Vol. 31 Iss. 10 - January 12, 2015

Chapter 22
Proposed Regulation

Title of Regulation: 18VAC50-22. Board for Contractors Regulations (amending 18VAC50-22-10, 18VAC50-22-100, 18VAC50-22-130, 18VAC50-22-140, 18VAC50-22-160, 18VAC50-22-170, 18VAC50-22-180, 18VAC50-22-260; adding 18VAC50-22-62).

Statutory Authority: §§ 54.1-201, 54.1-1102, and 54.1-1146 of the Code of Virginia.

Public Hearing Information:

February 10, 2015 - 10:15 a.m. - Commonwealth of Virginia Conference Center Perimeter Center, Training Room 2, 9960 Mayland Drive, Richmond, VA 23233

Public Comment Deadline: March 13, 2015.

Agency Contact: Eric L. Olson, Executive Director, Board for Contractors, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 400, Richmond, VA 23233, telephone (804) 367-2785, FAX (866) 430-1033, or email

Basis: Section 54.1-1146 of the Code of Virginia authorizes the Board for Contractors to issue residential building energy analyst licenses and residential building energy analyst firm licenses to applicants that meet specified criteria. Section 54.1-201 A 5 of the Code of Virginia states in part that regulatory boards shall promulgate regulations in accordance with the Administrative Process Act necessary to assure continued competence, to prevent deceptive or misleading practices by practitioners, and to effectively administer the regulatory system administered by the regulatory board.

Purpose: The proposed amendments address residential building energy analyst licensure for firms as required by Chapter 865 of the Acts of the 2011 General Assembly. The number of consumers who are interested in having their homes become more energy efficient has continued to increase as people become more conscious of their impact on the environment. The General Assembly has determined that this program is necessary to ensure that the public be protected against incompetent, unqualified, unscrupulous, or unfit persons engaging in residential building energy analyst activities.

Substance: The board seeks to amend its regulations to include a definition and fee for residential building energy analyst firms and to bring residential building energy analyst firm license holders under the board's jurisdiction and disciplinary authority. The proposed amendments (i) add residential building energy analyst firm to the definitions and list of licenses issued by the Board for Contractors; (ii) establish entry requirements for residential building energy analyst firm license applicants; (iii) establish a residential building energy analyst firm license fee of $210 and specify that a residential building energy analyst firm is not subject to paying the $25 recovery fund assessment; (iv) establish renewal and reinstatement requirements and fees for residential building energy analyst firms; (v) provide that a residential building energy analyst firm shall be continuously licensed if they meet the requirements of reinstatement; and (vi) update the filing of charges and prohibited acts section to include residential building energy analyst firms as well as contractors, including the addition of two prohibited acts specifically for residential building energy analyst firms.

Issues: The housing industry is taking great strides in constructing homes that are energy efficient. The building codes for residential construction will also reflect some of these newer construction techniques. Part of the industry changes are to ensure that new homes are constructed in accordance with the standards set forth by the Building Performance Institute and the Residential Energy Services Network and that work done retroactively to existing structures meets similar industry standards. It is imperative that individuals who are responsible for the inspection of a residential property to evaluate or measure the energy consumption and efficiency of that property are adequately trained and licensed. Additionally, financial criteria set forth in these proposed regulations, including the requirement that a licensee be properly insured, helps protect the public from damages that could occur during the testing process. The protection and assurance of properly trained individuals and firms is the primary advantage of these regulations. Since the decision to have an energy analysis done on one's home is voluntary, there is no disadvantage to the public.

Virginia was the first state to require the licensure of residential building energy analyst firms and, by doing so, can be viewed as being very proactive within the residential energy industry and consumer protection arenas by ensuring that energy analyses are done by properly trained individuals working for financially protected companies.

Department of Planning and Budget's Economic Impact Analysis:

Summary of the Proposed Amendments to Regulation. Pursuant to Chapter 865 of the 2011 Acts of the Assembly, the Board for Contractors (Board) proposes to promulgate regulations to newly license residential building energy analyst (RBEA) firms. These proposed regulations will replace emergency regulations that became effective July 1, 2013.

