The Virginia Register OF REGULATIONS is an official state publication issued every other week throughout the year. Indexes are published quarterly, and are cumulative for the year. The Virginia Register has several functions. The new and amended sections of regulations, both as proposed and as finally adopted, are required by law to be published in the Virginia Register. In addition, the Virginia Register is a source of other information about state government, including petitions for rulemaking, emergency regulations, executive orders issued by the Governor, and notices of public hearings on regulations.
An agency wishing to adopt, amend, or repeal regulations must first publish in the Virginia Register a notice of intended regulatory action; a basis, purpose, substance and issues statement; an economic impact analysis prepared by the Department of Planning and Budget; the agency’s response to the economic impact analysis; a summary; a notice giving the public an opportunity to comment on the proposal; and the text of the proposed regulation.
Following publication of the proposal in the Virginia Register, the promulgating agency receives public comments for a minimum of 60 days. The Governor reviews the proposed regulation to determine if it is necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare, and if it is clearly written and easily understandable. If the Governor chooses to comment on the proposed regulation, his comments must be transmitted to the agency and the Registrar no later than 15 days following the completion of the 60-day public comment period. The Governor’s comments, if any, will be published in the Virginia Register. Not less than 15 days following the completion of the 60-day public comment period, the agency may adopt the proposed regulation.
The Joint Commission on Administrative Rules (JCAR) or the appropriate standing committee of each house of the General Assembly may meet during the promulgation or final adoption process and file an objection with the Registrar and the promulgating agency. The objection will be published in the Virginia Register. Within 21 days after receipt by the agency of a legislative objection, the agency shall file a response with the Registrar, the objecting legislative body, and the Governor.
When final action is taken, the agency again publishes the text of the regulation as adopted, highlighting all changes made to the proposed regulation and explaining any substantial changes made since publication of the proposal. A 30-day final adoption period begins upon final publication in the Virginia Register.
The Governor may review the final regulation during this time and, if he objects, forward his objection to the Registrar and the agency. In addition to or in lieu of filing a formal objection, the Governor may suspend the effective date of a portion or all of a regulation until the end of the next regular General Assembly session by issuing a directive signed by a majority of the members of the appropriate legislative body and the Governor. The Governor’s objection or suspension of the regulation, or both, will be published in the Virginia Register. If the Governor finds that changes made to the proposed regulation have substantial impact, he may require the agency to provide an additional 30-day public comment period on the changes. Notice of the additional public comment period required by the Governor will be published in the Virginia Register.
The agency shall suspend the regulatory process for 30 days when it receives requests from 25 or more individuals to solicit additional public comment, unless the agency determines that the changes have minor or inconsequential impact.
A regulation becomes effective at the conclusion of the 30-day final adoption period, or at any other later date specified by the promulgating agency, unless (i) a legislative objection has been filed, in which event the regulation, unless withdrawn, becomes effective on the date specified, which shall be after the expiration of the 21-day objection period; (ii) the Governor exercises his authority to require the agency to provide for additional public comment, in which event the regulation, unless withdrawn, becomes effective on the date specified, which shall be after the expiration of the period for which the Governor has provided for additional public comment; (iii) the Governor and the General Assembly exercise their authority to suspend the effective date of a regulation until the end of the next regular legislative session; or (iv) the agency suspends the regulatory process, in which event the regulation, unless withdrawn, becomes effective on the date specified, which shall be after the expiration of the 30-day public comment period and no earlier than 15 days from publication of the readopted action.
A regulatory action may be withdrawn by the promulgating agency at any time before the regulation becomes final.
Section 2.2-4012.1 of the Code of Virginia provides an exemption from certain provisions of the Administrative Process Act for agency regulations deemed by the Governor to be noncontroversial. To use this process, Governor's concurrence is required and advance notice must be provided to certain legislative committees. Fast-track regulations will become effective on the date noted in the regulatory action if no objections to using the process are filed in accordance with § 2.2-4012.1.
Pursuant to § 2.2-4011 of the Code of Virginia, an agency, upon consultation with the Attorney General, and at the discretion of the Governor, may adopt emergency regulations that are necessitated by an emergency situation. An agency may also adopt an emergency regulation when Virginia statutory law or the appropriation act or federal law or federal regulation requires that a regulation be effective in 280 days or less from its enactment. The emergency regulation becomes operative upon its adoption and filing with the Registrar of Regulations, unless a later date is specified. Emergency regulations are limited to no more than 18 months in duration; however, may be extended for six months under certain circumstances as provided for in § 2.2-4011 D. Emergency regulations are published as soon as possible in the Register.
During the time the emergency status is in effect, the agency may proceed with the adoption of permanent regulations through the usual procedures. To begin promulgating the replacement regulation, the agency must (i) file the Notice of Intended Regulatory Action with the Registrar within 60 days of the effective date of the emergency regulation and (ii) file the proposed regulation with the Registrar within 180 days of the effective date of the emergency regulation. If the agency chooses not to adopt the regulations, the emergency status ends when the prescribed time limit expires.
The foregoing constitutes a generalized statement of the procedures to be followed. For specific statutory language, it is suggested that Article 2 (§ 2.2-4006 et seq.) of Chapter 40 of Title 2.2 of the Code of Virginia be examined carefully.
The Virginia Register is cited by volume, issue, page number, and date. 29:5 VA.R. 1075-1192 November 5, 2012, refers to Volume 29, Issue 5, pages 1075 through 1192 of the Virginia Register issued on
November 5, 2012.
The Virginia Register of Regulations is published pursuant to Article 6 (§ 2.2-4031 et seq.) of Chapter 40 of Title 2.2 of the Code of Virginia.
Members of the Virginia Code Commission: John S. Edwards, Chair; James M. LeMunyon, Vice Chair, Gregory D. Habeeb; Ryan T. McDougle; Pamela S. Baskervill; Robert L. Calhoun; Carlos L. Hopkins; E.M. Miller, Jr.; Thomas M. Moncure, Jr.; Christopher R. Nolen; Timothy Oksman; Charles S. Sharp; Robert L. Tavenner.
Staff of the Virginia Register: Jane D. Chaffin, Registrar of Regulations; Karen Perrine, Assistant Registrar; Anne Bloomsburg, Regulations Analyst; Rhonda Dyer, Publications Assistant; Terri Edwards, Operations Staff Assistant.
Vol. 31 Iss. 6 - November 17, 2014
November 2014 through December 2015
Volume: Issue
Material Submitted By Noon*
Will Be Published On
October 29, 2014
November 17, 2014
November 12, 2014
December 1, 2014
November 25, 2014 (Tuesday)
December 15, 2014
December 10, 2014
December 29, 2014
December 22, 2014 (Monday)
January 12, 2015
January 7, 2015
January 26, 2015
January 21, 2015
February 9, 2015
February 4, 2015
February 23, 2015
February 18, 2015
March 9, 2015
March 4, 2015
March 23, 2015
March 18. 2015
April 6, 2015
April 1, 2015
April 20, 2015
April 15, 2015
May 4, 2015
April 29, 2015
May 18, 2015
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September 16, 2015
October 5, 2015
September 30, 2015
October 19, 2015
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November 2, 2015
October 28, 2015
November 16, 2015
November 11, 2015
November 30, 2015
November 24, 2015 (Tuesday)
December 14, 2015
*Filing deadlines are Wednesdays
unless otherwise specified.
Vol. 31 Iss. 6 - November 17, 2014
Agency Decision
Title of Regulation: 18VAC85-20. Regulations Governing the Practice of Medicine, Osteopathic Medicine, Podiatry, and Chiropractic.
Statutory Authority: § 54.1-2400 of the Code of Virginia.
Name of Petitioner: Michael Jurgensen for the Medical Society of Virginia.
Nature of Petitioner's Request:
Part VIII. Office-Based Anesthesia.
18VAC85-20-320. General provisions.
A. Applicability of requirements for office-based anesthesia.
1. The administration of topical anesthesia, local anesthesia, minor conductive blocks, or minimal sedation/anxiolysis, not involving a drug-induced alteration of consciousness other than minimal preoperative tranquilization, is not subject to the requirements for office-based anesthesia. A health care practitioner administering such agents shall adhere to an accepted standard of care as appropriate to the level of anesthesia or sedation, including evaluation, drug selection, administration and management of complications.
2. The administration of moderate sedation/conscious sedation, deep sedation, general anesthesia, or regional anesthesia consisting of a major conductive block are subject to these requirements for office-based anesthesia. The administration of 300 or more milligrams of lidocaine or equivalent doses of local anesthetics shall be deemed to be subject to these requirements for office-based anesthesia.
3. Levels of anesthesia or sedation referred to in this chapter shall relate to the level of anesthesia or sedation intended and documented by the practitioner in the pre-operative anesthesia plan.
B. A doctor of medicine, osteopathic medicine, or podiatry administering office-based anesthesia or supervising such administration shall:
1. Perform a preanesthetic evaluation and examination or ensure that it has been performed;
2. Develop the anesthesia plan or ensure that it has been developed;
3. Ensure that the anesthesia plan has been discussed with the patient or responsible party pre-operatively and informed consent obtained;
4. Ensure patient assessment and monitoring through the pre-, peri-, and post-procedure phases, addressing not only physical and functional status, but also physiological and cognitive status;
5. Ensure provision of indicated post-anesthesia care; and
6. Remain physically present or immediately available, as appropriate, to manage complications and emergencies until discharge criteria have been met, and
7. Document any complications occurring during surgery or during recovery in the medical record.
C. All written policies, procedures and protocols required for office-based anesthesia shall be maintained and available for inspection at the facility.
18VAC85-20-340. Procedure/anesthesia selection and patient evaluation.
A. A written protocol shall be developed and followed for procedure selection to include but not be limited to:
1. The doctor providing or supervising the anesthesia shall ensure that the procedure to be undertaken is within the scope of practice of the health care practitioners and the capabilities of the facility.
2. The procedure or combined procedures shall be of a duration and degree of complexity that shall not exceed eight hours and that will permit the patient to recover and be discharged from the facility in less than 24 hours.
3. The level of anesthesia used shall be appropriate for the patient, the surgical procedure, the clinical setting, the education and training of the personnel, and the equipment available. The choice of specific anesthesia agents and techniques shall focus on providing an anesthetic that will be effective, appropriate and will address the specific needs of patients while also ensuring rapid recovery to normal function with maximum efforts to control post-operative pain, nausea or other side effects.
B. A written protocol shall be developed for patient evaluation to include but not be limited to:
1. The preoperative anesthesia evaluation of a patient shall be performed by the health care practitioner administering the anesthesia or supervising the administration of anesthesia. It shall consist of performing an appropriate history and physical examination, determining the patient's physical status classification, developing a plan of anesthesia care, acquainting the patient or the responsible individual with the proposed plan and discussing the risks and benefits.
2. The condition of the patient, specific morbidities that complicate anesthetic management, the specific intrinsic risks involved, and the nature of the planned procedure shall be considered in evaluating a patient for office-based anesthesia.
3. Patients who have pre-existing medical or other conditions that may be of particular risk for complications shall be referred to a facility appropriate for the procedure and administration of anesthesia. Nothing relieves the licensed health care practitioner of the responsibility to make a medical determination of the appropriate surgical facility or setting.
C. Office-based anesthesia shall only be provided for patients in physical status classifications for Classes I, II and III. Patients in Classes IV and V shall not be provided anesthesia in an office-based setting.
18VAC85-20-350. Informed consent.
1. Prior to administration, the anesthesia plan shall be discussed with the patient or responsible party by the health care practitioner administering the anesthesia or supervising the administration of anesthesia. Informed consent for the nature and objectives of the anesthesia planned shall be in writing and obtained from the patient or responsible party before the procedure is performed. Such consent shall include a discussion of discharge planning and what care or assistance the patient is expected to require after discharge. Informed consent shall only be obtained after a discussion of the risks, benefits, and alternatives, contain the name of the anesthesia provider and be documented in the medical record.
2. The surgical consent forms shall be executed by the patient or the responsible party and shall contain a statement that the doctor performing the surgery is board certified or board eligible by one of the ABMS boards and list which board or contain a statement that the doctor performing the surgery is not board certified or board eligible.
3. The surgical consent forms shall indicate whether the surgery is elective, medically necessary, or if a consent is obtained in an emergency, the nature of the emergency.
18VAC85-20-370. Emergency and transfer protocols.
A. There shall be written protocols for handling emergency situations, including medical emergencies and internal and external disasters. All personnel shall be appropriately trained in and regularly review the protocols and the equipment and procedures for handling emergencies.
B. There shall be written protocols for the timely and safe transfer of patients to a prespecified hospital or hospitals within a reasonable proximity. For purposes of this section "reasonable proximity" shall mean a licensed general hospital capable of providing necessary services within 30 minutes notice to the hospital. There shall be a written or electronic transfer agreement with such hospital or hospitals.
18VAC85-20-380. Discharge policies and procedures.
A. There shall be written policies and procedures outlining discharge criteria. Such criteria shall include stable vital signs, responsiveness and orientation, ability to move voluntarily, controlled pain, and minimal nausea and vomiting.
B. Discharge from anesthesia care is the responsibility of the health care practitioner providing or the doctor supervising the anesthesia care and shall only occur when: (i) patients have met specific physician-defined criteria; and (ii) ordered by the health care practitioner providing or the doctor supervising the anesthetic care.
C. Written instructions and an emergency phone number shall be provided to the patient. Patients shall be discharged with a responsible individual who has been instructed with regard to the patient's care.
