describe the provisions for an assessment against an individual unit owner.

G. The section shall discuss any common expenses actually planned to be specially assessed pursuant to subsections A and B of § 55-79.83 of the Code of Virginia or similar law or condominium instrument provisions.

H. The section shall indicate any fee, rent, or other charge to be payable by unit owners other than through common expense assessments to any party for use of the common elements or for use of recreational or parking facilities in the vicinity of the condominium. As an exception to the provisions of this subsection, the section need not discuss any fees provided for in subsection H of § 55-79.84 and § 55-79.85 of the Code of Virginia, or similar laws or condominium instrument provisions or any costs for certificates for resale.

I. The section shall discuss the effect of failure of a unit owner to pay the assessments levied against the condominium unit. Such discussion shall indicate provisions for charges or other remedies that may be imposed to be applied in the case of overdue assessments and for acceleration of unpaid assessments. The section shall indicate the existence of a lien for unpaid assessments and where applicable the bond or letter of credit conditioned on the payment of assessments filed with the board in accordance with § 55-79.84:1 of the Code of Virginia. The section shall include, to the extent applicable, the substance of the following statement:

"The unit owners' association may obtain payment of overdue assessments by bringing legal action against the unit owner or by foreclosure of the lien resulting in a forced sale of the condominium unit."

18VAC48-30-330. Narrative sections; insurance.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Insurance." The section shall describe generally the insurance on the condominium to be maintained by the unit owners' association. The section shall state, with respect to such insurance, each of the following circumstances, to the extent applicable: (i) property damage coverage will not insure personal property belonging to unit owners; (ii) property damage coverage will not insure improvements to a unit that increase its value beyond the limits of coverage provided in the unit owners' association's policy, and (iii) liability coverage will not insure against liability arising from an accident or injury occurring within a unit or as a result of the act or negligence of a unit owner. The section shall include a statement whether the unit owner is obligated to obtain coverage for any or all of the coverages described. The section shall also include a statement that the unit owner should consult with an insurance professional to determine the appropriate coverage.

B. The section shall indicate any conditions imposed by the condominium instruments or the rules and regulations to which insurance obtained directly by unit owners will be subject. Such indication may be made by reference to pertinent provisions of the condominium instruments or the rules and regulations.

C. The section shall explain that the association is the only party that can make a claim under the master policy and is the sole decision-maker as to whether to make a claim, including a statement as to the circumstances under which a unit owner could be responsible for payment of the deductible.

D. The section shall state that the unit owners' association is required to obtain and maintain a blanket fidelity bond or employee dishonesty insurance policy in accordance with subsection B of § 55-79.81 of the Code of Virginia.

18VAC48-30-340. Narrative sections; taxes.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Taxes." The section shall describe all existing or [ proposed pending ] taxes to be levied against condominium units individually including, without limitation, real property taxes, sewer connection charges, and other special assessments.

B. With respect to real property taxes, the section shall state the current tax rate or provide information for obtaining the current tax rate. The section shall also state a procedure or formula by means of which the taxes may be estimated.

C. With respect to other taxes, the section shall describe each tax in sufficient detail as to indicate the time at which the tax will be levied and the actual or estimated amount to be levied, or a procedure or formula by means of which the taxes may be estimated.

18VAC48-30-350. Narrative sections; governmental reviews.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Governmental Reviews." The section shall discuss governmental reviews applicable to the condominium property and the status of any governmental approvals required for the development of the condominium. In addition, the section shall discuss approval of the zoning application and site plan and issuance of building permits by appropriate governmental authorities. The section shall state the current zoning classification for the condominium property. The section shall also include a statement regarding any zoning, subdivision, or land use obligations or proffers that would be imposed on the unit owner or the association, but need not disclose any zoning, subdivision, or land use obligations or proffers that do not impose any obligation on the association.

18VAC48-30-360. Narrative sections; warranties.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Warranties." The section shall describe any warranties provided by or through the declarant on the units or the common elements and a summary of the process for commencement of an action for breach of warranty in accordance with subsection C of § 55-79.79 of the Code of Virginia. The section shall describe the structural defect warranty required by and described in subsection B of § 55-79.79 of the Code of Virginia. The section shall also include the substance of the following statement:

"Nothing contained in the warranty provided by the declarant shall limit the protection afforded by the statutory warranty."

18VAC48-30-370. Documents from other jurisdictions.

A. A substituted public offering statement shall only be permitted for a condominium located outside of Virginia.

B. The substituted public offering statement shall be prepared by deleting from the original disclosure document (i) references to any governmental agency of another jurisdiction to which application has been made or will be made for registration or related action; (ii) references to the action of such governmental agency relative to the condominium; (iii) statements of the legal effect in another jurisdiction of delivery, failure to deliver, acknowledgement of receipt, or related events involving the disclosure document; (iv) the effective date or dates in another jurisdiction of the disclosure document; and (v) all other information that is untrue, inaccurate, or misleading with respect to marketing, offers, or disposition of condominium units in Virginia.

C. The substituted public offering statement shall incorporate all information not otherwise included that is necessary to effect fully and accurately the disclosures required by subsection A of § 55-79.90 of the Code of Virginia and, if applicable, subsection A of § 55-79.94 of the Code of Virginia. The substituted disclosure document shall clearly explain any nomenclature that is different from the definitions provided in § 55-79.41 of the Code of Virginia.

D. The substituted public offering statement shall include as the first item of the summary of important considerations a statement that includes the following information: (i) the designation by which the original disclosure document is identified in the original jurisdiction, (ii) the governmental agency of such other jurisdiction where the original disclosure document is or will be filed, and (iii) the jurisdiction of such filing.

E. The provisions of subdivision 2 of § 55-79.88, § 55-79.90, and subsection A of § 55-79.94 of the Code of Virginia and 18VAC48-30-160, 18VAC48-30-170, and 18VAC48-30-180 shall apply to substituted public offering statements in the same manner and to the same extent that they apply to public offering statements.

18VAC48-30-380. Condominium securities.

A prospectus filed in compliance with the securities laws of a state or federal agency used in lieu of a public offering statement shall contain or have attached thereto copies of documents, other than the projected budget required to be attached to a public offering statement by subsection E of 18VAC48-30-180. Such prospectus shall be deemed to satisfy all of the disclosure requirements of subsections C and D of 18VAC48-30-180 and 18VAC48-30-190 through 18VAC48-30-360. In the case of a conversion condominium, the prospectus shall have attached thereto, in suitable form, the information required by 18VAC48-30-420, subsections C and D of 18VAC48-30-430, and 18VAC48-30-440 to be disclosed in public offering statements for conversion condominiums. The provisions of subdivision 2 of § 55-79.88 of the Code of Virginia shall apply to the delivery of the prospectus in the same manner and to the same extent that they apply to the delivery of a public offering statement.

18VAC48-30-390. Board oversight of public offering statement.

The board at any time may require a declarant to alter or amend the public offering statement to assure full and fair disclosure to prospective purchasers and to ensure compliance with the Condominium Act and this chapter.

In accordance with subsection B of § 55-79.90 of the Code of Virginia, the board does not approve or recommend the condominium or disposition thereof. The board's issuance of an effective date for a public offering statement shall not be construed to (i) constitute approval of the condominium, (ii) represent that the board asserts that either all facts or material changes or both concerning the condominium have been fully or adequately disclosed, or (iii) indicate that the board has made judgment on the value or merits of the condominium.

Part V
Conversion Condominiums

18VAC48-30-400. Public offering statement for conversion condominium; general instructions.

The public offering statement for a conversion condominium shall conform in all respects to the requirements of 18VAC48-30-160 through 18VAC48-30-380. In addition, the public offering statement for a conversion condominium shall (i) contain special disclosures in the narrative sections captioned "Description of the Condominium," "Terms of the Offering," and "Financial Matters"; and (ii) incorporate narrative sections captioned "Present Condition of the Condominium" and "Replacement Requirements." Provisions for such additional disclosure are set forth in 18VAC48-30-410 through 18VAC48-30-440.

18VAC48-30-410. Description of conversion condominium.

In addition to the information required by 18VAC48-30-210, the section captioned "Description of the Condominium" shall indicate that the condominium is a conversion condominium. The term conversion condominium shall be defined and the particular circumstances that bring the condominium within the definition shall be stated. The nature and inception date of prior occupancy of the property being converted shall be stated.

18VAC48-30-420. Financial matters, conversion condominium.

A. The provisions for capital reserves described in the section captioned "Financial Matters" shall conform with 18VAC48-30-320 and shall be supplemented by the information set forth in subsections B and C of this section.

B. The section shall state the aggregate replacement cost of all physical assets whose replacement costs will constitute regular common expenses and whose expected useful lives are 10 years or less. For the purposes of this subsection, an expected useful life that is stated as being within a range of years pursuant to subsection E of 18VAC48-30-440 shall be deemed to be 10 years or less, if the lower limit of such range is 10 years or less. The total common expense assessments per unit that would be necessary in order to accumulate an amount of capital reserves equal to such aggregate replacement cost shall be stated.

C. The section shall state the amount of capital reserves that will be accumulated by the unit owners' association during the period of declarant control together with any provisions of the condominium instruments specifying the rate at which reserves are to be accumulated thereafter. If any part of the capital reserves will or may be obtained other than through regular common expense and limited common expense assessments, such fact shall be stated.

D. The actual expenditures made over a three-year period on operation, maintenance, repair, or other upkeep of the property prior to its conversion to condominium shall be set forth in tabular form as an exhibit immediately preceding or following the budget attached to the public offering statement pursuant to subsection C of 18VAC48-30-320, and shall be presented in a manner that is not misleading. Distinction shall be made between expenditures that would have constituted regular common expenses and limited common expenses, and expenditures that would have been borne by unit owners individually if the property had been converted to a condominium prior to the commencement of the three-year period. To the extent that it is impossible or impracticable to so distinguish the expenditures it shall be assumed that they would have constituted regular common expenses or limited common expenses.

Both types of expenditures shall be cumulatively broken down on a per unit basis in the same proportion that common expenses are or will actually be assessed against the condominium units. The three-year period to which this subsection refers shall be the most recent three-year period prior to application for registration during which the property was occupied and for which expenditure information is available. The expenditure information shall indicate the years for which expenditures are stated. If any portion of the property being converted to condominium was not occupied for the full three-year period, expenditure information shall be set forth only for the entire time period that portion of the property was occupied. The "Financial Matters" section shall direct the purchaser's attention to the expenditure information.

18VAC48-30-430. Present condition of conversion condominium.

A. The section captioned "Present Condition of the Condominium" shall contain a statement of the approximate dates of original construction or installation of all physical assets in the condominium. A single construction or installation date may be stated for all of the physical assets (i) in the condominium, (ii) within a distinctly identifiable portion of the condominium, or (iii) within a distinctly identifiable category of physical assets. A statement made pursuant to the preceding sentence shall include a separate reference to the construction or installation date of any physical asset within a stated group of physical assets that was constructed or installed significantly earlier than the construction or installation date indicated for the group generally. No statement shall be made that a physical asset or portion thereof has been repaired, altered, improved, or replaced subsequent to its construction or installation unless the approximate date, nature, and extent of such repair, alteration, improvement, or replacement is also stated.

B. Subject to the exceptions provided in subsections D, E, and F of this section, the section captioned "Present Condition of the Condominium" shall contain a description of the present condition of all physical assets within the condominium. The description of present condition shall disclose all structural defects and incapacities of major utility installations to perform their intended functions as would be observable, detectable, or deducible by means of standard inspection and investigative techniques employed by architects or professional engineers, as the case may be.

C. The section shall indicate the dates of inspection by means of which the described present condition was determined; provided, however, that such inspections shall have been conducted not more than one year prior to the date of filing the application for registration. The section shall identify the party or parties by whom present condition was ascertained and shall indicate the relationship of such party or parties to the declarant.

D. A single statement of the present condition of a class of physical assets shall suffice to disclose the present condition of each physical asset within the class; provided, however, that, unless subsection F of this section applies, such statement shall include a separate reference to the present condition of any physical asset within the class that is significantly different from the present condition indicated for the class generally.

E. The description of present condition may include a statement that all structural components in the condominium or in a distinctly identifiable portion thereof are in sound condition except those for which structural defects are noted.

F. In a case in which there are numerous physical assets within a class of physical assets and inspection of each such physical asset is impracticable, the description of present condition of all the physical assets within the class may be based upon an inspection of a number of them selected at random, provided that the number selected is large enough to yield a reasonably reliable sample and that the total number of physical assets within the class and the number selected are disclosed.

G. The section shall include statements disclosing any environmental issues pertaining to the building and the surrounding area, to include but not be limited to:

1. The presence of any asbestos-containing material following an inspection of each building completed prior to July 1, 1978, as well as whether any response actions have been or will need to be taken as required by § 55-79.94 A 5 of the Code of Virginia;

2. Any known information on lead-based paint and lead-based paint hazards in each building constructed prior to 1978 pursuant to the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992 - Title X [ (42 USC § 4851 et seq.) ]; and

3. Any obligations related to the declarant's participation in voluntary or nonvoluntary remediation activities.

18VAC48-30-440. Replacement requirements in conversion condominium.

A. Subject to the exceptions provided in subsections B and H of this section, the section captioned "Replacement Requirements" shall state the expected useful lives of all physical assets in the condominium. The section shall state that expected useful lives run from the date of the inspection by means of which the expected useful lives were determined. Such inspection date shall be stated.

B. A single statement of the expected useful life of a class of physical assets shall suffice to disclose the expected useful life of each physical asset within the class; provided, however, that such statement shall include a separate reference to the expected useful life of any physical asset within such class that is significantly shorter than the expected useful life indicated for the class generally.

C. An expected useful life may be qualified. A qualified expected useful life is an expected useful life expressly conditioned upon a given use or level of maintenance or other factor affecting longevity. No use, level of maintenance, or other factor affecting longevity shall be stated as a qualification unless such use, level of maintenance, or factor affecting longevity is normal or reasonably anticipated for the physical asset involved. If appropriate, an expected useful life may be stated as being indefinite, subject to the stated qualification that the physical asset involved must be properly used and maintained. An expected useful life may be stated as being within a range of years, provided that the range is not so broad as to render the statement meaningless. In no event shall the number of years constituting the lower limit of such range be less than two-thirds of the number of years constituting the upper limit.

D. Subject to the exceptions provided in subsections E and H of this section, the section captioned "Replacement Requirements" shall state the replacement costs of all physical assets in the condominium including those whose expected useful lives are stated as being indefinite.

E. A statement of the replacement cost of a representative member of a class of physical assets shall suffice to disclose the replacement cost of each physical asset within the class; provided, however, that such statement shall include a separate reference to the replacement cost of any physical asset within the class that is significantly greater than the replacement cost indicated for the representative member of the class.

F. Distinction shall be made between replacement costs that will be common expenses and replacement costs that will be borne by unit owners individually. The latter type of replacement costs shall be broken down on a per unit basis. The purchaser's attention shall be directed to the "Financial Matters" section for an indication of the amount of the former type of replacement costs.

G. In any case in which the replacement cost of a physical asset may vary depending upon the circumstances surrounding its replacement, the stated replacement cost shall reflect the circumstances under which replacement will most probably be undertaken.

H. A single expected useful life and an aggregate replacement cost may be stated for all of the structural components of a building or structure that have both (i) the same expected useful lives and (ii) replacement costs that will constitute regular common expenses. A statement made pursuant to the preceding sentence shall be accompanied by statements of the expected useful lives and replacement costs, stated on a per unit basis, of all of the structural components of the building or structure whose expected useful lives differ from the general expected useful life or whose replacement costs will be borne by unit owners individually.

18VAC48-30-450. Notice to tenants.

No notice to terminate tenancy of a unit provided for by subsection B of § 55-79.94 of the Code of Virginia shall be given prior to the registration of the condominium including such unit as to which the tenancy is to be terminated.

Part VI
Post-Registration Provisions

18VAC48-30-460. Minimum post-registration reporting requirements.

A. Subsequent to the issuance of a registration for a condominium by the board, the declarant of a condominium shall:

1. File an annual report in accordance with § 55-79.93 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter.

2. File a copy of the formal notice to the tenants of a conversion condominium upon delivery or no later than 15 days after delivery to such tenants in accordance with subsection B of § 55-79.94.

3. Upon the occurrence of a material or nonmaterial change, file an amended public offering statement or substituted public offering statement in accordance with the provisions of 18VAC48-30-480 or 18VAC48-30-490, as applicable.

4. Notify the board of a change in the bond or letter of credit, as applicable, required by §§ 55-79.58:1, 55-79.84:1, and 55-79.95 of the Code of Virginia.

5. File a complete application for registration of unregistered additional units upon the expansion of the condominium or the formation of units out of additional land. Notwithstanding the preceding, nonresidential units created out of convertible space need not be registered. Documents on file with the board and not changed with the creation of additional units need not be refiled provided that the application indicates that such documents are unchanged.

6. Notify the board of transition of control of the unit owners' association.

7. Notify the board upon the transfer of special declarant rights to a successor declarant.

8. Submit appropriate documentation to the board once the registration is eligible for termination.

9. Submit to the board any other document or information that may include information or documents that have been amended or may not have existed previously that affects the accuracy, completeness, or representation of any information or document filed with the application for registration.

10. Submit to the board any document or information to make the registration file accurate and complete.

B. Notwithstanding the requirements of subsection A of this section, the board at any time may require a declarant to provide information or documents, or amendments thereof, to assure full and fair disclosure to prospective purchasers and to ensure compliance with the Condominium Act and this chapter.

18VAC48-30-470. Amendment of public offering statement.

Any amendment of the public offering statement or substituted public offering statement shall comply with this chapter.

18VAC48-30-480. Nonmaterial changes to the public offering statement.

A. Changes to the public offering statement that are not material shall be filed with the board but shall not be deemed an amendment of the public offering statement for the purposes of this chapter and shall not give rise to a renewed right of [ recission rescission ] in any purchase. Nonmaterial changes to the public offering statement include, but may not be limited to, the following:

1. Correction of spelling, grammar, omission, or other similar errors not affecting the substance of the public offering statement;

2. Changes in presentation or format;

3. Substitution of an executed, filed, or recorded copy of a document for the otherwise substantially identical unexecuted, unfiled, or unrecorded copy of the document that was previously submitted;

4. Inclusion of updated information such as identification or description of the current officers and directors of the declarant;

5. Disclosure of completion of improvements for improvements that were previously proposed or not complete;

6. Changes in real estate tax assessment or rate or modifications related to those changes;

7. Changes in utility charges or rates or modifications related to those changes;

8. Adoption of a new budget that does not result in a significant change in the common expense assessment or significantly impact the rights or obligations of the prospective purchasers;

9. Modifications related to changes in insurance company or financial institution, policy, or amount for bonds or letters of credit required pursuant to §§ 55-79.58:1, 55-79.84:1, and 55-79.95 of the Code of Virginia;

10. Changes in management agent or common interest community manager; and

11. Any change that is the result of orderly development of the condominium in accordance with the condominium instruments as described in the public offering statement.

B. Nonmaterial changes to the public offering statement shall be submitted with the effective date of the changes detailed. All changes shall be clearly represented in the documentation presented. The additions and deletions of text in the public offering statement and exhibits shall be identified by underlining and striking through text to be added and deleted, and any documents being added to or deleted from the contents of the public offering statement shall be clearly and accurately reflected in the table of contents utilizing underlines and [ strikethroughs strike-throughs ] for additions and deletions. In addition to the copies showing edits to the text, a clean copy of all new and amended documents shall be provided. In addition, the declarant shall include a statement with the submission of the declarant's plans, if any, to deliver the public offering statement to purchasers pursuant to subdivision 2 of § 55-79.88 of the Code of Virginia.

C. The board has the sole discretion for determining whether a change is nonmaterial. The declarant will be notified in writing within 15 days of receipt by the board if the submitted changes are determined to be material. Should a change be submitted as nonmaterial but determined to be a material change during review, the requirements contained in 18VAC48-30-470 and 18VAC48-30-490 shall be applicable.

18VAC48-30-490. Filing of amended public offering statement.

A. The declarant shall promptly file with the board for review a copy of the amended public offering statement or substituted public offering statement together with a copy of a summary of proposed amendments that shall be distributed to purchasers during the board review period. The summary of proposed amendments shall enumerate the amendments to the public offering statement submitted for board review and include a statement that the amendments to the public offering statement have been filed with the board but have not yet been accepted. The form of the submission is at the discretion of the declarant provided, however, that (i) all amendments are clearly represented in the documentation presented, (ii) the additions and deletions of text in the public offering statement and exhibits shall be identified by underlining and striking through text to be added and deleted, and (iii) any documents being added to or deleted from the contents of the public offering statement shall be clearly and accurately reflected in the table of contents utilizing underlines and strike-throughs for additions and deletions. In addition to the copies showing edits to the text, a clean copy of all new and amended documents shall be provided.

B. The amended public offering statement submitted to the board for review shall include the effective date of the amendments.

C. The board shall issue a notice of filing within five business days following receipt of the amended public offering statement.

D. Within 30 days of the issuance of the notice of filing required by subsection C of this section, the board shall review the amended public offering statement and supporting materials to determine whether the amendment complies with this chapter. If the board's review determines that the amended public offering statement complies with this chapter, it shall notify the declarant in writing and confirm the new effective date of the public offering statement.

E. If the board's review determines that the amended public offering statement does not comply with this chapter, it shall immediately notify the declarant in writing that the review has determined the amended public offering statement is not in compliance and shall specify the particulars of such noncompliance. The declarant shall then have 20 days in which to correct the particulars of noncompliance identified by the board. The declarant may, prior to the completion of the 20-day correction period, request an extension in writing of the 20-day correction period. Upon expiration of the 20-day correction period, if requested corrections have not been made or a request for extension properly received, the board may issue a temporary cease and desist order in accordance with § 55-79.100 (b) of the Code of Virginia to require the cessation of sales until such time as affirmative action as directed by the board is taken. Use of the noncompliant public offering statement may result in further action by the board pursuant to §§ 55-79.100, 55-79.101, and 55-79.103 of the Code of Virginia.

F. Notwithstanding an extension of the 30-day period for review agreed to in writing by the board and declarant, if the board does not perform the required review of the public offering statement in accordance with subsection D of this section, the amendment shall be deemed to comply with 18VAC48-30-160 through 18VAC48-30-380, and the new effective date shall be the effective date of the amendment provided pursuant to subsection B of this section.

G. In each case in which an amended document is filed pursuant to this section and the manner of its amendment is not apparent on the face of the document, the declarant shall provide an indication of the manner and extent of amendment.

18VAC48-30-500. Current public offering statement.

A. Upon issuance of an effective date by the board, any purchasers who received a public offering statement and summary of proposed amendments during the board review period pursuant to subsection A of 18VAC48-30-490 shall be provided with the public offering statement as accepted by the board. A public offering statement remains current until such time as the occurrence of a material change requires amendment of the public offering statement pursuant to this chapter and a new effective date is issued by the board.

B. Upon issuance of an effective date by the board, a public offering statement remains current until such time as a new effective date is established pursuant to this chapter.

C. Notwithstanding the board's authority to issue a cease and desist order pursuant to § 55-79.100 of the Code of Virginia, the filing of an amended public offering statement shall not require the declarant to cease sales provided that the declarant provides to purchasers the summary of proposed amendments pursuant to subsection A of 18VAC48-30-490 pending the issuance of a new effective date by the board.

18VAC48-30-510. Public offering statement not current; notification of purchasers.

A. A purchaser who has been delivered a public offering statement that is not current due to a material change and was not provided with the summary of proposed amendments containing the proposed changes to the amended public offering statement pursuant to subsection A of 18VAC48-30-490 pending the issuance of a new effective date by the board shall be notified of such fact by the declarant.

B. A purchaser who has been delivered a public offering statement and summary of proposed amendments pursuant to subsection A of 18VAC48-30-490, but the amended public offering statement is determined to be noncompliant in accordance with subsection E of 18VAC48-30-490 shall be notified of such fact by the declarant.

1. The notification shall indicate that any contract for disposition of a condominium unit may be cancelled by the purchaser pursuant to subdivision 2 of § 55-79.88 of the Code of Virginia.

2. The declarant shall file a copy of the notification with the board and provide proof that such notification has been delivered to all purchasers under contract.

18VAC48-30-520. Provisions applicable to substituted public offering statement and prospectus.

A. The provisions of 18VAC48-30-470 through 18VAC48-30-510 shall apply to a substituted public offering statement in the same manner and to the same extent that they apply to public offering statements.

B. The provisions of 18VAC48-30-470 through 18VAC48-30-510 shall apply to a prospectus only to the extent that amendment of the information or documents attached to the prospectus pursuant to 18VAC48-30-380 is required or permitted. The body of the prospectus shall be amended only as provided in applicable securities law. The declarant shall immediately file with the board any amendments to the body of the prospectus and, upon receipt thereof, the board shall notify the declarant in writing and confirm the new effective date for use of the prospectus. A prospectus is current so long as it is effective under applicable securities law and the information and attached documents are current under the provisions of 18VAC48-30-490. The declarant shall immediately notify the board if the prospectus ceases being effective. If no prospectus is effective and the declarant proposes to continue offering condominium units, the declarant shall file a public offering statement with the board pursuant to 18VAC48-30-490.

C. The provisions of 18VAC48-30-510 shall apply to a prospectus in the same manner and to the same extent that they apply to a public offering statement.

D. In an annual report involving a prospectus, the declarant shall comply with all of the provisions of 18VAC48-30-540 applicable to public offering statements and, in addition, shall certify that an effective prospectus is available for delivery to purchasers and shall indicate the declarant's plans or expectations regarding the continuing effectiveness of the prospectus.

18VAC48-30-530. Filing of phase amendment application.

A. A phase amendment application shall be filed when adding land to or converting land in the condominium, provided that no such application need be filed for units previously registered. Such phase amendment application shall be accompanied by the fee provided for in 18VAC48-30-100 and shall be subject to all of the provisions of 18VAC48-30-90 through 18VAC48-30-150. Documents on file with the board that have not changed in connection with the additional units need not be refiled, provided that the phase amendment application indicates that such documents are unchanged.

B. The application shall include a new or amended bond or letter of credit required pursuant to § 55-79.84:1 of the Code of Virginia for the additional units.

C. The board shall review the phase amendment application and supporting materials to determine whether the amendment complies with this chapter. If the board's review determines the phase amendment application complies with this chapter, it shall issue an amended order of registration for the condominium and shall provide that any previous orders and designations of the form, content, and effective date of the public offering statement, substituted public offering statement, or prospectus to be used are superseded. If the board's review determines that the phase amendment application is not complete, the board shall correspond with the declarant to specify the particulars that must be completed to obtain compliance with this chapter.

18VAC48-30-540. Annual report by declarant.