Result of Analysis. There is insufficient information to ascertain whether benefits will outweigh costs for these proposed regulations.

Estimated Economic Impact. Chapter 865 of the 2011 Acts of Assembly created a new licensing requirement for RBEAs and firms under newly created sections of the Virginia Code: 54.1-1144, 54.1-1145, and 54.1-1146. In addition, Chapter 865 mandated that the board adopt regulations to approve accredited RBEA training programs, the licensing requirements for this profession, and the establishment of performance standards for this work that are consistent with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This proposed regulatory package would address the licensing of RBEA firms by:

1) Adding a definition of residential building analyst firm,

2) Requiring firms to have at least one qualified individual who is over the age of 18, is licensed as an RBEA analyst and is a full time employee of the firm,

3) Requiring firms to get and maintain $500,000 in general liability insurance,

4) Establishing an RBEA firm initial license fee of $210, a biennial renewal fee of $195, and a reinstatement fee of $405 (for firms that fail to renew within 30 days of their renewal date),

5) Stating that applicants for renewal or reinstatement must meet all licensure requirements and are required to submit proof of insurance,

6) Clarifying that RBEA firms who apply for reinstatement are regarded as having been continuously licensed without interruption and may be held accountable for their activities during the entire time period,

7) Adding RBEA firms to the relevant sections of the disciplinary provisions of the regulatory text that pertain to prohibited acts and

8) Adding two grounds for discipline that are specific to RBEA firms: firms that endorse residential building energy analyses inconsistent with Board, EPA, or Energy Star Program requirements or fail to maintain the required general liability insurance will be subject to Board discipline.

Firms that are licensed through these regulations will incur explicit costs for required fees and for maintain required insurance; Board staff reports that insurance premiums will vary pretty widely but estimates that the annual cost of a $500,000 general liability insurance policy for firms should be between $600 and $1,500. Firms may also incur implicit and explicit costs for training and testing employees so that they can be licensed as RBEA analysts. For firms these costs would include the value of the time (Board staff approximates 40 hours) that an already licensed firm employee who has been certified as an RBEA trainer must spend training unlicensed employees as well as the $950 fee for taking a certification exam through one of the two certification programs approved by the Board (the Residential Energy Services Network or the Building Professional Institute). Firms may choose to pay for such training because the cost of outside training for employees, approximately $2,995, might be prohibitive for many individuals. Firms will likely also incur non-fee costs for compiling and maintaining necessary documents to prove licensure eligibility and for submitting these documents to the Board. These costs must be weighed against any benefit that might accrue to the public if licensure curbs or eliminates shoddy or unethical residential building energy analyses. As these benefits are currently unknown, there is insufficient information to ascertain whether benefits will outweigh costs for this licensure program.

Businesses and Entities Affected. Board staff reports that, as of November 30, 2013, the Board has licensed 28 RBEA firms. All of these firms, as well as any other entities that might want to engage in residential building energy analysis, will be affected by these proposed regulations.

Localities Particularly Affected. No locality will be particularly affected by this proposed regulatory action.

Projected Impact on Employment. This proposed regulatory action is likely to reduce the number firms that perform or facilitate residential building energy analysis because having to get and maintain licensure will likely raise costs for such firms.

Effects on the Use and Value of Private Property. To the extent that the right to engage in the business of one's choice unencumbered can be viewed as a private property right, the value of affected firms' private property may be reduced by these proposed regulations. Any reduction in value may be offset partially or completely because licensure programs serve as a barrier to entry that may limit competition and increase market share, and therefore revenues, for surviving firms. Some firms may actually enjoy increased profits if increased revenues outstrip additional costs incurred on account of required licensure.

Small Businesses: Costs and Other Effects. Most if not all RBEA firms qualify as small businesses. These firms will incur implicit and explicit costs for getting and maintaining licensure.

