Final Regulation
Marine Resources Commission is claiming an exemption from the Administrative
Process Act in accordance with § 2.2-4006 A 11 of the Code of Virginia;
however, the commission is required to publish the full text of final
Title of Regulation: 4VAC20-110. Pertaining to
Lobsters (amending 4VAC20-110-15 through 4VAC20-110-65).
Statutory Authority: § 28.2-201 of the Code of Virginia.
Effective Date: March 1, 2020.
Agency Contact: Jennifer Farmer, Regulatory Coordinator,
Marine Resources Commission, 380 Fenwick Road, Fort Monroe, VA 23651, telephone
(757) 247-2248, or email jennifer.farmer@mrc.virginia.gov.
The amendments establish the minimum size of escape vents
in lobster traps and clarify regulatory language.
4VAC20-110-15. Definitions.
The following words and terms when used in this chapter
shall have the following meanings unless the context indicates otherwise:
"Berried female" means a female lobster bearing
eggs attached to the abdominal appendages.
"Carapace" means the unsegmented body shell of the American
"Carapace length" means the straight line
measurement from the rear of the eye socket parallel to the center line of the
carapace to the posterior edge of the carapace.
"Escape vent" means an opening in a lobster pot
designed to allow for the escapement of undersized lobster.
"Ghost panel" means a panel, or other
mechanism, in a lobster trap designed to allow for the escapement
of lobster after a period of time if the trap has been abandoned or lost.
"Land" or "landing" means to (i) enter
port with finfish, shellfish, crustaceans, or other marine seafood on board any
boat or vessel; (ii) begin offloading finfish, shellfish, crustaceans, or other
marine seafood; or (iii) offload finfish, shellfish, crustaceans, or other
marine seafood.
"Lobster" means any crustacean of the species
Homarus americanus.
"V-notched female lobster" means any female lobster
bearing a V-shaped notch (i.e., a straight-sided triangular cut without setal
hairs, at least 1/4 inch in depth and not greater than 1/2 inch in depth and
tapering to a sharp point) in the flipper next to the right of the center
flipper as viewed from the rear of the female lobster. V-notched female lobster
also means any female that is mutilated in a manner that could hide, obscure,
or obliterate such a mark.
4VAC20-110-20. Minimum and maximum size limit.
It shall be unlawful for any person to possess for a
period longer than is necessary for immediate measurement any lobster less
than 3-17/32 inches in carapace length or any lobster greater than 5-1/4 inches
in carapace length, except for scientific purposes and with the express written
consent of the Commissioner of Marine Resources.
4VAC20-110-30. Possession prohibitions.
A. It shall be unlawful for any person to possess for a
period longer than is necessary for immediate determination of the presence of
eggs, any berried female lobster, except for scientific purposes and with
the express written consent of the Commissioner of Marine Resources.
B. It shall be unlawful for any person to possess for a
period longer than is necessary for immediate determination of unnatural
removal of eggs, a lobster that has been scrubbed or has in any manner other
than natural hatching had the eggs removed therefrom a lobster that has
had eggs removed unnaturally.
C. It shall be unlawful for any person, including
fishermen, dealers, shippers, and restaurants, to possess a V-notched
female lobster. The prohibition on possession of a V-notched female lobster
applies to all persons, including but not limited to fishermen, dealers,
shippers, and restaurants.
D. It shall be unlawful to possess a lobster that has an
outer shell that has been speared.
E. It shall be unlawful to land lobster from February 1
through March 31.
F. It shall be unlawful for any person to possess aboard
any vessel or to land lobster meat, detached tails or claws, or any other part
of a lobster that has been separated.
4VAC20-110-40. Marking of lobsters.
Any All berried female harvested in or females
from Virginia waters shall be V-notched before being returned to the sea
water immediately.
4VAC20-110-50. Lobster parts. (Repealed.)
It shall be unlawful for any person to possess aboard any
vessel or to land picked or cooked meat of the lobster, lobster meats, detached
tails or claws, or any other part of a lobster that has been separated from the
4VAC20-110-55. Gear requirements.
A. All lobster traps not constructed entirely of wood
(excluding heading or parlor twine and the escape vent) shall contain a ghost
panel that complies with subdivisions 1 through 4 of this subsection. The
opening in a trap to be covered by the ghost panel shall be rectangular and
shall not be less than 3-3/4 inches (9.53) by 3-3/4 inches (9.53 cm). The panel
shall be constructed of, or fastened to the trap with, one of the following
untreated materials: wood lath; cotton; hemp; sisal or jute twine not greater
than 3/16 inch (0.48 cm) in diameter; or nonstainless, uncoated ferrous metal
not greater than 3/32 inch (0.24 cm) in diameter. The door of the trap may
serve as the ghost panel if fastened with a material specified in this section.
The ghost panel shall be located in the outer parlor(s) of the trap and not the
bottom of the trap.
1. The rectangular ghost panel shall not be less than 3-3/4
inches (9.53 cm) by 3-3/4 inches (9.53 cm).
2. The ghost panel shall be constructed of or fastened to
the trap with one of the following untreated materials: wood lath; cotton;
hemp; sisal or jute twine not greater than 3/16 inch (0.48 cm) in diameter; or
nonstainless, uncoated ferrous metal not greater than 3/32 inch (0.24 cm) in
3. The door of the trap may serve as the ghost panel if fastened
with a material specified in subdivision 2 of this subsection.
4. The ghost panel shall be located in the outer parlor of
the trap and not the bottom of the trap.
B. All lobster traps shall have one rectangular escape
vent with minimum measurements of two inches (5.08 cm) by 5-3/4 inches (14.61
cm) or two circular escape vents at 2-5/8 inches (7.20 cm).
4VAC20-110-60. License and Commercial fishery
permit requirements.
A. In accordance with the provisions of § 28.2-201 of the
Code of Virginia, the Marine Resources Commission does hereby establish a
Lobster Boat License to be valid for one calendar year and does hereby require
that each such vessel engaged in the fishing for or landing of lobster within
or upon the waters within the jurisdiction of the Commonwealth procure and
display such license provided that such vessel be not otherwise licensed for
fishing by the Marine Resources Commission or engaged in the use of fishing
gear that is not otherwise licensed by the Marine Resources Commission. It
shall be unlawful for any person to take, catch, possess, or land lobster by
lobster trap in Virginia unless that person possesses a Lobster Under 200
Permit or a Lobster Over 200 Permit.
B. In accordance with the provisions of § 28.2-201 of
the Code of Virginia, the Marine Resources Commission establishes a no cost
commercial lobster permit for any American lobster harvester using any gear or
methods other than lobster traps in Virginia waters. It shall be
unlawful for any person to take, catch, possess, or land lobster from gear
other than lobster traps in Virginia unless that person possesses a Lobster
Incidental Harvest Permit.
C. It shall be unlawful for any boat or vessel to possess
or land American lobster in Virginia for commercial purposes without first
obtaining a Virginia lobster permit, as described in subsection B of this
section, or a Federal Lobster Permit.
4VAC20-110-65. Landing limit.
Landings by fishermen using gear or methods other than
lobster traps (nontrap fishermen) shall be limited to no more than 100
lobsters per day (based on a 24-hour period), up to a maximum of 500
lobsters per trip, for trips five days or longer. Possession by any nontrap
fishermen aboard any vessel on Virginia waters or the landing by any nontrap
fishermen of quantities greater than those specified shall constitute a
violation of this chapter.
VA.R. Doc. No. R20-6323; Filed February 25, 2020, 3:14 p.m.
Final Regulation
Marine Resources Commission is claiming an exemption from the Administrative
Process Act in accordance with § 2.2-4006 A 11 of the Code of Virginia;
however, the commission is required to publish the full text of final
Title of Regulation: 4VAC20-450. Pertaining to the
Taking of Bluefish (amending 4VAC20-450-15, 4VAC20-450-20).
Statutory Authority: § 28.2-201 of the Code of Virginia.
Effective Date: March 1, 2020.
Agency Contact: Jennifer Farmer, Regulatory Coordinator,
Marine Resources Commission, 380 Fenwick Road, Fort Monroe, VA 23651, telephone
(757) 247-2248 or email jennifer.farmer@mrc.virginia.gov.
The amendments set the harvest and possession limits at
three fish for recreational fishing and five fish for fishing from a charter or
for-hire vessel.
4VAC20-450-15. Definitions.
The following word words or term terms
when used in this chapter shall have the following meaning meanings
unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Bluefish" means any fish of the species Pomatomus
"Captain" means the person licensed by the U.S.
Coast Guard to carry passengers for hire who operates the charter boat or head
"Charter vessel" or "for-hire vessel"
means a vessel operating with a captain who possesses either a Class A Fishing
Guide License, Class B Fishing Guide License, or Fishing Guide Reciprocity
4VAC20-450-20. Bluefish possession limit limits.
A. It shall be unlawful for any person fishing with
recreational hook and line, rod and reel, spear, gig, or other recreational
gear recreationally to harvest and or possess more
than 10 three bluefish, except as described in subsection B of
this section. Any bluefish taken after the possession limit of 10 fish
has been reached shall be returned to the water immediately.
B. It shall be unlawful for any person fishing from a
charter or for-hire vessel to harvest or possess more than five bluefish. Any
bluefish taken after the possession limit has been reached shall be returned to
the water immediately.
B. C. When fishing from a boat or vessel where
the entire catch is held in a common hold or container, the possession limit
shall be for the boat or vessel and shall be equal to the number of persons on
board who are legally licensed eligible to fish multiplied
by 10 the personal possession limits as described in subsections A
and B of this section. The captain or operator of the boat or vessel shall
be responsible for any boat or vessel possession limit.
VA.R. Doc. No. R20-6325; Filed February 25, 2020, 2:16 p.m.