A. A declarant shall file an annual report [ on a form provided by the board ] to update the material contained in the registration file at least 30 days prior to the anniversary date of the order registering the condominium. Prior to filing the annual report required by § 55-79.93 of the Code of Virginia, the declarant shall review the public offering statement then being delivered to purchasers. If such public offering statement is current, the declarant shall so certify in the annual report. If such public offering statement is not current, the declarant shall amend the public offering statement, and the annual report shall, in that event, include a filing in accordance with 18VAC48-30-490.

B. The annual report shall contain, but may not be limited to, the following:

1. Current contact information for the declarant;

2. Current contact information for the declarant's attorney, if applicable;

3. Date of the public offering statement currently being delivered to purchasers;

4. Date the condominium instruments were recorded and locality wherein recorded;

5. Number of phases registered with the board, if applicable;

6. Number of phases recorded, if applicable;

7. Number of units recorded;

8. Number of units conveyed;

9. Status of completion of all common elements within the condominium;

10. Status of declarant control;

11. Whether the declarant is current in the payment of assessments; and

12. Current evidence from the surety or financial institution of any bond or letters of credit, or submittal of replacement bonds or letters of credit, required pursuant to §§ 55-79.58:1, 55-79.84:1, and 55-79.95 of the Code of Virginia. Such verification shall provide the following:

a. Principal of bond or letter of credit;

b. Beneficiary of bond or letter of credit;

c. Name of the surety or financial institution that issued the bond or letter of credit;

d. Bond or letter of credit number as assigned by the issuer;

e. The dollar amount; and

f. The expiration date or, if self-renewing, the date by which the bond or letter of credit shall be renewed.

18VAC48-30-550. Board review of annual report.

A. During review of the annual report, the board may make inquiries or request additional documentation to amplify or clarify the information provided.

B. If the board does not accept the annual report and the annual report filing is not completed within 60 days of a request by the board for additional information, the board may take further action pursuant to § 55-79.100, 55-79.101, or 55-79.103 of the Code of Virginia for failing to file an annual report as required by § 55-79.93 of the Code of Virginia.

C. If the board does not perform the required review of the annual report within 30 days of receipt by the board, the annual report shall be deemed to comply with § 55-79.93 of the Code of Virginia.

18VAC48-30-560. Transition of control of unit owners' association.

Upon transition of control of the association to the unit owners following the period of declarant control, the declarant shall, in addition to the requirements contained in subsection G of § 55-79.74 of the Code of Virginia, notify the board in writing of the date of such transition and provide the name and contact information for members of the board of directors of the unit owners' association or the association's common interest community manager.

18VAC48-30-570. Return of assessment bond or letter of credit to declarant.

A. The declarant of a condominium required to post a bond or letter of credit pursuant to § 55-79.84:1 of the Code of Virginia shall maintain such bond or letter of credit for all units registered with the board until the declarant owns less than 10% of the units in the condominium and is current in the payment of assessments. For condominiums containing less than 10 units, the bond or letter of credit shall be maintained until the declarant owns only one unit.

B. The declarant shall submit a written request to the board for the return of the bond or letter of credit. The written request shall attest that the declarant (i) owns less than 10% of the units or for condominiums containing less than 10 units, that the declarant owns only one unit and (ii) is current in the payment of assessments. The written request shall provide contact information for the unit owners' association.

C. Upon receipt of the written request from the declarant, the board shall send a request to the unit owners' association to confirm the information supplied by the declarant. The person certifying the information on behalf of the unit owners' association must not be affiliated with the declarant. The managing agent may confirm the information supplied by the declarant.

D. The board shall return the bond or letter of credit to the declarant if (i) the unit owners' association confirms that the declarant is current in the payment of assessments and owns less than 10% of the units in the condominium or (ii) no response is received from the unit owners' association within 90 days. The 90-day time frame in clause (ii) of this subsection may be extended at the discretion of the board.

E. If the unit owners' association attests the declarant is not current in the payment of assessments, the board shall retain the bond or letter of credit until evidence is received satisfactory to the board that the declarant is current in the payment of assessments.

F. The board may ask for additional information from the unit owners' association or the declarant as needed to confirm compliance with § 55-79.84:1 of the Code of Virginia.

18VAC48-30-580. Return of completion bond or letter of credit to declarant.

A bond on file with the board pursuant to § 55-79.58:1 of the Code of Virginia may be returned to the declarant upon written request. Such request shall include a copy of the recorded plat or plan showing completion or documentation acceptable to the board that the improvements to the common elements for which the bond was submitted is completed to the extent of the declarant's obligation.

18VAC48-30-590. Return of bond or letter of credit upon termination of registration.

Upon issuance of an order of termination of the condominium registration pursuant to 18VAC48-30-610 and if the bond or letter of credit on file with the board has not been returned to the declarant or the declarant's agent previously, it will be considered for return in accordance with 18VAC48-30-570 or 18VAC48-30-580.

18VAC48-30-600. Maintenance of bond or letter of credit.

A. The declarant shall report the extension, cancellation, amendment, expiration, termination, or any other change of any bond or letter of credit submitted in accordance with §§ 55-79.58:1, 55-79.84:1, and 55-79.95 of the Code of Virginia within five days of the change.

B. The board at any time may request verification from the declarant of the status of a bond or letter of credit on file with the board. Such verification shall comply with the provisions of subdivision B 12 of 18VAC48-30-540.

C. Failure to report a change in the bond or letter of credit in accordance with this section shall result in further action by the board pursuant to Chapter 4.2 (§ 55-79.39 et seq.) of Title 55 of the Code of Virginia.

18VAC48-30-610. Termination of condominium registration.

A. The condominium registration shall be terminated upon receipt of documentation of one of the following:

1. In accordance with § 55-79.93 of the Code of Virginia, an annual report filed pursuant to 18VAC48-30-540 indicates that all units in the condominium have been disposed of and all periods for conversion or expansion have expired.

2. Written notification is received from the declarant attesting that all units have been disposed of and that all periods for conversion or expansion have expired and all common elements have been completed.

3. Written notification is received from the declarant requesting termination pursuant to § 55-79.72:1 of the Code of Virginia. Should the declarant later choose to offer condominium units in a condominium for which the registration has been terminated in accordance with this subsection, prior to offering a condominium unit, the declarant must submit a new application for registration of the condominium, meet all requirements in effect at the time of application, and be issued an order of registration for the condominium by the board.

B. Upon receipt and review of documentation pursuant to subsection A of this section, the board shall issue an order of termination for the condominium registration. The board may request additional information as necessary during the review of the submitted documentation to ensure that the condominium registration is eligible for termination.

C. The board shall send a copy of the order of termination for the condominium registration to the association.

18VAC48-30-620. Administrative termination of condominium registration.

In accordance with subsection B of § 55-79.93:2 of the Code of Virginia, the board may administratively terminate the registration of a condominium. Prior to the administrative termination of the registration, the board shall send written notice of its intent to terminate the registration to all known parties associated with the condominium, including, but not limited to, the registered agent, officer or officers of the unit owners' association, declarant's and association's attorneys, and principal or principals of the declarant. Such written notice shall be given to the parties by mail or otherwise if acknowledged by them in writing.

The board shall issue an order of termination for the condominium registration if (i) a response is not received within 30 days after sending the written notice or (ii) the response received does not indicate termination of the registration is inappropriate in accordance with Chapter 4.2 (§ 55-79.39 et seq.) of Title 55 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter.

Nothing contained in this section shall prevent the board from taking further action as allowed by law including issuance of a temporary cease and desist order, issuance of a cease and desist order, revocation of registration, and bringing action in the appropriate circuit court to enjoin the acts or practices and to enforce compliance.

18VAC48-30-630. Notification of successor declarant and transfer of special declarant rights.

A. In the event the special declarant rights of a condominium are transferred to a successor in accordance with § 55-79.74:3 of the Code of Virginia, the successor declarant shall notify the board within 30 days. Before units may be offered for sale, the successor declarant shall submit the following to the board:

1. Completed application for the successor declarant;

2. Copy of the recorded document evidencing the transfer;

3. Copies of all condominium instruments that were amended to reflect the successor or transfer of special declarant rights;

4. A public offering statement amended in accordance with this chapter;

5. All bonds or letters of credit required pursuant to §§ 55-79.58:1, 55-79.84:1, and 55-79.95 of the Code of Virginia; and

6. Other documents that may be required to ensure compliance with Chapter 4.2 (§ 55-79.39 et seq.) of Title 55 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter.

B. Documents on file with the board that have not changed in connection with the transfer need not be refiled, provided that the application for successor declarant indicates that such documents are unchanged.

18VAC48-30-640. Reporting of other changes to the condominium project.

Any other change made or known by the declarant that may affect the accuracy or completeness of the condominium registration file shall be promptly reported to the board. Such change may include but is not limited to the name of the declarant, name of the condominium project, or any other changes in information submitted in accordance with § 55-79.89 of the Code of Virginia. The board may request additional information as necessary to ensure compliance with Chapter 4.2 (§ 55-79.39 et seq.) of Title 55 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter.

Part VII
Board Authority and Standards of Conduct

18VAC48-30-650. Grounds for disciplinary action.

The board may revoke a registration [ upon a finding ] that [ the registration ] is not in compliance with, or [ of a person who has been found to have the declarant has ] violated, any provision of the regulations of the board or Chapter 4.2 (§ 55-79.39 et seq.) of Title 55 of the Code of Virginia. Additional action may include issuance of a temporary cease and desist order, issuance of a cease and desist order, revocation of registration, and bringing action in the appropriate circuit court to enjoin the acts or practices and to enforce compliance.

18VAC48-30-660. Registration of condominium required.

No declarant or individual or entity acting on behalf of the declarant shall offer a condominium unit prior to the registration of the condominium including such unit.

18VAC48-30-670. Condominium advertising standards.

A. No promise, assertion, representation, or statement of fact or opinion in connection with a condominium marketing activity shall be made that is false, inaccurate, or misleading by reason of inclusion of an untrue statement of a material fact or omission of a statement of a material fact relative to the actual or intended characteristics, circumstances, or features of the condominium or a condominium unit.

B. No promise, assertion, representation, or statement of fact or opinion made in connection with a condominium marketing activity shall indicate that an improvement will be built or placed on the condominium unless the improvement is a proposed improvement within the meaning of subsection C of 18VAC48-30-120.

C. No promise, assertion, representation, or statement of fact or opinion made in connection with a condominium marketing activity and relating to a condominium unit not registered shall, by its express terms, induce, solicit, or encourage a prospective purchaser to leave Virginia for the purpose of executing a contract for sale or lease of the condominium unit or performing some other act that would create or purport to create a legal or equitable interest in the condominium unit other than a security interest in or a nonbinding reservation of the condominium unit.

18VAC48-30-680. Response to inquiry and provision of records.

A. The declarant must respond within 15 days to a request by the board or any of its agents regarding any complaint filed with the department. The board may extend such time frame upon a showing of extenuating circumstances prohibiting delivery within such 15-day period.

B. Unless otherwise specified by the board, the declarant shall produce to the board or any of its agents within 15 days of the request any document, book, or record concerning any transaction in which the declarant was involved, or for which the declarant is required to maintain records for inspection and copying by the board or its agents. The board may extend such time frame upon a showing of extenuating circumstances prohibiting delivery within such 15-day period.

C. A declarant shall not provide a false, misleading, or incomplete response to the board or any of its agents seeking information in the investigation of a complaint filed with the board.

D. With the exception of the requirements of subsections A and B of this section, a declarant must respond to an inquiry by the board or its agent within 21 days.

18VAC48-30-690. Prohibited acts.

The following acts are prohibited and any violation may result in action by the board, including but not limited to issuance of a temporary cease and desist order in accordance with § 55-79.100 (b) of the Code of Virginia:

1. Violating, inducing another to violate, or cooperating with others in violating any of the provisions of any of the regulations of the board, Chapter 23.3 (§ 54.1-2345 et seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia, or Chapter 4.1 (§ 55-79.1 et seq.) or Chapter 4.2 (§ 55-79.39 et seq.) of Title 55 of the Code of Virginia.

2. Obtaining or attempting to obtain a registration by false or fraudulent representation, or maintaining a registration by false or fraudulent representation.

3. Failing to comply with 18VAC48-30-80 in offering literature.

4. Failing to alter or amend the public offering statement as directed in accordance with 18VAC48-30-390 or 18VAC48-30-490.

5. Providing information to purchasers in a manner that willfully and intentionally fails to promote full and fair disclosure.

6. Failing to provide information or documents, or amendments thereof, in accordance with subsection B of 18VAC48-30-460.

7. Failing to comply with the post-registration requirements of [ 18VAC48-30-460, ] 18VAC48-30-470, 18VAC48-30-480, 18VAC48-30-490, [ 18VAC48-30-500, 18VAC48-30-510, ] 18VAC48-30-520, 18VAC48-30-530, and 18VAC48-30-540.

8. Failing to give notice to a purchaser in accordance with [ 18VAC48-30-560 18VAC48-30-510 ].

9. Failing to give notice to the board of transition of control of unit owners' association in accordance with 18VAC48-30-560.

10. Failing to transition control of the unit owners' association in accordance with § 55-79.74 of the Code of Virginia.

11. Failing to turn over books and records in accordance with subsection H of § 55-79.74 of the Code of Virginia.

12. Providing false information or misrepresenting an affiliation with an association in seeking return of a bond or letter of credit in accordance with 18VAC48-30-570 or 18VAC48-30-580.

13. Filing false or misleading information in the course of terminating a registration in accordance with 18VAC48-30-610 or 18VAC48-30-620.

14. Failing to comply with 18VAC48-30-630 and 18VAC48-30-640.

15. Failing to comply with the advertising standards contained in 18VAC48-30-670.

NOTICE: The following forms used in administering the regulation were filed by the agency. The forms are not being published; however, online users of this issue of the Virginia Register of Regulations may click on the name of a form with a hyperlink to access it. The forms are also available from the agency contact or may be viewed at the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, General Assembly Building, 2nd Floor, Richmond, Virginia 23219.

FORMS (18VAC48-30)

[ Condominium Registration Application, A492-0517REG-v1 (eff. 9/13)

Declarant Annual Report - Condominium, A492-0517ANRPT-v1 (eff. 9/13)

Condominium Registration Application, A492-0517REG-v2 (rev. 8/15)

Declarant Annual Report - Condominium, A492-0517ANRPT-v2 (rev 1/14)

Condominium Bond/Letter of Credit Verification Form, A492-0517BNDLOC-v1, (rev. 9/13)

Exhibit H - Bond to Insure Payment of Assessments, A492-0517BOND-v2 (rev. 11/14/13)

Condominium Registration Application - Exhibit H, Sample Form, A492-0517LOC-v2 ]

VA.R. Doc. No. R12-2805; Filed May 5, 2015, 9:00 a.m.
Proposed Regulation

Titles of Regulations: 18VAC48-40. Time-Share Regulations (repealing 18VAC48-40-10 through 18VAC48-40-110).

18VAC48-45. Time-Share Regulations (adding 18VAC48-45-10 through 18VAC48-45-770).

Statutory Authority: § 54.1-2349 Code of Virginia.

Public Hearing Information:

June 11, 2015 - 11 a.m. - Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation, Perimeter Center, 9960 Mayland Drive Suite 200, Training Room 2, Richmond, Virginia 23233

Public Comment Deadline: July 31, 2015.

Agency Contact: Trisha Henshaw, Executive Director, Common Interest Community Board, Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400, Richmond, VA 23233, telephone (804) 367-8510, FAX (866) 490-2723, or email

Basis: Section 55-396 A of the Code of Virginia states that the Common Interest Community Board may adopt, amend, and repeal rules and regulations and issue orders consistent with and in furtherance of the objectives of Chapter 21 (§ 55-360 et seq.) of Title 55 of the Code of Virginia.

Purpose: Minor changes have been made to the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act (§ 55-360 et seq. of the Code of Virginia) by the General Assembly nearly every year since the last extensive review of the regulations. In addition, substantive changes were made to the Time-Share Act by the General Assembly in 2012. The board conducted a general review of the regulations to ensure that the regulations complement the Time-Share Act, provide minimal burdens on regulants while still protecting the public, and reflect current procedures and policies of the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation, all to better protect the health, safety, and welfare of citizens of the Commonwealth. Proposed amendments to implement Chapter 751 of the 2012 Acts of Assembly establish requirements and procedures for the registration of time-share resellers pursuant to § 55-394.3 of the Code of Virginia.

The regulation was developed by a committee of board members, consumer representatives, and members of the public with expertise in various areas related to time-share projects, including a time-share association member, time-share developer attorney, time-share developers, consumers, an attorney representing national time-share developers and an owners association, and a representative from the exchange program segment of the time-share industry. The committee members ensured that the regulations complement the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act (§ 55-360 et seq. of the Code of Virginia), provide minimal burdens on regulants while still protecting the public, and reflect current procedures and policies of the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation.

Substance: Proposed amendments clarify the regulations, ensure consistency with current practices and legal requirements, and ensure full and accurate disclosure to potential and actual purchasers of time-share interests and units. As a result of this thorough review, sections specifically pertaining to time-share project registration, alternative purchase registration, exchange program registration, and time-share reseller registration are added, as well as a new section outlining the board's authority and stating standards of conduct.

Issues: The primary advantage of these proposed regulations to the public is that the amendments clarify the regulations, ensure consistency with current practices and legal requirements, and ensure full and accurate disclosure to potential and actual purchasers of time-share interests and units.

The primary advantage to the Commonwealth is that the revisions to the regulations reflect the importance that Virginia places on ensuring that potential and actual purchasers of time-share interests and units have been provided with full and accurate disclosure of their most significant purchase. No disadvantages to the Commonwealth could be identified.

Department of Planning and Budget's Economic Impact Analysis:

Summary of the Proposed Amendments to Regulation. As part of a required periodic review, the Common Interest Community Board (Board) proposes to repeal its time-share regulations (18VAC48-40) and replace them with a new chapter of regulations (18VAC48-45) that are, with a few exceptions, substantively the same but that include many clarifying changes.

Result of Analysis. Benefits likely outweigh costs for most proposed regulatory changes. There is insufficient information to ascertain whether benefits will outweigh costs for two proposed regulatory changes.

Estimated Economic Impact. Prompted by both periodic review requirements in the Administrative Process Act (APA) and legislative changes made by the General Assembly to the Time-Share Act in 2012, the Board now proposes to repeal current time-share regulations and promulgate replacement regulations. These replacement regulations contain numerous changes that clarify current Board authority to, for instance, discipline regulated entities. Most differences between current and proposed regulations fall under this category. No affected entity is likely to incur additional costs on account of these changes but will very likely benefit from regulations that provide greater specificity for the rules that must be followed.

The Board also proposes two new substantive requirements in these proposed regulations. Pursuant to a 2012 legislative change, the Board proposes to require entities that resell time-shares for time-share owners more than 12 times a year to register with the Board. Resellers affected by this change will pay an initial registration fee of $250 and a yearly renewal fee of $250. Resellers who fail to renew within 30 days of their renewal date, but who do renew within six months of their renewal date will have to pay an additional $100 reinstatement fee in addition to the $250 renewal fee. As set out in the 2012 legislation, these regulations will contain a list of exemptions to this requirement. Entities that resell fewer than 12 time-share properties per year, entities that acquire more than 12 time-shares in a year but resell them to a single purchaser in a single transaction, entities that are already registered to sell time-shares, entities that provide closing services in connection with the transfer of resold time-shares, and entities that strictly provide advertising services are exempt from resellers registration requirements.

Board staff reports that it is likely most entities that resell time-shares in the Commonwealth will be exempt from reseller registration. Nonetheless, until this provision is implemented and any positive effects accrued can be categorized and weighed against the implicit and explicit costs for resellers who will newly have to register, there will be insufficient information to judge whether benefits will outweigh costs.

The Board also proposes to add registration requirements for alternative purchases offered by time-share sellers. Such registration has been required in § 55-362 of the Code of Virginia since 1994 but this requirement has not been reflected in time-share regulations. The Board now proposes to correct this oversight. Entities that offer alternative purchases (furniture, home accessories, reduced cost vacations at other time-shares other than the one being viewed, etc.) that cost more that $100 will have to register with the Board. The registration fee for alternative purchases is $100 and that fee covers all alternative purchases offered by a seller. Sellers will also have to compile an alternative purchase annual report that includes all required disclosure information and will also have to pay an annual fee of $100 to the Board for reviewing that annual report. Affected entities will incur the explicit costs that include the required fee as well as bookkeeping/copying/mailing costs for compiling required information, both initially and for annual reports, and will also incur implicit costs for time spent on registration activities. There is insufficient information to ascertain whether the benefits of requiring this registration will outweigh the costs.

Businesses and Entities Affected. The Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation (DPOR) reports that there are 100 time-share projects and 20 exchange programs registered with the Board. DPOR further reports that the Board anticipates registering approximately 100 alternative purchases and 75 time-share resellers. All Board registrants will be affected by these proposed regulations.

Localities Particularly Affected. No localities will be particularly affected by these proposed regulatory changes.

Projected Impact on Employment. This regulatory action will likely have little impact on employment in the Commonwealth.

Effects on the Use and Value of Private Property. Reseller fees may result in a very small marginal decrease in the value of properties being resold.

Small Businesses: Costs and Other Effects. Affected small businesses will incur additional costs for both fees owed to the Board and for additional bookkeeping/copying/mailing costs to comply with new, or newly enforced, registration requirements in these proposed regulations.

Small Businesses: Alternative Method that Minimizes Adverse Impact. There are likely no regulatory alternatives that would both enforce legislative mandates and lower costs for regulated entities.

Real Estate Development Costs. This regulatory action will likely have no effect on real estate development costs in the Commonwealth.

Legal Mandate. The Department of Planning and Budget (DPB) has analyzed the economic impact of this proposed regulation in accordance with § 2.2-4007.04 of the Administrative Process Act and Executive Order Number 14 (2010). Section 2.2-4007.04 requires that such economic impact analyses include, but need not be limited to, the projected number of businesses or other entities to whom the regulation would apply, the identity of any localities and types of businesses or other entities particularly affected, the projected number of persons and employment positions to be affected, the projected costs to affected businesses or entities to implement or comply with the regulation, and the impact on the use and value of private property. Further, if the proposed regulation has adverse effect on small businesses, § 2.2-4007.04 requires that such economic impact analyses include (i) an identification and estimate of the number of small businesses subject to the regulation; (ii) the projected reporting, recordkeeping, and other administrative costs required for small businesses to comply with the regulation, including the type of professional skills necessary for preparing required reports and other documents; (iii) a statement of the probable effect of the regulation on affected small businesses; and (iv) a description of any less intrusive or less costly alternative methods of achieving the purpose of the regulation. The analysis presented above represents DPB's best estimate of these economic impacts.

Agency's Response to Economic Impact Analysis: The agency concurs with the economic impact analysis completed by the Department of Planning and Budget.


As a result of periodic review and legislative changes, this regulatory action proposes to repeal current regulations and promulgate replacement regulations. The proposed replacement regulations (i) address the board's authority, including the discipline of regulated entities; (ii) add provisions pertaining to time-share project registration, alternative purchase registration, exchange program registration, and time-share reseller registration; (iii) establish standards of conduct; (iv) require entities that resell time-shares for the time-share owners more than 12 times a year to register with the board and pay registration and renewal fees; (v) require the registration of alternative purchases (e.g., furniture, home accessories, reduced cost vacations at time-shares other than the one being viewed) that cost more than $100 and payment of registration fees for such purchases, and provide a list of exemptions from the registration requirement.


Part 1

18VAC48-45-10. Purpose.

This chapter governs the exercise of powers granted to and the performance of duties imposed upon the Common Interest Community Board by the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act (§ 55-360 et seq. of the Code of Virginia) as the act pertains to the registration of time-share programs, time-share projects, alternative purchases, exchange companies, and time-share resellers.

18VAC48-45-20. Definitions.

A. Section 55-362 of the Code of Virginia provides definitions of the following terms and phrases as used in this chapter:


"Alternative purchase"



"Board of directors"

"Common elements"

"Contact information"

"Contract" or "purchase contract"

"Conversion time-share project"



"Developer control period"

"Development right"

"Dispose" or "disposition"

"Exchange company"

"Exchange program"


"Incidental benefit"

"Lead dealer"

"Managing agent"

"Managing entity"

"Material change"

"Offering" or "offer"



"Public offering statement"


"Resale purchase contract"

"Resale time-share"

"Resale service"

"Resale transfer contract"


"Reverter deed"



"Time-share estate"

"Time-share expense"

"Time-share instrument"

"Time-share owner" or "owner"

"Time-share program" or "program"

"Time-share project"

"Time-share unit" or "unit"

"Time-share use"


B. The following words and terms when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

"Alternative disclosure statement" means a disclosure statement for an out-of-state time-share program or time-share project that is properly registered in the situs.

"Annual report" means a completed, board-prescribed form and required documentation submitted in compliance with § 55-394.1 of the Code of Virginia.

"Application" means a completed, board-prescribed form submitted with the appropriate fee and other required documentation in compliance with the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act and this chapter.

"Department" means the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation.

"Electronic" means relating to technology having electrical, digital, magnetic, wireless, optical, electromagnetic, or similar capabilities.

"Firm" means a sole proprietorship, association, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or any other form of business organization recognized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

"Full and accurate disclosure" means the degree of disclosure necessary to ensure reasonably complete and materially accurate representation of the time-share in order to protect the interests of purchasers.

"Registration file" means the application for registration, supporting materials, annual reports, and amendments that constitute all information submitted and reviewed pertaining to a particular time-share program, time-share project, alternative purchase, exchange company, or time-share reseller registration. A document that has not been accepted for filing by the board is not part of the registration file.

"Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act" means Chapter 21 (§ 55-360 et seq.) of Title 55 of the Code of Virginia.

18VAC48-45-30. Explanation of terms.

Each reference in this chapter to a "developer," "purchaser," and "time-share owner" or to the plural of those terms shall be deemed to refer, as appropriate, to the masculine and the feminine, to the singular and the plural, and to natural persons and organizations. The term "developer" shall refer to any successors to the persons referred to in § 55-362 of the Code of Virginia who come to stand in the same relation to the time-share as their predecessors in that they assumed rights reserved for the benefit of a developer that (i) offers to dispose of its interest in a time-share not previously disposed of or (ii) applies for registration of the time-share program.

18VAC48-45-40. Time-share projects located outside of Virginia.

A. In any case involving a time-share project located outside of Virginia in which the laws or practices of the jurisdiction in which such time-share project is located prevent compliance with a provision of this chapter, the board shall prescribe by order a substitute provision to be applicable in such case that is as nearly equivalent to the original provision as is reasonable under the circumstances.

B. The words "time-share instrument" and "public offering statement," when used in this chapter with reference to a time-share located outside of Virginia, mean documents, portions of documents, or combinations thereof, by whatever name denominated, that have a content and function identical or substantially equivalent to the content and function of their Virginia counterparts.