Small Businesses: Alternative Method that Minimizes Adverse Impact. There are likely no alternatives to these regulations that would both fulfill the legislative requirements in Chapter 865 and be less costly for small businesses.

Real Estate Development Costs. At this time, this regulatory action will likely have no effect on real estate development costs in the Commonwealth.

Legal Mandate. The Department of Planning and Budget (DPB) has analyzed the economic impact of this proposed regulation in accordance with § 2.2-4007.04 of the Administrative Process Act and Executive Order Number 14 (10). Section 2.2-4007.04 requires that such economic impact analyses include, but need not be limited to, a determination of the public benefit, the projected number of businesses or other entities to whom the regulation would apply, the identity of any localities and types of businesses or other entities particularly affected, the projected number of persons and employment positions to be affected, the projected costs to affected businesses or entities to implement or comply with the regulation, and the impact on the use and value of private property. Further, if the proposed regulation has an adverse effect on small businesses, § 2.2-4007.04 requires that such economic impact analyses include (i) an identification and estimate of the number of small businesses subject to the regulation; (ii) the projected reporting, recordkeeping, and other administrative costs required for small businesses to comply with the regulation, including the type of professional skills necessary for preparing required reports and other documents; (iii) a statement of the probable effect of the regulation on affected small businesses; and (iv) a description of any less intrusive or less costly alternative methods of achieving the purpose of the regulation. The analysis presented above represents DPB's best estimate of these economic impacts.

Agency's Response to Economic Impact Analysis: The board concurs with the analysis.


The proposed amendments create the residential building energy analyst firm license to comport with Chapter 865 of the 2011 Acts of Assembly. The proposed amendments add a definition of residential building energy analyst firm, establish licensure eligibility criteria, list the fees associated with the license, add prohibited acts for such a license, and identify other administrative requirements. The proposed regulations are intended to replace emergency regulations that have been in effect since July 1, 2013.

Part I

18VAC50-22-10. General definitions.

The following words and terms when used in this chapter, unless a different meaning is provided or is plainly required by the context, shall have the following meanings:

"Address of record" means the mailing address designated by the licensee to receive notices and correspondence from the board.

"Affidavit" means a written statement of facts, made voluntarily, and confirmed by the oath or affirmation of the party making it, taken before a notary or other person having the authority to administer such oath or affirmation.

"Business entity" means a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or any other form of organization permitted by law.

"Change order" means any modification to the original contract including, but not limited to, the time to complete the work, change in materials, change in cost, and change in the scope of work.

"Controlling financial interest" means the direct or indirect ownership or control of more than 50% ownership of a firm.

"Firm" means any business entity recognized under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

"Formal vocational training" means courses in the trade administered at an accredited educational facility; or formal training, approved by the department, conducted by trade associations, businesses, military, correspondence schools or other similar training organizations.

"Full-time employee" means an employee who spends a minimum of 30 hours a week carrying out the work of the licensed contracting business.

"Helper" or "laborer" means a person who assists a licensed tradesman and who is not an apprentice as defined in 18VAC50-30-10.

"Licensee" means a firm holding a license issued by the Board for Contractors to act as a contractor, as defined in § 54.1-1100 of the Code of Virginia.

"Net worth" means assets minus liabilities. For purposes of this chapter, assets shall not include any property owned as tenants by the entirety.

"Prime contractor" means a licensed contractor that performs, supervises, or manages the construction, removal, repair, or improvement of real property pursuant to the terms of a primary contract with the property owner/lessee. The prime contractor may use its own employees to perform the work or use the services of other properly licensed contractors.

"Principal place of business" means the location where the licensee principally conducts business with the public.

"Reciprocity" means an arrangement by which the licensees of two states are allowed to practice within each other's boundaries by mutual agreement.

"Reinstatement" means having a license restored to effectiveness after the expiration date has passed.

"Renewal" means continuing the effectiveness of a license for another period of time.

"Residential building energy analyst firm" means any business entity wherein a residential building energy analysis, as defined in § 54.1-1144 of the Code of Virginia, is offered or practiced.

