Vol. 32 Iss. 23 - July 11, 2016

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Chapter 191
Notice of Extension of Emergency Regulation

Titles of Regulations: 12VAC5-71. Regulations Governing Virginia Newborn Screening Services (amending 12VAC5-71-30, 12VAC5-71-150; adding 12VAC5-71-200 through 12VAC5-71-260).

12VAC5-191. State Plan for the Children with Special Health Care Needs Program (amending 12VAC5-191-260).

Statutory Authority: §§ 32.1-12, 32.1-65.1, and 32.1-67 of the Code of Virginia.

Expiration Date Extended Through: December 22, 2016.

The Governor has approved the State Board of Health request to extend the expiration date of the above-referenced emergency regulation for six months as provided for in § 2.2-4011 D of the Code of Virginia. Therefore, the emergency regulation will continue in effect through December 22, 2016. The emergency regulation relates to screening for critical congenital heart disease and permitting the Virginia Department of Health to collect information via the Virginia Congenital Anomalies Reporting and Education System (VaCARES) reporting system. The emergency regulation was published in 31:11 VA.R. 942-946 January 26, 2015.

Agency Contact: Dev Nair, Director, Division of Policy and Evaluation, Department of Health, 109 Governor Street, Richmond, VA 23219, telephone (804) 864-7662, FAX (804) 864-7647, or email

VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4176; Filed June 17, 2016, 5:22 p.m.
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