Final Regulation
Marine Resources Commission is claiming an exemption from the Administrative
Process Act in accordance with § 2.2-4006 A 11 of the Code of Virginia;
however, the commission is required to publish the full text of final
Title of Regulation: 4VAC20-620. Pertaining to Summer
Flounder (amending 4VAC20-620-40).
Statutory Authority: § 28.2-201 of the Code of Virginia.
Effective Date: February 27, 2020.
Agency Contact: Jennifer Farmer, Regulatory Coordinator,
Marine Resources Commission, 380 Fenwick Road, Fort Monroe, VA 23651, telephone
(757) 247-2248, or email jennifer.farmer@mrc.virginia.gov.
The amendments (i) change the dates of the off-shore
commercial summer flounder spring season to February 24, 2020, through March
31, 2020, and (ii) raise the landing limit for the season to 12,500 pounds.
4VAC20-620-40. Commercial vessel possession and landing
A. It shall be unlawful for any person harvesting summer
flounder outside of Virginia's waters to do any of the following, except as
described in subsections B, C, D, E, and F of this section:
1. Possess aboard any vessel in Virginia waters any amount of
summer flounder in excess of 10% by weight of Atlantic croaker or the combined
landings, on board a vessel, of black sea bass, scup, squid, scallops,
and Atlantic mackerel.
2. Possess aboard any vessel in Virginia waters any amount of
summer flounder in excess of 1,500 pounds landed in combination with Atlantic
3. Fail to sell the vessel's entire harvest of all species at
the point of landing.
B. Nothing in this chapter shall preclude a vessel from
possessing any North Carolina or New Jersey vessel possession limit of summer
flounder in Virginia; however, no vessel that possesses the North Carolina or
New Jersey vessel possession limit of summer flounder shall offload any amount
of that possession limit, except as described in subsection K of this section.
C. From March 1 February 24 through April 19
March 31, it shall be unlawful for any person harvesting summer flounder
outside of Virginia waters to do any of the following:
1. Possess aboard any vessel in Virginia waters any amount of
summer flounder in excess of the combined total of the Virginia landing limit
described in subdivision 2 of this subsection and the amount of the legal North
Carolina or New Jersey landing limit or trip limit.
2. Land in Virginia more than a total of 10,000 12,500
pounds of summer flounder.
3. Land in Virginia any amount of summer flounder more than
once in any consecutive five-day period.
D. From October 1 through November 15, it shall be unlawful
for any person harvesting summer flounder outside of Virginia waters to do any
of the following:
1. Possess aboard any vessel in Virginia waters any amount of
summer flounder in excess of the combined total of the Virginia landing limit
described in subdivision 2 of this subsection and the amount of the legal North
Carolina or New Jersey landing limit or trip limit.
2. Land in Virginia more than a total of 10,000 pounds of
summer flounder.
3. Land in Virginia any amount of summer flounder more than
once in any consecutive five-day period.
E. From November 16 through December 31, it shall be unlawful
for any person harvesting summer flounder outside of Virginia waters to do any
of the following:
1. Possess aboard any vessel in Virginia waters any amount of
summer flounder in excess of the total of the Virginia landing limit described
in subdivision 2 of this subsection and the amount of the legal North Carolina
or New Jersey landing limit or trip limit.
2. Land in Virginia more than a total of 10,000 pounds of
summer flounder.
3. Land in Virginia any amount of summer flounder more than
once in any consecutive five-day period.
F. From January 1 through December 31, any boat or vessel
issued a valid federal summer flounder moratorium permit and owned and operated
by a legal Virginia Commercial Hook-and-Line Licensee that possesses a
Restricted Summer Flounder Endorsement shall be restricted to a possession and
landing limit of 200 pounds of summer flounder, except as described in
4VAC20-620-30 F.
G. Upon request by a marine police officer, the seafood buyer
or processor shall offload and accurately determine the total weight of all
summer flounder aboard any vessel landing summer flounder in Virginia.
H. Any possession limit described in this section shall be
determined by the weight in pounds of summer flounder as customarily packed,
boxed, and weighed by the seafood buyer or processor. The weight of any summer
flounder in pounds found in excess of any possession limit described in this
section shall be prima facie evidence of violation of this chapter. Persons in
possession of summer flounder aboard any vessel in excess of the possession
limit shall be in violation of this chapter unless that vessel has requested
and been granted safe harbor. Any buyer or processor offloading or accepting
any quantity of summer flounder from any vessel in excess of the possession
limit shall be in violation of this chapter, except as described by subsection
K of this section. A buyer or processor may accept or buy summer flounder from
a vessel that has secured safe harbor, provided that vessel has satisfied the
requirements described in subsection K of this section.
I. If a person violates the possession limits described in
this section, the entire amount of summer flounder in that person's possession
shall be confiscated. Any confiscated summer flounder shall be considered as a
removal from the appropriate commercial harvest or landings quota. Upon
confiscation, the marine police officer shall inventory the confiscated summer
flounder and, at a minimum, secure two bids for purchase of the confiscated
summer flounder from approved and licensed seafood buyers. The confiscated fish
will be sold to the highest bidder, and all funds derived from such sale shall
be deposited for the Commonwealth pending court resolution of the charge of
violating the possession limits established by this chapter. All of the
collected funds will be returned to the accused upon a finding of innocence or
forfeited to the Commonwealth upon a finding of guilty.
J. It shall be unlawful for a licensed seafood buyer or
federally permitted seafood buyer to fail to contact the Marine Resources
Commission Operation Station prior to a vessel offloading summer flounder
harvested outside of Virginia. The buyer shall provide to the Marine Resources
Commission the name of the vessel, its captain, an estimate of the amount in
pounds of summer flounder on board that vessel, and the anticipated or
approximate offloading time. Once offloading of any vessel is complete and the
weight of the landed summer flounder has been determined, the buyer shall
contact the Marine Resources Commission Operations Station and report the
vessel name and corresponding weight of summer flounder landed. It shall be
unlawful for any person to offload from a boat or vessel for commercial
purposes any summer flounder during the period of 9 p.m. to 7 a.m.
K. Any boat or vessel that has entered Virginia waters for
safe harbor shall only offload summer flounder when the state that licenses
that vessel requests to transfer quota to Virginia, in the amount that
corresponds to that vessel's possession limit, and the commissioner agrees to
accept that transfer of quota.
L. After any commercial harvest or landing quota as described
in 4VAC20-620-30 has been attained and announced as such, any boat or vessel
possessing summer flounder on board may enter Virginia waters for safe harbor
but shall contact the Marine Resources Commission Operation Center in advance
of such entry into Virginia waters.
M. It shall be unlawful for any person harvesting summer
flounder outside of Virginia waters to possess aboard any vessel, in Virginia,
any amount of summer flounder, once it has been projected and announced that
100% of the quota described in 4VAC20-620-30 A has been taken.
VA.R. Doc. No. R20-6298; Filed February 25, 2020, 1:55 p.m.
Final Regulation
Marine Resources Commission is claiming an exemption from the Administrative
Process Act in accordance with § 2.2-4006 A 11 of the Code of Virginia;
however, the commission is required to publish the full text of final
Title of Regulation: 4VAC20-995. Pertaining to
Commercial Hook-And-Line Fishing (amending 4VAC20-995-30).
Statutory Authority: § 28.2-201 of the Code of Virginia.
Effective Date: March 1, 2020.
Agency Contact: Jennifer Farmer, Regulatory Coordinator,
Marine Resources Commission, 380 Fenwick Road, Fort Monroe, VA 23651, telephone
(757) 247-2248, or email jennifer.farmer@mrc.virginia.gov.
The amendment prohibits the use of commercial hook-and-line
gear within 300 feet of any bridge, bridge-tunnel, jetty, or pier on weekends
(Friday through Sunday) during any open recreational striped bass season.
4VAC20-995-30. Prohibitions.
A. It shall be unlawful for any person licensed under the
provisions of 4VAC20-995-20 A 1 or A 2 as a commercial hook-and-line fisherman
to do any of the following unless otherwise specified:
1. Fail to be on board the vessel when that vessel is
operating in a commercial hook-and-line fishing capacity.
2. Have more than three crew members on board the vessel at
any given time provided that:
a. Crew members do not need to be licensed commercial
fishermen but shall be registered on a crew member list with the commission on
an annual basis and in advance of any fishing in any year;
b. One crew member per vessel needs not be registered on a
crew member list;
c. The maximum number of crew members registered to any
commercial hook-and-line licensee at any one time shall be 15;
d. Any crew registration list submitted by any commercial
hook-and-line fisherman may be revised once per calendar year; and
e. A legible and approved crew member list must be maintained
on board the vessel during all commercial hook-and-line activities.
3. Fail to display prominently the commercial hook-and-line
decals, as provided by the commission, on the starboard and port sides of the
4. Fish within 300 yards of any bridge, bridge-tunnel, jetty,
or pier from 6 p.m. Friday through 6 p.m. Sunday.
5. Fish within 300 yards of any fixed fishing device.
6. Harvest black drum within 300 yards of the Chesapeake
Bay-Bridge-Tunnel at any time.
7. Fish recreationally on any commercial hook and line vessel
during a commercial fishing trip.
8. Use any hydraulic fishing gear or deck-mounted fishing
9. Use any fishing rod and reel or hand line equipped with
more than six hooks.
10. Fish commercially with hook and line aboard any vessel
licensed as a charter boat or head boat while carrying customers for
recreational fishing.
B. It shall be unlawful for any person to use a commercial
hook and line within 300 feet of any bridge, bridge-tunnel, jetty, or pier
during Thanksgiving Day through the following day. It shall be unlawful for
any person to use a commercial hook and line or during any open
recreational striped bass season in the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries,
except during the period midnight Sunday through 6 a.m. Friday.
VA.R. Doc. No. R20-6326; Filed February 25, 2020, 2:02 p.m.
