Title of Regulation: 9VAC5-40. Existing Stationary Sources (Rev. C09) (amending 9VAC5-40-7800; adding 9VAC5-40-8380 through 9VAC5-40-8480).
Statutory Authority: § 10.1-1308 of the Code of Virginia; federal Clean Air Act (§§ 110, 111, 123, 129, 171, 172, and 182); 40 CFR Parts 51 and 60.
Public Hearing Information:
February 26, 2015 - 11 a.m. - Department of Environmental Quality, Northern Regional Office, 13901 Crown Court, Woodbridge, VA 22193
Public Comment Deadline: March 13, 2015.
Agency Contact: Gary Graham, Department of Environmental Quality, 629 East Main Street, P.O. Box 1105, Richmond, VA 23218, telephone (804) 698-4103, FAX (804) 698-4510, or email gary.graham@deq.virginia.gov.
Basis: Section 10.1-1308 of the Virginia Air Pollution Control Law (Chapter 13 (§ 10.1-1300 et seq.) of Title 10.1 of the Code of Virginia) authorizes the State Air Pollution Control Board to promulgate regulations abating, controlling, and prohibiting air pollution to protect public health and welfare. Written assurance from the Office of the Attorney General that the State Air Pollution Control Board possesses the statutory authority to promulgate the proposed regulation amendments is available upon request.
Specific Federal Requirements.
Ground-level ozone is an air pollutant that forms when volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NOX) interact with sunlight. The national standard for ozone measured over an 8-hour period was promulgated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on July 18, 1997 (62 FR 38856) at a level of 0.08 parts per million (ppm).
Once EPA establishes a national standard for ozone, it must then designate areas that do not attain the standard (nonattainment areas). In turn, states must develop plans (state implementation plans or SIPs), including regulations, which will enable nonattainment areas to attain and maintain the standard.
40 CFR Part 81 specifies the designations of areas made under § 107(d) of the federal Clean Air Act and the associated nonattainment classification under § 181 of the Act or 40 CFR 51.903(a). Virginia's designations are in 40 CFR 81.347. On April 30, 2004 (69 FR 23858), EPA published designations for 0.08 ppm 8-hour ozone nonattainment areas and associated classifications.
On April 30, 2004 (69 FR 23951), EPA promulgated phase 1 of a final rule adding Subpart X to 40 CFR Part 51. Subpart X contains the provisions for the implementation of the 8-hour ozone NAAQS, along with associated planning requirements. Specifically, 40 CFR 51.903(a) sets forth the classification criteria and nonattainment dates for 8-hour ozone nonattainment areas once they are designated as such under 40 CFR Part 81. The remainder of the planning requirements (phase 2) were published on November 29, 2005 (70 FR 71612).
In order to implement the control measures needed to attain and maintain ozone air quality standard, Virginia has established VOC and NOX emissions control areas. These areas were created to provide a legal mechanism for defining geographic areas in which to implement certain control measures in the nonattainment areas. The emissions control areas may or may not coincide with the nonattainment areas, depending on regional planning requirements.
Section 172(c)(1) of the Act provides that SIPs for nonattainment areas must include "reasonably available control measures" (RACM), including "reasonably available control techniques" (RACT), for sources of emissions. Section 182(b)(2) provides that for certain nonattainment areas, states must revise their SIPs to include RACT for sources of VOC emissions covered by a control techniques guidelines document (CTG) issued after November 15, 1990, and prior to the areas date of attainment.
Section 183(e) directs EPA to list for regulation those categories of products that account for at least 80% of the VOC emissions from commercial products in ozone nonattainment areas. EPA issued such a list on March 23, 1995, and has revised the list periodically. RACT controls for listed source categories controlled by a CTG are known as CTG RACTs. A CTG RACT has been issued for offset lithographic and letterpress printing operations (October 5, 2006, 71 FR 58745). Therefore, states with moderate ozone nonattainment areas must implement these CTG RACTs as part of their attainment SIPs.
General Federal Requirements.
Sections 109 (a) and (b) of the federal Clean Air Act require EPA to prescribe primary and secondary air quality standards to protect public health and welfare. These standards are known as the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). Section 109 (c) requires EPA to prescribe such standards simultaneously with the issuance of new air quality criteria for any additional air pollutant. The primary and secondary air quality criteria are authorized for promulgation under § 108.
Once the NAAQS are promulgated pursuant to § 109, § 107(d) sets out a process for designating those areas that are in compliance with the standards (attainment or unclassifiable) and those that are not (nonattainment). Governors make the initial recommendations but EPA makes the final decision. Section 107(d) also sets forth the process for redesignations once the nonattainment areas are in compliance with the applicable NAAQS.
Section 110(a) of the Act mandates that each state adopt and submit to EPA a plan that provides for the implementation, maintenance, and enforcement of each primary and secondary air quality standard within each air quality control region in the state. The state implementation plan (SIP) must include provisions to accomplish, among other tasks, the following:
1. Establish enforceable emission limitations and other control measures as necessary to comply with the Act;
2. Establish schedules for compliance;
3. Prohibit emissions that would contribute to nonattainment of the standards or interference with maintenance of the standards by any state; and
4. Require sources of air pollution to install, maintain, and replace monitoring equipment as necessary and to report periodically on emissions-related data.
40 CFR Part 50 specifies the NAAQS for sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and lead.
40 CFR Part 51 sets out requirements for the preparation, adoption, and submittal of SIPs. These requirements mandate that any such plan must include certain provisions, including those summarized below.
Subpart G (Control Strategy) specifies the description of control measures and schedules for implementation, the description of emissions reductions estimates sufficient to attain and maintain the standards, time periods for demonstrations of the control strategy's adequacy, an emissions inventory, an air quality data summary, data availability, special requirements for lead emissions, stack height provisions, and intermittent control systems.
Subpart K (Source Surveillance) specifies procedures for emissions reports and recordkeeping, procedures for testing, inspection, enforcement, and complaints, transportation control measures, and procedures for continuous emissions monitoring.
Subpart L (Legal Authority) specifies the requirements for legal authority to implement plans. Section 51.230 under Subpart L specifies that each SIP must show that the state has the legal authority to carry out the plan, including the authority to perform the following actions:
1. Adopt emission standards and limitations and any other measures necessary for the attainment and maintenance of the national ambient air quality standards;
2. Enforce applicable laws, regulations, and standards, and seek injunctive relief;
3. Abate pollutant emissions on an emergency basis to prevent substantial endangerment to the health of persons;
4. Prevent construction, modification, or operation of a facility, building, structure, or installation, or combination thereof, which directly or indirectly results or may result in emissions of any air pollutant at any location which will prevent the attainment or maintenance of a national standard;
5. Obtain information necessary to determine whether air pollution sources comply with applicable laws, regulations, and standards, including authority to require recordkeeping and to make inspections and conduct tests of air pollution sources;
6. Require owners or operators of stationary sources to install, maintain, and use emission monitoring devices and to make periodic reports to the state on the nature and amounts of emissions from such stationary sources; and
7. Make emissions data available to the public as reported and as correlated with any applicable emission standards or limitations.
Section 51.231 under Subpart L requires the identification of legal authority: (i) the provisions of law or regulation which the state determines provide the authorities required under this section must be specifically identified, and copies of such laws or regulations must be submitted with the plan; and (ii) the plan must show that the legal authorities specified in this subpart are available to the state at the time of submission of the plan.