C. The word "recording" or "recordation" when used with reference to time-share instruments of a time-share located outside of Virginia means a procedure that, in the jurisdiction in which such time-share is located, causes the time-share instruments to become legally effective.

D. This chapter shall apply to a contract for the disposition of a time-share located outside of Virginia only to the extent permissible under the provisions of subsection C of § 55-361.1 of the Code of Virginia.

E. The time-share shall be properly registered in the state or other jurisdiction where the project is located.

Part II
General Application Requirements

18VAC48-45-50. Application procedures.

A developer seeking registration of a time-share project or an alternative purchase, an exchange company seeking registration of an exchange program, or a reseller seeking registration in order to offer or provide resale services, all in accordance with the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act, shall submit an application on the appropriate form provided by the board, along with the appropriate fee specified in 18VAC48-45-70.

By submitting the application to the board, the applicant certifies that the applicant has read and understands the applicable statutes and this chapter.

The receipt of an application and the deposit of fees by the board do not indicate approval or acceptance of the application by the board.

The board may make further inquiries and investigations to confirm or amplify information supplied. All applications shall be completed in accordance with the instructions contained herein and on the application. Applications will not be considered complete until all required documents are received by the board.

Applications that are not complete within 12 months after receipt of the application in the board's office will be purged, and a new application and fee must be submitted in order to be reconsidered for registration.

18VAC48-45-60. Review of application for registration, generally.

A. Upon the review of the application for registration, if the requirements of this chapter have not been met, the board shall notify the applicant.

B. The board may refuse initial registration due to an applicant's failure to comply with entry requirements or for any of the reasons for which the board may discipline a regulant.

C. At such time as the board affirmatively determines that the requirements of this chapter have been met, the board shall issue the applicable registration.

D. Notwithstanding the provisions of 18VAC48-45-130 for a time-share project registration, applicants who do not meet the requirements of this chapter may be approved following consideration by the board in accordance with the Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq. of the Code of Virginia).

18VAC48-45-70. Fees.

A. All fees are nonrefundable and shall not be prorated. The date on which the fee is received by the board or its agent will determine whether the fee is timely. Checks or money orders shall be made payable to the Treasurer of Virginia.

B. Fees are as follows:

Time-share project registration application


Time-share project phase filing


Time-share project registration annual report


Alternative purchase registration application


Alternative purchase registration annual report


Exchange program registration application


Exchange program registration annual report


Time-share reseller registration application


Time-share reseller registration renewal


Time-share reseller registration reinstatement (includes a $100 reinstatement fee in addition to the $250 renewal fee)


Part III
Marketing and Advertising

18VAC48-45-80. Time-share marketing activities.

A. Time-share marketing activities shall include every contact by or on behalf of the developer for the purpose of promoting disposition of a time-share or alternative purchase. Such contacts may be personal, by telephone, by mail, by electronic means including social media, or by advertisement. A promise, assertion, representation, or statement of fact or opinion made in connection with a time-share marketing activity may be oral, written, electronic, or graphic.

B. No time-share marketing activity shall be deemed an offer unless, by its express terms, it induces, solicits, or encourages a prospective purchaser to (i) execute a contract of sale of the time-share or alternative purchase or (ii) perform some other act that would create or purport to create a legal or equitable interest in the time-share until the board has issued an order of registration.

18VAC48-45-90. Offering of gifts or prizes.

A. Any offering that includes a gift or prize shall include the disclosures contained in § 55-374.1 of the Code of Virginia. Such disclosures shall be made with the same prominence as the offer.

B. The board may at any time require a developer to alter or amend any offering that includes a gift or prize in order to ensure compliance with this section.

Part IV
Application for Time-Share Project Registration

18VAC48-45-100. Registration of time-share project and program.

In accordance with § 55-390 of the Code of Virginia, a developer offering or disposing of an interest in a time-share program must register the time-share project and its program with the board. For the purposes of this chapter as it relates to registration, the registration of a time-share project shall include the simultaneous registration of the time-share program.

18VAC48-45-110. Prerequisites for registration of a time-share project.

The following provisions are prerequisites for registration and are supplementary to the provisions of § 55-391.1 of the Code of Virginia.

1. The developer shall own or have the right to acquire an estate in the land constituting or to constitute the time-share project that is of at least as great a degree and duration as the estate to be conveyed in the time-shares.

2. The time-share instrument must be adequate to bring a time-share project into existence upon recordation. This subdivision does not apply to a time-share instrument that may be recorded after the time-share project has been created.

3. The time-share instrument must include a statement detailing that the developer reserves or does not reserve the right to add or delete any alternative purchase.

4. The current and planned time-share advertising activities of the developer shall comply with § 18.2-216 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter.

5. If the developer is a firm, it shall be organized as a business entity under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia or otherwise authorized to transact business in Virginia. Firms shall register any trade or fictitious names with the State Corporation Commission or the clerk of court in the jurisdiction where the business is to be conducted in accordance with §§ 59.1-69 through 59.1-76 of the Code of Virginia before submitting an application to the board.

18VAC48-45-120. Review of application for registration of a time-share project.

A. Upon receipt of an application for registration of a time-share project, the board shall issue the notice of filing required by subsection A of § 55-393.1 of the Code of Virginia.

B. Upon the review of the application for registration, if the requirements of § 55-391.1 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter have not been met, the board shall notify the applicant as required by subsection C of § 55-393.1 of the Code of Virginia.

C. If the requirements for registration are not met within the application review period or a valid extension thereof, the board shall, upon the expiration of such period, enter an order rejecting the registration as required by subsection C of § 55-393.1 of the Code of Virginia. The order rejecting the registration shall become effective 20 days after issuance.

D. An applicant may submit a written request for an informal conference in accordance with § 2.2-4019 of the Code of Virginia at any time between receipt of a notification pursuant to subsection B of this section and the effective date of the order of rejection entered pursuant to subsection C of this section. A request for such proceeding shall be deemed a consent to delay within the meaning of subsection A of § 55-393.1 of the Code of Virginia.

E. The board shall receive and act upon corrections to the application for registration at any time prior to the effective date of an order rejecting the registration. If the board determines after review of the corrections that the requirements for registration have not been met, the board may proceed with an informal conference in accordance with § 2.2-4019 of the Code of Virginia in order to allow reconsideration of whether the requirements for registration are met. If the board does not opt to proceed with an informal conference, the applicant may submit a written request for an informal conference in accordance with § 2.2-4019 of the Code of Virginia in order to reconsider whether the requirements for registration are met. If the board does not proceed with an informal conference and no request for an informal conference is received from the applicant, an amended order of rejection stating the factual basis for the rejection shall be issued. A new 20-day period for the order of rejection to become effective shall commence.

F. At such time as the board affirmatively determines that the requirements of § 55-391.1 of the Code of Virginia have been met, the board shall enter an order registering the time-share and shall designate the form, content, and effective date of the public offering statement.

18VAC48-45-130. Minimum application requirements for registration of a time-share project.

A. The documents and information contained in §§ 55-367, 55-368, 55-369, 55-371, 55-374, and 55-391.1 of the Code of Virginia, as applicable, shall be included in the application for registration of a time-share project.

B. The application for registration of a time-share project shall include the fee specified in 18VAC48-45-70.

C. The following documents shall be included in the application for registration of a time-share project as exhibits. All exhibits shall be labeled as indicated and submitted in a format acceptable to the board.

1. Exhibit A: A copy of the certificate of incorporation or certificate of authority to transact business in Virginia issued by the Virginia State Corporation Commission, or any other entity formation documents, together with any trade or fictitious name certificate.

2. Exhibit B: A certificate of recordation or other acceptable documents from the city or county where the time-share is located.

3. Exhibit C: A copy of the title opinion, the title policy, or a statement of the condition of the title to the time-share project including encumbrances as of a specified date within 30 days of the date of application by a title company or licensed attorney who is not a salaried employee, officer, or director of the developer or owner, in accordance with subdivision A 5 of § 55-391.1 of the Code of Virginia. If the developer is not the record owner of the land, a copy of any contract the developer has executed to purchase the land, any option the developer holds for the purchase of the land, or any lease under which the developer holds the land.

4. Exhibit D: Proof that the applicant or developer owns or has the right to acquire an estate in the land constituting or to constitute the time-share project, which is of at least as great a degree and duration as the estate to be conveyed in the time-share.

5. Exhibit E: A statement of the zoning, subdivision, or land use obligations or proffers and other governmental regulations affecting the use of the time-share, including the site plans and building permits and their status, any existing tax, and existing or proposed special taxes or assessments that affect the time-share.

6. Exhibit F: A copy of the time-share instrument, including all applicable amendments and exhibits, that will be delivered to a purchaser to evidence the purchaser's interest in the time-share and of the contracts and other agreements that a purchaser will be required to agree to or sign.

7. Exhibit G: A narrative description of the promotional plan for the disposition of the time-shares.

8. Exhibit H: A copy of the proposed public offering statement that complies with § 55-374 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter. Pursuant to subsection G of § 55-374, a similar disclosure statement required by other situs laws governing time-sharing may be submitted for a time-share located outside of the Commonwealth.

9. Exhibit I: A copy of the buyer's acknowledgment. Pursuant to § 55-376.5 of the Code of Virginia, the purchaser shall be given this document prior to signing a purchase contract, and the document shall contain the information required by subsection B of § 55-376.5.

10. Exhibit J: Copies of bonds or letters of credit issued by a financial institution, if any, required by subsection C of § 55-375 and subsection B of § 55-386 of the Code of Virginia, as applicable.

11. Exhibit K: A copy of any management agreements, employment contracts or other contracts or agreements affecting the use, maintenance, management, or access of all or any part of the time-share project.

12. Exhibit L: A list with the names of every officer of the developer or persons occupying a similar status within or performing similar functions for the developer. The list must include each individual's address valid for receipt of service, principal occupation for the past five years, and title.

13. Exhibit M: A statement whether any of the individuals or entities named in Exhibit L are or have been involved as defendants in any indictment, conviction, judgment, decree, or order of any court or administrative agency against the developer or managing entity for violation of a federal, state, local, or foreign country law or regulation in connection with activities relating to time-share sales, land sales, land investments, security sales, construction or sale of homes or improvements, or any similar or related activity.

14. Exhibit N: A statement whether, during the preceding five years, any of the individuals or entities named in Exhibit L have been adjudicated bankrupt or have undergone any proceeding for the relief of debtors.

15. Exhibit O: If the developer has reserved the right to add to or delete from the time-share program any incidental benefit or alternative purchase, a description of the incidental benefit or alternative purchase shall be provided pursuant to subdivision A 13 of § 55-391.1 of the Code of Virginia.

16. Exhibit P: Conversion time-share projects must attach a copy of the notice required by subsection D of § 55-374 of the Code of Virginia and a certified statement that such notice shall be mailed or delivered to each of the tenants in the building or buildings for which the registration is sought at the time of the registration of the conversion project.

Part V
Public Offering Statement

18VAC48-45-140. Public offering statement requirements, generally.

In addition to the provisions of § 55-374 of the Code of Virginia, the following will be considered, as applicable, during review of the public offering statement:

1. The public offering statement shall provide full and accurate disclosure in accordance with 18VAC48-45-150.

2. The public offering statement shall pertain to the time-share project in which the time-shares being offered are located.

3. The public offering statement shall be clear, organized, and legible.

4. Except for brief excerpts, the public offering statement may refer to, but should not incorporate verbatim, portions of the time-share instruments, the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act, or this chapter. This does not preclude compliance with 18VAC48-45-170.

18VAC48-45-150. Full and accurate disclosure.

A. The provisions of § 55-374 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter shall be strictly construed to promote full and accurate disclosure in the public offering statement. In addition, the following will be considered, as applicable, during review to assure full and accurate disclosure:

1. The information shall be presented in a manner that is clear and understandable to a reasonably informed consumer, while maintaining consistency with the requirements of this chapter and the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act.

2. No information shall be incorporated by reference to an outside source that is not reasonably available to a prospective purchaser.

3. If required information is not known or not reasonably available, such fact shall be stated and explained in the public offering statement.

B. The board has the sole discretion to require additional information or amendment of existing information as it finds necessary to ensure full and accurate disclosure.

18VAC48-45-160. Contents of public offering statement.

A. A cover, if used, must be blank or bear identification information only.

B. The developer may include as part of the public offering statement a receipt page printed in such a way that the developer may obtain verification that a prospective purchaser has received the public offering statement. The receipt page shall include the effective date of the public offering statement as well as a place for the date of delivery and signature lines for the prospective purchaser. The authorized receipt page in proper form, duly executed, shall be evidence that the public offering statement was delivered.

C. The first page of the public offering statement shall be substantially as follows.










Purchasing a time-share carries with it certain rights, responsibilities, and benefits, including certain financial obligations, rights, and restrictions concerning the use and maintenance of units and common elements. The purchaser will be bound by the provisions of the time-share instruments and should review the Public Offering Statement, the time-share instruments, and other exhibits carefully prior to purchase.

This Public Offering Statement presents information regarding time-share(s) being offered for sale by the developer. The Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act (§ 55-360 et seq. of the Code of Virginia) requires that a Public Offering Statement be given to every Purchaser in order to provide full and accurate disclosure of the characteristics of and material circumstances affecting the time-share project and the characteristics of the time-share(s) being offered. The Public Offering Statement is not intended, however, to be all-inclusive. The Purchaser should consult other sources for details not covered by the Public Offering Statement.

The Public Offering Statement summarizes information and documents furnished by the developer to the Virginia Common Interest Community Board. The Board has carefully reviewed the Public Offering Statement but does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the Public Offering Statement. In the event of any inconsistency between the Public Offering Statement and the material it is intended to summarize, the material shall control.

If the Purchaser elects to cancel the contract within the seven-day cancellation period, all payments made in connection with the purchase contract shall be refunded to the Purchaser within 45 days. If the Purchaser elects to cancel the contract, the Purchaser shall do so either by (i) hand-delivering the notice to the developer at its principal office or at the project or (ii) mailing the notice by certified United States mail, return receipt requested, to the developer or its agent designated in the contract.

Allegations of violation of any law or regulation contained in the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act or the Time-Share Regulations (18VAC48-45) should be reported to the Common Interest Community Board, Perimeter Center, Suite 400, 9960 Mayland Drive, Richmond, Virginia 23233.

D. A summary of important considerations shall immediately follow the first page for the purpose of reinforcing the disclosure of significant information. The summary shall be titled as such and shall be introduced by the following statement: "The following are important matters to be considered in acquiring a time-share. They are highlights only. The Public Offering Statement should be examined in its entirety to obtain detailed information." Appropriate modifications shall be made to reflect facts and circumstances that may vary. The summary shall consist of, but not be limited to, the following, as applicable:

1. A brief description of the time-share project and the time-share program.

2. A statement regarding all incidental benefits or alternative purchases that may be offered by the developer.

3. A brief description of all amenities located within or outside of the time-share project available to purchasers.

4. A statement describing any exchange program that may be offered to the purchaser.

5. A statement regarding the payment of principal and interest due under any deferred purchase agreement for the purchase of the time-share, maintenance fees or assessments, special assessments, user fees, insurance premiums, and real estate taxes. A time-share owner cannot reduce the amount of any owner obligation for any reason, including the refraining from using the time-share, a developer amenity, or any common element.

6. A statement regarding the consequences for failure to pay maintenance fees or any special assessment when due. The statement may reference the enforcement mechanisms available to the developer, and if applicable the time-share association, by describing (i) any declaration of an owner being an "Owner Not in Good Standing"; (ii) any civil action taken for the collection of a debt; (iii), pursuing foreclosure or obtaining a lien against the time-share unit; and (iv) denial of access to the time-share project and participation in the time-share program.

7. A statement indicating whether the developer or managing agent has indictments, convictions, judgments, decrees, or order of any court or administrative agency for matters related to fraud or consumer protection violations that may be required to be disclosed by subdivisions A 1 c and A 1 d of § 55-374 of the Code of Virginia.

8. A statement indicating the period of time the developer will retain control of the association for time-share estate projects.

9. A statement disclosing any management agreement with a managing agent to perform certain duties for the time-share project.

10. A statement indicating whether the developer may expand the time-share project.

11. A statement indicating whether the right of the time-share owner to resell or transfer the time-share is subject to restrictions.

12. A statement indicating the time-share units are restricted to lodging only.

13. A statement indicating that the time-share owner may not alter the interior or exterior of the time-share unit.

14. A statement regarding the obligation of the developer or association to obtain certain insurance benefiting the time-share owner.

15. A statement regarding a time-share estate and time-share owner's obligation to pay real estate taxes.

16. A statement regarding whether or not the developer reserves the right to add or delete any alternative purchase.

E. The content after the summary of important considerations shall include the narrative sections in 18VAC48-45-170 through 18VAC48-45-310. Supplementary sections may be included as necessary.

F. Clear and legible copies of the following documents shall be attached as exhibits to the public offering statement:

1. Project time-share instrument;

2. Association articles of incorporation;

3. Bylaws;

4. Association annual report or projected budget for time-share estate programs;

5. Rules and regulations of the time-share owners' association, if available;

6. Any management contract, if applicable;

7. Exchange company disclosure document and narrative statement required pursuant to subsection B of § 55-374 of the Code of Virginia, if applicable; and

8. Other documents obligating the association or time-share owner to perform duties or obligations or pay charges or fees, if applicable.

G. The developer may include the public offering statement required for any alternative purchase pursuant to subsection H of § 55-374 of the Code of Virginia as offered by the developer in conjunction with the time-share being registered.

H. Other information and documentation may be included as necessary to ensure full and accurate disclosure. The board may also require additional information as necessary to ensure full and accurate disclosure.

18VAC48-45-170. Narrative sections; time-share concept.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "The Time-Share Concept." The section shall consist of a brief discussion of the form of time-share ownership being offered.

18VAC48-45-180. Narrative sections; creation of time-share project.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Creation of the Time-Share Project." The section shall briefly explain the manner in which the time-share project was or will be created, the locality wherein the time-share instrument will be or has been recorded, and the procedure for its amendment.

18VAC48-45-190. Narrative sections; description of time-share project.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Description of the Time-Share Project." The section shall provide a general description of the time-share project registered with the board and the units and common elements promised available to purchasers. This section shall also provide the developer's estimated schedule of commencement and completion of all promised and incomplete units and common elements.

B. The section shall state whether the developer has reserved the right to add and delete from the time-share program a time-share project or any incidental benefit or alternative purchase.

C. The section shall refer the purchaser to the reverter deed for an explanation if the developer utilized the possibility of a reverter.

D. The section shall indicate all provisions that have been made for public utilities in the time-share project, including but not limited to water, electricity, telephone, and sewerage facilities.

18VAC48-45-200. Narrative sections; individual time-shares.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Individual Time-Shares." The section shall indicate (i) the form of time-share ownership being offered; (ii) the types, duration, and number of units and time-shares in the project registered with the board; (iii) identification of units that are subject to the time-share program; and (iv) the estimated number of units that may become subject to the time-share program.

B. This section shall explain the extent to which financial arrangements, if any, have been provided for completion of any incomplete but promised time-share unit or common element being offered for sale. The section shall contain a statement of the developer's obligation to complete any promised time-share unit or common element being offered for sale comprising the time-share project that have not begun or begun but not yet completed.

C. The section shall explain the extent to which a time-share unit may become subject to a tax or other lien arising out of claims against other owners of the same unit.

18VAC48-45-210. Narrative sections; developer.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "The Developer." The section shall disclose the following information concerning the developer:

1. The name and principal address of the developer.

2. The name, principal occupation, and address of every director, partner, limited liability company manager, or trustee of the developer.

3. The name and address of each person owning or controlling an interest of at least 20% in the time-share project.

4. The particulars of any indictment, conviction, judgment, decree, or order of any court or administrative agency against the developer or managing entity for violation of a federal, state, local, or foreign country law or regulation in connection with activities relating to time-share sales, land sales, land investments, security sales, construction or sale of homes or improvements, or any similar or related activity.

5. The nature of each unsatisfied judgment, if any, against the developer or the managing entity; the status of each pending suit involving the sale or management of real estate to which the developer, the managing entity, or any general partner, executive officer, director, limited liability company manager, or majority stockholder thereof, is a defending party; and the status of each pending suit, if any, of significance to any time-share project registered with the board.

6. The name and address of the developer's agent for service of any notice permitted by this chapter.

7. The section shall describe the type of legal entity of the developer and explain if other entities have any obligation to satisfy the financial obligations of the developer.

8. For a time-share use program, a statement as to whether a developer's net worth is more than or less than $250,000. If the developer's net worth is less than $250,000, a current audited balance sheet shall be provided with the public offering statement. If the developer's net worth exceeds $250,000, a statement by the developer that its equity in the time-share program exceeds $250,000.

18VAC48-45-220. Narrative sections; terms of offering.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Terms of the Offering." The section shall discuss the expenses to be borne by a purchaser in acquiring a time-share and present information regarding the settlement of purchase contracts as provided in subsections B through H of this section.

B. The section shall indicate any initial or special fees due from the purchaser at settlement including a description of the purpose of such fees.

C. The section shall set forth a general description of any financing offered by or available through the developer to purchasers.

D. The section shall describe (i) services that the developer provides or expense it pays and that it expects may become at any subsequent time a time-share expense of the owners and (ii) the projected time-share expense liability attributable to each of those services or expenses for each time-share.

E. The section shall discuss all penalties or forfeitures to be incurred by a purchaser upon default in performance of a purchase contract.

F. The section shall discuss the process for cancellation of a purchase contract by a purchaser in accordance with § 55-376 of the Code of Virginia. The section shall include a statement that the purchaser has a nonwaivable right of cancellation and refer such purchaser to that portion of the contract in which the right of cancellation may be found.

G. The section shall describe the terms of the deposit escrow requirements, including a statement that deposits may be removed from escrow at the termination of the cancellation period.

H. The section shall set forth all restrictions in the purchase contract that limit the time-share owner's right to bring legal action against the developer or the association. The section shall set forth the paragraph or section and page number of the purchase contract where such provision is located. Nothing in this statement shall be deemed to authorize such limits where those limits are otherwise prohibited by law.

18VAC48-45-230. Narrative sections; encumbrances.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Encumbrances" that shall describe all liens, defects, or encumbrances affecting the time-share project and in particular the time-share offered to the purchaser.

18VAC48-45-240. Narrative sections; exchange program.

If any prospective purchaser is offered the opportunity to subscribe to or participate in any exchange program, the public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Exchange Program" that shall include the following:

1. A statement of whether membership or participation in the program is voluntary or mandatory; and

2. A statement that the purchaser's contract with the exchange company is a contract separate and distinct from the purchaser's contract with the developer and whether there is a fee associated with membership or participation in the exchange program.

18VAC48-45-250. Narrative sections; financial matters.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Financial Matters." The section shall discuss the expenses incident to the ownership of a time-share.

B. The section shall distinguish, in general terms, the following categories of costs of operation, maintenance, repair, and replacement of various portions of the time-share as follows: (i) time-share expenses; (ii) time-share estate occupancy expenses as defined in § 55-369 of the Code of Virginia; and (iii) all other costs that may be borne directly by individual time-share owners.

C. A budget shall show projected common expenses in each of the categories in subsection B of this section for the first year of the time-share's operation or, if different, the latest year for which a budget is available. The projected budget shall be attached to the public offering statement as an exhibit and the section shall direct the purchaser's attention to such exhibit. The section shall describe the manner in which the projected budget is established. If the time-share is phased, the budget shall project future years until all phases are projected to be developed and all common elements that must be built have been completed. The budget shall include an initial working capital budget showing sources and uses of initial working capital and a reserve table showing amounts to be collected to fund those reserves. The budget shall show regular individual assessments by unit type. The budget shall note that the figures are not guaranteed and may vary.

D. The section shall describe the manner in which (i) time-share expenses; (ii) time-share estate occupancy expenses as defined in § 55-369 of the Code of Virginia; and (iii) all other costs that may be borne directly by individual time-share owners are apportioned among and assessed to the time-share units. The section shall include the substance of the following statement, if applicable: "A time-share owner cannot obtain a reduction of the (i) time-share expenses; (ii) time-share estate occupancy expenses as defined in § 55-369 of the Code of Virginia; and (iii) any other costs that may be borne directly by individual time-share owners assessed against the unit by refraining from use of any of the common elements."

E. The section shall describe budget provisions for reserves for capital expenditures, if any. If there are no reserves, the section shall so state.

F. The section shall discuss any (i) time-share expenses; (ii) time-share estate occupancy expenses as defined in § 55-369 of the Code of Virginia; and (iii) all other costs that may be borne directly by individual time-share owners, actually planned to be specially assessed.

G. The section shall indicate any fee, rental, or other charge to be payable by unit owners other than through assessments and maintenance fees to any party for use of the common elements or for use of recreational or parking facilities in the vicinity of the time-share project.

H. The section shall discuss the effect of failure of a time-share owner to pay the assessments and maintenance fees levied against the time-share unit. Such discussion shall indicate provisions for charges or other remedies that may be imposed to be applied in the case of unpaid and past due assessments and for acceleration of unpaid assessments.

18VAC48-45-260. Narrative sections; restrictions on transfer.

The public offering statement shall include a section captioned "Restrictions on Transfer." The section shall describe and explain limitations on leasing or other restraints on free alienability created by the time-share instruments or the rules and regulations of the time-share owners' association that affect the time-share owners' right to resell, lease or otherwise transfer an interest in the time-share.

18VAC48-45-270. Narrative sections; time-share owners' association.

A. For time-share estate projects the public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Time-Share Owners' Association." The section shall discuss the arrangements for the management and operation of the time-share estate program and for the maintenance, repair, and furnishing of units and shall include the information required by subdivisions 1 through 15 of this subsection. The section shall describe or discuss the following:

1. The creation of the association.

2. The payment of costs and expenses of operating the time-share estate program and owning and maintaining the time-share units.

3. Employment and termination of employment of the managing agent for the time-share estate project.

4. Termination of leases and contracts for goods and services for the time-share estate project that were entered into during the developer control period.

5. Preparation and dissemination of the annual report required by § 55-370.1 of the Code of Virginia to the time-share estate owners.

6. Adoption of standards and rules of conduct for the use, enjoyment, and occupancy of units by the time-share estate owners.

7. Collection of regular assessments, fees or dues, and special assessments from time-share estate owners to defray all time-share expenses.

8. Comprehensive general liability insurance for death, bodily injury, and property damage arising out of, or in connection with, the use and enjoyment of the time-share project by time-share estate owners, their guests and other users. The cost for such insurance shall be a time-share expense.

9. Methods for providing compensation or alternate use periods or monetary compensation to a time-share estate owner if his contracted-for unit cannot be made available for the period to which the owner is entitled by schedule or by confirmed reservation.