Final Regulation
Marine Resources Commission is claiming an exemption from the Administrative
Process Act in accordance with § 2.2-4006 A 11 of the Code of Virginia;
however, the commission is required to publish the full text of final
Title of Regulation: 4VAC20-1310. Pertaining to Jonah
Crab (amending 4VAC20-1310-20 through
Statutory Authority: § 28.2-201 of the Code of Virginia.
Effective Date: March 1, 2020.
Agency Contact: Jennifer Farmer, Regulatory Coordinator,
Marine Resources Commission, 380 Fenwick Road, Fort Monroe, VA 23651, telephone
(757) 247-2248, or email jennifer.farmer@mrc.virginia.gov.
The amendments establish a 2.75-inch minimum claw size for
claw-specific harvest greater than five gallons, define Jonah crab bycatch,
modify non-lobster trap possession limits, and clarify language.
4VAC20-1310-20. Definition.
The following word words or term terms
when used in this chapter shall have the following meaning meanings
unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Carapace" means the unsegmented body shell of a
Jonah crab.
"Carapace length" means the straight line
measurement across the widest part of the shell including the tips of the
posterior-most, longest spines along the lateral margins of the carapace.
"Claw length" means the straight line
measurement along the bottom of the claw from the joint to the lower tip of the
"Jonah crab," as described in this
chapter, means solely any crustacean of the crustacean
species Cancer borealis.
"Target species" means those species primarily
sought by the fishermen in the fishery and that are the subject of directed
fishing effort.
4VAC20-1310-30. Possession prohibitions and commercial fishery
minimum size limit.
A. It shall be unlawful for any person individual
to possess any egg-bearing female Jonah crab, except for scientific purposes
and with the express written consent of the Commissioner of Marine Resources.
Any harvested egg-bearing female Jonah crab shall be returned to the water
B. It shall be unlawful for any person individual
to land any Jonah crab unless the whole crab is in that person's individual's
possession, except as provided in 4VAC20-1310-40 D C.
C. It shall be unlawful for any person individual
to possess or land any Jonah crab for commercial purposes that measures less
than 4.75 inches across the widest point of the in carapace length.
D. It shall be unlawful for any individual to possess or
land for commercial purposes any Jonah crab claws that measure less than 2.75
inches in claw length in any amount greater than five gallons.
4VAC20-1310-40. Commercial fishery harvest, permits,
possession limits, and reporting.
A. In accordance with the provisions of § 28.2 201 of the
Code of Virginia, the Marine Resources Commission establishes a no-cost Jonah
crab incidental commercial permit for any harvester using any gear or methods
other than lobster traps in Virginia waters. It shall be unlawful for
any individual to take, catch, possess, or land any Jonah crab from gear other
than lobster traps unless that individual possesses a Jonah Crab Incidental
Commercial Permit.
1. Such permits shall only be issued to an individual who
possesses (i) a valid federal lobster permit and (ii) either a Commercial
Fisherman Registration License or a Seafood Landing License.
B. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person
individual using gear or harvesting methods other than lobster traps (nontrap
fishermen) to land or possess more than 200 Jonah crabs in a 24-hour
period or more than 500 Jonah crabs when a fishing trip exceeds 24 hours the
incidental bycatch limit of 1,000 Jonah crabs.
3. It shall be unlawful for any individual to possess any
Jonah crab caught under the Jonah Crab Incidental Commercial Permit unless the
weight of the target species on board the vessel is greater than the weight of
the Jonah Crab in that individual's possession.
C. B. It shall be unlawful for any person
individual to take, catch, possess, or land any Jonah crab in excess of
the amounts listed in subsection B subdivision A 2 of this
section, unless that person has obtained individual possesses a
Limited Entry Jonah Crab Fishery Permit from the Marine Resources
Commission. Permits shall only be issued to a Virginia registered commercial
fisherman or a Virginia seafood landing licensee who is a legal federal lobster
permittee and has at least one pound of documented landings of Jonah crab prior
to June 2, 2015, in the Marine Resources Commission's mandatory harvest
reporting system. Federal dealer reports to the Standard Atlantic Fisheries
Information System can satisfy the one pound harvest requirement. There is no
landing limit for any person that possesses a Jonah Crab Limited Entry Fishery
1. Such permits shall only be issued to an individual who
possesses (i) a valid a federal lobster permit and (ii) either a Commercial
Fisherman Registration License or a Seafood Landing License.
2. Individuals shall have at least one pound of landings of
Jonah crab prior to June 2, 2015, recorded in the Marine Resources Commission's
mandatory harvest reporting system or in federal dealer reports to the Standard
Atlantic Fisheries Information System.
3. There shall be no landing limit of Jonah crabs for any
individual who possesses a Jonah Crab Limited Entry Fishery Permit.
D. C. It shall be unlawful for any person
individual to take, catch, possess, or land any Jonah crab claws without
first having obtained unless that individual possesses a Limited
Entry Jonah Crab Claw Fishery Permit from the Marine Resources Commission.
Permits shall only be issued to a Virginia registered commercial fisherman who
is a legal federal lobster permittee and who has at least one pound of
documented claw landings, prior to June 2, 2015, in the Marine Resources
Commission's mandatory harvest reporting system. Federal dealer reports to the
Standard Atlantic Fisheries Information System can satisfy the one-pound
harvest requirement.
1. Such permits shall only be issued to an individual who
possesses (i) a valid a federal lobster permit and (ii) either a Commercial
Fisherman Registration License or a Seafood Landing License.
2. Individuals shall have at least one pound of claw
landings prior to June 2, 2015, recorded in the Marine Resources Commission's
mandatory harvest reporting system or in federal dealer reports to the Standard
Atlantic Fisheries Information System.
3. There shall be no landing limit of Jonah crab claws for
any individual who possesses a Limited Entry Jonah Crab Claw Fishery Permit.
E. D. Any Virginia licensed seafood buyer who
purchases any whole Jonah crab or its claws shall provide reports to the
commission of daily purchases and harvest information, organized by month. Such
information shall include: (i) the date of the purchase, (ii)
the harvester's commercial fisherman registration license number or Virginia
seafood landing license number, (iii) the gear type, (iv) water
area fished, (v) city or county of landing, (vi) total amount of
pounds landed, and (vii) the price per pound. These reports shall be
completed in full and submitted to the commission no later than the 15th day of
January for the prior year's purchases. Federal dealer reports to the Standard
Atlantic Fisheries Information System can shall satisfy the
reporting requirements.
4VAC20-1310-50. Daily recreational harvest and possession
It shall be unlawful for any person individual
fishing recreationally to possess more than 50 Jonah crabs per person individual
per day.
VA.R. Doc. No. R20-6324; Filed February 25, 2020, 2:54 p.m.
Forms used in administering the regulation have been filed by the agency. The
forms are not being published; however, online users of this issue of the
Virginia Register of Regulations may click on the name of a form with a
hyperlink to access it. The forms are also available from the agency contact or
may be viewed at the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, 900 East Main
Street, 11th Floor, Richmond, Virginia 23219.
Title of Regulation: 12VAC5-421. Food Regulations.
Contact Information: Kristin Marie Clay, Senior Policy
Analyst, Office of Environmental Health Services, Virginia Department of
Health, 109 Governor Street, 5th Floor, Richmond, VA 23219, telephone (804)
864-7474, or email kristin.clay@vdh.virginia.gov.
FORMS (12VAC5-421)
Food Establishment Inspection Report Form - Cover
Page (rev. 1/2019)
Food Establishment Inspection Report Form - Narrative
(rev. 9/2017)
Establishment Inspection Report Form - Narrative (rev. 2/2020)
Food Establishment Inspection Report Form -
Narrative with Temperatures (rev. 9/2017)
VA.R. Doc. No. R20-6316; Filed February 21, 2020, 4:32 p.m.
Final Regulation
Virginia Board for Asbestos, Lead, and Home Inspectors is claiming an exemption
from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act in accordance with
§ 2.2-4006 A 4 a of the Code of Virginia, which excludes regulations that
are necessary to conform to changes in Virginia statutory law where no agency
discretion is involved. The Virginia Board for Asbestos, Lead, and Home
Inspectors will receive, consider, and respond to petitions by any interested
person at any time with respect to reconsideration or revision.
Title of Regulation: 18VAC15-20. Virginia Asbestos
Licensing Regulations (amending 18VAC15-20-33).
Statutory Authority: § 54.1-501 of the Code of Virginia.
Effective Date: May 1, 2020.
Agency Contact: Trisha Henshaw, Executive Director,
Virginia Board for Asbestos, Lead, and Home Inspectors, 9960 Mayland Drive,
Suite 400, Richmond, VA 23233, telephone (804) 367-8595, FAX (866) 350-5354, or
email alhi@dpor.virginia.gov.
The amendment removes the requirement regarding registering
a trade or fictitious name with the clerk of court in the locality where the
business is conducted to conform the regulation to Chapter 594 of the 2017 Acts
of Assembly, which became effective January 1, 2020.
18VAC15-20-33. General qualifications for licensure: firms.
A. Each firm applying for a license shall meet the
requirements of this section.
B. The applicant shall disclose the name under which the
business entity conducts business and holds itself out to the public. The firm
shall register trade or fictitious names, when applicable, with the State
Corporation Commission or the clerk of the circuit court in the locality
where the business is to be conducted in accordance with Chapter 5 (§
59.1-69 et seq.) of Title 59.1 of the Code of Virginia before submitting an
application to the board.
C. The applicant shall disclose the firm's mailing address
and the firm's physical address. A post office box is only acceptable as a
mailing address when a physical address is also provided.
D. Applicants shall meet the additional requirements listed
in this subsection for the firm's form of organization:
1. Corporations. Applicants shall have been incorporated in
the Commonwealth of Virginia or, if a foreign corporation, shall have obtained
a certificate of authority to conduct business in Virginia from the State
Corporation Commission in accordance with requirements governing corporations
pursuant to Title 13.1 of the Code of Virginia. Corporations shall be in good
standing with the State Corporation Commission at the time of application to
the board and at all times when the license is in effect.