Subpart N (Compliance Schedules) specifies legally enforceable compliance schedules, final compliance schedule dates, and conditions for extensions beyond one year.
Part D describes how nonattainment areas are established, classified, and required to meet attainment. Subpart 1 provides the overall framework of what nonattainment plans are to contain, while Subpart 2 provides more detail on what is required of areas designated nonattainment for ozone.
Section 171 defines "reasonable further progress," "nonattainment area," "lowest achievable emission rate," and "modification."
Section 172(a) authorizes EPA to classify nonattainment areas for the purpose of assigning attainment dates. Section 172(b) authorizes EPA to establish schedules for the submission of plans designed to achieve attainment by the specified dates. Section 172(c) specifies the provisions to be included in each attainment plan, as follows:
1. Implementation of all reasonably available control measures as expeditiously as practicable and provide for the attainment of the national ambient air quality standards;
2. Reasonable further progress;
3. A comprehensive, accurate, current inventory of actual emissions from all sources of the relevant pollutants in the nonattainment area;
4. Identification and quantification of allowable emissions from the construction and modification of new and modified major stationary sources in the nonattainment area;
5. A requirement for permits for the construction and operations of new and modified major stationary sources in the nonattainment area;
6. Inclusion of enforceable emission limitations and such other control measures (including economic incentives such as fees, marketable permits, and auctions of emission rights) as well as schedules for compliance;
7. If applicable, the proposal of equivalent modeling, emission inventory, or planning procedures; and
8. Inclusion of specific contingency measures to be undertaken if the nonattainment area fails to make reasonable further progress or to attain the national ambient air quality standards by the attainment date.
Section 172(d) requires that attainment plans be revised if EPA finds inadequacies. Section 172(e) authorizes the issuance of requirements for nonattainment areas in the event of a relaxation of any national ambient air quality standard. Such requirements must provide for controls which are not less stringent than the controls applicable to these same areas before such relaxation.
Section 107(d)(3)(D) provides that a state may petition EPA to redesignate a nonattainment area as attainment and EPA may approve the redesignation subject to certain criteria being met. Section 107(d)(3)(E) stipulates one of these criteria, that EPA must fully approve a maintenance plan that meets the requirements of § 175A. According to § 175A(a), the maintenance plan must be part of a SIP submission, and must provide for maintenance of the NAAQS for at least 10 years after the redesignation. The plan must contain any additional measures needed to ensure maintenance. Section 175A(b) further requires that 8 years after redesignation, a maintenance plan for the next 10 years must then be submitted. As stated in § 175A(c), nonattainment requirements continue to apply until the SIP submittal is approved. Finally, § 175A(d) requires that the maintenance plan contain contingency provisions which will be implemented should the area fail to maintain the NAAQS as provided for in the original plan.
Under Part D, Subpart 2, § 181 sets forth the classifications and nonattainment dates for 1-hour ozone nonattainment areas once they are designated as such under § 107(d).
Section 182(a)(2)(A) requires that the existing regulatory program requiring reasonably available control technology (RACT) for stationary sources of VOCs in marginal nonattainment areas be corrected by May 15, 1991, to meet the minimum requirements in existence prior to the enactment of the 1990 amendments. EPA has published control techniques guidelines (CTGs) for various types of sources, thereby defining the minimum acceptable control measure or RACT for a particular source type.
Section 182(b) requires stationary sources in moderate nonattainment areas to comply with the requirements for sources in marginal nonattainment areas. The additional, more comprehensive control measures in § 182(b)(2)(A) require that each category of VOC sources employ RACT if the source is covered by a CTG document issued between enactment of the 1990 amendments and the attainment date for the nonattainment area. Section 182(b)(2)(B) requires that existing stationary sources emitting VOCs for which a CTG existed prior to adoption of the 1990 amendments also employ RACT.
40 CFR Part 81 specifies the designations of areas made under § 107(d) of the Act and the associated nonattainment classification (if any) under § 181 of the Act or 40 CFR 51.903(a), as applicable. Subpart X to 40 CFR Part 51 contains the provisions for the implementation of the 8-hour ozone NAAQS, along with associated planning requirements. Specifically, 40 CFR 51.903(a) sets forth the classification criteria and nonattainment dates for 8-hour ozone nonattainment areas once they are designated.
State Requirements.
These specific amendments are not required by state mandate. Rather, Virginia's Air Pollution Control Law gives the State Air Pollution Control Board the discretionary authority to promulgate regulations "abating, controlling and prohibiting air pollution throughout or in any part of the Commonwealth" (§ 10.1-1308 A of the Code of Virginia). The law defines such air pollution as "the presence in the outdoor atmosphere of one or more substances which are or may be harmful or injurious to human health, welfare or safety, to animal or plant life, or to property, or which unreasonably interfere with the enjoyment by the people or life or property" (§ 10.1-1300 of the Code of Virginia).
Purpose: The purpose of the proposed action is to adopt new standards for the control of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from (i) offset lithographic printing operations and (ii) letterpress printing operations within the Northern Virginia VOC Emissions Control Area. This action is being taken to allow Virginia to meet its obligation to implement control measures in areas designated as nonattainment under the 0.08 parts per million (ppm) 8-hour ozone standard. It will contribute to the reduction of ozone air pollution, and thereby improve public health and welfare.
Substance: For existing Article 53 pertaining to earlier standards for lithographic operations in all VOC emissions control areas, applicability provisions for facilities located in the Northern Virginia VOC emissions control area are deleted. Provisions of Article 53 applicable to sources in the Northern Virginia VOC emissions control area are preserved in Article 56.1, most notably (i) offset lithographic printing process dryer control provisions for sources with a facility potential to emit between 10 tons of VOC per year and having individual presses with a theoretical potential to emit 25 tons of VOC per year, and (ii) limits on the VOC content of cleaning materials (30% instead of 70%).
For each new article (Articles 56 and 56.1):
1. An applicability section is established which specifies that facilities in the Northern Virginia VOC emissions control area are affected.
2. Definitions of terms used in the rule are provided.
3. A standard for VOC emissions is established, along with provisions for achieving the standard.
4. Compliance provisions are provided detailing how compliance is determined with the standards.
5. Test methods are provided by which compliance may be determined.
6. Monitoring provisions are provided to ensure that the owner is able to stay in compliance with the standards.
7. Standard provisions are provided for visible emissions; fugitive dust/emissions; odor; toxic pollutants; a compliance schedule; notification, records and reporting; registration; facility and control equipment maintenance or malfunction; and permits.
Issues: The primary advantage to the general public is the reduction of VOC air pollution, which has a negative effect on public health and welfare. Regulated sources may realize cost savings through more effective application procedures and practices. There are no disadvantages to the public.
The primary advantages to the department are that the adoption of these regulations will allow Virginia to attain and maintain air quality standards and improve public health of Virginians. The primary disadvantage to the department is the potential for an increased compliance cost to administer the new regulations.
Department of Planning and Budget's Economic Impact Analysis:
Summary of the Proposed Amendments to Regulation. The State Air Pollution Control Board (Board) proposes to amend its existing air pollution regulations to add new standards for the control of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from letterpress printing, and change the standards for lithographic printing, within the Northern Virginia VOC Emissions Control Area.