10. Procedures for imposing a monetary penalty or suspension of a time-share estate owner's rights and privileges in the time-share estate program or time-share project for failure to comply with provisions of the time-share instrument or the rules and regulations of the association with respect to the use and enjoyment of the units and the time-share project. Under these procedures a time-share estate owner must be given reasonable notice and reasonable opportunity to be heard and explain the charges against him in person or in writing to the board of directors of the association before a decision to impose discipline is rendered.

11. Employment of attorneys, accountants, and other professional persons as necessary to assist in the management of the time-share estate program and the time-share project.

12. Developer control period, during which time period the developer, or a managing agent selected by the developer, shall manage and control the time-share estate project and the common elements and units, including decisions about the financial operation of the association.

13. The managing agent, if any, shall be identified, and the section shall indicate any relationship between the managing agent and the developer. The duration of any management agreement shall be stated.

14. Except to the extent otherwise disclosed in connection with discussion of a management agreement, the significant terms of any lease of recreational areas or similar contract or agreement affecting the use, maintenance or access of all or any part of the time-share project shall be stated. The section shall include a brief narrative statement of the effect of each such agreement upon a purchaser.

15. Rules and regulations of the time-share estate association shall be discussed. The purchaser's attention shall be directed to the copy of rules and regulations, if any, attached to the public offering statement.

B. For time-share use projects, if an association is formed for management and operation of the time-share use program and for the maintenance, repair, and furnishing of time-share use units comprising the time-share, the public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Time-Share Owners' Association." This section shall contain the information required by subdivisions A 1 through 15 of this section as applicable to the association for the time-share use project.

18VAC48-45-280. Narrative sections; managing entity.

The public offering statement shall include a section captioned "Managing Entity." This section shall provide the name and address of the managing entity for the project. The section shall also provide a description of the facilities, if any, provided by the developer to the association in a time-share estate project for the management of the project.

18VAC48-45-290. Narrative sections; conversion time-share projects.

A. The public offering statement of a conversion time-share project shall contain a section captioned "Conversion Time-Share Projects." The section shall include the following:

1. A specific statement of the amount of any initial or special fee, if any, due from the purchaser of a time-share on or before settlement of the purchase contract and the basis of such fee occasioned by the fact that the project is a conversion time-share project.

2. Information on the actual expenditures, if available, made on all repairs, maintenance, operation, or upkeep of the building or buildings within the last three years. This information shall be set forth in a tabular manner within the proposed budget of the project. If such building or buildings have not been occupied for a period of three years then the information shall be set forth for the period during which such building or buildings were occupied.

3. A description of any provisions made in the budget for reserves for capital expenditures and an explanation of the basis for such reserves occasioned by the fact that the project is a conversion time-share project, or, if no provision is made for such reserves, a statement to that effect.

4. A statement of the present condition of all structural components and major utility installations in the building, which statement shall include the approximate dates of construction, installations, and major repairs as well as the expected useful life of each such item, together with the estimated cost, in current dollars, of replacing each such component.

B. In lieu of a narrative section pursuant to this section, the requirements of this section may be satisfied in the form of an exhibit to the public offering statement.

18VAC48-45-300. Narrative sections; insurance.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Insurance." The section shall describe generally the insurance coverage provided by the developer or the association for the benefit of time-share owners not otherwise described in the public offering statement. The section shall state, with respect to such insurance, each of the following circumstances, to the extent applicable: (i) property damage coverage will not insure personal property belonging to unit owner; and (ii) liability coverage will not insure against liability arising from an accident or injury occurring within a unit or as a result of the act or negligence of a time-share owner. The section shall include a statement whether the time-share owner is obligated to obtain coverage for any or all of the coverages described. The section shall include a statement indicating that the time-share owner should consult with an insurance professional to determine appropriate coverage.

18VAC48-45-310. Narrative sections; alternative purchase.

The public offering statement shall contain a section entitled "Alternative Purchases." The section shall state whether or not the developer has reserved the right to add to or delete from the time-share program any incidental benefit or alternative purchase. The section shall state that such alternative purchase has been or will be registered with the board. If the developer chooses to include the public offering statement for the alternative purchase, the section shall reference the appropriate exhibit wherein the alternative purchase public offering statement may be located.

18VAC48-45-320. Documents from other jurisdictions.

A. A substituted public offering statement shall only be permitted for a time-share program for which some portion of the time-share project associated with the program is located outside of Virginia.

B. The substituted public offering statement shall be prepared by deleting from the original disclosure document the following: (i) references to any governmental agency of another jurisdiction to which application has been made or will be made for registration or related action; (ii) references to the action of such governmental agency relative to the time-share project and its time-share program; (iii) statements of the legal effect in another jurisdiction of delivery, failure to deliver, acknowledgment of receipt or related events involving the disclosure document; (iv) the effective date or dates in another jurisdiction of the disclosure document; and (v) all other information that is untrue, inaccurate, or misleading with respect to marketing, offers, or disposition of time-shares in Virginia.

C. The substituted public offering statement shall incorporate all information not otherwise included that is necessary to effect fully and accurately the disclosures required by § 55-374 of the Code of Virginia. The substituted disclosure document shall clearly explain any nomenclature that is different from the definitions provided in § 55-362 of the Code of Virginia.

D. The substituted public offering statement shall include as the first item of the summary of important considerations a statement that includes the following information: (i) the designation by which the original disclosure document is identified in the original jurisdiction; (ii) the governmental agency of such other jurisdiction where the original disclosure document is or will be filed; and (iii) the jurisdiction of such filing.

E. The provisions of §§ 55-374 and 55-376 of the Code of Virginia and 18VAC48-45-150, 18VAC48-45-160, and 18VAC48-45-170 shall apply to substituted public offering statements in the same manner and to the same extent that they apply to public offering statements.

F. In the case of a time-share project located outside of the Commonwealth, pursuant to subsection G of § 55-374 of the Code of Virginia, disclosure statements required by other situs laws governing time-sharing that are equivalent to the requirements of this chapter may be accepted as alternative disclosure statements.

Part VI
Time-Share Project Post-Registration Provisions

18VAC48-45-330. Minimum post-registration reporting requirements for a time-share project.

A. Subsequent to the issuance of a registration for a time-share by the board, the developer of a time-share shall do the following:

1. File an annual report in accordance with § 55-394.1 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter.

2. Upon the occurrence of a material change, file an amended public offering statement in accordance with the provisions of subsection E of § 55-374 and subsection C of § 55-394.1 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter. These amendments shall be filed with the board within 20 business days after the occurrence of the material change.

3. Upon the occurrence of any material change in the information contained in the registration file, the developer shall immediately report such material changes to the board in accordance with the provisions of subsection B of § 55-391.1 of the Code of Virginia.

4. Notify the board of a change in the bond or letter of credit, as applicable, required by subsection C of § 55-375 and subsection B of § 55-386 of the Code of Virginia.

5. File a completed application for registration of an unregistered phase or phases upon the expansion of the time-share, along with the appropriate fee specified in 18VAC48-45-70.

6. Notify the board of transition of control from the developer to the time-share estate owners' association (time-share estate projects only).

7. Submit appropriate documentation to the board once the registration is eligible for termination.

8. Submit to the board any other document or information, which may include information or documents that have been amended or may not have existed previously, that affects the accuracy, completeness, or representation of any information or document filed with the application for registration.

9. Submit to the board any document or information to make the registration file accurate and complete.

B. Notwithstanding the requirements of subsection A of this section, the board at any time may require a developer to provide information or documents, or amendments thereof, in order to assure full and accurate disclosure to prospective purchasers and to ensure compliance with the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act and this chapter.

18VAC48-45-340. Amendment of public offering statement.

Any amendment of the public offering statement or substituted public offering statement shall comply with this chapter.

18VAC48-45-350. Nonmaterial changes to the public offering statement.

Changes to the public offering statement that are not material are not required to be filed with the board, shall not be deemed an amendment of the public offering statement for the purposes of this chapter, and shall not give rise to a renewed right of rescission in any purchase. Nonmaterial changes to the public offering statement include, but may not be limited to, the following:

1. Correction of spelling, grammar, omission, or other similar errors not affecting the substance of the public offering statement;

2. Changes in presentation or format;

3. Substitution of an executed, filed, or recorded copy of a document for the otherwise substantially identical unexecuted, unfiled, or unrecorded copy of the document that was previously submitted;

4. Inclusion of updated information such as identification or description of the current officers and directors of the developer;

5. Disclosure of completion of improvements for improvements that were previously proposed or not complete;

6. Changes in real estate tax assessment or rate or modifications related to those changes;

7. Changes in utility charges or rates or modifications related to those changes;

8. Addition or deletion of incidental benefits or alternative purchases provided the developer reserved in the time-share instrument the right to add or delete incidental benefits or alternative purchases.

9. Adoption of a new budget that does not result in a significant change in fees or assessments or significantly impact the rights or obligations of the prospective purchasers;

10. Modifications related to changes in insurance company or financial institution, policy, or amount for bonds or letters of credit required pursuant to §§ 55-375 and 55-386 of the Code of Virginia;

11. Changes in personnel of the managing agent; and

12. Any change that is the result of orderly development of the time-share in accordance with the time-share instruments as described in the public offering statement.

18VAC48-45-360. Filing of amended public offering statement.

A. The developer shall promptly file with the board for review a copy of the amended public offering statement together with a copy of a summary of proposed amendments that shall be distributed to purchasers during the board review period. The summary of proposed amendments shall enumerate the amendments to the public offering statement submitted for board review and include a statement that the amendments to the public offering statement have been filed with the board but have not yet been accepted. The form of the submission is at the discretion of the developer provided that (i) all amendments are clearly represented in the documentation presented; (ii) the additions and deletions of text in the public offering statement and exhibits shall be identified by underlining and striking through text to be added and deleted; and (iii) documents being added to or deleted from the contents of the public offering statement shall be clearly and accurately reflected in the table of contents utilizing underlines and strikethroughs for additions and deletions. In addition to the copies showing edits to the text, a clean copy of all new and amended documents shall be provided.

B. The amended public offering statement submitted to the board for review shall include the effective date of the amendments.

C. Within 30 days of receipt of the amended public offering statement, the board shall review the amended public offering statement and supporting materials to determine whether the amendment complies with this chapter. If the board's review determines that the amended public offering statement complies with this chapter, it shall notify the developer in writing and confirm the new effective date of the public offering statement.

D. If the board's review determines that the amended public offering statement does not comply with this chapter, it shall immediately notify the developer in writing that the review has determined the amended public offering statement is not in compliance and shall specify the particulars of such noncompliance. The developer shall then have 20 days in which to correct the particulars of noncompliance identified by the board. The developer may, prior to the completion of the 20-day correction period, request an extension in writing of the 20-day correction period. Upon expiration of the 20-day correction period, if requested corrections have not been made or a request for extension properly received, the board may issue a temporary cease and desist order in accordance with subdivision D 2 of § 55-396 of the Code of Virginia to require the cessation of sales until such time as affirmative action as directed by the board is taken. Use of the noncompliant public offering statement may result in further action by the board pursuant to §§ 55-396, 55-399.1, and 55-400 of the Code of Virginia.

E. Notwithstanding an extension of the 30-day period for review agreed to in writing by the board and developer, if the board does not perform the required review of the public offering statement in accordance with subsection C of this section, the amendment shall be deemed to comply with 18VAC48-45-150 through 18VAC48-45-310, and the new effective date shall be the effective date of the amendment provided pursuant to subsection B of this section.

F. In each case in which an amended document is filed pursuant to this section and the manner of its amendment is not apparent on the face of the document, the developer shall provide an indication of the manner and extent of amendment.

18VAC48-45-370. Current public offering statement.

A. Upon issuance of an effective date by the board, all purchasers who received a public offering statement and summary of proposed amendments during the board review period pursuant to subsection A of 18VAC48-45-360 shall be provided with the public offering statement as accepted by the board. A public offering statement remains current until such time as the occurrence of a material change requires amendment of the public offering statement pursuant to this chapter and a new effective date is issued by the board.

B. Upon issuance of an effective date by the board, a public offering statement remains current until such time as a new effective date is established pursuant to this chapter.

C. Notwithstanding the board's authority to issue a cease and desist order pursuant to § 55-396 of the Code of Virginia, the filing of an amended public offering statement shall not require the developer to cease sales provided that the developer provides to purchasers the summary of proposed amendments pursuant to subsection A of 18VAC48-45-360 pending the issuance of a new effective date by the board.

18VAC48-45-380. Public offering statement not current; notification of purchasers.

A. A purchaser who has been delivered a public offering statement that is not current due to a material change and was not provided with the summary of proposed amendments containing the proposed changes to the amended public offering statement pursuant to subsection A of 18VAC48-45-360 pending the issuance of a new effective date by the board shall be notified of such fact by the developer.

B. A purchaser who has been delivered a public offering statement and summary of proposed amendments pursuant to subsection A of 18VAC48-45-360, but the amended public offering statement is determined to be noncompliant in accordance with subsection D of 18VAC48-45-360 shall be notified of such fact by the developer.

1. The notification shall indicate that any contract for disposition of a time-share may be canceled by the purchaser pursuant to subsection C of § 55-376 of the Code of Virginia.

2. The developer shall file a copy of the notification with the board and provide proof that such notification has been delivered to all purchasers under contract.

18VAC48-45-390. Filing of phase amendment application.

A. A phase amendment application for a time-share project shall be filed when adding a phase or phases to the time-share project. Such phase amendment application shall be accompanied by the fee provided for in 18VAC48-45-70 and shall be subject to all of the provisions of 18VAC48-45-50 and 18VAC48-45-110 through 18VAC48-45-130. Documents on file with the board that have not changed in connection with the additional phase or phases need not be refiled, provided that the phase amendment application indicates that such documents are unchanged.

B. The application shall include a bond or letter of credit required pursuant to subsection B of § 55-386 of the Code of Virginia if any of the time-share units and common elements contained in the submitted additional phase or phases have not been completed.

C. The board shall review the phase amendment application and supporting materials to determine whether the amendment complies with this chapter. If the board's review determines the phase amendment application complies with this chapter, it shall issue an amended order of registration for the time-share project and shall provide that previous orders and designations of the form, content, and effective date of the public offering statement are superseded. If the board's review determines that the phase amendment application is not complete, the board shall correspond with the developer to specify the particulars that must be completed to obtain compliance with this chapter.

18VAC48-45-400. Annual report for a time-share project registration required by developer.

A. A developer shall file an annual report for a time-share project registration on a form provided by the board to update the material contained in the registration file by June 30 of each year the registration is effective and shall be accompanied by the fee specified in 18VAC48-45-70. Prior to filing the annual report required by § 55-394.1 of the Code of Virginia, the developer shall review the public offering statement then being delivered to purchasers. If such public offering statement is current, the developer shall so certify in the annual report. If such public offering statement is not current, the developer shall amend the public offering statement and the annual report shall, in that event, include a filing in accordance with 18VAC48-45-360.

B. The annual report shall contain, but may not be limited to, the following:

1. Current contact information for the developer;

2. Information concerning the current status of the time-share project;

3. Information concerning the current status of the time-share program, including (i) the type of time-shares being offered and sold; (ii) the total number of time-share interests available in the program; (iii) the total number of time-share interests sold; and (iv) information regarding any incomplete units and common elements;

4. If the project is a time-share estate project and the developer control period has not yet expired, a copy of the annual report that was prepared and distributed by the developer to the time-share owners required by § 55-370.1 of the Code of Virginia must accompany the annual report;

5. Date of the public offering statement currently being delivered to purchasers; and

6. Current evidence from the surety or financial institution of bonds or letters of credit, or submittal of replacement bonds or letters of credit, required pursuant to subsection C of § 55-375 and subsection B of § 55-386 of the Code of Virginia. Such verification shall provide the following:

a. Principal of bond or letter of credit;

b. Beneficiary of bond or letter of credit;

c. Name of the surety or financial institution that issued the bond or letter of credit;

d. Bond or letter of credit number as assigned by the issuer;

e. The dollar amount; and

f. The expiration date or, if self-renewing, the date by which the bond or letter of credit shall be renewed.

18VAC48-45-410. Board review of annual report for a time-share project registration.

A. During review of the annual report, the board may make inquiries or request additional documentation to amplify or clarify the information provided.

B. If the board does not accept the annual report and the annual report filing is not completed within 60 days of a request by the board for additional information, the board may take further action pursuant to §§ 55-396, 55-399.1, and 55-400 of the Code of Virginia for failing to file an annual report as required by § 55-394.1 of the Code of Virginia.

C. If the board does not perform the required review of the annual report within 30 days of receipt by the board, the annual report shall be deemed to comply with § 55-394.1 of the Code of Virginia.

18VAC48-45-420. Return of bond or letter of credit to ensure completion of promised units and common elements to developer.

A bond or letter of credit on file with the board pursuant to subsection B of § 55-386 of the Code of Virginia may be returned to the developer upon written request. Such request shall include a statement from the developer that indicates the units and common elements for which the bond or letter of credit was submitted have been completed. If the submitted statement is not sufficient to confirm completion, the board may request additional documentation.

18VAC48-45-430. Return of bond or letter of credit upon termination of time-share project registration.

Upon issuance of an order of termination of the time-share project registration pursuant to 18VAC48-45-450, the bond or letter of credit on file with the board for the purpose of protecting all deposits escrowed pursuant to subsection C of § 55-375 will be returned to the developer.

18VAC48-45-440. Maintenance of bond or letter of credit.

A. The developer shall report the extension, cancellation, amendment, expiration, termination, or any other change of any bond or letter of credit submitted in accordance with subsection C of § 55-375 and subsection B of § 55-386 of the Code of Virginia within five days of the change.

B. The board at any time may request verification from the developer of the status of a bond or letter of credit on file with the board. Such verification shall comply with the provisions of subdivision B 6 of 18VAC48-45-400.

C. Failure to report a change in the bond or letter of credit in accordance with this section shall result in further action by the board pursuant to the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act.

18VAC48-45-450. Termination of time-share project registration.

A. The time-share project registration shall be terminated upon receipt of documentation of one of the following:

1. In accordance with subsection A of § 55-394.2 of the Code of Virginia, an annual report for a time-share estate program filed pursuant to § 55-394.1 of the Code of Virginia indicates that the developer has transferred title to the time-share owners' association and that no further development rights exist.

2. In accordance with subsection B of § 55-394.2 of the Code of Virginia, written notification is received from the developer attesting that no further development of the project is anticipated and that the developer has ceased sales of time-shares at the project.

B. Upon receipt and review of documentation pursuant to subsection A of this section, the board shall issue an order of termination for the time-share registration. The board may request additional information as necessary during the review of the submitted documentation to ensure that the time-share registration is eligible for termination.

18VAC48-45-460. Administrative termination of time-share project registration.

A. In accordance with subsection C of § 55-394.2 of the Code of Virginia, the board may administratively terminate the registration of a time-share project. Prior to the administrative termination of the registration, the board shall send written notice of its intent to terminate the registration to all known parties associated with the time-share project, including, but not limited to, the registered agent, developer's attorney, and principals of the developer. Such written notice shall be given to the parties by mail or otherwise if acknowledged by them in writing.

B. The board shall issue an order of termination for the time-share registration if (i) a response is not received within 30 days after sending the written notice, or (ii) the response received does not indicate termination of the registration is inappropriate in accordance with the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act and this chapter.

C. Nothing contained in this section shall prevent the board from taking further action as allowed by law including issuance of a temporary cease and desist order, issuance of a cease and desist order, revocation of registration, and bringing action in the appropriate circuit court to enjoin the acts or practices and to enforce compliance.

18VAC48-45-470. Reporting of other changes to the time-share project.

Any other change made or known by the developer that may affect the accuracy or completeness of the time-share registration file shall be reported promptly to the board. Such change may include but is not limited to the name of the developer, name of the time-share project, or any other changes in information submitted in accordance with § 55-391.1 of the Code of Virginia. The board may request additional information as necessary to ensure compliance with the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act and this chapter.

Part VII
Alternative Purchase Registration

18VAC48-45-480. Registration of alternative purchase required.

As required by § 55-362 of the Code of Virginia, a time-share developer shall register as an alternative purchase anything valued in excess of $100 that is offered to a potential purchaser during the developer’s sales presentation and purchased by such potential purchaser for more than $100, even though the purchaser did not purchase a time-share. An alternative purchase is not a time-share.

18VAC48-45-490. Minimum requirements for registration of an alternative purchase.

An application for registration of an alternative purchase shall include the following:

1. An application submitted in accordance with 18VAC48-45-50.

2. Current contact information for the developer.

3. The name of the time-share project or projects affiliated with the registered alternative purchase.

4. Public offering statement, or public offering statements, if applicable, submitted in accordance with 18VAC48-45-500. This may be accomplished through a single public offering statement that includes all types of alternative purchases offered by the developer, or a separate public offering statement for each type of alternative purchase offered by the developer.

5. The escrow bond or letter of credit submitted in compliance with subsection C of § 55-375 of the Code of Virginia, if applicable.

18VAC48-45-500. Public offering statement for an alternative purchase.

The developer shall file with the board a public offering statement that will be distributed to each prospective purchaser about the alternative purchase. The public offering statement shall fully and accurately disclose the material characteristics of such alternative purchase as required by subsection H of § 55-374 of the Code of Virginia. The material characteristics of such alternative purchase may vary based on time of year and availability of offerings and may include, but are not limited to, vacation packages, meals, ancillary benefits or options, excursions, and retail products.

The public offering statement for an alternative purchase need not contain any information about the time-share project, time-share program, or the time-shares offered by the developer initially offered to such purchaser by the developer. The public offering statement for an alternative purchase is not required to have exhibits.

18VAC48-45-510. Review of application for registration of an alternative purchase.

At such time as the board affirmatively determines that the requirements of this chapter have been met, the board shall register the alternative purchase and shall designate the form, content, and effective date of the public offering statement to be used. The registration period of the alternative purchase shall expire the last day of the month one year from the date of issuance.

18VAC48-45-520. Minimum alternative purchase post-registration reporting requirements.

A. Subsequent to the issuance of a registration for an alternative purchase by the board, the developer offering the alternative purchase shall do the following:

1. File the annual report required pursuant to 18VAC48-45-540.

2. Upon the occurrence of a material change to the public offering statement, the developer of a registered alternative purchase shall file an amended public offering statement. These amendments shall be filed with the board within 20 business days after the occurrence of the material change.

3. Upon the occurrence of any material change in the information contained in the registration file, the developer of a registered alternative purchase shall immediately report such material changes to the board.

4. Submit appropriate documentation to the board once the registration is eligible for termination.

5. Submit to the board any other document or information, which may include information or documents that have been amended or may not have existed previously, that affects the accuracy, completeness, or representation of any information or document filed with the application for registration.

6. Submit to the board any document or information to make the registration file accurate and complete and to ensure compliance with the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act and this chapter.

7. Submit to the board the escrow bond or letter of credit for any deposits for the alternative purchase that are held in escrow pursuant to § 55-375 of the Code of Virginia. If the bond or letter of credit for protecting all alternative purchase deposits escrowed is the same as the bond or letter of credit for the time-share project registration, the applicant shall so state.

B. Notwithstanding the requirements of subsection A of this section, the board at any time may require the developer of a registered alternative purchase to provide information or documents, or amendments thereof, in order to assure full and accurate disclosure to prospective purchasers and to ensure compliance with the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act and this chapter.

18VAC48-45-530. Filing of amended public offering statement for alternative purchase.

A. The developer shall promptly file with the board for review a copy of the amended public offering statement. The form of the submission is at the discretion of the developer, provided that (i) all amendments are clearly represented in the documentation presented; (ii) the additions and deletions of text in the public offering statement and exhibits shall be identified by underlining and striking through text to be added and deleted; and (iii) documents being added to or deleted from the contents of the public offering statement shall be clearly and accurately reflected in the table of contents utilizing underlines and strike-throughs for additions and deletions. In addition to the copies showing edits to the text, a clean copy of all new and amended documents shall be provided.

B. The amended public offering statement submitted to the board for review shall include the effective date of the amendments.

C. Within 30 days of receipt, the board shall review the amended public offering statement and supporting materials to determine whether the amendment complies with this chapter. If the board's review determines that the amended public offering statement complies with this chapter, it shall notify the developer in writing and confirm the new effective date of the public offering statement.

D. If the board's review determines that the amended public offering statement does not comply with this chapter, the board shall immediately notify the developer in writing that the review has determined the amended public offering statement is not in compliance and shall specify the particulars of such noncompliance. The developer shall then have 20 days in which to correct the particulars of noncompliance identified by the board. The developer may, prior to the completion of the 20-day correction period, request an extension in writing of the 20-day correction period. Upon expiration of the 20-day correction period, if requested corrections have not been made or a request for extension properly received, the board may issue a temporary cease and desist order in accordance with subsection B of § 55-396 of the Code of Virginia to require the cessation of sales until such time as affirmative action as directed by the board is taken. Use of the noncompliant public offering statement may result in further action by the board pursuant to §§ 55-396, 55-399.1, and 55-400 of the Code of Virginia.

E. Notwithstanding an extension of the 30-day period for review agreed to in writing by the board and developer, if the board does not perform the required review of the public offering statement in accordance with subsection C of this section, the amendment shall be deemed to comply with 18VAC48-45-490, and the new effective date shall be the effective date of the amendment provided pursuant to subsection B of this section.

F. In each case in which an amended document is filed pursuant to this section and the manner of its amendment is not apparent on the face of the document, the developer shall provide an indication of the manner and extent of amendment.

18VAC48-45-540. Annual report required for alternative purchase registration.

A. Prior to the expiration of the registration, the developer shall file an annual report in a form approved by the board for the registered alternative purchase affiliated with such time-share project registration. Such alternative purchase annual report shall be accompanied by the fee specified in 18VAC48-45-70.

B. The annual report shall contain, but may not be limited to, the following:

1. Current contact information for the developer.

2. The name of the time-share project or projects affiliated with the registered alternative purchase.

3. Information concerning the current status of the alternative purchase.

4. Current evidence from the surety or financial institution of any bonds or letters of credit, or submittal of replacement bonds or letters of credit, required pursuant to subsection C of § 55-375 of the Code of Virginia. Such verification shall provide the following:

a. Principal of bond or letter of credit;

b. Beneficiary of bond or letter of credit;

c. Name of the surety or financial institution that issued the bond or letter of credit;

d. Bond or letter of credit number as assigned by the issuer;

e. The dollar amount; and

f. The expiration date or, if self-renewing, the date by which the bond or letter of credit shall be renewed.

5. The date of the public offering statement currently being delivered to purchasers.

18VAC48-45-550. Board review of annual report for an alternative purchase registration.

A. During review of the annual report, the board may make inquiries or request additional documentation to amplify or clarify the information provided.

B. If the board does not accept the annual report and the annual report filing is not completed within 60 days of a request by the board for additional information, the board may take further action pursuant to §§ 55-396 and 55-399.1 of the Code of Virginia.