2. Limited liability companies. Applicants shall have obtained
a certificate of organization in the Commonwealth of Virginia or, if a foreign
limited liability company, shall have obtained a certificate of registration to
do business in Virginia from the State Corporation Commission in accordance
with requirements governing limited liability companies pursuant to Title 13.1
of the Code of Virginia. Companies shall be in good standing with the State
Corporation Commission at the time of application to the board and at all times
when the license is in effect.
3. Partnerships. Applicants shall have a written partnership
agreement. The partnership agreement shall state that asbestos abatement
services of the partnership shall be under the direction and control of the
appropriate asbestos abatement licensee.
E. In accordance with § 54.1-204 of the Code of Virginia, the
applicant shall disclose the following information about the firm and its
owners, officers, managers, members, and directors, as applicable:
1. All felony convictions;
2. All misdemeanor convictions involving lying, cheating, or
stealing; and
3. Any conviction resulting from engaging in environmental
remediation activity that resulted in the significant harm or the imminent and
substantial threat of significant harm to human health or the environment.
Any plea of nolo contendre or finding of guilt, regardless of
adjudication or deferred adjudication, shall be considered a conviction for the
purposes of this section. The board, at its discretion, may deny licensure to
any applicant in accordance with § 54.1-204 of the Code of Virginia. The
applicant has the right to request further review of any such action by the
board under the Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq. of the Code
of Virginia).
F. The applicant shall report (i) the suspension, revocation,
or surrender of a license, certification, or registration in connection with a
disciplinary action by any jurisdiction and (ii) whether the firm, owners,
officers, managers, members, or directors have been the subject of discipline
in any jurisdiction prior to applying for licensure and while the application
is under review by the board. The board, at its discretion, may deny licensure
to an applicant based on disciplinary action by any jurisdiction.
G. The board may deny the application of an applicant who is
shown to have a substantial identity of interest with a person whose license or
certificate has been revoked or not renewed by the board. A substantial
identity of interest includes (i) a controlling financial interest by the
individual or corporate principals of the person whose license or certificate
has been revoked or has not been renewed or (ii) substantially identical
owners, officers, managers, members, or directors, as applicable.
H. An applicant shall not knowingly make a materially false
statement, submit falsified documents, or fail to disclose a material fact
requested in connection with an application submitted to the board.
NOTICE: Forms used in
administering the regulation have been filed by the agency. The forms are not
being published; however, online users of this issue of the Virginia Register
of Regulations may click on the name of a form with a hyperlink to access it.
The forms are also available from the agency contact or may be viewed at the Office
of the Registrar of Regulations, 900 East Main Street, 11th Floor, Richmond,
Virginia 23219.
FORMS (18VAC15-20)
Asbestos Worker License Application,
A506-3301LIC-v4 (rev. 8/2015)
Asbestos Supervisor License Application,
A506-3302LIC-v4 (rev. 8/2015)
Asbestos Inspector License Application,
A506-3303LIC-v5 (rev. 8/2015)
Asbestos Management Planner License Application,
A506-3304LIC-v4 (rev. 8/2015)
Asbestos Project Designer License Application,
A506-3305LIC-v4 (rev. 8/2015)
Asbestos Project Monitor License Application,
A506-3309LIC-v5 (rev. 8/2015)
Individual - Asbestos License Renewal Form,
A506-33AREN-v5 (rev. 2/2020)
Asbestos Analytical Laboratory License
Renewal/Branch Office Renewal Form, A506-3333_34REN-v5 (rev. 2/2020)
Contractor - Asbestos & Lead License Renewal
Form, A506-33CONREN-v6 (rev. 2/2020)
Asbestos - Experience Verification Application,
A506-33AEXP-v5 (rev. 3/2019)
Asbestos - Education Verification Application,
A506-33AED-v3 (rev. 8/2015)
Virginia Asbestos Licensing Consumer Information
Sheet, A506-33ACIS-v2 (rev. 8/2013)
Inspector/Project Designer/Contractor Disclosure
Form, A506-33DIS-v2 (rev. 8/2013)
Asbestos Contractor License Application, A506-3306LIC-v5
(rev. 9/2019)
Asbestos Analytical Laboratory License Application,
A506-3333LIC-v7 (rev. 9/2019)
Contractor License Application, A506-3306LIC-v6 (rev. 3/2020)
Analytical Laboratory License Application, A506-3333LIC-v8 (rev. 3/2020)
Asbestos Analytical Laboratory - Branch Office
Application, A506-3333BR-v1 (rev. 9/2019)
Change of Laboratory Analysis Type Form,
A506-3333COA-v1 (rev. 9/2019)
Asbestos Training Program Review and Audit Application,
A506-3331ACRS-v4 (rev. 8/2015)
Training Program Review and Audit Application, A506-3331ACRS-v5 (rev. 3/2020)
Asbestos Project Monitor - Work Experience Log,
A506-3309EXP-v3 (rev. 8/2015)
VA.R. Doc. No. R20-6284; Filed February 25, 2020, 2:48 p.m.
Final Regulation
Virginia Board for Asbestos, Lead, and Home Inspectors is claiming an exemption
from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act in accordance with
§ 2.2-4006 A 4 a of the Code of Virginia, which excludes regulations that
are necessary to conform to changes in Virginia statutory law where no agency
discretion is involved. The Virginia Board for Asbestos, Lead, and Home
Inspectors will receive, consider, and respond to petitions by any interested
person at any time with respect to reconsideration or revision.
Title of Regulation: 18VAC15-30. Virginia Lead-Based
Paint Activities Regulations (amending 18VAC15-30-53).
Statutory Authority: § 54.1-501 of the Code of Virginia.
Effective Date: May 1, 2020.
Agency Contact: Trisha Henshaw, Executive Director,
Virginia Board for Asbestos, Lead, and Home Inspectors, 9960 Mayland Drive,
Suite 400, Richmond, VA 23233, telephone (804) 367-8595, FAX (866) 350-5354, or
email alhi@dpor.virginia.gov.
The amendment removes the requirement regarding registering
a trade or fictitious name with the clerk of court in the locality where the
business is conducted to conform the regulation to Chapter 594 of the 2017 Acts
of Assembly, which became effective January 1, 2020.
18VAC15-30-53. Qualifications for licensure - business
A. General. Every business entity shall secure a license
before transacting business.
B. Name. The business name shall be disclosed on the
application. The name under which the entity conducts business and holds itself
out to the public (i.e., the trade or fictitious name) shall also be disclosed
on the application. Business entities shall register their trade or fictitious
names with the State Corporation Commission or the clerk of court in the
county or jurisdiction where the business is to be conducted in accordance
with §§ 59.1-69 through 59.1-76 Chapter 5 (§ 59.1-69 et seq.) of
Title 59.1 of the Code of Virginia before submitting their application
applications to the board.
C. Address. The applicant shall disclose the firm's mailing
address and the firm's physical address. A post office box is only acceptable
as a mailing address when a physical address is also provided.
D. Form of organization. Applicants shall meet the additional
requirements listed below for their business type:
1. Corporations. All applicants shall have been incorporated
in the Commonwealth of Virginia or, if a foreign corporation, shall have
obtained a certificate of authority to conduct business in Virginia from the
State Corporation Commission in accordance with § 13.1-544.2 of the Code
of Virginia. The corporation shall be in good standing with the State
Corporation Commission at the time of application to the board and at all times
when the license is in effect.
2. Limited liability companies. All applicants shall have
obtained a certificate of organization in the Commonwealth of Virginia or, if a
foreign limited liability company, shall have obtained a certificate of
registration to do business in Virginia from the State Corporation Commission
in accordance with § 13.1-1105 of the Code of Virginia. The company shall be in
good standing with the State Corporation Commission at the time of application
to the board and at all times when the license is in effect.
3. Partnerships. All applicants shall have a written
partnership agreement. The partnership agreement shall state that all
professional services of the partnership shall be under the direction and
control of a licensed or certified professional.
4. Sole proprietorships. Sole proprietorships desiring to use
an assumed or fictitious name, that is a name other than the individual's full
name, shall have their assumed or fictitious name recorded by the clerk of the
court of the county or jurisdiction wherein the business is to be conducted.
E. Qualifications.
1. Lead contractor. Each applicant for lead contractor
licensure shall:
a. Hold a valid Virginia contractor license with a lead
specialty issued by the Virginia Board for Contractors and comply with the provisions
of Chapter 11 (§ 54.1-1100 et seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia
governing the regulation of contractors.
b. Certify that:
(1) Only properly licensed lead abatement supervisors and
workers will be employed to conduct lead-based paint activities;
(2) A licensed lead abatement supervisor is present at each
job site during all work site preparation and during post-abatement cleanup,
and shall be on site or available by telephone, pager, or answering
service and able to be present at the work site in no more than two hours when
abatement activities are being conducted;
(3) The standards for conducting lead-based paint activities
established in this chapter and standards established by the EPA and
OSHA shall be followed at all times during the conduct of lead-based paint
activities; and
(4) The company is in compliance with all other occupational
and professional licenses and standards as required by Virginia statute and
local ordinance to transact the business of a lead abatement contractor.
F. Conviction or guilt. Neither the firm nor the owners,
officers, or directors shall have been convicted or found guilty,
regardless of adjudication, in any jurisdiction of any felony or of any
misdemeanor involving lying, cheating, or stealing or of any violation
while engaged in environmental remediation activity that resulted in the
significant harm or the imminent and substantial threat of significant harm to
human health or the environment, there being no appeal pending therefrom or the
time of appeal having lapsed. Any plea of nolo contendre shall be considered a
conviction for the purposes of this section. A certified copy of the final
order, decree, or case decision by a court or regulatory agency with
lawful authority to issue such order, decree, or case decision shall be
admissible as prima facie evidence of such conviction or discipline. The board,
at its discretion, may deny licensure to any applicant in accordance with § 54.1-204
of the Code of Virginia.