"Responsible management" means the following individuals:

1. The sole proprietor of a sole proprietorship;

2. The partners of a general partnership;

3. The managing partners of a limited partnership;

4. The officers of a corporation;

5. The managers of a limited liability company;

6. The officers or directors of an association or both; and

7. Individuals in other business entities recognized under the laws of the Commonwealth as having a fiduciary responsibility to the firm.

"Sole proprietor" means any individual, not a corporation, who is trading under his own name, or under an assumed or fictitious name pursuant to the provisions of §§ 59.1-69 through 59.1-76 of the Code of Virginia.

"Supervision" means providing guidance or direction of a delegated task or procedure by a tradesman licensed in accordance with Chapter 11 (§ 54.1-1100 et seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia, being accessible to the helper or laborer, and periodically observing and evaluating the performance of the task or procedure.

"Supervisor" means the licensed master or journeyman tradesman who has the responsibility to ensure that the installation is in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code and provides supervision to helpers and laborers as defined in this chapter.

"Temporary license" means a license issued by the board pursuant to § 54.1-201.1 of the Code of Virginia that authorizes a person to engage in the practice of contracting until such time as the license is issued or 45 days from the date of issuance of the temporary license, whichever occurs first.

"Tenants by the entirety" means a tenancy which is created between a husband and wife and by which together they hold title to the whole with right of survivorship so that, upon death of either, the other takes whole to exclusion of the deceased's remaining heirs.

"Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code" or "USBC" means building regulations comprised of those promulgated by the Virginia Board of Housing and Community Development in accordance with § 36-98 of the Code of Virginia, including any model codes and standards that are incorporated by reference and that regulate construction, reconstruction, alteration, conversion, repair, maintenance or use of structures, and building and installation of equipment therein.

18VAC50-22-62. Requirements for residential building energy analyst firm.

A. An applicant for a residential building energy analyst firm license must meet the requirements of this section.

B. The firm shall name a qualified individual who meets all of the following requirements:

1. Is at least 18 years old;

2. Holds a current individual residential building energy analyst license issued by the board; and

3. Is a full-time employee of the firm as defined in this chapter or is a member of the responsible management of the firm.

C. The applicant shall provide documentation, acceptable to the board, that the firm currently carries a minimum of $500,000 of general liability insurance from a company authorized to provide such insurance in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

D. The firm, the qualified individual, and all members of the responsible management of the firm shall disclose at the time of application (i) any current or previous energy analyst or home inspection licenses held in Virginia or in other jurisdictions and (ii) any disciplinary actions taken on these licenses. This includes, but is not limited to, any monetary penalties, fines, suspensions, revocations, surrender of a license in connection with a disciplinary action, or voluntary termination of a license in Virginia or in any other jurisdiction.

E. The firm shall provide information for the past five years prior to application on any outstanding past-due debts, outstanding judgments, outstanding tax obligations, defaults on bonds, or pending or past bankruptcies. The firm, its qualified individual, and all members of the responsible management of the firm shall submit information on any past-due debts and judgments or defaults on bonds directly related to the practice of residential building energy analysis as defined in § 54.1-1144 of the Code of Virginia.

F. In accordance with § 54.1-204 of the Code of Virginia, each applicant shall disclose the following information about the firm, all members of the responsible management, and the qualified individual for the firm:

1. All misdemeanor convictions within three years of the date of application; and

2. All felony convictions during their lifetime.

Any plea of nolo contendere shall be considered a conviction for purposes of this subsection. The record of a conviction received from a court shall be accepted as prima facie evidence of a conviction or finding of guilt. The board, in its discretion, may deny licensure to any applicant in accordance with § 54.1-204 of the Code of Virginia.

18VAC50-22-100. Fees.