Result of Analysis. Because the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) does not know with any degree of certainty how many entities these regulatory changes will affect, there is likely insufficient information to decide if benefits outweigh costs.
Estimated Economic Impact. Currently, any lithographic printing operations that have the potential to emit 10 or more tons of VOC are subject to the rules in 9 VAC 5-40. The Board proposes to amend this language so that any operations that actually emit 3 tons or more of VOC will have to abide by the restrictions in these regulations. DEQ reports that these two standards are roughly equivalent and, so, they do not anticipate that many businesses in the Northern Virginia VOC Emissions Control Area will be affected by this change. For any businesses that would newly be subject to these regulations on account of this change, DEQ anticipates that costs added would be approximately $855 per ton of VOC produced.
The Board also proposes to require several new standards for cleaning materials used in lithographic printing operations. Specifically, the Board proposes to require these businesses to 1) store cleaning materials, used shop towels, sponges and other manual cleaning aids in closed containers which are required to remain closed except when cleaners or manual cleaning aids are added or removed and 2) minimize spills of VOC containing cleaners. DEQ reports that these new rules may add additional costs of up to $855 per ton of VOC removed for affected businesses. These costs may be partially or completely offset by savings that businesses will see on account of decreased evaporation of their cleaning products.
Currently, the Boards air pollution control regulations do not include rules for the control of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from letterpress printing. The Board proposes to add rules that largely mimic those for lithographic printing. The rules for letterbox printing will be slightly more permissive in that they allow for cleaning materials that have a VOC content of 70% by weight rather than the 30% by weight required for lithographic printing. DEQ estimates that most letterbox printing operations in Northern Virginia very likely already meet the standards that will be set in the proposed regulations. Those that would not already be in compliance may incur costs of $855 per ton of VOC removed.
DEQ will incur costs associated with promulgating these new rules that include the cost of identifying and registering affected businesses. DEQ estimates that these costs will total between $12,144 and $48,576. Affected businesses may incur costs for potentially more expensive low VOC products and, on rarer occasions, for control equipment. DEQ estimates that these costs would add to approximately $855 per ton of VOC removed. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is requiring Virginia to promulgate these regulations under threat of loss of highway funding so one of the benefits of this regulatory action will be the preservation of that highway funding.
Businesses and Entities Affected. DEQ reports that it is impossible to know how many businesses will be affected by these regulations. Given that the products that will be regulated have many applications, there are likely numerous businesses that will be affected. For the portions of these rules that are new, many affected businesses will not have had to register with, or get a permit from, the Board before.
Localities Particularly Affected. Localities in the Northern Virginia non-attainment area (the counties of Arlington, Fairfax, Loudon, Prince William and Stafford as well as the cities of Alexandria, Fairfax, Falls Church, Manassas and Manassas Park) will be particularly affected by this proposed regulatory action.
Projected Impact on Employment. This regulatory action will likely have little impact on employment in the Commonwealth.
Effects on the Use and Value of Private Property. This regulatory action will likely have little effect on the use or value of private property in the Commonwealth.
Small Businesses: Costs and Other Effects. Affected small businesses may incur costs from having to change the cleaning products they use or, in rare instances, from having to purchase control equipment. DEQ believes that these costs will be partially offset by savings that businesses will realize from losing less cleaning product to evaporation.
Small Businesses: Alternative Method that Minimizes Adverse Impact. There do not appear to be any alternate methods that would both further minimize costs and achieve the aims of the Board.
Real Estate Development Costs. This regulatory action will likely have no effect on real estate development costs in the Commonwealth.
Legal Mandate. The Department of Planning and Budget (DPB) has analyzed the economic impact of this proposed regulation in accordance with § 2.2-4007.04 of the Administrative Process Act and Executive Order Number 14 (10). Section 2.2-4007.04 requires that such economic impact analyses include, but need not be limited to, the projected number of businesses or other entities to whom the regulation would apply, the identity of any localities and types of businesses or other entities particularly affected, the projected number of persons and employment positions to be affected, the projected costs to affected businesses or entities to implement or comply with the regulation, and the impact on the use and value of private property. Further, if the proposed regulation has adverse effect on small businesses, § 2.2-4007.04 requires that such economic impact analyses include (i) an identification and estimate of the number of small businesses subject to the regulation; (ii) the projected reporting, recordkeeping, and other administrative costs required for small businesses to comply with the regulation, including the type of professional skills necessary for preparing required reports and other documents; (iii) a statement of the probable effect of the regulation on affected small businesses; and (iv) a description of any less intrusive or less costly alternative methods of achieving the purpose of the regulation. The analysis presented above represents DPB's best estimate of these economic impacts.
Agency's Response to Economic Impact Analysis: The department has reviewed the economic impact analysis prepared by the Department of Planning and Budget and has no comment.
The proposed regulation requires owners to limit emissions from offset lithographic printing operations and letterpress printing operations to the level necessary for the protection of public health and welfare and the attainment and maintenance of the air quality standards. The regulation applies to sources within the Northern Virginia VOC Emissions Control Area, and establishes standards, control techniques, and provisions for determining compliance. The regulation also includes provisions for visible emissions, fugitive dust, odor, toxic pollutants, compliance, test methods and procedures, monitoring, notification, registration, malfunctions, and permits.
Article 53
Emission Standards for Lithographic Printing Processes (Rule 4- 53)
9VAC5-40-7800. Applicability and designation of affected facility.
A. Except as provided in subsections C, D, and E of this section, the affected facility to which the provisions of this article apply is each lithographic printing process which that uses a substrate other than a textile.
B. The provisions of this article apply only to sources of volatile organic compounds in volatile organic compound emissions control areas designated in 9VAC5-20-206.
C. Exempted from the provisions of this article are facilities offset lithographic printing operations in the Northern Virginia Volatile Organic Compound Emissions Control Area whose potential to emit is less than 10 tons per year of volatile organic compounds, provided the emission rates are determined in a manner acceptable to the board. All volatile organic compound emissions from printing inks, coatings, cleaning solutions, and fountain solutions shall be considered in applying the exemption levels specified in this subsection. Provisions applicable to offset lithographic printing operations in the Northern Virginia Volatile Organic Compound Emissions Control Area are provided in Article 56.1 of this part (9VAC5-40-8420 et seq.).
D. Exempted from the provisions of this article are facilities in all volatile organic compound emissions control areas, other than the Northern Virginia Volatile Organic Compound Emissions Control Area, whose potential to emit is less than 100 tons per year of volatile organic compounds, provided the emission rates are determined in a manner acceptable to the board. All volatile organic compound emissions from printing inks, coatings, cleaning solutions, and fountain solutions shall be considered in applying the exemption levels specified in this subsection.
E. The provisions of this article do not apply to the following:
1. Printing processes used exclusively for determination of product quality and commercial acceptance provided:
a. The operation is not an integral part of the production process;
b. The emissions from all product quality printing processes do not exceed 400 pounds in any 30 day period; and
c. The exemption is approved by the board.
2. Photoprocessing, typesetting, or imagesetting equipment using water-based chemistry to develop silver halide images.
3. Platemaking equipment using water-based chemistry to remove unhardened image-producing material from an exposed plate.