D. At least one person trained in advanced resuscitative techniques shall be immediately available until all patients are discharged.
Agency Decision: Request granted.
Statement of Reason for Decision: The intent of the board is to address the need for additional public protection in the administration of office-based anesthesia. Specific amendments recommended by the petitioner will be considered, as well as comments received on the petition and on the NOIRA.
Agency Contact: Elaine Yeatts, Agency Regulatory Coordinator, Department of Health Professions, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300, Richmond, VA 23233, telephone (804) 367-4688, or email
VA.R. Doc. No. R15-01; Filed October 21, 2014, 8:37 a.m.
Agency Decision
Title of Regulation: 18VAC90-20. Regulations Governing the Practice of Nursing.
Statutory Authority: § 54.1-2400 of the Code of Virginia.
Name of Petitioner: Patrick Sorensen.
Nature of Petitioner's Request: To accept paramedic hours of clinical experience towards the requirement of 500-hour requirement for licensure as a registered nurse, similar to the 150 hours of credit allowed for persons licensed as practical nurses.
Agency Decision: Request denied.
Statement of Reason for Decision: The Board of Nursing considered the request at its meeting on September 16, 2104, and after much discussion, declined to initiate rulemaking. While the board recognizes the excellent contributions of paramedics in emergency medical services, it does not feel that the training and experience provides a broad range of patient care in a variety of settings. Additionally, the educational curriculum of a licensed practical nurse includes rotations across the spectrum of the life cycle with various populations, so it would be difficult to equate the clinical experience.
Agency Contact: Elaine Yeatts, Agency Regulatory Coordinator, Department of Health Professions, 9960 Mayland Drive, Suite 300, Richmond, VA 23233, telephone (804) 367-4688, or email
VA.R. Doc. No. R14-37; Filed October 27, 2014, 1:28 p.m.
Agency Decision
Title of Regulation: 18VAC150-20. Regulations Governing the Practice of Veterinary Medicine.
Statutory Authority: § 54.1-2400 of the Code of Virginia.
Name of Petitioner: Alysoun Ann Mahoney.
Nature of Petitioner's Request: To amend 18VAC150-20-121, Requirements for licensure by endorsement for veterinary technicians, to require completion of training in animal behavior through a certified applied animal behaviorist.
Agency Decision: Request denied.
Statement of Reason for Decision: At its meeting on October 22, 2014, the board considered all comments in favor of and in opposition to the request for amendment. Its conclusion was that the veterinary technician programs have adequate training in animal behavior, and the additional requirement for a formal training through a certified applied animal behaviorist would be burdensome. The board does not specify certain training or subject matter for licensure; it does require that educational programs be accredited. While the topic of animal behavior is certainly important to the practice of veterinary technicians, the board does not believe it is primary above all other subject matter and therefore necessary to be singled out as a requirement. Therefore, the board has denied the petition and will not initiate rulemaking.
Agency Contact: Elaine Yeatts, Agency Regulator Coordinator, Department of Health Professions, 9960 Mayland Drive, Richmond, VA 23233, telephone (804) 367-4688, or email
VA.R. Doc. No. R14-29; Filed October 23, 2014, 4:24 p.m.
Agency Decision
Title of Regulation: 18VAC150-20. Regulations Governing the Practice of Veterinary Medicine.
Statutory Authority: § 54.1-2400 of the Code of Virginia.
Name of Petitioner: Lee Henkel.
Nature of Petitioner's Request: The petitioner requests (i) an amendment to 18VAC150-20-10 to further define supervision as "direct," "immediate," or "indirect" for greater clarity to the public about the involvement of the supervising veterinarian; (ii) an amendment to 18VAC150-20-130 to require owner notification and consent for practice on an animal by a student, extern, preceptee, intern, or resident; and (iii) an amendment to 18VAC150-20-140 on unprofessional conduct to reflect changes in the supervision definition.
Agency Decision: Request denied.
Statement of Reason for Decision: At its meeting on October 22, 2014, the board considered all comments in favor of and in opposition to the request for amendments. Its conclusion was that additional study of issues relating to owner consent and notification and the levels of supervision was necessary before deciding whether regulations of the Board of Veterinary Medicine should be amended. Therefore, the board has denied the petition and will not initiate rulemaking at this time. The subject matter was referred to the Regulatory/Legislative Committee for further review and discussion.
Agency Contact: Elaine Yeatts, Agency Regulatory Coordinator, Department of Health Professions, 9960 Mayland Drive, Richmond, VA 23233, telephone (804) 367-4688, or email
VA.R. Doc. No. R14-41; Filed October 23, 2014, 4:25 p.m.
Vol. 31 Iss. 6 - November 17, 2014
Emergency Regulation
Title of Regulation: 4VAC20-720. Pertaining to Restrictions on Oyster Harvest (amending 4VAC20-720-10, 4VAC20-720-20).
Statutory Authority: §§ 28.2-201 and 28.2-210 of the Code of Virginia.
Effective Dates: October 30, 2014, through November 29, 2014.
Agency Contact: Jane Warren, Agency Regulatory Coordinator, Marine Resources Commission, 2600 Washington Avenue, 3rd Floor, Newport News, VA 23607, telephone (757) 247-2248, FAX (757) 247-2002, or email
This emergency action amends the definition of the Rappahannock River Rotation Area 1 to align coordinates to a currently established buoy location.
4VAC20-720-10. Purpose.
The purpose of this emergency chapter is to conserve Virginia's oyster resources, especially oyster broodstock.
4VAC20-720-20. Definitions.
The following words and terms when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
"Aid to navigation" means any public or private day beacon, lighted channel marker, channel buoy, lighted channel buoy, or lighthouse that may be at, or adjacent to, any latitude and longitude used in area descriptions.
"Clean culled oyster" means any oyster taken from natural public beds, rocks, or shoals that is three inches or greater in shell length.
"Coan River Area" means that area of the Coan River inside of Public Grounds 77 and 78 of Northumberland County.
Public Ground 77 of Northumberland County is located near the mouth of the Coan River, beginning at a point approximately 2,300 feet northeast of Honest Point and 1,300 feet southwest of Travis Point, said point being Corner 1, located at Latitude 37° 59.5257207' N., Longitude 76° 27.8810639' W.; thence southwesterly to Corner 2, Latitude 37° 59.3710259' N., Longitude 76° 27.9962148' W.; thence southwesterly to Corner 3, Latitude 37° 59.2953830' N., Longitude 76° 28.0468953' W.; thence northwesterly to Corner 4, Latitude 37° 59.3350863' N., Longitude 76° 28.0968837' W.; thence northeasterly to Corner 5, Latitude 37° 59.3965161' N., Longitude 76° 28.0287342' W.; thence northwesterly to Corner 6, Latitude 37° 59.4758507' N., Longitude 76° 28.1112280' W.; thence north-northwesterly to Corner 7, Latitude 37° 59.5079401' N., Longitude 76° 28.1230058' W.; thence northeasterly to Corner 8, Latitude 37° 59.5579153' N., Longitude 76° 27.9889429' W.; thence southeasterly to Corner 1, said corner being the point of beginning.
Public Ground 78 of Northumberland County is located near the mouth of the Coan River, beginning at a point approximately 3,420 feet southeast of Travis Point and 3,260 feet northwest of Great Point, said point being Corner 1, located at Latitude 37° 59.4822275' N., Longitude 76° 27.1878637' W.; thence southeasterly to Corner 2, Latitude 37° 59.3824046' N., Longitude 76° 27.1088650' W.; thence southwesterly to Corner 3, Latitude 37° 59.2283287' N., Longitude 76° 27.8632901' W.; thence northeasterly to Corner 4, Latitude 37° 59.4368502' N., Longitude 76° 27.6868001' W.; thence continuing northeasterly to Corner 5, Latitude 37° 59.5949216' N., Longitude 76° 27.5399436' W.; thence southeasterly to Corner 1, said corner being the point of beginning.
"Deep Rock Area" means all public grounds and unassigned grounds, in that area of the Chesapeake Bay near Gwynn Island, beginning at Cherry Point at the western-most point of the eastern headland of Kibble Pond located at Latitude 37° 30.9802148' N., Longitude 76° 17.6764393' W.; thence northeasterly to the Piankatank River, Flashing Green Channel Light "3", Latitude 37° 32.3671325' N., Longitude 76° 16.7038334' W.; thence east-southeasterly to the Rappahannock River Entrance Lighted Buoy G"1R", Latitude 37° 32.2712833' N., Longitude 76° 11.4813666' W.; thence southwesterly to the southern-most point of Sandy Point, the northern headland of "The Hole in the Wall", Latitude 37° 28.1475258' N., Longitude 76° 15.8185670' W.; thence northwesterly along the Chesapeake Bay mean low water line of the barrier islands of Milford Haven, connecting headland to headland at their eastern-most points, and of Gwynn Island to the western-most point of the eastern headland of Kibble Pond on Cherry Point, said point being the point of beginning.
"Deep Water Shoal State Replenishment Seed Area" or "DWS" means that area in the James River near Mulberry Island, beginning at a point approximately 530 feet west of Deep Water Shoal Light, said point being Corner 1, located at Latitude 37° 08.9433287' N., Longitude 76° 38.3213007' W.; thence southeasterly to Corner 2, Latitude 37° 09.5734380' N., Longitude 76° 37.8300582' W.; thence southwesterly to Corner 3, Latitude 37° 08.9265524' N., Longitude 76° 37.0574269' W.; thence westerly to Corner 4, Latitude 37° 08.4466039 N., Longitude 76° 37.4523346' W.; thence northwesterly to Corner 5, Latitude 37° 08.4491489' N., Longitude 76° 38.0215553' W.; thence northeasterly to Corner 1, said corner being the point of beginning.
"Great Wicomico River Area" means all public grounds and unassigned grounds, in that area of the Great Wicomico River, Ingram Bay, and the Chesapeake Bay, beginning at a point on Sandy Point, Latitude 37° 49.3269652' N., Longitude 76° 18.3821766' W.; thence easterly to the southern-most point of Cockrell Point, Latitude 37° 49.2664838' N., Longitude 76° 17.3454434' W.; thence easterly following the mean low water line of Cockrell Point to a point on the boundary of Public Ground 115 at Cash Point, Latitude 37° 49.2695619' N., Longitude 76° 17.2804046' W.; thence southeasterly to the gazebo on the pierhead at Fleets Point, Latitude 37° 48.7855824' N., Longitude 76° 16.9609311' W.; thence southeasterly to the Great Wicomico Lighthouse; thence due south to a point due east of the southern-most point of Dameron Marsh, Latitude 37° 46.6610003' N., Longitude 76° 16.0570007' W.; thence due east to the southern-most point of Dameron Marsh, Latitude 37° 46.6609070' N., Longitude 76° 17.2670707' W.; thence along the mean low water line of Dameron Marsh, north and west to Garden Point, Latitude 37° 47.2519872' N., Longitude 76° 18.4028142' W.; thence northwesterly to Windmill Point, Latitude 37° 47.5194547' N., Longitude 76° 18.7132194' W.; thence northerly along the mean low water to the western headland of Harveys Creek, Latitude 37° 47.7923573' N., Longitude 76° 18.6881450' W.; thence east-southeasterly to the eastern headland of Harveys Creek, Latitude 37° 47.7826936' N., Longitude 76° 18.5469879' W.; thence northerly along the mean low water line, crossing the entrance to Towels Creek at the offshore ends of the jetties and continuing to Bussel Point, Latitude 37° 48.6879208' N., Longitude 76° 18.4670860' W.; thence northwesterly to the northern headland of Cranes Creek, Latitude 37° 48.8329168' N., Longitude 76° 18.7308073' W.; thence following the mean low water line northerly to a point on Sandy Point, said point being the point of beginning.
"Hand scrape" means any device or instrument with a catching bar having an inside measurement of no more than 22 inches, which is used or usable for the purpose of extracting or removing shellfish from a water bottom or the bed of a body of water.
"Hand tong" or "ordinary tong" means any pincers, nippers, tongs, or similar device used in catching oysters, which consist of two shafts or handles attached to opposable and complementary pincers, baskets, or containers operated entirely by hand, from the surface of the water and has no external or internal power source.
"James River Area" means those public grounds of the James River and Nansemond River west of the Monitor Merrimac Memorial Bridge Tunnel (Route I-664), northeast of the Mills E. Godwin, Jr. Bridge (U.S. Route 17) on the Nansemond River, and south of the James River Bridge (U.S. Route 17).
"James River Seed Area" means all public grounds and unassigned grounds in that area of the James River and its tributaries with a southeastern boundary beginning at a point on the shore on the south side of the river at Rainbow Farm Point in Isle of Wight County located at Latitude 37° 00.1965862' N., Longitude 76° 34.0712010' W.; thence north-northeasterly to a VMRC Marker "STH", Latitude 37° 00.9815328 N., Longitude 76° 33.5955842' W.; thence to a VMRC Marker "SMT", at Latitude 37° 01.3228160' N., Longitude 76° 33.3887351' W.; thence to the Flashing Green Channel Light #5, at Latitude 37° 02.3449949' N., Longitude 76° 32.7689936' W.; thence northeasterly to a VMRC Marker "NMT", Latitude 37° 02.7740540' N., Longitude 76° 32.0960864' W.; thence to a VMRC Marker "NTH" located at Latitude 37° 03.2030055' N., Longitude 76° 31.4231211' W.; thence to a point on the north shore of the river at Blunt (Blount) Point, in the City of Newport News, located at Latitude 37° 03.3805862' N., Longitude 76° 31.1444562' W.; the northern boundary, being a straight line, beginning at a point on the shore on the east side of the river in the City of Newport News, at Latitude 37° 08.4458787' N., Longitude 76° 37.2855533' W.; thence westerly to the southeast corner of the Deep Water Shoal State Replenishment Seed Area, Latitude 37° 08.4466039' N., Longitude 76° 37.4523346' W.; thence westerly to the southwest corner of the Deep Water Shoal State Replenishment Seed Area, Latitude 37° 08.4490472' N., Longitude 76° 38.0215554' W.; thence westerly to a point on the shore on the west side of the river at the mouth of Lawnes Creek in Isle of Wight County, Latitude 37° 08.4582990' N., Longitude 76° 40.2816023' W.