C. If the board does not perform the required review of the annual report within 30 days of receipt by the board, the annual report shall be accepted and the alternative purchase registration shall be continued to run concurrent with the time-share project registration with which it is affiliated.

D. Once the annual report has been accepted by the board, the registration shall be extended for an additional one-year period from the date of expiration of the registration. If the developer fails to complete the annual report filing within one year after the date of expiration, the registration shall not be extended and the developer must apply as a new applicant.

18VAC48-45-560. Termination of registration for an alternative purchase.

A. The alternative purchase registration shall be terminated upon receipt of written notification from the developer attesting that the developer has ceased sales and requests termination of the alternative purchase. Should the developer later choose to offer alternative purchases for which the registration has been terminated in accordance with this subsection, prior to offering an alternative purchase, the developer must submit a new application for registration of the alternative purchase, meet all requirements in effect at the time of application, and obtain an alternative purchase registration from the board.

B. Upon receipt and review of the notification pursuant to subsection A of this section, the board shall terminate the alternative purchase registration. The board may request additional information as necessary during the review of the submitted notification to ensure that the alternative purchase registration is eligible for termination.

C. If all affiliated time-share project registrations are terminated pursuant to 18VAC48-45-450 or 18VAC48-45-460, such terminations shall result in the automatic termination of the affiliated alternative purchase registration.

D. An alternative purchase registration shall be automatically terminated for failure to file an acceptable annual report within one year after the expiration of the registration.

18VAC48-45-570. Reporting of other changes to the alternative purchase.

Any other change made or known by the developer that may affect the accuracy or completeness of the alternative purchase registration file shall be promptly reported to the board. The board may request additional information as necessary to ensure compliance with the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act and this chapter.

Exchange Program Registration

18VAC48-45-580. Registration of exchange program required.

As required by § 55-374.2 of the Code of Virginia, an exchange company that offers an exchange program in the Commonwealth shall register the exchange program with the board.

18VAC48-45-590. Minimum requirements for registration of an exchange program.

An application for registration of an exchange program shall include the following:

1. An application submitted in accordance with 18VAC48-45-50;

2. Current contact information for the exchange company;

3. A disclosure document that complies with § 55-374.2 of the Code of Virginia; and

4. A report independently audited by a certified public accountant or accounting firm in accordance with the standards of the Accounting Standards Board of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The report shall provide the following for the preceding calendar year:

a. The number of owners enrolled in the exchange program. Such numbers shall disclose the relationship between the exchange company and owners as being either fee paying or gratuitous in nature;

b. The number of time-share properties, accommodations or facilities eligible to participate in the exchange program;

c. The percentage of confirmed exchanges, which shall be the number of exchanges confirmed by the exchange company divided by the number of exchanges properly applied for, together with a complete and accurate statement of the criteria used to determine whether an exchange request was properly applied for;

d. The number of time-shares for which the exchange company has an outstanding obligation to provide an exchange to an owner who relinquished a time-share during the year in exchange for a time-share in any future year; and

e. The number of exchanges confirmed by the exchange company during the year.

18VAC48-45-600. Minimum exchange program post-registration reporting requirements.

A. Subsequent to the issuance of a registration for an exchange program by the board, the exchange company shall:

1. File an annual report in accordance with subsection E of § 55-374.2 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter.

2. Upon the occurrence of a material change to the disclosure document, the exchange company shall file an amended disclosure document in accordance with the provisions of § 55-374.2 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter. These amendments shall be filed with the board within 20 business days after the occurrence of the material change.

3. Upon the occurrence of any material change in the information contained in the registration file, the exchange company shall immediately report such material changes to the board.

4. Submit appropriate documentation to the board once the registration is eligible for termination.

5. Submit to the board any other document or information, which may include information or documents that have been amended or may not have existed previously, that affects the accuracy, completeness, or representation of any information or document filed with the application for registration.

6. Submit to the board any document or information to make the registration file accurate and complete to ensure compliance with the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act and this chapter.

B. Notwithstanding the requirements of subsection A of this section, the board at any time may require an exchange company to provide information or documents, or amendments thereof, in order to assure full and accurate disclosure to prospective purchasers and to ensure compliance with the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act and this chapter.

18VAC48-45-610. Annual report required for an exchange program registration.

A. An exchange company shall file an annual report to update the material contained in the exchange program registration file by July 1 of each year the registration is effective and shall be accompanied by the fee specified in 18VAC48-45-70.

B. The annual report shall contain, but may not be limited to, the following:

1. Current contact information for the exchange company;

2. Information concerning the current status of the exchange program;

3. A report that contains the information in subdivision 4 of 18VAC48-45-590 and submitted in compliance with subdivision A 17 of § 55-374.2 of the Code of Virginia.

18VAC48-45-620. Board review of annual report for exchange program registration.

A. During review of the annual report, the board may make inquiries or request additional documentation to amplify or clarify the information provided.

B. If the board does not accept the annual report and the annual report filing is not completed within 60 days of a request by the board for additional information, the board may take further action pursuant to §§ 55-396, 55-399.1, and 55-400 of the Code of Virginia for failing to file an annual report as required by subsection E of § 55-374.2 of the Code of Virginia.

C. If the board does not perform the required review of the annual report within 30 days of receipt by the board, the annual report shall be deemed to comply with subsection E of § 55-374.2 of the Code of Virginia.

18VAC48-45-630. Termination of an exchange program registration.

A. The exchange program registration shall be terminated upon receipt of written notification from the exchange company indicating that the exchange program is no longer being offered in the Commonwealth. Should the exchange company later choose to offer the exchange program for which the registration has been terminated in accordance with this subsection, prior to offering the exchange program, the exchange company must submit a new application for registration of the exchange program, meet all requirements in effect at the time of application, and be issued an order of registration for the exchange program by the board.

B. Upon receipt and review of the notification pursuant to subsection A of this section, the board shall issue an order of termination for the exchange program registration. The board may request additional information as necessary during the review of the submitted notification to ensure that the exchange program registration is eligible for termination.

18VAC48-45-640. Reporting of other changes to an exchange program.

Any other change made or known by the exchange company that may affect the accuracy or completeness of the exchange program registration file shall be promptly reported to the board. The board may request additional information as necessary to ensure compliance with the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act and this chapter.

Part IX
Time-Share Reseller Registration

18VAC48-45-650. Registration of time-share reseller required.

In accordance with § 55-394.3 of the Code of Virginia, a reseller shall not offer or provide any resale service without holding a current time-share reseller registration issued by the board.

18VAC48-45-660. Exemptions from time-share reseller registration.

Time-share reseller registration shall not apply to the following:

1. A person that solely or with affiliates engages in a resale service with respect to an aggregate of no more than 12 resale time-shares per calendar year;

2. A person that owns or acquires more than 12 resale time-shares and subsequently transfers all such resale time-shares to a single purchaser in a single transaction;

3. The owner, owner's agents, and employees of a regularly published newspaper, magazine, or other periodical publication of general circulation; broadcast station; website; or billboard, to the extent their activities are limited to solicitation and publication of advertisements and the transmission of responses to the persons who place the advertisements. Any person that would otherwise be exempt from this chapter pursuant to this section shall not be exempt if the person (i) solicits the placement of the advertisement by representing that the advertisement will generate cash, a certain price, or a similar type of representation for the time-share owner's resale time-share, (ii) makes a recommendation as to the sales price for which to advertise the resale time-share, (iii) makes representations to the person placing the advertisement regarding the success rate for selling resale time-shares advertised with such person, or (iv) makes misrepresentations as described in this chapter;

4. Sale by a developer or a party acting on its behalf of a resale time-share under a current registration of the time-share program in which the resale time-share is included;

5. Sale by an association, managing entity, or a party acting on its behalf of a resale time-share owned by the association provided the sale is in compliance with subsection C of § 55-380.1; or

6. Attorneys, title agents, title companies, or escrow companies providing closing services in connection with the transfer of a resale time-share.

18VAC48-45-670. Requirements for registration as a time-share reseller.

A. Individuals or firms that provide any time-share resale services shall submit an application on a form prescribed by the board and shall meet the requirements of this section, including:

1. The information contained in § 55-394.3 of the Code of Virginia.

2. The application fee specified in 18VAC48-45-70.

3. All contact information applicable to the time-share reseller and the lead dealer.

B. Any individual or firm offering resale services as defined in § 55-362 of the Code of Virginia shall be registered with the board. All names under which the time-share reseller conducts business shall be disclosed on the application. The name under which the firm conducts business and holds itself out to the public (i.e., the trade or fictitious name) shall also be disclosed on the application. Firms shall be organized as business entities under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia or otherwise authorized to transact business in Virginia. Firms shall register any trade or fictitious names with the State Corporation Commission or the clerk of court in the jurisdiction where the business is to be conducted in accordance with §§ 59.1-69 through 59.1-76 of the Code of Virginia before submitting an application to the board.

C. The applicant for a time-share reseller registration shall disclose the firm's mailing address and the firm's physical address. A post office box is only acceptable as a mailing address when a physical address is also provided.

D. In accordance with § 54.1-204 of the Code of Virginia, each applicant for a time-share reseller registration shall disclose the following information about the firm, the lead dealer, and any of the principals of the firm, if applicable:

1. All felony convictions.

2. All misdemeanor convictions in any jurisdiction that occurred within three years before the date of application.

3. Any plea of nolo contendere or finding of guilt regardless of adjudication or deferred adjudication shall be considered a conviction for the purposes of this section. The record of conviction certified or authenticated in such form as to be admissible in evidence under the laws of the jurisdiction where convicted shall be admissible as prima facie evidence of such guilt.

E. The applicant shall obtain and maintain a bond or letter of credit pursuant to § 55-375 of the Code of Virginia, for the purpose of protecting deposits and refundable moneys received by a time-share reseller from clients in the Commonwealth of Virginia in connection with the purchase, acquisition, or sale of a time-share.

F. The applicant for time-share reseller registration shall be in compliance with the standards of conduct set forth in Part X (18VAC48-45-720 et seq.) of this chapter at the time of application, while the application is under review by the board, and at all times when the registration is in effect.

G. The applicant for time-share reseller registration, the lead dealer, and all principals of the firm shall be in good standing in Virginia and in every jurisdiction and with every board or administrative body where licensed, certified, or registered, and the board, in its discretion, may deny registration to, any applicant who has been subject to, or whose lead dealer or principals have been subject to, any form of adverse disciplinary action, including but not limited to, reprimand, revocation, suspension or denial, imposition of a monetary penalty, required to complete remedial education, or any other corrective action, in any jurisdiction or by any board or administrative body or surrendered a license, certificate, or registration in connection with any disciplinary action in any jurisdiction prior to obtaining registration in Virginia.

H. The applicant for time-share reseller registration shall provide all relevant information about the firm, the lead dealer, and of the principals of the firm for the seven years prior to application on outstanding judgments, past-due tax assessments, defaults on bonds, or pending or past bankruptcies and specifically shall provide all relevant financial information related to providing resale services as defined in § 55-362 of the Code of Virginia.

I. The application for time-share reseller registration shall include the exhibits required pursuant to 18VAC48-45-680.

18VAC48-45-680. Exhibits required for registration as a time-share reseller.

A. The following documents shall be included as exhibits to the application for registration. All exhibits shall be labeled as indicated and submitted in a format acceptable to the board.

1. Exhibit A: A copy of the certificate of incorporation or certificate of authority to transact business in Virginia issued by the Virginia State Corporation Commission, or any other entity formation documents, together with any trade or fictitious name certificate.

2. Exhibit B: A copy of the resale purchase contract.

3. Exhibit C: A copy of the resale transfer contract.

4. Exhibit D: A copy of disclosures required by § 55-380.1 of the Code of Virginia.

5. Exhibit E: A narrative description of the marketing or advertising plan.

6. Exhibit F: A bond or letter of credit in accordance with subsection E of 18VAC48-45-670.

B. The board has the sole discretion to require additional information or amendment of existing information as the board finds necessary to ensure full and accurate disclosure and compliance with the provisions of § 55-380.1 of the Code of Virginia and to ensure compliance with the provisions of § 55-394.3 of the Code of Virginia.

18VAC48-45-690. Renewal and reinstatement of a time-share reseller registration.

A. A time-share reseller registration issued under this chapter shall expire one year from the last day of the month in which it was issued. The fee specified in 18VAC48-45-70 shall be required for renewal.

B. Prior to the expiration date shown on the registration, a registration shall be renewed upon payment of the fees specified in 18VAC48-45-70 and submittal of proof of a current bond or letter of credit required in accordance with subsection E of 18VAC48-45-670.

C. The board will send a renewal notice to the regulant at the last known address of record. Failure to receive this notice shall not relieve the regulant of the obligation to renew. If the regulant fails to receive the renewal notice, a copy of the registration may be submitted with the required fees as an application for renewal. By submitting a renewal fee, the regulant is certifying continued compliance with this chapter, as applicable, and certifying that all documents required for registration pursuant to 18VAC48-45-680 on file with the board reflect the most current version used by the reseller.

D. If the requirements for renewal of a registration as specified in this chapter are not completed more than 30 days and within six months after the registration expiration date, the reinstatement fee specified in 18VAC48-50-70 shall be required.

E. A registration may be reinstated for up to six months following the expiration date. After six months, the registration may not be reinstated under any circumstances and the firm or individual must meet all current entry requirements and apply as a new applicant.

F. The board may deny renewal or reinstatement of registration for the same reasons as it may refuse initial registration or discipline a registrant.

G. The date the renewal application and fee are received in the office of the board shall determine whether a registration shall be renewed without reinstatement, or shall be subject to reinstatement application procedures.

H. A registration that is reinstated shall be regarded as having been continuously registered without interruption. Therefore, the registration holder shall remain under the disciplinary authority of the board during the entire period and shall be accountable for its activities during the period. Nothing in this chapter shall divest the board of its authority to discipline a registration holder for a violation of the law or regulation during the period of time for which the regulant was registered.

I. Applicants for renewal shall continue to meet all of the qualifications for registration set forth in 18VAC48-45-680.

18VAC48-45-700. Maintenance of time-share reseller registration.

Any material changes made or known by the time-share reseller that may affect the accuracy or completeness of the time-share reseller registration file shall be promptly reported to the board. The board may request additional information as necessary to ensure compliance with the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act and this chapter.

18VAC48-45-710. Recordkeeping for a time-share reseller registration.

A time-share reseller registered by the board shall comply with the recordkeeping provisions of § 55-394.4 of the Code of Virginia.

Part X
Board Authority and Standards of Conduct

18VAC48-45-720. Grounds for disciplinary action.

The board may revoke a registration that is not in compliance with any provision of the regulations of the board or the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act. Additional action may include issuance of a temporary cease and desist order, issuance of a cease and desist order, and bringing action in the appropriate circuit court to enjoin the acts or practices and to enforce compliance.

18VAC48-45-730. Registration required.

A. No developer or agent of a developer shall offer a time-share prior to the registration of the time-share program and time-share project.

B. No developer or agent of a developer shall offer an alternative purchase prior to the registration of the alternative purchase by the developer.

C. No exchange company or agent of an exchange company shall offer an exchange program prior to the registration of the exchange program by the exchange company.

D. No time-share reseller or agent of a time-share reseller shall offer any resale services prior to the registration of the time-share reseller.

18VAC48-45-740. Time-share advertising standards.

A. No promise, assertion, representation, or statement of fact or opinion in connection with a time-share marketing activity shall be made that is false, inaccurate or misleading by reason of inclusion of an untrue statement of a material fact or omission of a statement of a material fact relative to the actual or intended characteristics, circumstances, or features of a time-share program or a time-share project.

B. No promise, assertion, representation, or statement of fact or opinion made in connection with a time-share marketing activity shall indicate that a unit or common element will be built or placed on the time-share unless proposed within the meaning of subsection A of 18VAC48-45-200.

C. No promise, assertion, representation, or statement of fact or opinion made in connection with a time-share marketing activity and relating to a time-share project not registered shall, by its express terms, induce, solicit, or encourage a contract for sale or performing some other act that would create or purport to create a legal or equitable interest in the time-share, other than a security interest in or a nonbinding reservation of the time-share, when to do so would circumvent the provisions of the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act.

18VAC48-45-750. Board oversight of public offering statement and exchange program disclosure document.

A. The board at any time may require a developer to alter or amend the public offering statement for a time-share or an alternative purchase or an exchange program disclosure document to assure full and accurate disclosure to prospective purchasers and to ensure compliance with the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act and this chapter.

B. The board does not approve or recommend the time-share, alternative purchase, or exchange program, or disposition thereof. The board's issuance of an effective date for a public offering statement or acceptance of an exchange program disclosure document shall not be construed to (i) constitute approval of the time-share, alternative purchase, or exchange program; (ii) represent that the board asserts that either all facts or material changes or both concerning the time-share, alternative purchase, or exchange program have been fully and accurately disclosed; or (iii) indicate that the board has made judgment on the value or merits of the time-share, alternative purchase, or exchange program.

18VAC48-45-760. Response to inquiry and provision of records.

A. The developer, exchange company, or reseller must respond within 15 days to a request by the board or any of its agents regarding any complaint filed with the department. The board may extend such time frame upon a showing of extenuating circumstances prohibiting delivery within such 15-day period.

B. Unless otherwise specified by the board, the developer, exchange company, or reseller shall produce to the board or any of its agents within 15 days of the request any document, book, or record concerning any transaction in which the developer, exchange company, or reseller was involved, or for which the developer, exchange company, or reseller is required to maintain records, for inspection and copying by the board or its agents. The board may extend such time frame upon a showing of extenuating circumstances prohibiting delivery within such 15-day period.

C. A developer, exchange company, or reseller shall not provide a false, misleading, or incomplete response to the board or any agent of the board seeking information in the investigation of a complaint filed with the board.

D. With the exception of the requirements of subsections A and B of this section, a developer, exchange company, or reseller must respond to an inquiry by the board or its agent within 21 days.

18VAC48-45-770. Prohibited acts.

The following acts are prohibited and any violation may result in action by the board, including but not limited to issuance of a temporary cease and desist order in accordance with subdivision D 2 of § 55-396 of the Code of Virginia:

1. Violating, inducing another to violate, or cooperating with others in violating any of the provisions of any regulation of the board or the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act or engaging in any act enumerated in §§ 54.1-102 and 54.1-111 of the Code of Virginia.

2. Obtaining or attempting to obtain a registration by false or fraudulent representation, or maintaining, renewing, or reinstating a registration by false or fraudulent representation.

3. Failing to alter or amend the public offering statement or disclosure document as required in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

4. Providing information to purchasers in a manner that willfully and intentionally fails to promote full and accurate disclosure.

5. Making any misrepresentation or making a false promise that might influence, persuade, or induce.

6. Failing to provide information or documents, or amendments thereof, in accordance with this chapter.

7. Failing to comply with the post-registration requirements of this chapter.

8. Filing false or misleading information in the course of terminating a registration in accordance with 18VAC48-45-460, 18VAC48-45-540, or 18VAC48-45-610.

9. Failing to comply with the advertising standards contained in Part III (18VAC48-45-50 et seq.) of this chapter.

10. Failing to notify the board of the cancellation, amendment, expiration, termination, or any other change that affects the validity of a bond or letter of credit required pursuant to subsection E of 18VAC48-45-670.

11. Allowing a registration issued by the board to be used by another.

12. A regulant having been convicted, found guilty, or disciplined in any jurisdiction of any offense or violation enumerated in 18VAC48-45-130, 18VAC48-45-210, and 18VAC48-45-670.

13. Failing to inform the board in writing within 30 days that the regulant was convicted, found guilty, or disciplined in any jurisdiction of any offense or violation enumerated in 18VAC48-45-670.

14. Failing to report a change as required by 18VAC48-45-470.

15. Failing to satisfy any judgments or restitution orders entered by a court or arbiter of competent jurisdiction.

16. Misrepresenting or misusing the intended purpose of a power of attorney or similar document to the detriment of any grantor of such power of attorney.

17. Engaging in dishonest of fraudulent conduct in providing resale services, including but not limited to the following:

a. The intentional and unjustified failure to comply with the terms of the resale purchase contract or resale transfer contract.

b. Engaging in dishonest or fraudulent conduct in providing resale services.

c. Failing to comply with the recordkeeping requirements of § 55-394.4 of the Code of Virginia.

d. Failing to disclose information in writing concerning the marketing, sale, or transfer of resale time-shares required by this chapter prior to accepting any consideration or with the expectation of receiving consideration from any time-share owner, seller, or buyer.

e. Making false or misleading statements concerning offers to buy or rent; the value, pricing, timing, or availability of resale time-shares; or numbers of sellers, renters, or buyers when engaged in time-share resale activities.

f. Misrepresenting the likelihood of selling a resale time-share interest.

g. Misrepresenting the method by or source from which the reseller or lead dealer obtained the contact information of any time-share owner.

h. Misrepresenting price or value increases or decreases, assessments, special assessments, maintenance fees, or taxes or guaranteeing sales or rentals in order to obtain money or property.

i. Making false or misleading statements concerning the identity of the reseller or any of its affiliates or the time-share resale entity's or any of its affiliate's experience, performance, guarantees, services, fees, or commissions, availability of refunds, length of time in business, or endorsements by or affiliations with developers, management companies, or any other third party.

j. Misrepresenting whether or not the reseller or its affiliates, employees, or agents hold, in any state or jurisdiction, a current real estate sales or broker's license or other government-required license.

k. Misrepresenting how funds will be utilized in any time-share resale activity conducted by the reseller.

l. Misrepresenting that the reseller or its affiliates, employees, or agents have specialized education, professional affiliations, expertise, licenses, certifications, or other specialized knowledge or qualifications.

m. Making false or misleading statements concerning the conditions under which a time-share owner, seller, or buyer may exchange or occupy the resale time-share interest.

n. Representing that any gift, prize, membership, or other benefit or service will be provided to any time-share owner, seller, or buyer without providing such gift, prize, membership, or other benefit or service in the manner represented.

o. Misrepresenting the nature of any resale time-share interest or the related time-share plan.

p. Misrepresenting the amount of the proceeds, or failing to pay the proceeds, of any rental or sale of a resale time-share interest as offered by a potential renter or buyer to the time-share owner who made such resale time-share interest available for rental or sale through the reseller.

q. Failing to transfer any resale time-share interests as represented and required by this chapter or to provide written evidence to the time-share owner of the recording or transfer of such time-share owner's resale time-share interest as required by this chapter.

r. Failing to pay any annual assessments, special assessments, personal property or real estate taxes, or other fees relating to an owner's resale time-share interest as represented or required by this chapter.

NOTICE: The following forms used in administering the regulation were filed by the agency. The forms are not being published; however, online users of this issue of the Virginia Register of Regulations may click on the name of a form with a hyperlink to access it. The forms are also available from the agency contact or may be viewed at the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, General Assembly Building, 2nd Floor, Richmond, Virginia 23219.

FORMS (18VAC48-45)

Time-Share Amendment Application, A492-0515AMEND-v1 (eff. 9/13)

Time-Share Annual Report, A492-0515ANRPT-v2 (eff. 5/14)

Time-Share Building Status Form, A492-0515BLDST-v1 (eff. 9/13)

Time-Share Bond/Letter of Credit Verificaiton Form, A492-0515BOND-v1 (eff. 9/13)

Time-Share Registration Application, A492-0515REG-v1 (eff. 9/13)

Time-Share Exchange Company Annual Report, A492-0516ANRPT-v1 (eff. 9/13)

Time-Share Exchange Company Registration Application, A492-0516REG-v1 (eff. 9/13)

VA.R. Doc. No. R13-3613; Filed May 6, 2015, 11:06 a.m.
Proposed Regulation

Titles of Regulations: 18VAC48-40. Time-Share Regulations (repealing 18VAC48-40-10 through 18VAC48-40-110).

18VAC48-45. Time-Share Regulations (adding 18VAC48-45-10 through 18VAC48-45-770).

Statutory Authority: § 54.1-2349 Code of Virginia.

Public Hearing Information:

June 11, 2015 - 11 a.m. - Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation, Perimeter Center, 9960 Mayland Drive Suite 200, Training Room 2, Richmond, Virginia 23233

Public Comment Deadline: July 31, 2015.

Agency Contact: Trisha Henshaw, Executive Director, Common Interest Community Board, Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400, Richmond, VA 23233, telephone (804) 367-8510, FAX (866) 490-2723, or email

Basis: Section 55-396 A of the Code of Virginia states that the Common Interest Community Board may adopt, amend, and repeal rules and regulations and issue orders consistent with and in furtherance of the objectives of Chapter 21 (§ 55-360 et seq.) of Title 55 of the Code of Virginia.

Purpose: Minor changes have been made to the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act (§ 55-360 et seq. of the Code of Virginia) by the General Assembly nearly every year since the last extensive review of the regulations. In addition, substantive changes were made to the Time-Share Act by the General Assembly in 2012. The board conducted a general review of the regulations to ensure that the regulations complement the Time-Share Act, provide minimal burdens on regulants while still protecting the public, and reflect current procedures and policies of the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation, all to better protect the health, safety, and welfare of citizens of the Commonwealth. Proposed amendments to implement Chapter 751 of the 2012 Acts of Assembly establish requirements and procedures for the registration of time-share resellers pursuant to § 55-394.3 of the Code of Virginia.

The regulation was developed by a committee of board members, consumer representatives, and members of the public with expertise in various areas related to time-share projects, including a time-share association member, time-share developer attorney, time-share developers, consumers, an attorney representing national time-share developers and an owners association, and a representative from the exchange program segment of the time-share industry. The committee members ensured that the regulations complement the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act (§ 55-360 et seq. of the Code of Virginia), provide minimal burdens on regulants while still protecting the public, and reflect current procedures and policies of the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation.

Substance: Proposed amendments clarify the regulations, ensure consistency with current practices and legal requirements, and ensure full and accurate disclosure to potential and actual purchasers of time-share interests and units. As a result of this thorough review, sections specifically pertaining to time-share project registration, alternative purchase registration, exchange program registration, and time-share reseller registration are added, as well as a new section outlining the board's authority and stating standards of conduct.

Issues: The primary advantage of these proposed regulations to the public is that the amendments clarify the regulations, ensure consistency with current practices and legal requirements, and ensure full and accurate disclosure to potential and actual purchasers of time-share interests and units.

The primary advantage to the Commonwealth is that the revisions to the regulations reflect the importance that Virginia places on ensuring that potential and actual purchasers of time-share interests and units have been provided with full and accurate disclosure of their most significant purchase. No disadvantages to the Commonwealth could be identified.

Department of Planning and Budget's Economic Impact Analysis:

Summary of the Proposed Amendments to Regulation. As part of a required periodic review, the Common Interest Community Board (Board) proposes to repeal its time-share regulations (18VAC48-40) and replace them with a new chapter of regulations (18VAC48-45) that are, with a few exceptions, substantively the same but that include many clarifying changes.