4. Equipment used to make blueprints.
5. Any sheet-fed offset lithographic press with a cylinder width of 26 inches or less.
Article 56
Emission Standards for Letterpress Printing Operations in the Northern Virginia Volatile Organic Compound Emissions Control Area, 8-hour Ozone Standard (Rule 4-56)
9VAC5-40-8380. Applicability and designation of affected facility.
A. The affected facility to which the provisions of this article apply is any letterpress printing operation at a stationary source where the actual emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from all aspects of letterpress printing operations, including related cleaning activities, before the consideration of controls, are equal to or exceed 3.0 tons per 12-month rolling period.
B. The provisions of this article apply only to sources of VOCs located in the Northern Virginia VOC Emissions Control Area designated in subdivision 1 a of 9VAC5-20-206.
9VAC5-40-8382. Definitions.
A. For the purpose of applying this article in the context of the regulations for the control and abatement of air pollution and related uses, the words or terms shall have the meanings given them in subsection C of this section.
B. Unless otherwise required by context, all terms not defined in this section shall have the meanings given them in 9VAC5-170 (Regulation for General Administration), 9VAC5-10 (General Definitions), or commonly ascribed to them by recognized authorities, in that order of priority.
C. Terms defined.
"Cleaning materials" means any washes, cleaners, solvents, or rejuvenators that are used to remove excess printing inks, oils, and residual paper from a press, press equipment, or press parts, or used to remove dried ink from areas around a press. Cleaning materials include solvents and cleaners used for manual cleaning, and cleaning solutions used by automatic cleaning systems such as roller wash and type wash. Cleaning materials do not include cleaners used for cleaning electronic components of a press, pre-press cleaning operations (e.g., platemaking), post-press cleaning operations (e.g., binding), cleaning supplies such as detergents used to clean the floor (other than to remove dried ink from areas around a press), and cleaning performed in parts washers and cold cleaners subject to Article 47 (9VAC5-40-6820 et seq.) of Part II of 9VAC5-40 (Existing Stationary Sources).
"Composite partial vapor pressure" means the sum of the partial pressures of the compounds defined as volatile organic compounds. Composite partial vapor pressure is calculated as follows:

| Wi | = | Weight of the "i"th VOC compound, in grams. |
| Ww | = | Weight of water, in grams. |
| We | = | Weight of exempt compound, in grams. |
| MWi | = | Molecular weight of the "i"th VOC compound, in grams/gram-mole. |
| MWw | = | Molecular weight of water, in grams/gram-mole. |
| MWe | = | Molecular weight of exempt compound, in grams/gram-mole. |
| PPc | = | VOC composite partial pressure at 20°C, in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). |
| VPi | = | Vapor pressure of the "i"th VOC compound at 20°C, in mm Hg. |
"First installation date" means the date that a control device is first installed for the purpose of controlling emissions. The first installation date does not change if the control device is later moved to a new location or installed on a different press.
"Heatset" means a printing process in which heat from a dryer is used to evaporate ink oils from the substrate.
"Letterpress printing" means a printing process in which the image area is raised relative to the nonimage area and paste ink is transferred to the substrate directly from the image surface.
"Letterpress printing operation" means one or more letterpress printing processes employing letterpress printing on letterpress printing presses and the related processes necessary to directly support the operation of those presses including, but not limited to, cleaning, pre-press, and post-press operations.
"Non-heatset" means a printing process in which the printing inks are set and dried by absorption or oxidation rather than heat. For the purposes of this article, UV-cured and electron beam-cured inks are considered non-heatset.
"Press" means a printing production assembly composed of one or more units to produce a printed substrate (sheet or web).
"Printing" means a photomechanical process in which a transfer of text, designs, and images occurs through contact of an image carrier with a substrate.
"Printing process" means any operation or system wherein printing ink or a combination of printing ink and surface coating is applied, dried, or cured and that is subject to the same emission standard. A printing process may include any equipment that applies, conveys, dries, or cures inks or surface coatings, including, but not limited to, flow coaters, flashoff areas, air dryers, drying areas, and ovens.
"Sheet-fed" means a printing process in which individual sheets of substrate are fed into the press sequentially.
"Theoretical potential to emit" means for the purposes of this article the maximum capacity of a letterpress printing process to emit VOC and shall be based on emissions at design capacity or maximum production and maximum operating hours (8,760 hours/year) before add-on controls, unless the heatset web offset lithographic printing process is subject to state and federally enforceable permit conditions that limit production rates or hours of operation.
"12-month rolling period" means a period that is determined monthly and consists of the previous 12 consecutive calendar months.
"Unit" means the smallest complete printing component, composed of an inking and dampening system, of a printing press.
"VOC" means volatile organic compound.
"Web" means a continuous roll of printing substrate.
9VAC5-40-8384. Standard for volatile organic compounds.
A. No owner or other person shall use or permit the use of any letterpress printing press, letterpress printing process, or other letterpress printing operation that is subject to this article unless that press, process, or operation meets the requirements of this section.
B. The following provisions apply to each dryer on each heatset web letterpress printing process, except that these provisions do not apply to (i) any heatset web letterpress printing process with a theoretical potential to emit less than 25 tons per year of VOC from the dryer, prior to controls; (ii) any heatset web letterpress printing process used exclusively for book printing; or (iii) any heatset web letterpress printing process with a maximum web width of 22 inches or less. These provisions also do not apply to non-heatset web letterpress printing processes or to sheet-fed letterpress printing processes.
1. VOC emissions from the heatset web letterpress printing process dryer shall be controlled as follows:
a. The dryer shall operate at a lower air pressure than the pressroom air pressure at all times when the printing process is operating;
b. Exhaust air from the dryer shall be collected and sent to a control device that operates at all times when the printing process is operating.
c. For a control device whose first installation date is prior to (insert effective date of this article), the control device shall reduce VOC emissions in the dryer air exhaust by at least 90%.
d. For a control device whose first installation date is on or after (insert effective date of this article), the control device shall reduce VOC emissions in the dryer air exhaust by at least 95%.
2. Where the heatset web letterpress printing process control device inlet VOC concentration is too low to achieve the control device efficiency requirements specified in subdivisions 1 c and 1 d of this subsection or there is no identifiable measurable inlet, the control device shall reduce the VOC concentration of the heatset web letterpress printing process dryer exhaust air to 20 parts per million volume (ppmv) or less, as hexane on a dry basis.
3. Federally enforceable limitations on (i) the VOC content of inks and coatings applied, (ii) the total amounts of inks and coatings applied, (iii) the press application rates of inks and coatings, or (iv) the hours of press operation may be used to meet the 25 ton per year exception to this subsection.
C. Cleaning materials used at each letterpress printing operation shall meet one of the following limits, as applied, except that 110 gallons of cleaning materials that meet neither limit may be used per 12-month rolling period:
1. A VOC content of 70% by weight; or
2. A composite vapor pressure of 10 mm Hg at 20°C.
D. The following work practices shall be implemented:
1. Cleaning materials, inks, and coatings containing VOCs shall be kept in closed containers at all times unless filling, draining, or performing cleaning operations.
2. Shop towels, sponges, and other manual cleaning aids (i) that have been used for picking up excess ink and other coatings containing VOCs or (ii) that have been used with cleaning materials containing VOCs shall be kept in closed containers.