"Latitude and longitude" means values that are based upon a geodetic reference system of the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83). When latitude and longitude are used in any area description, in conjunction with any physical landmark, to include aids to navigation, the latitude and longitude value is the legal point defining the boundary.
"Little Wicomico River" means that area of the Little Wicomico River inside of Public Ground 43 of Northumberland County, located in the Little Wicomico River near Bridge Creek, beginning at a point approximately 150 feet north of Peachtree Point, said point being Corner 1, located at Latitude 37° 53.2910650' N., Longitude 76° 16.7312926' W.; thence southwesterly to Corner 2, Latitude 37° 53.2601877' N., Longitude 76° 16.8662408' W.; thence northwesterly to Corner 3, Latitude 37° 53.2678470' N., Longitude 76°16.8902408' W.; thence northeasterly to Corner 4, Latitude 37° 53.3113148' N., Longitude 76° 16.8211543' W.; thence southeasterly to Corner 1, said corner being the point of beginning.
"Milford Haven" means that area of Milford Haven inside of Public Ground 7 of Mathews County, beginning at a point approximately 1,380 feet east of Point Breeze, said point being Corner 1, located at Latitude 37° 28.3500000' N., Longitude 76° 16.5000000' W.; thence northeasterly to Corner 2, Latitude 37° 28.3700000' N., Longitude 76° 16.4700000' W.; thence southeasterly to Corner 3, Latitude 37° 28.3500000' N., Longitude 76° 16.4200000' W.; thence southwesterly to Corner 4, Latitude 37° 28.3200000' N., Longitude 76° 16.4500000' W.; thence northwesterly to Corner 1, said corner being the point of beginning.
"Mobjack Bay Area" means those areas of Mobjack Bay consisting of Public Ground 25 of Gloucester County (Tow Stake) and that portion of Public Ground 2 of Mathews County known as Pultz Bar described as:
Public Ground 25 of Gloucester County, known as Tow Stake, is located in Mobjack Bay, near the mouth of the Severn River, beginning at a point approximately 2,880 feet east-northeast of Tow Stake Point, said point being Corner 1, located at Latitude 37° 20.3883888' N., Longitude 76° 23.5883836' W.; thence northeasterly to Corner 2, Latitude 37° 30.5910482' N., Longitude 76° 23.2372184' W.; thence southeasterly to Corner 3, Latitude 37° 20.3786971' N., Longitude 76° 22.7241180' W.; thence southwesterly to Corner 4, Latitude 37° 19.8616759' N., Longitude 76° 23.5914937' W.; thence northwesterly to Corner 5, Latitude 37° 20.0284019' N., Longitude 76° 23.7717423' W.; thence northeasterly to Corner 1, said corner being the point of beginning.
Public Ground 2 of Mathews County, known as Pultz Bar, is located in Mobjack Bay, beginning at a point approximately 5,420 feet south of Minter Point, said point being Corner 1, located at Latitude 37° 21.2500000' N., Longitude 76° 21.3700000' W.; thence easterly to Corner 2, Latitude 37° 21.2700000' N., Longitude 76° 20.9600000' W.; thence southerly to Corner 3, Latitude 37° 21.0200000' N., Longitude 76° 20.9400000' W.; thence westerly to Corner 4, Latitude 37° 21.0500000' N., Longitude 76° 21.3300000' W.; thence northerly to Corner 1, said corner being the point of beginning.
"Nomini Creek Area" means that area of Nomini Creek inside of Public Grounds 26 and 28 of Westmoreland County.
Public Ground 26 of Westmoreland County is located in Nomini Creek, north of Beales Wharf and east of Barnes Point, beginning at a point approximately 1,400 feet north of Barnes Point, said point being Corner 1, located at Latitude 38° 07.2690219' N., Longitude 76° 42.6784210' W.; thence southeasterly to Corner 2, Latitude 38° 07.0924060' N., Longitude 76° 42.4745767' W.; thence southwesterly to Corner 3, Latitude 38° 06.8394053' N., Longitude 76° 42.6704025, W.; thence northwesterly to Corner 4, Latitude 38° 06.8743004' N., Longitude 76° 42.7552151' W.; thence northeasterly to Corner 5, Latitude 38° 07.0569717' N., Longitude 76° 42.5603535' W.; thence northwesterly to Corner 1, said corner being the point of beginning.
Public Ground 28 of Westmoreland County is located at the mouth of Nomini Creek, beginning at a point approximately 50 feet west of White Oak Point, said point being Corner 1, located at Latitude 38° 07.6429987' N., Longitude 76° 43.0337082' W.; thence south-southeasterly to Corner 2, Latitude 38° 07.2987193' N., Longitude 76° 43.1101420' W.; thence northwesterly to Corner 3, Latitude 38° 07.7029267' N., Longitude 76° 43.3337762' W.; thence west to the mean low water line, Latitude 38° 07.7031535' N., Longitude 76° 43.3378345' W.; thence northerly and westerly along the mean low water line of Nomini Creek to a point southwest of Cedar Island, Latitude 38° 07.8986449' N., Longitude 76° 43.6329097' W.; thence northeasterly to a point on the mean low water line at the southern-most point of Cedar Island, Latitude 38° 07.8986449' N., Longitude 76° 43.6329097' W.; thence following the mean low water line of the southern and eastern sides of Cedar Island to a point, Latitude 38° 08.0164430' N., Longitude 76° 43.4773169' W.; thence northeasterly to Corner 4, Latitude 38° 08.0712849' N., Longitude 76° 43.4416606' W.; thence northeasterly to a point on the northern headland of Nomini Creek at the mean low water line, said point being Corner 5, Latitude 38° 08.2729626' N., Longitude 76° 43.3105315' W.; thence following the mean low water line of White Point to a point northwest of Snake Island, Corner 6, Latitude 38° 08.4066960' N., Longitude 76° 42.9105565' W.; thence southeast, crossing the mouth of Buckner Creek, to a point on the mean low water line of Snake Island, Corner 7, Latitude 38° 08.3698254' N., Longitude 76° 42.8939656' W.; thence southeasterly following the mean low water line of Snake Island to Corner 8, Latitude 38° 08.2333798' N., Longitude 76° 42.7778877' W.; thence south-southwesterly, crossing the mouth of Buckner Creek, to Corner 9, Latitude 38° 08.2134371' N., Longitude 76° 42.7886409' W.; thence southeasterly to a point on the mean low water line of the southern headland of Buckner Creek, Corner 10, Latitude 38° 08.1956281' N., Longitude 76° 42.7679625' W.; thence southwesterly following the mean low water line of Nomini Creek, crossing the mouth of an un-named cove at the narrowest point between the headlands and continuing to follow the mean low water line to a point on White Oak Point, Latitude 38° 07.6428228' N., Longitude 76° 43.0233530' W.; thence west to Corner 1, said point being the point of beginning.
"Oyster" means any shellfish of the species Crassostrea virginica.
"Oyster dredge" means any device having a maximum weight of 150 pounds with attachments, maximum width of 50 inches, and maximum tooth length of four inches.
"Oyster patent tong" means any patent tong not exceeding 100 pounds in gross weight, including any attachment other than rope and with the teeth not to exceed four inches in length.
"Oyster resource user fee" means a fee that must be paid each calendar year by anyone who grows, harvests, shucks, packs, or ships oysters for commercial purposes.
"Pocomoke Sound Area" means that area of Pocomoke Sound inside of Public Grounds 9 and 10 of Accomack County.
Public Ground 9 of Accomack County is located in the Pocomoke Sound, beginning at a corner on the Maryland-Virginia state line, located in the Pocomoke Sound approximately 1.06 nautical miles north-northeast of the northern-most point of North End Point, said point being Corner 1, located at Latitude 37° 57.2711566' N., Longitude 75° 42.2870790' W. (NAD83); thence east-northeasterly along the Maryland-Virginia state line to Corner 2, Latitude 37° 57.2896577' N., Longitude 75° 41.9790727' W.; thence southerly to Corner 3, Latitude 37° 57.2574850' N., Longitude 75° 41.9790730' W.; thence southwesterly to Corner 4, Latitude 37° 57.2288700' N., Longitude 75° 42.0077287' W.; thence west-southwesterly to Corner 5, Latitude 37° 57.2034533' N., Longitude 75° 42.1511250' W.; thence south-southwesterly to Corner 6, Latitude 37° 57.0940590' N., Longitude 75° 42.1935214' W.; thence south-southeasterly to Corner 7, Latitude 37° 57.0551726' N., Longitude 75° 42.1814457' W.; thence southwesterly to Corner 8, Latitude 37° 56.9408327' N., Longitude 75° 42.2957912' W.; thence south-southwesterly to Corner 9, Latitude 37° 56.6574947' N., Longitude 75° 42.3790819' W.; thence southwesterly to Corner 10, Latitude 37° 56.5790952' N., Longitude 75° 42.5228752' W.; thence west-southwesterly to Corner 11, Latitude 37° 56.5712564' N., Longitude 75° 42.5915437' W.; thence south-southeasterly to Corner 12, Latitude 37° 56.5441067' N., Longitude 75° 42.5869894' W.; thence southwesterly to Corner 13, Latitude 37° 56.4575045' N., Longitude 75° 42.7458050' W.; thence west-southwesterly to Corner 14, Latitude 37° 56.2575123' N., Longitude 75° 43.3791097' W.; thence southwesterly to Corner 15, Latitude 37° 55.7408688' N., Longitude 75° 43.7957804' W.; thence westerly to Corner 16, Latitude 37° 55.7575327' N., Longitude 75° 43.9458298' W.; thence northwesterly to Corner 17, Latitude 37° 55.8908661' N., Longitude 75° 44.1291309' W.; thence north-northeasterly to Corner 18, Latitude 37° 55.9908639' N., Longitude 75° 44.0791266' W.; thence northeasterly to Corner 19, Latitude 37° 56.1241858' N., Longitude 75° 43.8791328' W.; thence north-northeasterly to Corner 20, Latitude 37° 56.4075136' N., Longitude 75° 43.7291361' W.; thence northeasterly to Corner 21, Latitude 37° 56.8241664' N., Longitude 75° 43.2624601' W.; thence north-northeasterly to Corner 22, Latitude 37° 57.0706006' N., Longitude 75° 43.1480402' W.; thence east-northeasterly along the Maryland-Virginia state line to Corner 1, said corner being the point of beginning.
Public Ground 10 of Accomack County is located in the Pocomoke Sound, beginning at a corner on the Maryland-Virginia state line, located in the Pocomoke Sound approximately 2.3 nautical miles westerly of the northern-most point of North End Point, said point being Corner 1, located at Latitude 37° 56.4741881' N., Longitude 75° 45.7051676' W. (NAD83); thence east-northeasterly along the Maryland-Virginia state line to Corner 2, Latitude 37° 56.9261140' N., Longitude 75° 43.7679786' W.; thence south-southwesterly to Corner 3, Latitude 37° 56.1241948' N., Longitude 75° 44.3624962' W.; thence west-southwesterly to Corner 4, Latitude 37° 56.0820561' N., Longitude 75° 44.5826292' W.; thence northerly to Corner 5, Latitude 37° 56.1377309' N., Longitude 75° 44.5817745' W.; thence west-southwesterly to Corner 6, Latitude 37° 56.1259751' N., Longitude 75° 44.6226859' W.; thence southwesterly to Corner 7, Latitude 37° 56.1039335' N., Longitude 75° 44.6692334' W.; thence southerly to Corner 8, Latitude 37° 56.0643616' N., Longitude 75° 44.6750106' W.; thence west-southwesterly to Corner 9, Latitude 37° 55.9742005' N., Longitude 75° 45.1458109' W.; thence west-northwesterly to Corner 10, Latitude 37° 56.0741973' N., Longitude 75° 45.8958329' W.; thence north-northwesterly to Corner 11, Latitude 37° 56.2565760' N., Longitude 75° 46.0000557' W.; thence northeasterly along the Maryland-Virginia state line to Corner 1, said corner being the point of beginning.
"Pocomoke and Tangier Sounds Management Area" or "PTSMA" means the area as defined in § 28.2-524 of the Code of Virginia.