Result of Analysis. Benefits likely outweigh costs for most proposed regulatory changes. There is insufficient information to ascertain whether benefits will outweigh costs for two proposed regulatory changes.

Estimated Economic Impact. Prompted by both periodic review requirements in the Administrative Process Act (APA) and legislative changes made by the General Assembly to the Time-Share Act in 2012, the Board now proposes to repeal current time-share regulations and promulgate replacement regulations. These replacement regulations contain numerous changes that clarify current Board authority to, for instance, discipline regulated entities. Most differences between current and proposed regulations fall under this category. No affected entity is likely to incur additional costs on account of these changes but will very likely benefit from regulations that provide greater specificity for the rules that must be followed.

The Board also proposes two new substantive requirements in these proposed regulations. Pursuant to a 2012 legislative change, the Board proposes to require entities that resell time-shares for time-share owners more than 12 times a year to register with the Board. Resellers affected by this change will pay an initial registration fee of $250 and a yearly renewal fee of $250. Resellers who fail to renew within 30 days of their renewal date, but who do renew within six months of their renewal date will have to pay an additional $100 reinstatement fee in addition to the $250 renewal fee. As set out in the 2012 legislation, these regulations will contain a list of exemptions to this requirement. Entities that resell fewer than 12 time-share properties per year, entities that acquire more than 12 time-shares in a year but resell them to a single purchaser in a single transaction, entities that are already registered to sell time-shares, entities that provide closing services in connection with the transfer of resold time-shares, and entities that strictly provide advertising services are exempt from resellers registration requirements.

Board staff reports that it is likely most entities that resell time-shares in the Commonwealth will be exempt from reseller registration. Nonetheless, until this provision is implemented and any positive effects accrued can be categorized and weighed against the implicit and explicit costs for resellers who will newly have to register, there will be insufficient information to judge whether benefits will outweigh costs.

The Board also proposes to add registration requirements for alternative purchases offered by time-share sellers. Such registration has been required in § 55-362 of the Code of Virginia since 1994 but this requirement has not been reflected in time-share regulations. The Board now proposes to correct this oversight. Entities that offer alternative purchases (furniture, home accessories, reduced cost vacations at other time-shares other than the one being viewed, etc.) that cost more that $100 will have to register with the Board. The registration fee for alternative purchases is $100 and that fee covers all alternative purchases offered by a seller. Sellers will also have to compile an alternative purchase annual report that includes all required disclosure information and will also have to pay an annual fee of $100 to the Board for reviewing that annual report. Affected entities will incur the explicit costs that include the required fee as well as bookkeeping/copying/mailing costs for compiling required information, both initially and for annual reports, and will also incur implicit costs for time spent on registration activities. There is insufficient information to ascertain whether the benefits of requiring this registration will outweigh the costs.

Businesses and Entities Affected. The Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation (DPOR) reports that there are 100 time-share projects and 20 exchange programs registered with the Board. DPOR further reports that the Board anticipates registering approximately 100 alternative purchases and 75 time-share resellers. All Board registrants will be affected by these proposed regulations.

Localities Particularly Affected. No localities will be particularly affected by these proposed regulatory changes.

Projected Impact on Employment. This regulatory action will likely have little impact on employment in the Commonwealth.

Effects on the Use and Value of Private Property. Reseller fees may result in a very small marginal decrease in the value of properties being resold.

Small Businesses: Costs and Other Effects. Affected small businesses will incur additional costs for both fees owed to the Board and for additional bookkeeping/copying/mailing costs to comply with new, or newly enforced, registration requirements in these proposed regulations.

Small Businesses: Alternative Method that Minimizes Adverse Impact. There are likely no regulatory alternatives that would both enforce legislative mandates and lower costs for regulated entities.

Real Estate Development Costs. This regulatory action will likely have no effect on real estate development costs in the Commonwealth.

Legal Mandate. The Department of Planning and Budget (DPB) has analyzed the economic impact of this proposed regulation in accordance with § 2.2-4007.04 of the Administrative Process Act and Executive Order Number 14 (2010). Section 2.2-4007.04 requires that such economic impact analyses include, but need not be limited to, the projected number of businesses or other entities to whom the regulation would apply, the identity of any localities and types of businesses or other entities particularly affected, the projected number of persons and employment positions to be affected, the projected costs to affected businesses or entities to implement or comply with the regulation, and the impact on the use and value of private property. Further, if the proposed regulation has adverse effect on small businesses, § 2.2-4007.04 requires that such economic impact analyses include (i) an identification and estimate of the number of small businesses subject to the regulation; (ii) the projected reporting, recordkeeping, and other administrative costs required for small businesses to comply with the regulation, including the type of professional skills necessary for preparing required reports and other documents; (iii) a statement of the probable effect of the regulation on affected small businesses; and (iv) a description of any less intrusive or less costly alternative methods of achieving the purpose of the regulation. The analysis presented above represents DPB's best estimate of these economic impacts.

Agency's Response to Economic Impact Analysis: The agency concurs with the economic impact analysis completed by the Department of Planning and Budget.


As a result of periodic review and legislative changes, this regulatory action proposes to repeal current regulations and promulgate replacement regulations. The proposed replacement regulations (i) address the board's authority, including the discipline of regulated entities; (ii) add provisions pertaining to time-share project registration, alternative purchase registration, exchange program registration, and time-share reseller registration; (iii) establish standards of conduct; (iv) require entities that resell time-shares for the time-share owners more than 12 times a year to register with the board and pay registration and renewal fees; (v) require the registration of alternative purchases (e.g., furniture, home accessories, reduced cost vacations at time-shares other than the one being viewed) that cost more than $100 and payment of registration fees for such purchases, and provide a list of exemptions from the registration requirement.


Part 1

18VAC48-45-10. Purpose.

This chapter governs the exercise of powers granted to and the performance of duties imposed upon the Common Interest Community Board by the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act (§ 55-360 et seq. of the Code of Virginia) as the act pertains to the registration of time-share programs, time-share projects, alternative purchases, exchange companies, and time-share resellers.

18VAC48-45-20. Definitions.

A. Section 55-362 of the Code of Virginia provides definitions of the following terms and phrases as used in this chapter:


"Alternative purchase"



"Board of directors"

"Common elements"

"Contact information"

"Contract" or "purchase contract"

"Conversion time-share project"



"Developer control period"

"Development right"

"Dispose" or "disposition"

"Exchange company"

"Exchange program"


"Incidental benefit"

"Lead dealer"

"Managing agent"

"Managing entity"

"Material change"

"Offering" or "offer"



"Public offering statement"


"Resale purchase contract"

"Resale time-share"

"Resale service"

"Resale transfer contract"


"Reverter deed"



"Time-share estate"

"Time-share expense"

"Time-share instrument"

"Time-share owner" or "owner"

"Time-share program" or "program"

"Time-share project"

"Time-share unit" or "unit"

"Time-share use"


B. The following words and terms when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

"Alternative disclosure statement" means a disclosure statement for an out-of-state time-share program or time-share project that is properly registered in the situs.

"Annual report" means a completed, board-prescribed form and required documentation submitted in compliance with § 55-394.1 of the Code of Virginia.

"Application" means a completed, board-prescribed form submitted with the appropriate fee and other required documentation in compliance with the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act and this chapter.

"Department" means the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation.

"Electronic" means relating to technology having electrical, digital, magnetic, wireless, optical, electromagnetic, or similar capabilities.

"Firm" means a sole proprietorship, association, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or any other form of business organization recognized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

"Full and accurate disclosure" means the degree of disclosure necessary to ensure reasonably complete and materially accurate representation of the time-share in order to protect the interests of purchasers.

"Registration file" means the application for registration, supporting materials, annual reports, and amendments that constitute all information submitted and reviewed pertaining to a particular time-share program, time-share project, alternative purchase, exchange company, or time-share reseller registration. A document that has not been accepted for filing by the board is not part of the registration file.

"Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act" means Chapter 21 (§ 55-360 et seq.) of Title 55 of the Code of Virginia.

18VAC48-45-30. Explanation of terms.

Each reference in this chapter to a "developer," "purchaser," and "time-share owner" or to the plural of those terms shall be deemed to refer, as appropriate, to the masculine and the feminine, to the singular and the plural, and to natural persons and organizations. The term "developer" shall refer to any successors to the persons referred to in § 55-362 of the Code of Virginia who come to stand in the same relation to the time-share as their predecessors in that they assumed rights reserved for the benefit of a developer that (i) offers to dispose of its interest in a time-share not previously disposed of or (ii) applies for registration of the time-share program.

18VAC48-45-40. Time-share projects located outside of Virginia.

A. In any case involving a time-share project located outside of Virginia in which the laws or practices of the jurisdiction in which such time-share project is located prevent compliance with a provision of this chapter, the board shall prescribe by order a substitute provision to be applicable in such case that is as nearly equivalent to the original provision as is reasonable under the circumstances.

B. The words "time-share instrument" and "public offering statement," when used in this chapter with reference to a time-share located outside of Virginia, mean documents, portions of documents, or combinations thereof, by whatever name denominated, that have a content and function identical or substantially equivalent to the content and function of their Virginia counterparts.

C. The word "recording" or "recordation" when used with reference to time-share instruments of a time-share located outside of Virginia means a procedure that, in the jurisdiction in which such time-share is located, causes the time-share instruments to become legally effective.

D. This chapter shall apply to a contract for the disposition of a time-share located outside of Virginia only to the extent permissible under the provisions of subsection C of § 55-361.1 of the Code of Virginia.

E. The time-share shall be properly registered in the state or other jurisdiction where the project is located.

Part II
General Application Requirements

18VAC48-45-50. Application procedures.

A developer seeking registration of a time-share project or an alternative purchase, an exchange company seeking registration of an exchange program, or a reseller seeking registration in order to offer or provide resale services, all in accordance with the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act, shall submit an application on the appropriate form provided by the board, along with the appropriate fee specified in 18VAC48-45-70.

By submitting the application to the board, the applicant certifies that the applicant has read and understands the applicable statutes and this chapter.

The receipt of an application and the deposit of fees by the board do not indicate approval or acceptance of the application by the board.

The board may make further inquiries and investigations to confirm or amplify information supplied. All applications shall be completed in accordance with the instructions contained herein and on the application. Applications will not be considered complete until all required documents are received by the board.

Applications that are not complete within 12 months after receipt of the application in the board's office will be purged, and a new application and fee must be submitted in order to be reconsidered for registration.

18VAC48-45-60. Review of application for registration, generally.

A. Upon the review of the application for registration, if the requirements of this chapter have not been met, the board shall notify the applicant.

B. The board may refuse initial registration due to an applicant's failure to comply with entry requirements or for any of the reasons for which the board may discipline a regulant.

C. At such time as the board affirmatively determines that the requirements of this chapter have been met, the board shall issue the applicable registration.

D. Notwithstanding the provisions of 18VAC48-45-130 for a time-share project registration, applicants who do not meet the requirements of this chapter may be approved following consideration by the board in accordance with the Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq. of the Code of Virginia).

18VAC48-45-70. Fees.

A. All fees are nonrefundable and shall not be prorated. The date on which the fee is received by the board or its agent will determine whether the fee is timely. Checks or money orders shall be made payable to the Treasurer of Virginia.

B. Fees are as follows:

Time-share project registration application


Time-share project phase filing


Time-share project registration annual report


Alternative purchase registration application


Alternative purchase registration annual report


Exchange program registration application


Exchange program registration annual report


Time-share reseller registration application


Time-share reseller registration renewal


Time-share reseller registration reinstatement (includes a $100 reinstatement fee in addition to the $250 renewal fee)


Part III
Marketing and Advertising

18VAC48-45-80. Time-share marketing activities.

A. Time-share marketing activities shall include every contact by or on behalf of the developer for the purpose of promoting disposition of a time-share or alternative purchase. Such contacts may be personal, by telephone, by mail, by electronic means including social media, or by advertisement. A promise, assertion, representation, or statement of fact or opinion made in connection with a time-share marketing activity may be oral, written, electronic, or graphic.

B. No time-share marketing activity shall be deemed an offer unless, by its express terms, it induces, solicits, or encourages a prospective purchaser to (i) execute a contract of sale of the time-share or alternative purchase or (ii) perform some other act that would create or purport to create a legal or equitable interest in the time-share until the board has issued an order of registration.

18VAC48-45-90. Offering of gifts or prizes.

A. Any offering that includes a gift or prize shall include the disclosures contained in § 55-374.1 of the Code of Virginia. Such disclosures shall be made with the same prominence as the offer.

B. The board may at any time require a developer to alter or amend any offering that includes a gift or prize in order to ensure compliance with this section.

Part IV
Application for Time-Share Project Registration

18VAC48-45-100. Registration of time-share project and program.

In accordance with § 55-390 of the Code of Virginia, a developer offering or disposing of an interest in a time-share program must register the time-share project and its program with the board. For the purposes of this chapter as it relates to registration, the registration of a time-share project shall include the simultaneous registration of the time-share program.

18VAC48-45-110. Prerequisites for registration of a time-share project.

The following provisions are prerequisites for registration and are supplementary to the provisions of § 55-391.1 of the Code of Virginia.

1. The developer shall own or have the right to acquire an estate in the land constituting or to constitute the time-share project that is of at least as great a degree and duration as the estate to be conveyed in the time-shares.

2. The time-share instrument must be adequate to bring a time-share project into existence upon recordation. This subdivision does not apply to a time-share instrument that may be recorded after the time-share project has been created.

3. The time-share instrument must include a statement detailing that the developer reserves or does not reserve the right to add or delete any alternative purchase.

4. The current and planned time-share advertising activities of the developer shall comply with § 18.2-216 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter.

5. If the developer is a firm, it shall be organized as a business entity under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia or otherwise authorized to transact business in Virginia. Firms shall register any trade or fictitious names with the State Corporation Commission or the clerk of court in the jurisdiction where the business is to be conducted in accordance with §§ 59.1-69 through 59.1-76 of the Code of Virginia before submitting an application to the board.

18VAC48-45-120. Review of application for registration of a time-share project.

A. Upon receipt of an application for registration of a time-share project, the board shall issue the notice of filing required by subsection A of § 55-393.1 of the Code of Virginia.

B. Upon the review of the application for registration, if the requirements of § 55-391.1 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter have not been met, the board shall notify the applicant as required by subsection C of § 55-393.1 of the Code of Virginia.

C. If the requirements for registration are not met within the application review period or a valid extension thereof, the board shall, upon the expiration of such period, enter an order rejecting the registration as required by subsection C of § 55-393.1 of the Code of Virginia. The order rejecting the registration shall become effective 20 days after issuance.

D. An applicant may submit a written request for an informal conference in accordance with § 2.2-4019 of the Code of Virginia at any time between receipt of a notification pursuant to subsection B of this section and the effective date of the order of rejection entered pursuant to subsection C of this section. A request for such proceeding shall be deemed a consent to delay within the meaning of subsection A of § 55-393.1 of the Code of Virginia.

E. The board shall receive and act upon corrections to the application for registration at any time prior to the effective date of an order rejecting the registration. If the board determines after review of the corrections that the requirements for registration have not been met, the board may proceed with an informal conference in accordance with § 2.2-4019 of the Code of Virginia in order to allow reconsideration of whether the requirements for registration are met. If the board does not opt to proceed with an informal conference, the applicant may submit a written request for an informal conference in accordance with § 2.2-4019 of the Code of Virginia in order to reconsider whether the requirements for registration are met. If the board does not proceed with an informal conference and no request for an informal conference is received from the applicant, an amended order of rejection stating the factual basis for the rejection shall be issued. A new 20-day period for the order of rejection to become effective shall commence.

F. At such time as the board affirmatively determines that the requirements of § 55-391.1 of the Code of Virginia have been met, the board shall enter an order registering the time-share and shall designate the form, content, and effective date of the public offering statement.

18VAC48-45-130. Minimum application requirements for registration of a time-share project.

A. The documents and information contained in §§ 55-367, 55-368, 55-369, 55-371, 55-374, and 55-391.1 of the Code of Virginia, as applicable, shall be included in the application for registration of a time-share project.

B. The application for registration of a time-share project shall include the fee specified in 18VAC48-45-70.

C. The following documents shall be included in the application for registration of a time-share project as exhibits. All exhibits shall be labeled as indicated and submitted in a format acceptable to the board.

1. Exhibit A: A copy of the certificate of incorporation or certificate of authority to transact business in Virginia issued by the Virginia State Corporation Commission, or any other entity formation documents, together with any trade or fictitious name certificate.

2. Exhibit B: A certificate of recordation or other acceptable documents from the city or county where the time-share is located.

3. Exhibit C: A copy of the title opinion, the title policy, or a statement of the condition of the title to the time-share project including encumbrances as of a specified date within 30 days of the date of application by a title company or licensed attorney who is not a salaried employee, officer, or director of the developer or owner, in accordance with subdivision A 5 of § 55-391.1 of the Code of Virginia. If the developer is not the record owner of the land, a copy of any contract the developer has executed to purchase the land, any option the developer holds for the purchase of the land, or any lease under which the developer holds the land.

4. Exhibit D: Proof that the applicant or developer owns or has the right to acquire an estate in the land constituting or to constitute the time-share project, which is of at least as great a degree and duration as the estate to be conveyed in the time-share.

5. Exhibit E: A statement of the zoning, subdivision, or land use obligations or proffers and other governmental regulations affecting the use of the time-share, including the site plans and building permits and their status, any existing tax, and existing or proposed special taxes or assessments that affect the time-share.

6. Exhibit F: A copy of the time-share instrument, including all applicable amendments and exhibits, that will be delivered to a purchaser to evidence the purchaser's interest in the time-share and of the contracts and other agreements that a purchaser will be required to agree to or sign.

7. Exhibit G: A narrative description of the promotional plan for the disposition of the time-shares.

8. Exhibit H: A copy of the proposed public offering statement that complies with § 55-374 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter. Pursuant to subsection G of § 55-374, a similar disclosure statement required by other situs laws governing time-sharing may be submitted for a time-share located outside of the Commonwealth.

9. Exhibit I: A copy of the buyer's acknowledgment. Pursuant to § 55-376.5 of the Code of Virginia, the purchaser shall be given this document prior to signing a purchase contract, and the document shall contain the information required by subsection B of § 55-376.5.

10. Exhibit J: Copies of bonds or letters of credit issued by a financial institution, if any, required by subsection C of § 55-375 and subsection B of § 55-386 of the Code of Virginia, as applicable.

11. Exhibit K: A copy of any management agreements, employment contracts or other contracts or agreements affecting the use, maintenance, management, or access of all or any part of the time-share project.

12. Exhibit L: A list with the names of every officer of the developer or persons occupying a similar status within or performing similar functions for the developer. The list must include each individual's address valid for receipt of service, principal occupation for the past five years, and title.

13. Exhibit M: A statement whether any of the individuals or entities named in Exhibit L are or have been involved as defendants in any indictment, conviction, judgment, decree, or order of any court or administrative agency against the developer or managing entity for violation of a federal, state, local, or foreign country law or regulation in connection with activities relating to time-share sales, land sales, land investments, security sales, construction or sale of homes or improvements, or any similar or related activity.

14. Exhibit N: A statement whether, during the preceding five years, any of the individuals or entities named in Exhibit L have been adjudicated bankrupt or have undergone any proceeding for the relief of debtors.

15. Exhibit O: If the developer has reserved the right to add to or delete from the time-share program any incidental benefit or alternative purchase, a description of the incidental benefit or alternative purchase shall be provided pursuant to subdivision A 13 of § 55-391.1 of the Code of Virginia.

16. Exhibit P: Conversion time-share projects must attach a copy of the notice required by subsection D of § 55-374 of the Code of Virginia and a certified statement that such notice shall be mailed or delivered to each of the tenants in the building or buildings for which the registration is sought at the time of the registration of the conversion project.

Part V
Public Offering Statement

18VAC48-45-140. Public offering statement requirements, generally.

In addition to the provisions of § 55-374 of the Code of Virginia, the following will be considered, as applicable, during review of the public offering statement:

1. The public offering statement shall provide full and accurate disclosure in accordance with 18VAC48-45-150.

2. The public offering statement shall pertain to the time-share project in which the time-shares being offered are located.

3. The public offering statement shall be clear, organized, and legible.

4. Except for brief excerpts, the public offering statement may refer to, but should not incorporate verbatim, portions of the time-share instruments, the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act, or this chapter. This does not preclude compliance with 18VAC48-45-170.

18VAC48-45-150. Full and accurate disclosure.

A. The provisions of § 55-374 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter shall be strictly construed to promote full and accurate disclosure in the public offering statement. In addition, the following will be considered, as applicable, during review to assure full and accurate disclosure:

1. The information shall be presented in a manner that is clear and understandable to a reasonably informed consumer, while maintaining consistency with the requirements of this chapter and the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act.

2. No information shall be incorporated by reference to an outside source that is not reasonably available to a prospective purchaser.

3. If required information is not known or not reasonably available, such fact shall be stated and explained in the public offering statement.

B. The board has the sole discretion to require additional information or amendment of existing information as it finds necessary to ensure full and accurate disclosure.

18VAC48-45-160. Contents of public offering statement.

A. A cover, if used, must be blank or bear identification information only.

B. The developer may include as part of the public offering statement a receipt page printed in such a way that the developer may obtain verification that a prospective purchaser has received the public offering statement. The receipt page shall include the effective date of the public offering statement as well as a place for the date of delivery and signature lines for the prospective purchaser. The authorized receipt page in proper form, duly executed, shall be evidence that the public offering statement was delivered.

C. The first page of the public offering statement shall be substantially as follows.










Purchasing a time-share carries with it certain rights, responsibilities, and benefits, including certain financial obligations, rights, and restrictions concerning the use and maintenance of units and common elements. The purchaser will be bound by the provisions of the time-share instruments and should review the Public Offering Statement, the time-share instruments, and other exhibits carefully prior to purchase.

This Public Offering Statement presents information regarding time-share(s) being offered for sale by the developer. The Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act (§ 55-360 et seq. of the Code of Virginia) requires that a Public Offering Statement be given to every Purchaser in order to provide full and accurate disclosure of the characteristics of and material circumstances affecting the time-share project and the characteristics of the time-share(s) being offered. The Public Offering Statement is not intended, however, to be all-inclusive. The Purchaser should consult other sources for details not covered by the Public Offering Statement.

The Public Offering Statement summarizes information and documents furnished by the developer to the Virginia Common Interest Community Board. The Board has carefully reviewed the Public Offering Statement but does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the Public Offering Statement. In the event of any inconsistency between the Public Offering Statement and the material it is intended to summarize, the material shall control.

If the Purchaser elects to cancel the contract within the seven-day cancellation period, all payments made in connection with the purchase contract shall be refunded to the Purchaser within 45 days. If the Purchaser elects to cancel the contract, the Purchaser shall do so either by (i) hand-delivering the notice to the developer at its principal office or at the project or (ii) mailing the notice by certified United States mail, return receipt requested, to the developer or its agent designated in the contract.

Allegations of violation of any law or regulation contained in the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act or the Time-Share Regulations (18VAC48-45) should be reported to the Common Interest Community Board, Perimeter Center, Suite 400, 9960 Mayland Drive, Richmond, Virginia 23233.

D. A summary of important considerations shall immediately follow the first page for the purpose of reinforcing the disclosure of significant information. The summary shall be titled as such and shall be introduced by the following statement: "The following are important matters to be considered in acquiring a time-share. They are highlights only. The Public Offering Statement should be examined in its entirety to obtain detailed information." Appropriate modifications shall be made to reflect facts and circumstances that may vary. The summary shall consist of, but not be limited to, the following, as applicable:

1. A brief description of the time-share project and the time-share program.

2. A statement regarding all incidental benefits or alternative purchases that may be offered by the developer.

3. A brief description of all amenities located within or outside of the time-share project available to purchasers.

4. A statement describing any exchange program that may be offered to the purchaser.

5. A statement regarding the payment of principal and interest due under any deferred purchase agreement for the purchase of the time-share, maintenance fees or assessments, special assessments, user fees, insurance premiums, and real estate taxes. A time-share owner cannot reduce the amount of any owner obligation for any reason, including the refraining from using the time-share, a developer amenity, or any common element.

6. A statement regarding the consequences for failure to pay maintenance fees or any special assessment when due. The statement may reference the enforcement mechanisms available to the developer, and if applicable the time-share association, by describing (i) any declaration of an owner being an "Owner Not in Good Standing"; (ii) any civil action taken for the collection of a debt; (iii), pursuing foreclosure or obtaining a lien against the time-share unit; and (iv) denial of access to the time-share project and participation in the time-share program.

7. A statement indicating whether the developer or managing agent has indictments, convictions, judgments, decrees, or order of any court or administrative agency for matters related to fraud or consumer protection violations that may be required to be disclosed by subdivisions A 1 c and A 1 d of § 55-374 of the Code of Virginia.

8. A statement indicating the period of time the developer will retain control of the association for time-share estate projects.

9. A statement disclosing any management agreement with a managing agent to perform certain duties for the time-share project.

10. A statement indicating whether the developer may expand the time-share project.

11. A statement indicating whether the right of the time-share owner to resell or transfer the time-share is subject to restrictions.

12. A statement indicating the time-share units are restricted to lodging only.

13. A statement indicating that the time-share owner may not alter the interior or exterior of the time-share unit.

14. A statement regarding the obligation of the developer or association to obtain certain insurance benefiting the time-share owner.

15. A statement regarding a time-share estate and time-share owner's obligation to pay real estate taxes.

16. A statement regarding whether or not the developer reserves the right to add or delete any alternative purchase.

E. The content after the summary of important considerations shall include the narrative sections in 18VAC48-45-170 through 18VAC48-45-310. Supplementary sections may be included as necessary.

F. Clear and legible copies of the following documents shall be attached as exhibits to the public offering statement:

1. Project time-share instrument;

2. Association articles of incorporation;

3. Bylaws;

4. Association annual report or projected budget for time-share estate programs;

5. Rules and regulations of the time-share owners' association, if available;

6. Any management contract, if applicable;

7. Exchange company disclosure document and narrative statement required pursuant to subsection B of § 55-374 of the Code of Virginia, if applicable; and

8. Other documents obligating the association or time-share owner to perform duties or obligations or pay charges or fees, if applicable.

G. The developer may include the public offering statement required for any alternative purchase pursuant to subsection H of § 55-374 of the Code of Virginia as offered by the developer in conjunction with the time-share being registered.

H. Other information and documentation may be included as necessary to ensure full and accurate disclosure. The board may also require additional information as necessary to ensure full and accurate disclosure.

18VAC48-45-170. Narrative sections; time-share concept.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "The Time-Share Concept." The section shall consist of a brief discussion of the form of time-share ownership being offered.

18VAC48-45-180. Narrative sections; creation of time-share project.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Creation of the Time-Share Project." The section shall briefly explain the manner in which the time-share project was or will be created, the locality wherein the time-share instrument will be or has been recorded, and the procedure for its amendment.