G. Standards of conduct and practice. Applicants shall be in
compliance with the standards of conduct and practice set forth in Part VIII
(18VAC15-30-510 et seq.) and Part IX (18VAC15-30-760 et seq.) of this chapter
at the time of application to the board, while the application is under review
by the board, and at all times when the license is in effect.
H. Standing. Both the firm and the owners, officers,
and directors shall be in good standing in every jurisdiction where licensed,
and the applicant shall not have had a license that was suspended, revoked,
or surrendered in connection with any disciplinary action in any jurisdiction
prior to applying for licensure in Virginia. The board, at its discretion, may
deny licensure to any applicant based on disciplinary action by any
I. Denial of license. The board may refuse to issue a license
to any lead contractor applicant if the applicant or its owners, officers,
or directors have a financial interest in a lead contractor whose lead license
has been revoked, suspended or denied renewal in any jurisdiction.
NOTICE: Forms used in
administering the regulation have been filed by the agency. The forms are not
being published; however, online users of this issue of the Virginia Register
of Regulations may click on the name of a form with a hyperlink to access it.
The forms are also available from the agency contact or may be viewed at the
Office of the Registrar of Regulations, 900 East Main Street, 11th Floor,
Richmond, Virginia 23219.
FORMS (18VAC15-30)
Lead Abatement Worker License Application,
A506-3351LIC-v3 (eff. 8/2015)
Lead Abatement Supervisor License Application,
A506-3353LIC-v4 (eff. 8/2015)
Lead Abatement Inspector License Application,
A506-3355LIC-v3 (eff. 8/2015)
Lead Abatement Risk Assessor License Application,
A506-3356LIC-v5 (eff. 8/2015)
Lead Abatement Project Designer License
Application, A506-3357LIC-v3 (eff. 8/2015)
Lead Abatement Contractor License Application,
A506-3358LIC-v3 (eff. 8/2015)
Abatement Contractor License Application, A506-3358LIC-v4 (eff. 3/2020)
Contractor - Asbestos & Lead License Renewal
Form, A506-33CONREN-v6 (rev. 2/2020)
Individual - Lead License Renewal Form,
A506-33LREN-v4 (rev. 2/2020)
Lead - Education Verification Application,
A506-33LED-v3 (rev. 8/2015)
Lead - Experience Verification Application,
A506-33LEXP-v3 (rev. 8/2015)
Lead Training Course Application, 3331LCRS-v4 (eff.
Training Course Application, 3331LCRS-v5 (eff. 3/2020)
Inspector/Risk Assessor/Project
Designer/Contractor Disclosure Form, A506-33LDIS-v2 (eff. 8/2013)
Virginia Lead Licensing Consumer Information
Sheet, A506-33LCIS-v2 (eff. 8/2013)
VA.R. Doc. No. R20-6287; Filed February 25, 2020, 2:55 p.m.
Forms used in administering the regulation have been filed by the agency. The
forms are not being published; however, online users of this issue of the
Virginia Register of Regulations may click on the name of a form with a
hyperlink to access it. The forms are also available from the agency contact or
may be viewed at the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, 900 East Main
Street, 11th Floor, Richmond, Virginia 23219.
Title of Regulation: 18VAC15-40. Home Inspector
Licensing Regulations.
Contact Information: Joseph C. Haughwout, Jr.,
Regulatory Administrator, Department of Professional and Occupational
Regulation, Perimeter Center, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400, Richmond, VA 23233,
telephone (804) 367-2684, or email joseph.haughwout@dpor.virginia.gov.
FORMS (18VAC15-40)
Home Inspector License Application,
A506-3380LIC-v3 (eff. 9/2017)
Home Inspector NRS Specialty Designation
Application, A506-3380NRS-v1 (eff. 7/2017)
Home Inspector Experience Verification Form,
A506-3380EXP-v7 (eff. 9/2017)
Home Inspectors – Inspection Log, A506-3380ILOG-v1
(eff. 9/2017)
Home Inspector Reinstatement Application,
A506-3380REI-v3 (eff. 2/2020)
Home Inspector - Course Approval Application, Prelicense
Education Course/NRS Training Module/NRS CPE, A506-3331HICRS-v2 (eff. 8/2019)
Inspector - Course Approval Application, Prelicense Education Course/NRS
Training Module/NRS CPE, A506-3331HICRS-v3 (eff. 3/2020)
VA.R. Doc. No. R20-6313; Filed February 21, 2020, 8:51 a.m.
Final Regulation
Cemetery Board is claiming an exemption from Article 2 of the Administrative
Process Act in accordance with § 2.2-4006 A 6 of the Code of Virginia,
which excludes regulations of the regulatory boards served by the Department of
Professional and Occupational Regulation pursuant to Title 54.1 of the Code of
Virginia that are limited to reducing fees charged to regulants and applicants.
The Cemetery Board will receive, consider, and respond to petitions by any
interested person at any time with respect to reconsideration or revision.
Title of Regulation: 18VAC47-20. Cemetery Board Rules
and Regulations (amending 18VAC47-20-140).
Statutory Authority: §§ 54.1-201 and 54.1-2313 of the
Code of Virginia.
Effective Date: May 1, 2020.
Agency Contact: Christine Martine, Executive Director,
Cemetery Board, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400, Richmond, VA 23233, telephone
(804) 367-8552, FAX (804) 527-4299, or email cemetery@dpor.virginia.gov.
The amendments reduce renewal fees for cemetery company
licenses and sales personnel registrations that expire after May 1, 2020, and
before May 1, 2022, to conform with § 54.1-113 of the Code of Virginia.
18VAC47-20-140. Renewal and reinstatement fees.
A. All fees required by the
board are nonrefundable. The date on which the fee is received by the
department or its agent shall determine whether the licensee or registrant is
eligible for renewal or reinstatement or must reapply as a new applicant.
Renewal of cemetery company
$580 per cemetery
Renewal of sales personnel
$60 per cemetery
Reinstatement of cemetery
company license
$580 per cemetery
Reinstatement of sales
personnel registration
$60 per cemetery
B. For licenses and registrations expiring on May 31, 2018
2020, and before May 1, 2020 2022, the renewal fees are as
Renewal of cemetery company
$250 $300 per cemetery
Renewal of sales personnel
$40 per cemetery
VA.R. Doc. No. R20-6318; Filed February 24, 2020, 4:23 p.m.
Final Regulation
following regulatory action is exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative
Process Act in accordance with § 2.2-4006 A 4 c of the Code of Virginia,
which excludes regulations that are necessary to meet the requirements of
federal law or regulations, provided such regulations do not differ materially
from those required by federal law or regulation. The Real Estate Appraiser Board
will receive, consider, and respond to petitions by any interested person at
any time with respect to reconsideration or revision.
Title of Regulation: 18VAC130-20. Real Estate
Appraiser Board Rules and Regulations (amending 18VAC130-20-10).
Statutory Authority: § 54.1-2013 of the Code of
Effective Date: May 1, 2020.
Agency Contact: Christine Martine, Executive Director,
Real Estate Appraiser Board, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400, Richmond, VA 23233,
telephone (804) 367-8552, FAX (804) 527-4298, or email reappraisers@dpor.virginia.gov.
Background: Section 1110 of Title XI of the Financial
Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989 (12 USC § 3339)
requires that real estate appraisals be performed in accordance with and
reviewed for compliance with generally accepted standards as evidenced by the
appraisal standards promulgated by the Appraisal Standards Board (ASB) of the
Appraisal Foundation, which are known as the Uniform Standards of Professional
Appraisal Practice (USPAP). The ASB updates USPAP every two years and has
issued the 2020-2021 edition, which is effective from January 1, 2020, through
December 31, 2021.
The amendments update the edition of the Uniform Standards
of Professional Appraisal Practice in the definition of "USPAP" and
as incorporated by reference.
Part I
18VAC130-20-10. Definitions.
The following words and terms when used in this chapter,
unless a different meaning is provided or is plainly required by the context,
shall have the following meanings:
"Accredited colleges, universities, junior and community
colleges" means those accredited institutions of higher learning approved
by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia or listed in the Transfer
Credit Practices of Designated Educational Institutions, published by the
American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers or a
recognized international equivalent.
"Adult distributive or marketing education
programs" means those programs offered at schools approved by the Virginia
Department of Education or any other local, state, or federal government
agency, board or commission to teach adult education or marketing courses.
"Analysis" means a study of real estate or real
property other than the estimation of value.
"Appraisal Foundation" means the foundation
incorporated as an Illinois Not for Profit Corporation on November 30, 1987, to
establish and improve uniform appraisal standards by defining, issuing, and
promoting such standards.
"Appraisal subcommittee" means the designees of the
heads of the federal financial institutions regulatory agencies established by
the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council Act of 1978 (12 USC §
3301 et seq.), as amended.
"Appraiser" means an individual who is expected to
perform valuation services competently and in a manner that is independent,
impartial, and objective.
"Appraiser classification" means any category of
appraiser, which the board creates by designating criteria for qualification
for such category and by designating the scope of practice permitted for such
"Appraiser Qualifications Board" means the board
created by the Appraisal Foundation to establish appropriate criteria for the
certification and recertification of qualified appraisers by defining, issuing,
and promoting such qualification criteria; to disseminate such qualification criteria
to states, governmental entities, and others; and to develop or assist in the
development of appropriate examinations for qualified appraisers.
"Appraiser trainee" means an individual who is
licensed as an appraiser trainee to appraise those properties that the
supervising appraiser is permitted to appraise.
"Business entity" means any corporation,
partnership, association, or other business entity under which appraisal
services are performed.
"Certified general real estate appraiser" means an
individual who meets the requirements for licensure that relate to the
appraisal of all types of real estate and real property and is licensed as a
certified general real estate appraiser.