Each check or money order shall be made payable to the Treasurer of Virginia. All fees required by the board are nonrefundable. In the event that a check, money draft or similar instrument for payment of a fee required by statute or regulation is not honored by the bank or financial institution named, the applicant or regulant shall be required to remit fees sufficient to cover the original fee, plus an additional processing charge set by the department:

Fee Type

When Due

Amount Due

Class C Initial License

with license application


Class B Initial License

with license application


Class A Initial License

with license application


Temporary License

with license application and applicable initial license fee


Residential Building Energy Analyst Firm License

with license application


Qualified Individual Exam Fee

with exam application


Class B Exam Fee

with exam application ($20 per section)


Class A Exam Fee

with exam application ($20 per section)


Note: A $25 Recovery Fund assessment is also required with each initial license application, except for the residential building energy analyst firm license. If the applicant does not meet all requirements and does not become licensed, this assessment will be refunded. The examination fees approved by the board but administered by another governmental agency or organization shall be determined by that agency or organization.

18VAC50-22-130. Qualifications for renewal.

A. The license holder's completed renewal form and appropriate fees must be received within 30 days of the license expiration date in order to renew the license. Applications and fees received after the 30-day period will be processed in accordance with Part IV (18VAC50-22-160 et seq.) of this chapter.

B. Applicants for renewal of a Class C license shall continue to meet all of the qualifications for licensure set forth in 18VAC50-22-40. Applicants for renewal of a Class B license shall continue to meet all of the qualifications for licensure set forth in 18VAC50-22-50. Applicants for renewal of a Class A license shall continue to meet all of the qualifications for licensure set forth in 18VAC50-22-60.

C. Applicants for renewal of a residential building energy analyst firm license shall continue to meet all of the qualifications for licensure set forth in 18VAC50-22-62 and shall submit proof of insurance as required in 18VAC50-22-62 C.

18VAC50-22-140. Renewal fees.

Each check or money order should be made payable to the Treasurer of Virginia. All fees required by the board are nonrefundable.

In the event that a check, money draft, or similar instrument for payment of a fee required by statute or regulation is not honored by the bank or financial institution named, the applicant or regulant shall be required to remit fees sufficient to cover the original fee, plus an additional processing charge set by the department:

Fee Type

When Due

Amount Due

Class C Renewal

with renewal application


Class B Renewal

with renewal application


Class A Renewal

with renewal application


Residential Building Energy Analyst Firm Renewal

with renewal application


The date on which the renewal fee is received by the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation or its agent shall determine whether the licensee is eligible for renewal or must apply for reinstatement.

Part IV

18VAC50-22-160. Reinstatement required.

Should the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation fail to receive a license holder's renewal form and appropriate fees within 30 days of the license expiration date, the licensee shall be required to reinstate the license. Applicants for reinstatement of a Class C license shall meet the requirements of 18VAC50-22-130. Applicants for reinstatement of a Class B license shall continue to meet the qualifications for licensure set forth in 18VAC50-22-50. Applicants for reinstatement of a Class A license shall continue to meet all the qualifications for licensure set forth in 18VAC50-22-60. Applicants for reinstatement of a residential building energy analyst firm license shall continue to meet all of the qualifications for licensure set forth in 18VAC50-22-62 and shall submit proof of insurance as required in 18VAC50-22-62 C.

18VAC50-22-170. Reinstatement fees.

Each check or money order should be made payable to the Treasurer of Virginia. All fees required by the board are nonrefundable. In the event that a check, money draft, or similar instrument for payment of a fee required by statute or regulation is not honored by the bank or financial institution named, the applicant or regulant shall be required to remit fees sufficient to cover the original fee, plus an additional processing charge set by the department:

Fee Type

When Due

Amount Due

Class C Reinstatement

with reinstatement application


Class B Reinstatement

with reinstatement application


Class A Reinstatement

with reinstatement application


Residential Building Energy Analyst Firm Reinstatement

with reinstatement application


*Includes renewal fee listed in 18VAC50-22-140.

The date on which the reinstatement fee is received by the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation or its agent shall determine whether the licensee is eligible for reinstatement or must apply for a new license and meet the entry requirements in place at the time of that application. In order to ensure that licensees are qualified to practice as contractors, no reinstatement will be permitted once one year from the expiration date of the license has passed.