3. Spills of cleaning materials, fountain solution, inks, varnishes, and other coatings containing VOCs shall be minimized and shall be cleaned up promptly.
9VAC5-40-8386. Standard for visible emissions.
The provisions of Article 1 (9VAC5-40-60 et seq.) of Part II of 9VAC5-40 (Existing Stationary Sources) apply.
9VAC5-40-8388. Standard for fugitive dust/emissions.
The provisions of Article 1 (9VAC5-40-60 et seq.) of Part II of 9VAC5-40 (Existing Stationary Sources) apply.
9VAC5-40-8390. Standard for odor.
The provisions of Article 2 (9VAC5-40-130 et seq.) of Part II of 9VAC5-40 (Existing Stationary Sources) apply.
9VAC5-40-8394. Standard for toxic pollutants.
The provisions of Article 4 (9VAC5-60-200 et seq.) of Part II of 9VAC5-60 (Hazardous Air Pollutant Sources) apply.
9VAC5-40-8396. Compliance.
A. The provisions of 9VAC5-40-20 (Compliance) apply.
B. An emission test of the control device installed on a heatset web letterpress printing process dryer shall be performed to demonstrate compliance with the provisions of 9VAC5-40-8384 B and 9VAC5-40-8398. The negative dryer pressure shall be established during the initial test using an airflow direction indicator, such as a smoke stick or aluminum ribbons, or a differential pressure gauge.
C. Once initial compliance has been demonstrated with the heatset web letterpress printing process dryer control requirements of 9VAC5-40-8384 B through performance testing of an catalytic or thermal oxidation control device, continuing compliance with the heatset web letterpress printing process dryer control requirements in 9VAC5-40-8384 B shall be demonstrated for the catalytic or thermal oxidation control device by monitoring the control device in accordance with 9VAC5-40-8410 B. The owner shall maintain the 3-hour average of the monitored temperature at a temperature no less than 50°F below the 3-hour average temperature that was recorded during the most recent performance test during which compliance was demonstrated.
9VAC5-40-8398. Compliance schedule.
The owner shall comply with the provisions of this article as expeditiously as possible but in no case later than (insert a date corresponding to the first day of the 12th month after the effective date of this article).
9VAC5-40-8400. Test methods and procedures.
A. The provisions of 9VAC5-40-30 (Emission testing) apply.
B. The following EPA test methods shall be used to demonstrate compliance with the heatset web letterpress printing process dryer control device control requirements in 9VAC5-40-8384 B.
1. Reference Method 1 or 1A, as appropriate, shall be used to select the sampling sites.
2. Reference Method 2, 2A, 2C, or 2D, as appropriate, shall be used to determine the velocity and volumetric flow rate of the exhaust stream.
3. Reference Method 3 or 3A, as appropriate, shall be used to determine the concentration of O2 and CO2.
4. Reference Method 4 shall be used to determine moisture content.
5. Reference Methods 18, 25, or 25A shall be used to determine the VOC concentration of the dryer exhaust stream entering and exiting the control device, unless the alternate limit in 9VAC5-40-8384 B 2 is being met, in which case only the VOC concentration of the dryer exhaust control device outlet shall be determined.
6. Reference Method 25A shall be used to determine the dryer exhaust control device inlet and outlet VOC concentrations when the control device outlet concentration is less than 50 ppmv VOC as carbon.
7. If the control device is an oxidizer, the combustion chamber temperature or catalyst bed inlet temperature corresponding to destruction efficiencies that meet the requirements of 9VAC5-40-8384 B shall be recorded.
C. The VOC content of as-applied inks, coatings, and cleaning materials shall be determined using Reference Method 24.
1. The analysis of as-supplied materials may be performed by the manufacturer or the supplier. Formulation information from the manufacturer may be used in lieu of Reference Method 24 analysis unless the board or the owner has reason to believe that the formulation information provided by the manufacturer is inaccurate.
2. The owner may use VOC content information provided by the manufacturer or supplier, such as the container label, the product data sheet, or the MSDS sheet to document the VOC content of the as-supplied material.
3. If cleaning materials are diluted by the owner prior to use, a calculation that combines the as-supplied VOC content information provided by the manufacturer or supplier, the VOC content of the diluent, and the proportions in which they are mixed may be used to make a determination of VOC content of the as-applied cleaning material in lieu of Reference Method 24.
4. The owner shall conduct Reference Method 24 testing of any as-applied cleaning material used for letterpress printing operations at any time at the board's request. The owner shall be prepared to sample as-applied fountain solution or cleaning materials at all times.
D. The VOC composite partial vapor pressure of cleaning solutions shall be determined using the formula provided in 9VAC5-40-8382 C or by an appropriate test method approved by the board.
1. The determination VOC composite partial vapor pressure for as-supplied cleaning solutions may be performed by the manufacturer or the supplier. The determination of as-applied composite vapor pressure based upon the manufacturer's instructions for dilution may be performed by the manufacturer or supplier.
2. The owner may use VOC composite partial vapor pressure information provided by the manufacturer or supplier, such as the container label, the product data sheet, or the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) to document the VOC composite partial vapor pressure of the as-supplied or as-applied cleaning materials.
3. The following provisions apply to the determination of VOC composite partial vapor pressure for cleaning materials that are diluted by the owner prior to use:
a. If the dilution is made according to the manufacturer's instructions, the VOC composite partial vapor pressure for the as-applied cleaning material provided by the manufacturer or supplier may be used.
b. If a dilution is made and an as-applied VOC composite partial vapor pressure has not been provided by the manufacturer or supplier, or if the dilution is not made according to the manufacturer's instructions, then the owner shall determine the VOC composite partial vapor pressure using the calculation method provided in 9VAC5-40-8382 C or by an appropriate test method approved by the board.
4. The owner shall conduct testing of any as-applied cleaning materials used for letterpress printing operations at any time at the board's request. The owner shall be prepared to sample as-applied cleaning materials at all times.
9VAC5-40-8410. Monitoring.
A. The provisions of 9VAC5-40-40 (Monitoring) apply.
B. Periodic monitoring of letterpress printing operations shall be conducted as follows:
1. The temperature of a catalytic or thermal oxidation control device shall be monitored at least once every 15 minutes while the printing process is operating, and that temperature shall be recorded by an analog or digital recording device.
a. For a catalytic oxidizer, the dryer exhaust temperature upstream of the catalyst bed shall be monitored and recorded.
b. For a thermal oxidizer, the combustion chamber temperature of the oxidizer shall be monitored and recorded.
2. Catalyst bed material in a catalytic oxidation control device shall be inspected annually for general catalyst condition and any signs of potential catalyst depletion. Sampling and evaluation of the catalyst bed material shall be conducted whenever the results of the inspection indicate signs of potential catalyst depletion or poor catalyst condition based on manufacturer's recommendations, but not less than once per year.
3. If a heatset web letterpress printing process is interlocked to ensure that the control device is operating and airflow is present when the printing process is operating, then periodic monitoring of dryer air flow is not required. If no interlock is present, then the printing process dryer air flow shall be verified and recorded once per operating day.
9VAC5-40-8412. Notification, records, and reporting.
The provisions of 9VAC5-40-50 (Notification, records and reporting) apply.
9VAC5-40-8414. Registration.