"Certified instructor" means an individual holding
an instructor certificate issued by the Real Estate Appraiser Board to act as
an instructor.
"Certified residential real estate appraiser" means
an individual who meets the requirements for licensure for the appraisal of or
the review appraisal of any residential real estate or real property of one to
four residential units regardless of transaction value or complexity. Certified
residential real estate appraisers may also appraise or provide a review
appraisal of nonresidential properties with a transaction value or market value
as defined by the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice up to
$250,000, whichever is the lesser.
"Classroom hour" means 50 minutes out of each
60-minute segment. The prescribed number of classroom hours includes time
devoted to tests which are considered to be part of the course.
"Distance education" means an educational process
based on the geographical separation of provider and student (i.e., CD-ROM,
online learning, correspondence courses, etc.).
"Experience" as used in this chapter includes
experience gained in the performance of traditional appraisal assignments, or
in the performance of the following: fee and staff appraisals, ad valorem tax
appraisal, review appraisal, appraisal analysis, real estate consulting,
highest and best use analysis, and feasibility analysis or study.
For the purpose of this chapter, experience has been divided
into four major categories: (i) fee and staff appraisal, (ii) ad valorem tax
appraisal, (iii) review appraisal, and (iv) real estate consulting.
1. "Fee and staff appraiser experience" means
experience acquired as a sole appraiser, as a cosigner, or through disclosure
of assistance in the certification in accordance with the Uniform Standards of
Professional Appraisal Practice.
Sole appraiser experience is experience obtained by an
individual who makes personal inspections of real estate, assembles and
analyzes the relevant facts, and by the use of reason and the exercise of
judgment forms objective opinions and prepares reports as to the market value
or other properly defined value of identified interests in said real estate.
Cosigner appraiser experience is experience obtained by an
individual who signs an appraisal report prepared by another, thereby accepting
full responsibility for the content and conclusions of the appraisal.
To qualify for fee and staff appraiser experience, an
individual must have prepared written appraisal reports after January 30, 1989,
that comply with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice in
the edition in effect at the time of the reports' preparation, including
Standards 1 and 2.
2. "Ad valorem tax appraisal experience" means
experience obtained by an individual who assembles and analyzes the relevant
facts and who correctly employs those recognized methods and techniques that
are necessary to produce and communicate credible appraisals within the context
of the real property tax laws. Ad valorem tax appraisal experience may be
obtained either through individual property appraisals or through mass
appraisals as long as applicants under this category of experience can
demonstrate that they are using techniques to value real property similar to
those being used by fee and staff appraisers and that they are effectively
utilizing the appraisal process.
To qualify for ad valorem tax appraisal experience for
individual property appraisals, an individual must have prepared written
appraisal reports after January 30, 1989, that comply with the Uniform
Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice in the edition in effect at the
time of the reports' preparation.
To qualify for ad valorem tax appraisal experience for mass
appraisals, an individual must have prepared mass appraisals or have documented
mass appraisal reports after January 30, 1989, that comply with the Uniform
Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice in the edition in effect at the
time of the reports' preparation, including Standard 6.
In addition to the preceding, to qualify for ad valorem tax
appraisal experience, the applicant's experience log must be attested to by the
applicant's supervisor.
3. "Reviewer experience" means experience obtained
by an individual who examines the reports of appraisers to determine whether
their conclusions are consistent with the data reported and other generally
known information. An individual acting in the capacity of a reviewer does not
necessarily make personal inspection of real estate but does review and analyze
relevant facts assembled by fee and staff appraisers and by the use of reason
and exercise of judgment forms objective conclusions as to the validity of fee
and staff appraisers' opinions. Reviewer experience shall not constitute more
than 1,000 hours of total experience claimed, and at least 50% of the review
experience claimed must be in field review wherein the individual has
personally inspected the real property which is the subject of the review.
To qualify for reviewer experience, an individual must have
prepared written reports after January 30, 1989, recommending the acceptance,
revision, or rejection of the fee and staff appraiser's opinions that comply
with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice in the edition in
effect at the time of the reports' preparation, including Standard 3.
Signing as "Review Appraiser" on an appraisal report
prepared by another will not qualify an individual for experience in the
reviewer category. Experience gained in this capacity will be considered under
the cosigner subcategory of fee and staff appraiser experience.
4. "Real estate consulting experience" means
experience obtained by an individual who assembles and analyzes the relevant
facts and by the use of reason and the exercise of judgment forms objective
opinions concerning matters other than value estimates relating to real
property. Real estate consulting experience includes the following:
Absorption Study
Ad Valorem Tax Study
Annexation Study
Assemblage Study
Assessment Study
Condominium Conversion Study
Cost-Benefit Study
Cross Impact Study
Depreciation/Cost Study
Distressed Property Study
Economic Base Analysis
Economic Impact Study
Economic Structure Analysis
Eminent Domain Study
Feasibility Study
Highest and Best Use Study
Impact Zone Study
Investment Analysis Study
Investment Strategy Study
Land Development Study
Land Suitability Study
Land Use Study
Location Analysis Study
Market Analysis Study
Market Strategy Study
Market Turning Point Analysis
Marketability Study
Portfolio Study
Rehabilitation Study
Remodeling Study
Rental Market Study
Right of Way Study
Site Analysis Study
Utilization Study
Urban Renewal Study
Zoning Study
To qualify for real estate consulting experience, an
individual must have prepared written reports after January 30, 1989, that
comply with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice in the
edition in effect at the time of the reports' preparation, including Standards
4 and 5. Real estate consulting shall not constitute more than 500 hours of
experience for any type of appraisal license.
"Inactive license" means a license that has been
renewed without meeting the continuing education requirements specified in this
chapter. Inactive licenses do not meet the requirements set forth in
§ 54.1-2011 of the Code of Virginia.
"Licensed residential real estate appraiser" means
an individual who meets the requirements for licensure for the appraisal of or
the review appraisal of any noncomplex, residential real estate or real
property of one to four residential units, including federally related
transactions, where the transaction value or market value as defined by the Uniform
Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice is less than $1 million. Licensed
residential real estate appraisers may also appraise or provide a review
appraisal of noncomplex, nonresidential properties with a transaction value or
market value as defined by the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal
Practice up to $250,000, whichever is the lesser.
"Licensee" means any individual holding an active
license issued by the Real Estate Appraiser Board to act as a certified general
real estate appraiser, certified residential real estate appraiser, licensed
residential real estate appraiser, or appraiser trainee as defined,
respectively, in § 54.1-2009 of the Code of Virginia and in this chapter.
"Local, state or federal government agency, board or commission"
means an entity established by any local, federal, or state government
to protect or promote the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens.
"Proprietary school" means a privately owned school
offering appraisal or appraisal related courses approved by the board.
"Provider" means accredited colleges, universities,
junior and community colleges; adult distributive or marketing education
programs; local, state or federal government agencies, boards or commissions;
proprietary schools; or real estate appraisal or real estate related
"Real estate appraisal activity" means the act or
process of valuation of real property or preparing an appraisal report.
"Real estate appraisal" or "real estate
related organization" means any appraisal or real estate related
organization formulated on a national level, where its membership extends to
more than one state or territory of the United States.
"Reciprocity agreement" means a conditional
agreement between two or more states that will recognize one another's
regulations and laws for equal privileges for mutual benefit.
"Registrant" means any corporation, partnership,
association, or other business entity that provides appraisal services and that
is registered with the Real Estate Appraiser Board in accordance with
§ 54.1-2011 E of the Code of Virginia.
"Reinstatement" means having a license or
registration restored to effectiveness after the expiration date has passed.
"Renewal" means continuing the effectiveness of a
license or registration for another period of time.
"Sole proprietor" means any individual, but not a
corporation, partnership, or association, who is trading under his own name, or
under an assumed or fictitious name pursuant to the provisions of
§§ 59.1-69 through 59.1-76 of the Code of Virginia.
"Substantially equivalent" means any educational
course or seminar, experience, or examination taken in this or another
jurisdiction which that is equivalent in classroom hours, course
content and subject, and degree of difficulty, respectively, to those
requirements outlined in this chapter and Chapter 20.1 (§ 54.1-2009 et
seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia for licensure and renewal.
"Supervising appraiser" means any individual
holding a license issued by the Real Estate Appraiser Board to act as a
certified general real estate appraiser or certified residential real estate
appraiser who supervises any unlicensed individual acting as a real estate
appraiser or an appraiser trainee as specified in this chapter.
"Transaction value" means the monetary amount of a
transaction which that may require the services of a certified or
licensed appraiser for completion. The transaction value is not always equal to
the market value of the real property interest involved. For loans or other
extensions of credit, the transaction value equals the amount of the loan or
other extensions of credit. For sales, leases, purchases, and
investments in or exchanges of real property, the transaction value is the
market value of the real property interest involved. For the pooling of loans
or interests in real property for resale or purchase, the transaction value is
the amount of the loan or the market value of real property calculated with
respect to each such loan or interest in real property.
"Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal
Practice" means the 2018-2019 2020-2021 edition
of those standards promulgated by the Appraisal Standards Board of the Appraisal
Foundation for use by all appraisers in the preparation of appraisal reports.
"Valuation" means an estimate or opinion of the
value of real property.
"Valuation assignment" means an engagement for
which an appraiser is employed or retained to give an analysis, opinion,
or conclusion that results in an estimate or opinion of the value of an
identified parcel of real property as of a specified date.
"Waiver" means the voluntary, intentional
relinquishment of a known right.
Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice, 2018-2019
Edition, Appraisal Standards Board, The Appraisal Foundation
Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice, 2020-2021 Edition,
Appraisal Standards Board, The Appraisal Foundation
VA.R. Doc. No. R20-6319; Filed February 24, 2020, 5:19 p.m.