18VAC50-22-180. Status of licensee during the period prior to reinstatement.

A. When a license is reinstated, the licensee shall continue to have the same license number and shall be assigned an expiration date two years from the previous expiration date of the license.

B. A contractor who reinstates his license shall be regarded as having been continuously licensed without interruption. Therefore:

1. The contractor shall remain under the disciplinary authority of the board during this entire period and may be held accountable for his activities during this period.

2. A consumer who contracts with a contractor during the period between the expiration of the license and the reinstatement of the license shall not be prohibited from making a claim on the Virginia Contractor Transaction Recovery Fund.

A contractor who fails to reinstate his license shall be regarded as unlicensed from the expiration date of the license forward.

Nothing in this chapter shall divest the board of its authority to discipline a contractor for a violation of the law or regulations during the period of time for which the contractor was licensed.

C. A residential building energy analyst firm that reinstates its license shall be regarded as having been continuously licensed without interruption and shall remain under the disciplinary authority of the board during this entire period and may be held accountable for its activities during this period.

18VAC50-22-260. Filing of charges; prohibited acts.

A. All complaints against contractors and residential building energy analyst firms may be filed with the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation at any time during business hours, pursuant to § 54.1-1114 of the Code of Virginia.

B. The following are prohibited acts:

1. Failure in any material way to comply with provisions of Chapter 1 (§ 54.1-100 et seq.) or Chapter 11 (§ 54.1-1100 et seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia or the regulations of the board.

2. Furnishing substantially inaccurate or incomplete information to the board in obtaining, renewing, reinstating, or maintaining a license.

3. Failure of the responsible management, designated employee, or qualified individual to report to the board, in writing, the suspension or revocation of a contractor license by another state or conviction in a court of competent jurisdiction of a building code violation.

4. Publishing or causing to be published any advertisement relating to contracting which contains an assertion, representation, or statement of fact that is false, deceptive, or misleading.

5. Negligence and/or incompetence in the practice of contracting or residential building energy analyses.

6. Misconduct in the practice of contracting or residential building energy analyses.

7. A finding of improper or dishonest conduct in the practice of contracting by a court of competent jurisdiction or by the board.

8. Failure of all those who engage in residential contracting, excluding subcontractors to the contracting parties and those who engage in routine maintenance or service contracts, to make use of a legible written contract clearly specifying the terms and conditions of the work to be performed. For the purposes of this chapter, residential contracting means construction, removal, repair, or improvements to single-family or multiple-family residential buildings, including accessory-use structures as defined in § 54.1-1100 of the Code of Virginia. Prior to commencement of work or acceptance of payments, the contract shall be signed by both the consumer and the licensee or his agent.

9. Failure of those engaged in residential contracting as defined in this chapter to comply with the terms of a written contract which contains the following minimum requirements:

a. When work is to begin and the estimated completion date;

b. A statement of the total cost of the contract and the amounts and schedule for progress payments including a specific statement on the amount of the down payment;

c. A listing of specified materials and work to be performed, which is specifically requested by the consumer;

d. A "plain-language" exculpatory clause concerning events beyond the control of the contractor and a statement explaining that delays caused by such events do not constitute abandonment and are not included in calculating time frames for payment or performance;

e. A statement of assurance that the contractor will comply with all local requirements for building permits, inspections, and zoning;

f. Disclosure of the cancellation rights of the parties;

g. For contracts resulting from a door-to-door solicitation, a signed acknowledgment by the consumer that he has been provided with and read the Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation statement of protection available to him through the Board for Contractors;

h. Contractor's name, address, license number, class of license, and classifications or specialty services;

i. A statement providing that any modification to the contract, which changes the cost, materials, work to be performed, or estimated completion date, must be in writing and signed by all parties; and

j. Effective with all new contracts entered into after July 1, 2015, a statement notifying consumers of the existence of the Virginia Contractor Transaction Recovery Fund that includes information on how to contact the board for claim information.