18VAC48-45-190. Narrative sections; description of time-share project.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Description of the Time-Share Project." The section shall provide a general description of the time-share project registered with the board and the units and common elements promised available to purchasers. This section shall also provide the developer's estimated schedule of commencement and completion of all promised and incomplete units and common elements.

B. The section shall state whether the developer has reserved the right to add and delete from the time-share program a time-share project or any incidental benefit or alternative purchase.

C. The section shall refer the purchaser to the reverter deed for an explanation if the developer utilized the possibility of a reverter.

D. The section shall indicate all provisions that have been made for public utilities in the time-share project, including but not limited to water, electricity, telephone, and sewerage facilities.

18VAC48-45-200. Narrative sections; individual time-shares.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Individual Time-Shares." The section shall indicate (i) the form of time-share ownership being offered; (ii) the types, duration, and number of units and time-shares in the project registered with the board; (iii) identification of units that are subject to the time-share program; and (iv) the estimated number of units that may become subject to the time-share program.

B. This section shall explain the extent to which financial arrangements, if any, have been provided for completion of any incomplete but promised time-share unit or common element being offered for sale. The section shall contain a statement of the developer's obligation to complete any promised time-share unit or common element being offered for sale comprising the time-share project that have not begun or begun but not yet completed.

C. The section shall explain the extent to which a time-share unit may become subject to a tax or other lien arising out of claims against other owners of the same unit.

18VAC48-45-210. Narrative sections; developer.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "The Developer." The section shall disclose the following information concerning the developer:

1. The name and principal address of the developer.

2. The name, principal occupation, and address of every director, partner, limited liability company manager, or trustee of the developer.

3. The name and address of each person owning or controlling an interest of at least 20% in the time-share project.

4. The particulars of any indictment, conviction, judgment, decree, or order of any court or administrative agency against the developer or managing entity for violation of a federal, state, local, or foreign country law or regulation in connection with activities relating to time-share sales, land sales, land investments, security sales, construction or sale of homes or improvements, or any similar or related activity.

5. The nature of each unsatisfied judgment, if any, against the developer or the managing entity; the status of each pending suit involving the sale or management of real estate to which the developer, the managing entity, or any general partner, executive officer, director, limited liability company manager, or majority stockholder thereof, is a defending party; and the status of each pending suit, if any, of significance to any time-share project registered with the board.

6. The name and address of the developer's agent for service of any notice permitted by this chapter.

7. The section shall describe the type of legal entity of the developer and explain if other entities have any obligation to satisfy the financial obligations of the developer.

8. For a time-share use program, a statement as to whether a developer's net worth is more than or less than $250,000. If the developer's net worth is less than $250,000, a current audited balance sheet shall be provided with the public offering statement. If the developer's net worth exceeds $250,000, a statement by the developer that its equity in the time-share program exceeds $250,000.

18VAC48-45-220. Narrative sections; terms of offering.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Terms of the Offering." The section shall discuss the expenses to be borne by a purchaser in acquiring a time-share and present information regarding the settlement of purchase contracts as provided in subsections B through H of this section.

B. The section shall indicate any initial or special fees due from the purchaser at settlement including a description of the purpose of such fees.

C. The section shall set forth a general description of any financing offered by or available through the developer to purchasers.

D. The section shall describe (i) services that the developer provides or expense it pays and that it expects may become at any subsequent time a time-share expense of the owners and (ii) the projected time-share expense liability attributable to each of those services or expenses for each time-share.

E. The section shall discuss all penalties or forfeitures to be incurred by a purchaser upon default in performance of a purchase contract.

F. The section shall discuss the process for cancellation of a purchase contract by a purchaser in accordance with § 55-376 of the Code of Virginia. The section shall include a statement that the purchaser has a nonwaivable right of cancellation and refer such purchaser to that portion of the contract in which the right of cancellation may be found.

G. The section shall describe the terms of the deposit escrow requirements, including a statement that deposits may be removed from escrow at the termination of the cancellation period.

H. The section shall set forth all restrictions in the purchase contract that limit the time-share owner's right to bring legal action against the developer or the association. The section shall set forth the paragraph or section and page number of the purchase contract where such provision is located. Nothing in this statement shall be deemed to authorize such limits where those limits are otherwise prohibited by law.

18VAC48-45-230. Narrative sections; encumbrances.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Encumbrances" that shall describe all liens, defects, or encumbrances affecting the time-share project and in particular the time-share offered to the purchaser.

18VAC48-45-240. Narrative sections; exchange program.

If any prospective purchaser is offered the opportunity to subscribe to or participate in any exchange program, the public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Exchange Program" that shall include the following:

1. A statement of whether membership or participation in the program is voluntary or mandatory; and

2. A statement that the purchaser's contract with the exchange company is a contract separate and distinct from the purchaser's contract with the developer and whether there is a fee associated with membership or participation in the exchange program.

18VAC48-45-250. Narrative sections; financial matters.

A. The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Financial Matters." The section shall discuss the expenses incident to the ownership of a time-share.

B. The section shall distinguish, in general terms, the following categories of costs of operation, maintenance, repair, and replacement of various portions of the time-share as follows: (i) time-share expenses; (ii) time-share estate occupancy expenses as defined in § 55-369 of the Code of Virginia; and (iii) all other costs that may be borne directly by individual time-share owners.

C. A budget shall show projected common expenses in each of the categories in subsection B of this section for the first year of the time-share's operation or, if different, the latest year for which a budget is available. The projected budget shall be attached to the public offering statement as an exhibit and the section shall direct the purchaser's attention to such exhibit. The section shall describe the manner in which the projected budget is established. If the time-share is phased, the budget shall project future years until all phases are projected to be developed and all common elements that must be built have been completed. The budget shall include an initial working capital budget showing sources and uses of initial working capital and a reserve table showing amounts to be collected to fund those reserves. The budget shall show regular individual assessments by unit type. The budget shall note that the figures are not guaranteed and may vary.

D. The section shall describe the manner in which (i) time-share expenses; (ii) time-share estate occupancy expenses as defined in § 55-369 of the Code of Virginia; and (iii) all other costs that may be borne directly by individual time-share owners are apportioned among and assessed to the time-share units. The section shall include the substance of the following statement, if applicable: "A time-share owner cannot obtain a reduction of the (i) time-share expenses; (ii) time-share estate occupancy expenses as defined in § 55-369 of the Code of Virginia; and (iii) any other costs that may be borne directly by individual time-share owners assessed against the unit by refraining from use of any of the common elements."

E. The section shall describe budget provisions for reserves for capital expenditures, if any. If there are no reserves, the section shall so state.

F. The section shall discuss any (i) time-share expenses; (ii) time-share estate occupancy expenses as defined in § 55-369 of the Code of Virginia; and (iii) all other costs that may be borne directly by individual time-share owners, actually planned to be specially assessed.

G. The section shall indicate any fee, rental, or other charge to be payable by unit owners other than through assessments and maintenance fees to any party for use of the common elements or for use of recreational or parking facilities in the vicinity of the time-share project.

H. The section shall discuss the effect of failure of a time-share owner to pay the assessments and maintenance fees levied against the time-share unit. Such discussion shall indicate provisions for charges or other remedies that may be imposed to be applied in the case of unpaid and past due assessments and for acceleration of unpaid assessments.

18VAC48-45-260. Narrative sections; restrictions on transfer.

The public offering statement shall include a section captioned "Restrictions on Transfer." The section shall describe and explain limitations on leasing or other restraints on free alienability created by the time-share instruments or the rules and regulations of the time-share owners' association that affect the time-share owners' right to resell, lease or otherwise transfer an interest in the time-share.

18VAC48-45-270. Narrative sections; time-share owners' association.

A. For time-share estate projects the public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Time-Share Owners' Association." The section shall discuss the arrangements for the management and operation of the time-share estate program and for the maintenance, repair, and furnishing of units and shall include the information required by subdivisions 1 through 15 of this subsection. The section shall describe or discuss the following:

1. The creation of the association.

2. The payment of costs and expenses of operating the time-share estate program and owning and maintaining the time-share units.

3. Employment and termination of employment of the managing agent for the time-share estate project.

4. Termination of leases and contracts for goods and services for the time-share estate project that were entered into during the developer control period.

5. Preparation and dissemination of the annual report required by § 55-370.1 of the Code of Virginia to the time-share estate owners.

6. Adoption of standards and rules of conduct for the use, enjoyment, and occupancy of units by the time-share estate owners.

7. Collection of regular assessments, fees or dues, and special assessments from time-share estate owners to defray all time-share expenses.

8. Comprehensive general liability insurance for death, bodily injury, and property damage arising out of, or in connection with, the use and enjoyment of the time-share project by time-share estate owners, their guests and other users. The cost for such insurance shall be a time-share expense.

9. Methods for providing compensation or alternate use periods or monetary compensation to a time-share estate owner if his contracted-for unit cannot be made available for the period to which the owner is entitled by schedule or by confirmed reservation.

10. Procedures for imposing a monetary penalty or suspension of a time-share estate owner's rights and privileges in the time-share estate program or time-share project for failure to comply with provisions of the time-share instrument or the rules and regulations of the association with respect to the use and enjoyment of the units and the time-share project. Under these procedures a time-share estate owner must be given reasonable notice and reasonable opportunity to be heard and explain the charges against him in person or in writing to the board of directors of the association before a decision to impose discipline is rendered.

11. Employment of attorneys, accountants, and other professional persons as necessary to assist in the management of the time-share estate program and the time-share project.

12. Developer control period, during which time period the developer, or a managing agent selected by the developer, shall manage and control the time-share estate project and the common elements and units, including decisions about the financial operation of the association.

13. The managing agent, if any, shall be identified, and the section shall indicate any relationship between the managing agent and the developer. The duration of any management agreement shall be stated.

14. Except to the extent otherwise disclosed in connection with discussion of a management agreement, the significant terms of any lease of recreational areas or similar contract or agreement affecting the use, maintenance or access of all or any part of the time-share project shall be stated. The section shall include a brief narrative statement of the effect of each such agreement upon a purchaser.

15. Rules and regulations of the time-share estate association shall be discussed. The purchaser's attention shall be directed to the copy of rules and regulations, if any, attached to the public offering statement.

B. For time-share use projects, if an association is formed for management and operation of the time-share use program and for the maintenance, repair, and furnishing of time-share use units comprising the time-share, the public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Time-Share Owners' Association." This section shall contain the information required by subdivisions A 1 through 15 of this section as applicable to the association for the time-share use project.

18VAC48-45-280. Narrative sections; managing entity.

The public offering statement shall include a section captioned "Managing Entity." This section shall provide the name and address of the managing entity for the project. The section shall also provide a description of the facilities, if any, provided by the developer to the association in a time-share estate project for the management of the project.

18VAC48-45-290. Narrative sections; conversion time-share projects.

A. The public offering statement of a conversion time-share project shall contain a section captioned "Conversion Time-Share Projects." The section shall include the following:

1. A specific statement of the amount of any initial or special fee, if any, due from the purchaser of a time-share on or before settlement of the purchase contract and the basis of such fee occasioned by the fact that the project is a conversion time-share project.

2. Information on the actual expenditures, if available, made on all repairs, maintenance, operation, or upkeep of the building or buildings within the last three years. This information shall be set forth in a tabular manner within the proposed budget of the project. If such building or buildings have not been occupied for a period of three years then the information shall be set forth for the period during which such building or buildings were occupied.

3. A description of any provisions made in the budget for reserves for capital expenditures and an explanation of the basis for such reserves occasioned by the fact that the project is a conversion time-share project, or, if no provision is made for such reserves, a statement to that effect.

4. A statement of the present condition of all structural components and major utility installations in the building, which statement shall include the approximate dates of construction, installations, and major repairs as well as the expected useful life of each such item, together with the estimated cost, in current dollars, of replacing each such component.

B. In lieu of a narrative section pursuant to this section, the requirements of this section may be satisfied in the form of an exhibit to the public offering statement.

18VAC48-45-300. Narrative sections; insurance.

The public offering statement shall contain a section captioned "Insurance." The section shall describe generally the insurance coverage provided by the developer or the association for the benefit of time-share owners not otherwise described in the public offering statement. The section shall state, with respect to such insurance, each of the following circumstances, to the extent applicable: (i) property damage coverage will not insure personal property belonging to unit owner; and (ii) liability coverage will not insure against liability arising from an accident or injury occurring within a unit or as a result of the act or negligence of a time-share owner. The section shall include a statement whether the time-share owner is obligated to obtain coverage for any or all of the coverages described. The section shall include a statement indicating that the time-share owner should consult with an insurance professional to determine appropriate coverage.

18VAC48-45-310. Narrative sections; alternative purchase.

The public offering statement shall contain a section entitled "Alternative Purchases." The section shall state whether or not the developer has reserved the right to add to or delete from the time-share program any incidental benefit or alternative purchase. The section shall state that such alternative purchase has been or will be registered with the board. If the developer chooses to include the public offering statement for the alternative purchase, the section shall reference the appropriate exhibit wherein the alternative purchase public offering statement may be located.

18VAC48-45-320. Documents from other jurisdictions.

A. A substituted public offering statement shall only be permitted for a time-share program for which some portion of the time-share project associated with the program is located outside of Virginia.

B. The substituted public offering statement shall be prepared by deleting from the original disclosure document the following: (i) references to any governmental agency of another jurisdiction to which application has been made or will be made for registration or related action; (ii) references to the action of such governmental agency relative to the time-share project and its time-share program; (iii) statements of the legal effect in another jurisdiction of delivery, failure to deliver, acknowledgment of receipt or related events involving the disclosure document; (iv) the effective date or dates in another jurisdiction of the disclosure document; and (v) all other information that is untrue, inaccurate, or misleading with respect to marketing, offers, or disposition of time-shares in Virginia.

C. The substituted public offering statement shall incorporate all information not otherwise included that is necessary to effect fully and accurately the disclosures required by § 55-374 of the Code of Virginia. The substituted disclosure document shall clearly explain any nomenclature that is different from the definitions provided in § 55-362 of the Code of Virginia.

D. The substituted public offering statement shall include as the first item of the summary of important considerations a statement that includes the following information: (i) the designation by which the original disclosure document is identified in the original jurisdiction; (ii) the governmental agency of such other jurisdiction where the original disclosure document is or will be filed; and (iii) the jurisdiction of such filing.

E. The provisions of §§ 55-374 and 55-376 of the Code of Virginia and 18VAC48-45-150, 18VAC48-45-160, and 18VAC48-45-170 shall apply to substituted public offering statements in the same manner and to the same extent that they apply to public offering statements.

F. In the case of a time-share project located outside of the Commonwealth, pursuant to subsection G of § 55-374 of the Code of Virginia, disclosure statements required by other situs laws governing time-sharing that are equivalent to the requirements of this chapter may be accepted as alternative disclosure statements.

Part VI
Time-Share Project Post-Registration Provisions

18VAC48-45-330. Minimum post-registration reporting requirements for a time-share project.

A. Subsequent to the issuance of a registration for a time-share by the board, the developer of a time-share shall do the following:

1. File an annual report in accordance with § 55-394.1 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter.

2. Upon the occurrence of a material change, file an amended public offering statement in accordance with the provisions of subsection E of § 55-374 and subsection C of § 55-394.1 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter. These amendments shall be filed with the board within 20 business days after the occurrence of the material change.

3. Upon the occurrence of any material change in the information contained in the registration file, the developer shall immediately report such material changes to the board in accordance with the provisions of subsection B of § 55-391.1 of the Code of Virginia.

4. Notify the board of a change in the bond or letter of credit, as applicable, required by subsection C of § 55-375 and subsection B of § 55-386 of the Code of Virginia.

5. File a completed application for registration of an unregistered phase or phases upon the expansion of the time-share, along with the appropriate fee specified in 18VAC48-45-70.

6. Notify the board of transition of control from the developer to the time-share estate owners' association (time-share estate projects only).

7. Submit appropriate documentation to the board once the registration is eligible for termination.

8. Submit to the board any other document or information, which may include information or documents that have been amended or may not have existed previously, that affects the accuracy, completeness, or representation of any information or document filed with the application for registration.

9. Submit to the board any document or information to make the registration file accurate and complete.

B. Notwithstanding the requirements of subsection A of this section, the board at any time may require a developer to provide information or documents, or amendments thereof, in order to assure full and accurate disclosure to prospective purchasers and to ensure compliance with the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act and this chapter.

18VAC48-45-340. Amendment of public offering statement.

Any amendment of the public offering statement or substituted public offering statement shall comply with this chapter.

18VAC48-45-350. Nonmaterial changes to the public offering statement.

Changes to the public offering statement that are not material are not required to be filed with the board, shall not be deemed an amendment of the public offering statement for the purposes of this chapter, and shall not give rise to a renewed right of rescission in any purchase. Nonmaterial changes to the public offering statement include, but may not be limited to, the following:

1. Correction of spelling, grammar, omission, or other similar errors not affecting the substance of the public offering statement;

2. Changes in presentation or format;

3. Substitution of an executed, filed, or recorded copy of a document for the otherwise substantially identical unexecuted, unfiled, or unrecorded copy of the document that was previously submitted;

4. Inclusion of updated information such as identification or description of the current officers and directors of the developer;

5. Disclosure of completion of improvements for improvements that were previously proposed or not complete;

6. Changes in real estate tax assessment or rate or modifications related to those changes;

7. Changes in utility charges or rates or modifications related to those changes;

8. Addition or deletion of incidental benefits or alternative purchases provided the developer reserved in the time-share instrument the right to add or delete incidental benefits or alternative purchases.

9. Adoption of a new budget that does not result in a significant change in fees or assessments or significantly impact the rights or obligations of the prospective purchasers;

10. Modifications related to changes in insurance company or financial institution, policy, or amount for bonds or letters of credit required pursuant to §§ 55-375 and 55-386 of the Code of Virginia;

11. Changes in personnel of the managing agent; and

12. Any change that is the result of orderly development of the time-share in accordance with the time-share instruments as described in the public offering statement.

18VAC48-45-360. Filing of amended public offering statement.

A. The developer shall promptly file with the board for review a copy of the amended public offering statement together with a copy of a summary of proposed amendments that shall be distributed to purchasers during the board review period. The summary of proposed amendments shall enumerate the amendments to the public offering statement submitted for board review and include a statement that the amendments to the public offering statement have been filed with the board but have not yet been accepted. The form of the submission is at the discretion of the developer provided that (i) all amendments are clearly represented in the documentation presented; (ii) the additions and deletions of text in the public offering statement and exhibits shall be identified by underlining and striking through text to be added and deleted; and (iii) documents being added to or deleted from the contents of the public offering statement shall be clearly and accurately reflected in the table of contents utilizing underlines and strikethroughs for additions and deletions. In addition to the copies showing edits to the text, a clean copy of all new and amended documents shall be provided.

B. The amended public offering statement submitted to the board for review shall include the effective date of the amendments.

C. Within 30 days of receipt of the amended public offering statement, the board shall review the amended public offering statement and supporting materials to determine whether the amendment complies with this chapter. If the board's review determines that the amended public offering statement complies with this chapter, it shall notify the developer in writing and confirm the new effective date of the public offering statement.

D. If the board's review determines that the amended public offering statement does not comply with this chapter, it shall immediately notify the developer in writing that the review has determined the amended public offering statement is not in compliance and shall specify the particulars of such noncompliance. The developer shall then have 20 days in which to correct the particulars of noncompliance identified by the board. The developer may, prior to the completion of the 20-day correction period, request an extension in writing of the 20-day correction period. Upon expiration of the 20-day correction period, if requested corrections have not been made or a request for extension properly received, the board may issue a temporary cease and desist order in accordance with subdivision D 2 of § 55-396 of the Code of Virginia to require the cessation of sales until such time as affirmative action as directed by the board is taken. Use of the noncompliant public offering statement may result in further action by the board pursuant to §§ 55-396, 55-399.1, and 55-400 of the Code of Virginia.

E. Notwithstanding an extension of the 30-day period for review agreed to in writing by the board and developer, if the board does not perform the required review of the public offering statement in accordance with subsection C of this section, the amendment shall be deemed to comply with 18VAC48-45-150 through 18VAC48-45-310, and the new effective date shall be the effective date of the amendment provided pursuant to subsection B of this section.

F. In each case in which an amended document is filed pursuant to this section and the manner of its amendment is not apparent on the face of the document, the developer shall provide an indication of the manner and extent of amendment.

18VAC48-45-370. Current public offering statement.

A. Upon issuance of an effective date by the board, all purchasers who received a public offering statement and summary of proposed amendments during the board review period pursuant to subsection A of 18VAC48-45-360 shall be provided with the public offering statement as accepted by the board. A public offering statement remains current until such time as the occurrence of a material change requires amendment of the public offering statement pursuant to this chapter and a new effective date is issued by the board.

B. Upon issuance of an effective date by the board, a public offering statement remains current until such time as a new effective date is established pursuant to this chapter.

C. Notwithstanding the board's authority to issue a cease and desist order pursuant to § 55-396 of the Code of Virginia, the filing of an amended public offering statement shall not require the developer to cease sales provided that the developer provides to purchasers the summary of proposed amendments pursuant to subsection A of 18VAC48-45-360 pending the issuance of a new effective date by the board.

18VAC48-45-380. Public offering statement not current; notification of purchasers.

A. A purchaser who has been delivered a public offering statement that is not current due to a material change and was not provided with the summary of proposed amendments containing the proposed changes to the amended public offering statement pursuant to subsection A of 18VAC48-45-360 pending the issuance of a new effective date by the board shall be notified of such fact by the developer.

B. A purchaser who has been delivered a public offering statement and summary of proposed amendments pursuant to subsection A of 18VAC48-45-360, but the amended public offering statement is determined to be noncompliant in accordance with subsection D of 18VAC48-45-360 shall be notified of such fact by the developer.

1. The notification shall indicate that any contract for disposition of a time-share may be canceled by the purchaser pursuant to subsection C of § 55-376 of the Code of Virginia.

2. The developer shall file a copy of the notification with the board and provide proof that such notification has been delivered to all purchasers under contract.

18VAC48-45-390. Filing of phase amendment application.

A. A phase amendment application for a time-share project shall be filed when adding a phase or phases to the time-share project. Such phase amendment application shall be accompanied by the fee provided for in 18VAC48-45-70 and shall be subject to all of the provisions of 18VAC48-45-50 and 18VAC48-45-110 through 18VAC48-45-130. Documents on file with the board that have not changed in connection with the additional phase or phases need not be refiled, provided that the phase amendment application indicates that such documents are unchanged.

B. The application shall include a bond or letter of credit required pursuant to subsection B of § 55-386 of the Code of Virginia if any of the time-share units and common elements contained in the submitted additional phase or phases have not been completed.

C. The board shall review the phase amendment application and supporting materials to determine whether the amendment complies with this chapter. If the board's review determines the phase amendment application complies with this chapter, it shall issue an amended order of registration for the time-share project and shall provide that previous orders and designations of the form, content, and effective date of the public offering statement are superseded. If the board's review determines that the phase amendment application is not complete, the board shall correspond with the developer to specify the particulars that must be completed to obtain compliance with this chapter.

18VAC48-45-400. Annual report for a time-share project registration required by developer.

A. A developer shall file an annual report for a time-share project registration on a form provided by the board to update the material contained in the registration file by June 30 of each year the registration is effective and shall be accompanied by the fee specified in 18VAC48-45-70. Prior to filing the annual report required by § 55-394.1 of the Code of Virginia, the developer shall review the public offering statement then being delivered to purchasers. If such public offering statement is current, the developer shall so certify in the annual report. If such public offering statement is not current, the developer shall amend the public offering statement and the annual report shall, in that event, include a filing in accordance with 18VAC48-45-360.

B. The annual report shall contain, but may not be limited to, the following:

1. Current contact information for the developer;

2. Information concerning the current status of the time-share project;

3. Information concerning the current status of the time-share program, including (i) the type of time-shares being offered and sold; (ii) the total number of time-share interests available in the program; (iii) the total number of time-share interests sold; and (iv) information regarding any incomplete units and common elements;

4. If the project is a time-share estate project and the developer control period has not yet expired, a copy of the annual report that was prepared and distributed by the developer to the time-share owners required by § 55-370.1 of the Code of Virginia must accompany the annual report;

5. Date of the public offering statement currently being delivered to purchasers; and

6. Current evidence from the surety or financial institution of bonds or letters of credit, or submittal of replacement bonds or letters of credit, required pursuant to subsection C of § 55-375 and subsection B of § 55-386 of the Code of Virginia. Such verification shall provide the following:

a. Principal of bond or letter of credit;

b. Beneficiary of bond or letter of credit;

c. Name of the surety or financial institution that issued the bond or letter of credit;

d. Bond or letter of credit number as assigned by the issuer;

e. The dollar amount; and

f. The expiration date or, if self-renewing, the date by which the bond or letter of credit shall be renewed.

18VAC48-45-410. Board review of annual report for a time-share project registration.

A. During review of the annual report, the board may make inquiries or request additional documentation to amplify or clarify the information provided.

B. If the board does not accept the annual report and the annual report filing is not completed within 60 days of a request by the board for additional information, the board may take further action pursuant to §§ 55-396, 55-399.1, and 55-400 of the Code of Virginia for failing to file an annual report as required by § 55-394.1 of the Code of Virginia.

C. If the board does not perform the required review of the annual report within 30 days of receipt by the board, the annual report shall be deemed to comply with § 55-394.1 of the Code of Virginia.

18VAC48-45-420. Return of bond or letter of credit to ensure completion of promised units and common elements to developer.

A bond or letter of credit on file with the board pursuant to subsection B of § 55-386 of the Code of Virginia may be returned to the developer upon written request. Such request shall include a statement from the developer that indicates the units and common elements for which the bond or letter of credit was submitted have been completed. If the submitted statement is not sufficient to confirm completion, the board may request additional documentation.

18VAC48-45-430. Return of bond or letter of credit upon termination of time-share project registration.

Upon issuance of an order of termination of the time-share project registration pursuant to 18VAC48-45-450, the bond or letter of credit on file with the board for the purpose of protecting all deposits escrowed pursuant to subsection C of § 55-375 will be returned to the developer.

18VAC48-45-440. Maintenance of bond or letter of credit.

A. The developer shall report the extension, cancellation, amendment, expiration, termination, or any other change of any bond or letter of credit submitted in accordance with subsection C of § 55-375 and subsection B of § 55-386 of the Code of Virginia within five days of the change.

B. The board at any time may request verification from the developer of the status of a bond or letter of credit on file with the board. Such verification shall comply with the provisions of subdivision B 6 of 18VAC48-45-400.

C. Failure to report a change in the bond or letter of credit in accordance with this section shall result in further action by the board pursuant to the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act.

18VAC48-45-450. Termination of time-share project registration.