The provisions of 9VAC5-20-160 (Registration) apply.
9VAC5-40-8416. Facility and control equipment maintenance or malfunction.
The provisions of 9VAC5-20-180 (Facility and control equipment maintenance or malfunction) apply.
9VAC5-40-8418. Permits.
A permit may be required prior to beginning any of the activities specified below if the provisions of 9VAC5-50 (New and Modified Stationary Sources) and 9VAC5-80 (Permits for Stationary Sources) apply. Owners contemplating such action should review those provisions and contact the appropriate regional office for guidance on whether those provisions apply.
1. Construction of a facility.
2. Reconstruction (replacement of more than half) of a facility.
3. Modification (any physical change to equipment) of a facility.
4. Relocation of a facility.
5. Reactivation (re-startup) of a facility.
6. Operation of a facility.
Article 56.1
Emission Standards for Offset Lithographic Printing Operations in the Northern Virginia Volatile Organic Compound Emissions Control Area, 8-hour Ozone Standard (Rule 4-56.1)
9VAC5-40-8420. Applicability and designation of affected facility.
A. The affected facility to which the provisions of this article apply is any offset lithographic printing operation at a stationary source where the actual emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from all aspects of offset lithographic printing operations, including related cleaning activities, before the consideration of controls are equal to or exceed 3.0 tons per 12-month rolling period.
B. The provisions of this article apply only to sources of VOCs located in the Northern Virginia VOC Emissions Control Area designated in subdivision 1 a of 9VAC5-20-206.
9VAC5-40-8422. Definitions.
A. For the purpose of applying this article in the context of the regulations for the control and abatement of air pollution and related uses, the words or terms shall have the meanings given them in subsection C of this section.
B. Unless otherwise required by context, all terms not defined in this section shall have the meanings given them in 9VAC5-170 (Regulation for General Administration), 9VAC5-10 (General Definitions), or commonly ascribed to them by recognized authorities, in that order of priority.
C. Terms defined.
"Alcohol" means any of the following compounds when used as a fountain solution additive: ethanol, n-propanol, and isopropanol.
"Alcohol substitute" means any nonalcohol additive that contains volatile organic compounds and is used in the fountain solution.
"Batch" means a supply of fountain solution that is prepared and used without alteration until completely used or removed from the printing process.
"Cleaning materials" means any washes, cleaners, solvents, or rejuvenators that are used to remove (i) excess printing inks, oils, and residual paper from a press, press equipment, or press parts or (ii) dried ink from areas around a press. Cleaning materials include solvents and cleaners used for manual cleaning and cleaning solutions used by automatic cleaning systems such as blanket wash, plate cleaner, metering roller cleaner, impression cylinder washes, rubber rejuvenators, and roller wash. Cleaning materials do not include cleaners used for cleaning electronic components of a press, pre-press cleaning operations (e.g., platemaking), post-press cleaning operations (e.g., binding), cleaning supplies such as detergents used to clean the floor (other than to remove dried ink from areas around a press), and cleaning performed in parts washers and cold cleaners subject to Article 47 (9VAC5-40-6820 et seq.) of Part II of 9VAC5-40 (Existing Stationary Sources).
"Composite partial vapor pressure" means the sum of the partial pressures of the compounds defined as volatile organic compounds. Composite partial vapor pressure is calculated as follows:

| Wi | = | Weight of the "i"th VOC compound, in grams. |
| Ww | = | Weight of water, in grams. |
| We | = | Weight of exempt compound, in grams. |
| MWi | = | Molecular weight of the "i"th VOC compound, in grams/gram-mole. |
| MWw | = | Molecular weight of water, in grams/gram-mole. |
| MWe | = | Molecular weight of exempt compound, in grams/gram-mole. |
| PPc | = | VOC composite partial pressure at 20°C, in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). |
| VPi | = | Vapor pressure of the "i"th VOC compound at 20°C, in mm Hg. |
"First installation date" means the date that a control device is first installed for the purpose of controlling emissions. The first installation date does not change if the control device is later moved to a new location or installed on a different press.
"Fountain solution" means any mixture of water, volatile and nonvolatile chemicals, and additives applied to a lithographic plate to repel ink from the nonimage area on the plate.
"Heatset" means a printing process in which heat from a dryer is used to evaporate ink oils from the substrate.
"Heatset web offset lithographic printing dryer" means the dryer or dryers installed as part of a heatset web offset lithographic printing process that dries or cures inks or surface coatings.
"Lithographic printing" means a planographic printing process in which the image and nonimage areas are chemically differentiated with the image area being oil receptive and the nonimage area being water receptive. This process differs from other printing processes, where the image is a raised or recessed surface.
"Non-heatset" means a printing process in which the printing inks are set and dried by absorption or oxidation rather than heat. For the purposes of this article, UV-cured and electron beam-cured inks are considered non-heatset.
"Offset lithographic printing" means a printing process that transfers the ink film from the lithographic plate to an intermediary surface (blanket), which, in turn, transfers the ink film to the substrate.
"Offset lithographic printing operation" means one or more printing processes employing offset lithographic printing on offset lithographic printing presses and includes the related processes necessary to directly support the operation of those offset lithographic printing processes including, but not limited to, pre-press and post-press operations. Varnishes, glues, and other coatings that are applied by an offset lithographic printing process are part of offset lithographic printing operations and are not considered as a separate process (e.g., paper coating).
"Press" means a printing production assembly composed of one or more units to produce a printed substrate (sheet or web).
"Printing" means a photomechanical process in which a transfer of text, designs, and images occurs through contact of an image carrier with a substrate.
"Printing process" means any operation or system wherein printing ink or a combination of printing ink and surface coating is applied, dried, or cured and that is subject to the same emission standard. A printing process may include any equipment that applies, conveys, dries, or cures inks or surface coatings, including, but not limited to, flow coaters, flashoff areas, air dryers, drying areas, and ovens.
"Sheet-fed" means a printing process in which individual sheets of substrate are fed into the press sequentially.
"Theoretical potential to emit" means for the purposes of this article the maximum capacity of a heatset web offset lithographic printing process to emit VOC and shall be based on emissions at design capacity or maximum production and maximum operating hours (8,760 hours/year) before add-on controls, unless the heatset web offset lithographic printing process is subject to state and federally enforceable permit conditions that limit production rates or hours of operation.
"12-month rolling period" means a period that is determined monthly and consists of the previous 12 consecutive calendar months.
"Unit" means the smallest complete printing component, composed of an inking and dampening system, of a printing press.
"VOC" means volatile organic compound.
"Web" means a continuous roll of printing substrate.
9VAC5-40-8424. Standard for volatile organic compounds.
A. No owner or other person shall use or permit the use of any offset lithographic printing press, offset lithographic printing process, or other offset lithographic printing operation that is subject to this article unless that press, process, or operation meets the requirements of this section.
B. Except as provided in subdivision 3 of this subsection, the following provisions apply to each heatset offset lithographic printing process at a facility whose potential to emit is greater than or equal to 10 tons per year of VOC, provided that the emission rates are determined in a manner acceptable to the board. All VOC emissions from printing inks, coatings, cleaning solutions, and fountain solutions shall be considered in determining the potential to emit for this subsection.