10. Failure to make prompt delivery to the consumer before commencement of work of a fully executed copy of the contract as described in subdivisions 8 and 9 of this subsection for construction or contracting work.

11. Failure of the contractor to maintain for a period of five years from the date of contract a complete and legible copy of all documents relating to that contract, including, but not limited to, the contract and any addenda or change orders.

12. Refusing or failing, upon request, to produce to the board, or any of its agents, any document, book, record, or copy of it in the licensee's possession concerning a transaction covered by this chapter or for which the licensee is required to maintain records.

13. Failing to respond to an agent of the board or providing false, misleading or incomplete information to an investigator seeking information in the investigation of a complaint filed with the board against the contractor. Failing or refusing to claim certified mail sent to the licensee's address of record shall constitute a violation of this regulation.

14. Abandonment defined as the unjustified cessation of work under the contract for a period of 30 days or more.

15. The intentional and unjustified failure to complete work contracted for and/or to comply with the terms in the contract.

16. The retention or misapplication of funds paid, for which work is either not performed or performed only in part.

17. Making any misrepresentation or making a false promise that might influence, persuade, or induce.

18. Assisting another to violate any provision of Chapter 1 (§ 54.1-100 et seq.) or Chapter 11 (§ 54.1-1100 et seq.) of Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia, or this chapter; or combining or conspiring with or acting as agent, partner, or associate for another.

19. Allowing a firm's license to be used by another.

20. Acting as or being an ostensible licensee for undisclosed persons who do or will control or direct, directly or indirectly, the operations of the licensee's business.

21. Action by the firm, responsible management as defined in this chapter, designated employee or qualified individual to offer, give, or promise anything of value or benefit to any federal, state, or local employee for the purpose of influencing that employee to circumvent, in the performance of his duties, any federal, state, or local law, regulation, or ordinance governing the construction industry.

22. Where the firm, responsible management as defined in this chapter, designated employee or qualified individual has been convicted or found guilty, after initial licensure, regardless of adjudication, in any jurisdiction, of any felony or of any misdemeanor, there being no appeal pending therefrom or the time of appeal having elapsed. Any plea of guilty or nolo contendere shall be considered a conviction for the purposes of this subdivision. The record of a conviction received from a court shall be accepted as prima facie evidence of a conviction or finding of guilt.

23. Failure to inform the board in writing, within 30 days, that the firm, a member of responsible management as defined in this chapter, its designated employee, or its qualified individual has pleaded guilty or nolo contendere or was convicted and found guilty of any felony or of a Class 1 misdemeanor or any misdemeanor conviction for activities carried out while engaged in the practice of contracting.

24. Having been disciplined by any county, city, town, or any state or federal governing body including action by the Virginia Department of Health, which action shall be reviewed by the board before it takes any disciplinary action of its own.

25. Failure to abate a violation of the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code, as amended.

26. Failure of a contractor to comply with the notification requirements of the Virginia Underground Utility Prevention Act, Chapter 10.3 (§ 56-265.14 et seq.) of Title 56 of the Code of Virginia (Miss Utility).

27. Practicing in a classification, specialty service, or class of license for which the contractor is not licensed.

28. Failure to satisfy any judgments.

29. Contracting with an unlicensed or improperly licensed contractor or subcontractor in the delivery of contracting services.

30. Failure to honor the terms and conditions of a warranty.

31. Failure to obtain written change orders, which are signed by both the consumer and the licensee or his agent, to an already existing contract.

32. Failure to ensure that supervision, as defined in this chapter, is provided to all helpers and laborers assisting licensed tradesman.

33. Failure to obtain a building permit or applicable inspection, where required.

34. Failure of a residential building energy analyst firm to ensure that residential building energy analyses conducted by the firm are consistent with the requirements set forth by the board, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. Department of Energy, or the "Energy Star" Program.

35. Failure of a residential building energy analyst firm to maintain the general liability insurance required in 18VAC50-22-62 C at any time while licensed by the board.

VA.R. Doc. No. R13-2849; Filed December 18, 2014, 2:24 p.m.