Final Regulation
REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: The Real Estate Appraiser Board is claiming an exemption from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act in accordance with § 2.2-4006 A 4 a of the Code of Virginia, which excludes regulations that are necessary to conform to changes in Virginia statutory law or the appropriation act where no agency discretion is involved. The Real Estate Appraiser Board will receive, consider, and respond to petitions by any interested person at any time with respect to reconsideration or revision.
Title of Regulation: 18VAC130-20. Real Estate Appraiser Board Rules and Regulations (amending 18VAC130-20-20, 18VAC130-20-180).
Statutory Authority: §§ 54.1-201 and 54.1-2013 of the Code of Virginia.
Effective Date: May 1, 2020.
Agency Contact: Christine Martine, Executive Director, Real Estate Appraiser Board, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400, Richmond, VA 23233, telephone (804) 367-8552, FAX (804) 527-4298, or email reappraisers@dpor.virginia.gov.
The amendment removes the requirement regarding registering a trade or fictitious name with the clerk of court in the locality where the business is conducted to conform the regulation to Chapter 594 of the 2017 Acts of Assembly, which became effective January 1, 2020.
18VAC130-20-20. Requirement for registration.
All business entities, both domestic (in-state) and foreign (out-of-state), providing appraisal services shall register with the board by completing an application furnished by the board describing the location, nature, and operation of their practices, and the name and address of the registered agent, an associate, or a partner of the business entity. Along with a completed application form, domestic corporations and limited liability companies shall provide a copy of the certificate as issued by the State Corporation Commission; foreign (out-of-state) corporations and limited liability companies shall provide a copy of the certificate from the State Corporation Commission; partnerships shall provide a copy of the certified Partnership Certificate; and other business entities trading under a fictitious name shall provide a copy of the certificate filed with the clerk of the court where business is to be conducted be authorized to conduct business in accordance with Chapter 5 (§ 59.1-69 et seq.) of Title 59.1 of the Code of Virginia. Every business entity providing appraisal services shall provide the name and license number of a board licensee who shall serve as the contact person for the board.
18VAC130-20-180. Standards of professional practice.
A. The provisions of subsections C through L of this section shall not apply to local, state, and federal employees performing in their official capacity.
B. Maintenance of licenses. The board shall not be responsible for the failure of a licensee, registrant, or certificate holder to receive notices, communications, and correspondence.
1. Change of address.
a. All licensed real estate appraisers, appraiser trainees, and certified instructors shall at all times keep the board informed in writing of their current home address and shall report any change of address to the board within 30 days of such change.
b. Registered real estate appraisal business entities shall at all times keep the board informed in writing of their current business address and shall report any change of address to the board within 30 days of such change.
2. Change of name.
a. All real estate appraisers, appraiser trainees, and certified instructors shall promptly notify the board in writing and provide appropriate written legal verification of any change of name.
b. Registered real estate appraisal business entities shall promptly notify the board of any change of name or change of business structure in writing. In addition to written notification, corporations shall provide a copy of the Certificate of Amendment from the State Corporation Commission, partnerships shall provide a copy of a certified Partnership Certificate, and other business entities trading under a fictitious name shall provide a copy of the certificate filed with the clerk of the court where business is to be conducted be authorized to conduct business in accordance with Chapter 5 (§ 59.1-69 et seq.) of Title 59.1 of the Code of Virginia.
3. Upon the change of name or address of the registered agent, associate, or partner, or sole proprietor designated by a real estate appraisal business entity, the business entity shall notify the board in writing of the change within 30 days of such event.
4. No license, certification, or registration issued by the board shall be assigned or otherwise transferred.
5. All licensees, certificate holders, and registrants shall operate under the name in which the license or registration is issued.
6. All certificates of licensure, registration, or certification in any form are the property of the Real Estate Appraiser Board. Upon death of a licensee, dissolution or restructure of a registered business entity, or change of a licensee's, registrant's, or certificate holder's name or address, such licenses, registrations, or certificates must be returned with proper instructions and supplemental material to the board within 30 days of such event.
7. All appraiser licenses issued by the board shall be visibly displayed.
C. Use of signature and electronic transmission of report.
1. The signing of an appraisal report or the transmittal of a report electronically shall indicate that the licensee has exercised complete direction and control over the appraisal. Therefore, no licensee shall sign or electronically transmit an appraisal which that has been prepared by an unlicensed person unless such work was performed under the direction and supervision of the licensee in accordance with § 54.1-2011 C of the Code of Virginia.
2. All original appraisal reports shall be signed by the licensed appraiser. For narrative and letter appraisals, the signature and final value conclusion shall appear on the letter of transmittal and certification page. For form appraisals, the signature shall appear on the page designated for the appraiser's signature and final estimate of value. All temporary licensed real estate appraisers shall sign and affix their temporary license to the appraisal report or letter for which they obtained the license to authenticate such report or letter. Appraisal reports may be transmitted electronically. Reports prepared without the use of a seal shall contain the license number of the appraiser.
a. An appraiser may provide market analysis studies or consulting reports, which do not constitute appraisals of market value, provided such reports, studies, or evaluations shall contain a conspicuous statement that such reports, studies, or evaluations are not an appraisal as defined in § 54.1-2009 of the Code of Virginia.
b. Application of the seal and signature or electronic transmission of the report indicates acceptance of responsibility for work shown thereon.
c. The seal shall conform in detail and size to the design illustrated below in this subdivision:

*The number on the seal shall be the 10-digit number or the last six digits, or the last significant digits on the license issued by the board.
D. Development of appraisal. In developing a real property appraisal, all licensees shall comply with the provisions of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) as defined in this chapter or in the prior edition in effect at the time of the reports' preparation. If the required definition of value uses the word "market," licensees must use the definition of market value set forth in USPAP "DEFINITIONS."
E. Appraisal report requirements. In reporting a real property appraisal, a licensee shall meet the requirements of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice as defined in this chapter or in the prior edition in effect at the time of the reports' preparation.
F. Reviewing an appraisal. In performing a review appraisal, a licensee shall comply with the requirements of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice as defined in this chapter or in the prior edition in effect at the time of the reports' preparation. The reviewer's signature and seal shall appear on the certification page of the report.
G. Mass appraisals. In developing and reporting a mass appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes, a licensee shall comply with the requirements of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice as defined in this chapter or in the prior edition in effect at the time of the reports' preparation.
H. Recordkeeping requirements.
1. A licensee shall abide by the Record Keeping Rule as stated in the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice as defined in this chapter or in the prior edition in effect at the time of the reports' preparation.
2. A licensee or registrant of the Real Estate Appraiser Board shall, upon request or demand, promptly produce to the board or any of its agents within 10 working days of the request, any document, book, record, work file, or electronic record in a licensee's possession concerning any appraisal which that the licensee performed, or for which the licensee is required to maintain records for inspection by the board or its agents. The board or any of its agents may extend such time frame timeframe upon a showing of extenuating circumstances prohibiting delivery within such 10-day period.
3. Upon the completion of an assignment, a licensee or registrant shall return to the rightful owner, upon demand, any document or instrument which that the licensee possesses.
4. The appraiser trainee shall be entitled to obtain copies of appraisal reports he prepared. The supervising appraiser shall keep copies of appraisal reports for a period of at least five years or at least two years after final disposition of any judicial proceedings in which testimony was given, whichever period expires last.
I. Disclosure requirements. A licensee appraising property in which he, any member of his family, his firm, any member of his firm, or any entity in which he has an ownership interest, has any interest shall disclose, in writing, to any client such interest in the property and his status as a real estate appraiser licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia. As used in the context of this chapter, "any interest" includes but is not limited to an ownership interest in the property to be appraised or in an adjacent property or involvement in the transaction, such as deciding whether to extend credit to be secured by such property.
J. Competency. A licensee shall abide by the Competency Rule as stated in the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice as defined in this chapter or in the prior edition in effect at the time of the reports' preparation.
K. Scope of work. A licensee shall abide by the Scope of Work Rule as stated in the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice as defined in this chapter or in the prior edition in effect at the time of the reports' preparation.
L. Jurisdictional exception. A licensee shall abide by the Jurisdictional Exception Rule as stated in the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice as defined in this chapter or in the prior edition in effect at the time of the reports' preparation.
M. Prohibited acts.
1. A licensee shall act as a certified general real estate appraiser, certified residential real estate appraiser, or licensed residential real estate appraiser in such a manner as to safeguard the interests of the public, and shall not engage in improper, fraudulent, or dishonest conduct.
2. A licensee may not have been convicted, found guilty, or pled guilty, regardless of adjudication, in any jurisdiction of the United States of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or of any felony there being no appeal pending therefrom or the time for appeal having elapsed. Any plea of nolo contendere shall be considered a conviction for the purposes of this subdivision. A certified copy of a final order, decree, or case decision by a court with the lawful authority to issue such order, decree, or case decision shall be admissible as prima facie evidence of such guilt.
3. A licensee shall inform the board in writing within 30 days of pleading guilty or nolo contendere or being convicted or found guilty, regardless of adjudication, of any felony or of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude.
4. A licensee may not have had a license or certification as a real estate appraiser which that was suspended, revoked, or surrendered in connection with a disciplinary action or which that has been the subject of discipline in any jurisdiction.
5. A licensee shall inform the board in writing within 30 days of the suspension, revocation, or surrender of an appraiser license or certification in connection with a disciplinary action in any other jurisdiction, and a licensee shall inform the board in writing within 30 days of any appraiser license or certification which has been the subject of discipline in any jurisdiction.
6. A licensee shall perform all appraisals in accordance with Virginia Fair Housing Law, (§ 36-96.1 et seq. of the Code of Virginia).
7. A licensee shall respond to an inquiry by the board or its agents, other than requested under subdivision H 2 of this section, within 21 days.
8. A licensee shall not provide false, misleading or incomplete information in the investigation of a complaint filed with the board.
VA.R. Doc. No. R20-6320; Filed February 24, 2020, 4:24 p.m.