"Pocomoke and Tangier Sounds Rotation Area 1" means all public grounds and unassigned grounds, within an area of the PTSMA, in Pocomoke and Tangier Sounds, bounded by a line beginning at a point on the Maryland-Virginia state line, located at Latitude 37° 54.6136000' N., Longitude 75° 53.9739600' W.; thence south to the house on Great Fox Island, Latitude 37° 53.6946500' N., Longitude 75° 53.8898800' W.; thence westerly to a point, Latitude 37° 53.3633500' N., Longitude 75° 56.5589600' W.; thence south to a point, Latitude 37° 48.4429100' N., Longitude 75° 56.4883600' W.; thence easterly to the north end of Watts Island, Latitude 37° 48.7757800' N., Longitude 75° 53.5994100' W.; thence northerly to the house on Great Fox Island, Latitude 37° 53.6946500' N., Longitude 75° 53.8898800' W.; thence southeasterly to Pocomoke Sound Shoal Flashing Light Red "8", Latitude 37° 52.4583300' N., Longitude 75° 49.4000000' W.; thence southeasterly to Messongo Creek Entrance Buoy Green Can "1", Latitude 37° 52.1000000' N., Longitude 75° 47.8083300' W.; thence southeast to Guilford Flats Junction Light Flashing 2+1 Red "GF", Latitude 37° 50.9533300' N., Longitude 75° 46.6416700' W.; thence southerly to a point on a line from Guilford Flats Junction Light to the northern-most point of Russell Island, where said line intersects the PTSMA boundary, Latitude 37° 48.4715943' N., Longitude 75° 46.9955932' W.; thence clockwise following the PTSMA boundary to a point on the Maryland-Virginia state line, said point being the point of beginning.
"Pocomoke and Tangier Sounds Rotation Area 2" means all public grounds and unassigned grounds, within an area of the PTSMA, in Pocomoke and Tangier Sounds, bounded by a line beginning at the house on Great Fox Island, located at Latitude 37° 53.6946500' N., Longitude 75° 53.8898800' W.; thence southerly to the north end of Watts Island, Latitude 37° 48.7757800' N., Longitude 75° 53.5994100' W.; thence westerly to a point, Latitude 37° 48.4429100' N., Longitude 75° 56.4883600' W.; thence northerly to a point, Latitude 37° 53.3633500' N., Longitude 75° 56.5589600' W.; thence easterly to the house on Great Fox Island, said house being the point of beginning. Also, Pocomoke and Tangier Sounds Rotation Area 2 shall include all public grounds and unassigned grounds in the PTSMA in Pocomoke Sound bounded by a line beginning at a point on the Maryland-Virginia state line, Latitude 37° 54.6136000' N., Longitude 75° 53.9739600' W.; thence following the PTSMA boundary clockwise to a point on the line from the northern-most point of Russell Island to Guilford Flats Junction Light Flashing 2+1 Red "GF", where said line intersects the PTSMA boundary, Latitude 37° 48.4715943' N., Longitude 75° 46.9955932' W.; thence northerly to Guilford Flats Junction Light Flashing 2+1 Red "GF", Latitude 37° 50.9533300' N., Longitude 75° 46.6416700' W.; thence northwesterly to Messongo Creek Entrance Buoy Green Can "1", Latitude 37° 52.1000000' N., Longitude 75° 47.8083300' W.; thence northwesterly to Pocomoke Sound Shoal Flashing Light Red "8", Latitude 37° 52.4583300' N., Longitude 75° 49.4000000' W.; thence northwesterly to the house on Great Fox Island, Latitude 37° 53.6946500' N., Longitude 75° 53.8898800' W.; thence northerly to a point on the Maryland-Virginia state line, said point being the point of beginning.
"Public oyster ground" means all those grounds defined in § 28.2-551 of the Code of Virginia or by any other acts of the General Assembly pertaining to those grounds, all those grounds set aside by court order, and all those grounds set aside by order of the Marine Resources Commission, and may be redefined by any of these legal authorities.
"Rappahannock River Area 7" means all public grounds, in that area of the Rappahannock River, bounded downstream by a line from Rogue Point, located at Latitude 37° 40.0400000' N., Longitude 76° 32.2530000' W.; thence west-northwesterly to Flashing Red Buoy "8", Latitude 37° 40.1580000' N., Longitude 76° 32.9390000' W.; thence southwesterly to Balls Point, Latitude 37° 39.3550000' N., Longitude 76° 34.4440000' W.; and bounded upstream by a line from Punchbowl Point, Latitude 37° 44.6750000' N., Longitude 76° 37.3250000' W.; thence southeasterly to Monaskon Point, Latitude 37° 44.0630000' N., Longitude 76° 34.1080000' W.
"Rappahannock River Area 8" means all public grounds, in that area of the Rappahannock River, bounded downstream by a line from Monaskon Point, located at Latitude 37° 44.0630000' N., Longitude 76° 34.1080000' W.; thence northwesterly to Punchbowl Point, Latitude 37° 44.6750000' N., Longitude 76° 37.3250000' W.; and bounded upstream by a line from Jones Point, Latitude 37° 46.7860000' N., Longitude 76° 40.8350000' W.; thence north-northwesterly to Sharps Point, Latitude 37° 49.3640000' N., Longitude 76° 42.0870000' W.
"Rappahannock River Area 9" means all public grounds, in that area of the Rappahannock River, bounded downstream by a line from Sharps Point, located at Latitude 37° 49.3640000' N., Longitude 76° 42.0870000' W.; thence south-southeasterly to Jones Point, Latitude 37° 46.7860000' N., Longitude 76° 40.8350000' W.; and bounded upstream by the Thomas J. Downing Bridge (U.S. Route 360).
"Rappahannock River Rotation Area 1" means all public grounds, in that area of the Rappahannock River and Chesapeake Bay, bounded by a line offshore and across the mouth of the Rappahannock River from a point on the mean low water line of Windmill Point, located at Latitude 37° 36.8200000' N., Longitude 76° 16.9460000' W.; thence southeast to Windmill Point Light, Latitude 37° 35.7930000' N., Longitude 76° 14.1800000' W.; thence southwesterly to Stingray Point Light, Latitude 37° 33.6730000' N., Longitude 76° 16.3620000' W.; thence westerly to a point on the mean low water line of Stingray Point, Latitude 37° 33.6920000' N., Longitude 76° 17.9860000' W.; and bounded upstream by a line from the mean low water line west of Broad Creek, Latitude 37° 33.9520000' N., Longitude 76° 19.3090000' W.; thence northeasterly to a VMRC Buoy on the Baylor line, Latitude 37° 34.5390000' 34.5310000' N., Longitude 76° 19.0220000' 19.143000' W.; thence northeasterly to a VMRC Buoy, Latitude 37° 34.6830000' N., Longitude 76° 19.1000000' W.; thence northwesterly to a VMRC Buoy, Latitude 37° 35.0170000' N., Longitude 76° 19.4500000' W.; thence northwesterly to Sturgeon Bar Light "7R", Latitude 37° 35.1500000' N., Longitude 76° 19.7330000' W.; thence continuing northwesterly to Mosquito Point Light "8R", Latitude 37° 36.1000000' N., Longitude 76° 21.3000000' W.; thence northwesterly to the southern-most corner of the house on Mosquito Point, Latitude 37° 36.5230000' N., Longitude 76° 21.5950000' W.
"Rappahannock River Rotation Area 2" means all public grounds, in that area of the Rappahannock River, bounded downstream by a line from the southern-most corner of the house on Mosquito Point, located at Latitude 37° 36.5230000' N., Longitude 76° 21.5950000' W.; thence southeast to Mosquito Point Light "8R", Latitude 37° 36.1000000' N., Longitude 76° 21.3000000' W.; thence continuing southeasterly to Sturgeon Bar Beacon "7R", Latitude 37° 35.1500000' N., Longitude 76° 19.7330000' W.; thence west-southwesterly to a VMRC Buoy, Latitude 37° 34.9330000' N., Longitude 76° 21.0500000' W.; thence southwesterly to a VMRC Buoy, Latitude 37° 34.8830000' N., Longitude 76° 21.1000000' W.; thence southwesterly to a pier west of Hunting Creek at Grinels, Latitude 37° 34.4360000' N., Longitude 76° 26.2880000' W.; and bounded on the upstream by a line from Mill Creek Channel Marker "4", Latitude 37° 35.0830000' N., Longitude 76° 26.9500000' W.; thence northeasterly to Mill Creek Channel Marker "2", Latitude 37° 35.4830000' N., Longitude 76° 24.5670000' W.; thence northeasterly to the southern-most corner of the house on Mosquito Point, Latitude 37° 36.5230000' N., Longitude 76° 21.5950000'0 W.
"Rappahannock River Rotation Area 3" means all public grounds, in that area of the Rappahannock River, beginning from the north channel fender at the Robert O. Norris, Jr. Bridge, located at Latitude 37° 37.4830000' N., Longitude 76° 25.3450000' W.; thence southeast to the southern-most corner of the house on Mosquito Point, Latitude 37° 36.5230000' N., Longitude 76° 21.5950000' W.; thence southwest to Mill Creek Channel Marker "2", Latitude 37° 35.4830000' N., Longitude 76° 24.5670000' W.; thence southwesterly to Mill Creek Channel Marker "4", Latitude 37° 35.0830000' N., Longitude 76° 24.9500000' W.; thence northeasterly to Parrotts Creek Channel Marker "1", Latitude 37° 36.0330000' N., Longitude 76° 25.4170000' W.; thence northerly to VMRC Buoy, Latitude 37° 36.3330000' N., Longitude 76° 25.2000000' W.; thence northerly to the north channel fender of the Robert O. Norris, Jr. Bridge, said point being the point of beginning.
"Rappahannock River Rotation Area 4" means all public grounds, in that area of the Rappahannock River, Corrotoman River and Carter Creek, beginning at the White Stone end of the Robert O. Norris, Jr. Bridge (State Route 3), located at Latitude 37° 38.1290000' N., Longitude 76° 24.7220000' W.; thence along said bridge to the north channel fender, Latitude 37° 37.4830000' N., Longitude 76° 25.3450000' W.; thence westerly to the VMRC Buoy "5-4", Latitude 37° 38.0050000' N., Longitude 76° 30.0280000' W.; thence northerly to Old House Point, Latitude 37° 39.1390000' N., Longitude 76° 29.6850000' W.; thence northeasterly to Ball Point, Latitude 37° 41.6600000' N., Longitude 76° 28.6320000' W.; thence southeasterly to VMRC reef marker "Ferry Bar – North", Latitude 37° 40.3000000' N., Longitude 76° 28.5000000' W.; thence southwesterly to VMRC reef marker "Ferry Bar – South", Latitude 37° 40.1670000' N., Longitude 76° 28.5830000' W.; thence southeasterly to a duck blind west of Corrotoman Point, Latitude 37° 39.8760000' N., Longitude 76° 28.4200000' W.; thence southerly to VMRC Buoy "543", Latitude 37° 39.2670000' N., Longitude 76° 27.8500000' W.; thence southerly to VMRC Buoy "Drumming-West", Latitude 37° 38.8830000' N., Longitude 76° 27.6830000' W.; thence southerly to VMRC Buoy "Drumming-East", Latitude 37° 38.8330000' N., Longitude 76° 27.5670000' W.; thence northeasterly to Orchard Point, Latitude 37° 38.9240000' N., Longitude 76° 27.1260000' W.
"Rappahannock River Rotation Area 5" means all public grounds, in that area of the Rappahannock River, beginning at the Greys Point end of the Robert O. Norris, Jr. Bridge (State Route 3), located at Latitude 37° 36.8330000' N., Longitude 76° 25.9990000' W.; thence northeasterly along the bridge to the north channel fender, Latitude 37° 37.4830000' N., Longitude 76° 25.3450000' W.; thence west-northwesterly to VMRC Buoy "5-4", Latitude 37° 38.0050000' N., Longitude 76° 30.0280000' W.; thence westerly to Buoy "R6", Latitude 37° 38.0330000' N., Longitude 76° 30.2830000' W.; thence south to the eastern headland of Whiting Creek, Latitude 37° 36.6580000' N., Longitude 76° 30.3120000' W.
"Rappahannock River Rotation Area 6" means all public grounds, in that area of the Rappahannock River, beginning on the eastern headland of Whiting Creek, located at Latitude 37° 36.6580000' N., Longitude 76° 30.3120000' W.; thence north to Buoy "R6", Latitude 37° 38.0330000' N., Longitude 76° 30.2830000' W.; thence northwesterly to VMRC White House Sanctuary Buoy, Latitude 37° 38.1500000' N., Longitude 76° 30.5330000' W.; thence northwesterly to VMRC Towles Point Area Buoy, Latitude 37° 38.8330000' N., Longitude 76° 31.5360000' W.; thence northwesterly to Flashing Red Buoy "8" off Rogue Point, Latitude 37° 40.1580000' N., Longitude 76° 32.9390000' W.; thence southwesterly to Balls Point, Latitude 37° 39.3550000' N., Longitude 76° 34.4440000' W.
"Seed oyster" means any oyster taken by any person from natural beds, rocks, or shoals that is more than 30 days from harvest for human consumption.
"Thomas Rock Area" means all public grounds and unassigned grounds, in that area of the James River, with an eastern boundary being the upstream side of the James River Bridge (U.S. Route 17), and a western boundary being a line drawn from the south side of the river at Rainbow Farm Point, a point on the shore, in line with VMRC Markers "STH" and "SMT", located at Latitude 37° 00.1965862' N., Longitude 76° 34.0712010' W.; thence north-northeasterly to a VMRC Marker "STH", Latitude 37° 00.9815328 N., Longitude 76° 33.5955842' W.; thence to a VMRC Marker "SMT", at Latitude 37° 01.3228160' N., Longitude 76° 33.3887351' W.; thence to the Flashing Green Channel Light #5, at Latitude 37° 02.3449949' N., Longitude 76° 32.7689936' W.; thence northeasterly to a VMRC Marker "NMT", Latitude 37° 02.7740540' N., Longitude 76° 32.0960864' W.; thence to a VMRC Marker "NTH" located at Latitude 37° 03.2030055' N., Longitude 76° 31.4231211' W.; thence to a point on the north shore of the river at Blunt (Blount) Point, said point being in line with VMRC Markers "NMT" and "NTH" and located at Latitude 37° 03.3805862' N., Longitude 76° 31.1444562' W.