1. VOC emissions from the heatset web offset lithographic printing process dryer shall be controlled as follows:
a. The dryer shall operate at a lower air pressure than the pressroom air pressure at all times when the printing process is operating.
b. Exhaust air from the dryer shall be collected and sent to a control device that operates at all times when the printing process is operating.
c. The control device shall reduce VOC emissions in the dryer air exhaust by at least 90%.
2. Where the heatset web offset lithographic printing process control device inlet VOC concentration is too low to achieve the control device efficiency requirements specified in subdivisions 1 c of this subsection or there is no identifiable measurable inlet, the control device shall reduce the VOC concentration of the heatset web offset lithographic printing process dryer exhaust air to 50 parts per million volume (ppmv) or less, as carbon (minus methane and ethane).
3. The provisions in subdivisions 1 and 2 of this subsection do not apply to the following:
a. Any heatset web offset lithographic printing process with a theoretical potential to emit of 25 tons per year of VOC or more from the heatset web offset lithographic printing dryer. VOC standards for heatset web offset lithographic printing process with a theoretical potential to emit of 25 tons per year of VOC or more are provided in subsection C of this section.
b. Printing processes used exclusively for determination of product quality and commercial acceptance provided:
(1) The operation is not an integral part of the production process;
(2) The emissions from all product quality printing processes do not exceed 400 pounds in any 30-day period; and
(3) The exemption is approved by the board.
c. Photoprocessing, typesetting, or imagesetting equipment using water-based chemistry to develop silver halide images.
d. Platemaking equipment using water-based chemistry to remove unhardened image-producing material from an exposed plate.
e. Equipment used to make blueprints.
f. Any sheet-fed offset lithographic press with a cylinder width of 26 inches or less.
C. Except as provided in subdivisions 4 and 5 of this subsection, the following provisions apply to each heatset web offset lithographic printing process with a theoretical potential to emit of 25 tons per year of VOC or more from the dryer. These provisions do not apply to non-heatset web offset lithographic printing processes or to sheet-fed offset lithographic printing processes.
1. VOC emissions from the heatset web offset lithographic printing process dryer shall be controlled as follows:
a. The dryer shall operate at a lower air pressure than the pressroom air pressure at all times when the printing process is operating.
b. Exhaust air from the dryer shall be collected and sent to a control device that operates at all times when the printing process is operating.
c. For a control device whose first installation date is prior to (insert effective date of this article), the control device shall reduce VOC emissions in the dryer air exhaust by at least 90%.
d. For a control device whose first installation date is on or after (insert effective date of this article), the control device shall reduce VOC emissions in the dryer air exhaust by at least 95%.
2. Where the heatset web offset lithographic printing process control device inlet VOC concentration is too low to achieve the control device efficiency requirements specified in subdivisions 1 c and 1 d of this subsection or there is no identifiable measurable inlet, the control device shall reduce the VOC concentration of the heatset web offset lithographic printing process dryer exhaust air to 20 parts per million volume (ppmv) or less, as hexane on a dry basis.
3. Federally enforceable limitations on (i) the VOC content of inks, varnishes, and other coatings applied; (ii) the total amounts of inks, varnishes, and other coatings applied; (iii) the press application rates of inks, varnishes, and other coatings; or (iv) the hours of press operation may be used to meet the 25 ton per year exception to this subsection.
4. The provisions of subdivisions 1 and 2 of this subsection do not apply to (i) any heatset web offset lithographic printing process constructed on or after (insert effective date of this article) and used exclusively for book printing or (ii) any heatset web offset lithographic printing process constructed on or after (insert effective date of this article) with a maximum web width of 22 inches or less.
5. The heatset web offset lithographic printing process dryer control device provisions of subdivision 1 d of this subsection do not apply to (i) any heatset web offset lithographic printing process used exclusively for book printing; or (ii) any heatset web offset lithographic printing process with a maximum web width of 22 inches or less.
D. The following provisions shall apply to fountain solution applied to each offset lithographic printing press, except that these provisions shall not apply to (i) sheet-fed offset lithographic printing processes with a sheet size of 11 inches by 17 inches or smaller or (ii) sheet-fed offset lithographic printing processes with a total fountain solution reservoir of less than one gallon.
1. For each heatset web press:
a. When the fountain solution contains alcohol:
(1) The fountain solution, as applied, shall contain no more than 1.6% volatile organic compounds by weight; or
(2) The temperature of the fountain solution shall be maintained at or below 60°F and the fountain solution, as applied, shall contain no more than 3.0% VOCs by weight; or
b. When the fountain solution contains no alcohol, the fountain solution, as applied, shall contain no more than 5.0% VOCs by weight.
2. For each non-heatset web press, the fountain solution, as applied, shall contain no alcohol and shall contain no more than 5.0% VOCs by weight.
3. For each sheet-fed press:
a. The fountain solution, as applied, shall contain no more than 5.0% VOCs by weight; or
b. The temperature of the fountain solution shall be maintained at or below 60°F and the fountain solution, as applied, shall contain no more than 8.5% VOCs by weight.
E. Cleaning materials used at each offset lithographic printing operation shall meet one of the following limits, as applied:
1. A VOC content of 30% by weight; or
2. A composite vapor pressure of 10 mm Hg at 20°C (68°F).
F. The following work practices shall be implemented.
1. Cleaning materials, fountain solution, inks, varnishes, and coatings containing VOCs shall be kept in closed containers at all times unless filling, draining, or performing cleaning operations.
2. Shop towels, sponges, and other manual cleaning aids that (i) have been used for picking up excess ink, fountain solution, varnishes, and other coatings containing VOCs or (ii) have been used with cleaning materials containing VOCs shall be kept in closed containers.
3. Spills of cleaning materials, fountain solution, inks, varnishes, and other coatings containing VOCs shall be minimized and shall be cleaned up promptly.
9VAC5-40-8426. Standard for visible emissions.
The provisions of Article 1 (9VAC5-40-60 et seq.) of Part II of 9VAC5-40 (Existing Stationary Sources) apply.
9VAC5-40-8428. Standard for fugitive dust/emissions.
The provisions of Article 1 (9VAC5-40-60 et seq.) of Part II of 9VAC5-40 (Existing Stationary Sources) apply.
9VAC5-40-8430. Standard for odor.
The provisions of Article 2 (9VAC5-40-130 et seq.) of Part II of 9VAC5-40 (Existing Stationary Sources) apply.
9VAC5-40-8432. Standard for toxic pollutants.
The provisions of Article 4 (9VAC5-60-200 et seq.) of Part II of 9VAC5-60 (Hazardous Air Pollutant Sources) apply.
9VAC5-40-8434. Compliance.
A. The provisions of 9VAC5-40-20 (Compliance) apply.
B. An emission test of the control device installed on a heatset web offset lithographic printing process dryer shall be performed to demonstrate compliance with the provisions of 9VAC5-40-8424 B and C and 9VAC5-40-8436. The negative dryer pressure shall be established during the initial test using an airflow direction indicator, such as a smoke stick or aluminum ribbons, or a differential pressure gauge.