Final Regulation
Real Estate Board is claiming an exemption from Article 2 of the Administrative
Process Act in accordance with § 2.2-4006 A 4 a of the Code of Virginia,
which excludes regulations that are necessary to conform to changes in Virginia
statutory law where no agency discretion is involved. The Real Estate Board
will receive, consider, and respond to petitions by any interested person at
any time with respect to reconsideration or revision.
Title of Regulation: 18VAC135-20. Virginia Real
Estate Board Licensing Regulations (amending 18VAC135-20-20).
Statutory Authority: §§ 54.1-201 and 54.1-2105 of the
Code of Virginia.
Effective Date: May 1, 2020.
Agency Contact: Christine Martine, Executive Director,
Real Estate Board, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400, Richmond, VA 23233, telephone
(804) 367-8552, FAX (804) 527-4299, or email reboard@dpor.virginia.gov.
The amendment removes the requirement regarding registering
a trade or fictitious name with the clerk of court in the locality where the
business is conducted to conform the regulation to Chapter 594 of the 2017 Acts
of Assembly, which became effective January 1, 2020.
18VAC135-20-20. Necessity for license. (Refer to § 54.1-2106.1
of the Code of Virginia.)
A. Sole proprietor (principal broker owner). A real estate
broker's license shall be issued to an individual trading under an assumed or
fictitious name, that is, a name other than the individual's full name, only
after the individual signs and acknowledges a certificate provided by the board,
setting that sets forth the name under which the business is to be
organized and conducted, the address of the individual's residence, and the
address of the individual's place of business. Each certificate must be
attested by the clerk of court of the county or jurisdiction wherein the
business is to be conducted. The attention of all applicants and licensees is
directed to §§ 59.1-69 through 59.1-76 The board will consider the
application of an individual only after the individual is authorized to conduct
business in accordance with Chapter 5 (§ 59.1-69 et seq.) of Title 59.1 of
the Code of Virginia.
B. Sole proprietor (nonbroker owner), partnership,
association, limited liability company, or corporation. Every sole proprietor
(nonbroker owner), partnership, association, limited liability company, or
corporation must secure a real estate license for its firm before transacting
real estate business. This license is separate and distinct from the individual
broker license required of each partner, associate, manager of a limited
liability company, and officer of a corporation who is active in the firm's
brokerage business. Each applicant for such license shall disclose, and the
license shall be issued to, the name under which the applicant intends to do or
does business and holds itself out to the public. Each applicant shall also
disclose the business address of the firm. The board will consider the
application of any partnership, association, corporation, or limited
liability company only after the entity is authorized to conduct business in
accordance with §§ 59.1-69 through 59.1-76 Chapter 5
(§ 59.1-69 et seq.) of Title 59.1 of the Code of Virginia.
C. Each real estate firm is required to have a principal
broker whose license is in good standing with the board in order to transact
real estate business.
D. Branch office license. If a real estate broker maintains
more than one place of business within the state, a branch office license shall
be issued for each place of business maintained. Application for the license
shall be made on forms provided by the board and shall reveal the name of the
firm, the location of the branch office, and the name of the supervising broker
for that branch office. The branch office license shall be maintained at the branch
office location.
VA.R. Doc. No. R20-6317; Filed February 24, 2020, 4:24 p.m.
Forms used in administering the regulation have been filed by the agency. The
forms are not being published; however, online users of this issue of the
Virginia Register of Regulations may click on the name of a form with a
hyperlink to access it. The forms are also available from the agency contact or
may be viewed at the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, 900 East Main
Street, 11th Floor, Richmond, Virginia 23219.
Titles of Regulations: 18VAC160-30. Waterworks and
Wastewater Works Operators Licensing Regulations.
18VAC160-40. Onsite Sewage System Professionals Licensing
Contact Information: Joseph C. Haughwout, Jr.,
Regulatory Administrator, Department of Professional and Occupational
Regulation, Perimeter Center, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400, Richmond, VA
23233, telephone (804) 367-2684, or email joseph.haughwout@dpor.virginia.gov.
FORMS (18VAC160-30)
Waterworks Operator License Application, A436-1955EXLIC-v1
(eff. 4/2017)
Provisional Waterworks Operator License
Application, A436-1955PLIC-v2 (eff. 4/2017)
Wastewater Works Operator License Application,
A436-1965EXLIC-v2 (eff. 4/2017)
Provisional Wastewater Works Operator License
Application, A436-1965PLIC-v2 (eff. 4/2017)
Waterworks and Wastewater Works Operator -
Provisional License Change in Classification Application, A436-1955_65CHG-v1
(eff. 4/2017)
Out-of-State Facility Description and Experience
Verification Application, A436-19STATE_EXP-v3 (eff. 4/2015)
Waterworks and Wastewater Works Operator Virginia
Experience Verification Application, A436-19WWEXP-v4 (eff. 4/2017)
Provisional Description and Experience
Verification Application, A436-1955_65PEXP-v3 (eff. 12/2014)
Continuing Professional Education (CPE)
Application - Certificate of Completion, A436-19CPE-v3 (eff. 10/2015)
Training Course Approval Application, A465-19CRS-v4 (eff.
Course Approval Application, A465-19CRS-v5 (eff. 3/2020)
Education and Training Substitution Form,
A436-19EDTRv4, (eff. 4/2017)
Wastewater Works Operator Class 4 Application -
Department of Corrections Apprenticeship Program, A436-1965APLIC-v3 (eff.
FORMS (18VAC160-40)
Conventional Onsite Sewage System Installer
License Application, A465-1944CONLIC-v1 (eff. 4/2017)
Alternative Onsite Sewage System Installer License
Application, A465-1944ALTLIC-v1 (eff. 4/2017)
Conventional Onsite Sewage System Operator License
Application, A465-1942CONLIC-v1 (eff. 4/2017)
Alternative Onsite Sewage System Operator License
Application, A465-1942ALTLIC-v2 (eff. 4/2018)
Waiver of Examination - Master Conventional Onsite
Sewage System Operator License Application, A436-1942WAIV-v2 (eff. 4/2017)
Continuing Professional Education (CPE)
Application - Certificate of Completion, A436-19CPE-v3 (eff. 10/2015)
Training Course Approval Application, A465-19CRS-v4 (eff.
Course Approval Application, A465-19CRS-v5 (eff. 3/2020)
Education and Training Substitution Form,
A436-19EDTRv4 (eff. 4/2017)
Onsite Sewage System Applicant Experience
Verification Application, A436-19OSSPEXP-v4 (eff. 4/2017)
VA.R. Doc. No. R20-6314; Filed February 21, 2020, 9:12 a.m.
Forms used in administering the regulation have been filed by the agency. The
forms are not being published; however, online users of this issue of the
Virginia Register of Regulations may click on the name of a form with a
hyperlink to access it. The forms are also available from the agency contact or
may be viewed at the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, 900 East Main
Street, 11th Floor, Richmond, Virginia 23219.
Titles of Regulations: 18VAC160-30. Waterworks and
Wastewater Works Operators Licensing Regulations.
18VAC160-40. Onsite Sewage System Professionals Licensing
Contact Information: Joseph C. Haughwout, Jr.,
Regulatory Administrator, Department of Professional and Occupational
Regulation, Perimeter Center, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400, Richmond, VA
23233, telephone (804) 367-2684, or email joseph.haughwout@dpor.virginia.gov.
FORMS (18VAC160-30)
Waterworks Operator License Application, A436-1955EXLIC-v1
(eff. 4/2017)
Provisional Waterworks Operator License
Application, A436-1955PLIC-v2 (eff. 4/2017)
Wastewater Works Operator License Application,
A436-1965EXLIC-v2 (eff. 4/2017)
Provisional Wastewater Works Operator License
Application, A436-1965PLIC-v2 (eff. 4/2017)
Waterworks and Wastewater Works Operator -
Provisional License Change in Classification Application, A436-1955_65CHG-v1
(eff. 4/2017)
Out-of-State Facility Description and Experience
Verification Application, A436-19STATE_EXP-v3 (eff. 4/2015)
Waterworks and Wastewater Works Operator Virginia
Experience Verification Application, A436-19WWEXP-v4 (eff. 4/2017)
Provisional Description and Experience
Verification Application, A436-1955_65PEXP-v3 (eff. 12/2014)
Continuing Professional Education (CPE)
Application - Certificate of Completion, A436-19CPE-v3 (eff. 10/2015)
Training Course Approval Application, A465-19CRS-v4 (eff.
Course Approval Application, A465-19CRS-v5 (eff. 3/2020)
Education and Training Substitution Form,
A436-19EDTRv4, (eff. 4/2017)
Wastewater Works Operator Class 4 Application -
Department of Corrections Apprenticeship Program, A436-1965APLIC-v3 (eff.
FORMS (18VAC160-40)
Conventional Onsite Sewage System Installer
License Application, A465-1944CONLIC-v1 (eff. 4/2017)
Alternative Onsite Sewage System Installer License
Application, A465-1944ALTLIC-v1 (eff. 4/2017)
Conventional Onsite Sewage System Operator License
Application, A465-1942CONLIC-v1 (eff. 4/2017)
Alternative Onsite Sewage System Operator License
Application, A465-1942ALTLIC-v2 (eff. 4/2018)
Waiver of Examination - Master Conventional Onsite
Sewage System Operator License Application, A436-1942WAIV-v2 (eff. 4/2017)
Continuing Professional Education (CPE)
Application - Certificate of Completion, A436-19CPE-v3 (eff. 10/2015)
Training Course Approval Application, A465-19CRS-v4 (eff.
Course Approval Application, A465-19CRS-v5 (eff. 3/2020)
Education and Training Substitution Form,
A436-19EDTRv4 (eff. 4/2017)
Onsite Sewage System Applicant Experience
Verification Application, A436-19OSSPEXP-v4 (eff. 4/2017)
VA.R. Doc. No. R20-6314; Filed February 21, 2020, 9:12 a.m.