"Unassigned ground" means all those grounds defined by any other acts of the General Assembly pertaining to those grounds, all those grounds set aside by court order, and all those grounds set aside by order of the Marine Resources Commission, and may be redefined by any of these legal authorities.
"Upper Chesapeake Bay - Blackberry Hangs Area" means all public grounds and unassigned grounds, in that area of the Chesapeake Bay, bounded by a line, beginning at a point approximately 300 feet east of the mean low water line of the Chesapeake Bay and approximately 1,230 feet southwest of the end of the southern-most stone jetty at the mouth of the Little Wicomico River, said point being Corner 1, Latitude 37° 53.1811193' N., Longitude 76° 14.1740146' W.; thence east-southeasterly to Corner 2, Latitude 37° 52.9050025' N., Longitude 76° 11.9357257' W.; thence easterly to Corner 3, Latitude 37° 52.9076552' N., Longitude 76° 11.6098145' W.; thence southwesterly to Corner 4, Latitude 37° 52.8684955' N., Longitude 76° 11.6402444' W.; thence east-southeasterly to Corner 5, Latitude 37° 52.7924853' N., Longitude 76° 11.0253352' W.; thence southwesterly to Corner 6, Latitude 37° 49.4327736' N., Longitude 76° 13.2409959' W.; thence northwesterly to Corner 7, Latitude 37° 50.0560555' N., Longitude 76° 15.0023234' W.; thence north-northeasterly to Corner 8, Latitude 37° 50.5581183' N., Longitude 76° 14.8772805' W.; thence north-northeasterly to Corner 9, Latitude 37° 52.0260950' N., Longitude 76° 14.5768550' W.; thence northeasterly to Corner 1, said corner being the point of beginning.
"Yeocomico River Area" means that area of the North West Yeocomico River, inside Public Ground 8 of Westmoreland County and those areas of the South Yeocomico River inside Public Grounds 102, 104, and 107 of Northumberland County.
Public Ground 8 of Westmoreland County is located in the North West Yeocomico River, beginning at a point approximately 1,455 feet northeast of Crow Bar and 1,850 feet northwest of White Point, said point being Corner 1, located at Latitude 38° 02.7468214' N., Longitude 76° 33.0775726' W.; thence southeasterly to Corner 2, Latitude 38° 02.7397202' N., Longitude 76° 33.0186286' W.; thence southerly to Corner 3, Latitude 38° 02.6021644' N., Longitude 76° 33.0234175' W.; thence westerly to Corner 4, Latitude 38° 02.6006669' N., Longitude 76° 33.0824799' W.; thence northerly to Corner 1, said corner being the point of beginning.
Public Ground 102 of Northumberland County is located in the South Yeocomico River, beginning at a point approximately 630 feet south of Mundy Point and 1,745 feet southwest of Tom Jones Point, said point being Corner 1, located at Latitude 38° 01.2138059' N., Longitude 76° 32.5577201' W.; thence east-northeasterly to Corner 2, Latitude 38° 01.2268644' N., Longitude 76° 32.4497849' W.; thence southwesterly to Corner 3, Latitude 38° 01.1091209' N., Longitude 76° 32.5591101' W.; thence northerly to Corner 1, said corner being the point of beginning.
Public Ground 104 of Northumberland County is located in the South Yeocomico River, beginning at a point approximately 670 feet north of Walker Point and 1,900 feet northwest of Palmer Point, said point being Corner 1, located at Latitude 38° 00.8841841' N., Longitude 76° 32.6106215' W.; thence southeasterly to Corner 2, Latitude 38° 00.8609163' N., Longitude 76° 32.5296302' W.; thence southeasterly to Corner 3, Latitude 38° 00.6693092' N., Longitude 76° 32.4161866' W.; thence southwesterly to Corner 4, Latitude 38° 00.6418466' N., Longitude 76° 32.5394849' W.; thence northwesterly to Corner 1, said corner being the point of beginning.
Public Ground 107 of Northumberland County is located in the South Yeocomico River, beginning at a point approximately 1,000 feet southwest of Barn Point and 1,300 feet northwest of Tom Jones Point, said point being Corner 1, located at Longitude 38° 01.1389367' N., Latitude 76° 32.3425617' W.; thence east-southeasterly to Corner 2, Latitude 38° 01.4106421' N., Longitude 76° 32.1077962' W.; thence southwesterly to Corner 3, Latitude 38° 01.2717197' N., Longitude 76° 32.2917989' W.; thence north-northwesterly to Corner 1, said corner being the point of beginning.
"York River Rotation Area 1" means all public grounds in the York River, within Gloucester County, between a line from Upper York River Flashing Red Channel Marker "8", Latitude 37° 17.8863666' N., Longitude 76° 34.6534166' W.; thence northeasterly to Red Day Marker "2" at the mouth of Cedar Bush Creek, Latitude 37° 18.6422166' N., Longitude 76° 33.8216000' W.; upstream to a line from the Flashing Yellow VIMS Data Buoy "CB", Latitude 37° 20.4670000' N., Longitude 76° 37.4830000' W.; thence northeasterly to the inshore end of the wharf at Clay Bank.
"York River Rotation Area 2" means all public grounds in the York River, within Gloucester County, from the George P. Coleman Memorial Bridge (U.S. Route 17), upstream to a line from Upper York River Flashing Red Channel Marker "8", Latitude 37° 17.8863666' N., Longitude 76° 34.6534166' W.; thence northeasterly to Red Day Marker "2" at the mouth of Cedar Bush Creek, Latitude 37° 18.6422166' N., Longitude 76° 33.8216000' W.
VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4204; Filed October 30, 2014, 11:15 a.m.
Final Regulation
REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: The Marine Resources Commission is claiming an exemption from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act in accordance with § 2.2-4006 A 11 of the Code of Virginia; however, the commission is required to publish the full text of final regulations.
Title of Regulation: 4VAC20-910. Pertaining to Scup (Porgy) (amending 4VAC20-910-45).
Statutory Authority: § 28.2-201 of the Code of Virginia.
Effective Date: November 1, 2014.
Agency Contact: Jane Warren, Agency Regulatory Coordinator, Marine Resources Commission, 2600 Washington Avenue, 3rd Floor, Newport News, VA 23607, telephone (757) 247-2248, FAX (757) 247-2002, or email
The amendment increases the possession limit for scup to 18,000 pounds during the period November 1 through December 31 of each year.
4VAC20-910-45. Possession limits and harvest quotas.
A. During the period January 1 through April 30 of each year, it shall be unlawful for any person to do any of the following:
1. Possess aboard any vessel in Virginia more than 50,000 pounds of scup.
2. Land in Virginia more than a total of 50,000 pounds of scup during each consecutive seven-day landing period, with the first seven-day period beginning on January 1.
B. When it is projected and announced that 80% of the coastwide quota for this period has been attained, it shall be unlawful for any person to possess aboard any vessel or to land in Virginia more than a total of 1,000 pounds of scup.
C. During the period November 1 through December 31 of each year, it shall be unlawful for any person to possess aboard any vessel or to land in Virginia more than 8,000 18,000 pounds of scup.
D. During the period May 1 through October 31 of each year, the commercial harvest and landing of scup in Virginia shall be limited to 14,105 pounds.
E. For each of the time periods set forth in this section, the Marine Resources Commission will give timely notice to the industry of calculated poundage possession limits and quotas and any adjustments thereto. It shall be unlawful for any person to possess or to land any scup for commercial purposes after any winter period coastwide quota or summer period Virginia quota has been attained and announced as such.
F. It shall be unlawful for any buyer of seafood to receive any scup after any commercial harvest or landing quota has been attained and announced as such.
G. It shall be unlawful for any person fishing with hook and line, rod and reel, spear, gig, or other recreational gear to possess more than 30 scup. When fishing is from a boat or vessel where the entire catch is held in a common hold or container, the possession limit shall be for the boat or vessel and shall be equal to the number of persons on board legally eligible to fish multiplied by 30. The captain or operator of the boat or vessel shall be responsible for any boat or vessel possession limit. Any scup taken after the possession limit has been reached shall be returned to the water immediately.
VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4192; Filed October 31, 2014, 1:28 p.m.
REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: Forms used in administering the following regulation have been filed by the Virginia Waste Management Board. The forms are not being published; however, online users of this issue of the Virginia Register of Regulations may click on the name of the new or amended form to access it. The forms are also available from the agency contact or may be viewed at the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, General Assembly Building, 2nd Floor, Richmond, Virginia 23219.
Title of Regulation: 9VAC20-130. Solid Waste Planning and Recycling Regulations.
Contact Information: Melissa Porterfield, Policy and Planning Specialist, Department of Environmental Quality, 629 East Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219, email
FORMS (9VAC20-130)
Locality Recycling Rate Report, DEQ Form 50-30 (rev. 2/06).
Locality Recycling Rate Report for Calendar Year 2014, DEQ Form 50-30 (rev. 10/14)
VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4197; Filed October 27, 2014, 3:11 p.m.
REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: The form listed below is no longer used in administering the following regulation.
Title of Regulation: 9VAC20-190. Litter Receptacle Regulations.
Contact Information: Melissa Porterfield, Policy and Planning Specialist, Department of Environmental Quality, Policy and Planning Specialist, 629 East Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219, email
FORMS (9VAC20-190)
Locality Recycling Rate Report, DEQ Form 50-30 (rev. 10/12/01).
VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4199; Filed October 27, 2014, 3:23 p.m.
REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: Forms used in administering the following regulation have been filed by the State Water Control Board. The forms are not being published; however, online users of this issue of the Virginia Register of Regulations may click on the name of the new or amended form to access it. The forms are also available from the agency contact or may be viewed at the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, General Assembly Building, 2nd Floor, Richmond, Virginia 23219.
Titles of Regulations: 9VAC25-20. Fees for Permits and Certificates.
9VAC25-151. General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Discharges of Storm Water Associated with Industrial Activity.
9VAC25-190. Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) General Permit Regulation for Nonmetallic Mineral Mining.
9VAC25-193. General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Concrete Products Facilities.
9VAC25-210. Virginia Water Protection Permit Program Regulation.
9VAC25-610. Groundwater Withdrawal Regulations.
9VAC25-660. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Impacts Less Than One-Half of an Acre.
9VAC25-670. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Facilities and Activities of Utility and Public Service Companies Regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or the State Corporation Commission and Other Utility Line Activities.
9VAC25-680. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Linear Transportation Projects.
9VAC25-690. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Impacts from Development and Certain Mining Activities.
Contact Information: Debra Harris, Policy and Planning Specialist, Department of Environmental Quality, 629 East Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219, telephone (804) 698-4209, or email
FORMS (9VAC25-20)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Biosolids Land Application Local Monitoring Expenses Reimbursement Invoice, Form 1 (rev. 6/13)
Biosolids Land Application Local Monitoring Expenses Multiple Owners Payment Assignment, Form 2 (rev. 6/13)
Biosolids Land Application Fee Reimbursement Notice of Intent to Seek Reconsideration, Form 3 (rev. 8/07)
Biosolids Land Application Fee Reimbursement Reconsideration Claim Form, Form 4 (rev. 8/07)
FORMS (9VAC25-151)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Quality Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 5/13)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
VPDES General Permit for Industrial Activity Stormwater Discharges (VAR05) Registration Statement, SWGP VAR05-RS (eff. 7/14)
VPDES General Permit for Industrial Activity Stormwater Discharges (VAR05) Notice of Termination, SWGP VAR05-NOT (eff. 7/14)
Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) (eff. 7/14)
Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Change of Ownership Form (undated)
FORMS (9VAC25-190)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee (rev. 5/13)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Change of Ownership Agreement Form (rev. 3/14)
VPDES General Permit for Nonmetallic Mineral Mining (VAG84) - Notice of Termination (eff. 7/14)
VPDES General Permit Registration Statement - Nonmetallic Mineral Mining (rev. 2014)
FORMS (9VAC25-193)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Registration Statement for the General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Concrete Products Facilities, VAG11 (rev. 4/13)
FORMS (9VAC25-210)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Standard Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 7/08)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation, Joint Permit Application, IACM Coordination Form (eff. 6/08)
Monthly Reporting of Impacts Less than One-Tenth Acre Statewide (eff. 8/07)
DEQ Application for New or Expanded Minor Surface Water Withdrawals Initiated on or after July 25, 2007
FORMS (9VAC25-610)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Application Instructions for Completing a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Application (rev. 11/13)
Application for a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit (rev. 9/12)
Groundwater Withdrawal Permit - Change of Ownership Agreement Form (rev. 11/13)
Uncontested Termination Agreement (rev. 11/13)
Water Well Completion Report, Form GW2 (eff. 7/07)
Public Notice Authorization Form - Authorization for Public Notice Billing to Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Applicant (rev. 11/13)
Preapplication Meeting - Application for a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit (rev. 9/12)
Local and Areawide Planning Requirements (rev. 9/12)
Quarterly Groundwater Withdrawal Report (rev. 11/13)
Mitigation Plan (rev. 11/13)
Existing Users Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Application and Instructions (eff. 2/14)
FORMS (9VAC25-660)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
Quarterly Reporting of Impacts Less than One-Tenth Acre (insert reporting period) Statewide (eff. 4/03)
FORMS (9VAC25-670)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (rev. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
FORMS (9VAC25-680)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
FORMS (9VAC25-690)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects of Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4208; Filed October 30, 2014, 10:33 a.m.
REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: Forms used in administering the following regulation have been filed by the State Water Control Board. The forms are not being published; however, online users of this issue of the Virginia Register of Regulations may click on the name of the new or amended form to access it. The forms are also available from the agency contact or may be viewed at the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, General Assembly Building, 2nd Floor, Richmond, Virginia 23219.
Titles of Regulations: 9VAC25-20. Fees for Permits and Certificates.
9VAC25-151. General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Discharges of Storm Water Associated with Industrial Activity.
9VAC25-190. Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) General Permit Regulation for Nonmetallic Mineral Mining.
9VAC25-193. General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Concrete Products Facilities.
9VAC25-210. Virginia Water Protection Permit Program Regulation.
9VAC25-610. Groundwater Withdrawal Regulations.
9VAC25-660. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Impacts Less Than One-Half of an Acre.
9VAC25-670. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Facilities and Activities of Utility and Public Service Companies Regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or the State Corporation Commission and Other Utility Line Activities.
9VAC25-680. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Linear Transportation Projects.
9VAC25-690. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Impacts from Development and Certain Mining Activities.
Contact Information: Debra Harris, Policy and Planning Specialist, Department of Environmental Quality, 629 East Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219, telephone (804) 698-4209, or email
FORMS (9VAC25-20)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Biosolids Land Application Local Monitoring Expenses Reimbursement Invoice, Form 1 (rev. 6/13)
Biosolids Land Application Local Monitoring Expenses Multiple Owners Payment Assignment, Form 2 (rev. 6/13)
Biosolids Land Application Fee Reimbursement Notice of Intent to Seek Reconsideration, Form 3 (rev. 8/07)
Biosolids Land Application Fee Reimbursement Reconsideration Claim Form, Form 4 (rev. 8/07)
FORMS (9VAC25-151)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Quality Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 5/13)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
VPDES General Permit for Industrial Activity Stormwater Discharges (VAR05) Registration Statement, SWGP VAR05-RS (eff. 7/14)
VPDES General Permit for Industrial Activity Stormwater Discharges (VAR05) Notice of Termination, SWGP VAR05-NOT (eff. 7/14)
Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) (eff. 7/14)
Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Change of Ownership Form (undated)
FORMS (9VAC25-190)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee (rev. 5/13)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Change of Ownership Agreement Form (rev. 3/14)
VPDES General Permit for Nonmetallic Mineral Mining (VAG84) - Notice of Termination (eff. 7/14)
VPDES General Permit Registration Statement - Nonmetallic Mineral Mining (rev. 2014)
FORMS (9VAC25-193)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Registration Statement for the General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Concrete Products Facilities, VAG11 (rev. 4/13)
FORMS (9VAC25-210)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Standard Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 7/08)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation, Joint Permit Application, IACM Coordination Form (eff. 6/08)
Monthly Reporting of Impacts Less than One-Tenth Acre Statewide (eff. 8/07)
DEQ Application for New or Expanded Minor Surface Water Withdrawals Initiated on or after July 25, 2007
FORMS (9VAC25-610)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Application Instructions for Completing a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Application (rev. 11/13)
Application for a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit (rev. 9/12)
Groundwater Withdrawal Permit - Change of Ownership Agreement Form (rev. 11/13)
Uncontested Termination Agreement (rev. 11/13)
Water Well Completion Report, Form GW2 (eff. 7/07)
Public Notice Authorization Form - Authorization for Public Notice Billing to Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Applicant (rev. 11/13)
Preapplication Meeting - Application for a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit (rev. 9/12)
Local and Areawide Planning Requirements (rev. 9/12)
Quarterly Groundwater Withdrawal Report (rev. 11/13)
Mitigation Plan (rev. 11/13)
Existing Users Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Application and Instructions (eff. 2/14)
FORMS (9VAC25-660)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
Quarterly Reporting of Impacts Less than One-Tenth Acre (insert reporting period) Statewide (eff. 4/03)
FORMS (9VAC25-670)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (rev. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
FORMS (9VAC25-680)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
FORMS (9VAC25-690)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects of Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4208; Filed October 30, 2014, 10:33 a.m.
REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: Forms used in administering the following regulation have been filed by the State Water Control Board. The forms are not being published; however, online users of this issue of the Virginia Register of Regulations may click on the name of the new or amended form to access it. The forms are also available from the agency contact or may be viewed at the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, General Assembly Building, 2nd Floor, Richmond, Virginia 23219.
Titles of Regulations: 9VAC25-20. Fees for Permits and Certificates.
9VAC25-151. General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Discharges of Storm Water Associated with Industrial Activity.
9VAC25-190. Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) General Permit Regulation for Nonmetallic Mineral Mining.
9VAC25-193. General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Concrete Products Facilities.
9VAC25-210. Virginia Water Protection Permit Program Regulation.
9VAC25-610. Groundwater Withdrawal Regulations.
9VAC25-660. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Impacts Less Than One-Half of an Acre.
9VAC25-670. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Facilities and Activities of Utility and Public Service Companies Regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or the State Corporation Commission and Other Utility Line Activities.
9VAC25-680. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Linear Transportation Projects.
9VAC25-690. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Impacts from Development and Certain Mining Activities.
Contact Information: Debra Harris, Policy and Planning Specialist, Department of Environmental Quality, 629 East Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219, telephone (804) 698-4209, or email
FORMS (9VAC25-20)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Biosolids Land Application Local Monitoring Expenses Reimbursement Invoice, Form 1 (rev. 6/13)
Biosolids Land Application Local Monitoring Expenses Multiple Owners Payment Assignment, Form 2 (rev. 6/13)
Biosolids Land Application Fee Reimbursement Notice of Intent to Seek Reconsideration, Form 3 (rev. 8/07)
Biosolids Land Application Fee Reimbursement Reconsideration Claim Form, Form 4 (rev. 8/07)
FORMS (9VAC25-151)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Quality Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 5/13)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
VPDES General Permit for Industrial Activity Stormwater Discharges (VAR05) Registration Statement, SWGP VAR05-RS (eff. 7/14)
VPDES General Permit for Industrial Activity Stormwater Discharges (VAR05) Notice of Termination, SWGP VAR05-NOT (eff. 7/14)
Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) (eff. 7/14)
Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Change of Ownership Form (undated)
FORMS (9VAC25-190)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee (rev. 5/13)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Change of Ownership Agreement Form (rev. 3/14)
VPDES General Permit for Nonmetallic Mineral Mining (VAG84) - Notice of Termination (eff. 7/14)
VPDES General Permit Registration Statement - Nonmetallic Mineral Mining (rev. 2014)
FORMS (9VAC25-193)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Registration Statement for the General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Concrete Products Facilities, VAG11 (rev. 4/13)
FORMS (9VAC25-210)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Standard Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 7/08)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation, Joint Permit Application, IACM Coordination Form (eff. 6/08)
Monthly Reporting of Impacts Less than One-Tenth Acre Statewide (eff. 8/07)
DEQ Application for New or Expanded Minor Surface Water Withdrawals Initiated on or after July 25, 2007
FORMS (9VAC25-610)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Application Instructions for Completing a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Application (rev. 11/13)
Application for a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit (rev. 9/12)
Groundwater Withdrawal Permit - Change of Ownership Agreement Form (rev. 11/13)
Uncontested Termination Agreement (rev. 11/13)
Water Well Completion Report, Form GW2 (eff. 7/07)
Public Notice Authorization Form - Authorization for Public Notice Billing to Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Applicant (rev. 11/13)
Preapplication Meeting - Application for a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit (rev. 9/12)
Local and Areawide Planning Requirements (rev. 9/12)
Quarterly Groundwater Withdrawal Report (rev. 11/13)
Mitigation Plan (rev. 11/13)
Existing Users Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Application and Instructions (eff. 2/14)
FORMS (9VAC25-660)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
Quarterly Reporting of Impacts Less than One-Tenth Acre (insert reporting period) Statewide (eff. 4/03)
FORMS (9VAC25-670)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (rev. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
FORMS (9VAC25-680)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
FORMS (9VAC25-690)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects of Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4208; Filed October 30, 2014, 10:33 a.m.
REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: Forms used in administering the following regulation have been filed by the State Water Control Board. The forms are not being published; however, online users of this issue of the Virginia Register of Regulations may click on the name of the new or amended form to access it. The forms are also available from the agency contact or may be viewed at the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, General Assembly Building, 2nd Floor, Richmond, Virginia 23219.
Titles of Regulations: 9VAC25-20. Fees for Permits and Certificates.
9VAC25-151. General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Discharges of Storm Water Associated with Industrial Activity.
9VAC25-190. Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) General Permit Regulation for Nonmetallic Mineral Mining.
9VAC25-193. General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Concrete Products Facilities.
9VAC25-210. Virginia Water Protection Permit Program Regulation.
9VAC25-610. Groundwater Withdrawal Regulations.
9VAC25-660. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Impacts Less Than One-Half of an Acre.
9VAC25-670. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Facilities and Activities of Utility and Public Service Companies Regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or the State Corporation Commission and Other Utility Line Activities.
9VAC25-680. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Linear Transportation Projects.
9VAC25-690. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Impacts from Development and Certain Mining Activities.
Contact Information: Debra Harris, Policy and Planning Specialist, Department of Environmental Quality, 629 East Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219, telephone (804) 698-4209, or email
FORMS (9VAC25-20)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Biosolids Land Application Local Monitoring Expenses Reimbursement Invoice, Form 1 (rev. 6/13)
Biosolids Land Application Local Monitoring Expenses Multiple Owners Payment Assignment, Form 2 (rev. 6/13)
Biosolids Land Application Fee Reimbursement Notice of Intent to Seek Reconsideration, Form 3 (rev. 8/07)
Biosolids Land Application Fee Reimbursement Reconsideration Claim Form, Form 4 (rev. 8/07)
FORMS (9VAC25-151)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Quality Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 5/13)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
VPDES General Permit for Industrial Activity Stormwater Discharges (VAR05) Registration Statement, SWGP VAR05-RS (eff. 7/14)
VPDES General Permit for Industrial Activity Stormwater Discharges (VAR05) Notice of Termination, SWGP VAR05-NOT (eff. 7/14)
Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) (eff. 7/14)
Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Change of Ownership Form (undated)
FORMS (9VAC25-190)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee (rev. 5/13)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Change of Ownership Agreement Form (rev. 3/14)
VPDES General Permit for Nonmetallic Mineral Mining (VAG84) - Notice of Termination (eff. 7/14)
VPDES General Permit Registration Statement - Nonmetallic Mineral Mining (rev. 2014)
FORMS (9VAC25-193)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Registration Statement for the General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Concrete Products Facilities, VAG11 (rev. 4/13)
FORMS (9VAC25-210)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Standard Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 7/08)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation, Joint Permit Application, IACM Coordination Form (eff. 6/08)
Monthly Reporting of Impacts Less than One-Tenth Acre Statewide (eff. 8/07)
DEQ Application for New or Expanded Minor Surface Water Withdrawals Initiated on or after July 25, 2007
FORMS (9VAC25-610)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Application Instructions for Completing a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Application (rev. 11/13)
Application for a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit (rev. 9/12)
Groundwater Withdrawal Permit - Change of Ownership Agreement Form (rev. 11/13)
Uncontested Termination Agreement (rev. 11/13)
Water Well Completion Report, Form GW2 (eff. 7/07)
Public Notice Authorization Form - Authorization for Public Notice Billing to Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Applicant (rev. 11/13)
Preapplication Meeting - Application for a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit (rev. 9/12)
Local and Areawide Planning Requirements (rev. 9/12)
Quarterly Groundwater Withdrawal Report (rev. 11/13)
Mitigation Plan (rev. 11/13)
Existing Users Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Application and Instructions (eff. 2/14)
FORMS (9VAC25-660)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
Quarterly Reporting of Impacts Less than One-Tenth Acre (insert reporting period) Statewide (eff. 4/03)
FORMS (9VAC25-670)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (rev. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
FORMS (9VAC25-680)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
FORMS (9VAC25-690)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects of Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4208; Filed October 30, 2014, 10:33 a.m.
REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: Forms used in administering the following regulation have been filed by the State Water Control Board. The forms are not being published; however, online users of this issue of the Virginia Register of Regulations may click on the name of the new or amended form to access it. The forms are also available from the agency contact or may be viewed at the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, General Assembly Building, 2nd Floor, Richmond, Virginia 23219.
Titles of Regulations: 9VAC25-20. Fees for Permits and Certificates.
9VAC25-151. General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Discharges of Storm Water Associated with Industrial Activity.
9VAC25-190. Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) General Permit Regulation for Nonmetallic Mineral Mining.
9VAC25-193. General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Concrete Products Facilities.
9VAC25-210. Virginia Water Protection Permit Program Regulation.
9VAC25-610. Groundwater Withdrawal Regulations.
9VAC25-660. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Impacts Less Than One-Half of an Acre.
9VAC25-670. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Facilities and Activities of Utility and Public Service Companies Regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or the State Corporation Commission and Other Utility Line Activities.
9VAC25-680. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Linear Transportation Projects.
9VAC25-690. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Impacts from Development and Certain Mining Activities.