C. Once initial compliance has been demonstrated with the heatset web offset lithographic printing process dryer control requirements of 9VAC5-40-8424 B and C through performance testing of an catalytic or thermal oxidation control device, continuing compliance with the heatset web offset lithographic printing process dryer control requirements in 9VAC5-40-8424 B and C shall be demonstrated for the catalytic or thermal oxidation control device by monitoring the control device in accordance with 9VAC5-40-8440 B 3, B 4, and B 5. The owner shall maintain the 3-hour average of the monitored temperature at a temperature no less than 50°F below the 3-hour average temperature that was recorded during the most recent performance test during which compliance was demonstrated.
9VAC5-40-8436. Compliance schedule.
The owner shall comply with the provisions of this article as expeditiously as possible but in no case later than (insert a date corresponding to the first day of the 12th month after the effective date of this article).
Statutory Authority
9VAC5-40-8438. Test methods and procedures.
A. The provisions of 9VAC5-40-30 (Emission testing) apply.
B. The following EPA test methods shall be used to demonstrate compliance with the heatset web offset lithographic printing process dryer control device control requirements in 9VAC5-40-8424 B and C.
1. Reference Method 1 or 1A, as appropriate, shall be used to select the sampling sites.
2. Reference Method 2, 2A, 2C, or 2D, as appropriate, shall be used to determine the velocity and volumetric flow rate of the exhaust stream.
3. Reference Method 3 or 3A, as appropriate, shall be used to determine the concentration of O2 and CO2.
4. Reference Method 4 shall be used to determine moisture content.
5. Reference Methods 18, 25, or 25A shall be used to determine the VOC concentration of the dryer exhaust stream entering and exiting the control device, unless the alternate limit in 9VAC5-40-8424 B 2 or C 2 is being met, in which case only the VOC concentration of the dryer exhaust control device outlet shall be determined.
6. Reference Method 25A shall be used to determine the dryer exhaust control device inlet and outlet VOC concentrations when the control device outlet concentration is less than 50 ppmv VOC as carbon.
7 If the control device is an oxidizer, the combustion chamber temperature or catalyst bed inlet temperature corresponding to destruction efficiencies that meet the requirements of 9VAC5-40-8424 B or C, as appropriate, shall be recorded.
C. The VOC content of as-applied inks, varnishes and other coatings, fountain solutions, and cleaning materials shall be determined using Reference Method 24.
1. The analysis of as-supplied materials may be performed by the manufacturer or the supplier. Formulation information from the manufacturer may be used in lieu of Reference Method 24 analysis unless the board or the owner has reason to believe that the formulation information provided by the manufacturer is inaccurate.
2. The owner may use VOC content information provided by the manufacturer or supplier, such as the container label, the product data sheet, or the MSDS sheet to document the VOC content of the as-supplied material.
3. If fountain solution or cleaning materials are diluted by the owner prior to use, a calculation that combines the as-supplied VOC content information provided by the manufacturer or supplier, the VOC content of the diluent, and the proportions in which they are mixed may be used to make a determination of VOC content of the as-applied fountain solution or cleaning material in lieu of Reference Method 24.
4. The owner shall conduct Reference Method 24 testing of any as-applied fountain solution or cleaning material used for offset lithographic printing operations at any time at the board's request. The owner shall be prepared to sample as-applied fountain solution or cleaning materials at all times.
D. A thermometer or other temperature detection device capable of reading the temperature of the fountain solution to within 0.5°F shall be used to determine compliance with fountain solution temperature requirements in 9VAC5-40-8424 D.
E. The VOC composite partial vapor pressure of cleaning solutions shall be determined using the formula provided in 9VAC5-40-8422 C or by an appropriate test method approved by the board.
1. The determination VOC composite partial vapor pressure for as-supplied cleaning solutions may be performed by the manufacturer or the supplier. The determination of as-applied composite vapor pressure based upon the manufacturer's instructions for dilution may be performed by the manufacturer or supplier.
2. The owner may use VOC composite partial vapor pressure information provided by the manufacturer or supplier, such as the container label, the product data sheet, or the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), to document the VOC composite partial vapor pressure of the as-supplied or as-applied cleaning materials.
3. The following provisions apply to the determination of VOC composite partial vapor pressure for cleaning materials that are diluted by the owner prior to use:
a. If the dilution is made according to the manufacturer's instructions, the VOC composite partial vapor pressure for the as-applied cleaning material provided by the manufacturer or supplier may be used.
b. If a dilution is made and an as-applied VOC composite partial vapor pressure has not been provided by the manufacturer or supplier, or if the dilution is not made according to the manufacturer's instructions, then the owner shall determine the VOC composite partial vapor pressure using the calculation method provided in 9VAC5-40-8422 C.
4. The owner shall conduct testing of any as-applied cleaning materials used for offset lithographic printing operations at any time at the board's request. The owner shall be prepared to sample as-applied cleaning materials at all times.
9VAC5-40-8440. Monitoring.
A. The provisions of 9VAC5-40-40 (Monitoring) apply.
B. Periodic monitoring of offset lithographic printing operations shall be conducted as follows:
1. The alcohol concentration of offset lithographic printing process fountain solution shall be monitored with a hydrometer, equipped with temperature correction or with readings adjusted for temperature, and recorded at least once per shift or once per batch, whichever is longer. A standard solution shall be used to calibrate the hydrometer for the type of alcohol used in the fountain.
2. The temperature of refrigerated fountain solution shall be measured at the recirculating tank at least once per operating day.
3. The temperature of a catalytic or thermal oxidation control device shall be monitored at least once every 15 minutes while the printing process is operating, and that temperature shall be recorded by an analog or digital recording device.
a. For a catalytic oxidizer, the dryer exhaust temperature upstream of the catalyst bed shall be monitored and recorded.
b. For a thermal oxidizer, the combustion chamber temperature of the oxidizer shall be monitored and recorded.
4. Catalyst bed material in a catalytic oxidation control device shall be inspected annually for general catalyst condition and any signs of potential catalyst depletion. Sampling and evaluation of the catalyst bed material shall be conducted whenever the results of the inspection indicate signs of potential catalyst depletion or poor catalyst condition based on manufacturer's recommendations, but not less than once per year.
5. If a heatset web offset lithographic printing process is interlocked to ensure that the control device is operating and airflow is present when the printing process is operating, then periodic monitoring of dryer air flow is not required. If no interlock is present, then the printing process dryer air flow shall be verified and recorded once per operating day.
9VAC5-40-8450. Notification, records, and reporting.
The provisions of 9VAC5-40-50 (Notification, records, and reporting) apply.
9VAC5-40-8460. Registration.
The provisions of 9VAC5-20-160 (Registration) apply.
9VAC5-40-8470. Facility and control equipment maintenance or malfunction.
The provisions of 9VAC5-20-180 (Facility and control equipment maintenance or malfunction) apply.
9VAC5-40-8480. Permits.
A permit may be required prior to beginning any of the activities specified below if the provisions of 9VAC5-50 (New and Modified Stationary Sources) and 9VAC5-80 (Permits for Stationary Sources) apply. Owners contemplating such action should review those provisions and contact the appropriate regional office for guidance on whether those provisions apply.
1. Construction of a facility.
2. Reconstruction (replacement of more than half) of a facility.
3. Modification (any physical change to equipment) of a facility.
4. Relocation of a facility.
5. Reactivation (re-startup) of a facility.
6. Operation of a facility.
VA.R. Doc. No. R10-2126; Filed December 18, 2014, 8:00 a.m.