A. The time-share project registration shall be terminated upon receipt of documentation of one of the following:

1. In accordance with subsection A of § 55-394.2 of the Code of Virginia, an annual report for a time-share estate program filed pursuant to § 55-394.1 of the Code of Virginia indicates that the developer has transferred title to the time-share owners' association and that no further development rights exist.

2. In accordance with subsection B of § 55-394.2 of the Code of Virginia, written notification is received from the developer attesting that no further development of the project is anticipated and that the developer has ceased sales of time-shares at the project.

B. Upon receipt and review of documentation pursuant to subsection A of this section, the board shall issue an order of termination for the time-share registration. The board may request additional information as necessary during the review of the submitted documentation to ensure that the time-share registration is eligible for termination.

18VAC48-45-460. Administrative termination of time-share project registration.

A. In accordance with subsection C of § 55-394.2 of the Code of Virginia, the board may administratively terminate the registration of a time-share project. Prior to the administrative termination of the registration, the board shall send written notice of its intent to terminate the registration to all known parties associated with the time-share project, including, but not limited to, the registered agent, developer's attorney, and principals of the developer. Such written notice shall be given to the parties by mail or otherwise if acknowledged by them in writing.

B. The board shall issue an order of termination for the time-share registration if (i) a response is not received within 30 days after sending the written notice, or (ii) the response received does not indicate termination of the registration is inappropriate in accordance with the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act and this chapter.

C. Nothing contained in this section shall prevent the board from taking further action as allowed by law including issuance of a temporary cease and desist order, issuance of a cease and desist order, revocation of registration, and bringing action in the appropriate circuit court to enjoin the acts or practices and to enforce compliance.

18VAC48-45-470. Reporting of other changes to the time-share project.

Any other change made or known by the developer that may affect the accuracy or completeness of the time-share registration file shall be reported promptly to the board. Such change may include but is not limited to the name of the developer, name of the time-share project, or any other changes in information submitted in accordance with § 55-391.1 of the Code of Virginia. The board may request additional information as necessary to ensure compliance with the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act and this chapter.

Part VII
Alternative Purchase Registration

18VAC48-45-480. Registration of alternative purchase required.

As required by § 55-362 of the Code of Virginia, a time-share developer shall register as an alternative purchase anything valued in excess of $100 that is offered to a potential purchaser during the developer’s sales presentation and purchased by such potential purchaser for more than $100, even though the purchaser did not purchase a time-share. An alternative purchase is not a time-share.

18VAC48-45-490. Minimum requirements for registration of an alternative purchase.

An application for registration of an alternative purchase shall include the following:

1. An application submitted in accordance with 18VAC48-45-50.

2. Current contact information for the developer.

3. The name of the time-share project or projects affiliated with the registered alternative purchase.

4. Public offering statement, or public offering statements, if applicable, submitted in accordance with 18VAC48-45-500. This may be accomplished through a single public offering statement that includes all types of alternative purchases offered by the developer, or a separate public offering statement for each type of alternative purchase offered by the developer.

5. The escrow bond or letter of credit submitted in compliance with subsection C of § 55-375 of the Code of Virginia, if applicable.

18VAC48-45-500. Public offering statement for an alternative purchase.

The developer shall file with the board a public offering statement that will be distributed to each prospective purchaser about the alternative purchase. The public offering statement shall fully and accurately disclose the material characteristics of such alternative purchase as required by subsection H of § 55-374 of the Code of Virginia. The material characteristics of such alternative purchase may vary based on time of year and availability of offerings and may include, but are not limited to, vacation packages, meals, ancillary benefits or options, excursions, and retail products.

The public offering statement for an alternative purchase need not contain any information about the time-share project, time-share program, or the time-shares offered by the developer initially offered to such purchaser by the developer. The public offering statement for an alternative purchase is not required to have exhibits.

18VAC48-45-510. Review of application for registration of an alternative purchase.

At such time as the board affirmatively determines that the requirements of this chapter have been met, the board shall register the alternative purchase and shall designate the form, content, and effective date of the public offering statement to be used. The registration period of the alternative purchase shall expire the last day of the month one year from the date of issuance.

18VAC48-45-520. Minimum alternative purchase post-registration reporting requirements.

A. Subsequent to the issuance of a registration for an alternative purchase by the board, the developer offering the alternative purchase shall do the following:

1. File the annual report required pursuant to 18VAC48-45-540.

2. Upon the occurrence of a material change to the public offering statement, the developer of a registered alternative purchase shall file an amended public offering statement. These amendments shall be filed with the board within 20 business days after the occurrence of the material change.

3. Upon the occurrence of any material change in the information contained in the registration file, the developer of a registered alternative purchase shall immediately report such material changes to the board.

4. Submit appropriate documentation to the board once the registration is eligible for termination.

5. Submit to the board any other document or information, which may include information or documents that have been amended or may not have existed previously, that affects the accuracy, completeness, or representation of any information or document filed with the application for registration.

6. Submit to the board any document or information to make the registration file accurate and complete and to ensure compliance with the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act and this chapter.

7. Submit to the board the escrow bond or letter of credit for any deposits for the alternative purchase that are held in escrow pursuant to § 55-375 of the Code of Virginia. If the bond or letter of credit for protecting all alternative purchase deposits escrowed is the same as the bond or letter of credit for the time-share project registration, the applicant shall so state.

B. Notwithstanding the requirements of subsection A of this section, the board at any time may require the developer of a registered alternative purchase to provide information or documents, or amendments thereof, in order to assure full and accurate disclosure to prospective purchasers and to ensure compliance with the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act and this chapter.

18VAC48-45-530. Filing of amended public offering statement for alternative purchase.

A. The developer shall promptly file with the board for review a copy of the amended public offering statement. The form of the submission is at the discretion of the developer, provided that (i) all amendments are clearly represented in the documentation presented; (ii) the additions and deletions of text in the public offering statement and exhibits shall be identified by underlining and striking through text to be added and deleted; and (iii) documents being added to or deleted from the contents of the public offering statement shall be clearly and accurately reflected in the table of contents utilizing underlines and strike-throughs for additions and deletions. In addition to the copies showing edits to the text, a clean copy of all new and amended documents shall be provided.

B. The amended public offering statement submitted to the board for review shall include the effective date of the amendments.

C. Within 30 days of receipt, the board shall review the amended public offering statement and supporting materials to determine whether the amendment complies with this chapter. If the board's review determines that the amended public offering statement complies with this chapter, it shall notify the developer in writing and confirm the new effective date of the public offering statement.

D. If the board's review determines that the amended public offering statement does not comply with this chapter, the board shall immediately notify the developer in writing that the review has determined the amended public offering statement is not in compliance and shall specify the particulars of such noncompliance. The developer shall then have 20 days in which to correct the particulars of noncompliance identified by the board. The developer may, prior to the completion of the 20-day correction period, request an extension in writing of the 20-day correction period. Upon expiration of the 20-day correction period, if requested corrections have not been made or a request for extension properly received, the board may issue a temporary cease and desist order in accordance with subsection B of § 55-396 of the Code of Virginia to require the cessation of sales until such time as affirmative action as directed by the board is taken. Use of the noncompliant public offering statement may result in further action by the board pursuant to §§ 55-396, 55-399.1, and 55-400 of the Code of Virginia.

E. Notwithstanding an extension of the 30-day period for review agreed to in writing by the board and developer, if the board does not perform the required review of the public offering statement in accordance with subsection C of this section, the amendment shall be deemed to comply with 18VAC48-45-490, and the new effective date shall be the effective date of the amendment provided pursuant to subsection B of this section.

F. In each case in which an amended document is filed pursuant to this section and the manner of its amendment is not apparent on the face of the document, the developer shall provide an indication of the manner and extent of amendment.

18VAC48-45-540. Annual report required for alternative purchase registration.

A. Prior to the expiration of the registration, the developer shall file an annual report in a form approved by the board for the registered alternative purchase affiliated with such time-share project registration. Such alternative purchase annual report shall be accompanied by the fee specified in 18VAC48-45-70.

B. The annual report shall contain, but may not be limited to, the following:

1. Current contact information for the developer.

2. The name of the time-share project or projects affiliated with the registered alternative purchase.

3. Information concerning the current status of the alternative purchase.

4. Current evidence from the surety or financial institution of any bonds or letters of credit, or submittal of replacement bonds or letters of credit, required pursuant to subsection C of § 55-375 of the Code of Virginia. Such verification shall provide the following:

a. Principal of bond or letter of credit;

b. Beneficiary of bond or letter of credit;

c. Name of the surety or financial institution that issued the bond or letter of credit;

d. Bond or letter of credit number as assigned by the issuer;

e. The dollar amount; and

f. The expiration date or, if self-renewing, the date by which the bond or letter of credit shall be renewed.

5. The date of the public offering statement currently being delivered to purchasers.

18VAC48-45-550. Board review of annual report for an alternative purchase registration.

A. During review of the annual report, the board may make inquiries or request additional documentation to amplify or clarify the information provided.

B. If the board does not accept the annual report and the annual report filing is not completed within 60 days of a request by the board for additional information, the board may take further action pursuant to §§ 55-396 and 55-399.1 of the Code of Virginia.

C. If the board does not perform the required review of the annual report within 30 days of receipt by the board, the annual report shall be accepted and the alternative purchase registration shall be continued to run concurrent with the time-share project registration with which it is affiliated.

D. Once the annual report has been accepted by the board, the registration shall be extended for an additional one-year period from the date of expiration of the registration. If the developer fails to complete the annual report filing within one year after the date of expiration, the registration shall not be extended and the developer must apply as a new applicant.

18VAC48-45-560. Termination of registration for an alternative purchase.

A. The alternative purchase registration shall be terminated upon receipt of written notification from the developer attesting that the developer has ceased sales and requests termination of the alternative purchase. Should the developer later choose to offer alternative purchases for which the registration has been terminated in accordance with this subsection, prior to offering an alternative purchase, the developer must submit a new application for registration of the alternative purchase, meet all requirements in effect at the time of application, and obtain an alternative purchase registration from the board.

B. Upon receipt and review of the notification pursuant to subsection A of this section, the board shall terminate the alternative purchase registration. The board may request additional information as necessary during the review of the submitted notification to ensure that the alternative purchase registration is eligible for termination.

C. If all affiliated time-share project registrations are terminated pursuant to 18VAC48-45-450 or 18VAC48-45-460, such terminations shall result in the automatic termination of the affiliated alternative purchase registration.

D. An alternative purchase registration shall be automatically terminated for failure to file an acceptable annual report within one year after the expiration of the registration.

18VAC48-45-570. Reporting of other changes to the alternative purchase.

Any other change made or known by the developer that may affect the accuracy or completeness of the alternative purchase registration file shall be promptly reported to the board. The board may request additional information as necessary to ensure compliance with the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act and this chapter.

Exchange Program Registration

18VAC48-45-580. Registration of exchange program required.

As required by § 55-374.2 of the Code of Virginia, an exchange company that offers an exchange program in the Commonwealth shall register the exchange program with the board.

18VAC48-45-590. Minimum requirements for registration of an exchange program.

An application for registration of an exchange program shall include the following:

1. An application submitted in accordance with 18VAC48-45-50;

2. Current contact information for the exchange company;

3. A disclosure document that complies with § 55-374.2 of the Code of Virginia; and

4. A report independently audited by a certified public accountant or accounting firm in accordance with the standards of the Accounting Standards Board of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The report shall provide the following for the preceding calendar year:

a. The number of owners enrolled in the exchange program. Such numbers shall disclose the relationship between the exchange company and owners as being either fee paying or gratuitous in nature;

b. The number of time-share properties, accommodations or facilities eligible to participate in the exchange program;

c. The percentage of confirmed exchanges, which shall be the number of exchanges confirmed by the exchange company divided by the number of exchanges properly applied for, together with a complete and accurate statement of the criteria used to determine whether an exchange request was properly applied for;

d. The number of time-shares for which the exchange company has an outstanding obligation to provide an exchange to an owner who relinquished a time-share during the year in exchange for a time-share in any future year; and

e. The number of exchanges confirmed by the exchange company during the year.

18VAC48-45-600. Minimum exchange program post-registration reporting requirements.

A. Subsequent to the issuance of a registration for an exchange program by the board, the exchange company shall:

1. File an annual report in accordance with subsection E of § 55-374.2 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter.

2. Upon the occurrence of a material change to the disclosure document, the exchange company shall file an amended disclosure document in accordance with the provisions of § 55-374.2 of the Code of Virginia and this chapter. These amendments shall be filed with the board within 20 business days after the occurrence of the material change.

3. Upon the occurrence of any material change in the information contained in the registration file, the exchange company shall immediately report such material changes to the board.

4. Submit appropriate documentation to the board once the registration is eligible for termination.

5. Submit to the board any other document or information, which may include information or documents that have been amended or may not have existed previously, that affects the accuracy, completeness, or representation of any information or document filed with the application for registration.

6. Submit to the board any document or information to make the registration file accurate and complete to ensure compliance with the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act and this chapter.

B. Notwithstanding the requirements of subsection A of this section, the board at any time may require an exchange company to provide information or documents, or amendments thereof, in order to assure full and accurate disclosure to prospective purchasers and to ensure compliance with the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act and this chapter.

18VAC48-45-610. Annual report required for an exchange program registration.

A. An exchange company shall file an annual report to update the material contained in the exchange program registration file by July 1 of each year the registration is effective and shall be accompanied by the fee specified in 18VAC48-45-70.

B. The annual report shall contain, but may not be limited to, the following:

1. Current contact information for the exchange company;

2. Information concerning the current status of the exchange program;

3. A report that contains the information in subdivision 4 of 18VAC48-45-590 and submitted in compliance with subdivision A 17 of § 55-374.2 of the Code of Virginia.

18VAC48-45-620. Board review of annual report for exchange program registration.

A. During review of the annual report, the board may make inquiries or request additional documentation to amplify or clarify the information provided.

B. If the board does not accept the annual report and the annual report filing is not completed within 60 days of a request by the board for additional information, the board may take further action pursuant to §§ 55-396, 55-399.1, and 55-400 of the Code of Virginia for failing to file an annual report as required by subsection E of § 55-374.2 of the Code of Virginia.

C. If the board does not perform the required review of the annual report within 30 days of receipt by the board, the annual report shall be deemed to comply with subsection E of § 55-374.2 of the Code of Virginia.

18VAC48-45-630. Termination of an exchange program registration.

A. The exchange program registration shall be terminated upon receipt of written notification from the exchange company indicating that the exchange program is no longer being offered in the Commonwealth. Should the exchange company later choose to offer the exchange program for which the registration has been terminated in accordance with this subsection, prior to offering the exchange program, the exchange company must submit a new application for registration of the exchange program, meet all requirements in effect at the time of application, and be issued an order of registration for the exchange program by the board.

B. Upon receipt and review of the notification pursuant to subsection A of this section, the board shall issue an order of termination for the exchange program registration. The board may request additional information as necessary during the review of the submitted notification to ensure that the exchange program registration is eligible for termination.

18VAC48-45-640. Reporting of other changes to an exchange program.

Any other change made or known by the exchange company that may affect the accuracy or completeness of the exchange program registration file shall be promptly reported to the board. The board may request additional information as necessary to ensure compliance with the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act and this chapter.

Part IX
Time-Share Reseller Registration

18VAC48-45-650. Registration of time-share reseller required.

In accordance with § 55-394.3 of the Code of Virginia, a reseller shall not offer or provide any resale service without holding a current time-share reseller registration issued by the board.

18VAC48-45-660. Exemptions from time-share reseller registration.

Time-share reseller registration shall not apply to the following:

1. A person that solely or with affiliates engages in a resale service with respect to an aggregate of no more than 12 resale time-shares per calendar year;

2. A person that owns or acquires more than 12 resale time-shares and subsequently transfers all such resale time-shares to a single purchaser in a single transaction;

3. The owner, owner's agents, and employees of a regularly published newspaper, magazine, or other periodical publication of general circulation; broadcast station; website; or billboard, to the extent their activities are limited to solicitation and publication of advertisements and the transmission of responses to the persons who place the advertisements. Any person that would otherwise be exempt from this chapter pursuant to this section shall not be exempt if the person (i) solicits the placement of the advertisement by representing that the advertisement will generate cash, a certain price, or a similar type of representation for the time-share owner's resale time-share, (ii) makes a recommendation as to the sales price for which to advertise the resale time-share, (iii) makes representations to the person placing the advertisement regarding the success rate for selling resale time-shares advertised with such person, or (iv) makes misrepresentations as described in this chapter;

4. Sale by a developer or a party acting on its behalf of a resale time-share under a current registration of the time-share program in which the resale time-share is included;

5. Sale by an association, managing entity, or a party acting on its behalf of a resale time-share owned by the association provided the sale is in compliance with subsection C of § 55-380.1; or

6. Attorneys, title agents, title companies, or escrow companies providing closing services in connection with the transfer of a resale time-share.

18VAC48-45-670. Requirements for registration as a time-share reseller.

A. Individuals or firms that provide any time-share resale services shall submit an application on a form prescribed by the board and shall meet the requirements of this section, including:

1. The information contained in § 55-394.3 of the Code of Virginia.

2. The application fee specified in 18VAC48-45-70.

3. All contact information applicable to the time-share reseller and the lead dealer.

B. Any individual or firm offering resale services as defined in § 55-362 of the Code of Virginia shall be registered with the board. All names under which the time-share reseller conducts business shall be disclosed on the application. The name under which the firm conducts business and holds itself out to the public (i.e., the trade or fictitious name) shall also be disclosed on the application. Firms shall be organized as business entities under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia or otherwise authorized to transact business in Virginia. Firms shall register any trade or fictitious names with the State Corporation Commission or the clerk of court in the jurisdiction where the business is to be conducted in accordance with §§ 59.1-69 through 59.1-76 of the Code of Virginia before submitting an application to the board.

C. The applicant for a time-share reseller registration shall disclose the firm's mailing address and the firm's physical address. A post office box is only acceptable as a mailing address when a physical address is also provided.

D. In accordance with § 54.1-204 of the Code of Virginia, each applicant for a time-share reseller registration shall disclose the following information about the firm, the lead dealer, and any of the principals of the firm, if applicable:

1. All felony convictions.

2. All misdemeanor convictions in any jurisdiction that occurred within three years before the date of application.

3. Any plea of nolo contendere or finding of guilt regardless of adjudication or deferred adjudication shall be considered a conviction for the purposes of this section. The record of conviction certified or authenticated in such form as to be admissible in evidence under the laws of the jurisdiction where convicted shall be admissible as prima facie evidence of such guilt.

E. The applicant shall obtain and maintain a bond or letter of credit pursuant to § 55-375 of the Code of Virginia, for the purpose of protecting deposits and refundable moneys received by a time-share reseller from clients in the Commonwealth of Virginia in connection with the purchase, acquisition, or sale of a time-share.

F. The applicant for time-share reseller registration shall be in compliance with the standards of conduct set forth in Part X (18VAC48-45-720 et seq.) of this chapter at the time of application, while the application is under review by the board, and at all times when the registration is in effect.

G. The applicant for time-share reseller registration, the lead dealer, and all principals of the firm shall be in good standing in Virginia and in every jurisdiction and with every board or administrative body where licensed, certified, or registered, and the board, in its discretion, may deny registration to, any applicant who has been subject to, or whose lead dealer or principals have been subject to, any form of adverse disciplinary action, including but not limited to, reprimand, revocation, suspension or denial, imposition of a monetary penalty, required to complete remedial education, or any other corrective action, in any jurisdiction or by any board or administrative body or surrendered a license, certificate, or registration in connection with any disciplinary action in any jurisdiction prior to obtaining registration in Virginia.

H. The applicant for time-share reseller registration shall provide all relevant information about the firm, the lead dealer, and of the principals of the firm for the seven years prior to application on outstanding judgments, past-due tax assessments, defaults on bonds, or pending or past bankruptcies and specifically shall provide all relevant financial information related to providing resale services as defined in § 55-362 of the Code of Virginia.

I. The application for time-share reseller registration shall include the exhibits required pursuant to 18VAC48-45-680.

18VAC48-45-680. Exhibits required for registration as a time-share reseller.

A. The following documents shall be included as exhibits to the application for registration. All exhibits shall be labeled as indicated and submitted in a format acceptable to the board.

1. Exhibit A: A copy of the certificate of incorporation or certificate of authority to transact business in Virginia issued by the Virginia State Corporation Commission, or any other entity formation documents, together with any trade or fictitious name certificate.

2. Exhibit B: A copy of the resale purchase contract.

3. Exhibit C: A copy of the resale transfer contract.

4. Exhibit D: A copy of disclosures required by § 55-380.1 of the Code of Virginia.

5. Exhibit E: A narrative description of the marketing or advertising plan.

6. Exhibit F: A bond or letter of credit in accordance with subsection E of 18VAC48-45-670.

B. The board has the sole discretion to require additional information or amendment of existing information as the board finds necessary to ensure full and accurate disclosure and compliance with the provisions of § 55-380.1 of the Code of Virginia and to ensure compliance with the provisions of § 55-394.3 of the Code of Virginia.

18VAC48-45-690. Renewal and reinstatement of a time-share reseller registration.

A. A time-share reseller registration issued under this chapter shall expire one year from the last day of the month in which it was issued. The fee specified in 18VAC48-45-70 shall be required for renewal.

B. Prior to the expiration date shown on the registration, a registration shall be renewed upon payment of the fees specified in 18VAC48-45-70 and submittal of proof of a current bond or letter of credit required in accordance with subsection E of 18VAC48-45-670.

C. The board will send a renewal notice to the regulant at the last known address of record. Failure to receive this notice shall not relieve the regulant of the obligation to renew. If the regulant fails to receive the renewal notice, a copy of the registration may be submitted with the required fees as an application for renewal. By submitting a renewal fee, the regulant is certifying continued compliance with this chapter, as applicable, and certifying that all documents required for registration pursuant to 18VAC48-45-680 on file with the board reflect the most current version used by the reseller.

D. If the requirements for renewal of a registration as specified in this chapter are not completed more than 30 days and within six months after the registration expiration date, the reinstatement fee specified in 18VAC48-50-70 shall be required.

E. A registration may be reinstated for up to six months following the expiration date. After six months, the registration may not be reinstated under any circumstances and the firm or individual must meet all current entry requirements and apply as a new applicant.

F. The board may deny renewal or reinstatement of registration for the same reasons as it may refuse initial registration or discipline a registrant.

G. The date the renewal application and fee are received in the office of the board shall determine whether a registration shall be renewed without reinstatement, or shall be subject to reinstatement application procedures.

H. A registration that is reinstated shall be regarded as having been continuously registered without interruption. Therefore, the registration holder shall remain under the disciplinary authority of the board during the entire period and shall be accountable for its activities during the period. Nothing in this chapter shall divest the board of its authority to discipline a registration holder for a violation of the law or regulation during the period of time for which the regulant was registered.

I. Applicants for renewal shall continue to meet all of the qualifications for registration set forth in 18VAC48-45-680.

18VAC48-45-700. Maintenance of time-share reseller registration.

Any material changes made or known by the time-share reseller that may affect the accuracy or completeness of the time-share reseller registration file shall be promptly reported to the board. The board may request additional information as necessary to ensure compliance with the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act and this chapter.

18VAC48-45-710. Recordkeeping for a time-share reseller registration.

A time-share reseller registered by the board shall comply with the recordkeeping provisions of § 55-394.4 of the Code of Virginia.

Part X
Board Authority and Standards of Conduct

18VAC48-45-720. Grounds for disciplinary action.

The board may revoke a registration that is not in compliance with any provision of the regulations of the board or the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act. Additional action may include issuance of a temporary cease and desist order, issuance of a cease and desist order, and bringing action in the appropriate circuit court to enjoin the acts or practices and to enforce compliance.

18VAC48-45-730. Registration required.

A. No developer or agent of a developer shall offer a time-share prior to the registration of the time-share program and time-share project.

B. No developer or agent of a developer shall offer an alternative purchase prior to the registration of the alternative purchase by the developer.

C. No exchange company or agent of an exchange company shall offer an exchange program prior to the registration of the exchange program by the exchange company.

D. No time-share reseller or agent of a time-share reseller shall offer any resale services prior to the registration of the time-share reseller.

18VAC48-45-740. Time-share advertising standards.

A. No promise, assertion, representation, or statement of fact or opinion in connection with a time-share marketing activity shall be made that is false, inaccurate or misleading by reason of inclusion of an untrue statement of a material fact or omission of a statement of a material fact relative to the actual or intended characteristics, circumstances, or features of a time-share program or a time-share project.

B. No promise, assertion, representation, or statement of fact or opinion made in connection with a time-share marketing activity shall indicate that a unit or common element will be built or placed on the time-share unless proposed within the meaning of subsection A of 18VAC48-45-200.

C. No promise, assertion, representation, or statement of fact or opinion made in connection with a time-share marketing activity and relating to a time-share project not registered shall, by its express terms, induce, solicit, or encourage a contract for sale or performing some other act that would create or purport to create a legal or equitable interest in the time-share, other than a security interest in or a nonbinding reservation of the time-share, when to do so would circumvent the provisions of the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act.

18VAC48-45-750. Board oversight of public offering statement and exchange program disclosure document.

A. The board at any time may require a developer to alter or amend the public offering statement for a time-share or an alternative purchase or an exchange program disclosure document to assure full and accurate disclosure to prospective purchasers and to ensure compliance with the Virginia Real Estate Time-Share Act and this chapter.

B. The board does not approve or recommend the time-share, alternative purchase, or exchange program, or disposition thereof. The board's issuance of an effective date for a public offering statement or acceptance of an exchange program disclosure document shall not be construed to (i) constitute approval of the time-share, alternative purchase, or exchange program; (ii) represent that the board asserts that either all facts or material changes or both concerning the time-share, alternative purchase, or exchange program have been fully and accurately disclosed; or (iii) indicate that the board has made judgment on the value or merits of the time-share, alternative purchase, or exchange program.

18VAC48-45-760. Response to inquiry and provision of records.

A. The developer, exchange company, or reseller must respond within 15 days to a request by the board or any of its agents regarding any complaint filed with the department. The board may extend such time frame upon a showing of extenuating circumstances prohibiting delivery within such 15-day period.

B. Unless otherwise specified by the board, the developer, exchange company, or reseller shall produce to the board or any of its agents within 15 days of the request any document, book, or record concerning any transaction in which the developer, exchange company, or reseller was involved, or for which the developer, exchange company, or reseller is required to maintain records, for inspection and copying by the board or its agents. The board may extend such time frame upon a showing of extenuating circumstances prohibiting delivery within such 15-day period.

C. A developer, exchange company, or reseller shall not provide a false, misleading, or incomplete response to the board or any agent of the board seeking information in the investigation of a complaint filed with the board.

D. With the exception of the requirements of subsections A and B of this section, a developer, exchange company, or reseller must respond to an inquiry by the board or its agent within 21 days.

18VAC48-45-770. Prohibited acts.