Contact Information: Debra Harris, Policy and Planning Specialist, Department of Environmental Quality, 629 East Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219, telephone (804) 698-4209, or email
FORMS (9VAC25-20)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Biosolids Land Application Local Monitoring Expenses Reimbursement Invoice, Form 1 (rev. 6/13)
Biosolids Land Application Local Monitoring Expenses Multiple Owners Payment Assignment, Form 2 (rev. 6/13)
Biosolids Land Application Fee Reimbursement Notice of Intent to Seek Reconsideration, Form 3 (rev. 8/07)
Biosolids Land Application Fee Reimbursement Reconsideration Claim Form, Form 4 (rev. 8/07)
FORMS (9VAC25-151)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Quality Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 5/13)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
VPDES General Permit for Industrial Activity Stormwater Discharges (VAR05) Registration Statement, SWGP VAR05-RS (eff. 7/14)
VPDES General Permit for Industrial Activity Stormwater Discharges (VAR05) Notice of Termination, SWGP VAR05-NOT (eff. 7/14)
Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) (eff. 7/14)
Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Change of Ownership Form (undated)
FORMS (9VAC25-190)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee (rev. 5/13)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Change of Ownership Agreement Form (rev. 3/14)
VPDES General Permit for Nonmetallic Mineral Mining (VAG84) - Notice of Termination (eff. 7/14)
VPDES General Permit Registration Statement - Nonmetallic Mineral Mining (rev. 2014)
FORMS (9VAC25-193)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Registration Statement for the General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Concrete Products Facilities, VAG11 (rev. 4/13)
FORMS (9VAC25-210)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Standard Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 7/08)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation, Joint Permit Application, IACM Coordination Form (eff. 6/08)
Monthly Reporting of Impacts Less than One-Tenth Acre Statewide (eff. 8/07)
DEQ Application for New or Expanded Minor Surface Water Withdrawals Initiated on or after July 25, 2007
FORMS (9VAC25-610)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Application Instructions for Completing a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Application (rev. 11/13)
Application for a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit (rev. 9/12)
Groundwater Withdrawal Permit - Change of Ownership Agreement Form (rev. 11/13)
Uncontested Termination Agreement (rev. 11/13)
Water Well Completion Report, Form GW2 (eff. 7/07)
Public Notice Authorization Form - Authorization for Public Notice Billing to Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Applicant (rev. 11/13)
Preapplication Meeting - Application for a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit (rev. 9/12)
Local and Areawide Planning Requirements (rev. 9/12)
Quarterly Groundwater Withdrawal Report (rev. 11/13)
Mitigation Plan (rev. 11/13)
Existing Users Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Application and Instructions (eff. 2/14)
FORMS (9VAC25-660)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
Quarterly Reporting of Impacts Less than One-Tenth Acre (insert reporting period) Statewide (eff. 4/03)
FORMS (9VAC25-670)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (rev. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
FORMS (9VAC25-680)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
FORMS (9VAC25-690)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects of Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4208; Filed October 30, 2014, 10:33 a.m.
REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: Forms used in administering the following regulation have been filed by the State Water Control Board. The forms are not being published; however, online users of this issue of the Virginia Register of Regulations may click on the name of the new or amended form to access it. The forms are also available from the agency contact or may be viewed at the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, General Assembly Building, 2nd Floor, Richmond, Virginia 23219.
Titles of Regulations: 9VAC25-20. Fees for Permits and Certificates.
9VAC25-151. General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Discharges of Storm Water Associated with Industrial Activity.
9VAC25-190. Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) General Permit Regulation for Nonmetallic Mineral Mining.
9VAC25-193. General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Concrete Products Facilities.
9VAC25-210. Virginia Water Protection Permit Program Regulation.
9VAC25-610. Groundwater Withdrawal Regulations.
9VAC25-660. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Impacts Less Than One-Half of an Acre.
9VAC25-670. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Facilities and Activities of Utility and Public Service Companies Regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or the State Corporation Commission and Other Utility Line Activities.
9VAC25-680. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Linear Transportation Projects.
9VAC25-690. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Impacts from Development and Certain Mining Activities.
Contact Information: Debra Harris, Policy and Planning Specialist, Department of Environmental Quality, 629 East Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219, telephone (804) 698-4209, or email
FORMS (9VAC25-20)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Biosolids Land Application Local Monitoring Expenses Reimbursement Invoice, Form 1 (rev. 6/13)
Biosolids Land Application Local Monitoring Expenses Multiple Owners Payment Assignment, Form 2 (rev. 6/13)
Biosolids Land Application Fee Reimbursement Notice of Intent to Seek Reconsideration, Form 3 (rev. 8/07)
Biosolids Land Application Fee Reimbursement Reconsideration Claim Form, Form 4 (rev. 8/07)
FORMS (9VAC25-151)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Quality Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 5/13)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
VPDES General Permit for Industrial Activity Stormwater Discharges (VAR05) Registration Statement, SWGP VAR05-RS (eff. 7/14)
VPDES General Permit for Industrial Activity Stormwater Discharges (VAR05) Notice of Termination, SWGP VAR05-NOT (eff. 7/14)
Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) (eff. 7/14)
Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Change of Ownership Form (undated)
FORMS (9VAC25-190)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee (rev. 5/13)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Change of Ownership Agreement Form (rev. 3/14)
VPDES General Permit for Nonmetallic Mineral Mining (VAG84) - Notice of Termination (eff. 7/14)
VPDES General Permit Registration Statement - Nonmetallic Mineral Mining (rev. 2014)
FORMS (9VAC25-193)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Registration Statement for the General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Concrete Products Facilities, VAG11 (rev. 4/13)
FORMS (9VAC25-210)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Standard Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 7/08)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation, Joint Permit Application, IACM Coordination Form (eff. 6/08)
Monthly Reporting of Impacts Less than One-Tenth Acre Statewide (eff. 8/07)
DEQ Application for New or Expanded Minor Surface Water Withdrawals Initiated on or after July 25, 2007
FORMS (9VAC25-610)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Application Instructions for Completing a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Application (rev. 11/13)
Application for a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit (rev. 9/12)
Groundwater Withdrawal Permit - Change of Ownership Agreement Form (rev. 11/13)
Uncontested Termination Agreement (rev. 11/13)
Water Well Completion Report, Form GW2 (eff. 7/07)
Public Notice Authorization Form - Authorization for Public Notice Billing to Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Applicant (rev. 11/13)
Preapplication Meeting - Application for a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit (rev. 9/12)
Local and Areawide Planning Requirements (rev. 9/12)
Quarterly Groundwater Withdrawal Report (rev. 11/13)
Mitigation Plan (rev. 11/13)
Existing Users Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Application and Instructions (eff. 2/14)
FORMS (9VAC25-660)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
Quarterly Reporting of Impacts Less than One-Tenth Acre (insert reporting period) Statewide (eff. 4/03)
FORMS (9VAC25-670)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (rev. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
FORMS (9VAC25-680)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
FORMS (9VAC25-690)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects of Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4208; Filed October 30, 2014, 10:33 a.m.
REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: Forms used in administering the following regulation have been filed by the State Water Control Board. The forms are not being published; however, online users of this issue of the Virginia Register of Regulations may click on the name of the new or amended form to access it. The forms are also available from the agency contact or may be viewed at the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, General Assembly Building, 2nd Floor, Richmond, Virginia 23219.
Titles of Regulations: 9VAC25-20. Fees for Permits and Certificates.
9VAC25-151. General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Discharges of Storm Water Associated with Industrial Activity.
9VAC25-190. Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) General Permit Regulation for Nonmetallic Mineral Mining.
9VAC25-193. General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Concrete Products Facilities.
9VAC25-210. Virginia Water Protection Permit Program Regulation.
9VAC25-610. Groundwater Withdrawal Regulations.
9VAC25-660. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Impacts Less Than One-Half of an Acre.
9VAC25-670. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Facilities and Activities of Utility and Public Service Companies Regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or the State Corporation Commission and Other Utility Line Activities.
9VAC25-680. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Linear Transportation Projects.
9VAC25-690. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Impacts from Development and Certain Mining Activities.
Contact Information: Debra Harris, Policy and Planning Specialist, Department of Environmental Quality, 629 East Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219, telephone (804) 698-4209, or email
FORMS (9VAC25-20)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Biosolids Land Application Local Monitoring Expenses Reimbursement Invoice, Form 1 (rev. 6/13)
Biosolids Land Application Local Monitoring Expenses Multiple Owners Payment Assignment, Form 2 (rev. 6/13)
Biosolids Land Application Fee Reimbursement Notice of Intent to Seek Reconsideration, Form 3 (rev. 8/07)
Biosolids Land Application Fee Reimbursement Reconsideration Claim Form, Form 4 (rev. 8/07)
FORMS (9VAC25-151)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Quality Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 5/13)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
VPDES General Permit for Industrial Activity Stormwater Discharges (VAR05) Registration Statement, SWGP VAR05-RS (eff. 7/14)
VPDES General Permit for Industrial Activity Stormwater Discharges (VAR05) Notice of Termination, SWGP VAR05-NOT (eff. 7/14)
Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) (eff. 7/14)
Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Change of Ownership Form (undated)
FORMS (9VAC25-190)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee (rev. 5/13)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Change of Ownership Agreement Form (rev. 3/14)
VPDES General Permit for Nonmetallic Mineral Mining (VAG84) - Notice of Termination (eff. 7/14)
VPDES General Permit Registration Statement - Nonmetallic Mineral Mining (rev. 2014)
FORMS (9VAC25-193)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Registration Statement for the General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Concrete Products Facilities, VAG11 (rev. 4/13)
FORMS (9VAC25-210)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Standard Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 7/08)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation, Joint Permit Application, IACM Coordination Form (eff. 6/08)
Monthly Reporting of Impacts Less than One-Tenth Acre Statewide (eff. 8/07)
DEQ Application for New or Expanded Minor Surface Water Withdrawals Initiated on or after July 25, 2007
FORMS (9VAC25-610)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Application Instructions for Completing a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Application (rev. 11/13)
Application for a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit (rev. 9/12)
Groundwater Withdrawal Permit - Change of Ownership Agreement Form (rev. 11/13)
Uncontested Termination Agreement (rev. 11/13)
Water Well Completion Report, Form GW2 (eff. 7/07)
Public Notice Authorization Form - Authorization for Public Notice Billing to Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Applicant (rev. 11/13)
Preapplication Meeting - Application for a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit (rev. 9/12)
Local and Areawide Planning Requirements (rev. 9/12)
Quarterly Groundwater Withdrawal Report (rev. 11/13)
Mitigation Plan (rev. 11/13)
Existing Users Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Application and Instructions (eff. 2/14)
FORMS (9VAC25-660)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
Quarterly Reporting of Impacts Less than One-Tenth Acre (insert reporting period) Statewide (eff. 4/03)
FORMS (9VAC25-670)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (rev. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
FORMS (9VAC25-680)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
FORMS (9VAC25-690)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects of Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4208; Filed October 30, 2014, 10:33 a.m.
REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: Forms used in administering the following regulation have been filed by the State Water Control Board. The forms are not being published; however, online users of this issue of the Virginia Register of Regulations may click on the name of the new or amended form to access it. The forms are also available from the agency contact or may be viewed at the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, General Assembly Building, 2nd Floor, Richmond, Virginia 23219.
Titles of Regulations: 9VAC25-20. Fees for Permits and Certificates.
9VAC25-151. General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Discharges of Storm Water Associated with Industrial Activity.
9VAC25-190. Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) General Permit Regulation for Nonmetallic Mineral Mining.
9VAC25-193. General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Concrete Products Facilities.
9VAC25-210. Virginia Water Protection Permit Program Regulation.
9VAC25-610. Groundwater Withdrawal Regulations.
9VAC25-660. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Impacts Less Than One-Half of an Acre.
9VAC25-670. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Facilities and Activities of Utility and Public Service Companies Regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or the State Corporation Commission and Other Utility Line Activities.
9VAC25-680. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Linear Transportation Projects.
9VAC25-690. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Impacts from Development and Certain Mining Activities.
Contact Information: Debra Harris, Policy and Planning Specialist, Department of Environmental Quality, 629 East Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219, telephone (804) 698-4209, or email
FORMS (9VAC25-20)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Biosolids Land Application Local Monitoring Expenses Reimbursement Invoice, Form 1 (rev. 6/13)
Biosolids Land Application Local Monitoring Expenses Multiple Owners Payment Assignment, Form 2 (rev. 6/13)
Biosolids Land Application Fee Reimbursement Notice of Intent to Seek Reconsideration, Form 3 (rev. 8/07)
Biosolids Land Application Fee Reimbursement Reconsideration Claim Form, Form 4 (rev. 8/07)
FORMS (9VAC25-151)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Quality Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 5/13)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
VPDES General Permit for Industrial Activity Stormwater Discharges (VAR05) Registration Statement, SWGP VAR05-RS (eff. 7/14)
VPDES General Permit for Industrial Activity Stormwater Discharges (VAR05) Notice of Termination, SWGP VAR05-NOT (eff. 7/14)
Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) (eff. 7/14)
Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Change of Ownership Form (undated)
FORMS (9VAC25-190)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee (rev. 5/13)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Change of Ownership Agreement Form (rev. 3/14)
VPDES General Permit for Nonmetallic Mineral Mining (VAG84) - Notice of Termination (eff. 7/14)
VPDES General Permit Registration Statement - Nonmetallic Mineral Mining (rev. 2014)
FORMS (9VAC25-193)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Registration Statement for the General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Concrete Products Facilities, VAG11 (rev. 4/13)
FORMS (9VAC25-210)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Standard Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 7/08)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation, Joint Permit Application, IACM Coordination Form (eff. 6/08)
Monthly Reporting of Impacts Less than One-Tenth Acre Statewide (eff. 8/07)
DEQ Application for New or Expanded Minor Surface Water Withdrawals Initiated on or after July 25, 2007
FORMS (9VAC25-610)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Application Instructions for Completing a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Application (rev. 11/13)
Application for a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit (rev. 9/12)
Groundwater Withdrawal Permit - Change of Ownership Agreement Form (rev. 11/13)
Uncontested Termination Agreement (rev. 11/13)
Water Well Completion Report, Form GW2 (eff. 7/07)
Public Notice Authorization Form - Authorization for Public Notice Billing to Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Applicant (rev. 11/13)
Preapplication Meeting - Application for a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit (rev. 9/12)
Local and Areawide Planning Requirements (rev. 9/12)
Quarterly Groundwater Withdrawal Report (rev. 11/13)
Mitigation Plan (rev. 11/13)
Existing Users Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Application and Instructions (eff. 2/14)
FORMS (9VAC25-660)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
Quarterly Reporting of Impacts Less than One-Tenth Acre (insert reporting period) Statewide (eff. 4/03)
FORMS (9VAC25-670)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (rev. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
FORMS (9VAC25-680)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
FORMS (9VAC25-690)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects of Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4208; Filed October 30, 2014, 10:33 a.m.
REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: Forms used in administering the following regulation have been filed by the State Water Control Board. The forms are not being published; however, online users of this issue of the Virginia Register of Regulations may click on the name of the new or amended form to access it. The forms are also available from the agency contact or may be viewed at the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, General Assembly Building, 2nd Floor, Richmond, Virginia 23219.
Titles of Regulations: 9VAC25-20. Fees for Permits and Certificates.
9VAC25-151. General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Discharges of Storm Water Associated with Industrial Activity.
9VAC25-190. Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) General Permit Regulation for Nonmetallic Mineral Mining.
9VAC25-193. General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Concrete Products Facilities.
9VAC25-210. Virginia Water Protection Permit Program Regulation.
9VAC25-610. Groundwater Withdrawal Regulations.
9VAC25-660. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Impacts Less Than One-Half of an Acre.
9VAC25-670. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Facilities and Activities of Utility and Public Service Companies Regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or the State Corporation Commission and Other Utility Line Activities.
9VAC25-680. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Linear Transportation Projects.
9VAC25-690. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Impacts from Development and Certain Mining Activities.
Contact Information: Debra Harris, Policy and Planning Specialist, Department of Environmental Quality, 629 East Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219, telephone (804) 698-4209, or email
FORMS (9VAC25-20)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Biosolids Land Application Local Monitoring Expenses Reimbursement Invoice, Form 1 (rev. 6/13)
Biosolids Land Application Local Monitoring Expenses Multiple Owners Payment Assignment, Form 2 (rev. 6/13)
Biosolids Land Application Fee Reimbursement Notice of Intent to Seek Reconsideration, Form 3 (rev. 8/07)
Biosolids Land Application Fee Reimbursement Reconsideration Claim Form, Form 4 (rev. 8/07)
FORMS (9VAC25-151)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Quality Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 5/13)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
VPDES General Permit for Industrial Activity Stormwater Discharges (VAR05) Registration Statement, SWGP VAR05-RS (eff. 7/14)
VPDES General Permit for Industrial Activity Stormwater Discharges (VAR05) Notice of Termination, SWGP VAR05-NOT (eff. 7/14)
Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) (eff. 7/14)
Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Change of Ownership Form (undated)
FORMS (9VAC25-190)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee (rev. 5/13)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Change of Ownership Agreement Form (rev. 3/14)
VPDES General Permit for Nonmetallic Mineral Mining (VAG84) - Notice of Termination (eff. 7/14)
VPDES General Permit Registration Statement - Nonmetallic Mineral Mining (rev. 2014)
FORMS (9VAC25-193)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Registration Statement for the General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Concrete Products Facilities, VAG11 (rev. 4/13)
FORMS (9VAC25-210)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Standard Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 7/08)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation, Joint Permit Application, IACM Coordination Form (eff. 6/08)
Monthly Reporting of Impacts Less than One-Tenth Acre Statewide (eff. 8/07)
DEQ Application for New or Expanded Minor Surface Water Withdrawals Initiated on or after July 25, 2007
FORMS (9VAC25-610)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Application Instructions for Completing a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Application (rev. 11/13)
Application for a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit (rev. 9/12)
Groundwater Withdrawal Permit - Change of Ownership Agreement Form (rev. 11/13)
Uncontested Termination Agreement (rev. 11/13)
Water Well Completion Report, Form GW2 (eff. 7/07)
Public Notice Authorization Form - Authorization for Public Notice Billing to Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Applicant (rev. 11/13)
Preapplication Meeting - Application for a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit (rev. 9/12)
Local and Areawide Planning Requirements (rev. 9/12)
Quarterly Groundwater Withdrawal Report (rev. 11/13)
Mitigation Plan (rev. 11/13)
Existing Users Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Application and Instructions (eff. 2/14)
FORMS (9VAC25-660)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
Quarterly Reporting of Impacts Less than One-Tenth Acre (insert reporting period) Statewide (eff. 4/03)
FORMS (9VAC25-670)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (rev. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
FORMS (9VAC25-680)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
FORMS (9VAC25-690)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects of Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4208; Filed October 30, 2014, 10:33 a.m.
REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: Forms used in administering the following regulation have been filed by the State Water Control Board. The forms are not being published; however, online users of this issue of the Virginia Register of Regulations may click on the name of the new or amended form to access it. The forms are also available from the agency contact or may be viewed at the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, General Assembly Building, 2nd Floor, Richmond, Virginia 23219.
Titles of Regulations: 9VAC25-20. Fees for Permits and Certificates.
9VAC25-151. General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Discharges of Storm Water Associated with Industrial Activity.
9VAC25-190. Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) General Permit Regulation for Nonmetallic Mineral Mining.
9VAC25-193. General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Concrete Products Facilities.
9VAC25-210. Virginia Water Protection Permit Program Regulation.
9VAC25-610. Groundwater Withdrawal Regulations.
9VAC25-660. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Impacts Less Than One-Half of an Acre.
9VAC25-670. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Facilities and Activities of Utility and Public Service Companies Regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or the State Corporation Commission and Other Utility Line Activities.
9VAC25-680. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Linear Transportation Projects.
9VAC25-690. Virginia Water Protection General Permit for Impacts from Development and Certain Mining Activities.
Contact Information: Debra Harris, Policy and Planning Specialist, Department of Environmental Quality, 629 East Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219, telephone (804) 698-4209, or email
FORMS (9VAC25-20)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Biosolids Land Application Local Monitoring Expenses Reimbursement Invoice, Form 1 (rev. 6/13)
Biosolids Land Application Local Monitoring Expenses Multiple Owners Payment Assignment, Form 2 (rev. 6/13)
Biosolids Land Application Fee Reimbursement Notice of Intent to Seek Reconsideration, Form 3 (rev. 8/07)
Biosolids Land Application Fee Reimbursement Reconsideration Claim Form, Form 4 (rev. 8/07)
FORMS (9VAC25-151)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Quality Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 5/13)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
VPDES General Permit for Industrial Activity Stormwater Discharges (VAR05) Registration Statement, SWGP VAR05-RS (eff. 7/14)
VPDES General Permit for Industrial Activity Stormwater Discharges (VAR05) Notice of Termination, SWGP VAR05-NOT (eff. 7/14)
Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) (eff. 7/14)
Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Change of Ownership Form (undated)
FORMS (9VAC25-190)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee (rev. 5/13)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Change of Ownership Agreement Form (rev. 3/14)
VPDES General Permit for Nonmetallic Mineral Mining (VAG84) - Notice of Termination (eff. 7/14)
VPDES General Permit Registration Statement - Nonmetallic Mineral Mining (rev. 2014)
FORMS (9VAC25-193)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Registration Statement for the General Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) Permit for Concrete Products Facilities, VAG11 (rev. 4/13)
FORMS (9VAC25-210)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Standard Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 7/08)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation, Joint Permit Application, IACM Coordination Form (eff. 6/08)
Monthly Reporting of Impacts Less than One-Tenth Acre Statewide (eff. 8/07)
DEQ Application for New or Expanded Minor Surface Water Withdrawals Initiated on or after July 25, 2007
FORMS (9VAC25-610)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Application Instructions for Completing a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Application (rev. 11/13)
Application for a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit (rev. 9/12)
Groundwater Withdrawal Permit - Change of Ownership Agreement Form (rev. 11/13)
Uncontested Termination Agreement (rev. 11/13)
Water Well Completion Report, Form GW2 (eff. 7/07)
Public Notice Authorization Form - Authorization for Public Notice Billing to Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Applicant (rev. 11/13)
Preapplication Meeting - Application for a Groundwater Withdrawal Permit (rev. 9/12)
Local and Areawide Planning Requirements (rev. 9/12)
Quarterly Groundwater Withdrawal Report (rev. 11/13)
Mitigation Plan (rev. 11/13)
Existing Users Groundwater Withdrawal Permit Application and Instructions (eff. 2/14)
FORMS (9VAC25-660)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
Quarterly Reporting of Impacts Less than One-Tenth Acre (insert reporting period) Statewide (eff. 4/03)
FORMS (9VAC25-670)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (rev. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
FORMS (9VAC25-680)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects in Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
FORMS (9VAC25-690)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 3/14)
Department of Environmental Quality Water Division Permit Application Fee Form (rev. 10/14)
Joint Permit Application for Activities in Waters and Wetlands of the Commonwealth of Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Joint Permit Application for Projects of Tidewater, Virginia (eff. 10/04)
Virginia Department of Transportation Inter-Agency Coordination Meeting Joint Permit Application (eff. 10/02)
VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4208; Filed October 30, 2014, 10:33 a.m.
REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: Forms used in administering the following regulation have been filed by the State Water Control Board. The forms are not being published; however, online users of this issue of the Virginia Register of Regulations may click on the name of the new or amended form to access it. The forms are also available from the agency contact or may be viewed at the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, General Assembly Building, 2nd Floor, Richmond, Virginia 23219.
Titles of Regulations: 9VAC25-870. Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) Regulation.
9VAC25-880. General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities.
Contact Information: Debra Harris, Policy and Planning Specialist, Department of Environmental Quality, 629 East Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219, telephone (804) 698-4209, or email
FORMS (9VAC25-870)
Application Form 1 - General Information, Consolidated Permits Program, EPA Form 3510-1 (rev. 8/90)
Construction Activity Operator Permit Fee Form, DEQ 199-213, (eff. 08/13)
Construction Activity Operator Permit Fee Form (rev. 9/14)
FORMS (9VAC25-880)
Department of Environmental Quality Construction Activity Operator Permit Fee Form (rev. 1/14)
Construction Activity Operator Permit Fee Form (rev. 9/14)
Notice of Termination - General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities (VAR10) (rev. 1/14)
Registration Statement - General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities (VAR10) (rev. 7/14)
Transfer of Ownership Agreement Form - General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities (VAR10) (rev. 1/14)
VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4209; Filed November 3, 2014, 3:37 p.m.
REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: Forms used in administering the following regulation have been filed by the State Water Control Board. The forms are not being published; however, online users of this issue of the Virginia Register of Regulations may click on the name of the new or amended form to access it. The forms are also available from the agency contact or may be viewed at the Office of the Registrar of Regulations, General Assembly Building, 2nd Floor, Richmond, Virginia 23219.
Titles of Regulations: 9VAC25-870. Virginia Stormwater Management Program (VSMP) Regulation.
9VAC25-880. General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities.
Contact Information: Debra Harris, Policy and Planning Specialist, Department of Environmental Quality, 629 East Main Street, Richmond, VA 23219, telephone (804) 698-4209, or email
FORMS (9VAC25-870)
Application Form 1 - General Information, Consolidated Permits Program, EPA Form 3510-1 (rev. 8/90)
Construction Activity Operator Permit Fee Form, DEQ 199-213, (eff. 08/13)
Construction Activity Operator Permit Fee Form (rev. 9/14)
FORMS (9VAC25-880)
Department of Environmental Quality Construction Activity Operator Permit Fee Form (rev. 1/14)
Construction Activity Operator Permit Fee Form (rev. 9/14)
Notice of Termination - General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities (VAR10) (rev. 1/14)
Registration Statement - General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities (VAR10) (rev. 7/14)
Transfer of Ownership Agreement Form - General VPDES Permit for Discharges of Stormwater from Construction Activities (VAR10) (rev. 1/14)
VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4209; Filed November 3, 2014, 3:37 p.m.
Final Regulation
REGISTRAR'S NOTICE: The Commonwealth Transportation Board is claiming an exemption from the Administrative Process Act in accordance with § 2.2-4002 B 4 of the Code of Virginia, which exempts regulations relating to grants of state or federal funds or property.
Title of Regulation: 24VAC30-220. Virginia Alternative Fuels Revolving Fund Regulations (repealing 24VAC30-220-10).
Statutory Authority: § 33.2-210 of the Code of Virginia.
Effective Date: October 23, 2014.
Agency Contact: David Roberts, Program Manager, Department of Transportation, 1401 East Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23219, telephone (804) 786-3620, FAX (804) 225-4700, or email
Chapter 805 of the 2014 Acts of Assembly repealed the statutory provisions regarding the Virginia Alternative Fuels Revolving Fund; therefore, the associated regulations are repealed.
VA.R. Doc. No. R15-4152; Filed October 23, 2014, 1:37 p.m.